define([ 'jquery', '/common/toolbar3.js', '/common/common-util.js', '/bower_components/nthen/index.js', '/common/sframe-common.js', '/common/common-realtime.js', '/customize/application_config.js', '/bower_components/chainpad-listmap/chainpad-listmap.js', '/poll/render.js', '/poll/export.js', '/common/diffMarked.js', '/common/sframe-common-codemirror.js', '/common/common-thumbnail.js', '/common/common-interface.js', '/common/common-ui-elements.js', '/common/hyperscript.js', '/customize/messages.js', 'cm/lib/codemirror', '/common/test.js', 'cm/addon/display/placeholder', 'cm/mode/markdown/markdown', 'css!cm/lib/codemirror.css', '/bower_components/file-saver/FileSaver.min.js', 'css!/bower_components/bootstrap/dist/css/bootstrap.min.css', 'css!/bower_components/components-font-awesome/css/font-awesome.min.css', 'less!/poll/app-poll.less', ], function ( $, Toolbar, Util, nThen, SFCommon, CommonRealtime, AppConfig, Listmap, Renderer, Exporter, DiffMd, SframeCM, Thumb, UI, UIElements, h, Messages, CMeditor, Test) { var saveAs = window.saveAs; var APP = window.APP = { unlocked: { row: [], col: [] }, readOnly: false, mobile: function () { return $('body').width() <= 600; } // Menu and content area are not inline-block anymore for mobiles }; var Render = Renderer(APP); var debug = $.noop; //console.log; var metadataMgr; var Title; var common; var copyObject = function (obj) { return JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(obj)); }; APP.getCSV = function () { return Exporter.getCSV(APP.proxy.content); }; var exportFile = function () { Exporter.main(APP.proxy, function (blob, isJson) { var suggestion = Title.suggestTitle(Title.defaultTitle); var ext = isJson ? '.json' : '.csv'; UI.prompt(Messages.exportPrompt, Util.fixFileName(suggestion) + ext, function (filename) { if (!(typeof(filename) === 'string' && filename)) { return; } saveAs(blob, filename); }); }); }; /* Make sure that the realtime data structure has all the required fields */ var prepareProxy = function (proxy, schema) { if (proxy && proxy.version === 1) { return; } debug("Configuring proxy schema..."); proxy.metadata = proxy.metadata || schema.metadata; Object.keys(schema.metadata).forEach(function (k) { if (!proxy.metadata[k]) { proxy.metadata[k] = schema.metadata[k]; } }); proxy.content = proxy.content || schema.content; Object.keys(schema.content).forEach(function (k) { if (!proxy.content[k]) { proxy.content[k] = schema.content[k]; } }); proxy.version = 1; proxy.type = 'poll'; }; /* Set the user id (user column) in the pad attributes */ var setUserId = function (id, cb) { cb = cb || $.noop; APP.userid = id; common.setPadAttribute('userid', id, function (e) { if (e) { console.error(e); return void cb(e); } cb(); }); }; var sortColumns = function (order, firstcol) { var colsOrder = order.slice(); // Never put at the first position an uncommitted column var idx = APP.proxy.content.colsOrder.indexOf(firstcol); if (!firstcol || idx === -1) { return colsOrder; } colsOrder.splice(idx, 1); colsOrder.unshift(firstcol); return colsOrder; }; var isUncommitted = function (id) { var idArr = id.split('_'); var idx = idArr[0]; var idy = idArr[1] || idArr[0]; // if id is y-{...} (no 'x'), use idArr[0] as 'y' coordinate return APP.uncommitted.content.colsOrder.indexOf(idx) !== -1 || APP.uncommitted.content.rowsOrder.indexOf(idy) !== -1; }; var mergeUncommitted = function (proxy, uncommitted, commit) { var newObj; if (commit) { newObj = proxy; } else { newObj = copyObject(proxy); } // Merge uncommitted into the proxy uncommitted.content.colsOrder = uncommitted.content.colsOrder || []; uncommitted.content.colsOrder.forEach(function (x) { if (newObj.content.colsOrder.indexOf(x) !== -1) { return; } newObj.content.colsOrder.push(x); }); for (var k in uncommitted.content.cols) { if (!newObj.content.cols[k]) { newObj.content.cols[k] = uncommitted.content.cols[k]; } } for (var l in uncommitted.content.cells) { if (!newObj.content.cells[l]) { newObj.content.cells[l] = uncommitted.content.cells[l]; } } // Uncommitted rows uncommitted.content.rowsOrder = uncommitted.content.rowsOrder || []; uncommitted.content.rowsOrder.forEach(function (x) { if (newObj.content.rowsOrder.indexOf(x) !