], function ($, Config, ApiConfig) {

    var urlArgs = ApiConfig.requireConf.urlArgs;

    var Messages = {};

    var Bar = {
        constants: {},

    /** Id of the div containing the user list. */
    var USER_LIST_CLS = Bar.constants.userlist = 'cryptpad-user-list';

    /** Id of the div containing the lag info. */
    var LAG_ELEM_CLS = Bar.constants.lag = 'cryptpad-lag';

    var LIMIT_ELEM_CLS = Bar.constants.lag = 'cryptpad-limit';

    /** The toolbar class which contains the user list, debug link and lag. */
    var TOOLBAR_CLS = Bar.constants.toolbar = 'cryptpad-toolbar';

    var TOP_CLS = = 'cryptpad-toolbar-top';
    var LEFTSIDE_CLS = Bar.constants.leftside = 'cryptpad-toolbar-leftside';
    var RIGHTSIDE_CLS = Bar.constants.rightside = 'cryptpad-toolbar-rightside';
    var HISTORY_CLS = Bar.constants.history = 'cryptpad-toolbar-history';

    var SPINNER_CLS = Bar.constants.spinner = 'cryptpad-spinner';

    var STATE_CLS = Bar.constants.state = 'cryptpad-state';

    var USERNAME_CLS = Bar.constants.username = 'cryptpad-toolbar-username';

    var READONLY_CLS = Bar.constants.readonly = 'cryptpad-readonly';

    var USERBUTTONS_CONTAINER_CLS = Bar.constants.userButtonsContainer = "cryptpad-userbuttons-container";
    var USERLIST_CLS = Bar.constants.userlist = "cryptpad-dropdown-users";
    var EDITSHARE_CLS = Bar.constants.editShare = "cryptpad-dropdown-editShare";
    var VIEWSHARE_CLS = Bar.constants.viewShare = "cryptpad-dropdown-viewShare";
    var SHARE_CLS = Bar.constants.viewShare = "cryptpad-dropdown-share";
    var DROPDOWN_CONTAINER_CLS = Bar.constants.dropdownContainer = "cryptpad-dropdown-container";
    var DROPDOWN_CLS = Bar.constants.dropdown = "cryptpad-dropdown";
    var TITLE_CLS = Bar.constants.title = "cryptpad-title";
    var USER_CLS = Bar.constants.userAdmin = "cryptpad-user";
    var USERBUTTON_CLS = Bar.constants.changeUsername = "cryptpad-change-username";


    var uid = function () {
        return 'cryptpad-uid-' + String(Math.random()).substring(2);

    var $style;

    var connected = false;
    var firstConnection = true;
    var lagErrors = 0;

    var styleToolbar = function ($container, href, version) {
        href = href || '/customize/toolbar.css' + (version?('?' + version): '');

            url: href,
            dataType: 'text',
            success: function (data) {

    var createRealtimeToolbar = function ($container, config) {
        var $toolbar = $('<div>', {
            'class': TOOLBAR_CLS,
            id: uid(),
        .append($('<div>', {'class': TOP_CLS}))
        .append($('<div>', {'class': LEFTSIDE_CLS}))
        .append($('<div>', {'class': RIGHTSIDE_CLS}))
        .append($('<div>', {'class': HISTORY_CLS}));

        // The 'notitle' class removes the line added for the title with a small screen
        if (!config || typeof config !== "object") {


        if (ApiConfig && ApiConfig.requireConf && ApiConfig.requireConf.urlArgs) {
            styleToolbar($container, undefined, ApiConfig.requireConf.urlArgs);
        } else {
        return $toolbar;

    var createSpinner = function ($container, config) {
        if (config.displayed.indexOf('spinner') !== -1) {
            var $spin = $('<span>', {'class':SPINNER_CLS});
            var $spinner = $('<span>', {
                id: uid(),
                'class': 'spin fa fa-spinner fa-pulse',
            $('<span>', {
                id: uid(),
                'class': 'synced fa fa-check',
                title: Messages.synced
            return $spin[0];

    var kickSpinner = function (Cryptpad, realtime, local, spinnerElement) {
        if (!spinnerElement) { return; }
        var onSynced = function () {
            if (spinnerElement.timeout) { clearTimeout(spinnerElement.timeout); }
            spinnerElement.timeout = setTimeout(function () {
            }, local ? 0 : SPINNER_DISAPPEAR_TIME);
        if (Cryptpad) {
            Cryptpad.whenRealtimeSyncs(realtime, onSynced);

    var createUserButtons = function ($userlistElement, config, readOnly, Cryptpad) {
        // User list button
        if (config.displayed.indexOf('userlist') !== -1) {
            if (!config.userData) {
                throw new Error("You must provide a `userData` object to display the userlist");
            var dropdownConfig = {
                options: [{
                    tag: 'p',
                    attributes: {'class': USERLIST_CLS},
                }] // Entries displayed in the menu
            var $block = Cryptpad.createDropdown(dropdownConfig);
            $block.attr('id', 'userButtons');

