define([ 'jquery', '/bower_components/hyperjson/hyperjson.js', '/common/toolbar.js', 'json.sortify', '/bower_components/nthen/index.js', '/common/sframe-common.js', '/customize/messages.js', '/common/hyperscript.js', '/common/common-util.js', '/common/common-hash.js', '/common/common-interface.js', '/common/common-ui-elements.js', '/common/common-thumbnail.js', '/common/common-feedback.js', '/common/inner/snapshots.js', '/customize/application_config.js', '/bower_components/chainpad/chainpad.dist.js', '/common/test.js', '/bower_components/file-saver/FileSaver.min.js', 'css!/bower_components/bootstrap/dist/css/bootstrap.min.css', 'css!/bower_components/components-font-awesome/css/font-awesome.min.css', ], function ( $, Hyperjson, Toolbar, JSONSortify, nThen, SFCommon, Messages, h, Util, Hash, UI, UIElements, Thumb, Feedback, Snapshots, AppConfig, ChainPad, Test) { var SaveAs = window.saveAs; var UNINITIALIZED = 'UNINITIALIZED'; // History and snapshots mode shouldn't receive realtime data or push to chainpad var unsyncMode = false; var STATE = Object.freeze({ DISCONNECTED: 'DISCONNECTED', FORGOTTEN: 'FORGOTTEN', DELETED: 'DELETED', INFINITE_SPINNER: 'INFINITE_SPINNER', ERROR: 'ERROR', INITIALIZING: 'INITIALIZING', READY: 'READY' }); var badStateTimeout = typeof(AppConfig.badStateTimeout) === 'number' ? AppConfig.badStateTimeout : 30000; var create = function (options, cb) { var evContentUpdate = Util.mkEvent(); var evCursorUpdate = Util.mkEvent(); var evEditableStateChange = Util.mkEvent(); var evOnReady = Util.mkEvent(true); var evOnDefaultContentNeeded = Util.mkEvent(); var evStart = Util.mkEvent(true); var mediaTagEmbedder; var $embedButton; var common; var cpNfInner; var readOnly; var title; var cursor; var toolbar; var state = STATE.DISCONNECTED; var firstConnection = true; var toolbarContainer = options.toolbarContainer || (function () { throw new Error("toolbarContainer must be specified"); }()); var contentContainer = options.contentContainer || (function () { throw new Error("contentContainer must be specified"); }()); Test(function (t) { console.log("Here is the test"); evOnReady.reg(function () { cpNfInner.chainpad.onSettle(function () { console.log("The test has passed"); t.pass(); }); }); }); var onLocal; var textContentGetter; var titleRecommender = function () { return false; }; var contentGetter = function () { return UNINITIALIZED; }; var cursorGetter; var normalize0 = function (x) { return x; }; var normalize = function (x) { x = normalize0(x); if (Array.isArray(x)) { var outa =; if (typeof(outa[outa.length-1].metadata) === 'object') { outa.pop(); } return outa; } else if (typeof(x) === 'object') { var outo = $.extend({}, x); delete outo.metadata; return outo; } }; var extractMetadata = function (content) { if (Array.isArray(content)) { var m = content[content.length - 1]; if (typeof(m.metadata) === 'object') { // pad return m.metadata; } } else if (typeof(content.metadata) === 'object') { return content.metadata; } return; }; var makeSnapshot = function (title) { var sframeChan = common.getSframeChannel(); sframeChan.query("Q_GET_LAST_HASH", null, function (err, obj) { if (err || (obj && obj.error)) { return void UI.warn(Messages.error); } var hash = obj.hash; if (!hash) { return void UI.warn(Messages.error); } var md = Util.clone(cpNfInner.metadataMgr.getMetadata()); var snapshots = md.snapshots = md.snapshots || {}; if (snapshots[hash]) { return void UI.warn(Messages.error); } // XXX EEXISTS snapshots[hash] = { title: title, time: +new Date() }; cpNfInner.metadataMgr.updateMetadata(md); onLocal(); }); }; var stateChange = function (newState, text) { var wasEditable = (state === STATE.READY && !unsyncMode); if (newState !== state) { if (state === STATE.DELETED || state === STATE.ERROR) { return; } if (state === STATE.INFINITE_SPINNER && newState !== STATE.READY) { return; } if (newState === STATE.INFINITE_SPINNER || newState === STATE.DELETED) { state = newState; } else if (newState === STATE.ERROR) { state = newState; } else if (state === STATE.DISCONNECTED && newState !