+ "login_login": "Connexion",
+ "login_makeAPad": "Créer un pad anonymement",
+ "login_nologin": "Voir les pads récents",
+ "login_register": "Inscription",
+ "logoutButton": "Déconnexion",
+ "settingsButton": "Préférences",
+ "login_username": "Nom d'utilisateur",
+ "login_password": "Mot de passe",
+ "login_confirm": "Confirmer votre mot de passe",
+ "login_remember": "Se souvenir de moi",
+ "login_hashing": "Traitement de vos identifiants, cela peut nécessiter quelques instants.",
+ "login_hello": "Bonjour {0},",
+ "login_helloNoName": "Bonjour,",
+ "login_accessDrive": "Accédez à votre drive",
+ "login_orNoLogin": "ou",
+ "login_noSuchUser": "Nom d'utilisateur ou mot de passe invalide. Veuillez vous inscrire ou réessayer.",
+ "login_invalUser": "Nom d'utilisateur requis",
+ "login_invalPass": "Mot de passe requis",
+ "login_unhandledError": "Une erreur inattendue s'est produite :(",
+ "register_importRecent": "Importer les pads de votre session anonyme",
+ "register_acceptTerms": "J'accepte les conditions d'utilisation",
+ "register_passwordsDontMatch": "Les mots de passe doivent être identiques!",
+ "register_passwordTooShort": "Les mots de passe doivent contenir au moins {0} caractères.",
+ "register_mustAcceptTerms": "Vous devez accepter les conditions d'utilisation.",
+ "register_mustRememberPass": "Nous ne pouvons pas réinitialiser votre mot de passe si vous l'oubliez. C'est important que vous vous en souveniez! Veuillez cocher la case pour confirmer.",
+ "register_writtenPassword": "J'ai bien noté mon nom d'utilisateur et mon mot de passe, continuer",
+ "register_cancel": "Retour",
+ "register_warning": "Zero Knowledge signifie que nous ne pouvons pas récupérer vos données si vous perdez vos identifiants.",
+ "register_alreadyRegistered": "Cet utilisateur existe déjà, souhaitez-vous vous connecter ?",
+ "register_whyRegister": "Pourquoi s'inscrire ?",
+ "register_header": "Bienvenue dans CryptPad",
+ "register_explanation": "Faisons d'abord le point sur certaines choses
- Votre mot de passe est la clé secrète de tous vos pads. Si vous le perdez, il n'y a aucun moyen de récupérer vos données.
- Vous pouvez importer les pads récents de ce navigateur pour les avoir dans votre compte utilisateur.
- Si vous utilisez un ordinateur partagé, vous devez vous déconnecter avant de partir, fermer l'onglet n'est pas suffisant.
+ "settings_cat_account": "Compte",
+ "settings_cat_drive": "CryptDrive",
+ "settings_cat_cursor": "Curseur",
+ "settings_cat_code": "Code",
+ "settings_cat_pad": "Documents texte",
+ "settings_cat_creation": "Nouveau pad",
+ "settings_cat_subscription": "Abonnement",
+ "settings_title": "Préférences",
+ "settings_save": "Sauver",
+ "settings_backupCategory": "Sauvegarde",
+ "settings_backupHint": "Créer ou restaurer une sauvegarde de votre CryptDrive. Cette sauvegarde ne contient pas le contenu de vos pads mais uniquement les clés qui permettent d'y accéder.",
+ "settings_backup": "Sauvegarder",
+ "settings_restore": "Restaurer",
+ "settings_backupHint2": "Télécharger le contenu actuel de tous vos pads. Ceux-ci seront téléchargés dans un format lisible si un tel format est disponible.",
+ "settings_backup2": "Télécharger mon CryptDrive",
+ "settings_backup2Confirm": "Vous allez télécharger tous les pads de votre CryptDrive. Si vous souhaitez continuer, choisissez un nom et appuyez sur OK.",
+ "settings_exportTitle": "Téléchargement de votre CryptDrive",
+ "settings_exportDescription": "Veuillez patienter pendant que nous téléchargeons et déchiffrons vos documents. Cette opération peut prendre plusieurs minutes. Fermer l'onglet du navigateur interrompra le processus.",
+ "settings_exportFailed": "Si un pad nécessite plus d'une minute pour être traité, il ne sera pas inclus dans l'archive. Une liste des pads n'ayant pas été exportés sera disponible à la fin.",
+ "settings_exportWarning": "Note: cet outil est encore un prototype et peut rencontrer des difficultés lors de l'export. Pour de meilleures performances, il est recommandé de ne pas changer d'onglet pendant le téléchargement.",
+ "settings_exportCancel": "Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir annuler ce téléchargement ? Vous devrez recommencer du début la prochaine fois.",
+ "settings_export_reading": "Lecture de votre CryptDrive...",
+ "settings_export_download": "Téléchargement et déchiffrement des documents...",
+ "settings_export_compressing": "Compression des données...",
+ "settings_export_done": "Votre téléchargement est prêt !",
+ "settings_exportError": "Voir les erreurs",
+ "settings_exportErrorDescription": "Nous n'avons pas réussi à ajouter les documents suivant dans le téléchargement :",
+ "settings_exportErrorEmpty": "Ce document ne peut pas être exporté (document vide ou contenu invalide)",
+ "settings_exportErrorMissing": "Ce document n'est plus stocké sur nos serveurs (expiré ou supprimé par son propriétaire)",
+ "settings_exportErrorOther": "Une erreur est survenue lors de la récupération de ce document : {0}",
+ "settings_resetNewTitle": "Vider CryptDrive",
+ "settings_resetButton": "Supprimer",
+ "settings_reset": "Supprimer tous les fichiers et dossiers de votre CryptDrive",
+ "settings_resetPrompt": "Cette action va supprimer tous les pads de votre drive.
Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir continuer ?
Tapez « I love CryptPad » pour confirmer.",
+ "settings_resetDone": "Votre drive est désormais vide!",
+ "settings_resetError": "Texte de vérification incorrect. Votre CryptDrive n'a pas été modifié.",
+ "settings_resetTipsAction": "Réinitialiser",
+ "settings_resetTips": "Astuces",
+ "settings_resetTipsButton": "Réinitialiser les astuces visibles dans CryptDrive",
+ "settings_resetTipsDone": "Toutes les astuces sont de nouveau visibles.",
+ "settings_thumbnails": "Miniatures",
+ "settings_disableThumbnailsAction": "Désactiver la création de miniatures dans CryptDrive",
+ "settings_disableThumbnailsDescription": "Des miniatures de vos pads sont automatiquement créées et stockées dans votre navigateur. Vous pouvez désactiver cette fonctionnalité.",
+ "settings_resetThumbnailsAction": "Nettoyer",
+ "settings_resetThumbnailsDescription": "Nettoyer toutes les miniatures stockées dans votre navigateur.",
+ "settings_resetThumbnailsDone": "Toutes les miniatures ont été effacées.",
+ "settings_importTitle": "Importer les pads récents de ce navigateur dans votre CryptDrive",
+ "settings_import": "Importer",
+ "settings_importConfirm": "Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir importer les pads récents de ce navigateur dans le CryptDrive de votre compte utilisateur ?",
+ "settings_importDone": "Importation terminée",
+ "settings_autostoreTitle": "Stockage des pads dans CryptDrive",
+ "settings_autostoreHint": "Le stockage Automatique des pads permet de sauver tous les pads que vous visitez dans votre CryptDrive, sans action de votre part.
Le stockage Manuel (toujours demander) permet de ne pas stocker automatiquement les pads, mais d'afficher un message vous demandant s'il faut le faire ou non.
Le stockage Manuel (ne pas demander) permet de ne pas stocker les pads ni d'afficher le message. Une option permettant de les stocker sera toujours disponible, mais cachée.",
+ "settings_autostoreYes": "Automatique",
+ "settings_autostoreNo": "Manuel (ne pas demander)",
+ "settings_autostoreMaybe": "Manuel (toujours demander)",
+ "settings_userFeedbackTitle": "Retour d'expérience",
+ "settings_userFeedbackHint1": "CryptPad peut envoyer des retours d'expérience très limités vers le serveur, de manière à nous permettre d'améliorer l'expérience des utilisateurs. ",
+ "settings_userFeedbackHint2": "Le contenu de vos pads et les clés de déchiffrement ne seront jamais partagés avec le serveur.",
+ "settings_userFeedback": "Activer l'envoi de retours d'expérience",
+ "settings_deleteTitle": "Suppression du compte",
+ "settings_deleteHint": "La suppression de votre compte utilisateur est permanente. Votre CryptDrive et votre liste de pads seront supprimés du serveur. Le reste de vos pads sera supprimé après 90 jours d'inactivité si personne ne les a stockés dans leur CryptDrive.",
+ "settings_deleteButton": "Supprimer votre compte",
+ "settings_deleteModal": "Veuillez envoyer les informations suivantes à votre administrateur CryptPad afin que vos données soient supprimées du serveur.",
+ "settings_deleteConfirm": "Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir supprimer votre compte utilisateur ? Cette action est irréversible.",
+ "settings_deleted": "Votre compte utilisateur a été supprimé. Appuyez sur OK pour être redirigé(e) vers la page d'accueil.",
+ "settings_anonymous": "Vous n'êtes pas connecté. Ces préférences seront utilisées pour ce navigateur.",
+ "settings_publicSigningKey": "Clé publique de signature",
+ "settings_usage": "Utilisation",
+ "settings_usageTitle": "Voir la taille totale de vos pads épinglés en Mo",
+ "settings_pinningNotAvailable": "Les pads épinglés sont disponibles uniquement pour les utilisateurs enregistrés.",
+ "settings_pinningError": "Un problème est survenu",
+ "settings_usageAmount": "Vos pads épinglés occupent {0} Mo",
+ "settings_logoutEverywhereButton": "Se déconnecter",
+ "settings_logoutEverywhereTitle": "Se déconnecter partout",
+ "settings_logoutEverywhere": "Se déconnecter de force de toutes les autres sessions.",
+ "settings_logoutEverywhereConfirm": "Êtes-vous sûr ? Vous devrez vous reconnecter sur tous vos autres appareils.",
+ "settings_driveDuplicateTitle": "Doublons des pads dont vous êtes propriétaire",
+ "settings_driveDuplicateHint": "Quand vous déplacez un pad dont vous êtes le propriétaire dans un dossier partagé, une copie est créée dans votre CryptDrive pour s'assurer que vous puissiez garder le contrôle de ce pad. Vous pouvez choisir de cacher ces doublons. Seules les versions partagées seront affichées, jusqu'à leur suppression, dans quels cas la version dans votre CryptDrive redeviendra visible.",
+ "settings_driveDuplicateLabel": "Cacher les doublons",
+ "settings_codeIndentation": "Indentation dans l'éditeur de code (nombre d'espaces)",
+ "settings_codeUseTabs": "Utiliser des tabulations au lieu d'espaces",
+ "settings_codeFontSize": "Taille de la police dans l'éditeur de code (px)",
+ "settings_padWidth": "Largeur de l'éditeur de texte",
+ "settings_padWidthHint": "L'éditeur de documents texte occupe toute la largeur de l'écran disponible par défaut, ce qui peut rendre le texte difficile à lire. Vous pouvez ici réduire la largeur de l'éditeur.",
+ "settings_padWidthLabel": "Réduire la largeur de l'éditeur",
+ "settings_padSpellcheckTitle": "Vérification orthographique",
+ "settings_padSpellcheckHint": "Cette option vous permet d'activer la vérification orthographique dans l'éditeur de Texte. Les fautes seront soulignées et des propositions correctes seront disponibles en effectuant un clic-droit avec la touche Ctrl ou Meta enfoncée.",
+ "settings_padSpellcheckLabel": "Activer la vérification orthographique",
+ "settings_creationSkip": "Passer l'écran de création de pad",
+ "settings_creationSkipHint": "L'écran de création de pad offre de nouvelles options pour créer un pad, permettant d'avoir plus de contrôle et de sécurité concernant vos données. Toutefois, il peut ralentir votre travail en ajoutant une étape supplémentaire et donc, ici, vous avez la possibilité de choisir de passer cet écran et d'utiliser les paramètres par défaut choisis au-dessus.",
+ "settings_creationSkipTrue": "Passer",
+ "settings_creationSkipFalse": "Afficher",
+ "settings_templateSkip": "Passer la fenêtre de choix d'un modèle",
+ "settings_templateSkipHint": "Quand vous créez un nouveau pad, et si vous possédez des modèles pour ce type de pad, une fenêtre peut apparaître pour demander si vous souhaitez importer un modèle. Ici vous pouvez choisir de ne jamais montrer cette fenêtre et donc de ne jamais utiliser de modèle.",
+ "settings_ownDriveTitle": "Activer les dernières fonctionnalités du compte",
+ "settings_ownDriveHint": "Pour des raisons techniques, les comptes utilisateurs les plus anciens n'ont pas accès à toutes les fonctionnalités. Une mise à niveau gratuite permet de préparer votre CryptDrive pour les nouveautés à venir sans perturber vos activités habituelles.",
+ "settings_ownDriveButton": "Mettre à niveau votre compte",
+ "settings_ownDriveConfirm": "La mise à niveau peut prendre du temps. Vous devrez vous reconnecter sur tous vos appareils. Voulez-vous continuer?",
+ "settings_ownDrivePending": "Votre compte est en train d'être mis à jour. Veuillez ne pas fermer ou recharger cette page avant que le traitement soit terminé.",
+ "settings_changePasswordTitle": "Changer de mot de passe",
+ "settings_changePasswordHint": "Pour modifier le mot de passe de votre compte utilisateur, entrez votre mot de passe actuel et confirmez le nouveau mot de passe en la tapant deux fois.
Nous ne pouvons pas réinitialiser votre mot de passe si vous le perdez, donc soyez très prudent !",
+ "settings_changePasswordButton": "Changer le mot de passe",
+ "settings_changePasswordCurrent": "Mot de passe actuel",
+ "settings_changePasswordNew": "Nouveau mot de passe",
+ "settings_changePasswordNewConfirm": "Confirmer le nouveau mot de passe",
+ "settings_changePasswordConfirm": "Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir changer votre mot de passe ? Vous devrez vous reconnecter sur tous vos appareils.",
+ "settings_changePasswordError": "Une erreur est survenue. Si vous n'êtes plus en mesure de vous connecter à votre compte utilisateur ou de changer votre mot de passe, veuillez contacter l'administrateur de votre CryptPad.",
+ "settings_changePasswordPending": "Votre mot de passe est en train d'être modifié. Veuillez ne pas fermer ou recharger cette page avant que le traitement soit terminé.",
+ "settings_changePasswordNewPasswordSameAsOld": "Votre nouveau mot de passe doit être différent de votre mot de passe actuel.",
+ "settings_cursorColorTitle": "Couleur du curseur",
+ "settings_cursorColorHint": "Changer la couleur associée à votre utilisateur dans les documents collaboratifs",
+ "settings_cursorShareTitle": "Partager la position de mon curseur",
+ "settings_cursorShareHint": "Vous pouvez décider si vous souhaitez que les autres puissent voir la position de votre curseur dans les documents collaboratifs ou non.",
+ "settings_cursorShareLabel": "Partager la position",
+ "settings_cursorShowTitle": "Afficher les curseurs des autres utilisateurs",
+ "settings_cursorShowHint": "Vous pouvez choisir si vous souhaitez voir les curseurs des autres utilisateurs dans les documents collaboratifs ou non.",
+ "settings_cursorShowLabel": "Montrer les curseurs",
+ "upload_title": "Hébergement de fichiers",
+ "upload_type": "Type",
+ "upload_modal_title": "Options d'importation du fichier",
+ "upload_modal_filename": "Nom (extension {0} ajoutée automatiquement)",
+ "upload_modal_owner": "Être propriétaire du fichier",
+ "upload_serverError": "Erreur interne: impossible d'importer le fichier pour l'instant.",
+ "upload_uploadPending": "Vous avez déjà un fichier en cours d'importation. Souhaitez-vous l'annuler et importer ce nouveau fichier ?",
+ "upload_success": "Votre fichier ({0}) a été importé avec succès et ajouté à votre CryptDrive.",
+ "upload_notEnoughSpace": "Il n'y a pas assez d'espace libre dans votre CryptDrive pour ce fichier.",
+ "upload_notEnoughSpaceBrief": "Pas assez d'espace",
+ "upload_tooLarge": "Ce fichier dépasse la taille maximale autorisée.",
+ "upload_tooLargeBrief": "Fichier trop volumineux",
+ "upload_choose": "Choisir un fichier",
+ "upload_pending": "En attente",
+ "upload_cancelled": "Annulé",
+ "upload_name": "Nom du fichier",
+ "upload_size": "Taille",
+ "upload_progress": "État",
+ "upload_mustLogin": "Vous devez vous connecter pour importer un fichier",
+ "upload_up": "Envoyer",
+ "download_button": "Déchiffrer et télécharger",
+ "download_mt_button": "Télécharger",
+ "download_resourceNotAvailable": "Le fichier demandé n'est pas disponible... Appuyez sur Échap pour continuer.",
+ "download_dl": "Télécharger",
+ "download_step1": "Téléchargement",
+ "download_step2": "Déchiffrement",
+ "todo_title": "CryptTodo",
+ "todo_newTodoNamePlaceholder": "Décrivez votre tâche...",
+ "todo_newTodoNameTitle": "Ajouter cette tâche à votre liste",
+ "todo_markAsCompleteTitle": "Marquer cette tâche comme terminée",
+ "todo_markAsIncompleteTitle": "Marquer cette tâche comme incomplète",
+ "todo_removeTaskTitle": "Enlever cette tâche de votre liste",
+ "pad_showToolbar": "Afficher la barre d'outils",
+ "pad_hideToolbar": "Cacher la barre d'outils",
+ "pad_base64": "Ce pad contient des images stockées de manière inefficace. Ces images vont augmenter de manière significative la taille du pad dans votre CryptDrive, et le rendre plus lent à charger. Vous pouvez migrer ces fichiers afin de les stocker séparément dans votre CryptDrive. Voulez-vous commencer la migration maintenant?",
+ "mdToolbar_button": "Afficher ou cacher la barre d'outils Markdown",
+ "mdToolbar_defaultText": "Votre texte ici",
+ "mdToolbar_help": "Aide",
+ "mdToolbar_tutorial": "https://blog.wax-o.com/2014/04/tutoriel-un-guide-pour-bien-commencer-avec-markdown/",
+ "mdToolbar_bold": "Gras",
+ "mdToolbar_italic": "Italique",
+ "mdToolbar_strikethrough": "Barré",
+ "mdToolbar_heading": "Titre",
+ "mdToolbar_link": "Lien",
+ "mdToolbar_quote": "Citation",
+ "mdToolbar_nlist": "Liste ordonnée",
+ "mdToolbar_list": "Liste à puces",
+ "mdToolbar_check": "Liste de tâches",
+ "mdToolbar_code": "Code",
+ "home_product": "CryptPad est une alternative respectant la vie privée aux outils office et aux services cloud populaires. Tout le contenu stocké dans CryptPad est chiffré avant d'être envoyé, ce qui signifie que personne ne peut accéder à vos données à moins que vous ne leur donniez les clés (même pas nous).",
+ "home_host": "Ceci est une instance communautaire et indépendante de CryptPad. Le code source du projet est disponible sur GitHub.",
+ "home_host_agpl": "CryptPad est distribué sous les termes de la licence logicielle AGPL3",
+ "home_ngi": "Gagnant d'un prix NGI Awards",
+ "about_intro": "CryptPad est développé au sein de l'équipe Recherche d'XWiki SAS, une petite entreprise située à Paris en France et à Iasi en Roumanie. Il y a 3 développeurs principaux qui travaillent sur CryptPad, ainsi que quelques contributeurs à la fois dans et en dehors d'XWiki SAS",
+ "about_core": "Développeurs principaux",
+ "about_contributors": "Contributeurs clés",
+ "main_about_p22": "Tweetez-nous",
+ "main_about_p23": "Ouvrez un ticket (GitHub)",
+ "main_about_p24": "Dites Bonjour (Matrix)",
+ "main_about_p25": "Envoyez-nous un email",
+ "main_about_p26": "Si vous avez une question ou des remarques, n'hésitez pas à nous contacter !",
+ "main_info": "Collaborez avec confiance
Développez vos idées en groupe avec des documents partagés; la technologie Zero Knowledge sécurise vos données.",
+ "main_catch_phrase": "Le Cloud Zero Knowledge",
+ "main_richText": "Éditeur de texte",
+ "main_code": "Éditeur de code",
+ "main_slide": "Présentations",
+ "main_poll": "Sondages",
+ "main_drive": "CryptDrive",
+ "main_richTextPad": "Éditeur de texte",
+ "main_codePad": "Éditeur de code",
+ "main_sheetPad": "Tableur (Beta)",
+ "main_slidePad": "Éditeur de Présentations",
+ "main_pollPad": "Sondage ou Planning",
+ "main_whiteboardPad": "Tableau blanc",
+ "main_kanbanPad": "Kanban",
+ "main_localPads": "Pads Locaux",
+ "main_yourCryptDrive": "Votre CryptDrive",
+ "main_footerText": "Avec CryptPad, vous pouvez créer des documents collaboratifs rapidement pour prendre des notes à plusieurs.",
+ "footer_applications": "Applications",
+ "footer_contact": "Contact",
+ "footer_aboutUs": "À propos",
+ "about": "À propos",
+ "privacy": "Confidentialité",
+ "contact": "Contact",
+ "terms": "Conditions",
+ "blog": "Blog",
+ "topbar_whatIsCryptpad": "Qu'est-ce que CryptPad",
+ "whatis_title": "Qu'est-ce que CryptPad",
+ "whatis_collaboration": "Collaboration rapide, facile",
+ "whatis_collaboration_p1": "Avec CryptPad, vous pouvez créer rapidement des documents collaboratifs pour prendre des notes à plusieurs. Quand vous vous enregistrez et vous vous connectez, vous obtenez la possibilité d'importer des fichiers dans un CryptDrive où vous pouvez organiser tous vos pads (documents). En tant qu'utilisateur enregistré, vous possédez 50 Mo de stockage gratuit.",