        // Share button
        if (config.displayed.indexOf('share') !== -1) {
            var secret = Cryptpad.find(config, ['share', 'secret']);
            var channel = Cryptpad.find(config, ['share', 'channel']);
            if (!secret || !channel) {
                throw new Error("Unable to display the share button: share.secret and required");
            Cryptpad.getRecentPads(function (err, recent) {
                var $shareIcon = $('<span>', {'class': 'fa fa-share-alt'});
                var $span = $('<span>', {'class': 'large'}).append(' ' +Messages.shareButton);
                var hashes = Cryptpad.getHashes(channel, secret);
                var options = [];

                // If we have a stronger version in drive, add it and add a redirect button
                var stronger = recent && Cryptpad.findStronger(null, recent);
                if (stronger) {
                    var parsed = Cryptpad.parsePadUrl(stronger);
                    hashes.editHash = parsed.hash;

                if (hashes.editHash) {
                        tag: 'a',
                        attributes: {title: Messages.editShareTitle, 'class': 'editShare'},
                        content: '<span class="fa fa-users"></span> ' + Messages.editShare
                    if (stronger) {
                        // We're in view mode, display the "open editing link" button
                            tag: 'a',
                            attributes: {
                                title: Messages.editOpenTitle,
                                'class': 'editOpen',
                                href: window.location.pathname + '#' + hashes.editHash,
                                target: '_blank'
                            content: '<span class="fa fa-users"></span> ' + Messages.editOpen
                    options.push({tag: 'hr'});
                if (hashes.viewHash) {
                        tag: 'a',
                        attributes: {title: Messages.viewShareTitle, 'class': 'viewShare'},
                        content: '<span class="fa fa-eye"></span> ' + Messages.viewShare
                    if (hashes.editHash && !stronger) {
                        // We're in edit mode, display the "open readonly" button
                            tag: 'a',
                            attributes: {
                                title: Messages.viewOpenTitle,
                                'class': 'viewOpen',
                                href: window.location.pathname + '#' + hashes.viewHash,
                                target: '_blank'
                            content: '<span class="fa fa-eye"></span> ' + Messages.viewOpen
                if (hashes.fileHash) {
                        tag: 'a',
                        attributes: {title: Messages.viewShareTitle, 'class': 'fileShare'},
                        content: '<span class="fa fa-eye"></span> ' + Messages.viewShare
                var dropdownConfigShare = {
                    text: $('<div>').append($shareIcon).append($span).html(),
                    options: options
                var $shareBlock = Cryptpad.createDropdown(dropdownConfigShare);
                $shareBlock.find('button').attr('id', 'shareButton');

                if (hashes.editHash) {
                    $shareBlock.find('a.editShare').click(function () {
                        var url = window.location.origin + window.location.pathname + '#' + hashes.editHash;
                        var success = Cryptpad.Clipboard.copy(url);
                        if (success) { Cryptpad.log(Messages.shareSuccess); }
                if (hashes.viewHash) {
                    $shareBlock.find('a.viewShare').click(function () {
                        var url = window.location.origin + window.location.pathname + '#' + hashes.viewHash ;
                        var success = Cryptpad.Clipboard.copy(url);
                        if (success) { Cryptpad.log(Messages.shareSuccess); }
                if (hashes.fileHash) {
                    $shareBlock.find('a.fileShare').click(function () {
                        var url = window.location.origin + window.location.pathname + '#' + hashes.fileHash ;
                        var success = Cryptpad.Clipboard.copy(url);
                        if (success) { Cryptpad.log(Messages.shareSuccess); }

    var createUserList = function ($container, config, readOnly, Cryptpad) {
        if (config.displayed.indexOf('userlist') === -1 && config.displayed.indexOf('share') === -1) { return; }
        var $userlist = $('<div>', {
            'class': USER_LIST_CLS,
            id: uid(),
        createUserButtons($userlist, config, readOnly, Cryptpad);
        return $userlist[0];