== STATE.INITIALIZING) { throw new Error("Cannot transition from DISCONNECTED to " + newState); // FIXME we are getting "DISCONNECTED to READY" on prod } else { state = newState; } } else if (state === STATE.READY) { // Refreshing ready state } switch (state) { case STATE.DISCONNECTED: case STATE.INITIALIZING: { evStart.reg(function () { if (firstConnection) { toolbar.initializing(); return; } if (text) { // text is a boolean here. It means we won't try to reconnect toolbar.failed(); return; } toolbar.reconnecting(); }); break; } case STATE.INFINITE_SPINNER: { evStart.reg(function () { toolbar.failed(); }); break; } case STATE.ERROR: { evStart.reg(function () { if (text === 'ERESTRICTED') { toolbar.failed(true); return; } toolbar.errorState(true, text); var msg = Messages.chainpadError; UI.errorLoadingScreen(msg, true, true); }); break; } case STATE.FORGOTTEN: { evStart.reg(function () { toolbar.forgotten(); }); break; } case STATE.FORBIDDEN: { evStart.reg(function () { toolbar.deleted(); }); break; } case STATE.DELETED: { evStart.reg(function () { toolbar.deleted(); }); break; } default: } var isEditable = (state === STATE.READY && !unsyncMode); if (wasEditable !== isEditable) {; } }; var oldContent; var contentUpdate = function (newContent, waitFor) { if (JSONSortify(newContent) === JSONSortify(oldContent)) { return; } try {, waitFor); oldContent = newContent; } catch (e) { console.error(e); console.log(e.stack); UI.errorLoadingScreen(e.message); } }; var onRemote = function () { if (unsyncMode) { return; } if (state !== STATE.READY) { return; } var oldContent = normalize(contentGetter()); var newContentStr = cpNfInner.chainpad.getUserDoc(); var newContent = JSON.parse(newContentStr); var meta = extractMetadata(newContent); cpNfInner.metadataMgr.updateMetadata(meta); newContent = normalize(newContent); nThen(function (waitFor) { contentUpdate(newContent, waitFor); }).nThen(function () { if (!readOnly) { var newContent2NoMeta = normalize(contentGetter()); var newContent2StrNoMeta = JSONSortify(newContent2NoMeta); var newContentStrNoMeta = JSONSortify(newContent); if (newContent2StrNoMeta !== newContentStrNoMeta) { console.error("shjson2 !== shjson"); onLocal(); /* pushing back over the wire is necessary, but it can result in a feedback loop, which we call a browser fight */ // what changed? var ops = ChainPad.Diff.diff(newContentStrNoMeta, newContent2StrNoMeta); // log the changes console.log(newContentStrNoMeta); console.log(ops); var sop = JSON.stringify([ newContentStrNoMeta, ops ]); var fights = window.CryptPad_fights = window.CryptPad_fights || []; var index = fights.indexOf(sop); if (index === -1) { fights.push(sop); console.log("Found a new type of browser disagreement"); console.log("You can inspect the list in your " + "console at `REALTIME_MODULE.fights`"); console.log(fights); } else { console.log("Encountered a known browser disagreement: " + "available at `REALTIME_MODULE.fights[%s]`", index); } } } // Notify only when the content has changed, not when someone has joined/left if (JSONSortify(newContent) !== JSONSortify(oldContent)) { common.notify(); } }); }; var setUnsyncMode = function (bool) { if (unsyncMode === bool) { return; } unsyncMode = bool; === STATE.READY && !unsyncMode); stateChange(state); }; // History mode: // When "bool" is true, we're entering in history mode // When "bool" is false and "update" is true, it means we're closing the history // and should update the content // When "bool" is false and "update" is false, it means we're restoring an old version, // no need to refresh var setHistoryMode = function (bool, update) { if (!bool && !update && state !== STATE.READY) { return false; } cpNfInner.metadataMgr.setHistory(bool); toolbar.setHistory(bool); setUnsyncMode(bool); if (!bool && update) { onRemote(); } else { setTimeout(cpNfInner.metadataMgr.refresh); } return true; }; var closeSnapshot = function (restore) { if (restore && state !