define([ 'jquery', '/common/diffMarked.js', '/bower_components/nthen/index.js', '/common/sframe-common.js', '/common/sframe-app-framework.js', '/common/sframe-common-codemirror.js', '/common/common-util.js', '/common/common-hash.js', '/common/modes.js', '/common/visible.js', '/common/TypingTests.js', '/customize/messages.js', 'cm/lib/codemirror', 'css!cm/lib/codemirror.css', 'css!cm/addon/dialog/dialog.css', 'css!cm/addon/fold/foldgutter.css', 'cm/mode/gfm/gfm', 'cm/addon/mode/loadmode', 'cm/mode/meta', 'cm/addon/mode/overlay', 'cm/addon/mode/multiplex', 'cm/addon/mode/simple', 'cm/addon/edit/closebrackets', 'cm/addon/edit/matchbrackets', 'cm/addon/edit/trailingspace', 'cm/addon/selection/active-line', 'cm/addon/search/search', 'cm/addon/search/match-highlighter', 'cm/addon/search/searchcursor', 'cm/addon/dialog/dialog', 'cm/addon/fold/foldcode', 'cm/addon/fold/foldgutter', 'cm/addon/fold/brace-fold', 'cm/addon/fold/xml-fold', 'cm/addon/fold/markdown-fold', 'cm/addon/fold/comment-fold', 'cm/addon/display/placeholder', 'less!/code/app-code.less' ], function ( $, DiffMd, nThen, SFCommon, Framework, SFCodeMirror, Util, Hash, Modes, Visible, TypingTest, Messages, CMeditor) { window.CodeMirror = CMeditor; var MEDIA_TAG_MODES = Object.freeze([ 'markdown', 'gfm', 'html', 'htmlembedded', 'htmlmixed', 'index.html', 'php', 'velocity', 'xml', ]); var mkPrintButton = function (framework, $content, $print) { var $printButton = framework._.sfCommon.createButton('print', true); $ () { $print.html($content.html()); window.focus(); window.print();'PRINT_CODE'); }); framework._.toolbar.$drawer.append($printButton); }; var mkMarkdownTb = function (editor, framework) { var $codeMirrorContainer = $('#cp-app-code-container'); var markdownTb = framework._.sfCommon.createMarkdownToolbar(editor); $codeMirrorContainer.prepend(markdownTb.toolbar); framework._.toolbar.$rightside.append(markdownTb.button); var modeChange = function (mode) { if (['markdown', 'gfm'].indexOf(mode) !== -1) { return void markdownTb.setState(true); } markdownTb.setState(false); }; return { modeChange: modeChange }; }; var mkHelpMenu = function (framework) { var $codeMirrorContainer = $('#cp-app-code-container'); $codeMirrorContainer.prepend(framework._.sfCommon.getBurnAfterReadingWarning()); var helpMenu = framework._.sfCommon.createHelpMenu(['text', 'code']); $codeMirrorContainer.prepend(; framework._.toolbar.$drawer.append(helpMenu.button); }; var mkPreviewPane = function (editor, CodeMirror, framework, isPresentMode) { var $previewContainer = $('#cp-app-code-preview'); var $preview = $('#cp-app-code-preview-content'); var $editorContainer = $('#cp-app-code-editor'); var $codeMirrorContainer = $('#cp-app-code-container'); var $codeMirror = $('.CodeMirror'); $('', { src: '/customize/main-favicon.png', alt: '', class: 'cp-app-code-preview-empty' }).appendTo($previewContainer); var $previewButton = framework._.sfCommon.createButton('preview', true); var forceDrawPreview = function () { try { if (editor.getValue() === '') { $previewContainer.addClass('cp-app-code-preview-isempty'); return; } $previewContainer.removeClass('cp-app-code-preview-isempty'); DiffMd.apply(DiffMd.render(editor.getValue()), $preview, framework._.sfCommon); } catch (e) { console.error(e); } }; var drawPreview = Util.throttle(function () { if (['markdown', 'gfm'].indexOf(CodeMirror.highlightMode) === -1) { return; } if (!$'.cp-toolbar-button-active')) { return; } forceDrawPreview(); }, 400); var previewTo; $ () { clearTimeout(previewTo); $codeMirror.addClass('transition'); previewTo = setTimeout(function () { $codeMirror.removeClass('transition'); }, 500); if (['markdown', 'gfm'].indexOf(CodeMirror.highlightMode) === -1) { $; } $previewContainer.toggle(); if ($':visible')) { forceDrawPreview(); $codeMirrorContainer.removeClass('cp-app-code-fullpage'); $previewButton.addClass('cp-toolbar-button-active'); framework._.sfCommon.setPadAttribute('previewMode', true, function (e) { if (e) { return console.log(e); } }); } else { $codeMirrorContainer.addClass('cp-app-code-fullpage'); $previewButton.removeClass('cp-toolbar-button-active'); framework._.sfCommon.setPadAttribute('previewMode', false, function (e) { if (e) { return console.log(e); } }); } }); framework._.toolbar.