    var getOtherUsers = function(myUserName, userList, userData) {
        var i = 0; // duplicates counter
        var list = [];
        var myUid = userData[myUserName] ? userData[myUserName].uid : undefined;
        var uids = [];
        userList.forEach(function(user) {
            if(user !== myUserName) {
                var data = (userData) ? (userData[user] || null) : null;
                var userName = (data) ? : null;
                var userId = (data) ? data.uid : null;
                if (userName && uids.indexOf(userId) === -1 && (!myUid || userId !== myUid)) {
                } else { i++; }
        return {
            list: list,
            duplicates: i

    var arrayIntersect = function(a, b) {
        return $.grep(a, function(i) {
            return $.inArray(i, b) > -1;

    var getViewers = function (n) {
        if (!n || !parseInt(n) || n === 0) { return ''; }
        if (n === 1) { return '; + ' + Messages.oneViewer; }
        return '; + ' + Messages._getKey('viewers', [n]);

    var checkSynchronizing = function (userList, myUserName, $stateElement) {
        var meIdx = userList.indexOf(myUserName);
        if (meIdx === -1) {

    var updateUserList = function (config, myUserName, userlistElement, userList, userData, readOnly, $userAdminElement) {
        // Make sure the elements are displayed
        var $userButtons = $(userlistElement).find("#userButtons");
        $userButtons.attr('display', 'inline');

        if (config.displayed.indexOf('userlist') !== -1) {
            var numberOfUsers = userList.length;

            // If we are using old pads (readonly unavailable), only editing users are in userList.
            // With new pads, we also have readonly users in userList, so we have to intersect with
            // the userData to have only the editing users. We can't use userData directly since it
            // may contain data about users that have already left the channel.
            userList = readOnly === -1 ? userList : arrayIntersect(userList, Object.keys(userData));

            // Names of editing users
            var others = getOtherUsers(myUserName, userList, userData);
            var editUsersNames = others.list;
            var duplicates = others.duplicates;

            var numberOfEditUsers = userList.length - duplicates;
            var numberOfViewUsers = numberOfUsers - numberOfEditUsers - duplicates;

            // Number of anonymous editing users
            var anonymous = numberOfEditUsers - editUsersNames.length;

            // Update the userlist
            var $usersTitle = $('<h2>').text(Messages.users);
            var $editUsers = $userButtons.find('.' + USERLIST_CLS);

            var $editUsersList = $('<pre>');
            if (readOnly !== 1) { // Yourself - edit
                $editUsers.append('<span class="yourself">' + Messages.yourself + '</span>');
            // Editors
            $editUsersList.text(editUsersNames.join('\n')); // .text() to avoid XSS
            if (anonymous > 0) { // Anonymous editors
                var text = anonymous === 1 ? Messages.anonymousUser : Messages.anonymousUsers;
                $editUsers.append('<span class="anonymous">' + anonymous + ' ' + text + '</span>');
            if (numberOfViewUsers > 0) { // Viewers
                var viewText = '<span class="viewer">';
                if (numberOfEditUsers > 0) {
                    viewText += Messages.and + ' ';
                var viewerText = numberOfViewUsers !== 1 ? Messages.viewers : Messages.viewer;
                viewText += numberOfViewUsers + ' ' + viewerText + '</span>';

            // Update the buttons
            var fa_editusers = '<span class="fa fa-users"></span>';
            var fa_viewusers = '<span class="fa fa-eye"></span>';
            var viewersText = numberOfViewUsers !== 1 ? Messages.viewers : Messages.viewer;
            var editorsText = numberOfEditUsers !== 1 ? Messages.editors : Messages.editor;
            var $span = $('<span>', {'class': 'large'}).html(fa_editusers + ' ' + numberOfEditUsers + ' ' + editorsText + '&nbsp;&nbsp; ' + fa_viewusers + ' ' + numberOfViewUsers + ' ' + viewersText);
            var $spansmall = $('<span>', {'class': 'narrow'}).html(fa_editusers + ' ' + numberOfEditUsers + '&nbsp;&nbsp; ' + fa_viewusers + ' ' + numberOfViewUsers);