+ "whatis_collaboration_p2": "Vous pouvez partager l'accès à un document simplement en partageant le lien. Vous pouvez aussi partager un lien spécial fournissant un accès en lecture seule au pad, permettant de publier des travaux collaboratifs tout en restant maître de l'édition.",
+ "whatis_collaboration_p3": "Vous pouvez créer des documents de texte avec CKEditor tout comme des documents Markdown qui sont rendus en temps-réel pendant que vous tapez. Vous pouvez aussi utiliser l'application de sondage pour planifier des évènements avec plusieurs participants.",
+ "whatis_zeroknowledge": "Zero Knowledge",
+ "whatis_zeroknowledge_p1": "Nous ne souhaitons pas connaître ce que vous tapez et grâce à la cryptographie moderne, vous pouvez être assuré que nous ne le pouvons pas. CryptPad utilise un chiffrement à 100 % côté client pour protéger le contenu que vous tapez de nous, les personnes contrôlant le serveur.",
+ "whatis_zeroknowledge_p2": "Quand vous vous enregistrez et vous vous connectez, votre nom d'utilisateur et votre mot de passe sont transformés en une clé secrète grâce à la fonction de dérivation de clé Scrypt. Ni cette clé, ni le nom d'utilisateur ou le mot de passe, ne sont envoyés au serveur. À la place, elle est utilisée côté client pour chiffrer et déchiffrer le contenu de votre CryptDrive, qui contient toutes les clés permettant d'accéder à vos pads.",
+ "whatis_zeroknowledge_p3": "Quand vous partagez le lien vers un document, vous partagez la clé cryptographique permettant de déchiffrer le document, mais puisque cette clé se trouve dans l'identificateur de fragment, elle n'est jamais envoyée au serveur. Venez lire notre article de blog sur la vie privée pour en apprendre davantage sur le type de métadonnées auxquelles nous avons ou n'avons pas accès.",
+ "whatis_drive": "Organisation avec CryptDrive",
+ "whatis_drive_p1": "Dès que vous accédez à un pad dans CryptPad, celui-ci est automatiquement ajouté à votre CryptDrive, dans le dossier principal. Vous pouvez alors ranger ce pad dans un dossier ou le déplacer vers la corbeille. CryptDrive vous permet de rechercher parmi vos pads et de les organiser quand vous le souhaitez, comme vous le souhaitez.",
+ "whatis_drive_p2": "Avec le glisser-déposer intuitif, vous pouvez déplacer vos pads dans votre drive tout en conservant les liens vers ces pads pour que vos collaborateurs n'en perdent pas l'accès",
+ "whatis_drive_p3": "Vous pouvez également importer des fichiers dans votre CryptDrive et les partager avec des collègues. Les fichiers importés peuvent être rangés de la même manière que vos pads collaboratifs.",
+ "whatis_business": "CryptPad for Business",
+ "whatis_business_p1": "Le chiffrement Zero Knowledge de CryptPad excelle pour accroître l'efficacité des protocoles de sécurité existants en les recréant de manière cryptographique. Puisque les données sensibles ne peuvent être déchiffrées qu'en utilisant les identifiants d'un utilisateur, CryptPad empêche d'éventuels hackers ayant réussi à s'introduire dans le serveur d'avoir accès en clair à ces données. Découvrez-en plus sur la manière dont CryptPad peut aider votre entreprise en lisant le CryptPad Whitepaper.",
+ "whatis_business_p2": "CryptPad est déployable sur site et les développeurs CryptPad chez XWiki SAS peuvent effectuer du développement, des personnalisations et du support commercial. Contactez-nous à sales@cryptpad.fr pour plus d'informations.",
+ "policy_title": "Politique de confidentialité de CryptPad",
+ "policy_whatweknow": "Ce que nous savons de vous",
+ "policy_whatweknow_p1": "En tant qu'application hébergée sur le web, CryptPad a accès aux meta-données exposées par le protocole HTTP. Ceci inclus votre adresse IP et d'autres en-têtes HTTP qui peuvent être utilisées pour identifier votre propre navigateur. Vous pouvez voir quelles informations votre navigateur partage en visitant WhatIsMyBrowser.com.",
+ "policy_whatweknow_p2": "Nous utilisons Piwik, une plateforme open source d'analytique, afin d'en apprendre plus sur nos utilisateurs. Piwik nous indique comment vous avez trouvé CryptPad, que ce soit par une entrée directe, par un moteur de recherche ou depuis un lien provenant d'un autre site web tel que Reddit ou Twitter. Nous savons également quand vous visitez le site, sur quels liens vous cliquez dans les pages informatives et combien de temps vous restez sur une page donnée.",
+ "policy_howweuse": "Comment nous utilisons ce que nous apprenons",
+ "policy_howweuse_p1": "Nous utilisons ces informations pour prendre de meilleures décisions concernant la communication autour de CryptPad, en évaluant le succès de ce qui a été réalisé par le passé. Les informations concernant votre localisation nous permettent de savoir si nous devons considérer l'ajout de traductions de CryptPad dans d'autres langues que l'anglais.",
+ "policy_howweuse_p2": "Les informations concernant votre navigateur (que ce soit un système d'exploitation de bureau ou d'appareil portable) nous aident à prendre des décisions lors de la priorisation des ajouts et améliorations de fonctionnalités. Notre équipe de développement est petite, et nous essayons de prendre des décisions qui amélioreront l'expérience du plus grand nombre d'utilisateurs possible.",
+ "policy_whatwetell": "Ce que nous dévoilons à d'autres à propos de vous",
+ "policy_whatwetell_p1": "Nous ne fournissons aucune information que nous récoltons ou que vous nous fournissez à des tierces parties à moins d'y être contraints par la loi.",
+ "policy_links": "Liens vers d'autres sites",
+ "policy_links_p1": "Ce site contient des liens vers d'autres sites, certains étant produits par d'autres organisations. Nous ne sommes responsables des pratiques de confidentialité ou du contenu d'aucun site externe. De manière générale, les liens vers des sites externes sont lancés dans une nouvelle fenêtre (ou onglet) du navigateur, pour rendre clair le fait que vous quittez CryptPad.fr.",
+ "policy_ads": "Publicité",
+ "policy_ads_p1": "Nous n'affichons pas de publicité en ligne, bien que nous puissions afficher des liens vers les sites des organisations qui financent nos recherches.",
+ "policy_choices": "Vos choix",
+ "policy_choices_open": "Notre code est open source, ce qui signifie que vous avez toujours la possibilité d'héberger votre propre instance de CryptPad.",
+ "policy_choices_vpn": "Si vous souhaitez utiliser notre instance hébergée (cryptpad.fr) mais que vous ne souhaitez pas exposer votre adresse IP, vous pouvez la protéger en utilisant le navigateur Tor, ou un VPN.",
+ "policy_choices_ads": "Si vous souhaitez uniquement bloquer notre plateforme d'analytique, vous pouvez utiliser un bloqueur de publicités tel que Privacy Badger.",
+ "features": "Fonctionnalités",
+ "features_title": "Comparaison des fonctionnalités",
+ "features_feature": "Fonctionnalité",
+ "features_anon": "Utilisateur anonyme",
+ "features_registered": "Utilisateur enregistré",
+ "features_premium": "Utilisateur premium",
+ "features_notes": "Notes",
+ "features_f_apps": "Accès aux applications principales",
+ "features_f_core": "Fonctions communes des applications",
+ "features_f_core_note": "Édition, Export, Historique, Liste d'utilisateurs, Chat",
+ "features_f_file0": "Ouvrir des fichiers",
+ "features_f_file0_note": "Voir et télécharger des fichiers partagés par d'autres utilisateurs",
+ "features_f_cryptdrive0": "Accès limité à CryptDrive",
+ "features_f_cryptdrive0_note": "Stockage dans votre navigateur des pads visités afin de pouvoir les retrouver plus tard.",
+ "features_f_storage0": "Durée de stockage limitée",
+ "features_f_storage0_note": "Les pads créés risquent d'être supprimés après trois mois d'inactivité.",
+ "features_f_anon": "Avantages des utilisateurs anonymes",
+ "features_f_anon_note": "Avec une meilleure ergonomie et plus de contrôle sur vos pads",
+ "features_f_cryptdrive1": "Accès complet à CryptDrive",
+ "features_f_cryptdrive1_note": "Dossiers, dossiers partagés, modèles, tags",
+ "features_f_devices": "Vos pads sur tous vos appareils",
+ "features_f_devices_note": "Accéder à votre CryptDrive de partout grâce à votre compte utilisateur",
+ "features_f_social": "Applications sociales",
+ "features_f_social_note": "Créer un profil, utiliser un avatar, chat avec les contacts",
+ "features_f_file1": "Importer et partager des fichiers",
+ "features_f_file1_note": "Partager des fichiers avec vos amis ou les intégrer dans vos pads",
+ "features_f_storage1": "Stockage permanent (50Mo)",
+ "features_f_storage1_note": "Les pads stockés dans votre CryptDrive ne seront jamais supprimés pour cause d'inactivité.",
+ "features_f_register": "S'enregistrer gratuitement",
+ "features_f_register_note": "Pas d'email ou d'information personnelle requis",
+ "features_f_reg": "Avantages des utilisateurs enregistrés",
+ "features_f_reg_note": "Et aider au développement de CryptPad",
+ "features_f_storage2": "Espace de stockage supplémentaire",
+ "features_f_storage2_note": "De 5 Go à 50 Go en fonction du plan sélectionné",
+ "features_f_support": "Support plus rapide",
+ "features_f_support_note": "Support email professionnel avec le plan Équipe",
+ "features_f_supporter": "Devenir un défenseur de la vie privée",
+ "features_f_supporter_note": "Nous aider à montrer que les logiciels protégeant les données personnelles devraient être la norme",
+ "features_f_subscribe": "S'abonner à un compte premium",
+ "features_f_subscribe_note": "Vous devez d'abord vous connecter à un compte CryptPad",
+ "faq_link": "FAQ",
+ "faq_title": "Foire Aux Questions",
+ "faq_whatis": "Qu'est-ce que CryptPad ?",
+ "faq": {
+ "keywords": {
+ "title": "Termes spéciaux",
+ "pad": {
+ "q": "Qu'est-ce qu'un pad ?",
+ "a": "Pad est un terme popularisé par Etherpad un éditeur collaboratif en temps-réel. Il désigne un document que vous pouvez modifier dans votre navigateur et, en général, vous pouvez voir les modifications effectuées par les autres utilisateurs de manière quasiment instantanée."
+ },
+ "owned": {
+ "q": "Qu'est-ce qu'un pad avec propriétaire ?",
+ "a": "Être propriétaire d'un pad signifie que vous êtes identifié comme tel par le serveur avec à votre clé de signature publique.
Le propriétaire d'un pad peut décider de supprimer ce pad du serveur de manière permanente, afin de le rendre inaccessible aux autres collaborateurs même s'ils possèdent le lien dans leur CryptDrive."
+ },
+ "expiring": {
+ "q": "Qu'est-ce qu'un pad à durée de vie ?",
+ "a": "Un pad à durée de vie est un pad créé avec une date définie à partir de laquelle il sera supprimé automatiquement du serveur. Ils peuvent être configurés pour avoir une durée de vie comprise entre une heure et cent mois. Le pad et tout son historique sera alors inaccessible, de manière permanente, même s'il est en cours d'édition à sa date d'expiration.
Si un pad possède une date d'expiration, vous pouvez la vérifier en regardant les propriétés du pad, soit avec un clic-droit sur le pad dans votre CryptDrive, ou soit en cliquant sur Propriétés dans le sous-menu de la barre d'outils de l'application."
+ },
+ "tag": {
+ "q": "Comment utiliser les mots-clés ?",
+ "a": "Vous pouvez ajouter des mots-clés aux pads ou aux fichiers depuis votre CryptDrive et depuis le document en utilisant le bouton (Mots-clés) de la barre d'outils des éditeurs.
Il est ensuite possible de rechercher des pads et des fichiers dans votre CryptDrive en tapant un mot-clé, précédé de #, dans la barre de recherche (exemple: #crypto)."
+ },
+ "template": {
+ "q": "Qu'est-ce qu'un modèle ?",
+ "a": "Un modèle est un pad qui peut être utilisé pour définir le contenu initial d'un nouveau pad du même type quand vous le créez.
Les pads existant dans votre CryptDrive peuvent être transformés en tant que modèle en les déplaçant dans la catégorie Modèles du CryptDrive.
Il est également possible de créer une copie d'un pad en tant que modèle en cliquant sur le bouton (Sauver en tant que modèle) dans la barre d'outils des éditeurs."
+ },
+ "abandoned": {
+ "q": "Qu'est-ce qu'un pad abandonné?",
+ "a": "Un pad abandonné est un pad qui n'est stocké dans le CryptDrive d'aucun utilisateur enregistré et qui n'a pas été modifié depuis 6 mois. Les documents abandonnés sont automatiquement supprimés du serveur."
+ }
+ },
+ "privacy": {
+ "title": "Confidentialité",
+ "different": {
+ "q": "Comment CryptPad est-il différent des autres services de pads ?",
+ "a": "CryptPad chiffre les changements effectués dans vos pads avant de les envoyer au serveur pour qu'ils soient stockés, nous ne pouvons donc pas lire le contenu que vous avez tapé."
+ },
+ "me": {
+ "q": "Quelles informations le serveur possède-t-il sur moi ?",
+ "a": "Les administrateurs du serveur peuvent voir les adresses IP des utilisateurs de CryptPad.
Nous n'enregistrons pas les pads visités par chaque adresse IP, mais nous le pouvons, bien que nous n'aurions pas accès au contenu déchiffré de ces pads.
Si vous avez des inquiétudes à ce sujet, il est préférable de considérer que nous collectons ces informations puisque nous n'avons aucun moyen de prouver que ce n'est pas le cas.
Nous collectons toutefois certaines données de télémétrie concernant la façon dont les gens utilisent CryptPad, par exemple la résolution de l'écran utilisé ou l'utilisation des boutons de la barre d'outils. Ces données nous aident à améliorer le produit, mais il est possible de désactiver l'envoi de telles informations au serveur en décochant la case Activer l'envoi de retours d'expérience dans vos Préférences.
Enfin, nous gardons une trace des pads stockés dans le CryptDrive des utilisateurs afin de pouvoir imposer les limites de stockage, mais nous n'avons, encore une fois, pas accès au contenu ou au type de ces pads. Ces limites sont toutefois associées à la clé publique des utilisateurs, nous ne pouvons donc pas les relier à un nom ou une adresse email.
Nous avons écrit un article de blog (en anglais) à ce sujet si vous souhaitez en apprendre davantage."
+ },
+ "register": {
+ "q": "Qu'est-ce que le serveur apprend à mon sujet si je m'inscris ?",
+ "a": "Nous ne demandons pas aux utilisateurs d'entrer une adresse email pour s'enregistrer, et le serveur ne connaît pas votre nom d'utilisateur ni votre mot de passe.
Les formulaires d'inscription et de connexion génèrent à la place un ensemble de clés uniques, créées à partir de vos identifiants, et le serveur ne connaît donc que votre signature cryptographique.
Nous utilisons cette information principalement pour mesurer combien de données vous avez stocké sur nos serveurs, afin de pouvoir limiter chaque utilisateur à son quota.
Nous utilisons également notre fonctionnalité de retour d'expérience pour indiquer au serveur que quelqu'un avec votre adresse IP a créé un compte utilisateur, bien que nous ne sachions pas lequel. Cela nous permet de mesurer le nombre d'inscriptions sur CryptPad mais aussi de voir dans quelles régions du monde se trouvent les utilisateurs, afin de déterminer les langues dans lesquelles traduire CryptPad.
Enfin, les utilisateurs enregistrés indiquent au serveur quels pads sont dans leur CryptDrive, afin que ces pads ne soient pas considérés comme abandonnés et ne soient donc pas supprimés pour inactivité."
+ },
+ "other": {
+ "q": "Que peuvent apprendre les autres collaborateurs à mon sujet ?",
+ "a": "Quand vous éditez un pad avec quelqu'un d'autre, vous communiquez en passant par notre serveur, nous sommes donc les seuls à connaître votre adresse IP.
Les autres utilisateurs ont accès à votre pseudonyme, votre avatar, le lien vers votre profil (si vous en avez un) et votre clé publique (qui est utilisée pour le chiffrement des communications entre utilisateurs)."
+ },
+ "anonymous": {
+ "q": "CryptPad me rend-il anonyme ?",
+ "a": "Bien que CryptPad soit conçu pour en savoir le moins possible à votre sujet, il ne fournit pas un anonymat complet.
Nos serveurs ont accès à votre adresse IP, mais vous pouvez la cacher en utilisant, par exemple, Tor pour accéder à CryptPad.
Utiliser Tor sans changer votre comportement ne garantira toutefois pas votre anonymat, puisque notre serveur est en mesure d'identifier des utilisateurs avec leur identifiant cryptographique unique. Si vous utilisez le même compte utilisateur avec et sans Tor, il serait donc possible de désanonymiser votre session.
Pour les utilisateurs qui n'ont pas besoin d'un niveau de confidentialité aussi élevé, Tor n'est pas nécessaire puisque CryptPad ne nécessite pas la saisie d'un nom réel, d'un numéro de téléphone ou même d'une adresse email comme de nombreux autres services."
+ },
+ "policy": {
+ "q": "Avez-vous une politique de confidentialité des données ?",
+ "a": "Oui ! Elle est disponible ici."
+ }
+ },
+ "security": {
+ "title": "Sécurité",
+ "proof": {
+ "q": "Comment utilisez-vous les preuves à divulgation nulle de connaissance (Zero Knowledge proofs) ?",
+ "a": "Quand nous utilisons le terme Zero Knowledge, ce n'est pas une référence aux Zero Knowledge proofs, mais aux Services Web Zero Knowledge.
Les Services Web Zero Knowledge chiffrent les données des utilisateurs dans le navigateur, de manière à ce que le serveur n'aie pas accès au contenu déchiffré ni aux clés de chiffrement.
Nous avons établi une courte liste de Services Zero Knowledge sur notre blog."
+ },
+ "why": {
+ "q": "Pourquoi devrais-je utiliser CryptPad ?",
+ "a": "Notre position est que les services cloud ne devraient pas nécessiter l'accès à vos données afin que vous puissiez les partager avec vos amis ou vos collègues. Si vous utilisez un autre service pour le travail collaboratif et qu'il n'indique pas clairement que le serveur n'a pas accès aux informations, il est très probable que vos données soient utilisées pour faire du profit."
+ },
+ "compromised": {
+ "q": "CryptPad me protège-t-il si mon ordinateur est compromis ?",
+ "a": "Dans le cas où votre ordinateur ou téléphone serait volé, CryptPad vous permet de déclencher une déconnexion à distance de votre compte CryptPad sur tous les appareils, excepté celui sur lequel vous vous trouvez. Pour ce faire, vous pouvez cliquer sur Se déconnecter partout dans votre page de Préférences.
Tous les appareils qui sont actuellement connectés sur CryptPad à votre compte seront déconnectés. Tous les appareils qui se sont connectés au compte et ne vous demandent plus vos identifiants vous forceront à vous identifier de nouveau lorsque vous visiterez CryptPad.
Actuellement, la déconnexion à distance est implémentée dans votre navigateur et non avec le serveur. Cela signifie que cette fonction devrait être suffisante pour protéger vos données si vous oubliez de vous déconnecter après l'utilisation sur un ordinateur partagé, mais elle ne vous protègera pas des agences gouvernementales."
+ },
+ "crypto": {
+ "q": "Quelle cryptographie utilisez-vous ?",
+ "a": "CryptPad est basé sur deux librairies open-source de cryptographie : tweetnacl.js et scrypt-async.js.
Scrypt est une fonction de dérivation de clé basée sur un mot de passe. Nous l'utilisons pour transformer votre nom d'utilisateur et votre mot de passe en un unique ensemble de clés qui sécurise l'accès à votre CryptDrive afin que vous seul puissiez accéder à votre liste de pads.
Nous utilisons les outils de chiffrement xsalsa20-poly1305 et x25519-xsalsa20-poly1305 fournis par tweetnacl pour chiffrer vos pads et l'historique du chat respectivement."
+ }
+ },
+ "usability": {
+ "title": "Utilisation",
+ "register": {
+ "q": "Qu'est-ce que je gagne en créant un compte utilisateur ?",
+ "a": "Les utilisateurs enregistrés ont accès à un certain nombre de nouvelles fonctionnalités inaccessibles aux utilisateurs non connectés. Un tableau récapitulatif est disponible ici."
+ },
+ "share": {
+ "q": "Comment partager des pads chiffrés avec mes amis ?",
+ "a": "CryptPad stocke la clé secrète de chiffrement des pads après le symbole `#` dans l'URL. Tout ce qui se trouve après ce symbole n'est jamais envoyé au serveur, ainsi nous n'avons pas accès à vos clés de chiffrement. Partager le lien d'un pad revient donc à permettre la lecture ou la modification du contenu."
+ },
+ "remove": {
+ "q": "J'ai supprimé un pad ou un fichier de mon CryptDrive, mais le contenu est encore disponible. Comment le supprimer ?",
+ "a": "Seuls les pads avec propriétaire (introduits en février 2018) peuvent être supprimés du serveur. Ils ne peuvent d'ailleurs être supprimés du serveur que par leur propriétaire (l'utilisateur ayant créé le pad).
Si vous n'êtes pas le créateur du pad, vous devrez demander au propriétaire de le supprimer pour vous.