== STATE.READY) { return false; } toolbar.setSnapshot(false); setUnsyncMode(false); // Unlock onLocal and onRemote if (restore) { onLocal(); } // Restore? commit the content onRemote(); // Make sure we're back to the realtime content return true; }; var loadSnapshot = function (hash, data) { setUnsyncMode(true); toolbar.setSnapshot(true); Snapshots.create(common, { readOnly: readOnly, $toolbar: $(toolbarContainer), hash: hash, data: data, close: closeSnapshot, applyVal: function (val) { var newContent = JSON.parse(val); var meta = extractMetadata(newContent); cpNfInner.metadataMgr.updateMetadata(meta); contentUpdate(normalize(newContent) || ["BODY",{},[]], function (h) { return h; }); }, }); }; // Get the realtime metadata when in history mode var getLastMetadata = function () { if (!unsyncMode) { return; } var newContentStr = cpNfInner.chainpad.getUserDoc(); var newContent = JSON.parse(newContentStr); var meta = extractMetadata(newContent); return meta; }; var setLastMetadata = function (md) { if (!unsyncMode) { return; } var newContentStr = cpNfInner.chainpad.getAuthDoc(); var newContent = JSON.parse(newContentStr); if (Array.isArray(newContent)) { newContent[3] = { metadata: md }; } else { newContent.metadata = md; } try { cpNfInner.chainpad.contentUpdate(JSONSortify(newContent)); return true; } catch (e) { console.error(e); return false; } }; /* var hasChanged = function (content) { try { var oldValue = JSON.parse(cpNfInner.chainpad.getUserDoc()); if (Array.isArray(content)) { return JSONSortify(content) !== JSONSortify(normalize(oldValue)); } else if (content.content) { return content.content !== oldValue.content; } } catch (e) {} return false; }; */ onLocal = function (/*padChange*/) { if (unsyncMode) { return; } if (state !== STATE.READY) { return; } if (readOnly) { return; } // stringify the json and send it into chainpad var content = normalize(contentGetter()); if (typeof(content) !== 'object') { if (content === UNINITIALIZED) { return; } throw new Error("Content must be an object or array, type is " + typeof(content)); } /* if (padChange && hasChanged(content)) { //cpNfInner.metadataMgr.addAuthor(); } */ oldContent = content; if (Array.isArray(content)) { // Pad content.push({ metadata: cpNfInner.metadataMgr.getMetadataLazy() }); } else { content.metadata = cpNfInner.metadataMgr.getMetadataLazy(); } var contentStr = JSONSortify(content); try { cpNfInner.chainpad.contentUpdate(contentStr); } catch (e) { stateChange(STATE.ERROR, e.message); console.error(e); } if (cpNfInner.chainpad.getUserDoc() !== contentStr) { console.error("realtime.getUserDoc() !== shjson"); } }; var emitResize = function () { var evt = window.document.createEvent('UIEvents'); evt.initUIEvent('resize', true, false, window, 0); window.dispatchEvent(evt); }; var onReady = function () { var newContentStr = cpNfInner.chainpad.getUserDoc(); if (state === STATE.DELETED) { return; } UI.updateLoadingProgress({ state: -1 }, false); if (toolbar) { // Check if we have a new chainpad instance toolbar.resetChainpad(cpNfInner.chainpad); } var newPad = false; if (newContentStr === '') { newPad = true; } var privateDat = cpNfInner.metadataMgr.getPrivateData(); var type =; // contentUpdate may be async so we need an nthen here nThen(function (waitFor) { if (!newPad) { var newContent = JSON.parse(newContentStr); var metadata = extractMetadata(newContent); if (metadata && typeof(metadata.type) !== 'undefined' && metadata.type !== type) { var errorText = Messages.typeError; UI.errorLoadingScreen(errorText); waitFor.abort(); return; } cpNfInner.metadataMgr.updateMetadata(metadata); newContent = normalize(newContent); if (!unsyncMode) { contentUpdate(newContent, waitFor); } } else { if (!cpNfInner.metadataMgr.getPrivateData().isNewFile) { // We're getting 'new pad' but there is an existing file // We don't know exactly why this can happen but under no circumstances // should we overwrite the content, so lets just try again. console.log("userDoc is '' but this is not a new pad."); console.log("Either this is an empty document which has not been touched"); console.log("Or else something is terribly wrong, reloading."); Feedback.send("NON_EMPTY_NEWDOC"); setTimeout(function () { common.gotoURL(); }, 1000); return; } console.log('updating title'); title.updateTitle(title.defaultTitle);; } }).nThen(function () { stateChange(STATE.READY); firstConnection = false; oldContent = undefined; if (!readOnly) { onLocal(); }; common.openPadChat(onLocal); if (!readOnly && cursorGetter) { common.openCursorChannel(onLocal); cursor = common.createCursor(); cursor.onCursorUpdate(function (data) { var newContentStr = cpNfInner.chainpad.getUserDoc(); var hjson = normalize(JSON.parse(newContentStr));, hjson); }); } UI.removeLoadingScreen(emitResize); if (AppConfig.textAnalyzer && textContentGetter) { AppConfig.textAnalyzer(textContentGetter,; } if (options.thumbnail && privateDat.thumbnails) { if (type) { options.thumbnail.type = type; options.thumbnail.getContent = function () { if (!cpNfInner.chainpad) { return; } return cpNfInner.chainpad.getUserDoc(); }; Thumb.initPadThumbnails(common, options.thumbnail); } } }); }; var onConnectionChange = function (info) { if (state === STATE.DELETED) { return; } stateChange(info.state ? STATE.INITIALIZING : STATE.DISCONNECTED, info.permanent); /*if (info.state) { UIElements.reconnectAlert(); } else { UIElements.disconnectAlert(); }*/ }; var onError = function (err) { common.onServerError(err, null, function () { if (err.type === 'ERESTRICTED') { stateChange(STATE.ERROR, err.type); return; } stateChange(STATE.DELETED); }); }; var setFileExporter = function (extension, fe, async) { var $export = common.createButton('export', true, {}, function () { var ext = (typeof(extension) === 'function') ? extension() : extension; var suggestion = title.suggestTitle('cryptpad-document'); ext = ext || '.txt'; var types = []; if (Array.isArray(ext) && ext.length) { ext.forEach(function (_ext) { types.push({ tag: 'a', attributes: { 'data-value': _ext, 'href': '#' }, content: _ext }); }); ext = ext[0]; } else { types.push({ tag: 'a', attributes: { 'data-value': ext, 'href': '#' }, content: ext }); } types.push({ tag: 'a', attributes: { 'data-value': '', 'href': '#' }, content: ' ' }); var dropdownConfig = { text: ext, // Button initial text caretDown: true, options: types, // Entries displayed in the menu isSelect: true, initialValue: ext, common: common }; var $select = UIElements.createDropdown(dropdownConfig); UI.prompt(Messages.exportPrompt, Util.fixFileName(suggestion), function (filename) { if (!(typeof(filename) === 'string' && filename)) { return; } var ext = $select.getValue(); filename = filename + ext; if (async) { fe(function (blob) { SaveAs(blob, filename); }, ext); return; } var blob = fe(null, ext); SaveAs(blob, filename); }, { typeInput: $select[0] }); $select.find('button').addClass('btn'); }); toolbar.$drawer.append($export); }; var setFileImporter = function (options, fi, async) { if (readOnly) { return; } toolbar.$drawer.append( common.createButton('import', true, options, function (c, f) { if (async) { fi(c, f, function (content) { nThen(function (waitFor) { contentUpdate(content, waitFor); }).nThen(function () { onLocal(); }); }); return; } nThen(function (waitFor) { contentUpdate(fi(c, f), waitFor); }).nThen(function () { onLocal(); }); }) ); }; var feedback = function (action, force) { if (state === STATE.DISCONNECTED || state === STATE.INITIALIZING) { return; } Feedback.send(action, force); }; var createFilePicker = function () { if (!common.isLoggedIn()) { return; } $embedButton = common.createButton('mediatag', true).click(function () { var cfg = { types: ['file'], where: ['root'] }; if ($'filter')) { cfg.filter = $'filter'); } common.openFilePicker(cfg, function (data) { if (data.type !== 'file') { console.log("Unexpected data type picked " + data.type); return; } if (!mediaTagEmbedder) { console.log('mediaTagEmbedder missing'); return; } if (data.type !== 'file') { console.log('unhandled embed type ' + data.type); return; } common.setPadAttribute('atime', +new Date(), null, data.href); var privateDat = cpNfInner.metadataMgr.getPrivateData(); var origin = privateDat.fileHost || privateDat.origin; var src = data.src = data.src.slice(0,1) === '/' ? origin + data.src : data.src; mediaTagEmbedder($(''), data); }); }).appendTo(toolbar.