        if (config.displayed.indexOf('useradmin') !== -1) {
            // Change username in useradmin dropdown
            var $userElement = $userAdminElement.find('.' + USERNAME_CLS);
            if (readOnly === 1) {
            else {
                var name = userData[myUserName] && userData[myUserName].name;
                if (!name) {
                    name = Messages.anonymous;

    var createLagElement = function () {
        var $lag = $('<span>', {
            'class': LAG_ELEM_CLS,
            id: uid(),
        var $a = $('<span>', {'class': 'cryptpad-lag', id: 'newLag'});
        $('<span>', {'class': 'bar1'}).appendTo($a);
        $('<span>', {'class': 'bar2'}).appendTo($a);
        $('<span>', {'class': 'bar3'}).appendTo($a);
        $('<span>', {'class': 'bar4'}).appendTo($a);
        return $a[0];

    var checkLag = function (getLag, lagElement) {
        var lag;
        if(typeof getLag === "function") {
            lag = getLag();
        var lagLight = $('<div>', {
            'class': 'lag'
        var title;
        var $lag = $(lagElement);
        if (lag) {
            $lag.attr('class', 'cryptpad-lag');
            firstConnection = false;
            title = Messages.lag + ' : ' + lag + ' ms\n';
            if (lag > 30000) {
                title = Messages.redLight;
            } else if (lag > 5000) {
                title += Messages.orangeLight;
            } else if (lag > 1000) {
                title += Messages.orangeLight;
            } else if (lag > 300) {
                title += Messages.greenLight;
            } else {
                title += Messages.greenLight;
        else if (!firstConnection) {
            $lag.attr('class', 'cryptpad-lag');
            // Display the red light at the 2nd failed attemp to get the lag
            title = Messages.redLight;
        if (title) {
            $lag.attr('title', title);

    var createLinkToMain = function ($topContainer) {
        var $linkContainer = $('<span>', {
            'class': "cryptpad-link"
        var $imgTag = $('<img>', {
            src: "/customize/cryptofist_mini.png?" + urlArgs,
            alt: "Cryptpad"

        // We need to override the "a" tag action here because it is inside the iframe!
        var $aTagSmall = $('<a>', {
            href: "/",
            title: Messages.header_logoTitle,
            'class': "cryptpad-logo"
        var $span = $('<span>').text('CryptPad');
        var $aTagBig = $aTagSmall.clone().addClass('large').append($span);
        var onClick = function (e) {
            if (e.ctrlKey) {
            window.location = "/";

        var onContext = function (e) { e.stopPropagation(); };



    var createUserAdmin = function ($topContainer, config, readOnly, lagElement, Cryptpad) {
        var $lag = $(lagElement);

        var $userContainer = $('<span>', {
            'class': USER_CLS

        if (config.displayed.indexOf('state') !== -1) {
            var $state = $('<span>', {
                'class': STATE_CLS

        if (config.displayed.indexOf('lag') !== -1) {

        if (config.displayed.indexOf('limit') !== -1 && Config.enablePinning) {
            var usage;
            var $limitIcon = $('<span>', {'class': 'fa fa-exclamation-triangle'});
            var $limit = $('<span>', {
                'class': LIMIT_ELEM_CLS,
                'title': Messages.pinLimitReached
            var todo = function (e, overLimit) {
                if (e) { return void console.error("Unable to get the pinned usage"); }
                if (overLimit) {
                    var message = Messages.pinLimitReachedAlert;
                    if (ApiConfig.noSubscriptionButton === true) {
                        message = Messages.pinLimitReachedAlertNoAccounts;
                    $ () {
                        Cryptpad.alert(message, null, true);

        if (config.displayed.indexOf('newpad') !== -1) {
            var pads_options = [];
            Config.availablePadTypes.forEach(function (p) {
                if (p === 'drive') { return; }
                    tag: 'a',
                    attributes: {
                        'target': '_blank',
                        'href': '/' + p + '/',
                    content: Messages.type[p]
            var $plusIcon = $('<span>', {'class': 'fa fa-plus'});
            var $newbig = $('<span>', {'class': 'big'}).append(' ' +Messages.newButton);
            var $newButton = $('<div>').append($plusIcon).append($newbig);
            var dropdownConfig = {
                text: $newButton.html(), // Button initial text
                options: pads_options, // Entries displayed in the menu
                left: true, // Open to the left of the button
            var $newPadBlock = Cryptpad.createDropdown(dropdownConfig);
            $newPadBlock.find('button').attr('title', Messages.newButtonTitle);
            $newPadBlock.find('button').attr('id', 'newdoc');

