define([ 'jquery', '/bower_components/textpatcher/TextPatcher.js', '/common/toolbar3.js', 'json.sortify', '/common/cryptpad-common.js', '/common/common-util.js', '/common/cryptget.js', '/bower_components/nthen/index.js', '/common/sframe-common.js', '/common/common-realtime.js', '/common/userObject.js', '/customize/application_config.js', '/common/sframe-chainpad-listmap.js', 'css!/bower_components/bootstrap/dist/css/bootstrap.min.css', 'less!/bower_components/components-font-awesome/css/font-awesome.min.css', 'less!/customize/src/less2/main.less', ], function ( $, TextPatcher, Toolbar, JSONSortify, Cryptpad, Util, Cryptget, nThen, SFCommon, CommonRealtime, FO, AppConfig, Listmap) { var Messages = Cryptpad.Messages; var APP = window.APP = { editable: false, Cryptpad: Cryptpad, mobile: function () { return $('body').width() <= 600; } // Menu and content area are not inline-block anymore for mobiles }; var stringify = function (obj) { return JSONSortify(obj); }; var onConnectError = function () { Cryptpad.errorLoadingScreen(Messages.websocketError); }; var E_OVER_LIMIT = 'E_OVER_LIMIT'; var SEARCH = "search"; var SEARCH_NAME = Messages.fm_searchName; var ROOT = "root"; var ROOT_NAME = Messages.fm_rootName; var FILES_DATA = Cryptpad.storageKey; var FILES_DATA_NAME = Messages.fm_filesDataName; var TEMPLATE = "template"; var TEMPLATE_NAME = Messages.fm_templateName; var TRASH = "trash"; var TRASH_NAME = Messages.fm_trashName; var RECENT = "recent"; var RECENT_NAME = Messages.fm_recentPadsName; var LS_LAST = "app-drive-lastOpened"; var LS_OPENED = "app-drive-openedFolders"; var LS_VIEWMODE = "app-drive-viewMode"; var LS_SEARCHCURSOR = "app-drive-searchCursor"; var FOLDER_CONTENT_ID = "cp-app-drive-content-folder"; var config = {}; var DEBUG = config.DEBUG = true; var debug = config.debug = DEBUG ? function () { console.log.apply(console, arguments); } : function () { return; }; var logError = config.logError = function () { console.error.apply(console, arguments); }; var log = config.log = Cryptpad.log; var localStore = window.cryptpadStore; = {}; var getLastOpenedFolder = function () { var path; try { path =[LS_LAST] ? JSON.parse([LS_LAST]) : [ROOT]; } catch (e) { path = [ROOT]; } return path; }; var setLastOpenedFolder = function (path) { if (path[0] === SEARCH) { return; }[LS_LAST] = JSON.stringify(path); localStore.put(LS_LAST, JSON.stringify(path)); }; var wasFolderOpened = function (path) { var stored = JSON.parse([LS_OPENED] || '[]'); return stored.indexOf(JSON.stringify(path)) !== -1; }; var setFolderOpened = function (path, opened) { var s = JSON.stringify(path); var stored = JSON.parse([LS_OPENED] || '[]'); if (opened && stored.indexOf(s) === -1) { stored.push(s); } if (!opened) { var idx = stored.indexOf(s); if (idx !== -1) { stored.splice(idx, 1); } }[LS_OPENED] = JSON.stringify(stored); localStore.put(LS_OPENED, JSON.stringify(stored)); }; var getViewModeClass = function () { var mode =[LS_VIEWMODE]; if (mode === 'list') { return 'cp-app-drive-content-list'; } return 'cp-app-drive-content-grid'; }; var getViewMode = function () { return[LS_VIEWMODE] || 'grid'; }; var setViewMode = function (mode) { if (typeof(mode) !== "string") { logError("Incorrect view mode: ", mode); return; }[LS_VIEWMODE] = mode; localStore.put(LS_VIEWMODE, mode); }; var setSearchCursor = function () { var $input = $('#cp-app-drive-tree-search-input');[LS_SEARCHCURSOR] = $input[0].selectionStart; localStore.put(LS_SEARCHCURSOR, $input[0].selectionStart); }; var getSearchCursor = function () { return[LS_SEARCHCURSOR] || 0; }; var setEditable = function (state) { APP.editable = state; if (!state) { APP.$content.addClass('cp-app-drive-readonly'); $('[draggable="true"]').attr('draggable', false); } else { APP.$content.removeClass('cp-app-drive-readonly'); $('[draggable="false"]').attr('draggable', true); } }; // Icons var $folderIcon = $('<span>', { "class": "fa fa-folder cp-app-drive-icon-folder cp-app-drive-content-icon" }); //var $folderIcon = $('<img>', {src: "/customize/images/icons/folder.svg", "class": "folder icon"}); var $folderEmptyIcon = $folderIcon.clone(); var $folderOpenedIcon = $('<span>', {"class": "fa fa-folder-open cp-app-drive-icon-folder"}); //var $folderOpenedIcon = $('<img>', {src: "/customize/images/icons/folderOpen.svg", "class": "folder icon"}); var $folderOpenedEmptyIcon = $folderOpenedIcon.clone(); //var $upIcon = $('<span>', {"class": "fa fa-arrow-circle-up"}); var $unsortedIcon = $('<span>', {"class": "fa fa-files-o"}); var $templateIcon = $('<span>', {"class": "fa fa-cubes"}); var $recentIcon = $('<span>', {"class": "fa fa-clock-o"}); var $trashIcon = $('<span>', {"class": "fa fa-trash"}); var $trashEmptyIcon = $('<span>', {"class": "fa fa-trash-o"}); //var $collapseIcon = $('<span>', {"class": "fa fa-minus-square-o cp-app-drive-icon-expcol"}); var $expandIcon = $('<span>', {"class": "fa fa-plus-square-o cp-app-drive-icon-expcol"}); var $emptyTrashIcon = $('<button>', {"class": "fa fa-ban"}); var $listIcon = $('<button>', {"class": "fa fa-list"}); var $gridIcon = $('<button>', {"class": "fa fa-th-large"}); var $sortAscIcon = $('<span>', {"class": "fa fa-angle-up sortasc"}); var $sortDescIcon = $('<span>', {"class": "fa fa-angle-down sortdesc"}); var $closeIcon = $('<span>', {"class": "fa fa-window-close"}); //var $backupIcon = $('<span>', {"class": "fa fa-life-ring"}); var $searchIcon = $('<span>', {"class": "fa fa-search cp-app-drive-tree-search-con"}); var $addIcon = $('<span>', {"class": "fa fa-plus"}); var $renamedIcon = $('<span>', {"class": "fa fa-flag"}); var $readonlyIcon = $('<span>', {"class": "fa fa-eye"}); var history = { isHistoryMode: false, }; var andThen = function (common, proxy) { var files =; var metadataMgr = common.getMetadataMgr(); var priv = metadataMgr.getPrivateData(); var user = metadataMgr.getUserData(); var isOwnDrive = function () { return true; // TODO //return Cryptpad.getUserHash() === APP.hash || localStorage.FS_hash === APP.hash; }; var isWorkgroup = function () { return files.workgroup === 1; }; config.workgroup = isWorkgroup(); config.Cryptpad = Cryptpad; config.loggedIn = APP.loggedIn; APP.origin = priv.origin; var filesOp = FO.init(files, config); filesOp.fixFiles(); var error = filesOp.error; var $tree = APP.$tree = $("#cp-app-drive-tree"); var $content = APP.$content = $("#cp-app-drive-content"); var $appContainer = $(".cp-app-drive-container"); var $driveToolbar = $("#cp-app-drive-toolbar"); var $contextMenu = $("#cp-app-drive-context-tree"); var $contentContextMenu = $("#cp-app-drive-context-content"); var $defaultContextMenu = $("#cp-app-drive-context-default"); var $trashTreeContextMenu = $("#cp-app-drive-context-trashtree"); var $trashContextMenu = $("#cp-app-drive-context-trash"); $tree.on('drop dragover', function (e) { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); }); $driveToolbar.on('drop dragover', function (e) { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); }); // TOOLBAR /* add a "change username" button */ if (!APP.readOnly) { APP.$displayName.text( || Messages.anonymous); } else { APP.$displayName.html('<span class="' + Toolbar.constants.readonly + '">' + Messages.readonly + '</span>'); } // FILE MANAGER // _WORKGROUP_ and other people drive : display Documents as main page var currentPath = APP.currentPath = isOwnDrive() ? getLastOpenedFolder() : [ROOT]; // Categories dislayed in the menu // _WORKGROUP_ : do not display unsorted var displayedCategories = [ROOT, TRASH, SEARCH, RECENT]; if (AppConfig.enableTemplates) { displayedCategories.push(TEMPLATE); } if (isWorkgroup()) { displayedCategories = [ROOT, TRASH, SEARCH]; } var virtualCategories = [SEARCH, RECENT]; if (!APP.loggedIn) { displayedCategories = [FILES_DATA]; currentPath = [FILES_DATA]; $tree.hide(); if (Object.keys(files.root).length && !proxy.anonymousAlert) { Cryptpad.alert(Messages.fm_alert_anonymous, null, true); proxy.anonymousAlert = true; } } if (!APP.readOnly) { setEditable(true); } var appStatus = { isReady: true, _onReady: [], onReady: function (handler) { if (appStatus.isReady) { handler(); return; } appStatus._onReady.push(handler); }, ready: function (state) { appStatus.isReady = state; if (state) { appStatus._onReady.forEach(function (h) { h(); }); appStatus._onReady = []; } } }; var findDataHolder = function ($el) { return $'.cp-app-drive-element-row') ? $el : $el.closest('.cp-app-drive-element-row'); }; // Selection var sel = {}; var removeSelected = function (keepObj) { $('.cp-app-drive-element-selected').removeClass("cp-app-drive-element-selected"); var $container = $driveToolbar.find('#cp-app-drive-toolbar-contextbuttons'); if (!$container.length) { return; } $container.html(''); if (!keepObj) { delete sel.startSelected; delete sel.endSelected; delete sel.oldSelection; } }; sel.refresh = 200; sel.$selectBox = $('<div>', {'class': 'cp-app-drive-content-select-box'}).appendTo($content); var checkSelected = function () { if (!sel.down) { return; } var pos = sel.pos; var l = $content[0].querySelectorAll('.cp-app-drive-element:not(.cp-app-drive-element-selected):not(.cp-app-drive-element-header)'); var p, el; var offset = getViewMode() === "grid" ? 10 : 0; for (var i = 0; i < l.length; i++) { el = l[i]; p = $(el).position(); += offset + $content.scrollTop(); p.left += offset; p.bottom = + $(el).outerHeight(); p.right = p.left + $(el).outerWidth(); if (p.right < pos.left || p.left > pos.right || > pos.bottom || p.bottom < { $(el).removeClass('cp-app-drive-element-selected-tmp'); } else { $(el).addClass('cp-app-drive-element-selected-tmp'); } } }; $content.on('mousedown', function (e) { if (currentPath[0] === SEARCH) { return; } if (e.which !== 1) { return; } $content.focus(); sel.down = true; if (!e.ctrlKey) { removeSelected(); } var rect = e.currentTarget.getBoundingClientRect(); sel.startX = e.clientX - rect.left; sel.startY = e.clientY - + $content.scrollTop(); sel.${ left: sel.startX + 'px', top: sel.startY + 'px', width: '0px', height: '0px' }); APP.hideMenu(e); if (sel.move) { return; } sel.move = function (ev) { var rectMove = ev.currentTarget.getBoundingClientRect(), offX = ev.clientX - rectMove.left, offY = ev.clientY - + $content.scrollTop(); var left = sel.startX, top = sel.startY; var width = offX - sel.startX; if (width < 0) { left = Math.max(0, offX); var diffX = left-offX; width = Math.abs(width) - diffX; } var height = offY - sel.startY; if (height < 0) { top = Math.max(0, offY); var diffY = top-offY; height = Math.abs(height) - diffY; } sel.$selectBox.css({ width: width + 'px', left: left + 'px', height: height + 'px', top: top + 'px' }); sel.pos = { top: top, left: left, bottom: top + height, right: left + width }; var diffT = sel.update ? +new Date() - sel.update : sel.refresh; if (diffT < sel.refresh) { if (! { = window.setTimeout(function () { sel.update = +new Date(); checkSelected(); = undefined; }, (sel.refresh - diffT)); } return; } sel.update = +new Date(); checkSelected(); }; $content.mousemove(sel.move); }); $(window).on('mouseup', function (e) { if (!sel.down) { return; } if (e.which !