== -1) { return; } newObj.content.rowsOrder.push(x); }); for (var m in uncommitted.content.rows) { if (!newObj.content.rows[m]) { newObj.content.rows[m] = uncommitted.content.rows[m]; } } if (commit) { APP.uncommited = {}; prepareProxy(APP.uncommitted, copyObject(Render.Example)); } return newObj; }; var enableColumn = APP.enableColumn = function (id, table) { table = table || $('body'); var $input = $(table).find('input[disabled="disabled"][data-rt-id^="' + id + '"]') .removeAttr('disabled'); $input.closest('td').addClass('cp-app-poll-table-editing'); $(table).find('.cp-app-poll-table-lock[data-rt-id="' + id + '"]').addClass('fa-unlock') .removeClass('fa-lock').attr('title', Messages.poll_unlocked); }; var disableColumn = function (id) { var $input = $('input[data-rt-id^="' + id + '"]') .attr('disabled', 'disabled'); $input.closest('td').removeClass('cp-app-poll-table-editing'); $('.cp-app-poll-table-lock[data-rt-id="' + id + '"]').addClass('fa-lock') .removeClass('fa-unlock').attr('title', Messages.poll_locked); }; var enableRow = APP.enableRow = function (id, table) { table = table || $('body'); var $input = $(table).find('input[disabled="disabled"][data-rt-id="' + id + '"]') .removeAttr('disabled'); $input.closest('td').addClass('cp-app-poll-table-editing'); $(table).find('span.cp-app-poll-table-edit[data-rt-id="' + id + '"]') .css('visibility', 'hidden'); }; var disableRow = function (id) { var $input = $('input[type="text"][data-rt-id="' + id + '"]') .attr('disabled', 'disabled'); $input.closest('td').removeClass('cp-app-poll-table-editing'); $('span.cp-app-poll-table-edit[data-rt-id="' + id + '"]').css('visibility', 'visible'); }; var unlockElements = function () { APP.unlocked.row.forEach(enableRow); APP.unlocked.col.forEach(enableColumn); }; var setTablePublished = function (bool) { if (APP.locked) { bool = true; } if (APP.markdownTb) { APP.markdownTb.setState(!bool); } if (bool) { if (APP.$publish) { APP.$publish.hide(); } if (APP.$admin) { APP.$; } $('#cp-app-poll-form').addClass('cp-app-poll-published'); } else { if (APP.$publish) { APP.$; } if (APP.$admin) { APP.$admin.hide(); } $('#cp-app-poll-form').removeClass('cp-app-poll-published'); } }; var addScrollClass = function () { var $scroll = $('#cp-app-poll-table-scroll'); var hasScroll = $scroll.width() < $scroll[0].scrollWidth && $scroll.width() > 100; if (hasScroll) { $scroll.addClass('cp-app-poll-table-scrolled'); return; } $scroll.removeClass('cp-app-poll-table-scrolled'); }; var updateTableButtons = function () { var uncomColId = APP.uncommitted.content.colsOrder[0]; var uncomRowId = APP.uncommitted.content.rowsOrder[0]; var $createOption = $('tbody input[data-rt-id="' + uncomRowId+'"]') .closest('td').find('> div'); $createOption.find('#cp-app-poll-create-option').remove(); $createOption.append(APP.$createRow); var $createUser = $('thead input[data-rt-id="' + uncomColId + '"]') .closest('td'); $createUser.find('#cp-app-poll-create-user').remove(); $createUser.prepend(APP.$createCol); }; var updateDisplayedTable = function () { setTablePublished(APP.proxy.published); addScrollClass(); updateTableButtons(); }; var unlockColumn = function (id, cb) { if (APP.unlocked.col.indexOf(id) === -1) { APP.unlocked.col.push(id); } enableColumn(id); if (typeof(cb) === "function") { cb(); } }; var unlockRow = function (id, cb) { if (APP.unlocked.row.indexOf(id) === -1) { APP.unlocked.row.push(id); } enableRow(id); if (typeof(cb) === "function") { cb(); } }; var lockColumn = function (id, cb) { var idx = APP.unlocked.col.indexOf(id); if (idx !== -1) { APP.unlocked.col.splice(idx, 1); } disableColumn(id); if (typeof(cb) === "function") { cb(); } }; var lockRow = function (id, cb) { var idx = APP.unlocked.row.indexOf(id); if (idx !== -1) { APP.unlocked.row.splice(idx, 1); } disableRow(id); if (typeof(cb) === "function") { cb(); } }; /* Any time the realtime object changes, call this function */ var change = function (o, n, path, throttle, cb) { if (path && !Array.isArray(path)) { return; } if (path && path.join) { debug("Change from [%s] to [%s] at [%s]", o, n, path.join(', ')); } var table = APP.$table[0]; common.notify(); var getFocus = function () { var active = document.activeElement; if (!active) { return; } return { el: active, id: $(active).attr('data-rt-id'), start: active.selectionStart, end: active.selectionEnd }; }; var setFocus = function (obj) { var el; if (document.body.contains(obj.el)) { el = obj.el; } else if($('input[data-rt-id="' + + '"]').length) { el = $('input[data-rt-id="' + + '"]')[0]; } else { return; } el.focus(); if (obj.start) { el.selectionStart = obj.start; } if (obj.end) { el.selectionEnd = obj.end; } }; var updateTable = function () { var displayedObj = mergeUncommitted(APP.proxy, APP.uncommitted); var colsOrder = sortColumns(displayedObj.content.colsOrder, APP.userid); var conf = { cols: colsOrder, readOnly: APP.locked }; var f = getFocus(); APP.$createRow.detach(); APP.