define([ 'jquery', '/common/cryptpad-common.js', '/common/hyperscript.js', '/bower_components/marked/marked.min.js', ], function ($, Cryptpad, h, Marked) { // TODO use our fancy markdown and support media-tags Marked.setOptions({ sanitize: true, }); var UI = {}; var Messages = Cryptpad.Messages; var stub = function (label) { console.error('stub: ' + label); }; var dataQuery = function (curvePublic) { return '[data-key="' + curvePublic + '"]'; }; UI.create = function (messenger, $userlist, $messages) { var state = { active: '', }; var avatars = state.avatars = {}; var setActive = function (curvePublic) { = curvePublic; }; var isActive = function (curvePublic) { return curvePublic ===; }; var find = {}; find.inList = function (curvePublic) { return $userlist.find(dataQuery(curvePublic)); }; var notify = function (curvePublic) { find.inList(curvePublic).addClass('notify'); }; var unnotify = function (curvePublic) { find.inList(curvePublic).removeClass('notify'); }; var markup = {}; markup.message = function (msg, name) { return h('div.message', { title: msg.time? new Date(msg.time).toLocaleString(): '?', }, [ name? h('div.sender', name): undefined, h('div.content', msg.text), ]); }; markup.chatbox = function (curvePublic, data) { var moreHistory = h('span.more-history', ['get more history']); // TODO translate var displayName = data.displayName; $(moreHistory).click(function () { stub('get older history'); console.log('getting history'); }); var removeHistory = h('span.remove-history.fa.fa-eraser', { title: Messages.contacts_removeHistoryTitle }); $(removeHistory).click(function () { Cryptpad.confirm(Messages.contacts_confirmRemoveHistory, function (yes) { if (!yes) { return; } Cryptpad.clearOwnedChannel(, function (e) { if (e) { console.error(e); Cryptpad.alert(Messages.contacts_removeHistoryServerError); return; } }); }); }); var avatar = h('div.avatar'); var header = h('div.header', [ avatar, moreHistory, removeHistory, ]); var messages = h('div.messages'); var input = h('textarea', { placeholder: Messages.contacts_typeHere }); var sendButton = h('button.btn.btn-primary.fa.fa-paper-plane', { title: Messages.contacts_send, }); var rightCol = h('span.right-col', [ h('', displayName), ]); var $avatar = $(avatar); if (data.avatar && avatars[data.avatar]) { $avatar.append(avatars[data.avatar]).append(rightCol); } else { Cryptpad.displayAvatar($avatar, data.avatar, data.displayName, function ($img) { if (data.avatar && $img) { avatars[data.avatar] = $img[0].outerHTML; } $avatar.append(rightCol); }); } var sending = false; var send = function (content) { if (sending) { return false; } sending = true; messenger.sendMessage(curvePublic, content, function (e) { if (e) { // failed to send return void console.error('failed to send'); } input.value = ''; sending = false; console.log('sent successfully'); }); }; var onKeyDown = function (e) { // ignore anything that isn't 'enter' if (e.keyCode !== 13) { return; } // send unless they're holding a ctrl-key or shift if (!e.ctrlKey && !e.shiftKey) { send(this.value); return false; } // insert a newline if they're holding either var val = this.value; var start = this.selectionState; var end = this.selectionEnd; if (![start,end].some(function (x) { return typeof(x) !== 'number'; })) { this.value = val.slice(0, start) + '\n' + val.slice(end); this.selectionStart = this.selectionEnd = start + 1; } else if (document.selection && document.selection.createRange) { this.focus(); var range = document.selection.createRange(); range.text = '\r\n'; range.collapse(false);; } return false; }; $(input).on('keydown', onKeyDown); $(sendButton).click(function () { send(input.value); }); return h('', { 'data-key': curvePublic, }, [ header, messages, h('div.input', [ input, sendButton, ]), ]); }; var hideInfo = function () { $messages.find('.info').hide(); }; var getChat = function (curvePublic) { return $messages.find(dataQuery(curvePublic)); }; var updateStatus = function (curvePublic) { var $status = find.inList(curvePublic).find('.status'); messenger.getStatus(curvePublic, function (e, online) { if (e) { return void console.error(e); } if (online) { return void $status .removeClass('offline').addClass('online'); } $status.removeClass('online').addClass('offline'); }); }; var display = function (curvePublic) { setActive(curvePublic); unnotify(curvePublic); var $chat = getChat(curvePublic); hideInfo(); $messages.find('[data-key]').hide(); if ($chat.length) { return void $; } messenger.getFriendInfo(curvePublic, function (e, info) { if (e) { return void console.error(e); } // FIXME $messages.append(markup.chatbox(curvePublic, info)); }); }; var removeFriend = function (curvePublic) { messenger.removeFriend(curvePublic, function (e, removed) { if (e) { return void console.error(e); } console.log(removed); }); }; var friendExistsInUserList = function (curvePublic) { return !!$userlist.find(dataQuery(curvePublic)).length; }; markup.friend = function (data) { var curvePublic = data.curvePublic; var friend = h('div.friend.avatar', { 'data-key': curvePublic, }); var remove = h('span.remove.fa.fa-user-times', { title: Messages.contacts_remove }); var status = h('span.status'); var rightCol = h('span.right-col', [ h('', [data.displayName]), remove, ]); var $friend = $(friend) .click(function () { display(curvePublic); }) .dblclick(function () { if (data.profile) {'/profile/#' + data.profile); } }); $(remove).click(function (e) { e.stopPropagation(); Cryptpad.confirm(Messages._getKey('contacts_confirmRemove', [ Cryptpad.fixHTML(data.displayName) ]), function (yes) { if (!yes) { return; } stub('remove friend: ' + curvePublic); removeFriend(curvePublic); }); }); if (data.avatar && avatars[data.avatar]) { $friend.append(avatars[data.avatar]); $friend.append(rightCol); } else { Cryptpad.displayAvatar($friend, data.avatar, data.displayName, function ($img) { if (data.avatar && $img) { avatars[data.avatar] = $img[0].outerHTML; } $friend.append(rightCol); }); } $friend.append(status); return $friend; }; var displayNames = {}; messenger.on('message', function (message) { console.log(JSON.stringify(message)); Cryptpad.notify(); var curvePublic = message.curve; if (!isActive(curvePublic)) { notify(curvePublic); } var name = displayNames[curvePublic]; var chat = getChat(curvePublic, name); var el_message = markup.message(message, name); var $chat = $(chat); console.log(chat, $chat, el_message.outerHTML); $chat.find('.messages').append(el_message); // TODO notify if a message is newer than `lastKnownHash` }); messenger.on('join', function (curvePublic, channel) { console.log('join', curvePublic, channel); updateStatus(curvePublic); }); messenger.on('leave', function (curvePublic, channel) { console.log('leave', curvePublic, channel); updateStatus(curvePublic); }); // change in your friend list messenger.on('update', function (info, curvePublic) { curvePublic = curvePublic; }); Cryptpad.onDisplayNameChanged(function () { messenger.checkNewFriends(); messenger.updateMyData(); }); messenger.getFriendList(function (e, keys) { keys.forEach(function (k) { messenger.openFriendChannel(k, function (e) { if (e) { return void console.error(e); } // don't add friends that are already in your userlist if (friendExistsInUserList(k)) { return; } messenger.getFriendInfo(k, function (e, info) { if (e) { return console.error(e); } var curvePublic = info.curvePublic; var name = displayNames[curvePublic] = info.displayName; var friend = markup.friend(info, name); $userlist.append(friend); updateStatus(curvePublic); }); }); }); }); }; return UI; });