# CryptPad Styling How it works: * In this example, we use the index page, for each page we will have a corresponding class name and a corresponding less file. * The index page has a main div containing everything `
` * There is a corresponding less file called `less2/pages/page-index.less` * Finally there is a corresponding line in main.less which imports that less file: `div#main.cp-page-index { @import "./pages/page-index.less"; }` * cp-page-index class means: * cp -> cryptpad * page -> this is a style for accessing a page's less file * index -> the name of the page and of the less file (page-index.less) * And everything which is standardized across pages is included from `page-index.less` as variables and mixins. Rules: * All of our new classes and ids should start with `cp-`. * You may make as many files as you need, for different purposes, but they can only contain mixins and variables. * All mixins and variables must be prefixed with the name of the file where they're defined and and underscore. * e.g. `@colortheme_toolbar-poll-bg: #006304;` defined in `colortheme.less` * All mixin / variable files go in an `/include/` directory. * Document the meaning of your variable or mixin in a comment, consider that your mixin will be used by people other than you and if they do not have a definition of what it means, an update to it's style which seems logical to you might break their usage of it.