], function (Cryptpad, Hyperjson, TextPatcher) {
    var DiffDOM = window.diffDOM;

    var Example = {
        info: {
            title: '',
            description: '',
            userData: {}
        table: {
/*  TODO

deprecate the practice of storing cells, cols, and rows separately.

Instead, keep everything in one map, and iterate over columns and rows
by maintaining indexes in rowsOrder and colsOrder

            cells: {},
            cols: {},
            colsOrder: [],
            rows: {},
            rowsOrder: []

    var Render = {
        Example: Example

    var Uid = Render.Uid = function (prefix, f) {
        f = f || function () {
            return Number(Math.random() * Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER)
                .toString(32).replace(/\./g, '');
        return function () { return prefix + '-' + f(); };

    var coluid = Render.coluid = Uid('x');
    var rowuid = Render.rowuid = Uid('y');

    var isRow = Render.isRow = function (id) { return /^y\-[^_]*$/.test(id); };
    var isColumn = Render.isColumn = function (id) { return /^x\-[^_]*$/.test(id); };
    var isCell = Render.isCell = function (id) { return /^x\-[^_]*_y\-.*$/.test(id); };

    var typeofId = Render.typeofId = function (id) {
        if (isRow(id)) { return 'row'; }
        if (isColumn(id)) { return 'col'; }
        if (isCell(id)) { return 'cell'; }
        return null;

    var getCoordinates = Render.getCoordinates = function (id) {
        return id.split('_');

    var getColumnValue = Render.getColumnValue = function (obj, colId) {
        return Cryptpad.find(obj, ['table', 'cols'].concat([colId]));

    var getRowValue = Render.getRowValue = function (obj, rowId) {
        return Cryptpad.find(obj, ['table', 'rows'].concat([rowId]));

    var getCellValue = Render.getCellValue = function (obj, cellId) {
        return Cryptpad.find(obj, ['table', 'cells'].concat([cellId]));

    var setRowValue = Render.setRowValue = function (obj, rowId, value) {
        var parent = Cryptpad.find(obj, ['table', 'rows']);
        if (typeof(parent) === 'object') { return (parent[rowId] = value); }
        return null;

    var setColumnValue = Render.setColumnValue = function (obj, colId, value) {
        var parent = Cryptpad.find(obj, ['table', 'cols']);
        if (typeof(parent) === 'object') { return (parent[colId] = value); }
        return null;

    var setCellValue = Render.setCellValue = function (obj, cellId, value) {
        var parent = Cryptpad.find(obj, ['table', 'cells']);
        if (typeof(parent) === 'object') { return (parent[cellId] = value); }
        return null;

    var createColumn = Render.createColumn = function (obj, cb, id, value) {
        var order = Cryptpad.find(obj, ['table', 'colsOrder']);
        if (!order) { throw new Error("Uninitialized realtime object!"); }
        id = id || coluid();
        value = value || "";
        setColumnValue(obj, id, value);
        if (typeof(cb) === 'function') { cb(void 0, id); }

    var removeColumn = Render.removeColumn = function (obj, id, cb) {
        var order = Cryptpad.find(obj, ['table', 'colsOrder']);
        var parent = Cryptpad.find(obj, ['table', 'cols']);

        if (!(order && parent)) { throw new Error("Uninitialized realtime object!"); }

        var idx = order.indexOf(id);
        if (idx === -1) {
            return void console
                .error(new Error("Attempted to remove id which does not exist"));

        Object.keys(obj.table.cells).forEach(function (key) {
            if (key.indexOf(id) === 0) {
                delete obj.table.cells[key];

        order.splice(idx, 1);
        if (parent[id]) { delete parent[id]; }
        if (typeof(cb) === 'function') {

    var createRow = Render.createRow = function (obj, cb, id, value) {
        console.error('new row!');
        var order = Cryptpad.find(obj, ['table', 'rowsOrder']);
        if (!order) { throw new Error("Uninitialized realtime object!"); }
        id = id || rowuid();
        value = value || "";
        setRowValue(obj, id, value);
        if (typeof(cb) === 'function') { cb(void 0, id); }