$bottomL).hide(); }; var setMediaTagEmbedder = function (mte, filter) { if (!common.isLoggedIn()) { return; } if (!mte || readOnly) { $embedButton.hide(); return; } if (filter) { $'filter', filter); } $; mediaTagEmbedder = mte; }; nThen(function (waitFor) { UI.addLoadingScreen(); SFCommon.create(waitFor(function (c) { common = c; })); UI.updateLoadingProgress({ state: 1 }, false); }).nThen(function (waitFor) { common.getSframeChannel().onReady(waitFor()); }).nThen(function (waitFor) { Test.registerInner(common.getSframeChannel()); common.handleNewFile(waitFor); }).nThen(function (waitFor) { cpNfInner = common.startRealtime({ // really basic operational transform patchTransformer: options.patchTransformer || ChainPad.SmartJSONTransformer, // cryptpad debug logging (default is 1) logLevel: 1, validateContent: options.validateContent || function (content) { try { JSON.parse(content); return true; } catch (e) { console.log("Failed to parse, rejecting patch"); console.log(e.stack); console.log(content); return false; } }, onRemote: onRemote, onLocal: onLocal, onInit: function () { UI.updateLoadingProgress({ state: 2, progress: 0.1 }, false); stateChange(STATE.INITIALIZING); }, onReady: function () { evStart.reg(onReady); }, onConnectionChange: onConnectionChange, onError: onError, updateLoadingProgress: UI.updateLoadingProgress }); var privReady = Util.once(waitFor()); var checkReady = function () { if (typeof(cpNfInner.metadataMgr.getPrivateData().readOnly) === 'boolean') { readOnly = cpNfInner.metadataMgr.getPrivateData().readOnly; privReady(); } }; cpNfInner.metadataMgr.onChange(checkReady); cpNfInner.metadataMgr.onRequestSync(function () { var newContentStr = cpNfInner.chainpad.getUserDoc(); var newContent = JSON.parse(newContentStr); var meta = extractMetadata(newContent); cpNfInner.metadataMgr.updateMetadata(meta); }); checkReady(); var infiniteSpinnerModal = false; window.setInterval(function () { if (state === STATE.DISCONNECTED) { return; } if (state === STATE.DELETED) { return; } if (state === STATE.ERROR) { return; } var l; try { l = cpNfInner.chainpad.getLag(); } catch (e) { throw new Error("ChainPad.getLag() does not exist, please `bower update`"); } if (l.lag < badStateTimeout) { return; } if (infiniteSpinnerModal) { return; } infiniteSpinnerModal = true; stateChange(STATE.INFINITE_SPINNER); UI.confirm(Messages.realtime_unrecoverableError, function (yes) { if (!yes) { return; } common.gotoURL(); }); cpNfInner.chainpad.onSettle(function () { infiniteSpinnerModal = false; UI.findCancelButton().click(); stateChange(STATE.READY); onRemote(); }); }, 2000); //common.onLogout(function () { ... }); }).nThen(function (waitFor) { if (readOnly) { $('body').addClass('cp-readonly'); } var done = waitFor(); var intr; var check = function () { if (!$(toolbarContainer).length) { return; } if (!$(contentContainer).length) { return; } if ($(toolbarContainer).length !== 1) { throw new Error("multiple toolbarContainers"); } if ($(contentContainer).length !== 1) { throw new Error("multiple contentContainers"); } clearInterval(intr); done(); }; intr = setInterval(function () { console.log('waited 50ms for toolbar and content containers'); check(); }, 50); check(); }).nThen(function () { title = common.createTitle({ getHeadingText: function () { return titleRecommender(); } }, onLocal); var configTb = { displayed: ['pad'], title: title.getTitleConfig(), metadataMgr: cpNfInner.metadataMgr, readOnly: readOnly, realtime: cpNfInner.chainpad, sfCommon: common, $container: $(toolbarContainer), $contentContainer: $(contentContainer) }; toolbar = Toolbar.create(configTb); title.setToolbar(toolbar); /* add a history button */ var histConfig = { onLocal: onLocal, onRemote: onRemote, setHistory: setHistoryMode, extractMetadata: extractMetadata, // extract from current version getLastMetadata: getLastMetadata, // get from authdoc setLastMetadata: setLastMetadata, // set to userdoc/authdoc applyVal: function (val) { var newContent = JSON.parse(val); var meta = extractMetadata(newContent); cpNfInner.metadataMgr.updateMetadata(meta); contentUpdate(normalize(newContent) || ["BODY",{},[]], function (h) { return h; }); }, $toolbar: $(toolbarContainer) }; var $hist = common.createButton('history', true, {histConfig: histConfig}); $hist.addClass('cp-hidden-if-readonly'); toolbar.$drawer.append($hist); var $snapshot = common.createButton('snapshots', true, { make: makeSnapshot, load: loadSnapshot }); toolbar.$drawer.append($snapshot); var $copy = common.createButton('copy', true); toolbar.