$createCol.detach(); Render.updateTable(table, displayedObj, conf); // Fix autocomplete bug: displayedObj.content.rowsOrder.forEach(function (rowId) { if ( === rowId) { return; } $('input[data-rt-id="' + rowId +'"]').val(displayedObj.content.rows[rowId] || ''); }); displayedObj.content.colsOrder.forEach(function (colId) { if ( === colId) { return; } $('input[data-rt-id="' + colId +'"]') .val(displayedObj.content.cols[colId] || ''); }); updateDisplayedTable(); setFocus(f); if (typeof(cb) === "function") { cb(); } }; if (throttle) { if (APP.throttled) { window.clearTimeout(APP.throttled); } APP.throttled = window.setTimeout(function () { updateTable(); }, throttle); return; } window.setTimeout(updateTable); }; var getRealtimeId = function (input) { return input.getAttribute && input.getAttribute('data-rt-id'); }; var handleBookmark = function (id) { setUserId(id === APP.userid ? '' : id, change); }; /* Called whenever an event is fired on an input element */ var handleInput = function (input) { var type = input.type.toLowerCase(); var id = getRealtimeId(input); debug(input); var object = APP.proxy; var x = Render.getCoordinates(id)[0]; if (isUncommitted(id)) { object = APP.uncommitted; } switch (type) { case 'text': debug("text[rt-id='%s'] [%s]", id, input.value); Render.setValue(object, id, input.value); change(null, null, null, 1000); break; case 'number': debug("checkbox[tr-id='%s'] %s", id, input.value); if (APP.unlocked.col.indexOf(x) >= 0 || x === APP.userid) { var value = parseInt(input.value); if (isNaN(value)) { console.error("Got NaN?!"); break; } Render.setValue(object, id, value); change(); } else { debug('checkbox locked'); } break; default: debug("Input[type='%s']", type); break; } }; var hideInputs = function (id) { if (APP.locked) { return; } if (id) { var type = Render.typeofId(id); if (type === 'col') { return void lockColumn(id); } if (type === 'row') { return void lockRow(id); } return; } var keepColUnlocked = [APP.userid, APP.uncommitted.content.colsOrder[0]]; var keepRowUnlocked = APP.uncommitted.content.rowsOrder.slice(); var toLock = []; APP.unlocked.col.forEach(function (id) { if (keepColUnlocked.indexOf(id) !== -1) { return; } toLock.push(id); }); toLock.forEach(lockColumn); toLock = []; APP.unlocked.row.forEach(function (id) { if (keepRowUnlocked.indexOf(id) !== -1) { return; } toLock.push(id); }); toLock.forEach(lockRow); }; /* Called whenever an event is fired on a span */ var handleSpan = function (span) { if (!span) { return; } var id = span.getAttribute('data-rt-id'); var type = Render.typeofId(id); var isRemove = span.className && span.className.split(' ') .indexOf('cp-app-poll-table-remove') !== -1; var isEdit = span.className && span.className.split(' ') .indexOf('cp-app-poll-table-edit') !== -1; var isBookmark = span.className && span.className.split(' ') .indexOf('cp-app-poll-table-bookmark') !== -1; var isLock = span.className && span.className.split(' ') .indexOf('cp-app-poll-table-lock') !== -1; var isLocked = span.className && span.className.split(' ').indexOf('fa-lock') !== -1; if (type === 'row') { if (isRemove) { UI.confirm(Messages.poll_removeOption, function (res) { if (!res) { return; } Render.removeRow(APP.proxy, id, function () { change(); }); }); } else if (isEdit) { unlockRow(id, function () { $('input[data-rt-id="' + id + '"]').focus(); }); } } else if (type === 'col') { if (isRemove) { UI.confirm(Messages.poll_removeUser, function (res) { if (!res) { return; } Render.removeColumn(APP.proxy, id, function () { change(); if (id === APP.userid) { setUserId(''); } }); }); } else if (isBookmark) { handleBookmark(id); } else if (isLock && isLocked) { unlockColumn(id, function () { $('input[data-rt-id="' + id + '"]').focus(); }); } else if (isLock) { lockColumn(id); } } else if (type === 'cell') { change(); } else { debug("UNHANDLED"); } }; var optionOrder = { 3: 1, // ? => ✔ 1: 2, // ✔ => ~ 2: 0, // ~ => x 0: 3, // x => ? // undefined => 3 }; var handleClick = function (e, isKeyup) { if (APP.locked) { return; } e.stopPropagation(); if (!APP.ready) { return; } if (!isKeyup && e.which !== 1) { return; } // only allow left clicks var target = e &&; if (!target) { return void debug("NO TARGET"); } var nodeName = target && target.nodeName; switch (nodeName) { case 'INPUT': if ($(target).is('[type="text"]') && !isKeyup) { return; } if (isKeyup && (e.keyCode === 13 || e.keyCode === 27)) { var id = target.getAttribute('data-rt-id'); if ($(target).parents('.cp-app-poll-table-uncommitted').length && e.keyCode === 13) { var type = Render.typeofId(id); if (type === "row") { APP.$; } else if (type === "col") { APP.