var Messages = require("../www/common/translations/messages.json"); var Exec = require("child_process").exec; var ignoreLines = function (source, pattern) { if (!pattern.test(source)) { return source; } return source.split('\n') .map(function (line) { if (pattern.test(line)) { return ''; } return line; }) .filter(Boolean) .join("\n"); }; var GENERATED_PATTERNS = [ /(admin|settings)_.*(Hint|Title|Button)/, /settings_colortheme/, /loading_(state|drive|pad)_/, /(admin|notifications|support|team|settings)_cat_/, /features_f/, ]; var isPossiblyGenerated = function (key) { return GENERATED_PATTERNS.some(function (patt) { return patt.test(key); }); }; var grep = function (pattern, cb) { var exclude = [ 'www/common/translations/*', 'www/common/onlyoffice/*', 'www/lib/*', 'www/common/pdfjs/*', '*.css', 'www/common/highlight/*', '*.min.js', '.lesshintrc', '', 'LICENSE', 'package*.json', 'www/debug/chainpad.dist.js', 'www/pad/mathjax/*', 'www/common/hyperscript.js', 'www/common/jscolor.js', './/scripts/*', './lib/*', './docs/*', './github/*', '*.svg', '*.md', './config/*', ].map(function (patt) { return "':(exclude)" + patt + "'"; }).join(' '); // grep this repository, ignoring binary files and excluding anything matching the above patterns //var ignoreBinaries= '--binary-files=without-match '; var command = 'git grep ' + pattern + " -- ':/' " + exclude; Exec(command, function (err, stdout /*, stderr */) { if (err && err.code === 1 && err.killed === false) { if (isPossiblyGenerated(pattern)) { return cb(void 0, true, 'POSSIBLY_GENERATED'); } return cb(void 0, true, "NOT_FOUND", stdout); } stdout = ignoreLines(stdout, /Binary file/); if (err) { if (err.code === 'ERR_CHILD_PROCESS_STDIO_MAXBUFFER') { return cb(void 0, true, 'TOO_MUCH', stdout); } return void cb(err); } if (/data\-localization/.test(stdout)) { return cb(void 0, true, "DATA_LOCALIZATION", stdout); } if (/(Messages|Msg|messages)\./.test(stdout)) { return cb(void 0, false); } //console.log(pattern, arguments); cb(void 0, true, 'OTHER', stdout); }); }; var keys = Object.keys(Messages).sort(); var total = keys.length; var limit = total; var lineCount = function (s) { var i = 0; s.replace(/\n/g, function () { i++; return ''; }); return i; }; var conditionallyPrintContent = function (output) { if (!output) { return; } if (lineCount(output) < 12) { output.split('\n').map(function (line) { if (!line) { return; } console.log('\t> ' + line); }); //console.log(output); console.log(); } else { console.log("\t> too much content to print"); } }; var next = function () { var key = keys[0]; if (!key) { return; } keys.shift(); if (!limit) { return void console.log("[DONE]"); } limit--; grep(key, function (err, flagged, reason, output) { if (err) { console.error("[%s]", key, err); console.log(); return; } else if (!flagged) { } else if (reason === 'OTHER') { console.log('[%s] flagged for [OTHER]', key); conditionallyPrintContent(output); } else { console.log("[%s] flagged for [%s]", key, reason || '???'); conditionallyPrintContent(output); } next(); }); }; next();