Pour les pads dont vous êtes le propriétaire, vous pouvez effectuer un clic-droit sur le pad dans votre CryptDrive, et sélectionner Supprimer du serveur."
+ },
+ "forget": {
+ "q": "Que faire si j'oublie mon mot de passe ?",
+ "a": "Malheureusement, si nous avions la possibilité de retrouver ou de modifier votre mot de passe, cela signifierait que nous avons accès à vos pads, ce n'est donc pas le cas.
Si vous n'avez pas noté votre nom d'utilisateur et votre mot de passe, et que vous ne vous en souvenez pas, il est peut-être possible de retrouver l'accès à certains pads grâce à l'historique de votre navigateur."
+ },
+ "change": {
+ "q": "Que faire si je souhaite changer de mot de passe ?",
+ "a": "Il n'est actuellement pas possible de changer votre mot de passe sur CryptPad, mais nous comptons développer cette fonctionnalité très bientôt."
+ },
+ "devices": {
+ "q": "Je suis connecté sur deux appareils mais avec deux CryptDrive différents, comment est-ce possible ?",
+ "a": "Il est possible que vous ayez enregistré le même nom d'utilisateur 2 fois, mais avec des mots de passe différents.
Puisque le serveur de CryptPad vous identifie avec une clé cryptographique et non avec votre nom d'utilisateur, il ne peut pas empêcher la création d'autres comptes avec le même nom. Ainsi, chaque utilisateur possède une combinaison nom d'utilisateur / mot de passe unique.
Les utilisateurs enregistrés peuvent voir leur nom de compte en haut de la page de préférences."
+ },
+ "folder": {
+ "q": "Puis-je partager des dossiers complets de mon CryptDrive ?",
+ "a": "Nous travaillons sur l'ajout d'une fonctionnalité workgroups (ou groupes de travail), qui permettrait aux collaborateurs de partager une structure de type dossier, avec tous les pads contenus dans cette structure."
+ },
+ "feature": {
+ "q": "Pouvez-vous ajouter une fonctionnalité particulière dont j'ai besoin ?",
+ "a": "Beaucoup de fonctionnalités de CryptPad existent parce que des utilisateurs les ont demandées.
Notre page de contact liste les différentes manières de nous joindre.
Malheureusement, nous ne pouvons pas garantir que nous allons implémenter toutes les fonctionnalités demandées.
Si une fonctionnalité particulière est nécessaire pour votre organisation, vous pouvez sponsoriser son développement pour s'assurer de sa réalisation. Veuillez contacter sales@cryptpad.fr pour plus d'informations.
Si vous n'avez pas la possibilité de sponsoriser du développement, nous sommes toujours intéressés par de nouvelles idées et des retours d'expérience qui peuvent nous aider à améliorer CryptPad. N'hésitez pas à nous contacter, avec les méthodes données précédemment, à n'importe quel moment."
+ }
+ },
+ "other": {
+ "title": "Autres questions",
+ "pay": {
+ "q": "Pourquoi payer alors que toutes les fonctionnalités sont gratuites ?",
+ "a": "Un compte premium permet d'augmenter la limite de stockage dans le CryptDrive, ainsi que celle de ses amis (en savoir plus).
En plus de ces avantages directs, l'abonnement premium permet aussi de financer le développement actif et de manière continue de CryptPad. Cela comprend la correction de bugs, l'ajout de nouvelles fonctionnalités et rendre plus facile l'hébergement de CryptPad par d'autres personnes.
Avec un abonnement, vous aidez aussi à prouver aux autres fournisseurs de services que les gens sont prêts à supporter les technologies améliorant le respect de leur vie privée. Nous espérons qu'un jour, les entreprises ayant pour revenu principal la revente de données des utilisateurs soient de l'histoire ancienne.
Enfin, nous offrons la plupart des fonctionnalités gratuitement parce que nous croyons que tout le monde mérite le respect de la vie privée. En souscrivant à un compte premium, vous nous aider à maintenir ces fonctionnalités basiques accessibles aux populations défavorisées."
+ },
+ "goal": {
+ "q": "Quel est votre objectif ?",
+ "a": "En développant une technologie de collaboration qui respecte la vie privée, nous espérons augmenter les attentes des utilisateurs en ce qui concerne les plateformes de services \"cloud\" et leur politique de confidentialité. Nous souhaitons que notre travail conduise les autres fournisseurs de services, quel que soit leur domaine, à égaler voire dépasser nos efforts.
Malgré notre optimisme, nous savons que la plupart du Web est financé par les publicités ciblées. Il y a encore beaucoup de travail à effectuer que l'on peut faire de nous-mêmes, et nous apprécions le support, la promotion et les contributions de notre communauté envers cet objectif."
+ },
+ "jobs": {
+ "q": "Est-ce que vous embauchez ?",
+ "a": "Oui ! Vous pouvez envoyer un email à jobs@xwiki.com."
+ },
+ "host": {
+ "q": "Pouvez-vous m'aider à installer ma propre instance de CryptPad ?",
+ "a": "Nous serions heureux de fournir du support pour l'installation de CryptPad au sein de votre organisation. Veuillez contacter sales@cryptpad.fr pour plus d'informations."
+ },
+ "revenue": {
+ "q": "Comment participer au système de partage des revenus ?",
+ "a": "Si vous possédez votre propre instance de CryptPad et que vous souhaitez activer les comptes payant et partager les revenus avec les développeurs, votre serveur devra être configuré comme un service partenaire.
Dans votre répertoire CryptPad, le fichier config.example.js
devrait contenir des explications concernant les étapes à suivre pour configurer votre serveur. Vous devrez aussi contacter sales@cryptpad.fr pour vérifier que votre serveur est configuré correctement et pour discuter des méthodes de paiement."
+ }
+ }
- "security": {
- "title": "Sécurité",
- "proof": {
- "q": "Comment utilisez-vous les preuves à divulgation nulle de connaissance (Zero Knowledge proofs) ?",
- "a": "Quand nous utilisons le terme Zero Knowledge, ce n'est pas une référence aux Zero Knowledge proofs, mais aux Services Web Zero Knowledge.
Les Services Web Zero Knowledge chiffrent les données des utilisateurs dans le navigateur, de manière à ce que le serveur n'aie pas accès au contenu déchiffré ni aux clés de chiffrement.
Nous avons établi une courte liste de Services Zero Knowledge sur notre blog."
- },
- "why": {
- "q": "Pourquoi devrais-je utiliser CryptPad ?",
- "a": "Notre position est que les services cloud ne devraient pas nécessiter l'accès à vos données afin que vous puissiez les partager avec vos amis ou vos collègues. Si vous utilisez un autre service pour le travail collaboratif et qu'il n'indique pas clairement que le serveur n'a pas accès aux informations, il est très probable que vos données soient utilisées pour faire du profit."
- },
- "compromised": {
- "q": "CryptPad me protège-t-il si mon ordinateur est compromis ?",
- "a": "Dans le cas où votre ordinateur ou téléphone serait volé, CryptPad vous permet de déclencher une déconnexion à distance de votre compte CryptPad sur tous les appareils, excepté celui sur lequel vous vous trouvez. Pour ce faire, vous pouvez cliquer sur Se déconnecter partout dans votre page de Préférences.
Tous les appareils qui sont actuellement connectés sur CryptPad à votre compte seront déconnectés. Tous les appareils qui se sont connectés au compte et ne vous demandent plus vos identifiants vous forceront à vous identifier de nouveau lorsque vous visiterez CryptPad.
Actuellement, la déconnexion à distance est implémentée dans votre navigateur et non avec le serveur. Cela signifie que cette fonction devrait être suffisante pour protéger vos données si vous oubliez de vous déconnecter après l'utilisation sur un ordinateur partagé, mais elle ne vous protègera pas des agences gouvernementales."
- },
- "crypto": {
- "q": "Quelle cryptographie utilisez-vous ?",
- "a": "CryptPad est basé sur deux librairies open-source de cryptographie : tweetnacl.js et scrypt-async.js.
Scrypt est une fonction de dérivation de clé basée sur un mot de passe. Nous l'utilisons pour transformer votre nom d'utilisateur et votre mot de passe en un unique ensemble de clés qui sécurise l'accès à votre CryptDrive afin que vous seul puissiez accéder à votre liste de pads.
Nous utilisons les outils de chiffrement xsalsa20-poly1305 et x25519-xsalsa20-poly1305 fournis par tweetnacl pour chiffrer vos pads et l'historique du chat respectivement."
- }
+ "tos_title": "Conditions d'utilisation de CryptPad",
+ "tos_legal": "Veuillez ne pas être malveillant, abusif, ou faire quoi que ce soit d'illégal.",
+ "tos_availability": "Nous espérons que vous trouvez ce service utile, mais nous ne pouvons garantir ses performances et disponibilités. Nous vous recommandons d'exporter vos données régulièrement.",
+ "tos_e2ee": "Le contenu sur CryptPad peuvent être lus et modifiés par quiconque est en mesure de deviner ou d'obtenir de quelque manière que ce soit l'identificateur de fragment du pad. Nous vous recommandons d'utiliser des technologies de messagerie chiffrées de bout à bout (end-to-end encryption ou e2ee) pour partager les liens, et déclinons toute responsabilité dans le cas ou un tel lien serait divulgué.",
+ "tos_logs": "Les meta-données fournies par votre navigateur au serveur peuvent être enregistrées dans le but de maintenir le service.",
+ "tos_3rdparties": "Nous ne fournissons aucune donnée individuelle à des tierces parties à moins d'y être contraints par la loi.",
+ "four04_pageNotFound": "Nous n'avons pas trouvé la page que vous cherchez.",
+ "updated_0_header_logoTitle": "Retourner vers votre CryptDrive",
+ "header_logoTitle": "Retourner vers votre CryptDrive",
+ "header_homeTitle": "Aller sur la page d'accueil",
+ "help": {
+ "title": "Pour bien démarrer",
+ "generic": {
+ "more": "Apprenez-en davantage sur le fonctionnement de CryptPad en lisant notre FAQ",
+ "share": "Utilisez le menu partage () pour générer un lien d'accès ou d'édition pad",
+ "save": "Tous les changements effectués sont enregistrés automatiquement"
+ },
+ "text": {
+ "formatting": "Vous pouvez afficher ou cacher la barre d'outils de texte en cliquant sur les boutons ou ",
+ "embed": "Les utilisateurs enregistrés peuvent intégrer un fichier de leur CryptDrive en utilisant le bouton ",
+ "history": "Vous pouvez utiliser l'historique () pour voir ou restaurer les versions précédentes du pad"
+ },
+ "pad": {
+ "export": "Vous pouvez exporter le contenu en tant que PDF avec le bouton de la barre d'outils de mise en forme du texte"
+ },
+ "code": {
+ "modes": "Utilisez le sous-menu pour changer le mode de coloration syntaxique ou le thème de couleur"
+ },
+ "beta": {
+ "warning": "Cet éditeur est encore expérimental, vous pouvez signaler tout problème rencontré sur GitHub"
+ },
+ "oo": {
+ "access": "L'accès à cette application est restreint aux utilisateurs enregistrés"
+ },
+ "slide": {
+ "markdown": "Rédigez vos slides en Markdown et séparez les avec une ligne contenant ---
+ "present": "Démarrez la présentation en utilisant le bouton ",
+ "settings": "Modifiez les préférences de la présentation (image de fond, transitions, numéro de pages, ...) avec le bouton dans le sous-menu ",
+ "colors": "Modifiez la couleur du texte ou du fond en utilisant les boutons et "
+ },
+ "poll": {
+ "decisions": "Prenez des décisions en privé avec des personnes de confiance",
+ "options": "Proposez des options et exprimez vos préférences",
+ "choices": "Cliquez sur les cellules de votre colonne pour modifier leur valeur entre oui (✔), peut-être (~) ou non (✖)",
+ "submit": "Cliquez sur Ajouter pour rendre vos choix visibles aux autres"
+ },
+ "whiteboard": {
+ "colors": "Double-cliquez sur les couleurs pour changer la palette",
+ "mode": "Vous pouvez désactiver le mode dessin pour déplacer, redimensionner, ou supprimer des éléments du dessin",
+ "embed": "Intégrez des images de votre disque ou de votre CryptDrive et exporter le contenu en tant que PNG sur votre disque ou votre CryptDrive "
+ },
+ "kanban": {
+ "add": "Ajoutez un tableau en utilisant le bouton dans le coin supérieur-droit",
+ "task": "Déplacez les éléments en les faisant glisser d'un tableau à l'autre",
+ "color": "Modifiez les couleurs en cliquant sur les parties colorées à côté du titre de chaque tableau"
+ }
- "usability": {
- "title": "Utilisation",
- "register": {
- "q": "Qu'est-ce que je gagne en créant un compte utilisateur ?",
- "a": "Les utilisateurs enregistrés ont accès à un certain nombre de nouvelles fonctionnalités inaccessibles aux utilisateurs non connectés. Un tableau récapitulatif est disponible ici."
- },
- "share": {
- "q": "Comment partager des pads chiffrés avec mes amis ?",
- "a": "CryptPad stocke la clé secrète de chiffrement des pads après le symbole `#` dans l'URL. Tout ce qui se trouve après ce symbole n'est jamais envoyé au serveur, ainsi nous n'avons pas accès à vos clés de chiffrement. Partager le lien d'un pad revient donc à permettre la lecture ou la modification du contenu."
- },
- "remove": {
- "q": "J'ai supprimé un pad ou un fichier de mon CryptDrive, mais le contenu est encore disponible. Comment le supprimer ?",
- "a": "Seuls les pads avec propriétaire (introduits en février 2018) peuvent être supprimés du serveur. Ils ne peuvent d'ailleurs être supprimés du serveur que par leur propriétaire (l'utilisateur ayant créé le pad).
Si vous n'êtes pas le créateur du pad, vous devrez demander au propriétaire de le supprimer pour vous.
Pour les pads dont vous êtes le propriétaire, vous pouvez effectuer un clic-droit sur le pad dans votre CryptDrive, et sélectionner Supprimer du serveur."
- },
- "forget": {
- "q": "Que faire si j'oublie mon mot de passe ?",
- "a": "Malheureusement, si nous avions la possibilité de retrouver ou de modifier votre mot de passe, cela signifierait que nous avons accès à vos pads, ce n'est donc pas le cas.
Si vous n'avez pas noté votre nom d'utilisateur et votre mot de passe, et que vous ne vous en souvenez pas, il est peut-être possible de retrouver l'accès à certains pads grâce à l'historique de votre navigateur."
- },
- "change": {
- "q": "Que faire si je souhaite changer de mot de passe ?",
- "a": "Il n'est actuellement pas possible de changer votre mot de passe sur CryptPad, mais nous comptons développer cette fonctionnalité très bientôt."
- },
- "devices": {
- "q": "Je suis connecté sur deux appareils mais avec deux CryptDrive différents, comment est-ce possible ?",
- "a": "Il est possible que vous ayez enregistré le même nom d'utilisateur 2 fois, mais avec des mots de passe différents.
Puisque le serveur de CryptPad vous identifie avec une clé cryptographique et non avec votre nom d'utilisateur, il ne peut pas empêcher la création d'autres comptes avec le même nom. Ainsi, chaque utilisateur possède une combinaison nom d'utilisateur / mot de passe unique.
Les utilisateurs enregistrés peuvent voir leur nom de compte en haut de la page de préférences."
- },
- "folder": {
- "q": "Puis-je partager des dossiers complets de mon CryptDrive ?",
- "a": "Nous travaillons sur l'ajout d'une fonctionnalité workgroups (ou groupes de travail), qui permettrait aux collaborateurs de partager une structure de type dossier, avec tous les pads contenus dans cette structure."
- },
- "feature": {
- "q": "Pouvez-vous ajouter une fonctionnalité particulière dont j'ai besoin ?",
- "a": "Beaucoup de fonctionnalités de CryptPad existent parce que des utilisateurs les ont demandées.
Notre page de contact liste les différentes manières de nous joindre.
Malheureusement, nous ne pouvons pas garantir que nous allons implémenter toutes les fonctionnalités demandées.
Si une fonctionnalité particulière est nécessaire pour votre organisation, vous pouvez sponsoriser son développement pour s'assurer de sa réalisation. Veuillez contacter sales@cryptpad.fr pour plus d'informations.
Si vous n'avez pas la possibilité de sponsoriser du développement, nous sommes toujours intéressés par de nouvelles idées et des retours d'expérience qui peuvent nous aider à améliorer CryptPad. N'hésitez pas à nous contacter, avec les méthodes données précédemment, à n'importe quel moment."
- }
+ "driveReadmeTitle": "Qu'est-ce que CryptPad ?",
+ "readme_welcome": "Bienvenue dans CryptPad !",
+ "readme_p1": "Bienvenue dans CryptPad, le lieu où vous pouvez prendre des notes seul ou avec des amis.",
+ "readme_p2": "Ce pad va vous donner un aperçu de la manière dont vous pouvez utiliser CryptPad pour prendre des notes, les organiser et travailler en groupe sur celles-ci.",
+ "readme_cat1": "Découvrez votre CryptDrive",
+ "readme_cat1_l1": "Créer un pad : Dans votre CryptDrive, cliquez sur {0} puis {1} et vous obtenez un nouveau pad.",
+ "readme_cat1_l2": "Ouvrir des pads depuis votre CryptDrive : Double-cliquez sur l'icone d'un pad pour l'ouvrir.",
+ "readme_cat1_l3": "Organiser vos pads : Quand vous êtes connecté, tous les pads auquel vous accédez sont ajoutés dans la section {0} de votre CryptDrive.",
+ "readme_cat1_l3_l1": "Vous pouvez cliquer et faire glisser des fichiers dans des dossiers dans la section {0} de votre CryptDrive, et créer de nouveaux dossiers.",
+ "readme_cat1_l3_l2": "N'hésitez pas à utiliser le clic droit sur les icones puisque des menus sont souvent disponibles.",
+ "readme_cat1_l4": "Déplacer des pads vers la corbeille : Vous pouvez cliquer et faire glisser vos pads dans la {0} de la même manière que vous pouvez les déposer dans des dossiers.",
+ "readme_cat2": "Créer des pads comme un pro",
+ "edit": "éditer",
+ "view": "voir",
+ "readme_cat2_l1": "Le bouton {0} dans votre pad vous permet de donner l'accès à vos collaborateurs que ce soit pour l'{1} ou pour le {2}.",
+ "readme_cat2_l2": "Vous pouvez changer le titre d'un pad en cliquant sur le crayon",
+ "readme_cat3": "Découvrez les autres applications CryptPad",
+ "readme_cat3_l1": "Avec l'éditeur de code de CryptPad, vous pouvez collaborer sur du code comme Javascript ou des langages comme HTML ou Markdown.",
+ "readme_cat3_l2": "Avec l'éditeur de présentations de CryptPad, vous pouvez réaliser des présentations rapides en utilisant Markdown",
+ "readme_cat3_l3": "Avec CryptPoll vous pouvez créer rapidement des sondages, et en particulier plannifier des meetings qui rentrent dans l'agenda de tout ceux qui souhaitent participer.",
+ "tips": {
+ "shortcuts": "`ctrl+b`, `ctrl+i` et `ctrl+u` sont des raccourcis rapides pour mettre en gras, en italique ou souligner.",
+ "indent": "Dans les listes à puces ou numérotées, vous pouvez utiliser `Tab` ou `Maj+Tab` pour augmenter ou réduire rapidement l'indentation.",
+ "store": "Dès que vous ouvrez un nouveau pad, il est automatiquement stocké dans votre CryptDrive si vous êtes connecté.",
+ "marker": "Vous pouvez surligner du texte dans un pad en utilisant l'option \"marker\" dans le menu déroulant des styles.",
+ "driveUpload": "Les utilisateurs enregistrés peuvent importer des fichiers en les faisant glisser et en les déposant dans leur CryptDrive.",
+ "filenames": "Vous pouvez renommer les fichiers de votre CryptDrive, ce nom ne sera visible que par vous.",
+ "drive": "Les utilisateurs enregistrés peuvent organiser leurs fichiers dans leur CryptDrive, accessible depuis l'icône CryptPad dans le coin supérieur gauche des pads.",
+ "profile": "Les utilisateurs enregistrés peuvent créer un profil depuis le menu utilisateur, dans le coin supérieur droit.",
+ "avatars": "Vous pouvez uploader un avatar dans votre profil. Les autres personnes le verront dans la liste d'utilisateurs des pads.",
+ "tags": "Ajoutez des mots-clés aux pads et effectuer une recherche commençant par # dans votre CryptDrive pour les retrouver."
- "other": {
- "title": "Autres questions",
- "pay": {
- "q": "Pourquoi payer alors que toutes les fonctionnalités sont gratuites ?",
- "a": "Un compte premium permet d'augmenter la limite de stockage dans le CryptDrive, ainsi que celle de ses amis (en savoir plus).
En plus de ces avantages directs, l'abonnement premium permet aussi de financer le développement actif et de manière continue de CryptPad. Cela comprend la correction de bugs, l'ajout de nouvelles fonctionnalités et rendre plus facile l'hébergement de CryptPad par d'autres personnes.
Avec un abonnement, vous aidez aussi à prouver aux autres fournisseurs de services que les gens sont prêts à supporter les technologies améliorant le respect de leur vie privée. Nous espérons qu'un jour, les entreprises ayant pour revenu principal la revente de données des utilisateurs soient de l'histoire ancienne.
Enfin, nous offrons la plupart des fonctionnalités gratuitement parce que nous croyons que tout le monde mérite le respect de la vie privée. En souscrivant à un compte premium, vous nous aider à maintenir ces fonctionnalités basiques accessibles aux populations défavorisées."
- },
- "goal": {
- "q": "Quel est votre objectif ?",
- "a": "En développant une technologie de collaboration qui respecte la vie privée, nous espérons augmenter les attentes des utilisateurs en ce qui concerne les plateformes de services \"cloud\" et leur politique de confidentialité. Nous souhaitons que notre travail conduise les autres fournisseurs de services, quel que soit leur domaine, à égaler voire dépasser nos efforts.
