define([ 'jquery', '/common/common-util.js', '/common/common-hash.js', '/common/common-interface.js', '/common/common-ui-elements.js', '/common/common-feedback.js', '/common/inner/common-modal.js', '/common/hyperscript.js', '/common/clipboard.js', '/customize/messages.js', '/bower_components/nthen/index.js', '/customize/pages.js', ], function ($, Util, Hash, UI, UIElements, Feedback, Modal, h, Clipboard, Messages, nThen, Pages) { var Share = {}; var createShareWithFriends = function (config, onShare, linkGetter) { var common = config.common; var sframeChan = common.getSframeChannel(); var title = config.title; var friends = config.friends || {}; var teams = config.teams || {}; var myName = common.getMetadataMgr().getUserData().name; var order = []; var smallCurves = Object.keys(friends).map(function (c) { return friends[c].curvePublic.slice(0,8); }); var div = h('div.contains-nav'); var $div = $(div); // Replace "copy link" by "share with friends" if at least one friend is selected // Also create the "share with friends" button if it doesn't exist var refreshButtons = function () { var $nav = $div.closest('.alertify').find('nav'); var friendMode = $div.find('.cp-usergrid-user.cp-selected').length; if (friendMode) { $nav.find('button.cp-share-with-friends').prop('disabled', ''); } else { $nav.find('button.cp-share-with-friends').prop('disabled', 'disabled'); } }; config.noInclude = true; Object.keys(friends).forEach(function (curve) { var data = friends[curve]; if (curve.length > 40 && data.notifications) { return; } delete friends[curve]; }); var others = []; if (Object.keys(friends).length) { var friendsList = UIElements.getUserGrid(Messages.share_linkFriends, { common: common, data: friends, noFilter: false, large: true }, refreshButtons); var friendDiv = friendsList.div; $div.append(friendDiv); others = friendsList.icons; } if (Object.keys(teams).length) { var teamsList = UIElements.getUserGrid(Messages.share_linkTeam, { common: common, noFilter: true, large: true, data: teams }, refreshButtons); $div.append(teamsList.div); } var shareButton = { className: 'primary cp-share-with-friends', name: Messages.share_withFriends, iconClass: '.fa.fa-shhare-alt', onClick: function () { var href; nThen(function (waitFor) { var w = waitFor(); // linkGetter can be async if this is a burn after reading URL var res = linkGetter({}, function (url) { if (!url) { waitFor.abort(); return; } href = url; setTimeout(w); }); if (res && /^http/.test(res)) { var _href = Hash.getRelativeHref(res); if (_href) { href = _href; } else { href = res; } setTimeout(w); return; } }).nThen(function () { var $friends = $div.find('.cp-usergrid-user.cp-selected'); $friends.each(function (i, el) { var curve = $(el).attr('data-curve'); var ed = $(el).attr('data-ed'); var friend = curve && friends[curve]; var team = teams[ed]; // If the selected element is a friend or a team without edit right, // send a notification var mailbox = friend || ((team && team.viewer) ? team : undefined); if (mailbox) { // Friend if (friends[curve] && !mailbox.notifications) { return; } if (mailbox.notifications && mailbox.curvePublic) { common.mailbox.sendTo("SHARE_PAD", { href: href, isStatic: Boolean(config.static), password: config.password, isTemplate: config.isTemplate, name: myName, isCalendar: Boolean(config.calendar), title: title }, { viewed: team &&, channel: mailbox.notifications, curvePublic: mailbox.curvePublic }); if (config.static) { Feedback.send("LINK_SHARED_WITH_CONTACT"); } return; } } // If it's a team with edit right, add the pad directly if (!team) { return; } if (config.calendar) { var calendarModule = common.makeUniversal('calendar'); var calendarData = config.calendar; calendarData.href = href; calendarData.teamId =; calendarModule.execCommand('ADD', calendarData, function (obj) { if (obj && obj.error) { console.error(obj.error); return void UI.warn(Messages.error); } }); return; } if (config.static) { common.getSframeChannel().query("Q_DRIVE_USEROBJECT", { cmd: "addLink", teamId:, data: { name: title, href: href, path: ['root'] } }, function () { UI.log(Messages.saved); }); Feedback.send("LINK_ADDED_TO_DRIVE"); return; } sframeChan.query('Q_STORE_IN_TEAM', { href: href, password: config.password, path: config.isTemplate ? ['template'] : undefined, title: title, teamId: }, function (err) { if (err) { return void console.error(err); } }); }); UI.findCancelButton().click(); // Update the "recently shared with" array: // Get the selected curves var curves = $friends.toArray().map(function (el) { return ($(el).attr('data-curve') || '').slice(0,8); }).filter(function (x) { return x; }); // Prepend them to the "order" array Array.prototype.unshift.apply(order, curves); order = Util.deduplicateString(order); // Make sure we don't have "old" friends and save order = order.filter(function (curve) { return smallCurves.indexOf(curve) !== -1; }); common.setAttribute(['general', 'share-friends'], order); if (onShare) {; } }); }, keys: [13] }; common.getAttribute(['general', 'share-friends'], function (err, val) { order = val || []; // Sort friends by "recently shared with" others.sort(function (a, b) { var ca = ($(a).attr('data-curve') || '').slice(0,8); var cb = ($(b).attr('data-curve') || '').slice(0,8); if (!ca && !cb) { return 0; } if (!ca) { return 1; } if (!cb) { return -1; } var ia = order.indexOf(ca); var ib = order.indexOf(cb); if (ia === -1 && ib === -1) { return 0; } if (ia === -1) { return 1; } if (ib === -1) { return -1; } return ia - ib; }); // Reorder the friend icons others.forEach(function (el, i) { $(el).attr('data-order', i).css('order', i); }); // Display them $(friendDiv).find('.cp-usergrid-grid').detach(); $(friendDiv).append(h('div.cp-usergrid-grid', others)); refreshButtons(); }); return { content: div, buttons: [shareButton] }; }; var getEditableTeams = function (common, config) { var privateData = common.getMetadataMgr().getPrivateData(); var teamsData = Util.tryParse(JSON.stringify(privateData.teams)) || {}; var teams = {}; Object.keys(teamsData).forEach(function (id) { // config.teamId only exists when we're trying to share a pad from a team drive // In this case, we don't want to share the pad with the current team if (config.teamId && config.teamId === id) { return; } var t = teamsData[id]; teams[t.edPublic] = { viewer: !teamsData[id].hasSecondaryKey, notifications: t.notifications, curvePublic: t.curvePublic, displayName:, edPublic: t.edPublic, avatar: t.avatar, id: id }; }); return teams; }; var makeBurnAfterReadingUrl = function (common, href, channel, cb) { var keyPair = Hash.generateSignPair(); var parsed = Hash.parsePadUrl(href); var newHref = parsed.getUrl({ ownerKey: keyPair.safeSignKey }); var sframeChan = common.getSframeChannel(); var rtChannel; nThen(function (waitFor) { if (parsed.type !== "sheet") { return; } common.getPadAttribute('rtChannel', waitFor(function (err, chan) { rtChannel = chan; })); }).nThen(function (waitFor) { sframeChan.query('Q_SET_PAD_METADATA', { channel: channel, command: 'ADD_OWNERS', value: [keyPair.validateKey] }, waitFor(function (err) { if (err) { waitFor.abort(); UI.warn(Messages.error); } })); if (rtChannel) { sframeChan.query('Q_SET_PAD_METADATA', { channel: rtChannel, command: 'ADD_OWNERS', value: [keyPair.validateKey] }, waitFor(function (err) { if (err) { console.error(err); } })); } }).nThen(function () { cb(newHref); }); }; var makeFaqLink = function (opts) { var link = h('span', [ h('i.fa.fa-question-circle'), h('a', {href: '#'}, Messages.passwordFaqLink) ]); $(link).click(function () { opts.common.openUnsafeURL(Pages.localizeDocsLink("")); }); return link; }; var makeCancelButton = function() { return { className: 'cancel', name: Messages.cancel, onClick: function () {}, keys: [27] }; }; var getContactsTab = function (Env, data, opts, _cb) { var cb = Util.once(Util.mkAsync(_cb)); var common = Env.common; var hasFriends = opts.hasFriends; var onFriendShare = Util.mkEvent(); var metadataMgr = common.getMetadataMgr(); var priv = metadataMgr.getPrivateData(); if (priv.offline) { return void cb(void 0, { content: h('p', Messages.share_noContactsOffline), buttons: [{ className: 'cancel', name: Messages.filePicker_close, onClick: function () {}, keys: [27] }] }); } var friendsObject = hasFriends ? createShareWithFriends(opts, onFriendShare, opts.getLinkValue) : UIElements.noContactsMessage(common); var friendsList = friendsObject.content; onFriendShare.reg(opts.saveValue); var contactsContent = h('div.cp-share-modal'); var $contactsContent = $(contactsContent); $contactsContent.append(friendsList); // Show alert if the pad is password protected if (opts.hasPassword) { $contactsContent.append(h('div.alert.alert-primary', [ h('i.fa.fa-unlock'), Messages.share_contactPasswordAlert, h('br'), makeFaqLink(opts) ])); } // Burn after reading warning if (opts.barAlert) { $contactsContent.append(opts.barAlert.cloneNode(true)); } var contactButtons = friendsObject.buttons; contactButtons.unshift(makeCancelButton()); cb(void 0, { content: contactsContent, buttons: contactButtons }); }; var getLinkTab = function (Env, data, opts, _cb) { var cb = Util.once(Util.mkAsync(_cb)); var common = Env.common; var origin = opts.origin; var pathname = opts.pathname; var hashes = opts.hashes; // Create modal var linkContent = opts.sharedFolder ? [ h('label', Messages.sharedFolders_share), h('br'), ] : [ UI.createCheckbox('cp-share-embed', Messages.share_linkEmbed, false, { mark: {tabindex:1} }), ]; if (opts.static) { linkContent = []; } linkContent.push(h('div.cp-spacer')); linkContent.push(UI.dialog.selectableArea('', { id: 'cp-share-link-preview', tabindex: 1, rows:3})); // Show alert if the pad is password protected if (opts.hasPassword) { linkContent.push(h('div.alert.alert-primary', [ h('i.fa.fa-lock'), Messages.share_linkPasswordAlert, h('br'), makeFaqLink(opts) ])); } // warning about sharing links // when sharing a version hash, there is a similar warning and we want // to avoid alert fatigue if (!opts.versionHash && !opts.static) { var localStore = window.cryptpadStore; var dismissButton = h('span.fa.fa-times'); var shareLinkWarning = h('div.alert.alert-warning.dismissable', { style: 'display: none;' }, [ h('span.cp-inline-alert-text', Messages.share_linkWarning), dismissButton ]); linkContent.push(shareLinkWarning); localStore.get('hide-alert-shareLinkWarning', function (val) { if (val === '1') { return; } $(shareLinkWarning).css('display', 'flex'); $(dismissButton).on('click', function () { localStore.put('hide-alert-shareLinkWarning', '1'); $(shareLinkWarning).remove(); }); }); } // Burn after reading if (opts.barAlert) { linkContent.push(opts.barAlert.cloneNode(true)); } var link = h('div.cp-share-modal', linkContent); var $link = $(link); $link.find('#cp-share-link-preview').val(opts.getLinkValue()); $link.find('input[type="checkbox"]').on('change', function () { $link.find('#cp-share-link-preview').val(opts.getLinkValue({ embed: Util.isChecked($link.find('#cp-share-embed')) })); }); var linkButtons = [ makeCancelButton(), !opts.sharedFolder && { className: 'secondary cp-nobar', name: Messages.share_linkOpen, iconClass: '.fa.fa-eye', onClick: function () { opts.saveValue(); var v = opts.getLinkValue({ embed: Util.isChecked($link.find('#cp-share-embed')) }); if (opts.static) { common.openUnsafeURL(v); return true; }; return true; }, keys: [[13, 'ctrl']] }, { className: 'primary cp-nobar', name: Messages.share_linkCopy, iconClass: '.fa.fa-link', onClick: function () { opts.saveValue(); var v = opts.getLinkValue({ embed: Util.isChecked($link.find('#cp-share-embed')) }); var success = Clipboard.copy(v); if (success) { UI.log(Messages.shareSuccess); } }, keys: [13] }, { className: 'primary cp-bar', name: Messages.share_bar, onClick: function () { var barHref = origin + pathname + '#' + (hashes.viewHash || hashes.editHash); makeBurnAfterReadingUrl(common, barHref,, function (url) { opts.burnAfterReadingUrl = url; opts.