define([ '/file/file-crypto.js', '/common/common-hash.js', '/bower_components/tweetnacl/nacl-fast.min.js', ], function (FileCrypto, Hash) { var Nacl = window.nacl; var module = {}; module.upload = function (file, noStore, common, updateProgress, onComplete, onError, onPending) { var u8 = file.blob; // This is not a blob but a uint8array var metadata = file.metadata; // if it exists, path contains the new pad location in the drive var path = file.path; var key = Nacl.randomBytes(32); var next = FileCrypto.encrypt(u8, metadata, key); var estimate = FileCrypto.computeEncryptedSize(u8.length, metadata); var sendChunk = function (box, cb) { var enc = Nacl.util.encodeBase64(box); common.uploadChunk(enc, function (e, msg) { cb(e, msg); }); }; var actual = 0; var again = function (err, box) { if (err) { throw new Error(err); } if (box) { actual += box.length; var progressValue = (actual / estimate * 100); updateProgress(progressValue); return void sendChunk(box, function (e) { if (e) { return console.error(e); } next(again); }); } if (actual !== estimate) { console.error('Estimated size does not match actual size'); } // if not box then done common.uploadComplete(function (e, id) { if (e) { return void console.error(e); } var uri = ['', 'blob', id.slice(0,2), id].join('/'); console.log("encrypted blob is now available as %s", uri); var b64Key = Nacl.util.encodeBase64(key); var secret = { version: 1, channel: id, keys: { fileKeyStr: b64Key } }; var hash = Hash.getFileHashFromKeys(secret); var href = '/file/#' + hash; var title =; if (noStore) { return void onComplete(href); } common.setPadTitle(title || "", href, path, function (err) { if (err) { return void console.error(err); } onComplete(href); common.setPadAttribute('fileType', metadata.type, null, href); }); }); }; common.uploadStatus(estimate, function (e, pending) { if (e) { console.error(e); onError(e); return; } if (pending) { return void onPending(function () { // if the user wants to cancel the pending upload to execute that one common.uploadCancel(function (e, res) { if (e) { return void console.error(e); } console.log(res); next(again); }); }); } next(again); }); }; return module; });