(function () { var factory = function (Util, Rpc) { var create = function (network, proxy, _cb, Cache) { if (typeof(_cb) !== 'function') { throw new Error("Expected callback"); } var cb = Util.once(Util.mkAsync(_cb)); if (!network) { return void cb('INVALID_NETWORK'); } if (!proxy) { return void cb('INVALID_PROXY'); } var edPrivate = proxy.edPrivate; var edPublic = proxy.edPublic; if (!(edPrivate && edPublic)) { return void cb('INVALID_KEYS'); } Rpc.create(network, edPrivate, edPublic, function (e, rpc) { if (e) { return void cb(e); } var exp = {}; exp.destroy = rpc.destroy; // expose the supplied publicKey as an identifier exp.publicKey = edPublic; // expose the RPC module's raw 'send' command exp.send = rpc.send; // you can ask the server to pin a particular channel for you exp.pin = function (channels, _cb) { var cb = Util.once(Util.mkAsync(_cb)); if (!Array.isArray(channels)) { return void cb('[TypeError] pin expects an array'); } rpc.send('PIN', channels, cb); }; // you can also ask to unpin a particular channel exp.unpin = function (channels, _cb) { var cb = Util.once(Util.mkAsync(_cb)); if (!Array.isArray(channels)) { return void cb('[TypeError] pin expects an array'); } rpc.send('UNPIN', channels, cb); }; // Get data for the admin panel exp.adminRpc = function (obj, cb) { if (!obj.cmd) { setTimeout(function () { cb('[TypeError] admin rpc expects a command'); }); return; } var params = [obj.cmd, obj.data]; rpc.send('ADMIN', params, cb); }; // ask the server what it thinks your hash is exp.getServerHash = function (cb) { rpc.send('GET_HASH', edPublic, function (e, hash) { if (!(hash && hash[0])) { return void cb('NO_HASH_RETURNED'); } cb(e, Array.isArray(hash) && hash[0] || undefined); }); }; // if local and remote hashes don't match, send a reset exp.reset = function (channels, _cb) { var cb = Util.once(Util.mkAsync(_cb)); if (!Array.isArray(channels)) { return void cb('[TypeError] pin expects an array'); } rpc.send('RESET', channels, cb); }; // get the combined size of all channels (in bytes) for all the // channels which the server has pinned for your publicKey exp.getFileListSize = function (cb) { rpc.send('GET_TOTAL_SIZE', undefined, function (e, response) { if (e) { return void cb(e); } if (response && response.length && typeof(response[0]) === 'number') { cb(void 0, response[0]); } else { cb('INVALID_RESPONSE'); } }); }; // Update the limit value for all the users and return the limit for your publicKey exp.updatePinLimits = function (cb) { rpc.send('UPDATE_LIMITS', undefined, function (e, response) { if (e) { return void cb(e); } if (response && response.length && typeof(response[0]) === "number") { cb (void 0, response[0], response[1], response[2]); } else { cb('INVALID_RESPONSE'); } }); }; // Get the storage limit associated with your publicKey exp.getLimit = function (cb) { rpc.send('GET_LIMIT', undefined, function (e, response) { if (e) { return void cb(e); } if (response && response.length && typeof(response[0]) === "number") { cb (void 0, response[0], response[1], response[2]); } else { cb('INVALID_RESPONSE'); } }); }; exp.trimHistory = function (data, _cb) { var cb = Util.once(Util.mkAsync(_cb)); if (typeof(data) !== 'object' || !data.channel || !data.hash) { return void cb('INVALID_ARGUMENTS'); } rpc.send('TRIM_HISTORY', data, function (e) { if (e) { return cb(e); } cb(); }); }; exp.clearOwnedChannel = function (channel, cb) { if (typeof(channel) !== 'string' || channel.length !== 32) { return void cb('INVALID_ARGUMENTS'); } rpc.send('CLEAR_OWNED_CHANNEL', channel, function (e) { if (e) { return cb(e); } cb(); }); }; exp.removeOwnedChannel = function (channel, cb) { if (typeof(channel) !== 'string' || [32,48].indexOf(channel.length) === -1) { // can't use this on files because files can't be owned... console.error('invalid channel to unpin', channel); return void cb('INVALID_ARGUMENTS'); } rpc.send('REMOVE_OWNED_CHANNEL', channel, function (e, response) { if (e) { return void cb(e); } if (response && response.length && response[0] === "OK") { cb(); if (Cache && Cache.clearChannel) { Cache.clearChannel(channel); } } else { cb('INVALID_RESPONSE'); } }); }; exp.removePins = function (cb) { rpc.send('REMOVE_PINS', undefined, function (e, response) { if (e) { return void cb(e); } if (response && response.length && response[0] === "OK") { cb(); } else { cb('INVALID_RESPONSE'); } }); }; exp.uploadComplete = function (id, cb) { rpc.send('UPLOAD_COMPLETE', id, function (e, res) { if (e) { return void cb(e); } var id = res[0]; if (typeof(id) !== 'string') { return void cb('INVALID_ID'); } cb(void 0, id); }); }; exp.ownedUploadComplete = function (id, cb) { rpc.send('OWNED_UPLOAD_COMPLETE', id, function (e, res) { if (e) { return void cb(e); } var id = res[0]; if (typeof(id) !== 'string') { return void cb('INVALID_ID'); } cb(void 0, id); }); }; exp.uploadStatus = function (size, cb) { if (typeof(size) !== 'number') { return void setTimeout(function () { cb('INVALID_SIZE'); }); } rpc.send('UPLOAD_STATUS', size, function (e, res) { if (e) { return void cb(e); } var pending = res[0]; if (typeof(pending) !== 'boolean') { return void cb('INVALID_RESPONSE'); } cb(void 0, pending); }); }; exp.uploadCancel = function (size, cb) { rpc.send('UPLOAD_CANCEL', size, function (e) { if (e) { return void cb(e); } cb(); }); }; exp.writeLoginBlock = function (data, cb) { if (!data) { return void cb('NO_DATA'); } if (!data.publicKey || !data.signature || !data.ciphertext) { console.log(data); return void cb("MISSING_PARAMETERS"); } if (['string', 'undefined'].indexOf(typeof(data.registrationProof)) === -1) { return void cb("INVALID_REGISTRATION_PROOF"); } rpc.send('WRITE_LOGIN_BLOCK', [ data.publicKey, data.signature, data.ciphertext, data.registrationProof || undefined, ], function (e) { cb(e); }); }; exp.removeLoginBlock = function (data, cb) { if (!data) { return void cb('NO_DATA'); } if (!data.publicKey || !data.signature) { console.log(data); return void cb("MISSING_PARAMETERS"); } rpc.send('REMOVE_LOGIN_BLOCK', [ data.publicKey, // publicKey data.signature, // signature ], function (e) { cb(e); }); }; // Get data for the admin panel exp.setMetadata = function (obj, cb) { rpc.send('SET_METADATA', { channel: obj.channel, command: obj.command, value: obj.value }, cb); }; cb(e, exp); }); }; return { create: create }; }; if (typeof(module) !== 'undefined' && module.exports) { module.exports = factory(require('./common-util'), require("./rpc")); } else if ((typeof(define) !== 'undefined' && define !== null) && (define.amd !== null)) { define([ '/common/common-util.js', '/common/rpc.js', ], function (Util, Rpc) { return factory(Util, Rpc); }); } }());