Malgré notre optimisme, nous savons que la plupart du Web est financé par les publicités ciblées. Il y a encore beaucoup de travail à effectuer que l'on peut faire de nous-mêmes, et nous apprécions le support, la promotion et les contributions de notre communauté envers cet objectif."
- },
- "jobs": {
- "q": "Est-ce que vous embauchez ?",
- "a": "Oui ! Vous pouvez envoyer un email à jobs@xwiki.com."
- },
- "host": {
- "q": "Pouvez-vous m'aider à installer ma propre instance de CryptPad ?",
- "a": "Nous serions heureux de fournir du support pour l'installation de CryptPad au sein de votre organisation. Veuillez contacter sales@cryptpad.fr pour plus d'informations."
- },
- "revenue": {
- "q": "Comment participer au système de partage des revenus ?",
- "a": "Si vous possédez votre propre instance de CryptPad et que vous souhaitez activer les comptes payant et partager les revenus avec les développeurs, votre serveur devra être configuré comme un service partenaire.
Dans votre répertoire CryptPad, le fichier config.example.js
devrait contenir des explications concernant les étapes à suivre pour configurer votre serveur. Vous devrez aussi contacter sales@cryptpad.fr pour vérifier que votre serveur est configuré correctement et pour discuter des méthodes de paiement."
- }
- }
- },
- "tos_title": "Conditions d'utilisation de CryptPad",
- "tos_legal": "Veuillez ne pas être malveillant, abusif, ou faire quoi que ce soit d'illégal.",
- "tos_availability": "Nous espérons que vous trouvez ce service utile, mais nous ne pouvons garantir ses performances et disponibilités. Nous vous recommandons d'exporter vos données régulièrement.",
- "tos_e2ee": "Le contenu sur CryptPad peuvent être lus et modifiés par quiconque est en mesure de deviner ou d'obtenir de quelque manière que ce soit l'identificateur de fragment du pad. Nous vous recommandons d'utiliser des technologies de messagerie chiffrées de bout à bout (end-to-end encryption ou e2ee) pour partager les liens, et déclinons toute responsabilité dans le cas ou un tel lien serait divulgué.",
- "tos_logs": "Les meta-données fournies par votre navigateur au serveur peuvent être enregistrées dans le but de maintenir le service.",
- "tos_3rdparties": "Nous ne fournissons aucune donnée individuelle à des tierces parties à moins d'y être contraints par la loi.",
- "four04_pageNotFound": "Nous n'avons pas trouvé la page que vous cherchez.",
- "updated_0_header_logoTitle": "Retourner vers votre CryptDrive",
- "header_logoTitle": "Retourner vers votre CryptDrive",
- "header_homeTitle": "Aller sur la page d'accueil",
- "help": {
- "title": "Pour bien démarrer",
- "generic": {
- "more": "Apprenez-en davantage sur le fonctionnement de CryptPad en lisant notre FAQ",
- "share": "Utilisez le menu partage () pour générer un lien d'accès ou d'édition pad",
- "save": "Tous les changements effectués sont enregistrés automatiquement"
- },
- "text": {
- "formatting": "Vous pouvez afficher ou cacher la barre d'outils de texte en cliquant sur les boutons ou ",
- "embed": "Les utilisateurs enregistrés peuvent intégrer un fichier de leur CryptDrive en utilisant le bouton ",
- "history": "Vous pouvez utiliser l'historique () pour voir ou restaurer les versions précédentes du pad"
- },
- "pad": {
- "export": "Vous pouvez exporter le contenu en tant que PDF avec le bouton de la barre d'outils de mise en forme du texte"
- },
- "code": {
- "modes": "Utilisez le sous-menu pour changer le mode de coloration syntaxique ou le thème de couleur"
- },
- "beta": {
- "warning": "Cet éditeur est encore expérimental, vous pouvez signaler tout problème rencontré sur GitHub"
- },
- "oo": {
- "access": "L'accès à cette application est restreint aux utilisateurs enregistrés"
- },
- "slide": {
- "markdown": "Rédigez vos slides en Markdown et séparez les avec une ligne contenant ---
- "present": "Démarrez la présentation en utilisant le bouton ",
- "settings": "Modifiez les préférences de la présentation (image de fond, transitions, numéro de pages, ...) avec le bouton dans le sous-menu ",
- "colors": "Modifiez la couleur du texte ou du fond en utilisant les boutons et "
- },
- "poll": {
- "decisions": "Prenez des décisions en privé avec des personnes de confiance",
- "options": "Proposez des options et exprimez vos préférences",
- "choices": "Cliquez sur les cellules de votre colonne pour modifier leur valeur entre oui (✔), peut-être (~) ou non (✖)",
- "submit": "Cliquez sur Ajouter pour rendre vos choix visibles aux autres"
- },
- "whiteboard": {
- "colors": "Double-cliquez sur les couleurs pour changer la palette",
- "mode": "Vous pouvez désactiver le mode dessin pour déplacer, redimensionner, ou supprimer des éléments du dessin",
- "embed": "Intégrez des images de votre disque ou de votre CryptDrive et exporter le contenu en tant que PNG sur votre disque ou votre CryptDrive "
- },
- "kanban": {
- "add": "Ajoutez un tableau en utilisant le bouton dans le coin supérieur-droit",
- "task": "Déplacez les éléments en les faisant glisser d'un tableau à l'autre",
- "color": "Modifiez les couleurs en cliquant sur les parties colorées à côté du titre de chaque tableau"
- }
- },
- "driveReadmeTitle": "Qu'est-ce que CryptPad ?",
- "readme_welcome": "Bienvenue dans CryptPad !",
- "readme_p1": "Bienvenue dans CryptPad, le lieu où vous pouvez prendre des notes seul ou avec des amis.",
- "readme_p2": "Ce pad va vous donner un aperçu de la manière dont vous pouvez utiliser CryptPad pour prendre des notes, les organiser et travailler en groupe sur celles-ci.",
- "readme_cat1": "Découvrez votre CryptDrive",
- "readme_cat1_l1": "Créer un pad : Dans votre CryptDrive, cliquez sur {0} puis {1} et vous obtenez un nouveau pad.",
- "readme_cat1_l2": "Ouvrir des pads depuis votre CryptDrive : Double-cliquez sur l'icone d'un pad pour l'ouvrir.",
- "readme_cat1_l3": "Organiser vos pads : Quand vous êtes connecté, tous les pads auquel vous accédez sont ajoutés dans la section {0} de votre CryptDrive.",
- "readme_cat1_l3_l1": "Vous pouvez cliquer et faire glisser des fichiers dans des dossiers dans la section {0} de votre CryptDrive, et créer de nouveaux dossiers.",
- "readme_cat1_l3_l2": "N'hésitez pas à utiliser le clic droit sur les icones puisque des menus sont souvent disponibles.",
- "readme_cat1_l4": "Déplacer des pads vers la corbeille : Vous pouvez cliquer et faire glisser vos pads dans la {0} de la même manière que vous pouvez les déposer dans des dossiers.",
- "readme_cat2": "Créer des pads comme un pro",
- "edit": "éditer",
- "view": "voir",
- "readme_cat2_l1": "Le bouton {0} dans votre pad vous permet de donner l'accès à vos collaborateurs que ce soit pour l'{1} ou pour le {2}.",
- "readme_cat2_l2": "Vous pouvez changer le titre d'un pad en cliquant sur le crayon",
- "readme_cat3": "Découvrez les autres applications CryptPad",
- "readme_cat3_l1": "Avec l'éditeur de code de CryptPad, vous pouvez collaborer sur du code comme Javascript ou des langages comme HTML ou Markdown.",
- "readme_cat3_l2": "Avec l'éditeur de présentations de CryptPad, vous pouvez réaliser des présentations rapides en utilisant Markdown",
- "readme_cat3_l3": "Avec CryptPoll vous pouvez créer rapidement des sondages, et en particulier plannifier des meetings qui rentrent dans l'agenda de tout ceux qui souhaitent participer.",
- "tips": {
- "shortcuts": "`ctrl+b`, `ctrl+i` et `ctrl+u` sont des raccourcis rapides pour mettre en gras, en italique ou souligner.",
- "indent": "Dans les listes à puces ou numérotées, vous pouvez utiliser `Tab` ou `Maj+Tab` pour augmenter ou réduire rapidement l'indentation.",
- "store": "Dès que vous ouvrez un nouveau pad, il est automatiquement stocké dans votre CryptDrive si vous êtes connecté.",
- "marker": "Vous pouvez surligner du texte dans un pad en utilisant l'option \"marker\" dans le menu déroulant des styles.",
- "driveUpload": "Les utilisateurs enregistrés peuvent importer des fichiers en les faisant glisser et en les déposant dans leur CryptDrive.",
- "filenames": "Vous pouvez renommer les fichiers de votre CryptDrive, ce nom ne sera visible que par vous.",
- "drive": "Les utilisateurs enregistrés peuvent organiser leurs fichiers dans leur CryptDrive, accessible depuis l'icône CryptPad dans le coin supérieur gauche des pads.",
- "profile": "Les utilisateurs enregistrés peuvent créer un profil depuis le menu utilisateur, dans le coin supérieur droit.",
- "avatars": "Vous pouvez uploader un avatar dans votre profil. Les autres personnes le verront dans la liste d'utilisateurs des pads.",
- "tags": "Ajoutez des mots-clés aux pads et effectuer une recherche commençant par # dans votre CryptDrive pour les retrouver."
- },
- "feedback_about": "Si vous lisez ceci, vous vous demandez probablement pourquoi CryptPad envoie des requêtes vers des pages web quand vous réalisez certaines actions.",
- "feedback_privacy": "Nous prenons au sérieux le respect de votre vie privée, et en même temps nous souhaitons rendre CryptPad très simple à utiliser. Nous utilisons cette page pour comprendre quelles fonctionnalités dans l'interface comptent le plus pour les utilisateurs, en l'appelant avec un paramètre spécifiant quelle action a été réalisée.",
- "feedback_optout": "Si vous le souhaitez, vous pouvez désactiver ces requêtes en vous rendant dans votre page de préférences, où vous trouverez une case à cocher pour désactiver le retour d'expérience.",
- "creation_404": "Ce pad n'existe plus. Vous pouvez créer un nouveau pad en utilisant le formulaire suivant.",
- "creation_ownedTitle": "Type de pad",
- "creation_owned": "Être propriétaire de ce pad",
- "creation_ownedTrue": "Être propriétaire",
- "creation_ownedFalse": "Pas de propriétaire",
- "creation_owned1": "Être propriétaire d'un pad signifie que vous pouvez le supprimer du serveur à tout moment. Une fois supprimé, il disparaît du CryptDrive des autres utilisateurs.",
- "creation_owned2": "Un pad sans propriétaire ne peut pas être supprimé du serveur à moins d'avoir dépassé son éventuelle date d'expiration.",
- "creation_expireTitle": "Durée de vie",
- "creation_expire": "Ajouter une durée de vie",
- "creation_expireTrue": "Ajouter durée de vie",
- "creation_expireFalse": "Illimité",
- "creation_expireHours": "Heure(s)",
- "creation_expireDays": "Jour(s)",
- "creation_expireMonths": "Mois",
- "creation_expire1": "Un pad illimité ne sera pas supprimé du serveur à moins que son propriétaire ne le décide.",
- "creation_expire2": "Un pad à durée de vie sera supprimé automatiquement du serveur et du CryptDrive des utilisateurs lorsque cette durée sera dépassée.",
- "creation_password": "Ajouter un mot de passe",
- "creation_noTemplate": "Pas de modèle",
- "creation_newTemplate": "Nouveau modèle",
- "creation_create": "Créer",
- "creation_saveSettings": "Ne plus me demander",
- "creation_settings": "Voir davantage de préférences",
- "creation_rememberHelp": "Ouvrez votre page de Préférences pour voir ce formulaire à nouveau.",
- "creation_owners": "Propriétaires",
- "creation_ownedByOther": "Appartient à un autre utilisateur",
- "creation_noOwner": "Pas de propriétaire",
- "creation_expiration": "Date d'expiration",
- "creation_passwordValue": "Mot de passe",
- "creation_propertiesTitle": "Disponibilité",
- "creation_appMenuName": "Mode avancé (Ctrl + E)",
- "creation_newPadModalDescription": "Cliquez sur un type de pad pour le créer. Vous pouvez aussi appuyer sur Tab pour sélectionner un type et appuyer sur Entrée pour valider.",
- "creation_newPadModalDescriptionAdvanced": "Cochez la case si vous souhaitez voir l'écran de création de pads (pour les pads avec propriétaire ou à durée de vie). Vous pouvez appuyer sur Espace pour changer sa valeur.",
- "creation_newPadModalAdvanced": "Afficher l'écran de création de pads",
- "password_info": "Le pad auquel vous essayez d'accéder est protégé par un mot de passe. Entrez le bon mot de passe pour accéder à son contenu.",
- "password_error": "Pad introuvable !
Cette erreur peut provenir de deux facteurs. Soit le mot de passe est faux, soit le pad a été supprimé du serveur.",
- "password_placeholder": "Tapez le mot de passe ici...",
- "password_submit": "Valider",
- "password_show": "Afficher",
- "properties_addPassword": "Ajouter un mot de passe",
- "properties_changePassword": "Modifier le mot de passe",
- "properties_confirmNew": "Êtes-vous sûr ? Ajouter un mot de passe changera l'URL de ce pad et supprimera son historique. Les utilisateurs ne connaissant pas le nouveau mot de passe perdront l'accès au pad.",
- "properties_confirmChange": "Êtes-vous sûr ? Changer le mot de passe supprimera l'historique de ce pad. Les utilisateurs ne connaissant pas le nouveau mot de passe perdront l'accès au pad.",
- "properties_passwordSame": "Le nouveau mot de passe doit être différent de celui existant.",
- "properties_passwordError": "Une erreur est survenue lors de la modification du mot de passe. Veuillez réessayer.",
- "properties_passwordWarning": "Le mot de passe a été modifié avec succès mais nous n'avons pas réussi à mettre à jour votre CryptDrive avec les nouvelles informations. Vous devrez peut-être supprimer manuellement l'ancienne version de ce pad.
Appuyez sur OK pour recharger le pad et mettre à jour vos droits d'accès.",
- "properties_passwordSuccess": "Le mot de passe a été modifié avec succès.
Appuyez sur OK pour mettre à jour vos droits d'accès.",
- "properties_changePasswordButton": "Valider",
- "share_linkCategory": "Partage",
- "share_linkAccess": "Droits d'accès",
- "share_linkEdit": "Édition",
- "share_linkView": "Lecture-seule",
- "share_linkOptions": "Options du lien",
- "share_linkEmbed": "Mode intégration (barre d'outils cachée)",
- "share_linkPresent": "Mode présentation (sections d'édition cachées)",
- "share_linkOpen": "Ouvrir le lien",
- "share_linkCopy": "Copier le lien",
- "share_embedCategory": "Intégration",
- "share_mediatagCopy": "Copier le mediatag",
- "loading_pad_1": "Initialisation du pad",
- "loading_pad_2": "Chargement du contenu du pad",
- "loading_drive_1": "Chargement des données",
- "loading_drive_2": "Mise à jour du format des données",
- "loading_drive_3": "Vérification de l'intégrité des données",
- "sharedFolders_forget": "Ce pad est stocké uniquement dans un dossier partagé. Vous ne pouvez pas le déplacer dans votre corbeille. Si vous souhaitez le supprimer, vous pouvez utiliser l'application CryptDrive.",
- "sharedFolders_duplicate": "Certains pads que vous essayez de déplacer sont déjà partagés dans le dossier de destination.",
- "sharedFolders_create": "Créer un dossier partagé",
- "sharedFolders_create_name": "Nom du dossier",
- "sharedFolders_create_owned": "Être propriétaire du dossier",
- "sharedFolders_create_password": "Mot de passe du dossier",
- "sharedFolders_share": "Partager cette URL avec d'autres utilisateurs enregistrés leur donne accès au dossier partagé. Une fois l'URL ouverte, le dossier partagé sera ajouté au répertoire racine de leur CryptDrive.",
- "chrome68": "Il semblerait que vous utilisiez le navigateur Chrome version 68. Ce navigateur contient un bug rendant certaines pages entièrement blanches après quelques secondes ou bloquant les clics. Pour corriger ce problème, vous pouvez vous déplacer vers un nouvel onglet et revenir ou vous pouvez essayer de faire défiler la page. Ce bug devrait être corrigé dans la prochaine version du navigateur.",
- "autostore_file": "fichier",
- "autostore_sf": "dossier",
- "autostore_pad": "pad",
- "autostore_notstored": "Ce {0} n'est pas dans votre CryptDrive. Souhaitez-vous le stocker ?",
- "autostore_settings": "Vous pouvez activer le stockage automatique des pads dans vos Préférences !",
- "autostore_store": "Stocker",
- "autostore_hide": "Ne pas stocker",
- "autostore_error": "Erreur : nous n'avons pas réussi à stocker ce pad, veuillez ré-essayer.",
- "autostore_saved": "Ce pad a été stocké avec succès dans votre CryptDrive !",
- "autostore_forceSave": "Stocker le fichier dans votre CryptDrive",
- "autostore_notAvailable": "Vous devez stocker ce pad dans votre CryptDrive avant de pouvoir utiliser cette fonctionnalité.",
- "crowdfunding_home1": "CryptPad a besoin d'aide !",
- "crowdfunding_home2": "Cliquez sur le bouton pour découvrir notre campagne de financement participatif.",
- "crowdfunding_button": "Soutenir CryptPad",
- "crowdfunding_popup_text": "Aider CryptPad
Pour vous assurer que CryptPad soit activement développé, nous vous invitons à supporter le projet via la page OpenCollective, où vous pouvez trouver notre Roadmap et nos objectifs de financement.",
- "crowdfunding_popup_yes": "Voir la page",
- "crowdfunding_popup_no": "Pas maintenant",
- "crowdfunding_popup_never": "Ne plus demander"
+ "feedback_about": "Si vous lisez ceci, vous vous demandez probablement pourquoi CryptPad envoie des requêtes vers des pages web quand vous réalisez certaines actions.",
+ "feedback_privacy": "Nous prenons au sérieux le respect de votre vie privée, et en même temps nous souhaitons rendre CryptPad très simple à utiliser. Nous utilisons cette page pour comprendre quelles fonctionnalités dans l'interface comptent le plus pour les utilisateurs, en l'appelant avec un paramètre spécifiant quelle action a été réalisée.",
+ "feedback_optout": "Si vous le souhaitez, vous pouvez désactiver ces requêtes en vous rendant dans votre page de préférences, où vous trouverez une case à cocher pour désactiver le retour d'expérience.",
+ "creation_404": "Ce pad n'existe plus. Vous pouvez créer un nouveau pad en utilisant le formulaire suivant.",
+ "creation_ownedTitle": "Type de pad",
+ "creation_owned": "Être propriétaire de ce pad",
+ "creation_ownedTrue": "Être propriétaire",
+ "creation_ownedFalse": "Pas de propriétaire",
+ "creation_owned1": "Être propriétaire d'un pad signifie que vous pouvez le supprimer du serveur à tout moment. Une fois supprimé, il disparaît du CryptDrive des autres utilisateurs.",
+ "creation_owned2": "Un pad sans propriétaire ne peut pas être supprimé du serveur à moins d'avoir dépassé son éventuelle date d'expiration.",
+ "creation_expireTitle": "Durée de vie",
+ "creation_expire": "Ajouter une durée de vie",
+ "creation_expireTrue": "Ajouter durée de vie",
+ "creation_expireFalse": "Illimité",
+ "creation_expireHours": "Heure(s)",
+ "creation_expireDays": "Jour(s)",
+ "creation_expireMonths": "Mois",
+ "creation_expire1": "Un pad illimité ne sera pas supprimé du serveur à moins que son propriétaire ne le décide.",
+ "creation_expire2": "Un pad à durée de vie sera supprimé automatiquement du serveur et du CryptDrive des utilisateurs lorsque cette durée sera dépassée.",
+ "creation_password": "Ajouter un mot de passe",
+ "creation_noTemplate": "Pas de modèle",
+ "creation_newTemplate": "Nouveau modèle",
+ "creation_create": "Créer",
+ "creation_saveSettings": "Ne plus me demander",
+ "creation_settings": "Voir davantage de préférences",
+ "creation_rememberHelp": "Ouvrez votre page de Préférences pour voir ce formulaire à nouveau.",
+ "creation_owners": "Propriétaires",
+ "creation_ownedByOther": "Appartient à un autre utilisateur",
+ "creation_noOwner": "Pas de propriétaire",
+ "creation_expiration": "Date d'expiration",
+ "creation_passwordValue": "Mot de passe",
+ "creation_propertiesTitle": "Disponibilité",
+ "creation_appMenuName": "Mode avancé (Ctrl + E)",
+ "creation_newPadModalDescription": "Cliquez sur un type de pad pour le créer. Vous pouvez aussi appuyer sur Tab pour sélectionner un type et appuyer sur Entrée pour valider.",
+ "creation_newPadModalDescriptionAdvanced": "Cochez la case si vous souhaitez voir l'écran de création de pads (pour les pads avec propriétaire ou à durée de vie). Vous pouvez appuyer sur Espace pour changer sa valeur.",
+ "creation_newPadModalAdvanced": "Afficher l'écran de création de pads",
+ "password_info": "Le pad auquel vous essayez d'accéder est protégé par un mot de passe. Entrez le bon mot de passe pour accéder à son contenu.",
+ "password_error": "Pad introuvable !
