/* jshint esversion: 6 */ const nThen = require('nthen'); const RPC = require("./rpc"); const HK = require("./hk-util.js"); const Store = require("./storage/file"); const BlobStore = require("./storage/blob"); const Workers = require("./workers/index"); const Core = require("./commands/core"); module.exports.create = function (Env, cb) { const Log = Env.Log; Log.silly('HK_LOADING', 'LOADING HISTORY_KEEPER MODULE'); Env.historyKeeper = { metadata_cache: Env.metadata_cache, channel_cache: Env.channel_cache, id: Env.id, channelMessage: function (Server, channel, msgStruct) { // netflux-server emits 'channelMessage' events whenever someone broadcasts to a channel // historyKeeper stores these messages if the channel id indicates that they are // a channel type with permanent history HK.onChannelMessage(Env, Server, channel, msgStruct); }, channelClose: function (channelName) { // netflux-server emits 'channelClose' events whenever everyone leaves a channel // we drop cached metadata and indexes at the same time HK.dropChannel(Env, channelName); }, channelOpen: function (Server, channelName, userId, wait) { Env.channel_cache[channelName] = Env.channel_cache[channelName] || {}; var sendHKJoinMessage = function () { Server.send(userId, [ 0, Env.id, 'JOIN', channelName ]); }; // a little backwards compatibility in case you don't have the latest server // allow lists won't work unless you update, though if (typeof(wait) !== 'function') { return void sendHKJoinMessage(); } var next = wait(); var cb = function (err, info) { next(err, info, sendHKJoinMessage); }; // only conventional channels can be restricted if ((channelName || "").length !== HK.STANDARD_CHANNEL_LENGTH) { return void cb(); } // gets and caches the metadata... HK.getMetadata(Env, channelName, function (err, metadata) { if (err) { Log.error('HK_METADATA_ERR', { channel: channelName, error: err, }); } if (!metadata || (metadata && !metadata.restricted)) { // the channel doesn't have metadata, or it does and it's not restricted // either way, let them join. return void cb(); } // this channel is restricted. verify that the user in question is in the allow list // construct a definitive list (owners + allowed) var allowed = HK.listAllowedUsers(metadata); // and get the list of keys for which this user has already authenticated var session = HK.getNetfluxSession(Env, userId); if (HK.isUserSessionAllowed(allowed, session)) { return void cb(); } // otherwise they're not allowed. // respond with a special error that includes the list of keys // which would be allowed... // FIXME RESTRICT bonus points if you hash the keys to limit data exposure cb("ERESTRICTED", allowed); }); }, sessionClose: function (userId, reason) { HK.closeNetfluxSession(Env, userId); if (['BAD_MESSAGE', 'SEND_MESSAGE_FAIL_2'].indexOf(reason) !== -1) { if (reason && reason.code === 'ECONNRESET') { return; } return void Log.error('SESSION_CLOSE_WITH_ERROR', { userId: userId, reason: reason, }); } if (['SOCKET_CLOSED', 'SOCKET_ERROR'].indexOf(reason)) { return; } Log.verbose('SESSION_CLOSE_ROUTINE', { userId: userId, reason: reason, }); }, directMessage: function (Server, seq, userId, json) { // netflux-server allows you to register an id with a handler // this handler is invoked every time someone sends a message to that id HK.onDirectMessage(Env, Server, seq, userId, json); }, }; Log.verbose('HK_ID', 'History keeper ID: ' + Env.id); var pinPath = Env.paths.pin; nThen(function (w) { // create a pin store Store.create({ filePath: pinPath, }, w(function (err, s) { if (err) { throw err; } Env.pinStore = s; })); // create a channel store Store.create({ filePath: Env.paths.data, archivepath: Env.paths.archive, }, w(function (err, _store) { if (err) { throw err; } Env.msgStore = _store; // API used by rpc Env.store = _store; // API used by historyKeeper })); // create a blob store BlobStore.create({ blobPath: Env.paths.blob, blobStagingPath: Env.paths.staging, archivePath: Env.paths.archive, getSession: function (safeKey) { return Core.getSession(Env.Sessions, safeKey); }, }, w(function (err, blob) { if (err) { throw new Error(err); } Env.blobStore = blob; })); }).nThen(function (w) { Workers.initialize(Env, { blobPath: Env.paths.blob, blobStagingPath: Env.paths.staging, taskPath: Env.paths.task, pinPath: Env.paths.pin, filePath: Env.paths.data, archivePath: Env.paths.archive, inactiveTime: Env.inactiveTime, archiveRetentionTime: Env.archiveRetentionTime, accountRetentionTime: Env.accountRetentionTime, maxWorkers: Env.maxWorkers, }, w(function (err) { if (err) { throw new Error(err); } })); }).nThen(function () { if (Env.disableIntegratedTasks) { return; } var tasks_running; Env.intervals.taskExpiration = setInterval(function () { if (tasks_running) { return; } tasks_running = true; Env.runTasks(function (err) { if (err) { Log.error('TASK_RUNNER_ERR', err); } tasks_running = false; }); }, 1000 * 60 * 5); // run every five minutes }).nThen(function () { if (Env.disableIntegratedEviction) { return; } const ONE_DAY = 24 * 1000 * 60 * 60; // setting the time of the last eviction to "now" // effectively makes it so that we'll start evicting after the server // has been up for at least one day var active = false; Env.intervals.eviction = setInterval(function () { if (active) { return; } var now = +new Date(); // evict inactive data once per day if ((now - ONE_DAY) < Env.lastEviction) { return; } active = true; Env.evictInactive(function (err) { if (err) { // NO_INACTIVE_TIME Log.error('EVICT_INACTIVE_MAIN_ERROR', err); } active = false; Env.lastEviction = now; }); }, 60 * 1000); }).nThen(function () { RPC.create(Env, function (err, _rpc) { if (err) { throw err; } Env.rpc = _rpc; cb(void 0, Env.historyKeeper); }); }); };