    var removeRow = Render.removeRow = function (obj, id, cb) {
        var order = Cryptpad.find(obj, ['table', 'rowsOrder']);
        var parent = Cryptpad.find(obj, ['table', 'rows']);

        if (!(order && parent)) { throw new Error("Uninitialized realtime object!"); }

        var idx = order.indexOf(id);
        if (idx === -1) {
            return void console
                .error(new Error("Attempted to remove id which does not exist"));

        order.splice(idx, 1);
        if (parent[id]) { delete parent[id]; }
        if (typeof(cb) === 'function') { cb(); }

    var setValue = Render.setValue = function (obj, id, value) {
        var type = typeofId(id);

        switch (type) {
            case 'row': return setRowValue(obj, id, value);
            case 'col': return setColumnValue(obj, id, value);
            case 'cell': return setCellValue(obj, id, value);
            case null: break;
                console.log("[%s] has type [%s]", id, type);
            throw new Error("Unexpected type!");

    var getValue = Render.getValue = function (obj, id) {
        switch (typeofId(id)) {
            case 'row': return getRowValue(obj, id);
            case 'col': return getColumnValue(obj, id);
            case 'cell': return getCellValue(obj, id);
            case null: break;
            default: throw new Error("Unexpected type!");

    var getRowIds = Render.getRowIds = function (obj) {
        return Cryptpad.find(obj, ['table', 'rowsOrder']);

    var getColIds = Render.getColIds = function (obj) {
        return Cryptpad.find(obj, ['table', 'colsOrder']);

    var getCells = Render.getCells = function (obj) {
        return Cryptpad.find(obj, ['table', 'cells']);

    /*  cellMatrix takes a proxy object, and optionally an alternate ordering
        of row/column keys (as an array).

        it returns an array of arrays containing the relevant data for each
        cell in table we wish to construct.
    var cellMatrix = Render.cellMatrix = function (obj, rows, cols, readOnly) {
        if (typeof(obj) !== 'object') {
            throw new Error('expected realtime-proxy object');

        var cells = getCells(obj);
        rows = rows || getRowIds(obj);
        cols = cols || getColIds(obj);

        return [null].concat(rows).map(function (row, i) {
            if (i === 0) {
                return [null].concat( (col) {
                    var result = {
                        'data-rt-id': col,
                        type: 'text',
                        value: getColumnValue(obj, col) || "",
                        placeholder: Cryptpad.Messages.poll_userPlaceholder,
                        disabled: 'disabled'
                    return result;
            if (i === rows.length) {
                return [null].concat( (col) {
                    return {
                        'class': 'lastRow',

            return [{
                'data-rt-id': row,
                value: getRowValue(obj, row),
                type: 'text',
                placeholder: Cryptpad.Messages.poll_optionPlaceholder,
                disabled: 'disabled'
            }].concat( (col) {
                var id = [col, rows[i-1]].join('_');
                var val = cells[id] || false;
                var result = {
                    'data-rt-id': id,
                    type: 'checkbox',
                    autocomplete: 'nope',
                if (readOnly) {
                    result.disabled = "disabled";
                if (val) { result.checked = true; }
                return result;

    var makeRemoveElement = Render.makeRemoveElement = function (id) {
        return ['SPAN', {
            'data-rt-id': id,
            class: 'remove',
        }, ['✖']];

    var makeEditElement = Render.makeEditElement = function (id) {
        return ['SPAN', {
            'data-rt-id': id,
            class: 'edit',
        }, ['✐']];

    var makeLockElement = Render.makeLockElement = function (id) {
        return ['SPAN', {
            'data-rt-id': id,
            class: 'lock',
        }, ['🔒']];

    var makeHeadingCell = Render.makeHeadingCell = function (cell, readOnly) {
        if (!cell) { return ['TD', {}, []]; }
        if (cell.type === 'text') {
            var removeElement = makeRemoveElement(cell['data-rt-id']);
            var editElement = makeEditElement(cell['data-rt-id']);
            var lockElement = makeLockElement(cell['data-rt-id']);
            var elements = [['INPUT', cell, []]];
            if (!readOnly) {
            return ['TD', {}, elements];
        return ['TD', cell, []];

    var clone = function (o) {
        return JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(o));

    var makeCheckbox = Render.makeCheckbox = function (cell) {
        var attrs = clone(cell);