Cette erreur peut provenir de deux facteurs. Soit le mot de passe est faux, soit le pad a été supprimé du serveur.",
+ "password_placeholder": "Tapez le mot de passe ici...",
+ "password_submit": "Valider",
+ "password_show": "Afficher",
+ "properties_addPassword": "Ajouter un mot de passe",
+ "properties_changePassword": "Modifier le mot de passe",
+ "properties_confirmNew": "Êtes-vous sûr ? Ajouter un mot de passe changera l'URL de ce pad et supprimera son historique. Les utilisateurs ne connaissant pas le nouveau mot de passe perdront l'accès au pad.",
+ "properties_confirmChange": "Êtes-vous sûr ? Changer le mot de passe supprimera l'historique de ce pad. Les utilisateurs ne connaissant pas le nouveau mot de passe perdront l'accès au pad.",
+ "properties_passwordSame": "Le nouveau mot de passe doit être différent de celui existant.",
+ "properties_passwordError": "Une erreur est survenue lors de la modification du mot de passe. Veuillez réessayer.",
+ "properties_passwordWarning": "Le mot de passe a été modifié avec succès mais nous n'avons pas réussi à mettre à jour votre CryptDrive avec les nouvelles informations. Vous devrez peut-être supprimer manuellement l'ancienne version de ce pad.
Appuyez sur OK pour recharger le pad et mettre à jour vos droits d'accès.",
+ "properties_passwordSuccess": "Le mot de passe a été modifié avec succès.
Appuyez sur OK pour mettre à jour vos droits d'accès.",
+ "properties_changePasswordButton": "Valider",
+ "share_linkCategory": "Partage",
+ "share_linkAccess": "Droits d'accès",
+ "share_linkEdit": "Édition",
+ "share_linkView": "Lecture-seule",
+ "share_linkOptions": "Options du lien",
+ "share_linkEmbed": "Mode intégration (barre d'outils cachée)",
+ "share_linkPresent": "Mode présentation (sections d'édition cachées)",
+ "share_linkOpen": "Ouvrir le lien",
+ "share_linkCopy": "Copier le lien",
+ "share_embedCategory": "Intégration",
+ "share_mediatagCopy": "Copier le mediatag",
+ "loading_pad_1": "Initialisation du pad",
+ "loading_pad_2": "Chargement du contenu du pad",
+ "loading_drive_1": "Chargement des données",
+ "loading_drive_2": "Mise à jour du format des données",
+ "loading_drive_3": "Vérification de l'intégrité des données",
+ "sharedFolders_forget": "Ce pad est stocké uniquement dans un dossier partagé. Vous ne pouvez pas le déplacer dans votre corbeille. Si vous souhaitez le supprimer, vous pouvez utiliser l'application CryptDrive.",
+ "sharedFolders_duplicate": "Certains pads que vous essayez de déplacer sont déjà partagés dans le dossier de destination.",
+ "sharedFolders_create": "Créer un dossier partagé",
+ "sharedFolders_create_name": "Nom du dossier",
+ "sharedFolders_create_owned": "Être propriétaire du dossier",
+ "sharedFolders_create_password": "Mot de passe du dossier",
+ "sharedFolders_share": "Partager cette URL avec d'autres utilisateurs enregistrés leur donne accès au dossier partagé. Une fois l'URL ouverte, le dossier partagé sera ajouté au répertoire racine de leur CryptDrive.",
+ "chrome68": "Il semblerait que vous utilisiez le navigateur Chrome version 68. Ce navigateur contient un bug rendant certaines pages entièrement blanches après quelques secondes ou bloquant les clics. Pour corriger ce problème, vous pouvez vous déplacer vers un nouvel onglet et revenir ou vous pouvez essayer de faire défiler la page. Ce bug devrait être corrigé dans la prochaine version du navigateur.",
+ "autostore_file": "fichier",
+ "autostore_sf": "dossier",
+ "autostore_pad": "pad",
+ "autostore_notstored": "Ce {0} n'est pas dans votre CryptDrive. Souhaitez-vous le stocker ?",
+ "autostore_settings": "Vous pouvez activer le stockage automatique des pads dans vos Préférences !",
+ "autostore_store": "Stocker",
+ "autostore_hide": "Ne pas stocker",
+ "autostore_error": "Erreur : nous n'avons pas réussi à stocker ce pad, veuillez ré-essayer.",
+ "autostore_saved": "Ce pad a été stocké avec succès dans votre CryptDrive !",
+ "autostore_forceSave": "Stocker le fichier dans votre CryptDrive",
+ "autostore_notAvailable": "Vous devez stocker ce pad dans votre CryptDrive avant de pouvoir utiliser cette fonctionnalité.",
+ "crowdfunding_home1": "CryptPad a besoin d'aide !",
+ "crowdfunding_home2": "Cliquez sur le bouton pour découvrir notre campagne de financement participatif.",
+ "crowdfunding_button": "Soutenir CryptPad",
+ "crowdfunding_popup_text": "Aider CryptPad
Pour vous assurer que CryptPad soit activement développé, nous vous invitons à supporter le projet via la page OpenCollective, où vous pouvez trouver notre Roadmap et nos objectifs de financement.",
+ "crowdfunding_popup_yes": "Voir la page",
+ "crowdfunding_popup_no": "Pas maintenant",
+ "crowdfunding_popup_never": "Ne plus demander"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/www/common/translations/messages.json b/www/common/translations/messages.json
index 9ca2fd025..018b7f368 100644
--- a/www/common/translations/messages.json
+++ b/www/common/translations/messages.json
@@ -1,1027 +1,1027 @@
- "main_title": "CryptPad: Zero Knowledge, Collaborative Real Time Editing",
- "type": {
- "pad": "Rich text",
- "code": "Code",
- "poll": "Poll",
- "kanban": "Kanban",
- "slide": "Presentation",
- "drive": "CryptDrive",
- "whiteboard": "Whiteboard",
- "file": "File",
- "media": "Media",
- "todo": "Todo",
- "contacts": "Contacts",
- "sheet": "Spreadsheet (Beta)"
- },
- "button_newpad": "New Rich Text pad",
- "button_newcode": "New Code pad",
- "button_newpoll": "New Poll",
- "button_newslide": "New Presentation",
- "button_newwhiteboard": "New Whiteboard",
- "button_newkanban": "New Kanban",
- "common_connectionLost": "Server Connection Lost
You're now in read-only mode until the connection is back.",
- "websocketError": "Unable to connect to the websocket server...",
- "typeError": "This pad is not compatible with the selected application",
- "onLogout": "You are logged out, {0}click here{1} to log in
or press Escape to access your pad in read-only mode.",
- "wrongApp": "Unable to display the content of that realtime session in your browser. Please try to reload that page.",
- "padNotPinned": "This pad will expire after 3 months of inactivity, {0}login{1} or {2}register{3} to preserve it.",
- "anonymousStoreDisabled": "The webmaster of this CryptPad instance has disabled the store for anonymous users. You have to log in to be able to use CryptDrive.",
- "expiredError": "This pad has reached its expiration time and is no longer available.",
- "deletedError": "This pad has been deleted by its owner and is no longer available.",
- "inactiveError": "This pad has been deleted due to inactivity. Press Esc to create a new pad.",
- "chainpadError": "A critical error occurred when updating your content. This page is in read-only mode to make sure you won't lose your work.
Hit Esc to continue to view this pad, or reload to try editing again.",
- "invalidHashError": "The document you've requested has an invalid URL.",
- "errorCopy": " You can still copy the content to another location by pressing Esc.
Once you leave this page, it will disappear forever!",
- "errorRedirectToHome": "Press Esc to be redirected to your CryptDrive.",
- "newVersionError": "A new version of CryptPad is available.
Reload to use the new version, or press escape to access your content in offline mode.",
- "loading": "Loading...",
- "error": "Error",
- "saved": "Saved",
- "synced": "Everything is saved",
- "deleted": "Pad deleted from your CryptDrive",
- "deletedFromServer": "Pad deleted from the server",
- "mustLogin": "You must be logged in to access this page",
- "disabledApp": "This application has been disabled. Contact the administrator of this CryptPad for more information.",
- "realtime_unrecoverableError": "An unrecoverable error has occured. Click OK to reload.",
- "disconnected": "Disconnected",
- "synchronizing": "Synchronizing",
- "reconnecting": "Reconnecting",
- "typing": "Editing",
- "initializing": "Initializing...",
- "forgotten": "Moved to the trash",
- "errorState": "Critical error: {0}",
- "lag": "Lag",
- "readonly": "Read only",
- "anonymous": "Anonymous",
- "yourself": "Yourself",
- "anonymousUsers": "anonymous editors",
- "anonymousUser": "anonymous editor",
- "users": "Users",
- "and": "And",
- "viewer": "viewer",
- "viewers": "viewers",
- "editor": "editor",
- "editors": "editors",
- "userlist_offline": "You're currently offline, the user list is not available.",
- "language": "Language",
- "comingSoon": "Coming soon...",
- "newVersion": "CryptPad has been updated!
Check out what's new in the latest version:
Release notes for CryptPad {0}",
- "upgrade": "Upgrade",
- "upgradeTitle": "Upgrade your account to increase the storage limit",
- "upgradeAccount": "Upgrade account",
- "MB": "MB",
- "GB": "GB",
- "KB": "KB",
- "supportCryptpad": "Support CryptPad",
- "formattedMB": "{0} MB",
- "formattedGB": "{0} GB",
- "formattedKB": "{0} KB",
- "greenLight": "Everything is working fine",
- "orangeLight": "Your slow connection may impact your experience",
- "redLight": "You are disconnected from the session",
- "pinLimitReached": "You've reached your storage limit",
- "pinLimitReachedAlert": "You've reached your storage limit. New pads won't be stored in your CryptDrive.
You can either remove pads from your CryptDrive or subscribe to a premium offer to increase your limit.",
- "pinLimitReachedAlertNoAccounts": "You've reached your storage limit",
- "pinLimitNotPinned": "You've reached your storage limit.
This pad is not stored in your CryptDrive.",
- "pinLimitDrive": "You've reached your storage limit.
You can't create new pads.",
- "moreActions": "More actions",
- "importButton": "Import",
- "importButtonTitle": "Import a pad from a local file",
- "exportButton": "Export",
- "exportButtonTitle": "Export this pad to a local file",
- "exportPrompt": "What would you like to name your file?",
- "changeNamePrompt": "Change your name (leave empty to be anonymous): ",
- "user_rename": "Change display name",
- "user_displayName": "Display name",
- "user_accountName": "Account name",
- "clickToEdit": "Click to edit",
- "saveTitle": "Save the title (enter)",
- "forgetButton": "Delete",
- "forgetButtonTitle": "Move this pad to the trash",
- "forgetPrompt": "Clicking OK will move this pad to your trash. Are you sure?",
- "movedToTrash": "That pad has been moved to the trash.
Access my Drive",
- "shareButton": "Share",
- "shareSuccess": "Copied link to clipboard",
- "userListButton": "User list",
- "chatButton": "Chat",
- "userAccountButton": "Your account",
- "newButton": "New",
- "newButtonTitle": "Create a new pad",
- "uploadButton": "Upload files",
- "uploadButtonTitle": "Upload a new file to the current folder",
- "saveTemplateButton": "Save as template",
- "saveTemplatePrompt": "Choose a title for the template",
- "templateSaved": "Template saved!",
- "selectTemplate": "Select a template or press escape",
- "useTemplate": "Start with a template?",
- "useTemplateOK": "Pick a template (Enter)",
- "useTemplateCancel": "Start fresh (Esc)",
- "template_import": "Import a template",
- "template_empty": "No template available",
- "previewButtonTitle": "Display or hide the Markdown preview mode",
- "presentButtonTitle": "Enter presentation mode",
- "backgroundButtonTitle": "Change the background color in the presentation",
- "colorButtonTitle": "Change the text color in presentation mode",
- "propertiesButton": "Properties",
- "propertiesButtonTitle": "Get pad properties",
- "printText": "Print",
- "printButton": "Print (enter)",
- "printButtonTitle2": "Print your document or export it as a PDF file",
- "printOptions": "Layout options",
- "printSlideNumber": "Display the slide number",
- "printDate": "Display the date",
- "printTitle": "Display the pad title",
- "printCSS": "Custom style rules (CSS):",
- "printTransition": "Enable transition animations",
- "printBackground": "Use a background image",
- "printBackgroundButton": "Pick an image",
- "printBackgroundValue": "Current background: {0}",
- "printBackgroundNoValue": "No background image displayed",
- "printBackgroundRemove": "Remove this background image",
- "filePickerButton": "Embed a file stored in CryptDrive",
- "filePicker_close": "Close",
- "filePicker_description": "Choose a file from your CryptDrive to embed it or upload a new one",
- "filePicker_filter": "Filter files by name",
- "or": "or",
- "tags_title": "Tags (for you only)",
- "tags_add": "Update this page's tags",
- "tags_searchHint": "Start a search with # in your CryptDrive to find your tagged pads.",
- "tags_notShared": "Your tags are not shared with other users",
- "tags_duplicate": "Duplicate tag: {0}",
- "tags_noentry": "You can't tag a deleted pad!",
- "slideOptionsText": "Options",
- "slideOptionsTitle": "Customize your slides",
- "slideOptionsButton": "Save (enter)",
- "slide_invalidLess": "Invalid custom style",
- "languageButton": "Language",
- "languageButtonTitle": "Select the language to use for the syntax highlighting",
- "themeButton": "Theme",
- "themeButtonTitle": "Select the color theme to use for the code and slide editors",
- "editShare": "Editing link",
- "editShareTitle": "Copy the editing link to clipboard",
- "editOpen": "Open editing link in a new tab",
- "editOpenTitle": "Open this pad in editing mode in a new tab",
- "viewShare": "Read-only link",
- "viewShareTitle": "Copy the read-only link to clipboard",
- "viewOpen": "Open read-only link in a new tab",
- "viewOpenTitle": "Open this pad in read-only mode in a new tab",
- "fileShare": "Copy link",
- "getEmbedCode": "Get embed code",
- "viewEmbedTitle": "Embed the pad in an external page",
- "viewEmbedTag": "To embed this pad, include this iframe in your page wherever you want. You can style it using CSS or HTML attributes.",
- "fileEmbedTitle": "Embed the file in an external page",
- "fileEmbedScript": "To embed this file, include this script once in your page to load the Media Tag:",
- "fileEmbedTag": "Then place this Media Tag wherever in your page you would like to embed:",
- "notifyJoined": "{0} has joined the collaborative session",
- "notifyRenamed": "{0} is now known as {1}",
- "notifyLeft": "{0} has left the collaborative session",
- "ok": "OK",
- "okButton": "OK (enter)",
- "cancel": "Cancel",
- "cancelButton": "Cancel (esc)",
- "doNotAskAgain": "Don't ask me again (Esc)",
- "show_help_button": "Show help",
- "hide_help_button": "Hide help",
- "help_button": "Help",
- "historyText": "History",
- "historyButton": "Display the document history",
- "history_next": "Newer version",
- "history_prev": "Older version",
- "history_loadMore": "Load more history",
- "history_closeTitle": "Close the history",
- "history_restoreTitle": "Restore the selected version of the document",
- "history_restorePrompt": "Are you sure you want to replace the current version of the document by the displayed one?",
- "history_restoreDone": "Document restored",
- "history_version": "Version:",
- "openLinkInNewTab": "Open Link in New Tab",
- "pad_mediatagTitle": "Media-Tag settings",
- "pad_mediatagWidth": "Width (px)",
- "pad_mediatagHeight": "Height (px)",
- "pad_mediatagRatio": "Keep ratio",
- "pad_mediatagBorder": "Border width (px)",
- "pad_mediatagPreview": "Preview",
- "pad_mediatagImport": "Save in your CryptDrive",
- "pad_mediatagOptions": "Image properties",
- "kanban_newBoard": "New board",
- "kanban_item": "Item {0}",
- "kanban_todo": "To Do",
- "kanban_done": "Done",
- "kanban_working": "In progress",
- "kanban_deleteBoard": "Are you sure you want to delete this board?",
- "kanban_addBoard": "Add a board",
- "kanban_removeItem": "Remove this item",
- "kanban_removeItemConfirm": "Are you sure you want to delete this item?",
- "poll_title": "Zero Knowledge Date Picker",
- "poll_subtitle": "Zero Knowledge, realtime scheduling",
- "poll_p_save": "Your settings are updated instantly, so you never need to save.",
- "poll_p_encryption": "All your input is encrypted so only people who have the link can access it. Even the server cannot see what you change.",
- "wizardLog": "Click the button in the top left to return to your poll",
- "wizardTitle": "Use the wizard to create your poll",
- "wizardConfirm": "Are you really ready to add these options to your poll?",
- "poll_publish_button": "Publish",
- "poll_admin_button": "Admin",
- "poll_create_user": "Add a new user",
- "poll_create_option": "Add a new option",
- "poll_commit": "Submit",
- "poll_closeWizardButton": "Close wizard",
- "poll_closeWizardButtonTitle": "Close wizard",
- "poll_wizardComputeButton": "Compute Options",
- "poll_wizardClearButton": "Clear Table",
- "poll_wizardDescription": "Automatically create a number of options by entering any number of dates and times segments",
- "poll_wizardAddDateButton": "+ Dates",
- "poll_wizardAddTimeButton": "+ Times",
- "poll_optionPlaceholder": "Option",
- "poll_userPlaceholder": "Your name",
- "poll_removeOption": "Are you sure you'd like to remove this option?",
- "poll_removeUser": "Are you sure you'd like to remove this user?",
- "poll_titleHint": "Title",
- "poll_descriptionHint": "Describe your poll, and use the ✓ (publish) button when you're done.\nThe description can be written using markdown syntax and you can embed media elements from your CryptDrive.\nAnyone with the link can change the description, but this is discouraged.",
- "poll_remove": "Remove",
- "poll_edit": "Edit",
- "poll_locked": "Locked",
- "poll_unlocked": "Unlocked",
- "poll_bookmark_col": "Bookmark this column so that it is always unlocked and displayed at the beginning for you",
- "poll_bookmarked_col": "This is your bookmarked column. It will always be unlocked and displayed at the beginning for you.",
- "poll_total": "TOTAL",
- "poll_comment_list": "Comments",
- "poll_comment_add": "Add a comment",
- "poll_comment_submit": "Send",
- "poll_comment_remove": "Delete this comment",
- "poll_comment_placeholder": "Your comment",
- "poll_comment_disabled": "Publish this poll using the ✓ button to enable the comments.",
- "oo_reconnect": "The server connection is back. Click OK to reload and continue the edition.",
- "oo_cantUpload": "Uploading is not allowed while other users are present.",
- "oo_uploaded": "Your upload has completed. Click OK to reload the page or cancel to continue in read-only mode.",
- "canvas_clear": "Clear",
- "canvas_delete": "Delete selection",
- "canvas_disable": "Disable draw",
- "canvas_enable": "Enable draw",
- "canvas_width": "Width",
- "canvas_opacity": "Opacity",
- "canvas_opacityLabel": "Opacity: {0}",
- "canvas_widthLabel": "Width: {0}",
- "canvas_saveToDrive": "Save this image as a file in your CryptDrive",
- "canvas_currentBrush": "Current brush",
- "canvas_chooseColor": "Choose a color",
- "canvas_imageEmbed": "Embed an image from your computer",
- "profileButton": "Profile",
- "profile_urlPlaceholder": "URL",
- "profile_namePlaceholder": "Name displayed in your profile",
- "profile_avatar": "Avatar",
- "profile_upload": " Upload a new avatar",
- "profile_uploadSizeError": "Error: your avatar must be smaller than {0}",
- "profile_uploadTypeError": "Error: your avatar type is not allowed. Allowed types are: {0}",
- "profile_error": "Error while creating your profile: {0}",
- "profile_register": "You have to sign up to create a profile!",
- "profile_create": "Create a profile",
- "profile_description": "Description",
- "profile_fieldSaved": "New value saved: {0}",
- "profile_inviteButton": "Connect",
- "profile_inviteButtonTitle": "Create a link that will invite this user to connect with you.",
- "profile_inviteExplanation": "Clicking OK will create a link to a secure messaging session that only {0} will be able to redeem.
