define([ '/api/config', '/common/hyperscript.js', '/common/cryptpad-common.js', ], function (Config, h, Cryptpad) { var Pages = {}; var Msg = Cryptpad.Messages; var urlArgs = Config.requireConf.urlArgs; var setHTML = function (e, html) { e.innerHTML = html; return e; }; var indexContent = function () { return [ h('', [ h('center', [ h('h1', Msg.main_howitworks) ]) ]), h('', [ h('', [ h('div.left.image', [ h('img', { src: '/customize/images/zeroknowledge_small.png?' + urlArgs , alt: 'Zero Knowledge' }) ]), h('div.right', [ h('h2', Msg.main_zeroKnowledge), setHTML(h('p'), Msg.main_zeroKnowledge_p) ]) ]) ]), h('', [ h('', [ h('div.left', [ h('h2', Msg.main_writeItDown), h('p', Msg.main_writeItDown_p) ]), h('div.right.image', [ h('img', { alt: "User account", src: '/customize/images/realtime_small.png?' + urlArgs, }) ]) ]) ]), h('', [ h('', [ h('div.left.image', [ h('img', { src: '/customize/images/key_small.png?' + urlArgs, alt: 'User account' }) ]), h('div.right', [ h('h2', Msg.main_share), h('p', Msg.main_share_p) ]) ]) ]), h('', [ h('', [ h('div.left', [ h('h2', Msg.main_organize), h('p', Msg.main_organize_p) ]), h('div.right.image', [ h('img', { src: '/customize/images/organize.png?' + urlArgs, alt: 'User account' }) ]) ]) ]) ]; 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}; Pages['/contact.html'] = function () { return h('div#main_other', [ h('center', h('h1',, setHTML(h('p'), Msg.main_about_p2) ]); }; var userForm = function () { return h('div#userForm.form-group.hidden', [ h('input#name.form-control', { name: 'name', type: 'text', placeholder: Msg.login_username }), h('input#password.form-control', { name: 'password', type: 'password', placeholder: Msg.login_password }), h('div', { style: { display: 'none' } }, [ h('span.remember.form-check', [ h('label.form-check-label', { 'for': 'rememberme', placeholder: Msg.login_remember, }, [ h('input#rememberme.form-check-input', { type: 'checkbox', checked: true }) ]) ]) ]), h('button.btn.btn-secondary.login.half.first', Msg.login_login), h('button.btn.btn-success.register.half', Msg.login_register), h('p.separator', Msg.login_orNoLogin), h('p#buttons.buttons'), h('p.driveLink', [ h('a.gotodrive', { href: '/drive/' }, Msg.login_nologin) ]) ]); }; var appButton = function (alt, h2, img, p, url, btn, id) { return h('', [ h('center', [ h('h2', h2), h('img', { alt: 'Rich Text application', src: img, }) ]), setHTML(h('p'), p), h('p.buttons', [ h('a#' + id, { href: url, }, [ h('button.btn.btn-secondary', btn), ]) ]) ]); }; var tryIt = function () { return [ h('div.class.category#tryit', [ h('center', [ h('h1', Msg.tryIt) ]) ]), h('', [ h('', [ h('', [ appButton("Rich Text application", Msg.main_richText, '/customize/images/pad.png?' + urlArgs, Msg.main_richText_p, '/pad/', Msg.button_newpad, 'create-pad'), appButton('Code application', Msg.main_code, '/customize/images/code.png?' + urlArgs, Msg.main_code_p, '/code/', Msg.button_newcode, 'create-code'), appButton('Slide application', Msg.main_slide, '/customize/images/slide.png?' + urlArgs, Msg.main_slide_p, '/slide/', Msg.button_newslide, 'create-slide'), appButton('Poll application', Msg.main_poll, '/customize/images/poll.png?' + urlArgs, Msg.main_poll_p, '/poll/', Msg.button_newpoll, 'create-poll') ]) ]) ]) ]; }; var infopageTopbar = function () { return h('div.cp-topbar', h('div.cp-left', h('a', { href: '/zeroknowledge.html'}, 'What is Zero Knowledge'), h('a', { href: ''}, 'Blog'), h('a', { href: '/contact.html'}, 'Contact'), h('a', { href: '/about.html'}, 'About') ), h('div.cp-right', h('a.cp-register-btn', { href: '/register'}, 'Register'), h('a.cp-login-btn', { href: '/login'}, 'Log in') ) ); 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}; Pages['/poll/'] = Pages['/poll/index.html'] = function () { return [ appToolbar(), h('div#content', [ h('div#poll', [ h('div#howItWorks', [ h('h1', 'CryptPoll'), setHTML(h('h2'), Msg.poll_subtitle), h('p', Msg.poll_p_save), h('p', Msg.poll_p_encryption) ]), h('div.upper', [ h('button#publish', { style: { display: 'none' } }, Msg.poll_publish_button), h('button#admin', { style: { display: 'none' }, title: Msg.poll_admin_button }, Msg.poll_admin_button), h('button#help', { title: Msg.poll_show_help_button, style: { display: 'none' } }, Msg.poll_show_help_button) ]), h('div.realtime', [ h('br'), h('center', [ h('textarea#description', { rows: "5", cols: "50", disabled: true }), h('br') ]), h('div#tableContainer', [ h('div#tableScroll'), h('button#create-user', { title: Msg.poll_create_user }, h('span.fa.fa-plus')), h('button#create-option', { title: Msg.poll_create_option }, h('span.fa.fa-plus')), h('button#commit', { title: Msg.poll_commit }, h('span.fa.fa-check')) ]) ]) ]) ]), loadingScreen() ]; 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