== 1) { return; } sel.down = false; sel.$selectBox.hide(); $'mousemove', sel.move); delete sel.move; $content.find('.cp-app-drive-element-selected-tmp') .removeClass('cp-app-drive-element-selected-tmp') .addClass('cp-app-drive-element-selected'); e.stopPropagation(); }); // Arrow keys to modify the selection $(window).keydown(function (e) { var $searchBar = $tree.find('#cp-app-drive-tree-search-input'); if ($':focus') && $searchBar.val()) { return; } var $elements = $content.find('.cp-app-drive-element:not(.cp-app-drive-element-header)'); var ev = {}; if (e.ctrlKey) { ev.ctrlKey = true; } if (e.shiftKey) { ev.shiftKey = true; } var click = function (el) { if (!el) { return; } APP.onElementClick(ev, $(el)); }; // Enter if (e.which === 13) { var $allSelected = $content.find('.cp-app-drive-element.cp-app-drive-element-selected'); if ($allSelected.length === 1) { // Open the folder or the file $allSelected.dblclick(); return; } // If more than one, open only the files var $select = $content.find('.cp-app-drive-element-file.cp-app-drive-element-selected'); $select.each(function (idx, el) { $(el).dblclick(); }); return; } // [Left, Up, Right, Down] if ([37, 38, 39, 40].indexOf(e.which) === -1) { return; } e.preventDefault(); var $selection = $content.find('.cp-app-drive-element.cp-app-drive-element-selected'); if ($selection.length === 0) { return void click($elements.first()[0]); } var lastIndex = typeof sel.endSelected === "number" ? sel.endSelected : typeof sel.startSelected === "number" ? sel.startSelected : $elements.index($selection.last()[0]); var length = $elements.length; if (length === 0) { return; } // List mode if (getViewMode() === "list") { if (e.which === 40) { click($elements.get(Math.min(lastIndex+1, length -1))); } if (e.which === 38) { click($elements.get(Math.max(lastIndex-1, 0))); } return; } // Icon mode // Get the vertical and horizontal position of lastIndex // Filter all the elements to get those in the same line/column var pos = $($elements.get(0)).position(); var $line = $elements.filter(function (idx, el) { return $(el).position().top ===; }); var cols = $line.length; var lines = Math.ceil(length/cols); var lastPos = { l : Math.floor(lastIndex/cols), c : lastIndex - Math.floor(lastIndex/cols)*cols }; if (e.which === 37) { if (lastPos.c === 0) { return; } click($elements.get(Math.max(lastIndex-1, 0))); return; } if (e.which === 38) { if (lastPos.l === 0) { return; } click($elements.get(Math.max(lastIndex-cols, 0))); return; } if (e.which === 39) { if (lastPos.c === cols-1) { return; } click($elements.get(Math.min(lastIndex+1, length-1))); return; } if (e.which === 40) { if (lastPos.l === lines-1) { return; } click($elements.get(Math.min(lastIndex+cols, length-1))); return; } }); var removeInput = function (cancel) { if (!cancel && $('.cp-app-drive-element-row > input').length === 1) { var $input = $('.cp-app-drive-element-row > input'); filesOp.rename($'path'), $input.val(), APP.refresh); } $('.cp-app-drive-element-row > input').remove(); $('.cp-app-drive-element-row > span:hidden').removeAttr('style'); }; var compareDays = function (date1, date2) { var day1 = Date.UTC(date1.getFullYear(), date1.getMonth(), date1.getDate()); var day2 = Date.UTC(date2.getFullYear(), date2.getMonth(), date2.getDate()); var ms = Math.abs(day1-day2); return Math.floor(ms/1000/60/60/24); }; var getDate = function (sDate) { if (!sDate) { return ''; } var ret = sDate.toString(); try { var date = new Date(sDate); var today = new Date(); var diff = compareDays(date, today); if (diff === 0) { ret = date.toLocaleTimeString(); } else { ret = date.toLocaleDateString(); } } catch (e) { error("Unable to format that string to a date with .toLocaleString", sDate, e); } return ret; }; var openFile = function (el, href) { if (!href) { var data = filesOp.getFileData(el); if (!data || !data.href) { return void logError("Missing data for the file", el, data); } href = data.href; } + href); }; var refresh = APP.refresh = function () { APP.displayDirectory(currentPath); }; var getFileNameExtension = function (name) { var matched = /\.\S+$/.exec(name); if (matched && matched.length) { return matched[matched.length -1]; } return ''; }; // Replace a file/folder name by an input to change its value var displayRenameInput = function ($element, path) { // NOTE: setTimeout(f, 0) otherwise the "rename" button in the toolbar is not working window.setTimeout(function () { if (!APP.editable) { return; } if (!path || path.length < 2) { logError("Renaming a top level element (root, trash or filesData) is forbidden."); return; } removeInput(); removeSelected(); var $name = $element.find('.cp-app-drive-element-name'); if (!$name.length) { $name = $element.find('> .cp-app-drive-element'); } $name.hide(); var el = filesOp.find(path); var name = filesOp.isFile(el) ? filesOp.getTitle(el) : path[path.length - 1]; var $input = $('<input>', { placeholder: name, value: name }).data('path', path); // Stop propagation on keydown to avoid issues with arrow keys $input.on('keydown', function (e) { e.stopPropagation(); }); $input.on('keyup', function (e) { if (e.which === 13) { removeInput(true); filesOp.rename(path, $input.val(), refresh); return; } if (e.which === 27) { removeInput(true); } }); //$element.parent().append($input); $name.after($input); $input.focus(); var extension = getFileNameExtension(name); var input = $input[0]; input.selectionStart = 0; input.selectionEnd = name.length - extension.length; // We don't want to open the file/folder when clicking on the input $input.on('click dblclick', function (e) { removeSelected(); e.stopPropagation(); }); // Remove the browser ability to drag text from the input to avoid // triggering our drag/drop event handlers $input.on('dragstart dragleave drag drop', function (e) { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); }); // Make the parent element non-draggable when selecting text in the field // since it would remove the input $input.on('mousedown', function (e) { e.stopPropagation(); $input.parents('.cp-app-drive-element-row').attr("draggable", false); }); $input.on('mouseup', function (e) { e.stopPropagation(); $input.parents('.cp-app-drive-element-row').attr("draggable", true); }); },0); }; var filterContextMenu = function ($menu, paths) { //var path = $'path'); if (!paths || paths.length === 0) { logError('no paths'); } var hide = []; var hasFolder = false; paths.forEach(function (p) { var path = p.path; var $element = p.element; if (path.length === 1) { // Can't rename or delete root elements hide.push($menu.find('a.cp-app-drive-context-rename')); hide.push($menu.find('a.cp-app-drive-context-delete')); } if (!APP.editable) { hide.push($menu.find('a.cp-app-drive-context-editable')); } if (!isOwnDrive()) { hide.push($menu.find('a.cp-app-drive-context-own')); } if ($'.cp-app-drive-element-file')) { // No folder in files hide.push($menu.find('a.cp-app-drive-context-newfolder')); if ($'.cp-app-drive-readonly')) { // Keep only open readonly hide.push($menu.find('a.cp-app-drive-context-open')); } else if ($'.cp-app-drive-noreadonly')) { // Keep only open readonly hide.push($menu.find('a.cp-app-drive-context-openro')); } } else { if (hasFolder) { // More than 1 folder selected: cannot create a new subfolder hide.push($menu.find('a.cp-app-drive-context-newfolder')); } hasFolder = true; hide.push($menu.find('a.cp-app-drive-context-openro')); hide.push($menu.find('a.cp-app-drive-context-properties')); } // If we're in the trash, hide restore and properties for non-root elements if ($menu.find('a.cp-app-drive-context-restore').length && path && path.length > 4) { hide.push($menu.find('a.cp-app-drive-context-restore')); hide.push($menu.find('a.cp-app-drive-context-properties')); } }); if (paths.length > 1) { hide.push($menu.find('a.cp-app-drive-context-restore')); hide.push($menu.find('a.cp-app-drive-context-properties')); hide.push($menu.find('a.cp-app-drive-context-rename')); } if (hasFolder && paths.length > 1) { // Cannot open multiple folders hide.push($menu.find('a.cp-app-drive-context-open')); } return hide; }; var getSelectedPaths = function ($element) { var paths = []; if ($('.cp-app-drive-element-selected').length > 1) { var $selected = $('.cp-app-drive-element-selected'); $selected.each(function (idx, elmt) { var ePath = $(elmt).data('path'); if (ePath) { paths.push({ path: ePath, element: $(elmt) }); } }); } if (!paths.length) { var path = $'path'); if (!path) { return false; } paths.push({ path: path, element: $element }); } return paths; }; var updateContextButton = function () { if (filesOp.isPathIn(currentPath, [TRASH])) { $driveToolbar.find('cp-app-drive-toolbar-emptytrash').show(); } else { $driveToolbar.find('cp-app-drive-toolbar-emptytrash').hide(); } var $li = $content.find('.cp-app-drive-element-selected'); if ($li.length === 0) { $li = findDataHolder($tree.find('.cp-app-drive-element-active')); } var $button = $driveToolbar.find('#cp-app-drive-toolbar-context-mobile'); if ($button.length) { // mobile if ($li.length !== 1 || !$._data($li[0], 'events').contextmenu || $._data($li[0], 'events').contextmenu.length === 0) { $button.hide(); return; } $; $button.css({ background: '#000' }); window.setTimeout(function () { $button.css({ background: '' }); }, 500); return; } // Non mobile var $container = $driveToolbar.find('#cp-app-drive-toolbar-contextbuttons'); if (!$container.length) { return; } $container.html(''); var $element = $li.length === 1 ? $li : $($li[0]); var paths = getSelectedPaths($element); var $menu = $'context'); if (!$menu) { return; } //var actions = []; var $actions = $menu.find('a'); var toHide = filterContextMenu($menu, paths); $actions = $actions.filter(function (i, el) { for (var j = 0; j < toHide.length; j++) { if ($(el).is(toHide[j])) { return false; } } return true; }); $actions.each(function (i, el) { var $a = $('<button>', {'class': 'cp-app-drive-element'}); if ($(el).attr('data-icon')) { $a.addClass('fa').addClass($(el).attr('data-icon')); $a.attr('title', $(el).text()); } else { $a.text($(el).text()); } $(el).data('paths', paths); //$(el).data('path', path); //:$(el).data('element', $element); $container.append($a); $ { $(el).click(); }); }); }; var scrollTo = function ($element) { // Current scroll position var st = $content.scrollTop(); // Block height var h = $content.height(); // Current top position of the element relative to the scroll position var pos = Math.round($element.offset().top - $content.position().top); // Element height var eh = $element.outerHeight(); // New scroll value var v = st + pos + eh - h; // If the element is completely visile, don't change the scroll position if (pos+eh <= h && pos >= 0) { return; } $content.scrollTop(v); }; // Add the "selected" class to the "li" corresponding to the clicked element var onElementClick = APP.onElementClick = function (e, $element) { // If "Ctrl" is pressed, do not remove the current selection removeInput(); $element = findDataHolder($element); // If we're selecting a new element with the left click, hide the menu if (e) { APP.hideMenu(); } // Remove the selection if we don't hold ctrl key or if we are right-clicking if (!e || !e.ctrlKey) { removeSelected(e && e.shiftKey); } if (!