@import (reference) "./colortheme-all.less"; @import (reference) "./toolbar.less"; @import (reference) './fileupload.less'; @import (reference) './alertify.less'; @import (reference) './corner.less'; @import (reference) './contextmenu.less'; @import (reference) './tokenfield.less'; @import (reference) './creation.less'; @import (reference) './tippy.less'; @import (reference) "./checkmark.less"; @import (reference) "./password-input.less"; @import (reference) './font.less'; @import (reference) "./app-print.less"; @import (reference) "./app-noscroll.less"; @import (reference) "./messenger.less"; @import (reference) "./cursor.less"; @import (reference) "./usergrid.less"; @import (reference) "./modals-ui-elements.less"; .framework_main(@bg-color, @warn-color, @color) { --LessLoader_require: LessLoader_currentFile(); // Set the HTML style for the apps which shouldn't have a body scrollbar .app-noscroll_main(); // Set the HTML style for printing slides .app-print_main(); .font_main(); .toolbar_main( @bg-color: @bg-color, @warn-color: @warn-color, @color: @color ); .alertify_main(); .modals-ui-elements_main(); .corner_main(); .contextmenu_main(); .fileupload_main(); .tokenfield_main(); .tippy_main(); .checkmark_main(20px); .password_main(); .messenger_main(); .cursor_main(); .usergrid_main(); .creation_main( @bg-color: @bg-color, @color: @color ); font: @colortheme_app-font; }; .framework_min_main( @color: @colortheme_default-color, // Color of the text for the toolbar @bg-color: @colortheme_default-bg, // color of the toolbar background @warn-color: @colortheme_default-warn, // color of the warning text in the toolbar ) { --LessLoader_require: LessLoader_currentFile(); // Set the HTML style for the apps which shouldn't have a body scrollbar .app-noscroll_main(); // Set the HTML style for printing slides .app-print_main(); .font_main(); .toolbar_main( @bg-color: @bg-color, @warn-color: @warn-color, @color: @color ); .fileupload_main(); .alertify_main(); .modals-ui-elements_main(); .corner_main(); .contextmenu_main(); .tippy_main(); .checkmark_main(20px); .password_main(); .usergrid_main(); font: @colortheme_app-font; } & { body.cp-readonly .cp-hidden-if-readonly { display: none !important; } }