define([ '/bower_components/marked/marked.min.js', '/bower_components/diff-dom/diffDOM.js', '/bower_components/jquery/dist/jquery.min.js', ],function (Marked) { var $ = window.jQuery; var DiffDOM = window.diffDOM; var truthy = function (x) { return x; }; var Slide = { index: 0, lastIndex: 0, content: [], changeHandlers: [], }; var ifrw; var $modal; var $content; var $pad; Slide.onChange = function (f) { if (typeof(f) === 'function') { Slide.changeHandlers.push(f); } }; var change = function (oldIndex, newIndex) { if (Slide.changeHandlers.length) { Slide.changeHandlers.some(function (f, i) { // HERE f(oldIndex, newIndex, Slide.content.length); }); } }; var forbiddenTags = Slide.forbiddenTags = [ 'SCRIPT', 'IFRAME', 'OBJECT', 'APPLET', 'VIDEO', 'AUDIO', ]; var unsafeTag = function (info) { if (['addAttribute', 'modifyAttribute'].indexOf(info.diff.action) !== -1) { if (/^on/.test( { console.log("Rejecting forbidden element attribute with name",; return true; } } if (['addElement', 'replaceElement'].indexOf(info.diff.action) !== -1) { var msg = "Rejecting forbidden tag of type (%s)"; if (info.diff.element && forbiddenTags.indexOf(info.diff.element.nodeName) !== -1) { console.log(msg, info.diff.element.nodeName); return true; } else if (info.diff.newValue && forbiddenTags.indexOf(info.diff.newValue.nodeName) !== -1) { console.log("Replacing restricted element type (%s) with PRE", info.diff.newValue.nodeName); info.diff.newValue.nodeName = 'PRE'; } } }; var domFromHTML = Slide.domFromHTML = function (html) { return new DOMParser().parseFromString(html, "text/html"); }; var DD = new DiffDOM({ preDiffApply: function (info) { if (unsafeTag(info)) { return true; } } }); var makeDiff = function (A, B) { var Err; var Els = [A, B].map(function (frag) { if (typeof(frag) === 'object') { if (!frag && frag.body) { Err = "No body"; return; } var els = frag.body.querySelectorAll('#content'); if (els.length) { return els[0]; } } Err = 'No candidate found'; }); if (Err) { return Err; } var patch = DD.diff(Els[0], Els[1]); return patch; }; var slice = function (coll) { return; }; /* remove listeners from the DOM */ var removeListeners = function (root) { slice(root.attributes).map(function (attr) { if (/^on/.test( { root.attributes.removeNamedItem(; } }); // all the way down slice(root.children).forEach(removeListeners); }; var draw = Slide.draw = function (i) { console.log("Trying to draw slide #%s", i); if (typeof(Slide.content[i]) !== 'string') { return; } var c = Slide.content[i]; var Dom = domFromHTML('
' + Marked(c) + '
'); removeListeners(Dom.body); var patch = makeDiff(domFromHTML($content[0].outerHTML), Dom); if (typeof(patch) === 'string') { $content.html(Marked(c)); } else { DD.apply($content[0], patch); } change(Slide.lastIndex, Slide.index); }; var isPresentURL = Slide.isPresentURL = function () { var hash = window.location.hash; // Present mode has /present at the end of the hash var urlLastFragment = hash.slice(hash.lastIndexOf('/')+1); return urlLastFragment === "present"; }; var show = = function (bool, content) { Slide.shown = bool; if (bool) { Slide.update(content); Slide.draw(Slide.index); $modal.addClass('shown'); $(ifrw).focus(); change(null, Slide.index); if (!isPresentURL()) { window.location.hash += '/present'; } $pad.contents().find('.cryptpad-present-button').hide(); $pad.contents().find('.cryptpad-source-button').show(); $pad.addClass('fullscreen'); $('#iframe-container').addClass('fullscreen'); $('.top-bar').hide(); return; } window.location.hash = window.location.hash.replace(/\/present$/, ''); change(Slide.index, null); $pad.contents().find('.cryptpad-present-button').show(); $pad.contents().find('.cryptpad-source-button').hide(); $pad.removeClass('fullscreen'); $('#iframe-container').removeClass('fullscreen'); $('.top-bar').show(); $modal.removeClass('shown'); }; var update = Slide.update = function (content) { if (!Slide.shown) { return; } var old = Slide.content[Slide.index]; Slide.content = content.split(/\n\s*\-\-\-\s*\n/).filter(truthy); if (old !== Slide.content[Slide.index]) { draw(Slide.index); return; } change(Slide.lastIndex, Slide.index); }; var left = Slide.left = function () { console.log('left'); Slide.lastIndex = Slide.index; var i = Slide.index = Math.max(0, Slide.index - 1); Slide.draw(i); }; var right = Slide.right = function () { console.log('right'); Slide.lastIndex = Slide.index; var i = Slide.index = Math.min(Slide.content.length -1, Slide.index + 1); Slide.draw(i); }; var first = Slide.first = function () { console.log('first'); Slide.lastIndex = Slide.index; var i = Slide.index = 0; Slide.draw(i); }; var last = Slide.last = function () { console.log('end'); Slide.lastIndex = Slide.index; var i = Slide.index = Slide.content.length - 1; Slide.draw(i); }; var addEvent = function () { var icon_to; $modal.mousemove(function (e) { var $buttons = $modal.find('.button'); $; if (icon_to) { window.clearTimeout(icon_to); } icon_to = window.setTimeout(function() { $buttons.fadeOut(); }, 1000); }); $modal.find('#button_exit').click(function (e) { var e = jQuery.Event("keyup"); e.which = 27; $modal.trigger(e); }); $modal.find('#button_left').click(function (e) { var e = jQuery.Event("keyup"); e.which = 37; $modal.trigger(e); }); $modal.find('#button_right').click(function (e) { var e = jQuery.Event("keyup"); e.which = 39; $modal.trigger(e); }); $(ifrw).on('keyup', function (e) { if (!Slide.shown) { return; } switch(e.which) { case 33: // pageup case 38: // up case 37: // left Slide.left(); break; case 34: // pagedown case 32: // space case 40: // down case 39: // right Slide.right(); break; case 36: // home Slide.first(); break; case 35: // end Slide.last(); break; case 27: // esc show(false); break; default: console.log(e.which); } }); }; Slide.setModal = function ($m, $c, $p, iframe) { $modal = Slide.$modal = $m; $content = Slide.$content = $c; $pad = Slide.$pad = $p; ifrw = Slide.ifrw = iframe; addEvent(); }; return Slide; });