$; } break; } hideInputs(id); break; } if ($(target).is('input[type="number"]')) { // Nothing to do... //console.error("number input focused?"); break; } handleInput(target); break; case 'LABEL': var input = $('input[type="number"][id=' + $(target).attr('for') + ']'); var value = parseInt(input.val()); input.val(optionOrder[value]); handleInput(input[0]); break; case 'SPAN': handleSpan(target); break; case undefined: //console.error(new Error("C'est pas possible!")); break; default: debug(target, nodeName); break; } }; /* */ var updatePublishButton = function () { if (!APP.ready || !APP.proxy || !APP.$publishButton) { return; } var p = APP.proxy.published; var msg = (p ? Messages.poll_admin_button : Messages.poll_publish_button); APP.$publishButton.attr('title', msg); if (p) { APP.$publishButton.removeClass('fa-check').addClass('fa-pencil'); return; } APP.$publishButton.addClass('fa-check').removeClass('fa-pencil'); }; var publish = APP.publish = function (bool) { if (!APP.readOnly) { if (!APP.ready) { return; } if (APP.proxy.published !== bool) { APP.proxy.published = bool; } } else { // If readOnly, always put the app in published mode bool = true; } $(APP.$mediaTagButton).toggle(!bool); setTablePublished(bool); /*['textarea'].forEach(function (sel) { $(sel).attr('disabled', bool); });*/ updatePublishButton(); APP.editor.refresh(); }; var setEditable = function (editable) { APP.locked = APP.readOnly || !editable; if (editable === false) { // disable all the things $('.cp-app-poll-realtime input, .cp-app-poll-realtime button, .cp-app-poll-upper button, .cp-app-poll-realtime textarea').attr('disabled', true); $('span.cp-app-poll-table-edit, span.cp-app-poll-table-remove').hide(); $('span.cp-app-poll-table-lock').addClass('fa-lock').removeClass('fa-unlock') .attr('title', Messages.poll_locked) .css({'cursor': 'default'}); } else { // enable $('span.cp-app-poll-table-edit, span.cp-app-poll-table-remove').show(); $('span.cp-app-poll-table-lock').css({'cursor': ''}); $('.cp-app-poll-realtime button, .cp-app-poll-upper button, .cp-app-poll-realtime textarea').attr('disabled', false); unlockElements(); } }; var updatePublishedDescription = function () { var v = APP.editor.getValue(); DiffMd.apply(DiffMd.render(v || ''), APP.$descriptionPublished, common); }; var updateDescription = function (old, n) { var o = APP.editor.getValue(); SframeCM.setValueAndCursor(APP.editor, o, n); updatePublishedDescription(); common.notify(); }; var updateLocalDescription = function (n) { APP.proxy.description = n; updatePublishedDescription(); }; var getCommentId = Render.Uid('c'); var removeComment = function (uid) { var idx = APP.proxy.commentsOrder.indexOf(uid); if (idx !== -1) { APP.proxy.commentsOrder.splice(idx, 1); } delete APP.proxy.comments[uid]; APP.updateComments(); }; /*var editComment = function (id) { // TODO };*/ var avatars = {}; var updateComments = APP.updateComments = function () { if (!APP.proxy.comments) { APP.proxy.comments = {}; } if (!APP.proxy.commentsOrder) { APP.proxy.commentsOrder = []; } var profile; if (common.isLoggedIn()) { profile = metadataMgr.getUserData().profile; } var $comments = APP.$comments.html(''); var comments = APP.proxy.comments; APP.proxy.commentsOrder.forEach(function (k) { var c = comments[k]; if (!c) { return; } var name = || Messages.anonymous; var $c = $('<div>', { 'class': 'cp-app-poll-comments-list-el' }).prependTo($comments); // Metadata var $data = $('<div>', { 'class': 'cp-app-poll-comments-list-data' }).appendTo($c); var $avatar = $('<span>', { 'class': 'cp-app-poll-comments-list-data-avatar cp-avatar' }).appendTo($data); if (c.avatar && avatars[c.avatar]) { $avatar.append(avatars[c.avatar]); } else { common.displayAvatar($avatar, c.avatar, name, function ($img) { if (c.avatar && $img.length) { avatars[c.avatar] = $img[0].outerHTML; } }); } if (c.profile) { $('<a>', { 'href': APP.origin + '/profile/#' + c.profile, 'target': '_blank', 'class': 'cp-app-poll-comments-list-data-name' }).appendTo($data).text(name); } else { $('<span>', { 'class': 'cp-app-poll-comments-list-data-name' }).appendTo($data).text(name); } $('<span>', { 'class': 'cp-app-poll-comments-list-data-time' }).appendTo($data).text(new Date(c.time).toLocaleString()); // Message var $msg = $('<div>', { 'class': 'cp-app-poll-comments-list-msg' }).appendTo($c); $('<div>', { 'class': 'cp-app-poll-comments-list-msg-text' }).appendTo($msg).text(c.msg); var $actions = $('<div>', { 'class': 'cp-app-poll-comments-list-msg-actions' }).appendTo($msg); // Actions if (!APP.readOnly && (!c.profile || c.profile === profile)) { $('<button>', { 'class': 'btn btn-secondary fa fa-times', 'title': Messages.poll_comment_remove, 'data-rt-id': k }).appendTo($actions).click(function () { removeComment(k); }); /*$('<button>', { 'class': 'fa fa-pencil', 'title': 'TODO: edit comment', 'data-rt-id': c.uid }).appendTo($actions).click(editComment);*/ } }); common.notify(); }; var resetComment = function () { APP.