require.config({ paths: { 'json.sortify': '/bower_components/json.sortify/dist/JSON.sortify' }}); define([ '/api/config?cb=' + Math.random().toString(16).substring(2), '/bower_components/chainpad-netflux/chainpad-netflux.js', '/bower_components/hyperjson/hyperjson.js', '/bower_components/chainpad-crypto/crypto.js', '/common/toolbar.js', '/bower_components/textpatcher/TextPatcher.amd.js', 'json.sortify', '/bower_components/chainpad-json-validator/json-ot.js', '/common/cryptpad-common.js', '/bower_components/secure-fabric.js/dist/fabric.min.js', '/bower_components/jquery/dist/jquery.min.js', '/bower_components/file-saver/FileSaver.min.js', '/bower_components/diff-dom/diffDOM.js', ], function (Config, Realtime, Hyperjson, Crypto, Toolbar, TextPatcher, JSONSortify, JsonOT, Cryptpad) { var saveAs = window.saveAs; var Messages = Cryptpad.Messages; var module = window.APP = { }; var $ = module.$ = window.jQuery; var Fabric = module.Fabric = window.fabric; window.Hyperjson = Hyperjson; $(function () { var DiffDom = window.diffDOM; Cryptpad.addLoadingScreen(); var onConnectError = function (info) { Cryptpad.errorLoadingScreen(Messages.websocketError); }; var emitResize = module.emitResize = function () { var cw = $('#ooframe')[0].contentWindow; var evt = cw.document.createEvent('UIEvents'); evt.initUIEvent('resize', true, false, cw, 0); cw.dispatchEvent(evt); }; var toolbar; var secret = Cryptpad.getSecrets(); var readOnly = secret.keys && !secret.keys.editKeyStr; var ooReady = false; var firstRemote = false; if (!secret.keys) { secret.keys = secret.key; } var andThen = function () { var saveToServer = module.saveToServer = function () { config.onLocal(); } var callRemote = module.callRemote = function() { config.onRemote(); } var saveDocument = module.saveDocument = function () { var defaultName = "text.oot"; Cryptpad.prompt(Messages.exportPrompt, defaultName, function (filename) { if (!(typeof(filename) === 'string' && filename)) { return; } console.log("In saveDocument"); var content = window.frames[0].frames[0].editor.asc_nativeGetFile(); var blob = new Blob([content], {type: "text/plain;charset=utf-8"}); saveAs(blob, filename); }); }; var loadDocument = module.loadDocument = function (content, file) { console.log("Read " + content); window.frames[0].frames[0].AscCommon.g_inputContext = null; window.frames[0].frames[0].editor.DocumentLoadComplete = false; window.frames[0].frames[0].editor.IsSendDocumentLoadCompleate = false; window.frames[0].frames[0].editor.openDocument(content); window.frames[0].frames[0].editor.asc_Resize() // window.frames[0].frames[0].editor.SetTextBoxInputMode(true); }; var initializing = true; var $bar = $('#toolbar'); var parsedHash = Cryptpad.parsePadUrl(window.location.href); var defaultName = Cryptpad.getDefaultName(parsedHash); var isHistoryMode = false; var userData = module.userData = {}; // List of pretty name of all users (mapped with their server ID) var userList; // List of users still connected to the channel (server IDs) var addToUserData = function(data) { var users = module.users; for (var attrname in data) { userData[attrname] = data[attrname]; } if (users && users.length) { for (var userKey in userData) { if (users.indexOf(userKey) === -1) { delete userData[userKey]; } } } if(userList && typeof userList.onChange === "function") { userList.onChange(userData); } }; var myData = {}; var myUserName = ''; // My "pretty name" var myID; // My server ID var setMyID = function(info) { myID = info.myID || null; myUserName = myID; }; var config = module.config = { initialState: '{}', websocketURL: Cryptpad.getWebsocketURL(), validateKey: secret.keys.validateKey, readOnly: readOnly, channel:, crypto: Crypto.createEncryptor(secret.keys), setMyID: setMyID, transformFunction: JsonOT.transform, }; var suggestName = function (fallback) { if (document.title === defaultName) { return fallback || ""; } else { return document.title || defaultName; } }; var renameCb = function (err, title) { if (err) { return; } document.title = title; config.onLocal(); }; var editHash; var onInit = config.onInit = function (info) { userList = info.userList; var config = { displayed: ['useradmin', 'spinner', 'lag', 'state', 'share', 'userlist', 'newpad'], userData: userData, readOnly: readOnly, share: { secret: secret, channel: }, ifrw: window, title: { onRename: renameCb, defaultName: defaultName, suggestName: suggestName }, common: Cryptpad }; if (readOnly) {delete config.changeNameID; } toolbar = module.toolbar = Toolbar.create($bar, info.myID, info.realtime, info.getLag, userList, config); var $rightside = $bar.find('.' + Toolbar.constants.rightside); /* add a history button */ var histConfig = {}; histConfig.onRender = function (val) { if (typeof val === "undefined") { return; } try { console.log("History render: " + val); } catch (e) { // Probably a parse error console.error(e); } }; histConfig.onClose = function () { // Close button clicked setHistory(false, true); jQuery("#editor")[0].style="margin-top: 70px;"; }; histConfig.onRevert = function () { // Revert button clicked setHistory(false, false); onLocal(); onRemote(); }; histConfig.onReady = function () { // Called when the history is loaded and the UI displayed setHistory(true); jQuery("#editor")[0].style="margin-top: 100px;"; }; histConfig.$toolbar = $bar; var $hist = Cryptpad.createButton('history', true, {histConfig: histConfig}); $rightside.append($hist); var $export = Cryptpad.createButton('export', true, {}, saveDocument); $rightside.append($export); var $import = Cryptpad.createButton('import', true, {}, loadDocument); $rightside.append($import); var $save = Cryptpad.createButton('save', true, {}, saveToServer); $ () { saveToServer(); }); $rightside.append($save); var $remote = Cryptpad.createButton('remote', true, {}, callRemote); $ () { callRemote(); }); $rightside.append($remote); var editHash; var viewHash = Cryptpad.getViewHashFromKeys(, secret.keys); if (!readOnly) { editHash = Cryptpad.getEditHashFromKeys(, secret.keys); } if (!readOnly) { Cryptpad.replaceHash(editHash); } }; // used for debugging, feel free to remove var Catch = function (f) { return function () { try { f(); } catch (e) { console.error(e); } }; }; var setHistory = function (bool, update) { isHistoryMode = bool; // setEditable(!bool); if (!bool && update) { config.onRemote(); } }; var updateTitle = function (newTitle) { if (newTitle === document.title) { return; } // Change the title now, and set it back to the old value if there is an error var oldTitle = document.title; document.title = newTitle; Cryptpad.renamePad(newTitle, function (err, data) { if (err) { console.log("Couldn't set pad title"); console.error(err); document.title = oldTitle; return; } document.title = data; $bar.find('.' + Toolbar.constants.title).find('span.title').text(data); $bar.find('.' + Toolbar.constants.title).find('input').val(data); }); }; var updateDefaultTitle = function (defaultTitle) { defaultName = defaultTitle; $bar.find('.' + Toolbar.constants.title).find('input').attr("placeholder", defaultName); }; var updateMetadata = function(shjson) { // Extract the user list (metadata) from the hyperjson var json = (shjson === "") ? "" : JSON.parse(shjson); var titleUpdated = false; if (json && json.metadata) { if (json.metadata.users) { var userData = json.metadata.users; // Update the local user data addToUserData(userData); } if (json.metadata.defaultTitle) { updateDefaultTitle(json.metadata.defaultTitle); } if (typeof json.metadata.title !