$rights.find('input[type="radio"]').trigger('change'); }); return true; }, keys: [] } ]; $link.find('.cp-bar').hide(); cb(void 0, { content: link, buttons: linkButtons }); }; var getEmbedTab = function (Env, data, opts, _cb) { var cb = Util.once(Util.mkAsync(_cb)); var embedContent = [ h('p', Messages.viewEmbedTag), UI.dialog.selectableArea(opts.getEmbedValue(), { id: 'cp-embed-link-preview', tabindex: 1, rows: 3}) ]; // Show alert if the pad is password protected if (opts.hasPassword) { embedContent.push(h('div.alert.alert-primary', [ h('i.fa.fa-lock'), ' ', Messages.share_embedPasswordAlert, h('br'), makeFaqLink(opts) ])); } var embedButtons = [ makeCancelButton(), { className: 'primary', name: Messages.share_linkCopy, iconClass: '.fa.fa-link', onClick: function () { Feedback.send('SHARE_EMBED'); var v = opts.getEmbedValue(); var success = Clipboard.copy(v); if (success) { UI.log(Messages.shareSuccess); } }, keys: [13] }]; var embed = h('div.cp-share-modal', embedContent); var $embed = $(embed); $embed.find('#cp-embed-link-preview').val(opts.getEmbedValue()); cb(void 0, { content: embed, buttons: embedButtons }); }; var getRightsHeader = function (common, opts) { var hashes = opts.hashes; var hash = hashes.editHash || hashes.viewHash; var origin = opts.origin; var pathname = opts.pathname; var parsed = Hash.parsePadUrl(pathname); var canPresent = ['code', 'slide'].indexOf(parsed.type) !== -1; var versionHash = hashes.viewHash && opts.versionHash; var isForm = parsed.type === "form"; // && opts.auditorHash; var canBAR = parsed.type !== 'drive' && !versionHash && !isForm; var labelEdit = Messages.share_linkEdit; var labelView = Messages.share_linkView; var auditor; if (isForm) { labelEdit = Messages.share_formEdit; labelView = Messages.share_formView; auditor = UI.createRadio('accessRights', 'cp-share-form', Messages.share_formAuditor, false, { mark: {tabindex:1}, }); } var burnAfterReading = (hashes.viewHash && canBAR) ? UI.createRadio('accessRights', 'cp-share-bar', Messages.burnAfterReading_linkBurnAfterReading, false, { mark: {tabindex:1}, label: {style: "display: none;"} }) : undefined; var rights = h('div.msg.cp-inline-radio-group', [ h('label', Messages.share_linkAccess), h('',[ UI.createRadio('accessRights', 'cp-share-editable-false', labelView, true, { mark: {tabindex:1} }), canPresent ? UI.createRadio('accessRights', 'cp-share-present', Messages.share_linkPresent, false, { mark: {tabindex:1} }) : undefined, UI.createRadio('accessRights', 'cp-share-editable-true', labelEdit, false, { mark: {tabindex:1} }), auditor]), burnAfterReading, ]); // Burn after reading // Check if we are an owner of this pad. If we are, we can show the burn after reading option. // When BAR is selected, display a red message indicating the consequence and add // the options to generate the BAR url opts.barAlert = h('div.alert.alert-danger.cp-alertify-bar-selected', { style: 'display: none;' }, Messages.burnAfterReading_warningLink); var channel = = Hash.getSecrets('pad', hash, opts.password).channel; common.getPadMetadata({ channel: channel }, function (obj) { if (!obj || obj.error) { return; } var priv = common.getMetadataMgr().getPrivateData(); // Not an owner: don't display the burn after reading option if (!Array.isArray(obj.owners) || obj.owners.indexOf(priv.edPublic) === -1) { $(burnAfterReading).remove(); return; } // When the burn after reading option is selected, transform the modal buttons $(burnAfterReading).css({ display: 'flex' }); }); var $rights = $(rights); opts.saveValue = function () { var edit = Util.isChecked($rights.find('#cp-share-editable-true')); var present = Util.isChecked($rights.find('#cp-share-present')); common.setAttribute(['general', 'share'], { edit: edit, present: present }); }; opts.getLinkValue = function (initValue, cb) { if (opts.static) { return opts.static; } var val = initValue || {}; var edit = val.edit !