/* globals process */ var Client = require("../../lib/client/"); var Crypto = require("../../www/bower_components/chainpad-crypto"); var Mailbox = Crypto.Mailbox; var Nacl = require("tweetnacl/nacl-fast"); var nThen = require("nthen"); var Pinpad = require("../../www/common/pinpad"); var Rpc = require("../../www/common/rpc"); var Hash = require("../../www/common/common-hash"); var CpNetflux = require("../../www/bower_components/chainpad-netflux"); var Roster = require("./roster"); var Util = require("../../lib/common-util"); var createMailbox = function (config, cb) { var webchannel; CpNetflux.start({ network: config.network, channel: config.channel, crypto: config.crypto, owners: [ config.edPublic ], noChainPad: true, onConnect: function (wc /*, sendMessage */) { webchannel = wc; }, onMessage: function (/* msg, user, vKey, isCp, hash, author */) { }, onReady: function () { cb(void 0, webchannel); }, }); }; process.on('unhandledRejection', function (err) { console.error(err); }); var makeCurveKeys = function () { var pair = Nacl.box.keyPair(); return { curvePrivate: Nacl.util.encodeBase64(pair.secretKey), curvePublic: Nacl.util.encodeBase64(pair.publicKey), }; }; var makeEdKeys = function () { var keys = Nacl.sign.keyPair.fromSeed(Nacl.randomBytes(Nacl.sign.seedLength)); return { edPrivate: Nacl.util.encodeBase64(keys.secretKey), edPublic: Nacl.util.encodeBase64(keys.publicKey), }; }; var EMPTY_ARRAY_HASH = 'slspTLTetp6gCkw88xE5BIAbYBXllWvQGahXCx/h1gQOlE7zze4W0KRlA8puZZol8hz5zt3BPzUqPJgTjBXWrw=='; var createUser = function (config, cb) { // config should contain keys for a team rpc (ed) // teamEdKeys // rosterHash var user; nThen(function (w) { Client.create(w(function (err, client) { if (err) { w.abort(); return void cb(err); } user = client; user.destroy = Util.mkEvent(true); user.destroy.reg(function () { user.network.disconnect(); }); })); }).nThen(function (w) { // make all the parameters you'll need var network = user.network = user.config.network; user.edKeys = makeEdKeys(); user.curveKeys = makeCurveKeys(); user.mailbox = Mailbox.createEncryptor(user.curveKeys); user.mailboxChannel = Hash.createChannelId(); // create an anon rpc for alice Rpc.createAnonymous(network, w(function (err, rpc) { if (err) { w.abort(); user.shutdown(); return void console.error('ANON_RPC_CONNECT_ERR'); } user.anonRpc = rpc; user.destroy.reg(function () { user.anonRpc.destroy(); }); })); Pinpad.create(network, user.edKeys, w(function (err, rpc) { if (err) { w.abort(); user.shutdown(); console.error(err); return console.log('RPC_CONNECT_ERR'); } user.rpc = rpc; user.destroy.reg(function () { user.rpc.destroy(); }); })); Pinpad.create(network, config.teamEdKeys, w(function (err, rpc) { if (err) { w.abort(); user.shutdown(); return console.log('RPC_CONNECT_ERR'); } user.team_rpc = rpc; user.destroy.reg(function () { user.team_rpc.destroy(); }); })); }).nThen(function (w) { user.rpc.reset([], w(function (err, hash) { if (err) { w.abort(); user.shutdown(); return console.log("RESET_ERR"); } if (!hash || hash !== EMPTY_ARRAY_HASH) { throw new Error("EXPECTED EMPTY ARRAY HASH"); } })); }).nThen(function (w) { // some basic sanity checks... user.rpc.getServerHash(w(function (err, hash) { if (err) { w.abort(); return void cb(err); } if (hash !== EMPTY_ARRAY_HASH) { console.error("EXPECTED EMPTY ARRAY HASH"); process.exit(1); } })); }).nThen(function (w) { // create and subscribe to your mailbox createMailbox({ network: user.network, channel: user.mailboxChannel, crypto: user.mailbox, edPublic: user.edKeys.edPublic, }, w(function (err, wc) { if (err) { w.abort(); console.error("Mailbox creation error"); process.exit(1); } wc.leave(); })); }).nThen(function (w) { // confirm that you own your mailbox user.anonRpc.send("GET_METADATA", user.mailboxChannel, w(function (err, data) { if (err) { w.abort(); return void cb(err); } try { if (data[0].owners[0] !