$rightside.append($previewButton); $ (e) { if (! { return; } var $t = $(; if ($'a') || $t.parents('a').length) { e.preventDefault(); var $a = $'a') ? $t : $t.parents('a').first(); var href = $a.attr('href'); if (/^\/[^\/]/.test(href)) { var privateData = framework._.cpNfInner.metadataMgr.getPrivateData(); href = privateData.origin + href; } else if (/^#/.test(href)) { var target = document.getElementById('cp-md-0-'+href.slice(1)); if (target) { target.scrollIntoView(); } return; } framework._.sfCommon.openUnsafeURL(href); } }); var modeChange = function (mode) { if (['markdown', 'gfm'].indexOf(mode) !== -1) { $; framework._.sfCommon.getPadAttribute('previewMode', function (e, data) { if (e) { return void console.error(e); } if (data !== false) { $; $previewButton.addClass('cp-toolbar-button-active'); $codeMirrorContainer.removeClass('cp-app-code-fullpage'); if (isPresentMode) { $editorContainer.addClass('cp-app-code-present'); } } }); return; } $editorContainer.removeClass('cp-app-code-present'); $previewButton.hide(); $previewContainer.hide(); $previewButton.removeClass('active'); $codeMirrorContainer.addClass('cp-app-code-fullpage'); }; var isVisible = function () { return $':visible'); }; framework.onReady(function () { // add the splitter var splitter = $('
', { 'class': 'cp-splitter' }).appendTo($previewContainer); $preview.on('scroll', function() { splitter.css('top', $preview.scrollTop() + 'px'); }); var $target = $codeMirrorContainer; splitter.on('mousedown', function (e) { e.preventDefault(); var x = e.pageX; var w = $target.width(); var handler = function (evt) { if (evt.type === 'mouseup') { $(window).off('mouseup mousemove', handler); return; } $target.css('width', (w - x + evt.pageX) + 'px'); editor.refresh(); }; $(window).off('mouseup mousemove', handler); $(window).on('mouseup mousemove', handler); }); var previewInt; var clear = function () { clearInterval(previewInt); }; // keep trying to draw until you're confident it has been drawn previewInt = setInterval(function () { // give up if it's not a valid preview mode if (['markdown', 'gfm'].indexOf(CodeMirror.highlightMode) === -1) { return void clear(); } // give up if content has been drawn if ($preview.text()) { return void clear(); } // only draw if there is actually content to display if (editor && !editor.getValue().trim()) { return void clear(); } forceDrawPreview(); }, 1000); }); framework._.sfCommon.getPadAttribute('previewMode', function (e, data) { if (e) { return void console.error(e); } if (data === false && $previewButton) { $; } }); Visible.onChange(function (visible) { if (visible) { drawPreview(); } }); return { forceDraw: forceDrawPreview, draw: drawPreview, modeChange: modeChange, isVisible: isVisible }; }; var mkFilePicker = function (framework, editor, evModeChange) { evModeChange.reg(function (mode) { if (MEDIA_TAG_MODES.indexOf(mode) !== -1) { // Embedding is endabled framework.setMediaTagEmbedder(function (mt) { editor.replaceSelection($(mt)[0].outerHTML); }); } else { // Embedding is disabled framework.setMediaTagEmbedder(); } }); }; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// var andThen2 = function (editor, CodeMirror, framework, isPresentMode) { var common = framework._.sfCommon; var privateData = common.getMetadataMgr().getPrivateData(); var previewPane = mkPreviewPane(editor, CodeMirror, framework, isPresentMode); var markdownTb = mkMarkdownTb(editor, framework); var $removeAuthorColorsButton = framework._.sfCommon.createButton('removeauthorcolors', true, {icon: 'fa-paint-brush', title: 'Autorenfarben entfernen'}); framework._.toolbar.