The link will be copied to your clipboard and can be shared publicly.",
- "profile_viewMyProfile": "View my profile",
- "userlist_addAsFriendTitle": "Add \"{0}\" as a contact",
- "userlist_thisIsYou": "This is you (\"{0}\")",
- "userlist_pending": "Pending...",
- "contacts_title": "Contacts",
- "contacts_addError": "Error while adding that contact to the list",
- "contacts_added": "Contact invite accepted.",
- "contacts_rejected": "Contact invite rejected",
- "contacts_request": "{0} would like to add you as a contact. Accept?",
- "contacts_send": "Send",
- "contacts_remove": "Remove this contact",
- "contacts_confirmRemove": "Are you sure you want to remove {0} from your contacts?",
- "contacts_typeHere": "Type a message here...",
- "contacts_warning": "Everything you type here is persistent and available to all the existing and future users of this pad. Be careful with sensitive information!",
- "contacts_padTitle": "Chat",
- "contacts_info1": "These are your contacts. From here, you can:",
- "contacts_info2": "Click your contact's icon to chat with them",
- "contacts_info3": "Double-click their icon to view their profile",
- "contacts_info4": "Either participant can clear permanently a chat history",
- "contacts_removeHistoryTitle": "Clean the chat history",
- "contacts_confirmRemoveHistory": "Are you sure you want to permanently remove your chat history? Data cannot be restored",
- "contacts_removeHistoryServerError": "There was an error while removing your chat history. Try again later",
- "contacts_fetchHistory": "Retrieve older history",
- "contacts_friends": "Friends",
- "contacts_rooms": "Rooms",
- "contacts_leaveRoom": "Leave this room",
- "contacts_online": "Another user from this room is online",
- "fm_rootName": "Documents",
- "fm_trashName": "Trash",
- "fm_unsortedName": "Unsorted files",
- "fm_filesDataName": "All files",
- "fm_templateName": "Templates",
- "fm_searchName": "Search",
- "fm_recentPadsName": "Recent pads",
- "fm_ownedPadsName": "Owned",
- "fm_tagsName": "Tags",
- "fm_sharedFolderName": "Shared folder",
- "fm_searchPlaceholder": "Search...",
- "fm_newButton": "New",
- "fm_newButtonTitle": "Create a new pad or folder, import a file in the current folder",
- "fm_newFolder": "New folder",
- "fm_newFile": "New pad",
- "fm_folder": "Folder",
- "fm_sharedFolder": "Shared folder",
- "fm_folderName": "Folder name",
- "fm_numberOfFolders": "# of folders",
- "fm_numberOfFiles": "# of files",
- "fm_fileName": "File name",
- "fm_title": "Title",
- "fm_type": "Type",
- "fm_lastAccess": "Last access",
- "fm_creation": "Creation",
- "fm_forbidden": "Forbidden action",
- "fm_originalPath": "Original path",
- "fm_openParent": "Show in folder",
- "fm_noname": "Untitled Document",
- "fm_emptyTrashDialog": "Are you sure you want to empty the trash?",
- "fm_removeSeveralPermanentlyDialog": "Are you sure you want to permanently remove these {0} elements from your CryptDrive?",
- "fm_removePermanentlyNote": "Owned pads will be removed from the server if you continue.",
- "fm_removePermanentlyDialog": "Are you sure you want to permanently remove that element from your CryptDrive?",
- "fm_removeSeveralDialog": "Are you sure you want to move these {0} elements to the trash?",
- "fm_removeDialog": "Are you sure you want to move {0} to the trash?",
- "fm_deleteOwnedPad": "Are you sure you want to permanently remove this pad from the server?",
- "fm_deleteOwnedPads": "Are you sure you want to permanently remove these pads from the server?",
- "fm_restoreDialog": "Are you sure you want to restore {0} to its previous location?",
- "fm_unknownFolderError": "The selected or last visited directory no longer exist. Opening the parent folder...",
- "fm_contextMenuError": "Unable to open the context menu for that element. If the problem persist, try to reload the page.",
- "fm_selectError": "Unable to select the targeted element. If the problem persists, try to reload the page.",
- "fm_categoryError": "Unable to open the selected category, displaying root.",
- "fm_info_root": "Create as many nested folders here as you want to sort your files.",
- "fm_info_unsorted": "Contains all the files you've visited that are not yet sorted in \"Documents\" or moved to the \"Trash\".",
- "fm_info_template": "Contains all the pads stored as templates and that you can re-use when you create a new pad.",
- "fm_info_recent": "List the recently modified or opened pads.",
- "fm_info_trash": "Empty your trash to free space in your CryptDrive.",
- "fm_info_allFiles": "Contains all the files from \"Documents\", \"Unsorted\" and \"Trash\". You can't move or remove files from here.",
- "fm_info_anonymous": "You are not logged in so your pads will expire after 3 months (find out more). They are stored in your browser so clearing history may make them disappear.
Sign up or Log in to keep them alive.
- "fm_info_sharedFolder": "This is a shared folder. You're not logged in so you can only access it in read-only mode.
Sign up or Log in to be able to import it to your CryptDrive and to modify it.",
- "fm_info_owned": "You are the owner of the pads displayed here. This means you can remove them permanently from the server whenever you want. If you do so, other users won't be able to access them anymore.",
- "fm_alert_backupUrl": "Backup link for this drive.
It is highly recommended that you keep it secret.
You can use it to retrieve all your files in case your browser memory got erased.
Anybody with that link can edit or remove all the files in your file manager.
- "fm_alert_anonymous": "Hello there, you are currently using CryptPad anonymously, that's ok but your pads may be deleted after a period of inactivity. We have disabled advanced features of the drive for anonymous users because we want to be clear that it is not a safe place to store things. You can read more about why we are doing this and why you really should Sign up and Log in.",
- "fm_backup_title": "Backup link",
- "fm_nameFile": "How would you like to name that file?",
- "fm_error_cantPin": "Internal server error. Please reload the page and try again.",
- "fm_viewListButton": "List view",
- "fm_viewGridButton": "Grid view",
- "fm_renamedPad": "You've set a custom name for this pad. Its shared title is:
- "fm_canBeShared": "This folder can be shared",
- "fm_prop_tagsList": "Tags",
- "fm_burnThisDriveButton": "Erase all information stored by CryptPad in your browser",
- "fm_burnThisDrive": "Are you sure you want to remove everything stored by CryptPad in your browser?
This will remove your CryptDrive and its history from your browser, but your pads will still exist (encrypted) on our server.",
- "fm_padIsOwned": "You are the owner of this pad",
- "fm_padIsOwnedOther": "This pad is owned by another user",
- "fm_deletedPads": "These pads no longer exist on the server, they've been removed from your CryptDrive: {0}",
- "fm_tags_name": "Tag name",
- "fm_tags_used": "Number of uses",
- "fm_restoreDrive": "Resetting your drive to an earlier state. For best results, avoid making changes to your drive until this process is complete.",
- "fm_moveNestedSF": "You can't place one shared folder within another. The folder {0} was not moved.",
- "fm_passwordProtected": "This document is protected with a password",
- "fc_newfolder": "New folder",
- "fc_newsharedfolder": "New shared folder",
- "fc_rename": "Rename",
- "fc_open": "Open",
- "fc_open_ro": "Open (read-only)",
- "fc_delete": "Move to trash",
- "fc_delete_owned": "Delete from the server",
- "fc_restore": "Restore",
- "fc_remove": "Remove from your CryptDrive",
- "fc_remove_sharedfolder": "Remove",
- "fc_empty": "Empty the trash",
- "fc_prop": "Properties",
- "fc_hashtag": "Tags",
- "fc_sizeInKilobytes": "Size in Kilobytes",
- "fo_moveUnsortedError": "You can't move a folder to the list of templates",
- "fo_existingNameError": "Name already used in that directory. Please choose another one.",
- "fo_moveFolderToChildError": "You can't move a folder into one of its descendants",
- "fo_unableToRestore": "Unable to restore that file to its original location. You can try to move it to a new location.",
- "fo_unavailableName": "A file or a folder with the same name already exist at the new location. Rename the element and try again.",
- "fs_migration": "Your CryptDrive is being updated to a new version. As a result, the current page has to be reloaded.
Please reload this page to continue to use it.",
- "login_login": "Log in",
- "login_makeAPad": "Create a pad anonymously",
- "login_nologin": "Browse local pads",
- "login_register": "Sign up",
- "logoutButton": "Log out",
- "settingsButton": "Settings",
- "login_username": "Username",
- "login_password": "Password",
- "login_confirm": "Confirm your password",
- "login_remember": "Remember me",
- "login_hashing": "Hashing your password, this might take some time.",
- "login_hello": "Hello {0},",
- "login_helloNoName": "Hello,",
- "login_accessDrive": "Access your drive",
- "login_orNoLogin": "or",
- "login_noSuchUser": "Invalid username or password. Try again, or sign up",
- "login_invalUser": "Username required",
- "login_invalPass": "Password required",
- "login_unhandledError": "An unexpected error occurred :(",
- "register_importRecent": "Import pads from your anonymous session",
- "register_acceptTerms": "I accept the terms of service",
- "register_passwordsDontMatch": "Passwords do not match!",
- "register_passwordTooShort": "Passwords must be at least {0} characters long.",
- "register_mustAcceptTerms": "You must accept the terms of service.",
- "register_mustRememberPass": "We cannot reset your password if you forget it. It's very important that you remember it! Please check the checkbox to confirm.",
- "register_whyRegister": "Why sign up?",
- "register_header": "Welcome to CryptPad",
- "register_explanation": "Lets go over a couple things first:
- Your password is your secret key which encrypts all of your pads. If you lose it there is no way we can recover your data.
- You can import pads which were recently viewed in your browser so you have them in your account.
- If you are using a shared computer, you need to log out when you are done, closing the tab is not enough.
- "register_writtenPassword": "I have written down my username and password, proceed",
- "register_cancel": "Go back",
- "register_warning": "Zero Knowledge means that we can't recover your data if you lose your password.",
- "register_alreadyRegistered": "This user already exists, do you want to log in?",
- "settings_cat_account": "Account",
- "settings_cat_drive": "CryptDrive",
- "settings_cat_cursor": "Cursor",
- "settings_cat_code": "Code",
- "settings_cat_pad": "Rich text",
- "settings_cat_creation": "New pad",
- "settings_cat_subscription": "Subscription",
- "settings_title": "Settings",
- "settings_save": "Save",
- "settings_backupCategory": "Backup",
- "settings_backupHint": "Backup or restore all your CryptDrive's content. It won't contain the content of your pads, just the keys to access them.",
- "settings_backup": "Backup",
- "settings_restore": "Restore",
- "settings_backupHint2": "Download the current content of all your pads. Pads will be downloaded in an readable format if such a format is available.",
- "settings_backup2": "Download my CryptDrive",
- "settings_backup2Confirm": "This will download all the pads and files from your CryptDrive. If you want to continue, pick a name and press OK",
- "settings_exportTitle": "Export your CryptDrive",
- "settings_exportDescription": "Please wait while we're downloading and decrypting your documents. This may take a few minutes. Closing the tab will interrupt the process.",
- "settings_exportFailed": "If a pad requires more than 1 minute to be downloaded, it won't be included in the export. A link to any pad that has not been exported will be displayed.",
- "settings_exportWarning": "Note: this tool is still in a beta version and it might have scalability issues. For better performance, it is recommended to leave this tab focused.",
- "settings_exportCancel": "Are you sure you want to cancel the export? You will have to start again from the beginning next time.",
- "settings_export_reading": "Reading your CryptDrive...",
- "settings_export_download": "Downloading and decrypting your documents...",
- "settings_export_compressing": "Compressing data...",
- "settings_export_done": "Your download is ready!",
- "settings_exportError": "View errors",
- "settings_exportErrorDescription": "We weren't able to add the following documents into the export:",
- "settings_exportErrorEmpty": "This document can't be exported (empty or invalid content).",
- "settings_exportErrorMissing": "This document is missing from our servers (expired or deleted by its owner)",
- "settings_exportErrorOther": "An error occured while trying to export this document: {0}",
- "settings_resetNewTitle": "Clean CryptDrive",
- "settings_resetButton": "Remove",
- "settings_reset": "Remove all the files and folders from your CryptDrive",
- "settings_resetPrompt": "This action will remove all the pads from your drive.
Are you sure you want to continue?
Type “I love CryptPad” to confirm.",
- "settings_resetDone": "Your drive is now empty!",
- "settings_resetError": "Incorrect verification text. Your CryptDrive has not been changed.",
- "settings_resetTipsAction": "Reset",
- "settings_resetTips": "Tips",
- "settings_resetTipsButton": "Reset the available tips in CryptDrive",
- "settings_resetTipsDone": "All the tips are now visible again.",
- "settings_thumbnails": "Thumbnails",
- "settings_disableThumbnailsAction": "Disable thumbnails creation in your CryptDrive",
- "settings_disableThumbnailsDescription": "Thumbnails are automatically created and stored in your browser when you visit a new pad. You can disable this feature here.",
- "settings_resetThumbnailsAction": "Clean",
- "settings_resetThumbnailsDescription": "Clean all the pads thumbnails stored in your browser.",
- "settings_resetThumbnailsDone": "All the thumbnails have been erased.",
- "settings_importTitle": "Import this browser's recent pads in your CryptDrive",
- "settings_import": "Import",
- "settings_importConfirm": "Are you sure you want to import recent pads from this browser to your user account's CryptDrive?",
- "settings_importDone": "Import completed",
- "settings_autostoreTitle": "Pad storage in CryptDrive",
- "settings_autostoreHint": "Automatic All the pads you visit are stored in your CryptDrive.
Manual (always ask) If you have not stored a pad yet, you will be asked if you want to store them in your CryptDrive.
Manual (never ask) Pads are not stored automatically in your Cryptpad. The option to store them will be hidden.",
- "settings_autostoreYes": "Automatic",
- "settings_autostoreNo": "Manual (never ask)",
- "settings_autostoreMaybe": "Manual (always ask)",
- "settings_userFeedbackTitle": "Feedback",
- "settings_userFeedbackHint1": "CryptPad provides some very basic feedback to the server, to let us know how to improve your experience. ",
- "settings_userFeedbackHint2": "Your pad's content will never be shared with the server.",
- "settings_userFeedback": "Enable user feedback",
- "settings_deleteTitle": "Account deletion",
- "settings_deleteHint": "Account deletion is permanent. Your CryptDrive and your list of pads will be deleted from the server. The rest of your pads will be deleted in 90 days if nobody else has stored them in their CryptDrive.",
- "settings_deleteButton": "Delete your account",
- "settings_deleteModal": "Share the following information with your CryptPad administrator in order to have your data removed from their server.",
- "settings_deleteConfirm": "Clicking OK will delete your account permanently. Are you sure?",
- "settings_deleted": "Your user account is now deleted. Press OK to go to the home page.",
- "settings_anonymous": "You are not logged in. Settings here are specific to this browser.",
- "settings_publicSigningKey": "Public Signing Key",
- "settings_usage": "Usage",
- "settings_usageTitle": "See the total size of your pinned pads in MB",
- "settings_pinningNotAvailable": "Pinned pads are only available to registered users.",
- "settings_pinningError": "Something went wrong",
- "settings_usageAmount": "Your pinned pads occupy {0}MB",
- "settings_logoutEverywhereButton": "Log out",
- "settings_logoutEverywhereTitle": "Log out everywhere",
- "settings_logoutEverywhere": "Force log out of all other web sessions",
- "settings_logoutEverywhereConfirm": "Are you sure? You will need to log in with all your devices.",
- "settings_driveDuplicateTitle": "Duplicated owned pads",
- "settings_driveDuplicateHint": "When you move your owned pads to a shared folder, a copy is kept in your CryptDrive to ensure that you retain your control over it. You can hide duplicated files. Only the shared version will be visible, unless deleted, in which case the original will be displayed in its previous location.",
- "settings_driveDuplicateLabel": "Hide duplicates",
- "settings_codeIndentation": "Code editor indentation (spaces)",
- "settings_codeUseTabs": "Indent using tabs (instead of spaces)",
- "settings_codeFontSize": "Font size in the code editor",
- "settings_padWidth": "Editor's maximum width",
- "settings_padWidthHint": "Rich text pads use by default the maximum available width on your screen and it can be difficult to read. You can reduce the editor's width here.",
- "settings_padWidthLabel": "Reduce the editor's width",
- "settings_padSpellcheckTitle": "Spellcheck",
- "settings_padSpellcheckHint": "This option allows you to enable spellcheck in rich text pads. Spelling errors will be underlined in red and you'll have to hold your Ctrl or Meta key while right-clicking to see the correct options.",
- "settings_padSpellcheckLabel": "Enable spellcheck in rich text pads",
- "settings_creationSkip": "Skip the pad creation screen",
- "settings_creationSkipHint": "The pad creation screen offers new options to create a pad, providing you more control and security over your data. However, it may slow down your workflow by adding one additional step so, here, you have the option to skip this screen and use the default settings selected above.",
- "settings_creationSkipTrue": "Skip",
- "settings_creationSkipFalse": "Display",
- "settings_templateSkip": "Skip the template selection modal",
- "settings_templateSkipHint": "When you create a new empty pad, if you have stored templates for this type of pad, a modal appears to ask if you want to use a template. Here you can choose to never show this modal and so to never use a template.",
- "settings_ownDriveTitle": "Enable latest account features",
- "settings_ownDriveHint": "For technical reasons, older accounts do not have access to all of our latest features. A free upgrade to a new account will prepare your CryptDrive for upcoming features without disrupting your usual activities.",
- "settings_ownDriveButton": "Upgrade your account",
- "settings_ownDriveConfirm": "Upgrading your account may take some time. You will need to log back in on all your devices. Are you sure?",
- "settings_ownDrivePending": "Your account is being upgraded. Please do not close or reload this page until the process has completed.",
- "settings_changePasswordTitle": "Change your password",
- "settings_changePasswordHint": "Change your account's password. Enter your current password, and confirm the new password by typing it twice.
