define(['/customize/languageSelector.js', '/customize/translations/messages.js', '/customize/translations/', '/customize/translations/', // 1) additional translation files can be added here... '/customize/translations/', '/customize/translations/', '/bower_components/jquery/dist/jquery.min.js'], // 2) name your language module here... function(LS, Default, Spanish, French, Polish, German) { var $ = window.jQuery; // 3) add your module to this map so it gets used var map = { 'fr': French, 'es': Spanish, 'pl': Polish, 'de': German, }; var defaultLanguage = 'en'; var language = LS.getLanguage(); var messages; if (!language || language === defaultLanguage || language === 'default' || !map[language]) { messages = Default; } else { // Add the translated keys to the returned object messages = $.extend(true, {}, Default, map[language]); } // messages_languages return the available translations and their name in an object : // { "en": "English", "fr": "French", ... } messages._languages = { 'en': Default._languageName }; for (var l in map) { messages._languages[l] = map[l]._languageName || l; } messages._initSelector = LS.main; messages._checkTranslationState = function () { var missing = []; Object.keys(map).forEach(function (code) { var translation = map[code]; Object.keys(Default).forEach(function (k) { if (/^_/.test(k) || /nitialState$/.test(k)) { return; } if (!translation[k]) { var warning = "key [" + k + "] is missing from translation [" + code + "]"; missing.push(warning); } }); if (typeof(translation._languageName) !== 'string') { var warning = 'key [_languageName] is missing from translation [' + code + ']'; missing.push(warning); } }); return missing; }; // Get keys with parameters messages._getKey = function (key, argArray) { if (!messages[key]) { return '?'; } var text = messages[key]; return text.replace(/\{(\d+)\}/g, function (str, p1) { return argArray[p1] || null; }); }; messages._applyTranslation = function () { $('[data-localization]').each(function (i, e) { var $el = $(this); var key = $'localization'); $el.html(messages[key]); }); $('[data-localization-title]').each(function (i, e) { var $el = $(this); var key = $'localization-title'); $el.attr('title', messages[key]); }); }; // Non translatable keys messages.initialState = [ '

', 'This is CryptPad, the zero knowledge realtime collaborative editor.', '
', 'What you type here is encrypted so only people who have the link can access it.', '
', 'Even the server cannot see what you type.', '

', '

', '', 'What you see here, what you hear here, when you leave here, let it stay here', '', '

', ].join(''); messages.codeInitialState = [ '/*\n', ' This is CryptPad, the zero knowledge realtime collaborative editor.\n', ' What you type here is encrypted so only people who have the link can access it.\n', ' Even the server cannot see what you type.\n', ' What you see here, what you hear here, when you leave here, let it stay here.\n', '*/' ].join(''); messages.slideInitialState = [ '# CryptSlide\n', '* This is a zero knowledge realtime collaborative editor.\n', '* What you type here is encrypted so only people who have the link can access it.\n', '* Even the server cannot see what you type.\n', '* What you see here, what you hear here, when you leave here, let it stay here.\n', '\n', '---', '\n', '# How to use\n', '1. Write your slides content using markdown syntax\n', '2. Separate your slides with ---\n', '3. Click on the "Play" button to see the result' ].join(''); return messages; });