$element.length) { log(Messages.fm_selectError); return; } scrollTo($element); // Add the selected class to the clicked / right-clicked element // Remove the class if it already has it // If ctrlKey, add to the selection // If shiftKey, select a range of elements var $elements = $content.find('.cp-app-drive-element:not(.cp-app-drive-element-header)'); var $selection = $elements.filter('.cp-app-drive-element-selected'); if (typeof sel.startSelected !== "number" || !e || (e.ctrlKey && !e.shiftKey)) { sel.startSelected = $elements.index($element[0]); sel.oldSelection = []; $selection.each(function (idx, el) { sel.oldSelection.push(el); }); delete sel.endSelected; } if (e && e.shiftKey) { var end = $elements.index($element[0]); sel.endSelected = end; var $el; removeSelected(true); sel.oldSelection.forEach(function (el) { if (!$(el).hasClass("cp-app-drive-element-selected")) { $(el).addClass("cp-app-drive-element-selected"); } }); for (var i = Math.min(sel.startSelected, sel.endSelected); i <= Math.max(sel.startSelected, sel.endSelected); i++) { $el = $($elements.get(i)); if (!$el.hasClass("cp-app-drive-element-selected")) { $el.addClass("cp-app-drive-element-selected"); } } } else { if (!$element.hasClass("cp-app-drive-element-selected")) { $element.addClass("cp-app-drive-element-selected"); } else { $element.removeClass("cp-app-drive-element-selected"); } } updateContextButton(); }; var displayMenu = function (e, $menu) { $menu.css({ display: "block" }); if ( { return; } var h = $menu.outerHeight(); var w = $menu.outerWidth(); var wH = window.innerHeight; var wW = window.innerWidth; if (h > wH) { $menu.css({ top: '0px', bottom: '' }); } else if (e.pageY + h <= wH) { $menu.css({ top: e.pageY+'px', bottom: '' }); } else { $menu.css({ bottom: '0px', top: '' }); } if(w > wW) { $menu.css({ left: '0px', right: '' }); } else if (e.pageX + w <= wW) { $menu.css({ left: e.pageX+'px', right: '' }); } else { $menu.css({ left: '', right: '0px', }); } }; // Open the selected context menu on the closest "li" element var openContextMenu = function (e, $menu) { APP.hideMenu(); e.stopPropagation(); var $element = findDataHolder($(; if (!$element.length) { logError("Unable to locate the .element tag",; $menu.hide(); log(Messages.fm_contextMenuError); return false; } if (!$element.hasClass('cp-app-drive-element-selected')) { //paths.length === 1) { onElementClick(undefined, $element); } var paths = getSelectedPaths($element); var toHide = filterContextMenu($menu, paths); toHide.forEach(function ($a) { $a.parent('li').hide(); }); displayMenu(e, $menu); if ($menu.find('li:visible').length === 0) { debug("No visible element in the context menu. Abort."); $menu.hide(); return true; } $menu.find('a').data('paths', paths); //$menu.find('a').data('path', path); //$menu.find('a').data('element', $element); return false; }; var openDirectoryContextMenu = function (e) { $contextMenu.find('li').show(); openContextMenu(e, $contextMenu); return false; }; var openDefaultContextMenu = function (e) { $defaultContextMenu.find('li').show(); openContextMenu(e, $defaultContextMenu); return false; }; var openTrashTreeContextMenu = function (e) { removeSelected(); $trashTreeContextMenu.find('li').show(); openContextMenu(e, $trashTreeContextMenu); return false; }; var openTrashContextMenu = function (e) { var path = findDataHolder($('path'); if (!path) { return; } $trashContextMenu.find('li').show(); openContextMenu(e, $trashContextMenu); return false; }; var openContentContextMenu = function (e) { APP.hideMenu(); e.stopPropagation(); var path = $('#' + FOLDER_CONTENT_ID).data('path'); if (!path) { return; } var $menu = $contentContextMenu; removeSelected(); if (!APP.editable) { $menu.find('a.cp-app-drive-context-editable').parent('li').hide(); } if (!isOwnDrive()) { $menu.find('a.cp-app-drive-context-own').parent('li').hide(); } $menu.find('[data-type]').each(function (idx, el) { if (AppConfig.availablePadTypes.indexOf($(el).attr('data-type')) === -1) { $(el).hide(); } }); displayMenu(e, $menu); if ($menu.find('li:visible').length === 0) { debug("No visible element in the context menu. Abort."); $menu.hide(); return true; } $menu.find('a').data('path', path); return false; }; var getElementName = function (path) { var file = filesOp.find(path); if (!file || !filesOp.isFile(file)) { return '???'; } return filesOp.getTitle(file); }; // filesOp.moveElements is able to move several paths to a new location, including // the Trash or the "Unsorted files" folder var moveElements = function (paths, newPath, force, cb) { if (!APP.editable) { return; } var andThenMove = function () { filesOp.move(paths, newPath, cb); }; // Cancel drag&drop from TRASH to TRASH if (filesOp.isPathIn(newPath, [TRASH]) && paths.length && paths[0][0] === TRASH) { return; } andThenMove(); }; // Drag & drop: // The data transferred is a stringified JSON containing the path of the dragged element var onDrag = function (ev, path) { var paths = []; var $element = findDataHolder($(; if ($element.hasClass('cp-app-drive-element-selected')) { var $selected = $('.cp-app-drive-element-selected'); $selected.each(function (idx, elmt) { var ePath = $(elmt).data('path'); if (ePath) { var val = filesOp.find(ePath); if (!val) { return; } // Error? A ".selected" element in not in the object paths.push({ path: ePath, value: { name: getElementName(ePath), el: val } }); } }); } else { removeSelected(); $element.addClass('cp-app-drive-element-selected'); var val = filesOp.find(path); if (!val) { return; } // The element in not in the object paths = [{ path: path, value: { name: getElementName(path), el: val } }]; } var data = { 'path': paths }; ev.dataTransfer.setData("text", stringify(data)); }; var onFileDrop = APP.onFileDrop = function (file, e) { APP.FM.onFileDrop(file, e); }; var findDropPath = function (target) { var $target = $(target); var $el = findDataHolder($target); var newPath = $'path'); if ((!newPath || filesOp.isFile(filesOp.find(newPath))) && $target.parents('#cp-app-drive-content')) { newPath = currentPath; } return newPath; }; var onDrop = function (ev) { ev.preventDefault(); $('.cp-app-drive-element-droppable').removeClass('cp-app-drive-element-droppable'); var data = ev.dataTransfer.getData("text"); // Don't the the normal drop handler for file upload var fileDrop = ev.dataTransfer.files; if (fileDrop.length) { return void onFileDrop(fileDrop, ev); } var oldPaths = JSON.parse(data).path; if (!oldPaths) { return; } // Dropped elements can be moved from the same file manager or imported from another one. // A moved element should be removed from its previous location var movedPaths = []; var importedElements = []; oldPaths.forEach(function (p) { var el = filesOp.find(p.path); if (el && (stringify(el) === stringify(p.value.el) || !p.value || !p.value.el)) { movedPaths.push(p.path); } else { importedElements.push(p.value); } }); var newPath = findDropPath(; if (!newPath) { return; } if (movedPaths && movedPaths.length) { moveElements(movedPaths, newPath, null, refresh); } if (importedElements && importedElements.length) { // TODO workgroup //filesOp.importElements(importedElements, newPath, refresh); } }; var addDragAndDropHandlers = function ($element, path, isFolder, droppable) { if (!APP.editable) { return; } // "dragenter" is fired for an element and all its children // "dragleave" may be fired when entering a child // --> we use pointer-events: none in CSS, but we still need a counter to avoid some issues // --> We store the number of enter/leave and the element entered and we remove the // highlighting only when we have left everything var counter = 0; $element.on('dragstart', function (e) { e.stopPropagation(); counter = 0; onDrag(e.originalEvent, path); }); $element.on('mousedown', function (e) { e.stopPropagation(); }); // Add drop handlers if we are not in the trash and if the element is a folder if (!droppable || !isFolder) { return; } $element.on('dragover', function (e) { e.preventDefault(); }); $element.on('drop', function (e) { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); onDrop(e.originalEvent); }); $element.on('dragenter', function (e) { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); counter++; $element.addClass('droppable'); }); $element.on('dragleave', function (e) { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); counter--; if (counter <= 0) { counter = 0; $element.removeClass('droppable'); } }); }; addDragAndDropHandlers($content, null, true, true); // In list mode, display metadata from the filesData object // _WORKGROUP_ : Do not display title, atime and ctime columns since we don't have files data var addFileData = function (element, $span) { if (!filesOp.isFile(element)) { return; } var data = filesOp.getFileData(element); if (!data) { return void logError("No data for the file", element); } var hrefData = Cryptpad.parsePadUrl(data.href); var $state = $('<span>', {'class': 'cp-app-drive-element-state'}); if (hrefData.hashData && hrefData.hashData.mode === 'view') { var $ro = $readonlyIcon.clone().appendTo($state); $ro.attr('title', Messages.readonly); } if (data.filename && data.filename !== data.title) { var $renamed = $renamedIcon.clone().appendTo($state); $renamed.attr('title', Messages._getKey('fm_renamedPad', [data.title])); } var name = filesOp.getTitle(element); // The element with the class '.name' is underlined when the 'li' is hovered var $name = $('<span>', {'class': 'cp-app-drive-element-name'}).text(name); $span.html(''); $span.append($name); $span.append($state); var type = Messages.type[hrefData.type] || hrefData.type; var $type = $('<span>', { 'class': 'cp-app-drive-element-type cp-app-drive-element-list' }).text(type); var $adate = $('<span>', { 'class': 'cp-app-drive-element-atime cp-app-drive-element-list' }).text(getDate(data.atime)); var $cdate = $('<span>', { 'class': 'cp-app-drive-element-ctime cp-app-drive-element-list' }).text(getDate(data.ctime)); $span.append($type); if (!isWorkgroup()) { $span.append($adate).append($cdate); } }; var addFolderData = function (element, key, $span) { if (!element || !filesOp.isFolder(element)) { return; } $span.html(''); // The element with the class '.name' is underlined when the 'li' is hovered var sf = filesOp.hasSubfolder(element); var files = filesOp.hasFile(element); var $name = $('<span>', {'class': 'cp-app-drive-element-name'}).text(key); var $state = $('<span>', {'class': 'cp-app-drive-element-state'}); var $subfolders = $('<span>', { 'class': 'cp-app-drive-element-folders cp-app-drive-element-list' }).text(sf); var $files = $('<span>', { 'class': 'cp-app-drive-element-files cp-app-drive-element-list' }).text(files); $span.append($name).append($state).append($subfolders).append($files); }; // This is duplicated in cryptpad-common, it should be unified var getFileIcon = function (id) { var data = filesOp.getFileData(id); return Cryptpad.getFileIcon(data); }; var getIcon = Cryptpad.getIcon; // Create the "li" element corresponding to the file/folder located in "path" var createElement = function (path, elPath, root, isFolder) { // Forbid drag&drop inside the trash var isTrash = path[0] === TRASH; var newPath = path.slice(); var key; if (isTrash && Array.isArray(elPath)) { key = elPath[0]; elPath.forEach(function (k) { newPath.push(k); }); } else { key = elPath; newPath.push(key); } var element = filesOp.find(newPath); var $icon = !isFolder ? getFileIcon(element) : undefined; var ro = filesOp.isReadOnlyFile(element); // ro undefined means it's an old hash which doesn't support read-only var roClass = typeof(ro) === 'undefined' ?' cp-app-drive-element-noreadonly' : ro ? ' cp-app-drive-element-readonly' : ''; var liClass = 'cp-app-drive-element-file cp-app-drive-element' + roClass; if (isFolder) { liClass = 'cp-app-drive-element-folder cp-app-drive-element'; $icon = filesOp.isFolderEmpty(root[key]) ? $folderEmptyIcon.clone() : $folderIcon.clone(); } var $element = $('<li>', { draggable: true, 'class': 'cp-app-drive-element-row' }); if (!isFolder && Array.isArray(APP.selectedFiles)) { var idx = APP.selectedFiles.indexOf(element); if (idx !