We can't reset your password if you forget it, so be very careful!",
- "settings_changePasswordButton": "Change password",
- "settings_changePasswordCurrent": "Current password",
- "settings_changePasswordNew": "New password",
- "settings_changePasswordNewConfirm": "Confirm new password",
- "settings_changePasswordConfirm": "Are you sure you want to change your password? You will need to log back in on all your devices.",
- "settings_changePasswordError": "An unexpected error occurred. If you are unable to login or change your password, contact your CryptPad administrators.",
- "settings_changePasswordPending": "Your password is being updated. Please do not close or reload this page until the process has completed.",
- "settings_changePasswordNewPasswordSameAsOld": "Your new password must be different than your current password.",
- "settings_cursorColorTitle": "Cursor color",
- "settings_cursorColorHint": "Change the color associated with your user in collaborative documents.",
- "settings_cursorShareTitle": "Share my cursor position",
- "settings_cursorShareHint": "You can decide if you want other users to see your cursor position in collaborative documents.",
- "settings_cursorShareLabel": "Share the position",
- "settings_cursorShowTitle": "Display other users' cursor position",
- "settings_cursorShowHint": "You can choose if you want to see the other users' cursor in collaborative documents.",
- "settings_cursorShowLabel": "Show cursors",
- "upload_title": "File upload",
- "upload_type": "Type",
- "upload_modal_title": "File upload options",
- "upload_modal_filename": "File name (extension {0} added automatically)",
- "upload_modal_owner": "Owned file",
- "upload_serverError": "Server Error: unable to upload your file at this time.",
- "upload_uploadPending": "You already have an upload in progress. Cancel it and upload your new file?",
- "upload_success": "Your file ({0}) has been successfully uploaded and added to your drive.",
- "upload_notEnoughSpace": "There is not enough space for this file in your CryptDrive.",
- "upload_notEnoughSpaceBrief": "Not enough space",
- "upload_tooLarge": "This file exceeds the maximum upload size.",
- "upload_tooLargeBrief": "File too large",
- "upload_choose": "Choose a file",
- "upload_pending": "Pending",
- "upload_cancelled": "Cancelled",
- "upload_name": "File name",
- "upload_size": "Size",
- "upload_progress": "Progress",
- "upload_mustLogin": "You must be logged in to upload files",
- "upload_up": "Upload",
- "download_button": "Decrypt & Download",
- "download_mt_button": "Download",
- "download_resourceNotAvailable": "The requested resource was not available... Press Esc to continue.",
- "download_dl": "Download",
- "download_step1": "Downloading",
- "download_step2": "Decrypting",
- "todo_title": "CryptTodo",
- "todo_newTodoNamePlaceholder": "Describe your task...",
- "todo_newTodoNameTitle": "Add this task to your todo list",
- "todo_markAsCompleteTitle": "Mark this task as complete",
- "todo_markAsIncompleteTitle": "Mark this task as incomplete",
- "todo_removeTaskTitle": "Remove this task from your todo list",
- "pad_showToolbar": "Show toolbar",
- "pad_hideToolbar": "Hide toolbar",
- "pad_base64": "This pad contains images stored in an inefficient way. These images will significantly increase the size of the pad in your CryptDrive, and make it slower to load. You can migrate these files to a new format which will be stored separately in your CryptDrive. Do you want to migrate these images now?",
- "mdToolbar_button": "Show or hide the Markdown toolbar",
- "mdToolbar_defaultText": "Your text here",
- "mdToolbar_help": "Help",
- "mdToolbar_tutorial": "http://www.markdowntutorial.com/",
- "mdToolbar_bold": "Bold",
- "mdToolbar_italic": "Italic",
- "mdToolbar_strikethrough": "Strikethrough",
- "mdToolbar_heading": "Heading",
- "mdToolbar_link": "Link",
- "mdToolbar_quote": "Quote",
- "mdToolbar_nlist": "Ordered list",
- "mdToolbar_list": "Bullet list",
- "mdToolbar_check": "Task list",
- "mdToolbar_code": "Code",
- "home_product": "CryptPad is a private-by-design alternative to popular office tools and cloud services. All the content stored on CryptPad is encrypted before being sent, which means nobody can access your data unless you give them the keys (not even us).",
- "home_host": "This is an independent community instance of CryptPad. Its source code is available on GitHub.",
- "home_host_agpl": "CryptPad is distributed under the terms of the AGPL3 software license",
- "home_ngi": "NGI Award winner",
- "about_intro": "CryptPad is created inside of the Research Team at XWiki SAS, a small business located in Paris France and Iasi Romania. There are 3 core team members working on CryptPad plus a number of contributors both inside and outside of XWiki SAS.",
- "about_core": "Core Developers",
- "about_contributors": "Key Contributors",
- "main_about_p22": "Tweet us",
- "main_about_p23": "open an issue on GitHub",
- "main_about_p24": "say Hello (Matrix)",
- "main_about_p25": "send us an email",
- "main_about_p26": "If you have any questions or comments, feel free to reach out!",
- "main_info": "Collaborate in Confidence
Grow your ideas together with shared documents while Zero Knowledge technology secures your privacy; even from us.",
- "main_catch_phrase": "The Zero Knowledge Cloud",
- "main_richText": "Rich Text editor",
- "main_code": "Code editor",
- "main_slide": "Slide editor",
- "main_poll": "Polls",
- "main_drive": "CryptDrive",
- "main_richTextPad": "Rich Text Pad",
- "main_codePad": "Markdown/Code Pad",
- "main_sheetPad": "Spreadsheets (Beta)",
- "main_slidePad": "Markdown Presentation",
- "main_pollPad": "Poll or Schedule",
- "main_whiteboardPad": "Whiteboard",
- "main_kanbanPad": "Kanban",
- "main_localPads": "Local Pads",
- "main_yourCryptDrive": "Your CryptDrive",
- "main_footerText": "With CryptPad, you can make quick collaborative documents for taking notes and writing down ideas together.",
- "footer_applications": "Applications",
- "footer_contact": "Contact",
- "footer_aboutUs": "About us",
- "about": "About",
- "privacy": "Privacy",
- "contact": "Contact",
- "terms": "ToS",
- "blog": "Blog",
- "topbar_whatIsCryptpad": "What is CryptPad",
- "whatis_title": "What is CryptPad",
- "whatis_collaboration": "Fast, Easy Collaboration",
- "whatis_collaboration_p1": "With CryptPad, you can make quick collaborative documents for taking notes and writing down ideas together. When you sign up and log in, you get file upload capability and a CryptDrive where you can organize all of your pads. As a registered user you get 50MB of space for free.",
- "whatis_collaboration_p2": "You can share access to a CryptPad document simply by sharing the link. You can also share a link which provides read only access to a pad, allowing you to publicise your collaborative work while still being able to edit it.",
- "whatis_collaboration_p3": "You can make simple rich text documents with CKEditor as well as Markdown documents which are rendered in realtime while you type. You can also use the poll app for scheduling events with multiple participants.",
- "whatis_zeroknowledge": "Zero Knowledge",
- "whatis_zeroknowledge_p1": "We don't want to know what you're typing and with modern cryptography, you can be sure that we can't know. CryptPad uses 100% client side encryption to protect the content that you type from us, the people who host the server.",
- "whatis_zeroknowledge_p2": "When you sign up and log in, your username and password are computed into a secret key using scrypt key derivation function. Neither this key, nor the username and password are ever sent to the server. Instead they are used on the client side to decrypt the content of your CryptDrive, which contains the keys to all pads that you are able to access.",
- "whatis_zeroknowledge_p3": "When you share the link to a document, you're sharing the cryptographic key for accessing that document but since the key is in the fragment identifier, it is never directly sent to the server. Check out our privacy blog post to learn more about what types of metadata we do and do not have access to.",
- "whatis_drive": "Organization with CryptDrive",
- "whatis_drive_p1": "Whenever you access a pad in CryptPad, the pad is automatically added to your CryptDrive in the main folder. Later on, you can organize these pads into folders or you can put them in the trash bin. CryptDrive allows you to search through your pads and to organize them whenever you want, however you want.",
- "whatis_drive_p2": "With intuitive drag-and-drop, you can move pads around in your drive and the link to these pads will stay the same so your collaborators will never lose access.",
- "whatis_drive_p3": "You can also upload files in your CryptDrive and share them with colleagues. Uploaded files can be organized just like collaborative pads.",
- "whatis_business": "CryptPad for Business",
- "whatis_business_p1": "CryptPad's Zero Knowledge encryption multiplies the effectiveness of existing security protocols by mirroring organizational access controls in cryptography. Because sensitive assets can only be decrypted using user access credentials, CryptPad is less valuable as a target when compared to traditional cloud services. Read the CryptPad Whitepaper to learn more about how it can help your business.",
- "whatis_business_p2": "CryptPad is deployable on premises and the CryptPad developers at XWiki SAS are able to offer commercial support, customization and development. Reach out to sales@cryptpad.fr for more information.",
- "policy_title": "CryptPad Privacy Policy",
- "policy_whatweknow": "What we know about you",
- "policy_whatweknow_p1": "As an application that is hosted on the web, CryptPad has access to metadata exposed by the HTTP protocol. This includes your IP address, and various other HTTP headers that can be used to identify your particular browser. You can see what information your browser is sharing by visiting WhatIsMyBrowser.com.",
- "policy_whatweknow_p2": "We use Kibana, an open source analytics platform, to learn more about our users. Kibana tells us about how you found CryptPad, via direct entry, through a search engine, or via a referral from another web service like Reddit or Twitter.",
- "policy_howweuse": "How we use what we learn",
- "policy_howweuse_p1": "We use this information to make better decisions about promoting CryptPad, by evaluating which of our past efforts were successful. Information about your location lets us know whether we should consider providing better support for languages other than English.",
- "policy_howweuse_p2": "Information about your browser (whether it's a desktop or mobile operating system) helps us make decisions when prioritizing feature improvements. Our development team is small, and we try to make choices that will improve as many users' experience as possible.",
- "policy_whatwetell": "What we tell others about you",
- "policy_whatwetell_p1": "We do not furnish to third parties the information that we gather or that you provide to us unless we are legally required to do so.",
- "policy_links": "Links to other sites",
- "policy_links_p1": "This site contains links to other sites, including those produced by other organizations. We are not responsible for the privacy practices or the contents of any outside sites. As a general rule, links to outside sites are launched in a new browser window, to make clear that you are leaving CryptPad.fr.",
- "policy_ads": "Advertisement",
- "policy_ads_p1": "We do not display any online advertising, though we may link to the bodies which are financing our research.",
- "policy_choices": "Choices you have",
- "policy_choices_open": "Our code is open source, so you always have the option of hosting your own instance of CryptPad.",
- "policy_choices_vpn": "If you want to use our hosted instance, but don't want to expose your IP address, you can protect your IP using the Tor browser bundle, or a VPN.",
- "policy_choices_ads": "If you just want to block our analytics platform, you can use adblocking tools like Privacy Badger.",
- "features": "Features",
- "features_title": "Feature comparison",
- "features_feature": "Feature",
- "features_anon": "Anonymous user",
- "features_registered": "Registered user",
- "features_premium": "Premium user",
- "features_notes": "Notes",
- "features_f_apps": "Access to the main applications",
- "features_f_core": "Common features for the applications",
- "features_f_core_note": "Edit, Import & Export, History, Userlist, Chat",
- "features_f_file0": "Open files",
- "features_f_file0_note": "View and download files shared by other users",
- "features_f_cryptdrive0": "Limited access to CryptDrive",
- "features_f_cryptdrive0_note": "Ability to store visited pads in your browser to be able to open them later",
- "features_f_storage0": "Limited storage time",
- "features_f_storage0_note": "Created pads risk deletion after 3 months of inactivity",
- "features_f_anon": "All anonymous user features",
- "features_f_anon_note": "With better usability and more power over your pads",
- "features_f_cryptdrive1": "Complete CryptDrive functionality",
- "features_f_cryptdrive1_note": "Folders, shared folders, templates, tags",
- "features_f_devices": "Your pads on all your devices",
- "features_f_devices_note": "Access your CryptDrive everywhere with your user account",
- "features_f_social": "Social applications",
- "features_f_social_note": "Create a profile, use an avatar, chat with contacts",
- "features_f_file1": "Upload and share files",
- "features_f_file1_note": "Share files with your friends or embed them in your pads",
- "features_f_storage1": "Permanent storage (50MB)",
- "features_f_storage1_note": "Pads stored in your CryptDrive are never deleted for inactivity",
- "features_f_register": "Register for free",
- "features_f_register_note": "No email or personal information required",
- "features_f_reg": "All registered user features",
- "features_f_reg_note": "And help CryptPad's development",
- "features_f_storage2": "Extra storage space",
- "features_f_storage2_note": "From 5GB to 50GB depending on the selected plan",
- "features_f_support": "Faster support",
- "features_f_support_note": "Professional email support with the Team plan",
- "features_f_supporter": "Become a privacy supporter",
- "features_f_supporter_note": "Help us show that privacy-enhancing software should be the norm",
- "features_f_subscribe": "Subscribe to premium",
- "features_f_subscribe_note": "You need to be logged in to CryptPad first",
- "faq_link": "FAQ",
- "faq_title": "Frequently Asked Questions",
- "faq_whatis": "What is CryptPad?",
- "faq": {
- "keywords": {
- "title": "Keywords",
- "pad": {
- "q": "What is a pad?",
- "a": "Pad is a term popularized by Etherpad, a real-time collaborative editor.\nIt refers to a document that you can edit in your browser, generally with other people's changes visible nearly instantly."
- },
- "owned": {
- "q": "What is an owned Pad?",
- "a": "An owned pad is a pad created with an explicit owner, identified to the server by their public signing key. A pad's owner may choose to delete their pads from the server, making it unavailable to other collaborators in the future, whether they had it in their CryptDrive or not."
- },
- "expiring": {
- "q": "What is an expiring Pad?",
- "a": "An expiring pad is a pad created with a set time at which it will be automatically removed from the server. Expiring pads can be configured to last anywhere from one hour to one hundred months. The pad and all of its history will become permanently unavailable even if it is being edited at the time that it expires.
If a pad is set to expire, you can check its expiration time by viewing its properties, either by right-clicking the pad in your CryptDrive, or by using the properties sub-menu from an application's toolbar."
- },
- "tag": {
- "q": "How can I use tags?",
- "a": "You can tag pads and uploaded files via your CryptDrive, or using the tag button () in any editor's toolbar. Search for pads and files in your CryptDrive using the search bar with a term beginning with hashtag, like #crypto."
- },
- "template": {
- "q": "What is a template?",
- "a": "A template is a pad which can be used to define to initial content for another pad of the same type when you create it. Any existing pad can be turned into a template by moving it into the Templates section in your CryptDrive. You can also create a copy of a pad to be used as a template by clicking the template button () in the editor's toolbar."
- },
- "abandoned": {
- "q": "What is an abandoned pad?",
- "a": "An abandoned pad is a pad that is not pinned in any registered user's CryptDrive and that hasn't been changed for six months. Abandoned documents will be automatically removed from the server."
- }
+ "main_title": "CryptPad: Zero Knowledge, Collaborative Real Time Editing",
+ "type": {
+ "pad": "Rich text",
+ "code": "Code",
+ "poll": "Poll",
+ "kanban": "Kanban",
+ "slide": "Presentation",
+ "drive": "CryptDrive",
+ "whiteboard": "Whiteboard",
+ "file": "File",
+ "media": "Media",
+ "todo": "Todo",
+ "contacts": "Contacts",
+ "sheet": "Spreadsheet (Beta)"
- "privacy": {
- "title": "Privacy",
- "different": {
- "q": "How is CryptPad different from other Pad services?",
- "a": "CryptPad encrypts changes to your pads before sending that information to be stored on the server, so we can't read what you're typing."
- },
- "me": {
- "q": "What information does the server know about me?",
- "a": "Server administrators are able to see the IP addresses of people who visit the CryptPad. We don't record which addresses visit which pads, but we could, even though we don't have access to the decrypted content of those pads. If you are worried about us analyzing that information, it's safest to assume that we do collect it, since we can't prove that we don't.
We collect some basic telemetry about how people use CryptPad, such as the size of the screen on their device, and which buttons they click the most.This helps us improve the software, but if you'd prefer not to send such information to the server, you can opt out by unchecking the Enable user feedback checkbox.
We do keep track of which pads are in a user's CryptDrive so that we can impose storage limits, but we don't know the content or type of those pads. Storage quotas are associated with a user's public key, but we don't associate names or emails with those public keys.
For more information, you can read this blog post which we wrote about the topic."
- },
- "register": {
- "q": "Does the server know more about me if I register?",
- "a": "We don't require users to verify their email address, and the server does not even learn your username or password when you register. Instead, the register and login forms generate a unique keyring from your input, and the server only learns your cryptographic signature. We use this information to track details like how much data you are using, which allows us to restrict each user to a quota.
We use our feedback functionality to inform the server that someone with your IP has registered an account. We use this to measure how many people register for CryptPad accounts, and to see what regions they are in so that we can guess which languages may need better support.
Registered users inform the server which pads are in their CryptDrive so that such pads are not considered abandoned, and are removed from the server due to inactivity."
- },
- "other": {
- "q": "What can other collaborators learn about me?",
- "a": "When you edit a pad with someone else, you communicate through the server, so only we learn your IP address. Other users can see your display name, avatar, the link to your profile (if you have one), and your public key (which is used for encrypting communications between each other)."
- },
- "anonymous": {
- "q": "Does CryptPad make me anonymous?",
- "a": "Even though CryptPad is designed to know as little about you as possible, it does not provide strong anonymity. Our servers have access to your IP address, however, you can hide this information by using Tor to access CryptPad. Using Tor without changing your behaviour will not guarantee you anonymity, as the server is also able to identify users by their unique cryptographic identifier. If you use the same account when you're not using Tor, it will be possible to deanonymize your session.
For users who require a lesser degree of privacy, CryptPad does not require users to identify themselves by name, phone number, or email address like many other services."
- },
- "policy": {
- "q": "Do you have a data privacy policy?",
- "a": "Yes! It is available here."
- }
+ "button_newpad": "New Rich Text pad",
+ "button_newcode": "New Code pad",
+ "button_newpoll": "New Poll",
+ "button_newslide": "New Presentation",
+ "button_newwhiteboard": "New Whiteboard",
+ "button_newkanban": "New Kanban",
+ "common_connectionLost": "Server Connection Lost
You're now in read-only mode until the connection is back.",
+ "websocketError": "Unable to connect to the websocket server...",
+ "typeError": "This pad is not compatible with the selected application",
+ "onLogout": "You are logged out, {0}click here{1} to log in
or press Escape to access your pad in read-only mode.",
+ "wrongApp": "Unable to display the content of that realtime session in your browser. Please try to reload that page.",
+ "padNotPinned": "This pad will expire after 3 months of inactivity, {0}login{1} or {2}register{3} to preserve it.",
+ "anonymousStoreDisabled": "The webmaster of this CryptPad instance has disabled the store for anonymous users. You have to log in to be able to use CryptDrive.",
+ "expiredError": "This pad has reached its expiration time and is no longer available.",
+ "deletedError": "This pad has been deleted by its owner and is no longer available.",
+ "inactiveError": "This pad has been deleted due to inactivity. Press Esc to create a new pad.",
+ "chainpadError": "A critical error occurred when updating your content. This page is in read-only mode to make sure you won't lose your work.
Hit Esc to continue to view this pad, or reload to try editing again.",
+ "invalidHashError": "The document you've requested has an invalid URL.",
+ "errorCopy": " You can still copy the content to another location by pressing Esc.
Once you leave this page, it will disappear forever!",
+ "errorRedirectToHome": "Press Esc to be redirected to your CryptDrive.",
+ "newVersionError": "A new version of CryptPad is available.
Reload to use the new version, or press escape to access your content in offline mode.",
+ "loading": "Loading...",
+ "error": "Error",
+ "saved": "Saved",
+ "synced": "Everything is saved",
+ "deleted": "Pad deleted from your CryptDrive",
+ "deletedFromServer": "Pad deleted from the server",
+ "mustLogin": "You must be logged in to access this page",
+ "disabledApp": "This application has been disabled. Contact the administrator of this CryptPad for more information.",
+ "realtime_unrecoverableError": "An unrecoverable error has occured. Click OK to reload.",
+ "disconnected": "Disconnected",
+ "synchronizing": "Synchronizing",
+ "reconnecting": "Reconnecting",
+ "typing": "Editing",
+ "initializing": "Initializing...",
+ "forgotten": "Moved to the trash",
+ "errorState": "Critical error: {0}",
+ "lag": "Lag",
+ "readonly": "Read only",
+ "anonymous": "Anonymous",
+ "yourself": "Yourself",
+ "anonymousUsers": "anonymous editors",
+ "anonymousUser": "anonymous editor",
+ "users": "Users",
+ "and": "And",
+ "viewer": "viewer",
+ "viewers": "viewers",
+ "editor": "editor",
+ "editors": "editors",
+ "userlist_offline": "You're currently offline, the user list is not available.",
+ "language": "Language",
+ "comingSoon": "Coming soon...",
+ "newVersion": "CryptPad has been updated!
Check out what's new in the latest version:
Release notes for CryptPad {0}",
+ "upgrade": "Upgrade",
+ "upgradeTitle": "Upgrade your account to increase the storage limit",
+ "upgradeAccount": "Upgrade account",
+ "MB": "MB",
+ "GB": "GB",
+ "KB": "KB",
+ "supportCryptpad": "Support CryptPad",
+ "formattedMB": "{0} MB",
+ "formattedGB": "{0} GB",
+ "formattedKB": "{0} KB",
+ "greenLight": "Everything is working fine",
+ "orangeLight": "Your slow connection may impact your experience",
+ "redLight": "You are disconnected from the session",
+ "pinLimitReached": "You've reached your storage limit",
+ "pinLimitReachedAlert": "You've reached your storage limit. New pads won't be stored in your CryptDrive.
You can either remove pads from your CryptDrive or subscribe to a premium offer to increase your limit.",
+ "pinLimitReachedAlertNoAccounts": "You've reached your storage limit",
+ "pinLimitNotPinned": "You've reached your storage limit.
This pad is not stored in your CryptDrive.",
+ "pinLimitDrive": "You've reached your storage limit.
You can't create new pads.",
+ "moreActions": "More actions",
+ "importButton": "Import",
+ "importButtonTitle": "Import a pad from a local file",
+ "exportButton": "Export",
+ "exportButtonTitle": "Export this pad to a local file",
+ "exportPrompt": "What would you like to name your file?",
+ "changeNamePrompt": "Change your name (leave empty to be anonymous): ",
+ "user_rename": "Change display name",
+ "user_displayName": "Display name",
+ "user_accountName": "Account name",
+ "clickToEdit": "Click to edit",
+ "saveTitle": "Save the title (enter)",
+ "forgetButton": "Delete",
+ "forgetButtonTitle": "Move this pad to the trash",
+ "forgetPrompt": "Clicking OK will move this pad to your trash. Are you sure?",
+ "movedToTrash": "That pad has been moved to the trash.
