define([ 'jquery', '/customize/messages.js' ], function($, Messages) { var LS_LANG = "CRYPTPAD_LANG"; var Msg = {}; Msg.getLanguage = Messages._getLanguage; // Add handler to the language selector Msg.setLanguage = function (l, sframeChan, cb) { if (sframeChan) { // We're in the sandbox sframeChan.query("Q_LANGUAGE_SET", l, cb); return; } localStorage.setItem(LS_LANG, l); cb(); }; Msg.initSelector = function ($select, sfcommon) { var selector = $select || $('#cp-language-selector'); if (!selector.length) { return; } var language = Messages._getLanguage(); // Select the current language in the list selector.setValue(language || 'en'); // Listen for language change $(selector).find('a.cp-language-value').on('click', function () { var newLanguage = $(this).attr('data-value'); Msg.setLanguage(newLanguage, sfcommon && sfcommon.getSframeChannel(), function () { if (newLanguage !== language) { if (sfcommon) { sfcommon.gotoURL(); return; } window.location.reload(); } }); }); }; Msg.applyTranslation = function () { var translateText = function (i, e) { var $el = $(e); var key = $'localization'); $el.html(Messages[key]); }; var translateTitle = function () { var $el = $(this); var key = $'localization-title'); $el.attr('title', Messages[key]); }; var translatePlaceholder = function () { var $el = $(this); var key = $'localization-placeholder'); $el.attr('placeholder', Messages[key]); }; $('[data-localization]').each(translateText); $('[data-localization-title]').each(translateTitle); $('[data-localization-placeholder]').each(translatePlaceholder); $('#pad-iframe').contents().find('[data-localization]').each(translateText); $('#pad-iframe').contents().find('[data-localization-title]').each(translateTitle); $('#pad-iframe').contents().find('[data-localization-placeholder]').each(translatePlaceholder); }; return Msg; });