== -1) { $element.addClass('cp-app-drive-element-selected'); APP.selectedFiles.splice(idx, 1); } } if (isFolder) { addFolderData(element, key, $element); } else { addFileData(element, $element); } $element.prepend($icon).dblclick(function () { if (isFolder) { APP.displayDirectory(newPath); return; } if (isTrash) { return; } openFile(root[key]); }); $element.addClass(liClass); $'path', newPath); addDragAndDropHandlers($element, newPath, isFolder, !isTrash); $ { e.stopPropagation(); onElementClick(e, $element, newPath); }); if (!isTrash) { $element.contextmenu(openDirectoryContextMenu); $'context', $contextMenu); } else { $element.contextmenu(openTrashContextMenu); $'context', $trashContextMenu); } var isNewFolder = APP.newFolder && filesOp.comparePath(newPath, module.newFolder); if (isNewFolder) { appStatus.onReady(function () { window.setTimeout(function () { displayRenameInput($element, newPath); }, 0); }); delete APP.newFolder; } return $element; }; // Display the full path in the title when displaying a directory from the trash /* var getTrashTitle = function (path) { if (!path[0] || path[0] !== TRASH) { return; } var title = TRASH_NAME; for (var i=1; i<path.length; i++) { if (i === 3 && path[i] === 'element') {} else if (i === 2 && parseInt(path[i]) === path[i]) { if (path[i] !== 0) { title += " [" + path[i] + "]"; } } else { title += " / " + path[i]; } } return title; }; */ var getPrettyName = function (name) { var pName; switch (name) { case ROOT: pName = ROOT_NAME; break; case TRASH: pName = TRASH_NAME; break; case TEMPLATE: pName = TEMPLATE_NAME; break; case FILES_DATA: pName = FILES_DATA_NAME; break; case SEARCH: pName = SEARCH_NAME; break; case RECENT: pName = RECENT_NAME; break; default: pName = name; } return pName; }; // Create the title block with the "parent folder" button var createTitle = function ($container, path, noStyle) { if (!path || path.length === 0) { return; } var isTrash = filesOp.isPathIn(path, [TRASH]); if ( && !noStyle) { // noStyle means title in search result return $container; } var isVirtual = virtualCategories.indexOf(path[0]) !== -1; var el = isVirtual ? undefined : filesOp.find(path); path = path[0] === SEARCH ? path.slice(0,1) : path; path.forEach(function (p, idx) { if (isTrash && [2,3].indexOf(idx) !== -1) { return; } var name = p; var $span = $('<span>', {'class': 'cp-app-drive-path-element'}); if (idx < path.length - 1) { if (!noStyle) { $span.addClass('cp-app-drive-path-clickable'); $ () { var sliceEnd = idx + 1; if (isTrash && idx === 1) { sliceEnd = 4; } // Make sure we don't show the index or 'element' and 'path' APP.displayDirectory(path.slice(0, sliceEnd)); }); } } else if (idx > 0 && filesOp.isFile(el)) { name = getElementName(path); } if (idx === 0) { name = getPrettyName(p); } else { var $span2 = $('<span>', { 'class': 'cp-app-drive-path-element cp-app-drive-path-separator' }).text(' / '); $container.prepend($span2); } $span.text(name).prependTo($container); }); }; var createInfoBox = function (path) { var $box = $('<div>', {'class': 'cp-app-drive-content-info-box'}); var msg; switch (path[0]) { case ROOT: msg = Messages.fm_info_root; break; case TEMPLATE: msg = Messages.fm_info_template; break; case TRASH: msg = Messages.fm_info_trash; break; case FILES_DATA: msg = Messages.fm_info_allFiles; break; case RECENT: msg = Messages.fm_info_recent; break; default: msg = undefined; } if (!APP.loggedIn) { msg = Messages.fm_info_anonymous; $box.html(msg); return $box; } if (!msg ||['hide-info-' + path[0]] === '1') { $box.hide(); } else { $box.text(msg); var $close = $closeIcon.clone().css({ 'cursor': 'pointer', 'margin-left': '10px', title: Messages.fm_closeInfoBox }).on('click', function () { $box.hide();['hide-info-' + path[0]] = '1'; localStore.put('hide-info-' + path[0], '1'); }); $box.prepend($close); } return $box; }; // Create the button allowing the user to switch from list to icons modes var createViewModeButton = function ($container) { var $listButton = $listIcon.clone(); var $gridButton = $gridIcon.clone(); $ () { $gridButton.removeClass('cp-app-drive-toolbar-active'); $listButton.addClass('cp-app-drive-toolbar-active'); setViewMode('list'); $('#' + FOLDER_CONTENT_ID).removeClass('cp-app-drive-content-grid'); $('#' + FOLDER_CONTENT_ID).addClass('cp-app-drive-content-list');'DRIVE_LIST_MODE'); }); $ () { $listButton.removeClass('cp-app-drive-toolbar-active'); $gridButton.addClass('cp-app-drive-toolbar-active'); setViewMode('grid'); $('#' + FOLDER_CONTENT_ID).addClass('cp-app-drive-content-grid'); $('#' + FOLDER_CONTENT_ID).removeClass('cp-app-drive-content-list');'DRIVE_GRID_MODE'); }); if (getViewMode() === 'list') { $listButton.addClass('cp-app-drive-toolbar-active'); } else { $gridButton.addClass('cp-app-drive-toolbar-active'); } $listButton.attr('title', Messages.fm_viewListButton); $gridButton.attr('title', Messages.fm_viewGridButton); $container.append($listButton).append($gridButton); }; var createEmptyTrashButton = function ($container) { var $button = $emptyTrashIcon.clone(); $button.addClass('cp-app-drive-toolbar-emptytrash'); $button.attr('title', Messages.fc_empty); $ () { Cryptpad.confirm(Messages.fm_emptyTrashDialog, function(res) { if (!res) { return; } filesOp.emptyTrash(refresh); }); }); $container.append($button); }; var getNewPadTypes = function () { var arr = []; AppConfig.availablePadTypes.forEach(function (type) { if (type === 'drive') { return; } if (type === 'contacts') { return; } if (type === 'todo') { return; } if (type === 'file') { return; } if (!Cryptpad.isLoggedIn() && AppConfig.registeredOnlyTypes && AppConfig.registeredOnlyTypes.indexOf(type) !== -1) { return; } arr.push(type); }); return arr; }; var addNewPadHandlers = function ($block, isInRoot) { // Handlers if (isInRoot) { var onCreated = function (err, info) { if (err) { if (err === E_OVER_LIMIT) { return void Cryptpad.alert(Messages.pinLimitDrive, null, true); } return void Cryptpad.alert(Messages.fm_error_cantPin); } APP.newFolder = info.newPath; refresh(); }; $block.find('a.cp-app-drive-toolbar-new-folder, li.cp-app-drive-toolbar-new-folder') .click(function () { filesOp.addFolder(currentPath, null, onCreated); }); $block.find('a.cp-app-drive-toolbar-new-upload, li.cp-app-drive-toolbar-new-upload') .click(function () { var $input = $('<input>', { 'type': 'file', 'style': 'display: none;' }).on('change', function (e) { var file =[0]; var ev = { target: $content[0] }; APP.FM.handleFile(file, ev); }); $; }); } $block.find('a.cp-app-drive-toolbar-new-doc, li.cp-app-drive-toolbar-new-doc') .click(function () { var type = $(this).attr('data-type') || 'pad'; var path = filesOp.isPathIn(currentPath, [TRASH]) ? '' : currentPath; common.sessionStorage.put(Cryptpad.newPadPathKey, path, function () { common.openURL('/' + type + '/'); }); }); }; var createNewButton = function (isInRoot, $container) { if (!APP.editable) { return; } if (!APP.loggedIn) { return; } // Anonymous users can use the + menu in the toolbar if (!filesOp.isPathIn(currentPath, [ROOT, 'hrefArray'])) { return; } // Create dropdown var options = []; if (isInRoot) { options.push({ tag: 'a', attributes: {'class': 'cp-app-drive-toolbar-new-older'}, content: $('<div>').append($folderIcon.clone()).html() + Messages.fm_folder }); options.push({tag: 'hr'}); options.push({ tag: 'a', attributes: {'class': 'cp-app-drive-toolbar-new-upload'}, content: $('<div>').append(getIcon('file')).html() + Messages.uploadButton }); options.push({tag: 'hr'}); } getNewPadTypes().forEach(function (type) { var attributes = { 'class': 'cp-app-drive-toolbar-new-doc', 'data-type': type, 'href': '#' }; options.push({ tag: 'a', attributes: attributes, content: $('<div>').append(getIcon(type)).html() + Messages.type[type] }); }); var $plusIcon = $('<div>').append($('<span>', {'class': 'fa fa-plus'})); var dropdownConfig = { text: $plusIcon.html() + '<span>'+Messages.fm_newButton+'</span>', options: options, feedback: 'DRIVE_NEWPAD_LOCALFOLDER', }; var $block = Cryptpad.createDropdown(dropdownConfig); // Custom style: $block.find('button').addClass('cp-app-drive-toolbar-new'); $block.find('button').attr('title', Messages.fm_newButtonTitle); addNewPadHandlers($block, isInRoot); $container.append($block); }; var hideNewButton = function () { $('.cp-dropdown-content').hide(); }; var SORT_FOLDER_DESC = 'sortFoldersDesc'; var SORT_FILE_BY = 'sortFilesBy'; var SORT_FILE_DESC = 'sortFilesDesc'; var getSortFileDesc = function () { return[SORT_FILE_DESC]+"" === "true"; }; var getSortFolderDesc = function () { return[SORT_FOLDER_DESC]+"" === "true"; }; var onSortByClick = function () { var $span = $(this); var value; if ($span.hasClass('cp-app-drive-sort-foldername')) { value = getSortFolderDesc();[SORT_FOLDER_DESC] = value ? false : true; localStore.put(SORT_FOLDER_DESC, value ? false : true); refresh(); return; } value =[SORT_FILE_BY]; var descValue = getSortFileDesc(); if ($span.hasClass('cp-app-drive-sort-filename')) { if (value === '') { descValue = descValue ? false : true; } else { descValue = false; value = ''; } } else { ['cp-app-drive-element-title', 'cp-app-drive-element-type', 'cp-app-drive-element-atime', 'cp-app-drive-element-ctime'].some(function (c) { if ($span.hasClass(c)) { if (value === c) { descValue = descValue ? false : true; } else { // atime and ctime should be ordered in a desc order at the first click value = c.replace(/cp-app-drive-element-/, ''); descValue = value !