$addComment.find('.cp-app-poll-comments-add-name') .val(metadataMgr.getUserData().name || ''); APP.$addComment.find('.cp-app-poll-comments-add-msg').val(''); }; var addComment = function () { if (!APP.proxy.comments) { APP.proxy.comments = {}; } if (!APP.proxy.commentsOrder) { APP.proxy.commentsOrder = []; } var name = APP.$addComment.find('.cp-app-poll-comments-add-name').val().trim(); var msg = APP.$addComment.find('.cp-app-poll-comments-add-msg').val().trim(); var time = +new Date(); if (!msg) { return; } var profile, avatar; if (common.isLoggedIn()) { profile = metadataMgr.getUserData().profile; avatar = metadataMgr.getUserData().avatar; } var uid = getCommentId(); APP.proxy.commentsOrder.push(uid); APP.proxy.comments[uid] = { msg: msg, name: name, time: time, profile: profile, avatar: avatar }; resetComment(); updateComments(); }; var initThumbnails = function () { var privateDat = metadataMgr.getPrivateData(); if (!privateDat.thumbnails) { return; } // Thumbnails are disabled var $el = $('.cp-app-poll-realtime'); //var $el = $('#cp-app-poll-table'); var scrollTop; var options = { getContainer: function () { return $el[0]; }, filter: function (el, before) { if (before) { $el.parents().css('overflow', 'visible'); scrollTop = $('#cp-app-poll-form').scrollTop(); $el.css('max-height', Math.max(600, $(el).width()) + 'px'); $el.find('tr td:first-child, tr td:last-child, tr td:nth-last-child(2)') .css('position', 'static'); $el.find('#cp-app-poll-comments').css('display', 'none'); $el.find('#cp-app-poll-table-container').css('text-align', 'center'); $el.find('#cp-app-poll-table-scroll').css('margin', 'auto'); $el.find('#cp-app-poll-table-scroll').css('max-width', '100%'); return; } $el.parents().css('overflow', ''); $el.css('max-height', ''); $el.find('#cp-app-poll-comments').css('display', ''); $el.find('#cp-app-poll-table-container').css('text-align', ''); $el.find('#cp-app-poll-table-scroll').css('margin', ''); $el.find('#cp-app-poll-table-scroll').css('max-width', ''); $el.find('tr td:first-child, tr td:last-child, tr td:nth-last-child(2)') .css('position', ''); $('#cp-app-poll-form').scrollTop(scrollTop); }, type: 'poll', getContent: function () { return JSON.stringify(APP.proxy.content); } }; Thumb.initPadThumbnails(common, options); }; var checkDeletedCells = function () { // faster than forEach? var c; if (!APP.proxy || !APP.proxy.content) { return; } for (var k in APP.proxy.content.cells) { c = Render.getCoordinates(k); if (APP.proxy.content.colsOrder.indexOf(c[0]) === -1 || APP.proxy.content.rowsOrder.indexOf(c[1]) === -1) { delete APP.proxy.content.cells[k]; } } }; var onReady = function (info, userid) { var proxy = APP.proxy; var isNew = false; var userDoc = JSON.stringify(proxy); if (userDoc === "" || userDoc === "{}") { isNew = true; } if (!isNew) { if ( { // Migration proxy.metadata =; delete; } if (proxy.table) { // Migration proxy.content = proxy.table; delete proxy.table; } checkDeletedCells(); if (proxy.comments && !proxy.commentsOrder) { // Migration proxy.commentsOrder = Object.keys(copyObject(proxy.comments)).sort(function (a, b) { return proxy.comments[a].time > proxy.comments[b].time; }); } if (proxy && proxy.metadata) { metadataMgr.updateMetadata(proxy.metadata); } if (typeof (proxy) !== 'object' || Array.isArray(proxy) || (proxy.metadata && typeof(proxy.metadata.type) !== 'undefined' && proxy.metadata.type !== 'poll')) { var errorText = Messages.typeError; UI.errorLoadingScreen(errorText); throw new Error(errorText); } } if (!proxy.metadata || typeof(proxy.metadata.title) === "undefined") { Title.updateTitle(Title.defaultTitle); } if (typeof(proxy.type) === 'undefined') { proxy.type = 'poll'; } // Add uncommitted and unlock uncommited & own column var uncommitted = APP.uncommitted = {}; prepareProxy(proxy, copyObject(Render.Example)); prepareProxy(uncommitted, copyObject(Render.Example)); var coluid = Render.coluid(); if (userid) { // If userid exists, it means the user already has a pinned column // and we should unlock it unlockColumn(userid); } uncommitted.content.colsOrder.push(coluid); unlockColumn(coluid); var rowuid = Render.rowuid(); uncommitted.content.rowsOrder.push(rowuid); unlockRow(rowuid); /* Extract uncommitted data (row or column) and create a new uncommitted row or column */ var getUncommitted = function (type) { var ret = {}, toRemove; var uncommitted = APP.uncommitted.content; if (type === 'col') { ret.colsOrder = uncommitted.colsOrder.slice(); ret.cols = copyObject(uncommitted.cols); // get only the cells corresponding to the committed rows toRemove = Object.keys(uncommitted.cells).filter(function (coor) { var c = Render.getCoordinates(coor); return APP.proxy.content.rowsOrder.indexOf(c[1]) !