== "undefined") { updateTitle(json.metadata.title || defaultName); titleUpdated = true; } } if (!titleUpdated) { updateTitle(defaultName); } }; var hjson2domstring = function(hjson) { var userDocStateDom = hjsonToDom(JSON.parse(hjson)); var tmp = document.createElement("div"); tmp.appendChild(userDocStateDom); return tmp.innerHTML; }; var onRemoteInit = config.onRemoteInit = Catch(function() { console.log("In onRemoteInit"); ooReady = true; }); var onRemote = config.onRemote = Catch(function () { console.log("In onRemote"); if (initializing) { return; } if (isHistoryMode) { return; } // force readonly to prevent interlacing readOnly = true; try { if (window.frames[0].frames[0]==null || window.frames[0].frames[0].editor==null) { console.log("Cannot access editor"); return; } console.log("In onRemote sync"); var previousData = window.frames[0].frames[0].editor.asc_nativeGetFile(); var userDoc = module.realtime.getUserDoc(); console.log("Current data " + previousData); updateMetadata(userDoc); var json = JSON.parse(userDoc); var remoteDoc = json.content; if (remoteDoc!=previousData) { console.log("Remote content is different") console.log("Remote content hjson: " + remoteDoc); if (ooReady) { if (remoteDoc) loadDocument(remoteDoc); firstRemote = true; } } else { console.log("Data is unchanged"); firstRemote = true; } readOnly = false; } catch(e) { } finally { readOnly = false; } }); var diffOptions = { preDiffApply: function (info) { }, postDiffApply : function(info) { } }; var DD = new DiffDom(diffOptions); // apply patches, and try not to lose the cursor in the process! var applyHjson = function (shjson, domElement) { var userDocStateDom = hjsonToDom(JSON.parse(shjson)); if (!readOnly && !initializing) { userDocStateDom.setAttribute("contenteditable", "true"); // lol wtf } var patch = (DD).diff(domElement, userDocStateDom); (DD).apply(domElement, patch); }; var stringify = function (obj) { return JSONSortify(obj); }; var hjsonToDom = function (H) { var dom = Hyperjson.toDOM(H); return dom; }; var stringifyInner = function (textValue) { var obj = { content: textValue, metadata: { users: userData, defaultTitle: defaultName } }; if (!initializing) { obj.metadata.title = document.title; } // stringify the json and send it into chainpad return JSONSortify(obj); }; var onLocal = config.onLocal = Catch(function () { console.log("In onLocal"); if (initializing) { return; } if (isHistoryMode) { return; } if (readOnly) { return; } if (!ooReady) { return; } if (!firstRemote) { console.log("First remote"); onRemote(); if (firstRemote) { console.log("First remote success"); } else { console.log("First remote failure"); return; } } if (window.frames[0].frames[0]==null || window.frames[0].frames[0].editor==null) return; console.log("In onLocal sync"); var data = window.frames[0].frames[0].editor.asc_nativeGetFile(); var content = stringifyInner(data); module.patchText(content); }); var setName = module.setName = function (newName) { if (typeof(newName) !== 'string') { return; } var myUserNameTemp = newName.trim(); if(newName.trim().length > 32) { myUserNameTemp = myUserNameTemp.substr(0, 32); } myUserName = myUserNameTemp; myData[myID] = { name: myUserName, uid: Cryptpad.getUid(), }; addToUserData(myData); Cryptpad.setAttribute('username', myUserName, function (err, data) { if (err) { console.log("Couldn't set username"); console.error(err); return; } onLocal(); }); }; var onReady = config.onReady = function (info) { var realtime = module.realtime = info.realtime; module.patchText = TextPatcher.create({ realtime: realtime }); Cryptpad.removeLoadingScreen(); // setEditable(true); initializing = false; onRemote(); Cryptpad.getLastName(function (err, lastName) { if (err) { console.log("Could not get previous name"); console.error(err); return; } // Update the toolbar list: // Add the current user in the metadata if he has edit rights if (readOnly) { return; } if (typeof(lastName) === 'string') { setName(lastName); } else { myData[myID] = { name: "", uid: Cryptpad.getUid(), }; addToUserData(myData); onLocal(); // module.$; } }); }; var onAbort = config.onAbort = function (info) { // setEditable(false); window.alert("Server Connection Lost"); if (window.confirm("Would you like to save your image?")) { saveImage(); } }; var rt = Realtime.start(config); }; Cryptpad.ready(function (err, env) { andThen(); }); Cryptpad.onError(function (info) { if (info) { onConnectError(); } }); }); });