define([ 'jquery', '/common/cryptpad-common.js', '/common/login.js' ], function ($, Cryptpad, Login) { $(function () { var $main = $('#mainBlock'); var Messages = Cryptpad.Messages; // Language selector var $sel = $('#language-selector'); Cryptpad.createLanguageSelector(undefined, $sel); $sel.find('button').addClass('btn').addClass('btn-secondary'); $; // User admin menu var $userMenu = $('#user-menu'); var userMenuCfg = { $initBlock: $userMenu }; var $userAdmin = Cryptpad.createUserAdminMenu(userMenuCfg); $userAdmin.find('button').addClass('btn').addClass('btn-secondary'); $(window).click(function () { $('.cp-dropdown-content').hide(); }); // main block is hidden in case javascript is disabled $main.removeClass('hidden'); // Make sure we don't display non-translated content (empty button) $main.find('#data').removeClass('hidden'); if (Cryptpad.isLoggedIn()) { // already logged in, redirect to drive document.location.href = '/drive/'; return; } else { $main.find('#userForm').removeClass('hidden'); } /* Log in UI */ // deferred execution to avoid unnecessary asset loading var loginReady = function (cb) { if (Login) { if (typeof(cb) === 'function') { cb(); } return; } require([ ], function (_Login) { Login = Login || _Login; if (typeof(cb) === 'function') { cb(); } }); }; loginReady(); var $uname = $('#name').focus(); var $passwd = $('#password') // background loading of login assets // enter key while on password field clicks signup .on('keyup', function (e) { if (e.which !== 13) { return; } // enter $('button.login').click(); }); var hashing = false; $('button.login').click(function () { if (hashing) { return void console.log("hashing is already in progress"); } hashing = true; // setTimeout 100ms to remove the keyboard on mobile devices before the loading screen pops up window.setTimeout(function () { Cryptpad.addLoadingScreen(Messages.login_hashing); // We need a setTimeout(cb, 0) otherwise the loading screen is only displayed after hashing the password window.setTimeout(function () { loginReady(function () { var uname = $uname.val(); var passwd = $passwd.val(); Login.loginOrRegister(uname, passwd, false, function (err, result) { if (!err) { var proxy = result.proxy; // successful validation and user already exists // set user hash in localStorage and redirect to drive if (!proxy.login_name) { result.proxy.login_name = result.userName; } proxy.edPrivate = result.edPrivate; proxy.edPublic = result.edPublic; proxy.curvePrivate = result.curvePrivate; proxy.curvePublic = result.curvePublic;'LOGIN', true); Cryptpad.whenRealtimeSyncs(result.realtime, function() { Cryptpad.login(result.userHash, result.userName, function () { hashing = false; if (sessionStorage.redirectTo) { var h = sessionStorage.redirectTo; var parser = document.createElement('a'); parser.href = h; if (parser.origin === window.location.origin) { delete sessionStorage.redirectTo; window.location.href = h; return; } } window.location.href = '/drive/'; }); }); return; } switch (err) { case 'NO_SUCH_USER': Cryptpad.removeLoadingScreen(function () { Cryptpad.alert(Messages.login_noSuchUser, function () { hashing = false; }); }); break; case 'INVAL_USER': Cryptpad.removeLoadingScreen(function () { Cryptpad.alert(Messages.login_invalUser, function () { hashing = false; }); }); break; case 'INVAL_PASS': Cryptpad.removeLoadingScreen(function () { Cryptpad.alert(Messages.login_invalPass, function () { hashing = false; }); }); break; default: // UNHANDLED ERROR Cryptpad.errorLoadingScreen(Messages.login_unhandledError); } }); }); }, 0); }, 100); }); $('#register').on('click', function () { if (sessionStorage) { if ($uname.val()) { sessionStorage.login_user = $uname.val(); } if ($passwd.val()) { sessionStorage.login_pass = $passwd.val(); } } window.location.href = '/register/'; }); }); });