console.log('SW!'); /* jshint ignore:start */ importScripts('/bower_components/requirejs/require.js'); require.config({ // fix up locations so that relative urls work. baseUrl: '/', paths: { // jquery declares itself as literally "jquery" so it cannot be pulled by path :( "jquery": "/bower_components/jquery/dist/jquery.min", // json.sortify same "json.sortify": "/bower_components/json.sortify/dist/JSON.sortify", cm: '/bower_components/codemirror' }, map: { '*': { 'css': '/bower_components/require-css/css.js', 'less': '/common/RequireLess.js', } } }); window = self; localStorage = { setItem: function (k, v) { localStorage[k] = v; }, getItem: function (k) { return localStorage[k]; } }; self.tabs = {}; var findTab = function (port) { var tab; Object.keys(self.tabs).some(function (id) { if (self.tabs[id].port === port) { tab = port; return true; } }); return tab; }; var postMsg = function (client, data) { client.port.postMessage(data); }; var debug = function (msg) { console.log(msg); }; // debug = function () {}; var init = function (client, cb) { debug('SharedW INIT'); require([ '/common/common-util.js', '/common/outer/worker-channel.js', '/common/outer/store-rpc.js' ], function (Util, Channel, Rpc) { debug('SharedW Required ressources loaded'); var msgEv = Util.mkEvent(); var postToClient = function (data) { postMsg(client, data); }; Channel.create(msgEv, postToClient, function (chan) { debug('SharedW Channel created'); var clientId =; client.chan = chan; Object.keys(Rpc.queries).forEach(function (q) { if (q === 'CONNECT') { return; } if (q === 'JOIN_PAD') { return; } if (q === 'SEND_PAD_MSG') { return; } chan.on(q, function (data, cb) { try { Rpc.queries[q](clientId, data, cb); } catch (e) { console.error('Error in webworker when executing query ' + q); console.error(e); console.log(data); } }); }); chan.on('CONNECT', function (cfg, cb) { debug('SharedW connecting to store...'); if ( { debug('Store already exists!'); if (cfg.driveEvents) { Rpc._subscribeToDrive(clientId); } if (cfg.messenger) { Rpc._subscribeToMessenger(clientId); } return void cb(; } debug('Loading new async store'); // One-time initialization (init async-store) cfg.query = function (cId, cmd, data, cb) { cb = cb || function () {}; self.tabs[cId].chan.query(cmd, data, function (err, data2) { if (err) { return void cb({error: err}); } cb(data2); }); }; cfg.broadcast = function (excludes, cmd, data, cb) { cb = cb || function () {}; Object.keys(self.tabs).forEach(function (cId) { if (excludes.indexOf(cId) !== -1) { return; } self.tabs[cId].chan.query(cmd, data, function (err, data2) { if (err) { return void cb({error: err}); } cb(data2); }); }); }; Rpc.queries['CONNECT'](clientId, cfg, function (data) { if (cfg.driveEvents) { Rpc._subscribeToDrive(clientId); } if (cfg.messenger) { Rpc._subscribeToMessenger(clientId); } if (data && data.state === "ALREADY_INIT") { = data.returned; return void cb(data.returned); } = data; cb(data); }); }); chan.on('JOIN_PAD', function (data, cb) { client.channelId =; try { Rpc.queries['JOIN_PAD'](clientId, data, cb); } catch (e) { console.error('Error in webworker when executing query JOIN_PAD'); console.error(e); console.log(data); } }); chan.on('SEND_PAD_MSG', function (msg, cb) { var data = { msg: msg, channel: client.channelId }; try { Rpc.queries['SEND_PAD_MSG'](clientId, data, cb); } catch (e) { console.error('Error in webworker when executing query SEND_PAD_MSG'); console.error(e); console.log(data); } }); cb(); }, true); client.msgEv = msgEv; }); }; onconnect = function(e) { debug('New ShardWorker client'); var port = e.ports[0]; var cId = Number(Math.floor(Math.random() * Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER)) var client = self.tabs[cId] = { id: cId, port: port }; port.onmessage = function (e) { if ( === "INIT") { if (client.init) { return; } client.init = true; init(client, function () { postMsg(client, 'SW_READY'); }); } else if (client && client.msgEv) {; } }; }; self.tabs = {}; self.addEventListener('message', function (e) { var cId =; if ( === "INIT") { if (tabs[cId]) { return; } tabs[cId] = { client: e.source }; init(e.source, function () { postMsg(e.source, 'SW_READY'); }); } else if (self.tabs[cId] && self.tabs[cId].msgEv) { self.tabs[cId]; } }); self.addEventListener('install', function (e) { debug('V1 installing…'); self.skipWaiting(); }); self.addEventListener('activate', function (e) { debug('V1 now ready to handle fetches!'); });