$rightside.append($removeAuthorColorsButton); $ { var selfrom = editor.getCursor("from"); var selto = editor.getCursor("to"); if (!editor.somethingSelected() || selfrom === selto) { editor.getAllMarks().forEach(function (marker) { marker.clear(); }); } else { editor.findMarks(selfrom, selto).forEach(function (marker) { marker.clear(); }); } framework.localChange(); }); var authormarksLocal = []; var authormarksUpdate = []; var $print = $('#cp-app-code-print'); var $content = $('#cp-app-code-preview-content'); mkPrintButton(framework, $content, $print); mkHelpMenu(framework); var evModeChange = Util.mkEvent(); evModeChange.reg(previewPane.modeChange); evModeChange.reg(markdownTb.modeChange); CodeMirror.mkIndentSettings(framework._.cpNfInner.metadataMgr); CodeMirror.init(framework.localChange, framework._.title, framework._.toolbar); mkFilePicker(framework, editor, evModeChange); if (!framework.isReadOnly()) { CodeMirror.configureTheme(common, function () { CodeMirror.configureLanguage(common, null,; }); } else { CodeMirror.configureTheme(common); } // get user color for author marks var authorcolor = framework._.sfCommon.getMetadataMgr().getUserData().color; var authorcolor_r = parseInt("0x" + authorcolor.slice(1,3)); var authorcolor_g = parseInt("0x" + authorcolor.slice(3,5)); var authorcolor_b = parseInt("0x" + authorcolor.slice(5,7)); var authorcolor_min = Math.min(authorcolor_r, authorcolor_g, authorcolor_b); // set minimal brightness for author marks and calculate color var tarMinColorVal = 180; if (authorcolor_min < tarMinColorVal) { var facColor = (255-tarMinColorVal)/(255-authorcolor_min); authorcolor_r = Math.floor(255-facColor*(255-authorcolor_r)); authorcolor_g = Math.floor(255-facColor*(255-authorcolor_g)); authorcolor_b = Math.floor(255-facColor*(255-authorcolor_b)); authorcolor = "#" + authorcolor_r.toString(16) + authorcolor_g.toString(16) + authorcolor_b.toString(16); } //// framework.onContentUpdate(function (newContent) { var highlightMode = newContent.highlightMode; if (highlightMode && highlightMode !== CodeMirror.highlightMode) { CodeMirror.setMode(highlightMode,; } // author marks will be updated in onChange-Handler authormarksUpdate = newContent.authormarks; CodeMirror.contentUpdate(newContent, authormarksUpdate, authormarksLocal); previewPane.draw(); }); framework.setContentGetter(function () { CodeMirror.removeCursors(); var content = CodeMirror.getContent(); content.highlightMode = CodeMirror.highlightMode; previewPane.draw(); // get author marks var authormarks = []; editor.getAllMarks().forEach(function (mark) { var pos = mark.find(); var css = mark.css; if (pos !== undefined && css !== undefined) { var color = css.replace("background-color:", "").trim(); if (pos.from.line === { if (( + 1) === { authormarks.push([pos.from.line,, color]); } else { authormarks.push([pos.from.line,,, color]); } } else { authormarks.push([pos.from.line,,,, color]); } } }); content.authormarks = authormarks; authormarksLocal = authormarks.slice(); return content; }); var cursorTo; var updateCursor = function () { if (cursorTo) { clearTimeout(cursorTo); } if (editor._noCursorUpdate) { return; } cursorTo = setTimeout(function () { framework.updateCursor(); }, 500); // 500ms to make sure it is sent after chainpad sync }; framework.onCursorUpdate(CodeMirror.setRemoteCursor); framework.setCursorGetter(CodeMirror.getCursor); editor.on('cursorActivity', updateCursor); framework.onEditableChange(function () { editor.setOption('readOnly', framework.isLocked() || framework.isReadOnly()); }); framework.setTitleRecommender(CodeMirror.getHeadingText); framework.onReady(function (newPad) { editor.focus(); if (newPad && !CodeMirror.highlightMode) { CodeMirror.setMode('gfm',; //console.log("%s => %s", CodeMirror.highlightMode, CodeMirror.