== 'title'; } return true; } }); }[SORT_FILE_BY] = value;[SORT_FILE_DESC] = descValue; localStore.put(SORT_FILE_BY, value); localStore.put(SORT_FILE_DESC, descValue); refresh(); }; var addFolderSortIcon = function ($list) { var $icon = $sortAscIcon.clone(); if (getSortFolderDesc()) { $icon = $sortDescIcon.clone(); } if (typeof([SORT_FOLDER_DESC]) !== "undefined") { $list.find('.cp-app-drive-sort-foldername').addClass('cp-app-drive-sort-active').prepend($icon); } }; var getFolderListHeader = function () { var $fohElement = $('<li>', { 'class': 'cp-app-drive-element-header cp-app-drive-element-list' }); //var $fohElement = $('<span>', {'class': 'element'}).appendTo($folderHeader); var $fhIcon = $('<span>', {'class': 'cp-app-drive-content-icon'}); var $name = $('<span>', { 'class': 'cp-app-drive-element-name cp-app-drive-sort-foldername ' + 'cp-app-drive-sort-clickable' }).text(Messages.fm_folderName).click(onSortByClick); var $state = $('<span>', {'class': 'cp-app-drive-element-state'}); var $subfolders = $('<span>', { 'class': 'cp-app-drive-element-folders cp-app-drive-element-list' }).text(Messages.fm_numberOfFolders); var $files = $('<span>', { 'class': 'cp-app-drive-element-files cp-app-drive-element-list' }).text(Messages.fm_numberOfFiles); $fohElement.append($fhIcon).append($name).append($state) .append($subfolders).append($files); addFolderSortIcon($fohElement); return $fohElement; }; var addFileSortIcon = function ($list) { var $icon = $sortAscIcon.clone(); if (getSortFileDesc()) { $icon = $sortDescIcon.clone(); } var classSorted; if ([SORT_FILE_BY] === '') { classSorted = 'cp-app-drive-sort-filename'; } else if ([SORT_FILE_BY]) { classSorted =[SORT_FILE_BY]; } if (classSorted) { $list.find('.' + classSorted).addClass('cp-app-drive-sort-active').prepend($icon); } }; // _WORKGROUP_ : do not display title, atime and ctime in workgroups since we don't have files data var getFileListHeader = function () { var $fihElement = $('<li>', { 'class': 'cp-app-drive-element-header cp-app-drive-element-list' }); //var $fihElement = $('<span>', {'class': 'element'}).appendTo($fileHeader); var $fhIcon = $('<span>', {'class': 'cp-app-drive-content-icon'}); var $fhName = $('<span>', { 'class': 'cp-app-drive-element-name cp-app-drive-sort-filename ' + 'cp-app-drive-sort-clickable' }).text(Messages.fm_fileName).click(onSortByClick); var $fhState = $('<span>', {'class': 'cp-app-drive-element-state'}); var $fhType = $('<span>', { 'class': 'cp-app-drive-element-type cp-app-drive-sort-clickable' }).text(Messages.fm_type).click(onSortByClick); var $fhAdate = $('<span>', { 'class': 'cp-app-drive-element-atime cp-app-drive-sort-clickable' }).text(Messages.fm_lastAccess).click(onSortByClick); var $fhCdate = $('<span>', { 'class': 'cp-app-drive-element-ctime cp-app-drive-sort-clickable' }).text(Messages.fm_creation).click(onSortByClick); // If displayTitle is false, it means the "name" is the title, so do not display the "name" header $fihElement.append($fhIcon).append($fhName).append($fhState).append($fhType); if (!isWorkgroup()) { $fihElement.append($fhAdate).append($fhCdate); } addFileSortIcon($fihElement); return $fihElement; }; var sortElements = function (folder, path, oldkeys, prop, asc, useId) { var root = filesOp.find(path); var test = folder ? filesOp.isFolder : filesOp.isFile; var keys = oldkeys.filter(function (e) { return useId ? test(e) : test(root[e]); }); if (keys.length < 2) { return keys; } var mult = asc ? 1 : -1; var getProp = function (el, prop) { if (folder) { return el.toLowerCase(); } var id = useId ? el : root[el]; var data = filesOp.getFileData(id); if (!data) { return ''; } if (prop === 'type') { var hrefData = Cryptpad.parsePadUrl(data.href); return hrefData.type; } if (prop === 'atime' || prop === 'ctime') { return new Date(data[prop]); } return (filesOp.getTitle(id) || "").toLowerCase(); }; keys.sort(function(a, b) { if (getProp(a, prop) < getProp(b, prop)) { return mult * -1; } if (getProp(a, prop) > getProp(b, prop)) { return mult * 1; } return 0; }); return keys; }; var sortTrashElements = function (folder, oldkeys, prop, asc) { var test = folder ? filesOp.isFolder : filesOp.isFile; var keys = oldkeys.filter(function (e) { return test(e.element); }); if (keys.length < 2) { return keys; } var mult = asc ? 1 : -1; var getProp = function (el, prop) { if (prop && !folder) { var element = el.element; var e = filesOp.getFileData(element); if (!e) { e = { href : el, title : Messages.fm_noname, atime : 0, ctime : 0 }; } if (prop === 'type') { var hrefData = Cryptpad.parsePadUrl(e.href); return hrefData.type; } if (prop === 'atime' || prop === 'ctime') { return new Date(e[prop]); } } return ( || "").toLowerCase(); }; keys.sort(function(a, b) { if (getProp(a, prop) < getProp(b, prop)) { return mult * -1; } if (getProp(a, prop) > getProp(b, prop)) { return mult * 1; } return 0; }); return keys; }; // Create the ghost icon to add pads/folders var createNewPadIcons = function ($block, isInRoot) { var $container = $('<div>'); if (isInRoot) { // Folder var $element1 = $('<li>', { 'class': 'cp-app-drive-new-folder cp-app-drive-element-row ' + 'cp-app-drive-element-grid' }).prepend($folderIcon.clone()).appendTo($container); $element1.append($('<span>', { 'class': 'cp-app-drive-new-name' }) .text(Messages.fm_folder)); // File var $element2 = $('<li>', { 'class': 'cp-app-drive-new-upload cp-app-drive-element-row ' + 'cp-app-drive-element-grid' }).prepend(getIcon('file')).appendTo($container); $element2.append($('<span>', {'class': 'cp-app-drive-new-name'}) .text(Messages.uploadButton)); } // Pads getNewPadTypes().forEach(function (type) { var $element = $('<li>', { 'class': 'cp-app-drive-new-doc cp-app-drive-element-row ' + 'cp-app-drive-element-grid' }).prepend(getIcon(type)).appendTo($container); $element.append($('<span>', {'class': 'cp-app-drive-new-name'}) .text(Messages.type[type])); $element.attr('data-type', type); }); $container.find('.cp-app-drive-element-row').click(function () { $block.hide(); }); return $container; }; var createGhostIcon = function ($list) { var isInRoot = currentPath[0] === ROOT; var $element = $('<li>', { 'class': 'cp-app-drive-element-row cp-app-drive-element-grid cp-app-drive-new-ghost' }).prepend($addIcon.clone()).appendTo($list); $element.append($('<span>', {'class': 'cp-app-drive-element-name'}) .text(Messages.fm_newFile)); $element.attr('title', Messages.fm_newFile); $ () { var $modal = Cryptpad.createModal({ id: 'cp-app-drive-new-ghost-dialog', $body: $('body') }); var $title = $('<h3>').text(Messages.fm_newFile); var $description = $('<p>').text(Messages.fm_newButtonTitle); $modal.find('.cp-modal').append($title); $modal.find('.cp-modal').append($description); var $content = createNewPadIcons($modal, isInRoot); $modal.find('.cp-modal').append($content); window.setTimeout(function () { $; }); addNewPadHandlers($modal, isInRoot); }); }; // Drive content toolbar var createToolbar = function () { var $toolbar = $driveToolbar; $toolbar.html(''); $('<div>', {'class': 'cp-app-drive-toolbar-leftside'}).appendTo($toolbar); $('<div>', {'class': 'cp-app-drive-path cp-unselectable'}).appendTo($toolbar); var $rightside = $('<div>', {'class': 'cp-app-drive-toolbar-rightside'}) .appendTo($toolbar); var $hist = common.createButton('history', true, {histConfig: APP.histConfig}); $rightside.append($hist); return $toolbar; }; // Unsorted element are represented by "href" in an array: they don't have a filename // and they don't hav a hierarchical structure (folder/subfolders) var displayHrefArray = function ($container, rootName, draggable) { var unsorted = files[rootName]; if (unsorted.length) { var $fileHeader = getFileListHeader(false); $container.append($fileHeader); } var keys = unsorted; var sortBy =[SORT_FILE_BY]; sortBy = sortBy === "" ? sortBy = 'name' : sortBy; var sortedFiles = sortElements(false, [rootName], keys, sortBy, !getSortFileDesc(), true); sortedFiles.forEach(function (id) { var file = filesOp.getFileData(id); if (!file) { //debug("Unsorted or template returns an element not present in filesData: ", href); file = { title: Messages.fm_noname }; //return; } var idx = files[rootName].indexOf(id); var $icon = getFileIcon(id); var ro = filesOp.isReadOnlyFile(id); // ro undefined mens it's an old hash which doesn't support read-only var roClass = typeof(ro) === 'undefined' ? ' cp-app-drive-element-noreadonly' : ro ? ' cp-app-drive-element-readonly' : ''; var $element = $('<li>', { 'class': 'cp-app-drive-element cp-app-drive-element-row' + roClass, draggable: draggable }); if (Array.isArray(APP.selectedFiles)) { var sidx = APP.selectedFiles.indexOf(id); if (sidx !== -1) { $element.addClass('cp-app-drive-element-selected'); APP.selectedFiles.splice(sidx, 1); } } addFileData(id, $element); $element.prepend($icon).dblclick(function () { openFile(id); }); var path = [rootName, idx]; $'path', path); $ { e.stopPropagation(); onElementClick(e, $element, path); }); $element.contextmenu(openDefaultContextMenu); $'context', $defaultContextMenu); if (draggable) { addDragAndDropHandlers($element, path, false, false); } $container.append($element); }); createGhostIcon($container); }; var displayAllFiles = function ($container) { var allfiles = files[FILES_DATA]; if (allfiles.length === 0) { return; } var $fileHeader = getFileListHeader(false); $container.append($fileHeader); var keys = filesOp.getFiles([FILES_DATA]); var sortedFiles = sortElements(false, [FILES_DATA], keys,[SORT_FILE_BY], !getSortFileDesc(), true); sortedFiles.forEach(function (id) { var $icon = getFileIcon(id); var ro = filesOp.isReadOnlyFile(id); // ro undefined maens it's an old hash which doesn't support read-only var roClass = typeof(ro) === 'undefined' ? ' cp-app-drive-element-noreadonly' : ro ? ' cp-app-drive-element-readonly' : ''; var $element = $('<li>', { 'class': 'cp-app-drive-element cp-app-drive-element-row' + roClass }); addFileData(id, $element); $'path', [FILES_DATA, id]); $'element', id); $element.prepend($icon).dblclick(function () { openFile(id); }); $ { e.stopPropagation(); onElementClick(e, $element); }); $element.contextmenu(openDefaultContextMenu); $'context', $defaultContextMenu); $container.append($element); }); }; var displayTrashRoot = function ($list, $folderHeader, $fileHeader) { var filesList = []; var root = files[TRASH]; // Elements in the trash are JS arrays (several elements can have the same name) Object.keys(root).forEach(function (key) { if (!Array.isArray(root[key])) { logError("Trash element has a wrong type", root[key]); return; } root[key].forEach(function (el, idx) { if (!filesOp.isFile(el.element) && !filesOp.isFolder(el.element)) { return; } var spath = [key, idx, 'element']; filesList.push({ element: el.element, spath: spath, name: key }); }); }); var sortedFolders = sortTrashElements(true, filesList, null, !getSortFolderDesc()); var sortedFiles = sortTrashElements(false, filesList,[SORT_FILE_BY], !getSortFileDesc()); if (filesOp.hasSubfolder(root, true)) { $list.append($folderHeader); } sortedFolders.forEach(function (f) { var $element = createElement([TRASH], f.spath, root, true); $list.append($element); }); if (filesOp.hasFile(root, true)) { $list.append($fileHeader); } sortedFiles.forEach(function (f) { var $element = createElement([TRASH], f.spath, root, false); $list.append($element); }); }; var displaySearch = function ($list, value) { var filesList =; filesList.forEach(function (r) { r.paths.forEach(function (path) { var href =; var parsed = Cryptpad.parsePadUrl(href); var $table = $('<table>'); var $icon = $('<td>', {'rowspan': '3', 'class': 'cp-app-drive-search-icon'}) .append(getFileIcon(href)); var $title = $('<td>', { 'class': 'cp-app-drive-search-col1 cp-app-drive-search-title' }).text( .click(function () { openFile(null,; }); var $typeName = $('<td>', {'class': 'cp-app-drive-search-label2'}) .text(Messages.fm_type); var $type = $('<td>', {'class': 'cp-app-drive-search-col2'}) .text(Messages.type[parsed.type] || parsed.type); var $atimeName = $('<td>', {'class': 'cp-app-drive-search-label2'}) .text(Messages.fm_lastAccess); var $atime = $('<td>', {'class': 'cp-app-drive-search-col2'}) .text(new Date(; var $ctimeName = $('<td>', {'class': 'cp-app-drive-search-label2'}) .text(Messages.fm_creation); var $ctime = $('<td>', {'class': 'cp-app-drive-search-col2'}) .text(new Date(; if (filesOp.isPathIn(path, ['hrefArray'])) { path.pop(); path.push(; } var $path = $('<td>', { 'class': 'cp-app-drive-search-col1 cp-app-drive-search-path' }); createTitle($path, path, true); var parentPath = path.slice(); var $a; if (parentPath) { $a = $('<a>').text(Messages.fm_openParent).click(function (e) { e.preventDefault(); if (filesOp.isInTrashRoot(parentPath)) { parentPath = [TRASH]; } else { parentPath.pop(); } APP.selectedFiles = []; APP.displayDirectory(parentPath); }); } var $openDir = $('<td>', {'class': 'cp-app-drive-search-opendir'}).append($a); // rows 1-3 $('<tr>').append($icon).append($title).append($typeName).append($type).appendTo($table); $('<tr>').append($path).append($atimeName).append($atime).appendTo($table); $('<tr>').append($openDir).append($ctimeName).append($ctime).appendTo($table); $('<li>', {'class':'cp-app-drive-search-result'}).append($table).appendTo($list); }); }); }; var displayRecent = function ($list) { var filesList = filesOp.getRecentPads(); var limit = 20; var i = 0; filesList.forEach(function (id) { if (i >= limit) { return; } // Check path (pad exists and not in trash) var paths = filesOp.findFile(id); if (!paths.length) { return; } var path = paths[0]; if (filesOp.isPathIn(path, [TRASH])) { return; } // Display the pad var file = filesOp.getFileData(id); if (!file) { //debug("Unsorted or template returns an element not present in filesData: ", href); file = { title: Messages.fm_noname }; //return; } var $icon = getFileIcon(id); var ro = filesOp.isReadOnlyFile(id); // ro undefined mens it's an old hash which doesn't support read-only var roClass = typeof(ro) === 'undefined' ? ' cp-app-drive-element-noreadonly' : ro ? ' cp-app-drive-element-readonly' : ''; var $element = $('<li>', { 'class': 'cp-app-drive-element cp-app-drive-element-row' + roClass, }); addFileData(id, $element); $element.prepend($icon).dblclick(function () { openFile(id); }); $'path', path); $ { e.stopPropagation(); onElementClick(e, $element, path); }); $element.contextmenu(openDefaultContextMenu); $'context', $defaultContextMenu); /*if (draggable) { addDragAndDropHandlers($element, path, false, false); }*/ $list.append($element); i++; }); }; // Display the selected directory into the content part (rightside) // NOTE: Elements in the trash are not using the same storage structure as the others // _WORKGROUP_ : do not change the lastOpenedFolder value in localStorage var displayDirectory = APP.displayDirectory = function (path, force) { APP.hideMenu(); if (!APP.editable) { debug("Read-only mode"); } if (!appStatus.isReady && !force) { return; } // Only Trash and Root are available in not-owned files manager if (!path || displayedCategories.indexOf(path[0]) === -1) { log(Messages.categoryError); currentPath = [ROOT]; displayDirectory(currentPath); return; } appStatus.ready(false); currentPath = path; var s = $content.scrollTop() || 0; $content.html(""); sel.$selectBox = $('<div>', {'class': 'cp-app-drive-content-select-box'}) .appendTo($content); if (!path || path.length === 0) { path = [ROOT]; } var isInRoot = filesOp.isPathIn(path, [ROOT]); var inTrash = filesOp.isPathIn(path, [TRASH]); var isTrashRoot = filesOp.comparePath(path, [TRASH]); var isTemplate = filesOp.comparePath(path, [TEMPLATE]); var isAllFiles = filesOp.comparePath(path, [FILES_DATA]); var isSearch = path[0] === SEARCH; var isRecent = path[0] === RECENT; var isVirtual = virtualCategories.indexOf(path[0]) !== -1; var root = isVirtual ? undefined : filesOp.find(path); if (!isVirtual && typeof(root) === "undefined") { log(Messages.fm_unknownFolderError); debug("Unable to locate the selected directory: ", path); var parentPath = path.slice(); parentPath.pop(); displayDirectory(parentPath, true); return; } if (!isSearch) { delete APP.Search.oldLocation; } APP.resetTree(); if (displayedCategories.indexOf(SEARCH) !== -1 && $tree.find('#cp-app-drive-tree-search-input').length) { // in history mode we want to focus the version number input if (!history.isHistoryMode && ! { var st = $tree.scrollTop() || 0; $tree.find('#cp-app-drive-tree-search-input').focus(); $tree.scrollTop(st); } $tree.find('#cp-app-drive-tree-search-input')[0].selectionStart = getSearchCursor(); $tree.find('#cp-app-drive-tree-search-input')[0].selectionEnd = getSearchCursor(); } if (!isWorkgroup()) { setLastOpenedFolder(path); } var $toolbar = createToolbar(path); var $info = createInfoBox(path); var $dirContent = $('<div>', {id: FOLDER_CONTENT_ID}); $'path', path); if (!isSearch) { var mode = getViewMode(); if (mode) { $dirContent.addClass(getViewModeClass()); } createViewModeButton($toolbar.find('.cp-app-drive-toolbar-rightside')); } if (inTrash) { createEmptyTrashButton($toolbar.find('.cp-app-drive-toolbar-rightside')); } var $list = $('<ul>').appendTo($dirContent); // NewButton can be undefined if we're in read only mode createNewButton(isInRoot, $toolbar.find('.cp-app-drive-toolbar-leftside')); createTitle($toolbar.find('.cp-app-drive-path'), path); if ( { var $context = $('<button>', { 'class': 'cp-dropdown-container', id: 'cp-app-drive-toolbar-context-mobile' }); $context.append($('<span>', {'class': 'fa fa-caret-down'})); $context.appendTo($toolbar.find('.cp-app-drive-toolbar-rightside')); $ (e) { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); var $li = $content.find('.cp-app-drive-element-selected'); if ($li.length !== 1) { $li = findDataHolder($tree.find('.cp-app-drive-element-active')); } // Close if already opened if ($('.cp-app-drive-context:visible').length) { APP.hideMenu(); return; } // Open the menu $('.cp-app-drive-context').css({ top: ($context.offset().top + 32) + 'px', right: '0px', left: '' }); $li.contextmenu(); }); } else { var $contextButtons = $('<span>', {'id' : 'cp-app-drive-toolbar-contextbuttons'}); $contextButtons.appendTo($toolbar.find('.cp-app-drive-toolbar-rightside')); } updateContextButton(); var $folderHeader = getFolderListHeader(); var $fileHeader = getFileListHeader(true); if (isTemplate) { displayHrefArray($list, path[0], true); } else if (isAllFiles) { displayAllFiles($list); } else if (isTrashRoot) { displayTrashRoot($list, $folderHeader, $fileHeader); } else if (isSearch) { displaySearch($list, path[1]); } else if (isRecent) { displayRecent($list); } else { $dirContent.contextmenu(openContentContextMenu); if (filesOp.hasSubfolder(root)) { $list.append($folderHeader); } // display sub directories var keys = Object.keys(root); var sortedFolders = sortElements(true, path, keys, null, !getSortFolderDesc()); var sortedFiles = sortElements(false, path, keys,[SORT_FILE_BY], !getSortFileDesc()); sortedFolders.forEach(function (key) { if (filesOp.isFile(root[key])) { return; } var $element = createElement(path, key, root, true); $element.appendTo($list); }); if (filesOp.hasFile(root)) { $list.append($fileHeader); } // display files sortedFiles.forEach(function (key) { if (filesOp.isFolder(root[key])) { return; } var $element = createElement(path, key, root, false); $element.appendTo($list); }); createGhostIcon($list); } $content.append($info).append($dirContent); var $truncated = $('<span>', {'class': 'cp-app-drive-element-truncated'}).text('...'); $content.find('.cp-app-drive-element').each(function (idx, el) { var $name = $(el).find('.cp-app-drive-element-name'); if ($name.length === 0) { return; } if ($name[0].scrollHeight > $name[0].clientHeight) { var $tr = $truncated.clone(); $tr.attr('title', $name.text()); $(el).append($tr); } }); $content.scrollTop(s); appStatus.ready(true); }; var createTreeElement = function (name, $icon, path, draggable, droppable, collapsable, active) { var $name = $('<span>', { 'class': 'cp-app-drive-element' }).text(name); var $collapse; if (collapsable) { $collapse = $expandIcon.clone(); } var $elementRow = $('<span>', {'class': 'cp-app-drive-element-row'}).append($collapse).append($icon).append($name).click(function (e) { e.stopPropagation(); APP.displayDirectory(path); }); var $element = $('<li>').append($elementRow); if (draggable) { $elementRow.attr('draggable', true); } if (collapsable) { $element.addClass('cp-app-drive-element-collapsed'); $ { e.stopPropagation(); if ($element.hasClass('cp-app-drive-element-collapsed')) { // It is closed, open it $element.removeClass('cp-app-drive-element-collapsed'); setFolderOpened(path, true); $collapse.removeClass('fa-plus-square-o'); $collapse.addClass('fa-minus-square-o'); } else { // Collapse the folder $element.addClass('cp-app-drive-element-collapsed'); setFolderOpened(path, false); $collapse.removeClass('fa-minus-square-o'); $collapse.addClass('fa-plus-square-o'); // Change the current opened folder if it was collapsed if (filesOp.isSubpath(currentPath, path)) { displayDirectory(path); } } }); if (wasFolderOpened(path) || (filesOp.isSubpath(currentPath, path) && path.length < currentPath.length)) { $; } } $'path', path); addDragAndDropHandlers($elementRow, path, true, droppable); if (active) { $elementRow.addClass('cp-app-drive-element-active cp-leftside-active'); } return $element; }; var createTree = function ($container, path) { var root = filesOp.find(path); // don't try to display what doesn't exist if (!root) { return; } // Display the root element in the tree var displayingRoot = filesOp.comparePath([ROOT], path); if (displayingRoot) { var isRootOpened = filesOp.comparePath([ROOT], currentPath); var $rootIcon = filesOp.isFolderEmpty(files[ROOT]) ? (isRootOpened ? $folderOpenedEmptyIcon : $folderEmptyIcon) : (isRootOpened ? $folderOpenedIcon : $folderIcon); var $rootElement = createTreeElement(ROOT_NAME, $rootIcon.clone(), [ROOT], false, true, true, isRootOpened); if (!filesOp.hasSubfolder(root)) { $rootElement.find('.cp-app-drive-icon-expcol').css('visibility', 