== user.edKeys.edPublic) { throw new Error("INCORRECT MAILBOX OWNERSHIP METADATA"); } } catch (err2) { w.abort(); return void cb(err2); } })); }).nThen(function (w) { // pin your mailbox user.rpc.pin([user.mailboxChannel], w(function (err, hash) { if (err) { w.abort(); return void cb(err); } //console.log('PIN_RESPONSE', hash); if (hash[0] === EMPTY_ARRAY_HASH) { throw new Error("PIN_DIDNT_WORK"); } user.latestPinHash = hash; })); }).nThen(function () { /* // FIXME race condition because both users try to pin things... user.team_rpc.getServerHash(w(function (err, hash) { if (err) { w.abort(); return void cb(err); } /* if (!hash || hash[0] !== EMPTY_ARRAY_HASH) { console.error("EXPECTED EMPTY ARRAY HASH"); process.exit(1); } })); */ }).nThen(function () { // TODO check your quota usage }).nThen(function (w) { user.rpc.unpin([user.mailboxChannel], w(function (err, hash) { if (err) { w.abort(); return void cb(err); } if (hash[0] !== EMPTY_ARRAY_HASH) { //console.log('UNPIN_RESPONSE', hash); throw new Error("UNPIN_DIDNT_WORK"); } user.latestPinHash = hash[0]; })); }).nThen(function (w) { // clean up the pin list to avoid lots of accounts on the server user.rpc.removePins(w(function (err) { if (err) { w.abort(); return void cb(err); } })); }).nThen(function () { user.cleanup = function (cb) { //console.log("Destroying user"); // TODO remove your mailbox user.destroy.fire(); cb = cb; }; cb(void 0, user); }); }; var alice, bob, oscar; var sharedConfig = { teamEdKeys: makeEdKeys(), teamCurveKeys: makeCurveKeys(), rosterSeed: Crypto.Team.createSeed(), }; nThen(function (w) { // oscar will be the owner of the team createUser(sharedConfig, w(function (err, _oscar) { if (err) { w.abort(); return void console.log(err); } oscar = _oscar; oscar.name = 'oscar'; })); }).nThen(function (w) { // TODO oscar creates the team roster // user edPublic (for ownership) // user curve keys (for encryption and authentication) // roster curve keys (for encryption and decryption) // roster signing/validate keys (ed) // channel // network // owners: var rosterKeys = Crypto.Team.deriveMemberKeys(sharedConfig.rosterSeed, oscar.curveKeys); Roster.create({ network: oscar.network, channel: rosterKeys.channel, owners: [ oscar.edKeys.edPublic ], keys: rosterKeys, anon_rpc: oscar.anonRpc, lastKnownHash: void 0, }, w(function (err, roster) { if (err) { w.abort(); return void console.trace(err); } oscar.roster = roster; oscar.destroy.reg(function () { roster.stop(); }); })); }).nThen(function (w) { var roster = oscar.roster; oscar.lastKnownHash = -1; roster.on('change', function () { oscar.currentRoster = roster.getState(); //console.log("new state = %s\n", JSON.stringify(oscar.currentRoster)); }).on('checkpoint', function (hash) { console.log("updating lastKnownHash to [%s]", hash); oscar.lastKnownHash = hash; }); //var state = roster.getState(); //console.log("CURRENT ROSTER STATE:", state); roster.init({ displayName: oscar.name, //profile: '', // mailbox: '', //title: '', }, w(function (err) { if (err) { return void console.error(err); } //console.log("INITIALIZED"); })); }).nThen(function (w) { //console.log("ALICE && BOB"); createUser(sharedConfig, w(function (err, _alice) { if (err) { w.abort(); return void console.log(err); } alice = _alice; alice.name = 'alice'; //console.log("Initialized Alice"); })); createUser(sharedConfig, w(function (err, _bob) { if (err) { w.abort(); return void console.log(err); } bob = _bob; bob.name = 'bob'; //console.log("Initialized Bob"); })); }).nThen(function () { //setTimeout(w(), 500); }).nThen(function (w) { // Alice loads the roster... var rosterKeys = Crypto.Team.deriveMemberKeys(sharedConfig.rosterSeed, alice.curveKeys); Roster.create({ network: alice.network, channel: rosterKeys.channel, //owners: [], // Alice doesn't know who the owners might be... keys: rosterKeys, anon_rpc: alice.anonRpc, lastKnownHash: void 0, // alice should fetch everything from the beginning of time... }, w(function (err, roster) { if (err) { w.abort(); return void console.error(err); } alice.roster = roster; alice.destroy.reg(function () { roster.stop(); }); if (JSON.stringify(alice.roster.getState()) !