define([ 'jquery', '/common/common-util.js', '/common/common-hash.js', '/common/common-interface.js', '/common/common-ui-elements.js', '/common/notifications.js', '/common/hyperscript.js', '/customize/messages.js', ], function ($, Util, Hash, UI, UIElements, Notifications, h, Messages) { var Mailbox = {}; Mailbox.create = function (Common) { var mailbox = Common.mailbox; var sframeChan = Common.getSframeChannel(); var execCommand = function (cmd, data, cb) { sframeChan.query('Q_MAILBOX_COMMAND', { cmd: cmd, data: data }, function (err, obj) { if (err) { return void cb({error: err}); } cb(obj); }); }; var history = {}; var removeFromHistory = function (type, hash) { if (!history[type]) { return; } history[type] = history[type].filter(function (obj) { return obj.hash !== hash; }); }; mailbox.sendTo = function (type, content, user, cb) { cb = cb || function () {}; execCommand('SENDTO', { type: type, msg: content, user: user }, function (err, obj) { cb(err || (obj && obj.error), obj); if (err || (obj && obj.error)) { return void console.error(err || obj.error); } }); }; // UI var formatData = function (data) { return JSON.stringify(data.content.msg.content); }; var createElement = mailbox.createElement = function (data) { var notif; var avatar; var userData = Util.find(data, ['content', 'msg', 'content', 'user']); if (userData && typeof(userData) === "object" && userData.profile) { avatar = h('span.cp-avatar'); Common.displayAvatar($(avatar), userData.avatar, userData.displayName ||; $(avatar).click(function (e) { e.stopPropagation(); Common.openURL(Hash.hashToHref(userData.profile, 'profile')); }); } notif = h('div.cp-notification', { 'data-hash': data.content.hash }, [ avatar, h('div.cp-notification-content', h('p', formatData(data))) ]); if (typeof(data.content.getFormatText) === "function") { $(notif).find('.cp-notification-content p').html(data.content.getFormatText()); } if (data.content.isClickable) { $(notif).find('.cp-notification-content').addClass("cp-clickable") .click(data.content.handler); } if (data.content.isDismissible) { var dismissIcon = h('span.fa.fa-times'); var dismiss = h('div.cp-notification-dismiss', { title: Messages.notifications_dismiss }, dismissIcon); $(dismiss).addClass("cp-clickable") .click(data.content.dismissHandler); $(notif).append(dismiss); } return notif; }; var onViewedHandlers = []; var onMessageHandlers = []; onViewedHandlers.push(function (data) { var hash = data.hash.replace(/"/g, '\\\"'); var $notif = $('.cp-notification[data-hash="'+hash+'"]:not(.cp-app-notification-archived)'); if ($notif.length) { $notif.remove(); } }); // Call the onMessage handlers var pushMessage = function (data, handler) { var todo = function (f) { try { var el; if (data.type === 'notifications') { Notifications.add(Common, data); el = createElement(data); } f(data, el); } catch (e) { console.error(e); } }; if (typeof (handler) === "function") { return void todo(handler); } onMessageHandlers.forEach(todo); }; var onViewed = function (data) { // data = { type: 'type', hash: 'hash' } onViewedHandlers.forEach(function (f) { try { f(data); if (data.type === 'notifications') { Notifications.remove(Common, data); } } catch (e) { console.error(e); } }); removeFromHistory(data.type, data.hash); }; var onMessage = function (data, cb) { // data = { type: 'type', content: {msg: 'msg', hash: 'hash'} } console.debug(data.type, data.content); pushMessage(data); if (data.content && typeof (data.content.getFormatText) === "function") { var text = $('<div>').html(data.content.getFormatText()).text(); cb({ msg: text }); } if (!history[data.type]) { history[data.type] = []; } history[data.type].push(data.content); }; mailbox.dismiss = function (data, cb) { var dataObj = { hash: data.content.hash, type: data.type }; execCommand('DISMISS', dataObj, function (obj) { if (obj && obj.error) { return void cb(obj.error); } onViewed(dataObj); cb(); }); }; var subscribed = false; // Get all existing notifications + the new ones when they come mailbox.subscribe = function (types, cfg) { if (!subscribed) { execCommand('SUBSCRIBE', null, function () {}); subscribed = true; } if (typeof(cfg.onViewed) === "function") { onViewedHandlers.push(function (data) { if (types.indexOf(data.type) === -1) { return; } cfg.onViewed(data); }); } if (typeof(cfg.onMessage) === "function") { onMessageHandlers.push(function (data, el) { if (types.indexOf(data.type) === -1) { return; } cfg.onMessage(data, el); }); } Object.keys(history).forEach(function (type) { if (types.indexOf(type) === -1) { return; } history[type].forEach(function (data) { pushMessage({ type: type, content: data }, cfg.onMessage); }); }); }; var historyState = false; var onHistory = function () {}; mailbox.getMoreHistory = function (type, count, lastKnownHash, cb) { if (historyState) { return void cb("ALREADY_CALLED"); } historyState = true; var txid = Util.uid(); execCommand('LOAD_HISTORY', { type: type, count: lastKnownHash ? count + 1 : count, txid: txid, lastKnownHash: lastKnownHash }, function (err, obj) { if (obj && obj.error) { console.error(obj.error); } }); var messages = []; onHistory = function (data) { if (data.txid !== txid) { return; } if (data.complete) { onHistory = function () {}; var end = messages.length < count; cb(null, messages, end); historyState = false; return; } if (data.hash !== lastKnownHash) { messages.push({ type: type, content: { msg: data.message, time: data.time, hash: data.hash } }); } }; }; mailbox.getNotificationsHistory = function (type, count, lastKnownHash, cb) { mailbox.getMoreHistory(type, count, lastKnownHash, function (err, messages, end) { if (!Array.isArray(messages)) { return void cb(err); } messages.forEach(function (data) { data.content.archived = true; Notifications.add(Common, data); }); cb(err, messages, end); }); }; // CHANNEL WITH WORKER sframeChan.on('EV_MAILBOX_EVENT', function (obj, cb) { // obj = { ev: 'type', data: obj } var ev = obj.ev; var data =; if (ev === 'HISTORY') { return void onHistory(data); } if (ev === 'MESSAGE') { return void onMessage(data, cb); } if (ev === 'VIEWED') { return void onViewed(data); } }); return mailbox; }; return Mailbox; });