'hidden'); } $rootElement.addClass('cp-app-drive-tree-root'); $rootElement.find('>.cp-app-drive-element-row') .contextmenu(openDirectoryContextMenu); $('<ul>', {'class': 'cp-app-drive-tree-docs'}) .append($rootElement).appendTo($container); $container = $rootElement; } else if (filesOp.isFolderEmpty(root)) { return; } // Display root content var $list = $('<ul>').appendTo($container); var keys = Object.keys(root).sort(); keys.forEach(function (key) { // Do not display files in the menu if (!filesOp.isFolder(root[key])) { return; } var newPath = path.slice(); newPath.push(key); var isCurrentFolder = filesOp.comparePath(newPath, currentPath); var isEmpty = filesOp.isFolderEmpty(root[key]); var subfolder = filesOp.hasSubfolder(root[key]); var $icon = isEmpty ? (isCurrentFolder ? $folderOpenedEmptyIcon : $folderEmptyIcon) : (isCurrentFolder ? $folderOpenedIcon : $folderIcon); var $element = createTreeElement(key, $icon.clone(), newPath, true, true, subfolder, isCurrentFolder); $element.appendTo($list); $element.find('>.cp-app-drive-element-row').contextmenu(openDirectoryContextMenu); createTree($element, newPath); }); }; var createTemplate = function ($container, path) { var $icon = $templateIcon.clone(); var isOpened = filesOp.comparePath(path, currentPath); var $element = createTreeElement(TEMPLATE_NAME, $icon, [TEMPLATE], false, true, false, isOpened); $element.addClass('cp-app-drive-tree-root'); var $list = $('<ul>', { 'class': 'cp-app-drive-tree-category' }).append($element); $container.append($list); }; var createAllFiles = function ($container, path) { var $icon = $unsortedIcon.clone(); var isOpened = filesOp.comparePath(path, currentPath); var $allfilesElement = createTreeElement(FILES_DATA_NAME, $icon, [FILES_DATA], false, false, false, isOpened); $allfilesElement.addClass('root'); var $allfilesList = $('<ul>', { 'class': 'cp-app-drive-tree-category' }) .append($allfilesElement); $container.append($allfilesList); }; var createTrash = function ($container, path) { var $icon = filesOp.isFolderEmpty(files[TRASH]) ? $trashEmptyIcon.clone() : $trashIcon.clone(); var isOpened = filesOp.comparePath(path, currentPath); var $trashElement = createTreeElement(TRASH_NAME, $icon, [TRASH], false, true, false, isOpened); $trashElement.addClass('root'); $trashElement.find('>.cp-app-drive-element-row').contextmenu(openTrashTreeContextMenu); var $trashList = $('<ul>', { 'class': 'cp-app-drive-tree-category' }) .append($trashElement); $container.append($trashList); }; var createRecent = function ($container, path) { var $icon = $recentIcon.clone(); var isOpened = filesOp.comparePath(path, currentPath); var $element = createTreeElement(RECENT_NAME, $icon, [RECENT], false, false, false, isOpened); $element.addClass('root'); var $list = $('<ul>', { 'class': 'cp-app-drive-tree-category' }).append($element); $container.append($list); }; var search = APP.Search = {}; var createSearch = function ($container) { var isInSearch = currentPath[0] === SEARCH; var $div = $('<div>', {'id': 'cp-app-drive-tree-search', 'class': 'cp-unselectable'}); var $input = $('<input>', { id: 'cp-app-drive-tree-search-input', type: 'text', draggable: false, tabindex: 1, placeholder: Messages.fm_searchPlaceholder }).keyup(function (e) { if ( { window.clearTimeout(; } if ([38, 39, 40, 41].indexOf(e.which) !== -1) { if (!$input.val()) { $input.blur(); $content.focus(); return; } else { e.stopPropagation(); } } var isInSearchTmp = currentPath[0] === SEARCH; if ($input.val().trim() === "") { setSearchCursor(0); if (search.oldLocation && search.oldLocation.length) { displayDirectory(search.oldLocation); } return; } if (e.which === 13) { if (!isInSearchTmp) { search.oldLocation = currentPath.slice(); } var newLocation = [SEARCH, $input.val()]; setSearchCursor(); if (!filesOp.comparePath(newLocation, currentPath.slice())) { displayDirectory(newLocation); } return; } if ( { return; } = window.setTimeout(function () { if (!isInSearchTmp) { search.oldLocation = currentPath.slice(); } var newLocation = [SEARCH, $input.val()]; setSearchCursor(); if (!filesOp.comparePath(newLocation, currentPath.slice())) { displayDirectory(newLocation); } }, 500); }).appendTo($div); $searchIcon.clone().appendTo($div); if (isInSearch) { $input.val(currentPath[1] || ''); } $container.append($div); }; APP.resetTree = function () { var $categories = $tree.find('.cp-app-drive-tree-categories-container'); var s = $categories.scrollTop() || 0; $tree.html(''); if (displayedCategories.indexOf(SEARCH) !== -1) { createSearch($tree); } var $div = $('<div>', {'class': 'cp-app-drive-tree-categories-container'}) .appendTo($tree); if (displayedCategories.indexOf(RECENT) !== -1) { createRecent($div, [RECENT]); } if (displayedCategories.indexOf(ROOT) !== -1) { createTree($div, [ROOT]); } if (displayedCategories.indexOf(TEMPLATE) !== -1) { createTemplate($div, [TEMPLATE]); } if (displayedCategories.indexOf(FILES_DATA) !== -1) { createAllFiles($div, [FILES_DATA]); } if (displayedCategories.indexOf(TRASH) !== -1) { createTrash($div, [TRASH]); } $tree.append(APP.$limit); $categories = $tree.find('.cp-app-drive-tree-categories-container'); $categories.scrollTop(s); }; APP.hideMenu = function () { $contextMenu.hide(); $trashTreeContextMenu.hide(); $trashContextMenu.hide(); $contentContextMenu.hide(); $defaultContextMenu.hide(); $('.cp-dropdown-content').hide(); }; var stringifyPath = function (path) { if (!Array.isArray(path)) { return; } var $div = $('<div>'); var i = 0; var space = 10; path.forEach(function (s) { if (i === 0) { s = getPrettyName(s); } $div.append($('<span>', {'style': 'margin: 0 0 0 ' + i * space + 'px;'}).text(s)); $div.append($('<br>')); i++; }); return $div.html(); }; var getReadOnlyUrl = APP.getRO = function (id) { if (!filesOp.isFile(id)) { return; } var data = filesOp.getFileData(id); if (!data) { return; } var parsed = Cryptpad.parsePadUrl(data.href); if (parsed.hashData.type !== "pad") { return; } var i = data.href.indexOf('#') + 1; var base = APP.origin + data.href.slice(0, i); var hrefsecret = Cryptpad.getSecrets(parsed.type, parsed.hash); if (!hrefsecret.keys) { return; } var viewHash = Cryptpad.getViewHashFromKeys(, hrefsecret.keys); return base + viewHash; }; // Disable middle click in the context menu to avoid opening /drive/inner.html# in new tabs $(window).click(function (e) { if (! || !$('.cp-dropdown-content').length) { return; } if (e.which !== 1) { e.stopPropagation(); return false; } }); var getProperties = function (el, cb) { if (!filesOp.isFile(el)) { return void cb('NOT_FILE'); } var ro = filesOp.isReadOnlyFile(el); var base = APP.origin; var $d = $('<div>'); $('<strong>').text(Messages.fc_prop).appendTo($d); var data = filesOp.getFileData(el); if (!data || !data.href) { return void cb(void 0, $d); } $('<br>').appendTo($d); if (!ro) { $('<label>', {'for': 'cp-app-drive-prop-link'}).text(Messages.editShare).appendTo($d); $d.append(Cryptpad.dialog.selectable(base + data.href, { id: 'cp-app-drive-prop-link', })); } var parsed = Cryptpad.parsePadUrl(data.href); if (parsed.hashData && parsed.hashData.type === 'pad') { var roLink = ro ? base + data.href : getReadOnlyUrl(el); if (roLink) { $('<label>', {'for': 'cp-app-drive-prop-rolink'}).text(Messages.viewShare).appendTo($d); $d.append(Cryptpad.dialog.selectable(roLink, { id: 'cp-app-drive-prop-rolink', })); } } if (data.tags && Array.isArray(data.tags)) { $('<label>', {'for': 'cp-app-drive-prop-tags'}).text(Messages.fm_prop_tagsList).appendTo($d); $d.append(Cryptpad.dialog.selectable(data.tags.join(', '), { id: 'cp-app-drive-prop-tags', })); } if (APP.loggedIn && AppConfig.enablePinning) { // check the size of this file... common.getFileSize(data.href, function (e, bytes) { if (e) { // there was a problem with the RPC logError(e); // but we don't want to break the interface. // continue as if there was no RPC return void cb(void 0, $d); } var KB = Cryptpad.bytesToKilobytes(bytes); var formatted = Messages._getKey('formattedKB', [KB]); $('<br>').appendTo($d); $('<label>', { 'for': 'cp-app-drive-prop-size' }).text(Messages.fc_sizeInKilobytes).appendTo($d); $d.append(Cryptpad.dialog.selectable(formatted, { id: 'cp-app-drive-prop-size', })); cb(void 0, $d); }); } else { cb(void 0, $d); } }; $contextMenu.on("click", "a", function(e) { e.stopPropagation(); var paths = $(this).data('paths'); //var path = $(this).data('path'); //var $element = $(this).data('element'); if (paths.length === 0) { log(Messages.fm_forbidden); debug("Directory context menu on a forbidden or unexisting element. ", paths); return; } if ($(this).hasClass("cp-app-drive-context-rename")) { if (paths.length !== 1) { return; } displayRenameInput(paths[0].element, paths[0].path); } else if($(this).hasClass("cp-app-drive-context-delete")) { var pathsList = []; paths.forEach(function (p) { pathsList.push(p.path); }); moveElements(pathsList, [TRASH], false, refresh); } else if ($(this).hasClass('cp-app-drive-context-open')) { paths.forEach(function (p) { var $element = p.element; $; $element.dblclick(); }); } else if ($(this).hasClass('cp-app-drive-context-openro')) { paths.forEach(function (p) { var el = filesOp.find(p.path); if (filesOp.isFolder(el)) { return; } var roUrl = getReadOnlyUrl(el); openFile(null, roUrl); }); } else if ($(this).hasClass('cp-app-drive-context-newfolder')) { if (paths.length !== 1) { return; } var onCreated = function (err, info) { if (err) { return void logError(err); } APP.newFolder = info.newPath; APP.displayDirectory(paths[0].path); }; filesOp.addFolder(paths[0].path, null, onCreated); } else if ($(this).hasClass("cp-app-drive-context-properties")) { if (paths.length !== 1) { return; } var el = filesOp.find(paths[0].path); getProperties(el, function (e, $prop) { if (e) { return void logError(e); } Cryptpad.alert($prop[0], undefined, true); }); } APP.hideMenu(); }); $defaultContextMenu.on("click", "a", function(e) { e.stopPropagation(); var paths = $(this).data('paths'); if (paths.length === 0) { log(Messages.fm_forbidden); debug("Context menu on a forbidden or unexisting element. ", paths); return; } if ($(this).hasClass('cp-app-drive-context-open')) { paths.forEach(function (p) { var $element = p.element; $element.dblclick(); }); } else if ($(this).hasClass('cp-app-drive-context-openro')) { paths.forEach(function (p) { var el = filesOp.find(p.path); if (filesOp.isPathIn(p.path, [FILES_DATA])) { el = el.href; } if (!el || filesOp.isFolder(el)) { return; } var roUrl = getReadOnlyUrl(el); openFile(null, roUrl); }); } else if ($(this).hasClass('cp-app-drive-context-delete')) { var pathsList = []; paths.forEach(function (p) { pathsList.push(p.path); }); if (!APP.loggedIn) { var msg = Messages._getKey("fm_removeSeveralPermanentlyDialog", [paths.length]); if (paths.length === 1) { msg = Messages.fm_removePermanentlyDialog; } Cryptpad.confirm(msg, function(res) { $(window).focus(); if (!res) { return; } filesOp.delete(pathsList, refresh); }); return; } moveElements(pathsList, [TRASH], false, refresh); } else if ($(this).hasClass("cp-app-drive-context-properties")) { if (paths.length !