$drawer.append($copy); if (!cpNfInner.metadataMgr.getPrivateData().isTemplate) { var templateObj = { rt: cpNfInner.chainpad, getTitle: function () { return cpNfInner.metadataMgr.getMetadata().title; } }; var $templateButton = common.createButton('template', true, templateObj); toolbar.$drawer.append($templateButton); } var $importTemplateButton = common.createButton('importtemplate', true); toolbar.$drawer.append($importTemplateButton); /* add a forget button */ toolbar.$drawer.append(common.createButton('forget', true, {}, function (err) { if (err) { return; } stateChange(STATE.FORGOTTEN); })); if (common.isLoggedIn()) { var $tags = common.createButton('hashtag', true); toolbar.$drawer.append($tags); } var $properties = common.createButton('properties', true); toolbar.$drawer.append($properties); createFilePicker(); cb(Object.freeze({ // Register an event to be informed of a content update coming from remote // This event will pass you the object. onContentUpdate: evContentUpdate.reg, // Set the content supplier, this is the function which will supply the content // in the pad when requested by the framework. setContentGetter: function (cg) { contentGetter = cg; }, // Set the function providing the cursor position when request by the framework. setCursorGetter: function (cg) { toolbar.showColors(); cursorGetter = cg; }, onCursorUpdate: evCursorUpdate.reg, updateCursor: function () { if (cursor && cursorGetter) { var newContentStr = cpNfInner.chainpad.getUserDoc(); var data = normalize(JSON.parse(newContentStr)); cursor.updateCursor(cursorGetter(data)); } }, // Set a text content supplier, this is a function which will give a text // representation of the pad content if a text analyzer is configured setTextContentGetter: function (tcg) { textContentGetter = tcg; }, // Inform the framework that the content of the pad has been changed locally. localChange: function () { onLocal(true); }, // Register to be informed if the state (whether the document is editable) changes. onEditableChange: evEditableStateChange.reg, // Determine whether the UI should be locked for editing. isLocked: function () { return state !== STATE.READY; }, // Determine whether the pad is a "read only" pad and cannot be changed. isReadOnly: function () { return readOnly; }, // Call this to supply a function which can recommend a good title for the pad, // if possible. setTitleRecommender: function (ush) { titleRecommender = ush; }, // Register to be called when the pad has completely loaded // (just before the loading screen is removed). // This is only called ONCE. onReady: evOnReady.reg, // Register to be called when a new pad is being setup and default content is // needed. When you are called back you must put the content in the UI and then // return and then the content getter (setContentGetter()) will be called. onDefaultContentNeeded: evOnDefaultContentNeeded.reg, // Set a file exporter, this takes 2 arguments. // 1. A file extension which will be proposed when saving the file. // 2. A function which when called, will return a Blob containing the // file to be saved. setFileExporter: setFileExporter, // Set a file importer, this takes 2 arguments. // 1. The MIME Type of the types of file to allow importing. // 2. A function which takes a single string argument and puts the // content into the UI. setFileImporter: setFileImporter, // Set a function which will normalize the content returned by the content getter // such as removing extra fields. setNormalizer: function (n) { normalize0 = n; }, // Set a function which should take a jquery element which is a media tag and place // it in the document. If this is not called then there will be no embed button, // if this is called a second time with a null function, it will remove the embed // button from the toolbar. setMediaTagEmbedder: setMediaTagEmbedder, // Call the CryptPad feedback API. feedback: feedback, // Call this after all of the handlers are setup. start:, // Determine the internal state of the framework. getState: function () { return state; }, // Internals _: { sfCommon: common, toolbar: toolbar, cpNfInner: cpNfInner, title: title } })); }); }; return { create: create }; });