        // User dropdown
        if (config.displayed.indexOf('useradmin') !== -1) {
            var userMenuCfg = {};
            if (!config.hideDisplayName) {
                userMenuCfg = {
                    displayNameCls: USERNAME_CLS,
                    changeNameButtonCls: USERBUTTON_CLS,
            if (readOnly !== 1) {
                userMenuCfg.displayName = 1;
                userMenuCfg.displayChangeName = 1;
            var $userAdmin = Cryptpad.createUserAdminMenu(userMenuCfg);

            $userAdmin.attr('id', 'userDropdown');

            var $userButton = $userAdmin.find('a.' + USERBUTTON_CLS);
            var renameAlertOpened;
            $ (e) {
                Cryptpad.getLastName(function (err, lastName) {
                    if (err) { return void console.error("Cannot get last name", err); }
                    Cryptpad.prompt(Messages.changeNamePrompt, lastName || '', function (newName) {
                        if (newName === null && typeof(lastName) === "string") { return; }
                        if (newName === null) { newName = ''; }
            Cryptpad.onDisplayNameChanged(function (newName) {

        return $userContainer;

    var createTitle = function ($container, readOnly, config, Cryptpad) {
        var $titleContainer = $('<span>', {
            id: 'toolbarTitle',
            'class': TITLE_CLS

        if (!config || typeof config !== "object") { return; }

        var callback = config.onRename;
        var placeholder = config.defaultName;
        var suggestName = config.suggestName;

        // Buttons
        var $text = $('<span>', {
            'class': 'title'
        var $pencilIcon = $('<span>', {
            'class': 'pencilIcon',
            'title': Messages.clickToEdit
        if (readOnly === 1 || typeof(Cryptpad) === "undefined") { return $titleContainer; }
        var $input = $('<input>', {
            type: 'text',
            placeholder: placeholder
        if (readOnly !== 1) {
            $text.attr("title", Messages.clickToEdit);
            var $icon = $('<span>', {
                'class': 'fa fa-pencil readonly',
                style: 'font-family: FontAwesome;'

        // Events
        $input.on('mousedown', function (e) {
            if (!$":focus")) {
            return true;
        $input.on('keyup', function (e) {
            if (e.which === 13 && connected === true) {
                var name = $input.val().trim();
                if (name === "") {
                    name = $input.attr('placeholder');
                Cryptpad.renamePad(name, function (err, newtitle) {
                    if (err) { return; }
                    callback(null, newtitle);
                    //$pencilIcon.css('display', '');
            else if (e.which === 27) {
                //$pencilIcon.css('display', '');

        var displayInput = function () {
            if (connected === false) { return; }
            //$pencilIcon.css('display', 'none');
            var inputVal = suggestName() || "";
        $text.on('click', displayInput);
        $pencilIcon.on('click', displayInput);
        return $titleContainer;

    var create = Bar.create = function ($container, myUserName, realtime, getLag, userList, config) {
        config = config || {};
        var readOnly = (typeof config.readOnly !== "undefined") ? (config.readOnly ? 1 : 0) : -1;
        var Cryptpad = config.common;
        Messages = Cryptpad.Messages;
        config.displayed = config.displayed || [];

        var toolbar = createRealtimeToolbar($container, config.title);
        var userListElement = createUserList(toolbar.find('.' + LEFTSIDE_CLS), config, readOnly, Cryptpad);
        var $titleElement = createTitle(toolbar.find('.' + TOP_CLS), readOnly, config.title, Cryptpad);
        var $linkElement = createLinkToMain(toolbar.find('.' + TOP_CLS));
        var lagElement = createLagElement();
        var $userAdminElement = createUserAdmin(toolbar.find('.' + TOP_CLS), config, readOnly, lagElement, Cryptpad);
        var spinner = createSpinner($userAdminElement, config);
        var userData = config.userData;
        // readOnly = 1 (readOnly enabled), 0 (disabled), -1 (old pad without readOnly mode)
        var saveElement;
        var loadElement;
        var $stateElement = toolbar.find('.' + STATE_CLS);

        if (config.ifrw) {
            var removeDropdowns =  function (e) {
            var cancelEditTitle = function (e) {
                // Now we want to apply the title even if we click somewhere else
                if ($('.' + TITLE_CLS).length || !$titleElement) {

                if (!$titleElement.find('input').is(':visible')) { return; }

                var ev = $.Event("keyup");
                ev.which = 13;