== -1; }); ret.cells = {}; toRemove.forEach(function (k) { ret.cells[k] = uncommitted.cells[k]; delete uncommitted.cells[k]; }); uncommitted.colsOrder = [Render.coluid()]; uncommitted.cols = {}; return ret; } // Row ret.rowsOrder = uncommitted.rowsOrder.slice(); ret.rows = copyObject(uncommitted.rows); // get only the cells corresponding to the committed rows toRemove = Object.keys(uncommitted.cells).filter(function (coor) { var c = Render.getCoordinates(coor); return APP.proxy.content.colsOrder.indexOf(c[1]) !== -1; }); ret.cells = {}; toRemove.forEach(function (k) { ret.cells[k] = uncommitted.cells[k]; delete uncommitted.cells[k]; }); uncommitted.rowsOrder = [Render.rowuid()]; uncommitted.rows = {}; return ret; }; APP.$createCol = $('#cp-app-poll-create-user').click(function () { var uncommittedCopy = { content: getUncommitted('col') }; var id = uncommittedCopy.content.colsOrder[0]; if (!APP.userid) { setUserId(id); } mergeUncommitted(proxy, uncommittedCopy, true); change(null, null, null, null, function() { unlockColumn(id); unlockColumn(APP.uncommitted.content.colsOrder[0]); }); }); APP.$createRow = $('#cp-app-poll-create-option').click(function () { var uncommittedCopy = { content: getUncommitted('row') }; mergeUncommitted(proxy, uncommittedCopy, true); change(null, null, null, null, function() { var newId = APP.uncommitted.content.rowsOrder[0]; $('input[data-rt-id="' + newId + '"]').focus(); }); }); var displayedObj = mergeUncommitted(proxy, uncommitted, false); var colsOrder = sortColumns(displayedObj.content.colsOrder, userid); Render.updateTable($('#cp-app-poll-table-scroll').find('table')[0], displayedObj, { cols: colsOrder, readOnly: APP.readOnly }); // Description APP.editor.on('change', function () { var val = APP.editor.getValue(); updateLocalDescription(val); }); APP.$addComment.find('.cp-app-poll-comments-add-submit').click(addComment); APP.$addComment.find('.cp-app-poll-comments-add-cancel').click(resetComment); var $table = APP.$table = $('#cp-app-poll-table-scroll').find('table'); updateDisplayedTable(); updateDescription(null, APP.proxy.description || ''); initThumbnails(); var markdownTb = APP.markdownTb = common.createMarkdownToolbar(APP.editor); $('.CodeMirror').parent().prepend(markdownTb.toolbar); APP.toolbar.$rightside.append(markdownTb.button); // Initialize author name for comments. // Disable name modification for logged in users var $cName = APP.$addComment.find('.cp-app-poll-comments-add-name') .val(metadataMgr.getUserData().name || ''); if (common.isLoggedIn()) { $cName.attr('disabled', 'disabled'); } updateComments(); $table .click(handleClick) .on('keyup', function (e) { handleClick(e, true); }); $(window).click(function(e) { if (e.which !== 1) { return; } hideInputs(); }); proxy .on('change', ['metadata'], function () { metadataMgr.updateMetadata(proxy.metadata); }) .on('change', ['content'], function () { change(null, null, null, 100); }) .on('change', ['description'], updateDescription) .on('change', ['comments'], updateComments) .on('change', ['published'], function () { publish(proxy.published); }) .on('remove', [], function () { change(null, null, null, 100); }); // If the user's column is not committed, add his username var $userInput = $('.cp-app-poll-table-uncommitted > input'); if (!APP.userid) { var uname = metadataMgr.getUserData().name; APP.uncommitted.content.cols[APP.uncommitted.content.colsOrder[0]] = uname; $userInput.val(uname); } APP.ready = true; if (!proxy.published) { publish(false); } else { publish(true); } var passIfOk = function (t) { t.assert($('#cp-app-poll-description-published').text().indexOf( "Content for the description") === 0); t.assert($('.cp-app-poll-comments-list-data-name').text().indexOf( "Mr.Me") === 0); t.assert($('.cp-app-poll-comments-list-msg-text').text().indexOf( "Example comment yay") === 0); t.assert($('input[value="Candy"]').length === 1); t.assert($('input[value="IceCream"]').length === 1); t.assert($('input[value="Soda"]').length === 1); t.assert($('input[value="Meeee"]').length === 1); t.pass(); }; if (!APP.readOnly) { console.log("Here is the test"); Test(function (t) { if ($('input[value="Candy"]').length) {"Test has already been performed"); return; } nThen(function (waitFor) { console.log("Here is the test1"); APP.editor.setValue("Content for the description"); $('.cp-app-poll-table-editing .cp-app-poll-table-text-cell input').val( 'Candy').keyup(); $('#cp-app-poll-create-option').click(); // TODO(cjd): Need to click outside