define([ '/common/common-util.js', '/bower_components/tweetnacl/nacl-fast.min.js', ], function (Util) { var Nacl = self.nacl; var uid = Util.uid; var signMsg = function (data, signKey) { var buffer = Nacl.util.decodeUTF8(JSON.stringify(data)); return Nacl.util.encodeBase64(Nacl.sign.detached(buffer, signKey)); }; /* types of messages: pin -> hash unpin -> hash getHash -> hash getTotalSize -> bytes getFileSize -> bytes */ var sendMsg = function (ctx, data, cb) { var network =; var hkn = network.historyKeeper; var txid = uid(); if (typeof(cb) !== 'function') { return console.error('expected callback'); } var pending = ctx.pending[txid] = function (err, response) { cb(err, response); }; = data; pending.called = 0; return network.sendto(hkn, JSON.stringify([txid, data])); }; var parse = function (msg) { try { return JSON.parse(msg); } catch (e) { return null; } }; var onMsg = function (ctx, msg) { var parsed = parse(msg); if (!parsed) { return void console.error(new Error('could not parse message: %s', msg)); } // RPC messages are always arrays. if (!Array.isArray(parsed)) { return; } var txid = parsed[0]; // txid must be a string, or this message is not meant for us if (typeof(txid) !== 'string') { return; } var cookie = parsed[1]; var pending = ctx.pending[txid]; if (!(parsed && parsed.slice)) { // RPC responses are arrays. this message isn't meant for us. return; } if (/(FULL_HISTORY|HISTORY_RANGE)/.test(parsed[0])) { return; } var response = parsed.slice(2); if (typeof(pending) === 'function') { if (parsed[1] === 'ERROR') { if (parsed[2] === 'NO_COOKIE') { return void ctx.send('COOKIE', "", function (e) { if (e) { console.error(e); return void pending(e); } // resend the same command again // give up if you've already tried resending if (ctx.resend(txid)) { delete ctx.pending[txid]; } }); } pending(parsed[2]); delete ctx.pending[txid]; return; } else { // update the cookie if (/\|/.test(cookie)) { if (ctx.cookie !== cookie) { ctx.cookie = cookie; } } } pending(void 0, response); // if successful, delete the callback... delete ctx.pending[txid]; return; } // HACK to hide messages from the anon rpc if (parsed.length !== 4) { console.log(parsed); console.error("received message [%s] for txid[%s] with no callback", msg, txid); } }; var create = function (network, edPrivateKey, edPublicKey, cb) { var signKey; try { signKey = Nacl.util.decodeBase64(edPrivateKey); if (signKey.length !== 64) { throw new Error('private key did not match expected length of 64'); } } catch (err) { return void cb(err); } var pubBuffer; try { pubBuffer = Nacl.util.decodeBase64(edPublicKey); if (pubBuffer.length !== 32) { return void cb('expected public key to be 32 uint'); } } catch (err) { return void cb(err); } var ctx = { network: network, timeouts: {}, // timeouts pending: {}, // callbacks cookie: null, connected: true, }; var send = ctx.send = function (type, msg, cb) { if (!ctx.connected && type !== 'COOKIE') { return void self.setTimeout(function () { cb('DISCONNECTED'); }); } // construct a signed message... var data = [type, msg]; if (ctx.cookie && ctx.cookie.join) { data.unshift(ctx.cookie.join('|')); } else { data.unshift(ctx.cookie); } var sig = signMsg(data, signKey); data.unshift(edPublicKey); data.unshift(sig); // [sig, edPublicKey, cookie, type, msg] return sendMsg(ctx, data, cb); }; ctx.resend = function (txid) { var pending = ctx.pending[txid]; if (pending.called) { console.error("[%s] called too many times", txid); return true; } pending.called++; // update the cookie and signature...[2] = ctx.cookie;[0] = signMsg(, signKey); try { return, JSON.stringify([txid,])); } catch (e) { console.log("failed to resend"); console.error(e); } }; send.unauthenticated = function (type, msg, cb) { if (!ctx.connected) { return void self.setTimeout(function () { cb('DISCONNECTED'); }); } // construct an unsigned message var data = [null, edPublicKey, null, type, msg]; if (ctx.cookie && ctx.cookie.join) { data[2] = ctx.cookie.join('|'); } else { data[2] = ctx.cookie; } return sendMsg(ctx, data, cb); }; network.on('message', function (msg, sender) { if (sender !== network.historyKeeper) { return; } onMsg(ctx, msg); }); network.on('disconnect', function () { ctx.connected = false; }); network.on('reconnect', function () { send('COOKIE', "", function (e) { if (e) { return void cb(e); } ctx.connected = true; }); }); send('COOKIE', "", function (e) { if (e) { return void cb(e); } // callback to provide 'send' method to whatever needs it cb(void 0, { send: send, }); }); }; var onAnonMsg = function (ctx, msg) { var parsed = parse(msg); if (!parsed) { return void console.error(new Error('could not parse message: %s', msg)); } // RPC messages are always arrays. if (!Array.isArray(parsed)) { return; } var txid = parsed[0]; // txid must be a string, or this message is not meant for us if (typeof(txid) !== 'string') { return; } var pending = ctx.pending[txid]; if (!(parsed && parsed.slice)) { // RPC responses are arrays. this message isn't meant for us. return; } if (/FULL_HISTORY/.test(parsed[0])) { return; } var response = parsed.slice(2); if (typeof(pending) === 'function') { if (parsed[1] === 'ERROR') { pending(parsed[2]); delete ctx.pending[txid]; return; } pending(void 0, response); // if successful, delete the callback... delete ctx.pending[txid]; return; } // HACK: filter out ugly messages we don't care about if (typeof(msg) !== 'string') { console.error("received message [%s] for txid[%s] with no callback", msg, txid); } }; var createAnonymous = function (network, cb) { var ctx = { network: network, timeouts: {}, // timeouts pending: {}, // callbacks cookie: null, connected: true, }; var send = ctx.send = function (type, msg, cb) { if (!ctx.connected) { return void self.setTimeout(function () { cb('DISCONNECTED'); }); } // construct an unsigned message... var data = [type, msg]; // [sig, edPublicKey, cookie, type, msg] return sendMsg(ctx, data, cb); }; ctx.resend = function (txid) { var pending = ctx.pending[txid]; if (pending.called) { console.error("[%s] called too many times", txid); return true; } pending.called++; try { return, JSON.stringify([txid,])); } catch (e) { console.log("failed to resend"); console.error(e); } }; network.on('message', function (msg, sender) { if (sender !== network.historyKeeper) { return; } onAnonMsg(ctx, msg); }); network.on('disconnect', function () { ctx.connected = false; }); network.on('reconnect', function () { ctx.connected = true; }); cb(void 0, { send: send }); }; return { create: create, createAnonymous: createAnonymous }; });