== 1) { return; } var el = filesOp.find(paths[0].path); getProperties(el, function (e, $prop) { if (e) { return void logError(e); } Cryptpad.alert($prop[0], undefined, true); }); } APP.hideMenu(); }); $contentContextMenu.on('click', 'a', function (e) { e.stopPropagation(); var path = $(this).data('path'); var onCreated = function (err, info) { if (err === E_OVER_LIMIT) { return void Cryptpad.alert(Messages.pinLimitDrive, null, true); } if (err) { return void Cryptpad.alert(Messages.fm_error_cantPin); } APP.newFolder = info.newPath; refresh(); }; if ($(this).hasClass("cp-app-drive-context-newfolder")) { filesOp.addFolder(path, null, onCreated); } else if ($(this).hasClass("cp-app-drive-context-newdoc")) { var type = $(this).data('type') || 'pad'; sessionStorage[Cryptpad.newPadPathKey] = filesOp.isPathIn(currentPath, [TRASH]) ? '' : currentPath;'/' + type + '/'); } APP.hideMenu(); }); $trashTreeContextMenu.on('click', 'a', function (e) { e.stopPropagation(); var paths = $(this).data('paths'); if (paths.length !== 1 || !paths[0].element || !filesOp.comparePath(paths[0].path, [TRASH])) { log(Messages.fm_forbidden); debug("Trash tree context menu on a forbidden or unexisting element. ", paths); return; } if ($(this).hasClass("cp-app-drive-context-empty")) { Cryptpad.confirm(Messages.fm_emptyTrashDialog, function(res) { if (!res) { return; } filesOp.emptyTrash(refresh); }); } APP.hideMenu(); }); $trashContextMenu.on('click', 'a', function (e) { e.stopPropagation(); var paths = $(this).data('paths'); if (paths.length === 0) { log(Messages.fm_forbidden); debug("Trash context menu on a forbidden or unexisting element. ", paths); return; } var path = paths[0].path; var name = paths[0].path[paths[0].path.length - 1]; if ($(this).hasClass("cp-app-drive-context-remove")) { if (paths.length === 1) { Cryptpad.confirm(Messages.fm_removePermanentlyDialog, function(res) { if (!res) { return; } filesOp.delete([path], refresh); }); return; } var pathsList = []; paths.forEach(function (p) { pathsList.push(p.path); }); var msg = Messages._getKey("fm_removeSeveralPermanentlyDialog", [paths.length]); Cryptpad.confirm(msg, function(res) { if (!res) { return; } filesOp.delete(pathsList, refresh); }); } else if ($(this).hasClass("cp-app-drive-context-restore")) { if (paths.length !== 1) { return; } if (path.length === 4) { var el = filesOp.find(path); if (filesOp.isFile(el)) { name = filesOp.getTitle(el); } else { name = path[1]; } } Cryptpad.confirm(Messages._getKey("fm_restoreDialog", [name]), function(res) { if (!res) { return; } filesOp.restore(path, refresh); }); } else if ($(this).hasClass("cp-app-drive-context-properties")) { if (paths.length !== 1 || path.length !== 4) { return; } var element = filesOp.find(path.slice(0,3)); // element containing the oldpath var sPath = stringifyPath(element.path); Cryptpad.alert('<strong>' + Messages.fm_originalPath + "</strong>:<br>" + sPath, undefined, true); } APP.hideMenu(); }); // Chrome considers the double-click means "select all" in the window $content.on('mousedown', function (e) { $content.focus(); e.preventDefault(); }); $appContainer.on('mouseup', function (e) { //if (sel.down) { return; } if (e.which !== 1) { return ; } APP.hideMenu(e); //removeSelected(e); }); $appContainer.on('click', function (e) { if (e.which !== 1) { return ; } removeInput(); hideNewButton(); }); $appContainer.on('drag drop', function (e) { removeInput(); APP.hideMenu(e); }); $appContainer.on('mouseup drop', function () { $('.cp-app-drive-element-droppable').removeClass('cp-app-drive-element-droppable'); }); $appContainer.on('keydown', function (e) { // "Del" if (e.which === 46) { if (filesOp.isPathIn(currentPath, [FILES_DATA]) && APP.loggedIn) { return; // We can't remove elements directly from filesData } var $selected = $('.cp-app-drive-element-selected'); if (!$selected.length) { return; } var paths = []; var isTrash = filesOp.isPathIn(currentPath, [TRASH]); $selected.each(function (idx, elmt) { if (!$(elmt).data('path')) { return; } paths.push($(elmt).data('path')); }); // If we are in the trash or anon pad or if we are holding the "shift" key, delete permanently, if (!APP.loggedIn || isTrash || e.shiftKey) { var msg = Messages._getKey("fm_removeSeveralPermanentlyDialog", [paths.length]); if (paths.length === 1) { msg = Messages.fm_removePermanentlyDialog; } Cryptpad.confirm(msg, function(res) { $(window).focus(); if (!res) { return; } filesOp.delete(paths, refresh); }); return; } // else move to trash moveElements(paths, [TRASH], false, refresh); } }); $appContainer.contextmenu(function () { APP.hideMenu(); return false; }); var onRefresh = { refresh: function() { if ( { window.clearTimeout(; } = window.setTimeout(refresh, 500); } }; proxy.on('change', [], function () { if (history.isHistoryMode) { return; } var path = arguments[2]; if (path[0] !== 'drive') { return false; } path = path.slice(1); var cPath = currentPath.slice(); if ((filesOp.isPathIn(cPath, ['hrefArray', TRASH]) && cPath[0] === path[0]) || (path.length >= cPath.length && filesOp.isSubpath(path, cPath))) { // Reload after a few ms to make sure all the change events have been received onRefresh.refresh(); } else if (path.length && path[0] === FILES_DATA) { onRefresh.refresh(); } APP.resetTree(); return false; }).on('remove', [], function () { if (history.isHistoryMode) { return; } var path = arguments[1]; if (path[0] !== 'drive') { return false; } path = path.slice(1); var cPath = currentPath.slice(); if ((filesOp.isPathIn(cPath, ['hrefArray', TRASH]) && cPath[0] === path[0]) || (path.length >= cPath.length && filesOp.isSubpath(path, cPath))) { // Reload after a few to make sure all the change events have been received = window.setTimeout(refresh, 500); } APP.resetTree(); return false; }).on('change', ['drive', 'migrate'], function () { var path = arguments[2]; var value = arguments[1]; if (path[1] === "migrate" && value === 1) { if (APP.onDisconnect) { APP.onDisconnect(true); } } }); history.onEnterHistory = function (obj) { var files =; filesOp = FO.init(files, config); appStatus.isReady = true; refresh(); }; history.onLeaveHistory = function () { var files =; filesOp = FO.init(files, config); refresh(); }; var fmConfig = { noHandlers: true, onUploaded: function (ev, data) { try { // Get the folder path console.log(; console.log(data); var newPath = findDropPath(; if (!newPath) { return void refresh(); } var href = data.url; // Get the current file location in ROOT var id = filesOp.getIdFromHref(href); var paths = filesOp.findFile(id); if (paths.length !== 1) { return; } // Try to move and refresh moveElements([paths[0]], newPath, true); refresh(); } catch (e) { console.error(e); refresh(); } }, body: $('body') }; APP.FM = common.createFileManager(fmConfig); refresh(); Cryptpad.removeLoadingScreen(); }; var setHistory = function (bool, update) { history.isHistoryMode = bool; setEditable(!bool); if (!bool && update) { history.onLeaveHistory(); } }; var main = function () { var common; var proxy; var readOnly; nThen(function (waitFor) { $(waitFor(function () { Cryptpad.addLoadingScreen(); })); window.cryptpadStore.getAll(waitFor(function (val) { = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(val)); })); SFCommon.create(waitFor(function (c) { APP.common = common = c; })); }).nThen(function (waitFor) { var privReady = Util.once(waitFor()); var metadataMgr = common.getMetadataMgr(); if (JSON.stringify(metadataMgr.getPrivateData()) !== '{}') { privReady(); return; } metadataMgr.onChange(function () { if (typeof(metadataMgr.getPrivateData().readOnly) === 'boolean') { readOnly = metadataMgr.getPrivateData().readOnly; privReady(); } }); }).nThen(function (/* waitFor */) { APP.loggedIn = common.isLoggedIn(); APP.SFCommon = common; if (!APP.loggedIn) {'ANONYMOUS_DRIVE'); } APP.$body = $('body'); APP.$bar = $('#cp-toolbar'); common.setTabTitle(; var listmapConfig = { data: {}, common: common, logging: false }; var metadataMgr; var rt = APP.rt = Listmap.create(listmapConfig); proxy = rt.proxy; var onCreate = function (info) { var realtime = APP.realtime = info.realtime; APP.patchText = TextPatcher.create({ realtime: realtime, logging: true, }); metadataMgr = common.getMetadataMgr(); var configTb = { displayed: ['useradmin', 'pageTitle', 'newpad', 'limit'], pageTitle:, metadataMgr: metadataMgr, readOnly: readOnly, realtime: info.realtime, common: Cryptpad, sfCommon: common, $container: APP.$bar }; var toolbar = APP.toolbar = Toolbar.create(configTb); var $rightside = toolbar.$rightside; $rightside.html(''); // Remove the drawer if we don't use it to hide the toolbar APP.$displayName = APP.$bar.find('.' + Toolbar.constants.username); /* add the usage */ common.createUsageBar(function (err, $limitContainer) { if (err) { return void logError(err); } APP.$limit = $limitContainer; }, true); /* add a history button */ APP.histConfig = { onLocal: function () { =; }, onRemote: function () {}, setHistory: setHistory, applyVal: function (val) { var obj = JSON.parse(val || '{}'); history.currentObj = obj; history.onEnterHistory(obj); }, $toolbar: APP.$bar, }; /* TODO iframe: backup button here? if (!readOnly && !APP.loggedIn) { // TODO secure drive // cryptpad-backup --> cp-toolbar-backup var $backupButton = Cryptpad.createButton('', true).removeClass('fa').removeClass('fa-question').addClass('cryptpad-backup'); $backupButton.append($backupIcon.clone().css('marginRight', '0px')); $backupButton.attr('title', Messages.fm_backup_title); $backupButton.on('click', function() { var url = window.location.origin + window.location.pathname + '#' + editHash; var msg = Messages.fm_alert_backupUrl + '<input type="text" readonly="readonly" id="fm_backupUrl" value="'+url+'">'; Cryptpad.alert(msg, undefined, true); $('#fm_backupUrl').val(url); $('#fm_backupUrl').click(function () { $(this).select(); }); }); $userBlock.append($backupButton); } */ metadataMgr.onChange(function () { var name = metadataMgr.getUserData().name || Messages.anonymous; APP.$displayName.text(name); }); }; var onReady = function () { $('body').css('display', ''); APP.files = proxy; if (! || typeof( !== 'object') { = {}; } andThen(common, proxy); Cryptpad.removeLoadingScreen(); }; var onDisconnect = APP.onDisconnect = function (noAlert) { setEditable(false); if (APP.refresh) { APP.refresh(); } APP.toolbar.failed(); if (!noAlert) { Cryptpad.alert(Messages.common_connectionLost, undefined, true); } }; var onReconnect = function (info) { setEditable(true); if (APP.refresh) { APP.refresh(); } APP.toolbar.reconnecting(info.myId); Cryptpad.findOKButton().click(); }; proxy.on('create', function (info) { onCreate(info); }).on('ready', function () { onReady(); }); proxy.on('disconnect', function () { onDisconnect(); }); proxy.on('reconnect', function (info) { onReconnect(info); }); Cryptpad.onError(function (info) { if (info && info.type === "store") { onConnectError(); } }); //Cryptpad.onLogout(function () { setEditable(false); }); }); }; main(); });