$language.val()); } var fmConfig = { dropArea: $('.CodeMirror'), body: $('body'), onUploaded: function (ev, data) { var parsed = Hash.parsePadUrl(data.url); var secret = Hash.getSecrets('file', parsed.hash, data.password); var fileHost = privateData.fileHost || privateData.origin; var src = fileHost + Hash.getBlobPathFromHex(; var key = Hash.encodeBase64(secret.keys.cryptKey); var mt = ''; editor.replaceSelection(mt); } }; common.createFileManager(fmConfig); }); framework.onDefaultContentNeeded(function () { editor.setValue(''); //Messages.codeInitialState); }); framework.setFileExporter(CodeMirror.getContentExtension, CodeMirror.fileExporter); framework.setFileImporter({}, function () { /* setFileImporter currently takes a function with the following signature: (content, file) => {} I used 'apply' with 'arguments' to avoid breaking things if this API ever changes. */ var ret = CodeMirror.fileImporter.apply(null,; previewPane.modeChange(ret.mode); return ret; }); framework.setNormalizer(function (c) { return { content: c.content, highlightMode: c.highlightMode, authormarks: c.authormarks }; }); editor.on('change', function( cm, change ) { if (change.origin !== undefined && change.text !== undefined && (change.origin === "+input" || change.origin === "paste")) { // add new author mark if text is added. marks from removed text are removed automatically var to_ch_add; if (change.text.length > 1) { to_ch_add = change.text[change.text.length-1].length; } else { to_ch_add = + change.text[change.text.length-1].length; } editor.markText({line: change.from.line, ch:}, {line: change.from.line + change.text.length-1, ch: to_ch_add}, {css: "background-color: " + authorcolor}); } else if (change.origin === "setValue") { // on remote update: remove all marks, add new marks editor.getAllMarks().forEach(function (marker) { marker.clear(); }); authormarksUpdate.forEach(function (mark) { var from_line; var to_line; var from_ch; var to_ch; var mark_color; if (mark.length === 3) { from_line = mark[0]; to_line = mark[0]; from_ch = mark[1]; to_ch = mark[1]+1; mark_color = mark[2]; } else if (mark.length === 4) { from_line = mark[0]; to_line = mark[0]; from_ch = mark[1]; to_ch = mark[2]; mark_color = mark[3]; } else if (mark.length === 5) { from_line = mark[0]; to_line = mark[2]; from_ch = mark[1]; to_ch = mark[3]; mark_color = mark[4]; } editor.markText({line: from_line, ch: from_ch}, {line: to_line, ch: to_ch}, {css: "background-color: " + mark_color}); }); } framework.localChange(); }); framework.start(); window.easyTest = function () { var test = TypingTest.testCode(editor); return test; }; }; var getThumbnailContainer = function () { var $preview = $('#cp-app-code-preview-content'); if ($preview.length && $':visible')) { return $preview[0]; } }; var main = function () { var CodeMirror; var editor; var framework; nThen(function (waitFor) { Framework.create({ toolbarContainer: '#cme_toolbox', contentContainer: '#cp-app-code-editor', thumbnail: { getContainer: getThumbnailContainer, filter: function (el, before) { if (before) { //$(el).parents().css('overflow', 'visible'); $(el).css('max-height', Math.max(600, $(el).width()) + 'px'); return; } $(el).parents().css('overflow', ''); $(el).css('max-height', ''); editor.refresh(); } } }, waitFor(function (fw) { framework = fw; })); nThen(function (waitFor) { $(waitFor()); }).nThen(function () { CodeMirror = SFCodeMirror.create(null, CMeditor); $('#cp-app-code-container').addClass('cp-app-code-fullpage'); editor = CodeMirror.editor; }).nThen(waitFor()); }).nThen(function (/*waitFor*/) { framework._.sfCommon.isPresentUrl(function (err, val) { andThen2(editor, CodeMirror, framework, val); }); }); }; main(); });