== JSON.stringify(oscar.roster.getState())) { console.error("Alice and Oscar have different roster states!"); throw new Error(); } else { console.log("Alice and Oscar have the same roster state"); } })); }).nThen(function (w) { // TODO oscar adds alice and bob to the team as members var roster = oscar.roster; var data = {}; data[alice.curveKeys.curvePublic] = { displayName: alice.name, // role: 'MEMBER', // MEMBER is implicit notifications: '', }; data[bob.curveKeys.curvePublic] = { displayName: bob.name, //role: 'MEMBER', notifications: '', }; roster.add(data, w(function (err) { if (err) { return void console.error(err); } })); }).nThen(function (w) { var data = {}; data[alice.curveKeys.curvePublic] = { role: "OWNER", }; alice.roster.describe(data, w(function (err) { if (!err) { console.log("Members should not be able to add themselves as owners!"); process.exit(1); } console.log("Alice failed to promote herself to owner, as expected"); })); }).nThen(function (w) { var data = {}; data[alice.curveKeys.curvePublic] = { role: "ADMIN", }; alice.roster.describe(data, w(function (err) { if (!err) { console.log("Members should not be able to add themselves as admins!"); process.exit(1); } console.log("Alice failed to promote herself to admin, as expected"); })); }).nThen(function (w) { var data = {}; data[alice.curveKeys.curvePublic] = { test: true, }; alice.roster.describe(data, w(function (err) { if (err) { console.log("Unexpected error while describing an arbitrary attribute"); process.exit(1); } })); }).nThen(function (w) { var state = alice.roster.getState(); var alice_state = state.members[alice.curveKeys.curvePublic]; //console.log(alice_state); if (typeof(alice_state.test) !== 'boolean') { console.error("Arbitrary boolean attribute was not set"); process.exit(1); } var data = {}; data[alice.curveKeys.curvePublic] = { test: null, }; alice.roster.describe(data, w(function (err) { if (err) { console.error(err); console.error("Expected removal of arbitrary attribute to be successfully applied"); console.log(alice.roster.getState()); process.exit(1); } })); }).nThen(function (w) { var data = {}; data[alice.curveKeys.curvePublic] = { notifications: null, }; alice.roster.describe(data, w(function (err) { if (!err) { console.error("Expected deletion of notifications channel to fail"); process.exit(1); } if (err !== 'INVALID_NOTIFICATIONS') { console.log("UNEXPECTED ERROR 1231241245"); console.error(err); process.exit(1); } console.log("Deletion of notifications channel failed as expected"); })); }).nThen(function (w) { var data = {}; data[alice.curveKeys.curvePublic] = { displayName: null, }; alice.roster.describe(data, w(function (err) { if (!err) { console.error("Expected deletion of displayName to fail"); process.exit(1); } if (err !== 'INVALID_DISPLAYNAME') { console.log("UNEXPECTED ERROR 12352623465"); console.error(err); process.exit(1); } console.log("Deletion of displayName failed as expected"); })); }).nThen(function (w) { alice.roster.checkpoint(w(function (err) { if (!err) { console.error("Members should not be able to send checkpoints!"); process.exit(0); } console.error("checkpoint by member failed as expected"); })); }).nThen(function (w) { console.log("STATE =", JSON.stringify(oscar.roster.getState(), null, 2)); // oscar describes the team oscar.roster.metadata({ name: "THE DREAM TEAM", topic: "pewpewpew", }, w(function (err) { if (err) { return void console.log(err); } console.log("STATE =", JSON.stringify(oscar.roster.getState(), null, 2)); })); }).nThen(function (w) { // oscar sends a checkpoint oscar.roster.checkpoint(w(function (err) { if (err) { w.abort(); return void console.error(err); } console.log("Checkpoint sent successfully"); })); // TODO alice and bob describe themselves... }).nThen(function (w) { // TODO Oscar promotes Alice to 'ADMIN' var members = {}; members[alice.curveKeys.curvePublic] = { role: "ADMIN", }; oscar.roster.describe(members, w(function (err) { if (err) { w.abort(); return void console.error(err); } console.log("Promoted Alice to ADMIN"); })); }).nThen(function (w) { alice.roster.checkpoint(w(function (err) { if (!err) { return; } console.error("Checkpoint by an admin failed unexpectedly"); console.error(err); process.exit(1); })); }).nThen(function (w) { oscar.roster.checkpoint(w(function (err) { if (!err) { return; } console.error("Checkpoint by an owner failed unexpectedly"); console.error(err); process.exit(1); })); }).nThen(function (w) { // bob finally connects, this time with the lastKnownHash provided by oscar var rosterKeys = Crypto.Team.deriveMemberKeys(sharedConfig.rosterSeed, bob.curveKeys); Roster.create({ network: bob.network, channel: rosterKeys.channel, keys: rosterKeys, anon_rpc: bob.anonRpc, lastKnownHash: oscar.lastKnownHash, }, w(function (err, roster) { if (err) { w.abort(); return void console.trace(err); } bob.roster = roster; if (JSON.stringify(bob.roster.getState()) !== JSON.stringify(oscar.roster.getState())) { console.log("BOB AND OSCAR DO NOT HAVE THE SAME STATE"); console.log("BOB =", JSON.stringify(bob.roster.getState(), null, 2)); console.log("OSCAR =", JSON.stringify(oscar.roster.getState(), null, 2)); } bob.destroy.reg(function () { roster.stop(); }); })); }).nThen(function (w) { var bogus = {}; var curveKeys = makeCurveKeys(); bogus[curveKeys.curvePublic] = { displayName: "chewbacca", notifications: Hash.createChannelId(), }; bob.roster.add(bogus, w(function (err) { if (!err) { console.error("Expected 'add' by member to fail"); process.exit(1); } console.log("'add' by member failed as expected"); })); }).nThen(function (w) { bob.roster.remove([ oscar.curveKeys.curvePublic, alice.curveKeys.curvePublic ], w(function (err) { if (err) { return void console.log("command failed as expected"); } w.abort(); console.log("Expected command to fail!"); process.exit(1); })); }).nThen(function (w) { alice.roster.remove([bob.curveKeys.curvePublic], w(function (err) { if (err) { w.abort(); return void console.error(err); } console.log("Alice successfully removed Bob from the roster"); })); }).nThen(function (w) { var message = alice.mailbox.encrypt(JSON.stringify({ type: "CHEESE", author: alice.curveKeys.curvePublic, content: { text: "CAMEMBERT", } }), bob.curveKeys.curvePublic); alice.anonRpc.send('WRITE_PRIVATE_MESSAGE', [bob.mailboxChannel, message], w(function (err, response) { if (err) { return void console.error(err); } // TODO validate that the write was actually successful by checking its size response = response; // shutdown doesn't work, so we need to do this instead })); }).nThen(function () { nThen(function () { }).nThen(function () { // make a drive // pin it }).nThen(function () { // MAILBOXES // write to your mailbox // pin your mailbox }).nThen(function () { // create an owned pad // pin the pad // write to it }).nThen(function () { // get pinned usage // remember the usage }).nThen(function () { // upload a file // remember its size }).nThen(function () { // get pinned usage // check that it is consistent with the size of your uploaded file }).nThen(function () { // delete your uploaded file // unpin your owned file }).nThen(function () { // EDITABLE METADATA // }).nThen(function () { }); }).nThen(function () { //alice.shutdown(); //bob.shutdown(); alice.cleanup(); bob.cleanup(); oscar.cleanup(); });