define([ 'jquery', '/bower_components/chainpad-crypto/crypto.js', '/bower_components/chainpad-netflux/chainpad-netflux.js', '/common/toolbar2.js', '/common/cryptpad-common.js', '/common/visible.js', '/common/notify.js', '/file/file-crypto.js', '/bower_components/file-saver/FileSaver.min.js', '/bower_components/tweetnacl/nacl-fast.min.js', 'css!/bower_components/components-font-awesome/css/font-awesome.min.css', 'less!/customize/src/less/cryptpad.less', ], function ($, Crypto, realtimeInput, Toolbar, Cryptpad, Visible, Notify, FileCrypto) { var Messages = Cryptpad.Messages; var saveAs = window.saveAs; var Nacl = window.nacl; var APP = window.APP = {}; $(function () { var andThen = function () { var ifrw = $('#pad-iframe')[0].contentWindow; var $iframe = $('#pad-iframe').contents(); var $appContainer = $iframe.find('#app'); var $form = $iframe.find('#upload-form'); var $dlform = $iframe.find('#download-form'); var $dlview = $iframe.find('#download-view'); var $label = $form.find('label'); var $dllabel = $dlform.find('label span'); var $progress = $iframe.find('#progress'); var $body = $iframe.find('body'); $body.on('dragover', function (e) { e.preventDefault(); }); $body.on('drop', function (e) { e.preventDefault(); }); Cryptpad.addLoadingScreen(); var Title; var uploadMode = false; var $bar = $iframe.find('.toolbar-container'); var secret; var hexFileName; if (window.location.hash) { secret = Cryptpad.getSecrets(); if (!secret.keys) { throw new Error("You need a hash"); } // TODO hexFileName = Cryptpad.base64ToHex(; } else { uploadMode = true; } Title = Cryptpad.createTitle({}, function(){}, Cryptpad); var displayed = ['useradmin', 'newpad', 'limit', 'upgrade']; if (secret && hexFileName) { displayed.push('fileshare'); } var configTb = { displayed: displayed, ifrw: ifrw, common: Cryptpad, hideDisplayName: true, $container: $bar }; var toolbar = APP.toolbar = Toolbar.create(configTb); toolbar.$rightside.html(''); // Remove the drawer if we don't use it to hide the toolbar if (!uploadMode) { var src = Cryptpad.getBlobPathFromHex(hexFileName); var cryptKey = secret.keys && secret.keys.fileKeyStr; var key = Nacl.util.decodeBase64(cryptKey); FileCrypto.fetchDecryptedMetadata(src, key, function (e, metadata) { if (e) { return void console.error(e); } var title = document.title =; Title.updateTitle(title || Title.defaultTitle); var displayFile = function (ev, sizeMb) { var $mt = $dlview.find('media-tag'); var cryptKey = secret.keys && secret.keys.fileKeyStr; var hexFileName = Cryptpad.base64ToHex(; $mt.attr('src', '/blob/' + hexFileName.slice(0,2) + '/' + hexFileName); $mt.attr('data-crypto-key', 'cryptpad:'+cryptKey); $(window.document).on('decryption', function (e) { var decrypted = e.originalEvent; if (decrypted.callback) { var cb = decrypted.callback; decrypted.callback = undefined; cb(); } console.log(decrypted); $; $dlform.hide(); var $dlButton = $dlview.find('media-tag button'); if (ev) { $; } if (!$dlButton.length) { $appContainer.css('background', 'white'); } $dlButton.addClass('btn btn-success'); var text = Messages.download_mt_button + '
'; text += '' + Cryptpad.fixHTML(title) + '
'; text += '' + Messages._getKey('formattedMB', [sizeMb]) + ''; $dlButton.html(text); toolbar.$rightside.append(Cryptpad.createButton('export', true, {}, function () { saveAs(decrypted.blob,; })) .append(Cryptpad.createButton('forget', true, {}, function () { // not sure what to do here })); // make pdfs big $iframe.find('media-tag iframe').css({ 'height': 'calc(100vh - 64px)', width: 'calc(100vw - 15px)', }); }) .on('decryptionError', function (e) { var error = e.originalEvent; Cryptpad.alert(error.message); }) .on('decryptionProgress', function (e) { var progress = e.originalEvent; var p = progress.percent +'%'; $progress.width(p); console.log(progress.percent); }); require(['/common/media-tag.js'], function (MediaTag) { /** * Allowed mime types that have to be set for a rendering after a decryption. * * @type {Array} */ var allowedMediaTypes = [ 'image/png', 'image/jpeg', 'image/jpg', 'image/gif', 'audio/mp3', 'audio/ogg', 'audio/wav', 'audio/webm', 'video/mp4', 'video/ogg', 'video/webm', 'application/pdf', 'application/dash+xml', 'download' ]; MediaTag.CryptoFilter.setAllowedMediaTypes(allowedMediaTypes); MediaTag($mt[0]); }); }; var todoBigFile = function (sizeMb) { $; Cryptpad.removeLoadingScreen(); $dllabel.append($('
')); $dllabel.append(Cryptpad.fixHTML(; // don't display the size if you don't know it. if (typeof(sizeM) === 'number') { $dllabel.append($('
')); $dllabel.append(Messages._getKey('formattedMB', [sizeMb])); } var decrypting = false; var onClick = function (ev) { if (decrypting) { return; } decrypting = true; displayFile(ev, sizeMb); }; if (typeof(sizeMb) === 'number' && sizeMb < 5) { return void onClick(); } $dlform.find('#dl, #progress').click(onClick); }; Cryptpad.getFileSize(window.location.href, function (e, data) { if (e) { // TODO when GET_FILE_SIZE is made unauthenticated // you won't need to handle this error (there won't be one) if (e === 'RPC_NOT_READY') { return todoBigFile(); } return void Cryptpad.errorLoadingScreen(e); } var size = Cryptpad.bytesToMegabytes(data); return void todoBigFile(size); }); }); return; } if (!Cryptpad.isLoggedIn()) { return Cryptpad.alert(Messages.upload_mustLogin, function () { if (sessionStorage) { sessionStorage.redirectTo = window.location.href; } window.location.href = '/login/'; }); } $form.css({ display: 'block', }); var fmConfig = { dropArea: $form, hoverArea: $label, body: $body, keepTable: true // Don't fadeOut the tbale with the uploaded files }; var FM = Cryptpad.createFileManager(fmConfig); $form.find("#file").on('change', function (e) { var file =[0]; FM.handleFile(file); }); // we're in upload mode Cryptpad.removeLoadingScreen(); }; Cryptpad.ready(function () { andThen(); Cryptpad.reportAppUsage(); }); }); });