define([ 'jquery', '/bower_components/nthen/index.js', '/common/sframe-common.js', '/common/sframe-app-framework.js', '/common/common-util.js', '/common/common-hash.js', '/common/modes.js', '/customize/messages.js', '/kanban/jkanban.js', 'css!/kanban/jkanban.css', ], function ( $, nThen, SFCommon, Framework, Util, Hash, Modes, Messages) { // Kanban code var initKanban = function (framework, boards) { var defaultBoards = [ { "id": "todo", "title": "To Do", "color": "blue", "item": [ { "title": "Item 1" }, { "title": "Item 2" } ] }, { "id": "working", "title": "Working", "color": "orange", "item": [ { "title": "Item 3", }, { "title": "Item 4", } ] }, { "id": "done", "title": "Done", "color": "green", "item": [ { "title": "Item 5", }, { "title": "Item 6", } ] }]; if (boards == null) { console.log("Initializing with default boards content"); boards = defaultBoards; } else { console.log("Initializing with boards content " + boards); } // Remove any existing elements $(".kanban-container-outer").remove(); var kanban = new jKanban({ element: '#cp-app-kanban-content', gutter: '15px', widthBoard: '300px', onChange: function () { console.log("Board object has changed"); framework.localChange(); }, click: function (el) { if (kanban.inEditMode) { console.log("An edit is already active"); return; } kanban.inEditMode = true; var name = $(el).text(); $(el).html(''); $('') .attr({ 'type': 'text', 'name': 'text', 'id': 'kanban_edit', 'size': '30', 'value': name }) .appendTo(el); $('#kanban_edit').focus(); $('#kanban_edit').blur(function () { var name = $('#kanban_edit').val(); $(el).text(name); var board = $(el.parentNode.parentNode).attr("data-id"); var pos = kanban.findElementPosition(el); console.log(pos); console.log(board); kanban.getBoardJSON(board).item[pos].title = name; kanban.onChange(); kanban.inEditMode = false; }); }, boardTitleClick: function (el) { if (kanban.inEditMode) { console.log("An edit is already active"); return; } kanban.inEditMode = true; var name = $(el).text(); $(el).html(''); $('') .attr({ 'type': 'text', 'name': 'text', 'id': 'kanban_edit', 'size': '30', 'value': name }) .appendTo(el); $('#kanban_edit').focus(); $('#kanban_edit').blur(function () { var name = $('#kanban_edit').val(); $(el).text(name); var board = $(el.parentNode.parentNode).attr("data-id"); kanban.getBoardJSON(board).title = name; kanban.onChange(); kanban.inEditMode = false; }); }, colorClick: function (el, boardId) { console.log("in color click"); var board = $(el.parentNode).attr("data-id"); var boardJSON = kanban.getBoardJSON(board); var currentColor = boardJSON.color; console.log("Current color " + currentColor); var index = kanban.options.colors.findIndex(function (element) { return (element == currentColor) }) + 1; console.log("Next index " + index); if (index >= kanban.options.colors.length) index = 0; var nextColor = kanban.options.colors[index]; console.log("Next color " + nextColor); boardJSON.color = nextColor; $(el).removeClass("kanban-header-" + currentColor); $(el).addClass("kanban-header-" + nextColor); kanban.onChange(); }, removeClick: function (el, boardId) { if (confirm("Do you want to delete this board?")) { console.log("Delete board"); var boardName = $(el.parentNode.parentNode).attr("data-id"); for (index in kanban.options.boards) { if (kanban.options.boards[index].id == boardName) { break; } index++; } kanban.options.boards.splice(index, 1); kanban.removeBoard(boardName); kanban.onChange(); } }, buttonClick: function (el, boardId) { console.log(el); console.log(boardId); // create a form to enter element var formItem = document.createElement('form'); formItem.setAttribute("class", "itemform"); formItem.innerHTML = '
' kanban.addForm(boardId, formItem); formItem.addEventListener("submit", function (e) { e.preventDefault(); var text =[0].value kanban.addElement(boardId, { "title": text, }) formItem.parentNode.removeChild(formItem); }); document.getElementById('CancelBtn').onclick = function () { formItem.parentNode.removeChild(formItem) } }, addItemButton: true, boards: boards }); var addBoardDefault = document.getElementById('kanban-addboard'); addBoardDefault.addEventListener('click', function () { var counter = 1; found = false; while (found) { for (var board in kanban.options.boards) { if ( == "board" + counter) { counter++; break; } } found = true; } kanban.addBoards( [{ "id": "board" + counter, "title": "New Board", "color": "yellow", "item": [ { "title": "Item 1", } ] }] ) kanban.onChange(); }); return kanban; }; // Start of the main loop var andThen2 = function (framework) { var kanban = initKanban(framework); framework.onContentUpdate(function (newContent) { // Need to update the content console.log("Content should be updated to " + newContent); var currentContent = kanban.getBoardsJSON(); var remoteContent = newContent.content; if (currentContent !== remoteContent) { // reinit kanban (TODO: optimize to diff only) console.log("Content is different.. Applying content"); kanban.setBoards(remoteContent); } }); framework.setContentGetter(function () { // var content = $("#cp-app-kanban-content").val(); var content = kanban.getBoardsJSON(); console.log("Content current value is " + content); return { content: content }; }); framework.onReady(function (newPad) { $("#cp-app-kanban-content").focus(); }); framework.start(); }; var main = function () { // var framework; nThen(function (waitFor) { // Framework initialization Framework.create({ toolbarContainer: '#cme_toolbox', contentContainer: '#cp-app-kanban-editor', }, waitFor(function (fw) { framework = fw; andThen2(framework); })); }); }; main(); });