// This file provides the API for the channel for talking to and from the sandbox iframe. define([ //'/common/sframe-protocol.js', '/common/common-util.js' ], function (/*SFrameProtocol,*/ Util) { var mkTxid = function () { return Math.random().toString(16).replace('0.', '') + Math.random().toString(16).replace('0.', ''); }; var create = function (onMsg, postMsg, cb) { var chanLoaded; var waitingData = []; var evReady = Util.mkEvent(true); onMsg.reg(function (msg) { if (chanLoaded) { return; } var data = msg.data; if (data === '_READY') { postMsg('_READY'); chanLoaded = true; evReady.fire(); waitingData.forEach(function (d) { onMsg.fire(d); }); return; } waitingData.push(data); }); var handlers = {}; var queries = {}; var acks = {}; // list of handlers which are registered from the other side... var insideHandlers = []; var callWhenRegistered = {}; var chan = {}; // Send a query. channel.query('Q_SOMETHING', { args: "whatever" }, function (reply) { ... }); // We have a timeout for receiving an ACK, but unlimited time for receiving an answer to the query chan.query = function (q, content, cb, opts) { var txid = mkTxid(); opts = opts || {}; var to = opts.timeout || 30000; var timeout = setTimeout(function () { delete queries[txid]; cb('TIMEOUT'); }, to); acks[txid] = function (err) { clearTimeout(timeout); delete acks[txid]; if (err) { delete queries[txid]; cb('UNHANDLED'); } }; queries[txid] = function (data, msg) { delete queries[txid]; cb(undefined, data.content, msg); }; evReady.reg(function () { postMsg(JSON.stringify({ txid: txid, content: content, q: q })); }); }; // Fire an event. channel.event('EV_SOMETHING', { args: "whatever" }); var event = chan.event = function (e, content) { evReady.reg(function () { postMsg(JSON.stringify({ content: content, q: e })); }); }; // Be notified on query or event. channel.on('EV_SOMETHING', function (args, reply) { ... }); // If the type is a query, your handler will be invoked with a reply function that takes // one argument (the content to reply with). chan.on = function (queryType, handler, quiet) { var h = function (data, msg) { handler(data.content, function (replyContent) { postMsg(JSON.stringify({ txid: data.txid, content: replyContent })); }, msg); }; (handlers[queryType] = handlers[queryType] || []).push(h); if (!quiet) { event('EV_REGISTER_HANDLER', queryType); } return { stop: function () { var idx = handlers[queryType].indexOf(h); if (idx === -1) { return; } handlers[queryType].splice(idx, 1); } }; }; // If a particular handler is registered, call the callback immediately, otherwise it will be called // when that handler is first registered. // channel.whenReg('Q_SOMETHING', function () { ...query Q_SOMETHING?... }); chan.whenReg = function (queryType, cb, always) { var reg = always; if (insideHandlers.indexOf(queryType) > -1) { cb(); } else { reg = true; } if (reg) { (callWhenRegistered[queryType] = callWhenRegistered[queryType] || []).push(cb); } }; // Same as whenReg except it will invoke every time there is another registration, not just once. chan.onReg = function (queryType, cb) { chan.whenReg(queryType, cb, true); }; chan.on('EV_REGISTER_HANDLER', function (content) { if (callWhenRegistered[content]) { callWhenRegistered[content].forEach(function (f) { f(); }); delete callWhenRegistered[content]; } insideHandlers.push(content); }); //chan.whenReg('EV_REGISTER_HANDLER', evReady.fire); // Make sure both iframes are ready var isReady = false; chan.onReady = function (h) { if (isReady) { return void h(); } if (typeof(h) !== "function") { return; } chan.on('EV_RPC_READY', function () { isReady = true; h(); }); }; chan.ready = function () { chan.whenReg('EV_RPC_READY', function () { chan.event('EV_RPC_READY'); }); }; onMsg.reg(function (msg) { if (!chanLoaded) { return; } if (!msg.data || msg.data === '_READY') { return; } var data = JSON.parse(msg.data); if (typeof(data.ack) !== "undefined") { if (acks[data.txid]) { acks[data.txid](!data.ack); } } else if (typeof(data.q) === 'string') { if (handlers[data.q]) { // If this is a "query", send an ack if (data.txid) { postMsg(JSON.stringify({ txid: data.txid, ack: true })); } handlers[data.q].forEach(function (f) { f(data || JSON.parse(msg.data), msg); data = undefined; }); } else { if (data.txid) { postMsg(JSON.stringify({ txid: data.txid, ack: false })); } } } else if (typeof(data.q) === 'undefined' && queries[data.txid]) { queries[data.txid](data, msg); } else { /*console.log("DROP Unhandled message"); console.log(msg.data, window); console.log(msg);*/ } }); postMsg('_READY'); cb(chan); }; return { create: create }; });