== undefined ? val.edit : Util.isChecked($rights.find('#cp-share-editable-true')); var embed = val.embed; var present = val.present !== undefined ? val.present : Util.isChecked($rights.find('#cp-share-present')); var burnAfterReading = Util.isChecked($rights.find('#cp-share-bar')); var formAuditor = Util.isChecked($rights.find('#cp-share-form')); if (versionHash) { edit = false; present = false; burnAfterReading = false; } if (burnAfterReading && !opts.burnAfterReadingUrl) { if (cb) { // Called from the contacts tab, "share" button var barHref = origin + pathname + '#' + (hashes.viewHash || hashes.editHash); return makeBurnAfterReadingUrl(common, barHref, channel, function (url) { cb(url); }); } return Messages.burnAfterReading_generateLink; } var hash = (!hashes.viewHash || (edit && hashes.editHash)) ? hashes.editHash : hashes.viewHash; if (formAuditor && opts.auditorHash) { hash = opts.auditorHash; } var href = burnAfterReading ? opts.burnAfterReadingUrl : (origin + pathname + '#' + hash); var parsed = Hash.parsePadUrl(href); return origin + parsed.getUrl({embed: embed, present: present, versionHash: versionHash}); }; opts.getEmbedValue = function () { var url = opts.getLinkValue({ embed: true }); return '<iframe src="' + url + '"></iframe>'; }; // disable edit share options if you don't have edit rights if (versionHash) { $rights.find('#cp-share-editable-false').attr('checked', true); $rights.find('#cp-share-present').removeAttr('checked').attr('disabled', true); $rights.find('#cp-share-editable-true').removeAttr('checked').attr('disabled', true); } else if (!hashes.editHash) { $rights.find('#cp-share-editable-false').attr('checked', true); $rights.find('#cp-share-editable-true').removeAttr('checked').attr('disabled', true); } else if (!hashes.viewHash) { $rights.find('#cp-share-editable-false').removeAttr('checked').attr('disabled', true); $rights.find('#cp-share-present').removeAttr('checked').attr('disabled', true); $rights.find('#cp-share-editable-true').attr('checked', true); } if (isForm && !opts.auditorHash) { $rights.find('#cp-share-form').removeAttr('checked').attr('disabled', true); } var getLink = function () { return $rights.parent().find('#cp-share-link-preview'); }; var getEmbed = function () { return $rights.parent().find('#cp-embed-link-preview'); }; // update values for link and embed preview when radio btns change $rights.find('input[type="radio"]').on('change', function () { getLink().val(opts.getLinkValue({ embed: Util.isChecked($('.alertify').find('#cp-share-embed')) })); // Hide or show the burn after reading alert if (Util.isChecked($rights.find('#cp-share-bar')) && !opts.burnAfterReadingUrl) { $('.cp-alertify-bar-selected').show(); // Show burn after reading button $('.alertify').find('.cp-bar').show(); $('.alertify').find('.cp-nobar').hide(); return; } getEmbed().val(opts.getEmbedValue()); // Hide burn after reading button $('.alertify').find('.cp-nobar').show(); $('.alertify').find('.cp-bar').hide(); $('.cp-alertify-bar-selected').hide(); }); // Set default values common.getAttribute(['general', 'share'], function (err, val) { val = val || {}; if (versionHash) { $rights.find('#cp-share-editable-false').prop('checked', true); } else if (val.present && canPresent) { $rights.find('#cp-share-editable-false').prop('checked', false); $rights.find('#cp-share-editable-true').prop('checked', false); $rights.find('#cp-share-present').prop('checked', true); } else if ((val.edit === false && hashes.viewHash) || !hashes.editHash) { $rights.find('#cp-share-editable-false').prop('checked', true); $rights.find('#cp-share-editable-true').prop('checked', false); $rights.find('#cp-share-present').prop('checked', false); } else { $rights.find('#cp-share-editable-true').prop('checked', true); $rights.find('#cp-share-editable-false').prop('checked', false); $rights.find('#cp-share-present').prop('checked', false); } delete val.embed; if (!canPresent) { delete val.present; } getLink().val(opts.getLinkValue(val)); }); common.getMetadataMgr().onChange(function () { // "hashes" is only available is the secure "share" app var _hashes = common.getMetadataMgr().getPrivateData().hashes; if (!_hashes) { return; } hashes = _hashes; getLink().val(opts.getLinkValue()); }); return $rights; }; // In the share modal, tabs need to share data between themselves. // To do so we're using "opts" to store data and functions Share.getShareModal = function (common, opts, cb) { cb = cb || function () {}; opts = opts || {}; opts.access = true; // Allow the use of the modal even if the pad is not stored var hashes = opts.hashes; if (!hashes || (!hashes.editHash && !hashes.viewHash && !opts.static)) { return; } var teams = getEditableTeams(common, opts); opts.teams = teams; var hasFriends = opts.hasFriends = Object.keys(opts.friends || {}).length || Object.keys(teams).length; var metadataMgr = common.getMetadataMgr(); var priv = metadataMgr.getPrivateData(); // check if the pad is password protected var pathname = opts.pathname; var hash = hashes.editHash || hashes.viewHash; var href = pathname + '#' + hash; var parsedHref = Hash.parsePadUrl(href); opts.hasPassword = parsedHref.hashData.password; var $rights = opts.$rights = getRightsHeader(common, opts); var resetTab = function () { if (opts.static) { return; } $; $rights.find('label.cp-radio').show(); }; var onShowEmbed = function () { if (opts.static) { return; } $rights.find('#cp-share-bar').closest('label').hide(); $rights.find('input[type="radio"]:enabled').first().prop('checked', 'checked'); $rights.find('input[type="radio"]').trigger('change'); }; var onShowContacts = function () { if (opts.static) { return; } if (!hasFriends || priv.offline) { $rights.hide(); } }; if (opts.static) { $rights.hide(); } var contactsActive = hasFriends && !priv.offline; var tabs = [{ getTab: getContactsTab, title: Messages.share_contactCategory, icon: "fa fa-address-book", active: contactsActive, onShow: onShowContacts, onHide: resetTab }, { getTab: getLinkTab, title: Messages.share_linkCategory, icon: "fa fa-link", active: !contactsActive, }]; if (!opts.static) { tabs.push({ getTab: getEmbedTab, title: Messages.share_embedCategory, icon: "fa fa-code", onShow: onShowEmbed, onHide: resetTab }); } Modal.getModal(common, opts, tabs, function (err, modal) { // Hide the burn-after-reading option by default var $modal = $(modal); $modal.find('.cp-bar').hide(); // Prepend the "rights" radio selection $modal.find('.alertify-tabs-titles').after($rights); // Add the versionHash warning if needed if (opts.versionHash) { $rights.after(h('div.alert.alert-warning', [ h('i.fa.fa-history'), UI.setHTML(h('span'), Messages.share_versionHash) ])); } // callback cb(err, modal); }); }; var getFileContactsTab = function (Env, data, opts, _cb) { var cb = Util.once(Util.mkAsync(_cb)); var common = Env.common; var friendsObject = opts.hasFriends ? createShareWithFriends(opts, null, opts.getLinkValue) : UIElements.noContactsMessage(common); var friendsList = friendsObject.content; var contactsContent = h('div.cp-share-modal'); var $contactsContent = $(contactsContent); $contactsContent.append(friendsList); // Show alert if the pad is