to lock the first option we create.. bug? $(window).trigger({ type: "click", which: 1 }); setTimeout(waitFor()); }).nThen(function (waitFor) { $('.cp-app-poll-table-editing .cp-app-poll-table-text-cell input').val( 'IceCream').keyup(); $('#cp-app-poll-create-option').click(); setTimeout(waitFor()); }).nThen(function (waitFor) { $('.cp-app-poll-table-editing .cp-app-poll-table-text-cell input').val( 'Soda').keyup(); $('#cp-app-poll-create-option').click(); setTimeout(waitFor()); }).nThen(function (waitFor) { // Switch to non-admin mode $('.cp-toolbar-icon-publish').click(); setTimeout(waitFor()); }).nThen(function (waitFor) { $('.cp-app-poll-comments-add-name').val("Mr.Me").keyup(); $('.cp-app-poll-comments-add-msg').val("Example comment yay").keyup(); setTimeout(waitFor()); }).nThen(function (waitFor) { $('.cp-app-poll-comments-add-submit').click(); setTimeout(waitFor()); }).nThen(function (waitFor) { $('#cp-app-poll-create-user').parent().find('input').val('Meeee').keyup(); [1,3,2].forEach(function (num, i) { var x = $($('.cp-app-poll-table-checkbox-contain label')[i]); for (var ii = 0; ii < num; ii++) { x.trigger({ type: 'click', which: 1 }); } }); setTimeout(waitFor()); }).nThen(function (waitFor) { $('#cp-app-poll-create-user').click(); setTimeout(waitFor()); }).nThen(function (waitFor) { APP.rt.realtime.onSettle(waitFor()); }).nThen(function (/*waitFor*/) { passIfOk(t); }); }); } else { Test(passIfOk); } // No need for onLocal in openPadChat because in poll, we listen for metadata changes // and save them everytime. // See `metadataMgr.onChange(function () {` common.openPadChat(function () {}); UI.removeLoadingScreen(); var privateDat = metadataMgr.getPrivateData(); var skipTemp = Util.find(privateDat, ['settings', 'general', 'creation', 'noTemplate']); var skipCreation = Util.find(privateDat, ['settings', 'general', 'creation', 'skip']); if (isNew && (!AppConfig.displayCreationScreen || (!skipTemp && skipCreation))) { common.openTemplatePicker(); } }; var onError = function (info) { if (info && info.type) { if (info.type === 'CHAINPAD') { APP.unrecoverable = true; setEditable(false); APP.toolbar.errorState(true, info.error); var msg = Messages.chainpadError; UI.errorLoadingScreen(msg, true, true); console.error(info.error); return; } // Server error return void common.onServerError(info, APP.toolbar, function () { APP.unrecoverable = true; setEditable(false); }); } }; // Manage disconnections because of network or error var onDisconnect = function (info) { if (APP.unrecoverable) { return; } if (info && info.type) { // Server error return void common.onServerError(info, APP.toolbar, function () { APP.unrecoverable = true; setEditable(false); }); } setEditable(false); //UIElements.disconnectAlert(); }; var onReconnect = function () { if (APP.unrecoverable) { return; } setEditable(true); //UIElements.reconnectAlert(); }; var getHeadingText = function () { if (!APP.editor) { return; } return SframeCM.getHeadingText(APP.editor); }; var onCreate = function (info) { APP.myID = info.myID; if (APP.realtime !== info.realtime) { APP.realtime = info.realtime; } metadataMgr = common.getMetadataMgr(); var titleCfg = { getHeadingText: getHeadingText }; Title = common.createTitle(titleCfg); var configTb = { displayed: [ 'chat', 'userlist', 'title', 'useradmin', 'spinner', 'newpad', 'share', 'limit', 'unpinnedWarning', 'notifications' ], title: Title.getTitleConfig(), metadataMgr: metadataMgr, readOnly: APP.readOnly, realtime: info.realtime, sfCommon: common, $container: APP.$bar, $contentContainer: APP.$content }; APP.toolbar = Toolbar.create(configTb); Title.setToolbar(APP.toolbar); var $rightside = APP.toolbar.$rightside; var $drawer = APP.toolbar.$drawer; metadataMgr.onChange(function () { var md = copyObject(metadataMgr.getMetadata()); APP.proxy.metadata = md; }); metadataMgr.onRequestSync(function () { var meta = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(APP.proxy.metadata)); metadataMgr.updateMetadata(meta); }); /* add a forget button */ var forgetCb = function (err) { if (err) { return; } setEditable(false); }; var $forgetPad = common.createButton('forget', true, {}, forgetCb); $rightside.append($forgetPad); var $properties = common.createButton('properties', true); $drawer.append($properties); /* save as template */ if (!metadataMgr.getPrivateData().isTemplate) { var templateObj = { rt: info.realtime, getTitle: function () { return metadataMgr.getMetadata().title; } }; var $templateButton = common.createButton('template', true, templateObj); $rightside.append($templateButton); } /* add an export button */ var $export = common.createButton('export', true, {}, exportFile); $drawer.append($export); var helpMenu = common.createHelpMenu(['poll']); $('#cp-app-poll-form').prepend(common.getBurnAfterReadingWarning()); $('#cp-app-poll-form').prepend(; $drawer.append(helpMenu.button); if (APP.readOnly) { publish(true); return; } var $publish = common.createButton('', true, { name: 'publish', icon: 'fa-check', hiddenReadOnly: true }).click(function () { publish(!APP.proxy.published); }).appendTo($rightside); APP.