define([ '/bower_components/chainpad-crypto/crypto.js', '/bower_components/chainpad-netflux/chainpad-netflux.js', '/common/common-util.js', '/common/common-hash.js', '/common/common-realtime.js', '/common/outer/network-config.js', '/bower_components/chainpad/chainpad.dist.js', ], function (Crypto, CPNetflux, Util, Hash, Realtime, NetConfig) { var finish = function (S, err, doc) { if (S.done) { return; } S.cb(err, doc); S.done = true; if (!S.hasNetwork) { var disconnect = Util.find(S, ['network', 'disconnect']); if (typeof(disconnect) === 'function') { disconnect(); } } if (S.realtime && S.realtime.stop) { try { S.realtime.stop(); } catch (e) { console.error(e); } } var abort = Util.find(S, ['session', 'realtime', 'abort']); if (typeof(abort) === 'function') { S.session.realtime.sync(); abort(); } }; var makeConfig = function (hash, opt) { // We can't use cryptget with a file or a user so we can use 'pad' as hash type var secret = Hash.getSecrets('pad', hash, opt.password); if (!secret.keys) { secret.keys = secret.key; } // support old hashses var config = { websocketURL: NetConfig.getWebsocketURL(), channel:, validateKey: secret.keys.validateKey || undefined, crypto: Crypto.createEncryptor(secret.keys), logLevel: 0, initialState: opt.initialState }; return config; }; var isObject = function (o) { return typeof(o) === 'object'; }; var overwrite = function (a, b) { if (!(isObject(a) && isObject(b))) { return; } Object.keys(b).forEach(function (k) { a[k] = b[k]; }); }; var get = function (hash, cb, opt, progress) { if (typeof(cb) !== 'function') { throw new Error('Cryptget expects a callback'); } opt = opt || {}; progress = progress || function () {}; var config = makeConfig(hash, opt); var Session = { cb: cb, hasNetwork: Boolean( }; config.onReady = function (info) { var rt = Session.session = info.realtime; =; progress(1); finish(Session, void 0, rt.getUserDoc()); }; config.onChannelError = function (info) { finish(Session, info.error); }; // We use the new onMessage handler to compute the progress: // we should receive 2 checkpoints max, so 100 messages max // We're going to consider that 1 message = 1%, and we'll send 100% // at the end var i = 0; config.onMessage = function () { i++; progress(Math.min(0.99, i/100)); }; overwrite(config, opt); Session.realtime = CPNetflux.start(config); }; var put = function (hash, doc, cb, opt) { if (typeof(cb) !== 'function') { throw new Error('Cryptput expects a callback'); } opt = opt || {}; var config = makeConfig(hash, opt); var Session = { cb: cb, }; config.onReady = function (info) { var realtime = Session.session = info.realtime; =; realtime.contentUpdate(doc); var to = setTimeout(function () { cb(new Error("Timeout")); }, 5000); Realtime.whenRealtimeSyncs(realtime, function () { clearTimeout(to); realtime.abort(); finish(Session, void 0); }); }; overwrite(config, opt); Session.session = CPNetflux.start(config); }; return { get: get, put: put, }; });