password protected if (opts.hasPassword) { $contactsContent.append(h('div.alert.alert-primary', [ h('i.fa.fa-lock'), Messages.share_linkPasswordAlert, h('br'), makeFaqLink(opts) ])); } var contactButtons = friendsObject.buttons; contactButtons.unshift(makeCancelButton()); cb(void 0, { content: contactsContent, buttons: contactButtons }); }; var getFileLinkTab = function (Env, data, opts, _cb) { var cb = Util.once(Util.mkAsync(_cb)); var linkContent = [ UI.dialog.selectableArea(opts.getLinkValue(), { id: 'cp-share-link-preview', tabindex: 1, rows:2 }) ]; // Show alert if the pad is password protected if (opts.hasPassword) { linkContent.push(h('div.alert.alert-primary', [ h('i.fa.fa-lock'), Messages.share_linkPasswordAlert, h('br'), makeFaqLink(opts) ])); } // warning about sharing links var localStore = window.cryptpadStore; var dismissButton = h('span.fa.fa-times'); var shareLinkWarning = h('div.alert.alert-warning.dismissable', { style: 'display: none;' }, [ h('span.cp-inline-alert-text', Messages.share_linkWarning), dismissButton ]); linkContent.push(shareLinkWarning); localStore.get('hide-alert-shareLinkWarning', function (val) { if (val === '1') { return; } $(shareLinkWarning).css('display', 'flex'); $(dismissButton).on('click', function () { localStore.put('hide-alert-shareLinkWarning', '1'); $(shareLinkWarning).remove(); }); }); var link = h('div.cp-share-modal', linkContent); var linkButtons = [ makeCancelButton(), { className: 'primary', name: Messages.share_linkCopy, iconClass: '.fa.fa-link', onClick: function () { var v = opts.getLinkValue(); var success = Clipboard.copy(v); if (success) { UI.log(Messages.shareSuccess); } }, keys: [13] } ]; cb(void 0, { content: link, buttons: linkButtons }); }; var getFileEmbedTab = function (Env, data, opts, _cb) { var cb = Util.once(Util.mkAsync(_cb)); var common = Env.common; var fileData = opts.fileData; var embed = h('div.cp-share-modal', [ h('p', Messages.fileEmbedScript), UI.dialog.selectable(common.getMediatagScript()), h('p', Messages.fileEmbedTag), UI.dialog.selectable(common.getMediatagFromHref(fileData)), ]); // Show alert if the pad is password protected if (opts.hasPassword) { $(embed).append(h('div.alert.alert-primary', [ h('i.fa.fa-lock'), Messages.share_linkPasswordAlert, h('br'), makeFaqLink(opts) ])); } var embedButtons = [{ className: 'cancel', name: Messages.cancel, onClick: function () {}, keys: [27] }, { className: 'primary', name: Messages.share_mediatagCopy, iconClass: '.fa.fa-link', onClick: function () { var v = common.getMediatagFromHref(opts.fileData); var success = Clipboard.copy(v); if (success) { UI.log(Messages.shareSuccess); } }, keys: [13] }]; cb(void 0, { content: embed, buttons: embedButtons }); }; Share.getFileShareModal = function (common, opts, cb) { cb = cb || function () {}; opts = opts || {}; opts.access = true; // Allow the use of the modal even if the pad is not stored var hashes = opts.hashes; if (!hashes || !hashes.fileHash) { return; } var teams = getEditableTeams(common, opts); opts.teams = teams; var hasFriends = opts.hasFriends = Object.keys(opts.friends || {}).length || Object.keys(teams).length; // check if the pad is password protected var origin = opts.origin; var pathname = opts.pathname; var url = opts.url = origin + pathname + '#' + hashes.fileHash; var parsedHref = Hash.parsePadUrl(url); opts.hasPassword = parsedHref.hashData.password; opts.getLinkValue = function () { return url; }; var tabs = [{ getTab: getFileContactsTab, title: Messages.share_contactCategory, icon: "fa fa-address-book", active: hasFriends, }, { getTab: getFileLinkTab, title: Messages.share_linkCategory, icon: "fa fa-link", active: !hasFriends, }, { getTab: getFileEmbedTab, title: Messages.share_embedCategory, icon: "fa fa-code", }]; Modal.getModal(common, opts, tabs, cb); }; return Share; });