$publishButton = $publish; updatePublishButton(); if (common.isLoggedIn()) { var fileDialogCfg = { onSelect: function (data) { if (data.type === 'file' && APP.editor) { var mt = '<media-tag src="' + data.src + '" data-crypto-key="cryptpad:' + data.key + '"></media-tag>'; APP.editor.replaceSelection(mt); return; } } }; common.initFilePicker(fileDialogCfg); APP.$mediaTagButton = common.createButton('mediatag', true).click(function () { var pickerCfg = { types: ['file'], where: ['root'] }; common.openFilePicker(pickerCfg); }).appendTo($rightside); var $tags = common.createButton('hashtag', true); $rightside.append($tags); } }; var initialContent = function () { return [ h('div#cp-toolbar.cp-toolbar-container'), h('div#cp-app-poll-content', [ h('div#cp-app-poll-form', [ h('div.cp-app-poll-realtime', [ h('br'), h('div', [ h('textarea#cp-app-poll-description', { rows: "5", cols: "50", placeholder: Messages.poll_descriptionHint, disabled: true }), h('div#cp-app-poll-description-published'), h('br') ]), h('div#cp-app-poll-table-container', [ h('div#cp-app-poll-table-scroll', [h('table')]), h('button#cp-app-poll-create-user.btn.btn-secondary', { title: Messages.poll_create_user }, Messages.poll_commit), h('button#cp-app-poll-create-option.btn.btn-secondary', { title: Messages.poll_create_option }, h('span.fa.fa-plus')), ]), h('div#cp-app-poll-comments', [ h('h2#cp-app-poll-comments-add-title', Messages.poll_comment_add), h('div#cp-app-poll-comments-add', [ h('input.cp-app-poll-comments-add-name', { type: 'text', placeholder: Messages.anonymous }), h('textarea.cp-app-poll-comments-add-msg', { placeholder: Messages.poll_comment_placeholder }), h('button.cp-app-poll-comments-add-submit.btn.btn-secondary', Messages.poll_comment_submit), h('button.cp-app-poll-comments-add-cancel.btn.btn-secondary', Messages.cancel) ]), h('h2#cp-app-poll-comments-list-title', Messages.poll_comment_list), h('div#cp-app-poll-comments-list') ]), h('div#cp-app-poll-nocomments', Messages.poll_comment_disabled) ]) ]) ]) ]; }; var main = function () { nThen(function (waitFor) { $(waitFor(function () { UI.addLoadingScreen(); var $div = $('<div>').append(initialContent()); $('body').append($div.html()); })); SFCommon.create(waitFor(function (c) { APP.common = common = c; })); }).nThen(function (waitFor) { common.getSframeChannel().onReady(waitFor()); }).nThen(function (waitFor) { common.handleNewFile(waitFor); }).nThen(function (/* waitFor */) { Test.registerInner(common.getSframeChannel()); var metadataMgr = common.getMetadataMgr(); APP.locked = APP.readOnly = metadataMgr.getPrivateData().readOnly; APP.loggedIn = common.isLoggedIn(); APP.SFCommon = common; if (APP.readOnly) { $('#cp-app-poll-form').addClass('cp-app-poll-readonly'); } APP.origin = common.getMetadataMgr().getPrivateData().origin; APP.$body = $('body'); APP.$bar = $('#cp-toolbar'); APP.$content = $('#cp-app-poll-content'); APP.$descriptionPublished = $('#cp-app-poll-description-published'); APP.$description = $('#cp-app-poll-description'); APP.$comments = $('#cp-app-poll-comments-list'); APP.$addComment = $('#cp-app-poll-comments-add'); APP.editor = CMeditor.fromTextArea(APP.$description[0], { lineNumbers: true, lineWrapping: true, styleActiveLine : true, mode: "markdown", }); APP.$ (e) { if (! { return; } var $t = $(; if ($'a') || $t.parents('a').length) { e.preventDefault(); var $a = $'a') ? $t : $t.parents('a').first(); var href = $a.attr('href'); if (!href) { return; } common.openUnsafeURL(href); } }); var listmapConfig = { data: {}, common: common, logLevel: 1 }; if (APP.readOnly) { $('#cp-app-poll-create-user, #cp-app-poll-create-option, #cp-app-poll-comments-add') .remove(); $('#cp-app-poll-comments-add-title').remove(); } var rt = APP.rt = Listmap.create(listmapConfig); APP.proxy = rt.proxy; var firstConnection = true; rt.proxy.on('create', onCreate) .on('ready', function (info) { if (!firstConnection) { return; } // TODO fix this issue in listmap firstConnection = false; common.getPadAttribute('userid', function (e, userid) { if (e) { console.error(e); } APP.userid = userid; onReady(info, userid); }); }) .on('disconnect', onDisconnect) .on('reconnect', onReconnect) .on('error', onError); }); }; main(); });