                $titleElement.find('span.pencilIcon').css('display', '');
            $(config.ifrw).on('click', removeDropdowns);
            $(config.ifrw).on('click', cancelEditTitle);

            try {
                if (config.ifrw.$('iframe').length) {
                    var innerIfrw = config.ifrw.$('iframe').each(function (i, el) {
                        $(el.contentWindow).on('click', removeDropdowns);
                        $(el.contentWindow).on('click', cancelEditTitle);
            } catch (e) {
                // empty try catch in case this iframe is problematic

        // Update user list
        if (userList) {
            if (userData) {
                userList.change.push(function (newUserData) {
                    var users = userList.users;
                    if (users.indexOf(myUserName) !== -1) { connected = true; }
                    if (!connected) { return; }
                    checkSynchronizing(users, myUserName, $stateElement);
                    updateUserList(config, myUserName, userListElement, users, userData, readOnly, $userAdminElement);
            } else {
                userList.change.push(function () {
                    var users = userList.users;
                    if (users.indexOf(myUserName) !== -1) { connected = true; }
                    if (!connected) { return; }
                    checkSynchronizing(users, myUserName, $stateElement);
        // Display notifications when users are joining/leaving the session
        var oldUserData;
        if (typeof Cryptpad !== "undefined" && userList) {
            var notify = function(type, name, oldname) {
                // type : 1 (+1 user), 0 (rename existing user), -1 (-1 user)
                if (typeof name === "undefined") { return; }
                name = (name === "") ? Messages.anonymous : name;
                switch(type) {
                    case 1:
                        Cryptpad.log(Messages._getKey("notifyJoined", [name]));
                    case 0:
                        oldname = (oldname === "") ? Messages.anonymous : oldname;
                        Cryptpad.log(Messages._getKey("notifyRenamed", [oldname, name]));
                    case -1:
                        Cryptpad.log(Messages._getKey("notifyLeft", [name]));
                        console.log("Invalid type of notification");

            var userPresent = function (id, user, data) {
                if (!(user && user.uid)) {
                    console.log('no uid');
                    return 0;
                if (!data) {
                    console.log('no data');
                    return 0;

                var count = 0;
                Object.keys(data).forEach(function (k) {
                    if (data[k] && data[k].uid === user.uid) { count++; }
                return count;

            userList.change.push(function (newdata) {
                // Notify for disconnected users
                if (typeof oldUserData !== "undefined") {
                    for (var u in oldUserData) {
        // if a user's uid is still present after having left, don't notify
                        if (userList.users.indexOf(u) === -1) {
                            var temp = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(oldUserData[u]));
                            delete oldUserData[u];
                            if (userPresent(u, temp, newdata || oldUserData) < 1) {
                // Update the "oldUserData" object and notify for new users and names changed
                if (typeof newdata === "undefined") { return; }
                if (typeof oldUserData === "undefined") {
                    oldUserData = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(newdata));
                if (readOnly === 0 && !oldUserData[myUserName]) {
                    oldUserData = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(newdata));
                for (var k in newdata) {
                    if (k !== myUserName && userList.users.indexOf(k) !== -1) {
                        if (typeof oldUserData[k] === "undefined") {
                            // if the same uid is already present in the userdata, don't notify
                            if (!userPresent(k, newdata[k], oldUserData)) {
                                notify(1, newdata[k].name);
                        } else if (oldUserData[k].name !== newdata[k].name) {
                            notify(0, newdata[k].name, oldUserData[k].name);
                oldUserData = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(newdata));

        var ks = function (local) {
            return function () {
                if (connected) { kickSpinner(Cryptpad, realtime, local, spinner); }

        if (realtime) {

            checkLag(getLag, lagElement);
            setInterval(function () {
                if (!connected) { return; }
                checkLag(getLag, lagElement);
            }, 3000);
        } else { connected = true; }

        var failed = function () {
            connected = false;
            checkLag(undefined, lagElement);

        // On log out, remove permanently the realtime elements of the toolbar
        Cryptpad.onLogout(function () {

        return {
            failed: failed,
            reconnecting: function (userId) {
                myUserName = userId;
                connected = false;
                checkLag(getLag, lagElement);
            connected: function () {
                connected = true;

    return Bar;