define([ 'jquery', ], function ($) { /* CryptPad's example NGINX config includes a list of pages which should have their URLs rewritten to include a trailing slash. Sometimes we create a new page and forget to add it to these list. Sometimes people configure their instance without this rewrite rule. In either case, they might enter a URL like `/checkup` (without the trailing slash) and somehow end up trying to load this script. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ This script helps to avoid reports of confusion due to blank pages like in some of the comments here: ( by using jquery to check if adding a trailing slash would help, and redirecting automatically if so. */ var pathname = window.location.pathname; $.ajax({ url: `${pathname}/?cb=${+new Date()}`, data: {}, complete: function (xhr) { if (xhr.status !== 200) { return void console.log("failure"); } window.location = (pathname + '/'); }, }); });