define([ '/bower_components/tweetnacl/nacl-fast.min.js', ], function () { var Nacl = window.nacl; var PARANOIA = true; var plainChunkLength = 128 * 1024; var cypherChunkLength = 131088; var slice = function (A) { return; }; var createNonce = function () { return new Uint8Array(new Array(24).fill(0)); }; var increment = function (N) { var l = N.length; while (l-- > 1) { if (PARANOIA) { if (typeof(N[l]) !== 'number') { throw new Error('E_UNSAFE_TYPE'); } if (N[l] > 255) { throw new Error('E_OUT_OF_BOUNDS'); } } /* jshint probably suspects this is unsafe because we lack types but as long as this is only used on nonces, it should be safe */ if (N[l] !== 255) { return void N[l]++; } // jshint ignore:line N[l] = 0; // you don't need to worry about this running out. // you'd need a REAAAALLY big file if (l === 0) { return true; } } }; var joinChunks = function (chunks) { return new Uint8Array(chunks.reduce(function (A, B) { return slice(A).concat(slice(B)); }, [])); }; var padChunk = function (A) { var padding; if (A.length === plainChunkLength) { return A; } if (A.length < plainChunkLength) { padding = new Array(plainChunkLength - A.length).fill(32); return A.concat(padding); } if (A.length > plainChunkLength) { // how many times larger is it? var chunks = Math.ceil(A.length / plainChunkLength); padding = new Array((plainChunkLength * chunks) - A.length).fill(32); return A.concat(padding); } }; var decrypt = function (u8, key, cb) { var nonce = createNonce(); var i = 0; var takeChunk = function () { var start = i * cypherChunkLength; var end = start + cypherChunkLength; i++; var box = new Uint8Array(u8.subarray(start, end)); // decrypt the chunk var plaintext =, nonce, key); // TODO handle nonce-too-large-error increment(nonce); return plaintext; }; var buffer = ''; var res = { metadata: undefined, }; // decrypt metadata var chunk; for (; !res.metadata && i * cypherChunkLength < u8.length;) { chunk = takeChunk(); buffer += Nacl.util.encodeUTF8(chunk); try { res.metadata = JSON.parse(buffer); //console.log(res.metadata); } catch (e) { console.log('buffering another chunk for metadata'); } } if (!res.metadata) { return void setTimeout(function () { cb('NO_METADATA'); }); } var fail = function () { cb("DECRYPTION_ERROR"); }; var chunks = []; // decrypt file contents for (;i * cypherChunkLength < u8.length;) { chunk = takeChunk(); if (!chunk) { return window.setTimeout(fail); } chunks.push(chunk); } // send chunks res.content = joinChunks(chunks); cb(void 0, res); }; // metadata /* { filename: 'raccoon.jpg', type: 'image/jpeg' } */ var encrypt = function (u8, metadata, key) { var nonce = createNonce(); // encode metadata var metaBuffer = Array.prototype.slice .call(Nacl.util.decodeUTF8(JSON.stringify(metadata))); var plaintext = new Uint8Array(padChunk(metaBuffer)); var j = 0; var i = 0; /* 0: metadata 1: u8 2: done */ var state = 0; var next = function (cb) { var start; var end; var part; var box; if (state === 0) { // metadata... start = j * plainChunkLength; end = start + plainChunkLength; part = plaintext.subarray(start, end); box = Nacl.secretbox(part, nonce, key); increment(nonce); j++; // metadata is done if (j * plainChunkLength >= plaintext.length) { return void cb(state++, box); } return void cb(state, box); } // encrypt the rest of the file... start = i * plainChunkLength; end = start + plainChunkLength; part = u8.subarray(start, end); box = Nacl.secretbox(part, nonce, key); increment(nonce); i++; // regular data is done if (i * plainChunkLength >= u8.length) { state = 2; } return void cb(state, box); }; return next; }; return { decrypt: decrypt, encrypt: encrypt, joinChunks: joinChunks, }; });