        // FIXME = cell['data-rt-id'];

        var labelClass = 'cover';
        if (cell.checked) {
            labelClass += ' yes';

        return ['TD', {class:"checkbox-cell"}, [
            ['DIV', {class: 'checkbox-contain'}, [
                ['INPUT', attrs, []],
                ['SPAN', {class: labelClass}, []],
                ['LABEL', {
                }, []]

    var makeBodyCell = Render.makeBodyCell = function (cell, readOnly) {
        if (cell && cell.type === 'text') {
            var removeElement = makeRemoveElement(cell['data-rt-id']);
            var editElement = makeEditElement(cell['data-rt-id']);
            var elements = [['INPUT', cell, []]];
            if (!readOnly) {
            return ['TD', {}, [
                    ['DIV', {class: 'text-cell'}, elements]

        if (cell && cell.type === 'checkbox') {
            return makeCheckbox(cell);
        return ['TD', cell, []];

    var makeBodyRow = Render.makeBodyRow = function (row, readOnly) {
        return ['TR', {}, (cell) {
            return makeBodyCell(cell, readOnly);

    var toHyperjson = Render.toHyperjson = function (matrix, readOnly) {
        if (!matrix || !matrix.length) { return; }
        var head = ['THEAD', {}, [ ['TR', {}, matrix[0].map(function (cell) {
            return makeHeadingCell(cell, readOnly);
        })] ]];
        var foot = ['TFOOT', {}, matrix.slice(-1).map(function (row) {
            return makeBodyRow(row, readOnly);
        var body = ['TBODY', {}, matrix.slice(1, -1).map(function (row) {
            return makeBodyRow(row, readOnly);
        return ['TABLE', {id:'table'}, [head, foot, body]];

    var asHTML = Render.asHTML = function (obj, rows, cols, readOnly) {
        return Hyperjson.toDOM(toHyperjson(cellMatrix(obj, rows, cols, readOnly), readOnly));

    var diffIsInput = Render.diffIsInput = function (info) {
        var nodeName = Cryptpad.find(info, ['node', 'nodeName']);
        if (nodeName !== 'INPUT') { return; }
        return true;

    var getInputType = Render.getInputType = function (info) {
        return Cryptpad.find(info, ['node', 'type']);

    var preserveCursor = Render.preserveCursor = function (info) {
        if (['modifyValue', 'modifyAttribute'].indexOf(info.diff.action) !== -1) {
            var element = info.node;

            if (typeof(element.selectionStart) !== 'number') { return; }

            var o = info.oldValue || '';
            var n = info.newValue || '';
            var op = TextPatcher.diff(o, n);

            info.selection = ['selectionStart', 'selectionEnd'].map(function (attr) {
                var before = element[attr];
                var after = TextPatcher.transformCursor(element[attr], op);
                return after;

    var recoverCursor = Render.recoverCursor = function (info) {
        try {
            if (info.selection && info.node) {
                info.node.selectionStart = info.selection[0];
                info.node.selectionEnd = info.selection[1];
        } catch (err) {

    var diffOptions = {
        preDiffApply: function (info) {
            if (!diffIsInput(info)) { return; }
            switch (getInputType(info)) {
                case 'checkbox':
                    //console.log("[preDiffApply]", info);
                case 'text':
                default: break;
        postDiffApply: function (info) {
            if (info.selection) { recoverCursor(info); }
            if (!diffIsInput(info)) { return; }
            switch (getInputType(info)) {
                case 'checkbox':
                    console.log("[postDiffApply]", info);
                case 'text': break;
                default: break;

    var updateTable = Render.updateTable = function (table, obj, conf) {
        var DD = new DiffDOM(diffOptions);

        var rows = conf ? conf.rows : null;
        var cols = conf ? conf.cols : null;
        var readOnly = conf ? conf.readOnly : false;
        var matrix = cellMatrix(obj, rows, cols, readOnly);

        var hj = toHyperjson(matrix, readOnly);

        if (!hj) { throw new Error("Expected Hyperjson!"); }

        var table2 = Hyperjson.toDOM(hj);
        var patch = DD.diff(table, table2);
        DD.apply(table, patch);

    return Render;