Access my Drive",
+ "shareButton": "Share",
+ "shareSuccess": "Copied link to clipboard",
+ "userListButton": "User list",
+ "chatButton": "Chat",
+ "userAccountButton": "Your account",
+ "newButton": "New",
+ "newButtonTitle": "Create a new pad",
+ "uploadButton": "Upload files",
+ "uploadButtonTitle": "Upload a new file to the current folder",
+ "saveTemplateButton": "Save as template",
+ "saveTemplatePrompt": "Choose a title for the template",
+ "templateSaved": "Template saved!",
+ "selectTemplate": "Select a template or press escape",
+ "useTemplate": "Start with a template?",
+ "useTemplateOK": "Pick a template (Enter)",
+ "useTemplateCancel": "Start fresh (Esc)",
+ "template_import": "Import a template",
+ "template_empty": "No template available",
+ "previewButtonTitle": "Display or hide the Markdown preview mode",
+ "presentButtonTitle": "Enter presentation mode",
+ "backgroundButtonTitle": "Change the background color in the presentation",
+ "colorButtonTitle": "Change the text color in presentation mode",
+ "propertiesButton": "Properties",
+ "propertiesButtonTitle": "Get pad properties",
+ "printText": "Print",
+ "printButton": "Print (enter)",
+ "printButtonTitle2": "Print your document or export it as a PDF file",
+ "printOptions": "Layout options",
+ "printSlideNumber": "Display the slide number",
+ "printDate": "Display the date",
+ "printTitle": "Display the pad title",
+ "printCSS": "Custom style rules (CSS):",
+ "printTransition": "Enable transition animations",
+ "printBackground": "Use a background image",
+ "printBackgroundButton": "Pick an image",
+ "printBackgroundValue": "Current background: {0}",
+ "printBackgroundNoValue": "No background image displayed",
+ "printBackgroundRemove": "Remove this background image",
+ "filePickerButton": "Embed a file stored in CryptDrive",
+ "filePicker_close": "Close",
+ "filePicker_description": "Choose a file from your CryptDrive to embed it or upload a new one",
+ "filePicker_filter": "Filter files by name",
+ "or": "or",
+ "tags_title": "Tags (for you only)",
+ "tags_add": "Update this page's tags",
+ "tags_searchHint": "Start a search with # in your CryptDrive to find your tagged pads.",
+ "tags_notShared": "Your tags are not shared with other users",
+ "tags_duplicate": "Duplicate tag: {0}",
+ "tags_noentry": "You can't tag a deleted pad!",
+ "slideOptionsText": "Options",
+ "slideOptionsTitle": "Customize your slides",
+ "slideOptionsButton": "Save (enter)",
+ "slide_invalidLess": "Invalid custom style",
+ "languageButton": "Language",
+ "languageButtonTitle": "Select the language to use for the syntax highlighting",
+ "themeButton": "Theme",
+ "themeButtonTitle": "Select the color theme to use for the code and slide editors",
+ "editShare": "Editing link",
+ "editShareTitle": "Copy the editing link to clipboard",
+ "editOpen": "Open editing link in a new tab",
+ "editOpenTitle": "Open this pad in editing mode in a new tab",
+ "viewShare": "Read-only link",
+ "viewShareTitle": "Copy the read-only link to clipboard",
+ "viewOpen": "Open read-only link in a new tab",
+ "viewOpenTitle": "Open this pad in read-only mode in a new tab",
+ "fileShare": "Copy link",
+ "getEmbedCode": "Get embed code",
+ "viewEmbedTitle": "Embed the pad in an external page",
+ "viewEmbedTag": "To embed this pad, include this iframe in your page wherever you want. You can style it using CSS or HTML attributes.",
+ "fileEmbedTitle": "Embed the file in an external page",
+ "fileEmbedScript": "To embed this file, include this script once in your page to load the Media Tag:",
+ "fileEmbedTag": "Then place this Media Tag wherever in your page you would like to embed:",
+ "notifyJoined": "{0} has joined the collaborative session",
+ "notifyRenamed": "{0} is now known as {1}",
+ "notifyLeft": "{0} has left the collaborative session",
+ "ok": "OK",
+ "okButton": "OK (enter)",
+ "cancel": "Cancel",
+ "cancelButton": "Cancel (esc)",
+ "doNotAskAgain": "Don't ask me again (Esc)",
+ "show_help_button": "Show help",
+ "hide_help_button": "Hide help",
+ "help_button": "Help",
+ "historyText": "History",
+ "historyButton": "Display the document history",
+ "history_next": "Newer version",
+ "history_prev": "Older version",
+ "history_loadMore": "Load more history",
+ "history_closeTitle": "Close the history",
+ "history_restoreTitle": "Restore the selected version of the document",
+ "history_restorePrompt": "Are you sure you want to replace the current version of the document by the displayed one?",
+ "history_restoreDone": "Document restored",
+ "history_version": "Version:",
+ "openLinkInNewTab": "Open Link in New Tab",
+ "pad_mediatagTitle": "Media-Tag settings",
+ "pad_mediatagWidth": "Width (px)",
+ "pad_mediatagHeight": "Height (px)",
+ "pad_mediatagRatio": "Keep ratio",
+ "pad_mediatagBorder": "Border width (px)",
+ "pad_mediatagPreview": "Preview",
+ "pad_mediatagImport": "Save in your CryptDrive",
+ "pad_mediatagOptions": "Image properties",
+ "kanban_newBoard": "New board",
+ "kanban_item": "Item {0}",
+ "kanban_todo": "To Do",
+ "kanban_done": "Done",
+ "kanban_working": "In progress",
+ "kanban_deleteBoard": "Are you sure you want to delete this board?",
+ "kanban_addBoard": "Add a board",
+ "kanban_removeItem": "Remove this item",
+ "kanban_removeItemConfirm": "Are you sure you want to delete this item?",
+ "poll_title": "Zero Knowledge Date Picker",
+ "poll_subtitle": "Zero Knowledge, realtime scheduling",
+ "poll_p_save": "Your settings are updated instantly, so you never need to save.",
+ "poll_p_encryption": "All your input is encrypted so only people who have the link can access it. Even the server cannot see what you change.",
+ "wizardLog": "Click the button in the top left to return to your poll",
+ "wizardTitle": "Use the wizard to create your poll",
+ "wizardConfirm": "Are you really ready to add these options to your poll?",
+ "poll_publish_button": "Publish",
+ "poll_admin_button": "Admin",
+ "poll_create_user": "Add a new user",
+ "poll_create_option": "Add a new option",
+ "poll_commit": "Submit",
+ "poll_closeWizardButton": "Close wizard",
+ "poll_closeWizardButtonTitle": "Close wizard",
+ "poll_wizardComputeButton": "Compute Options",
+ "poll_wizardClearButton": "Clear Table",
+ "poll_wizardDescription": "Automatically create a number of options by entering any number of dates and times segments",
+ "poll_wizardAddDateButton": "+ Dates",
+ "poll_wizardAddTimeButton": "+ Times",
+ "poll_optionPlaceholder": "Option",
+ "poll_userPlaceholder": "Your name",
+ "poll_removeOption": "Are you sure you'd like to remove this option?",
+ "poll_removeUser": "Are you sure you'd like to remove this user?",
+ "poll_titleHint": "Title",
+ "poll_descriptionHint": "Describe your poll, and use the ✓ (publish) button when you're done.\nThe description can be written using markdown syntax and you can embed media elements from your CryptDrive.\nAnyone with the link can change the description, but this is discouraged.",
+ "poll_remove": "Remove",
+ "poll_edit": "Edit",
+ "poll_locked": "Locked",
+ "poll_unlocked": "Unlocked",
+ "poll_bookmark_col": "Bookmark this column so that it is always unlocked and displayed at the beginning for you",
+ "poll_bookmarked_col": "This is your bookmarked column. It will always be unlocked and displayed at the beginning for you.",
+ "poll_total": "TOTAL",
+ "poll_comment_list": "Comments",
+ "poll_comment_add": "Add a comment",
+ "poll_comment_submit": "Send",
+ "poll_comment_remove": "Delete this comment",
+ "poll_comment_placeholder": "Your comment",
+ "poll_comment_disabled": "Publish this poll using the ✓ button to enable the comments.",
+ "oo_reconnect": "The server connection is back. Click OK to reload and continue the edition.",
+ "oo_cantUpload": "Uploading is not allowed while other users are present.",
+ "oo_uploaded": "Your upload has completed. Click OK to reload the page or cancel to continue in read-only mode.",
+ "canvas_clear": "Clear",
+ "canvas_delete": "Delete selection",
+ "canvas_disable": "Disable draw",
+ "canvas_enable": "Enable draw",
+ "canvas_width": "Width",
+ "canvas_opacity": "Opacity",
+ "canvas_opacityLabel": "Opacity: {0}",
+ "canvas_widthLabel": "Width: {0}",
+ "canvas_saveToDrive": "Save this image as a file in your CryptDrive",
+ "canvas_currentBrush": "Current brush",
+ "canvas_chooseColor": "Choose a color",
+ "canvas_imageEmbed": "Embed an image from your computer",
+ "profileButton": "Profile",
+ "profile_urlPlaceholder": "URL",
+ "profile_namePlaceholder": "Name displayed in your profile",
+ "profile_avatar": "Avatar",
+ "profile_upload": " Upload a new avatar",
+ "profile_uploadSizeError": "Error: your avatar must be smaller than {0}",
+ "profile_uploadTypeError": "Error: your avatar type is not allowed. Allowed types are: {0}",
+ "profile_error": "Error while creating your profile: {0}",
+ "profile_register": "You have to sign up to create a profile!",
+ "profile_create": "Create a profile",
+ "profile_description": "Description",
+ "profile_fieldSaved": "New value saved: {0}",
+ "profile_inviteButton": "Connect",
+ "profile_inviteButtonTitle": "Create a link that will invite this user to connect with you.",
+ "profile_inviteExplanation": "Clicking OK will create a link to a secure messaging session that only {0} will be able to redeem.
The link will be copied to your clipboard and can be shared publicly.",
+ "profile_viewMyProfile": "View my profile",
+ "userlist_addAsFriendTitle": "Add \"{0}\" as a contact",
+ "userlist_thisIsYou": "This is you (\"{0}\")",
+ "userlist_pending": "Pending...",
+ "contacts_title": "Contacts",
+ "contacts_addError": "Error while adding that contact to the list",
+ "contacts_added": "Contact invite accepted.",
+ "contacts_rejected": "Contact invite rejected",
+ "contacts_request": "{0} would like to add you as a contact. Accept?",
+ "contacts_send": "Send",
+ "contacts_remove": "Remove this contact",
+ "contacts_confirmRemove": "Are you sure you want to remove {0} from your contacts?",
+ "contacts_typeHere": "Type a message here...",
+ "contacts_warning": "Everything you type here is persistent and available to all the existing and future users of this pad. Be careful with sensitive information!",
+ "contacts_padTitle": "Chat",
+ "contacts_info1": "These are your contacts. From here, you can:",
+ "contacts_info2": "Click your contact's icon to chat with them",
+ "contacts_info3": "Double-click their icon to view their profile",
+ "contacts_info4": "Either participant can clear permanently a chat history",
+ "contacts_removeHistoryTitle": "Clean the chat history",
+ "contacts_confirmRemoveHistory": "Are you sure you want to permanently remove your chat history? Data cannot be restored",
+ "contacts_removeHistoryServerError": "There was an error while removing your chat history. Try again later",
+ "contacts_fetchHistory": "Retrieve older history",
+ "contacts_friends": "Friends",
+ "contacts_rooms": "Rooms",
+ "contacts_leaveRoom": "Leave this room",
+ "contacts_online": "Another user from this room is online",
+ "fm_rootName": "Documents",
+ "fm_trashName": "Trash",
+ "fm_unsortedName": "Unsorted files",
+ "fm_filesDataName": "All files",
+ "fm_templateName": "Templates",
+ "fm_searchName": "Search",
+ "fm_recentPadsName": "Recent pads",
+ "fm_ownedPadsName": "Owned",
+ "fm_tagsName": "Tags",
+ "fm_sharedFolderName": "Shared folder",
+ "fm_searchPlaceholder": "Search...",
+ "fm_newButton": "New",
+ "fm_newButtonTitle": "Create a new pad or folder, import a file in the current folder",
+ "fm_newFolder": "New folder",
+ "fm_newFile": "New pad",
+ "fm_folder": "Folder",
+ "fm_sharedFolder": "Shared folder",
+ "fm_folderName": "Folder name",
+ "fm_numberOfFolders": "# of folders",
+ "fm_numberOfFiles": "# of files",
+ "fm_fileName": "File name",
+ "fm_title": "Title",
+ "fm_type": "Type",
+ "fm_lastAccess": "Last access",
+ "fm_creation": "Creation",
+ "fm_forbidden": "Forbidden action",
+ "fm_originalPath": "Original path",
+ "fm_openParent": "Show in folder",
+ "fm_noname": "Untitled Document",
+ "fm_emptyTrashDialog": "Are you sure you want to empty the trash?",
+ "fm_removeSeveralPermanentlyDialog": "Are you sure you want to permanently remove these {0} elements from your CryptDrive?",
+ "fm_removePermanentlyNote": "Owned pads will be removed from the server if you continue.",
+ "fm_removePermanentlyDialog": "Are you sure you want to permanently remove that element from your CryptDrive?",
+ "fm_removeSeveralDialog": "Are you sure you want to move these {0} elements to the trash?",
+ "fm_removeDialog": "Are you sure you want to move {0} to the trash?",
+ "fm_deleteOwnedPad": "Are you sure you want to permanently remove this pad from the server?",
+ "fm_deleteOwnedPads": "Are you sure you want to permanently remove these pads from the server?",
+ "fm_restoreDialog": "Are you sure you want to restore {0} to its previous location?",
+ "fm_unknownFolderError": "The selected or last visited directory no longer exist. Opening the parent folder...",
+ "fm_contextMenuError": "Unable to open the context menu for that element. If the problem persist, try to reload the page.",
+ "fm_selectError": "Unable to select the targeted element. If the problem persists, try to reload the page.",
+ "fm_categoryError": "Unable to open the selected category, displaying root.",
+ "fm_info_root": "Create as many nested folders here as you want to sort your files.",
+ "fm_info_unsorted": "Contains all the files you've visited that are not yet sorted in \"Documents\" or moved to the \"Trash\".",
+ "fm_info_template": "Contains all the pads stored as templates and that you can re-use when you create a new pad.",
+ "fm_info_recent": "List the recently modified or opened pads.",
+ "fm_info_trash": "Empty your trash to free space in your CryptDrive.",
+ "fm_info_allFiles": "Contains all the files from \"Documents\", \"Unsorted\" and \"Trash\". You can't move or remove files from here.",
+ "fm_info_anonymous": "You are not logged in so your pads will expire after 3 months (find out more). They are stored in your browser so clearing history may make them disappear.
Sign up or Log in to keep them alive.
+ "fm_info_sharedFolder": "This is a shared folder. You're not logged in so you can only access it in read-only mode.
Sign up or Log in to be able to import it to your CryptDrive and to modify it.",
+ "fm_info_owned": "You are the owner of the pads displayed here. This means you can remove them permanently from the server whenever you want. If you do so, other users won't be able to access them anymore.",
+ "fm_alert_backupUrl": "Backup link for this drive.
It is highly recommended that you keep it secret.
You can use it to retrieve all your files in case your browser memory got erased.
Anybody with that link can edit or remove all the files in your file manager.
+ "fm_alert_anonymous": "Hello there, you are currently using CryptPad anonymously, that's ok but your pads may be deleted after a period of inactivity. We have disabled advanced features of the drive for anonymous users because we want to be clear that it is not a safe place to store things. You can read more about why we are doing this and why you really should Sign up and Log in.",
+ "fm_backup_title": "Backup link",
+ "fm_nameFile": "How would you like to name that file?",
+ "fm_error_cantPin": "Internal server error. Please reload the page and try again.",
+ "fm_viewListButton": "List view",
+ "fm_viewGridButton": "Grid view",
+ "fm_renamedPad": "You've set a custom name for this pad. Its shared title is:
+ "fm_canBeShared": "This folder can be shared",
+ "fm_prop_tagsList": "Tags",
+ "fm_burnThisDriveButton": "Erase all information stored by CryptPad in your browser",
+ "fm_burnThisDrive": "Are you sure you want to remove everything stored by CryptPad in your browser?
This will remove your CryptDrive and its history from your browser, but your pads will still exist (encrypted) on our server.",
+ "fm_padIsOwned": "You are the owner of this pad",
+ "fm_padIsOwnedOther": "This pad is owned by another user",
+ "fm_deletedPads": "These pads no longer exist on the server, they've been removed from your CryptDrive: {0}",
+ "fm_tags_name": "Tag name",
+ "fm_tags_used": "Number of uses",
+ "fm_restoreDrive": "Resetting your drive to an earlier state. For best results, avoid making changes to your drive until this process is complete.",
+ "fm_moveNestedSF": "You can't place one shared folder within another. The folder {0} was not moved.",
+ "fm_passwordProtected": "This document is protected with a password",
+ "fc_newfolder": "New folder",
+ "fc_newsharedfolder": "New shared folder",
+ "fc_rename": "Rename",
+ "fc_open": "Open",
+ "fc_open_ro": "Open (read-only)",
+ "fc_delete": "Move to trash",
+ "fc_delete_owned": "Delete from the server",
+ "fc_restore": "Restore",
+ "fc_remove": "Remove from your CryptDrive",
+ "fc_remove_sharedfolder": "Remove",
+ "fc_empty": "Empty the trash",
+ "fc_prop": "Properties",
+ "fc_hashtag": "Tags",
+ "fc_sizeInKilobytes": "Size in Kilobytes",
+ "fo_moveUnsortedError": "You can't move a folder to the list of templates",
+ "fo_existingNameError": "Name already used in that directory. Please choose another one.",
+ "fo_moveFolderToChildError": "You can't move a folder into one of its descendants",
+ "fo_unableToRestore": "Unable to restore that file to its original location. You can try to move it to a new location.",
+ "fo_unavailableName": "A file or a folder with the same name already exist at the new location. Rename the element and try again.",
+ "fs_migration": "Your CryptDrive is being updated to a new version. As a result, the current page has to be reloaded.
Please reload this page to continue to use it.",
+ "login_login": "Log in",
+ "login_makeAPad": "Create a pad anonymously",
+ "login_nologin": "Browse local pads",
+ "login_register": "Sign up",
+ "logoutButton": "Log out",
+ "settingsButton": "Settings",
+ "login_username": "Username",
+ "login_password": "Password",
+ "login_confirm": "Confirm your password",
+ "login_remember": "Remember me",
+ "login_hashing": "Hashing your password, this might take some time.",
+ "login_hello": "Hello {0},",
+ "login_helloNoName": "Hello,",
+ "login_accessDrive": "Access your drive",
+ "login_orNoLogin": "or",
+ "login_noSuchUser": "Invalid username or password. Try again, or sign up",
+ "login_invalUser": "Username required",
+ "login_invalPass": "Password required",
+ "login_unhandledError": "An unexpected error occurred :(",
+ "register_importRecent": "Import pads from your anonymous session",
+ "register_acceptTerms": "I accept the terms of service",
+ "register_passwordsDontMatch": "Passwords do not match!",
+ "register_passwordTooShort": "Passwords must be at least {0} characters long.",
+ "register_mustAcceptTerms": "You must accept the terms of service.",
+ "register_mustRememberPass": "We cannot reset your password if you forget it. It's very important that you remember it! Please check the checkbox to confirm.",
+ "register_whyRegister": "Why sign up?",
+ "register_header": "Welcome to CryptPad",
+ "register_explanation": "Lets go over a couple things first:
- Your password is your secret key which encrypts all of your pads. If you lose it there is no way we can recover your data.
- You can import pads which were recently viewed in your browser so you have them in your account.
- If you are using a shared computer, you need to log out when you are done, closing the tab is not enough.
+ "register_writtenPassword": "I have written down my username and password, proceed",
+ "register_cancel": "Go back",
+ "register_warning": "Zero Knowledge means that we can't recover your data if you lose your password.",
+ "register_alreadyRegistered": "This user already exists, do you want to log in?",
+ "settings_cat_account": "Account",
+ "settings_cat_drive": "CryptDrive",
+ "settings_cat_cursor": "Cursor",
+ "settings_cat_code": "Code",
+ "settings_cat_pad": "Rich text",
+ "settings_cat_creation": "New pad",
+ "settings_cat_subscription": "Subscription",
+ "settings_title": "Settings",
+ "settings_save": "Save",
+ "settings_backupCategory": "Backup",
+ "settings_backupHint": "Backup or restore all your CryptDrive's content. It won't contain the content of your pads, just the keys to access them.",
+ "settings_backup": "Backup",
+ "settings_restore": "Restore",
+ "settings_backupHint2": "Download the current content of all your pads. Pads will be downloaded in an readable format if such a format is available.",
+ "settings_backup2": "Download my CryptDrive",
+ "settings_backup2Confirm": "This will download all the pads and files from your CryptDrive. If you want to continue, pick a name and press OK",
+ "settings_exportTitle": "Export your CryptDrive",
+ "settings_exportDescription": "Please wait while we're downloading and decrypting your documents. This may take a few minutes. Closing the tab will interrupt the process.",
+ "settings_exportFailed": "If a pad requires more than 1 minute to be downloaded, it won't be included in the export. A link to any pad that has not been exported will be displayed.",
+ "settings_exportWarning": "Note: this tool is still in a beta version and it might have scalability issues. For better performance, it is recommended to leave this tab focused.",
+ "settings_exportCancel": "Are you sure you want to cancel the export? You will have to start again from the beginning next time.",
+ "settings_export_reading": "Reading your CryptDrive...",
+ "settings_export_download": "Downloading and decrypting your documents...",
+ "settings_export_compressing": "Compressing data...",
+ "settings_export_done": "Your download is ready!",
+ "settings_exportError": "View errors",
+ "settings_exportErrorDescription": "We weren't able to add the following documents into the export:",
+ "settings_exportErrorEmpty": "This document can't be exported (empty or invalid content).",
+ "settings_exportErrorMissing": "This document is missing from our servers (expired or deleted by its owner)",
+ "settings_exportErrorOther": "An error occured while trying to export this document: {0}",
+ "settings_resetNewTitle": "Clean CryptDrive",
+ "settings_resetButton": "Remove",
+ "settings_reset": "Remove all the files and folders from your CryptDrive",
+ "settings_resetPrompt": "This action will remove all the pads from your drive.
Are you sure you want to continue?
Type “I love CryptPad” to confirm.",
+ "settings_resetDone": "Your drive is now empty!",
+ "settings_resetError": "Incorrect verification text. Your CryptDrive has not been changed.",
+ "settings_resetTipsAction": "Reset",
+ "settings_resetTips": "Tips",
+ "settings_resetTipsButton": "Reset the available tips in CryptDrive",
+ "settings_resetTipsDone": "All the tips are now visible again.",
+ "settings_thumbnails": "Thumbnails",
+ "settings_disableThumbnailsAction": "Disable thumbnails creation in your CryptDrive",
+ "settings_disableThumbnailsDescription": "Thumbnails are automatically created and stored in your browser when you visit a new pad. You can disable this feature here.",
+ "settings_resetThumbnailsAction": "Clean",
+ "settings_resetThumbnailsDescription": "Clean all the pads thumbnails stored in your browser.",
+ "settings_resetThumbnailsDone": "All the thumbnails have been erased.",
+ "settings_importTitle": "Import this browser's recent pads in your CryptDrive",
+ "settings_import": "Import",
+ "settings_importConfirm": "Are you sure you want to import recent pads from this browser to your user account's CryptDrive?",
+ "settings_importDone": "Import completed",
+ "settings_autostoreTitle": "Pad storage in CryptDrive",
+ "settings_autostoreHint": "Automatic All the pads you visit are stored in your CryptDrive.
Manual (always ask) If you have not stored a pad yet, you will be asked if you want to store them in your CryptDrive.
Manual (never ask) Pads are not stored automatically in your Cryptpad. The option to store them will be hidden.",
+ "settings_autostoreYes": "Automatic",
+ "settings_autostoreNo": "Manual (never ask)",
+ "settings_autostoreMaybe": "Manual (always ask)",
+ "settings_userFeedbackTitle": "Feedback",
+ "settings_userFeedbackHint1": "CryptPad provides some very basic feedback to the server, to let us know how to improve your experience. ",
+ "settings_userFeedbackHint2": "Your pad's content will never be shared with the server.",
+ "settings_userFeedback": "Enable user feedback",
+ "settings_deleteTitle": "Account deletion",
+ "settings_deleteHint": "Account deletion is permanent. Your CryptDrive and your list of pads will be deleted from the server. The rest of your pads will be deleted in 90 days if nobody else has stored them in their CryptDrive.",
+ "settings_deleteButton": "Delete your account",
+ "settings_deleteModal": "Share the following information with your CryptPad administrator in order to have your data removed from their server.",
+ "settings_deleteConfirm": "Clicking OK will delete your account permanently. Are you sure?",
+ "settings_deleted": "Your user account is now deleted. Press OK to go to the home page.",
+ "settings_anonymous": "You are not logged in. Settings here are specific to this browser.",
+ "settings_publicSigningKey": "Public Signing Key",
+ "settings_usage": "Usage",
+ "settings_usageTitle": "See the total size of your pinned pads in MB",
+ "settings_pinningNotAvailable": "Pinned pads are only available to registered users.",
+ "settings_pinningError": "Something went wrong",
+ "settings_usageAmount": "Your pinned pads occupy {0}MB",
+ "settings_logoutEverywhereButton": "Log out",
+ "settings_logoutEverywhereTitle": "Log out everywhere",
+ "settings_logoutEverywhere": "Force log out of all other web sessions",
+ "settings_logoutEverywhereConfirm": "Are you sure? You will need to log in with all your devices.",
+ "settings_driveDuplicateTitle": "Duplicated owned pads",
+ "settings_driveDuplicateHint": "When you move your owned pads to a shared folder, a copy is kept in your CryptDrive to ensure that you retain your control over it. You can hide duplicated files. Only the shared version will be visible, unless deleted, in which case the original will be displayed in its previous location.",
+ "settings_driveDuplicateLabel": "Hide duplicates",
+ "settings_codeIndentation": "Code editor indentation (spaces)",
+ "settings_codeUseTabs": "Indent using tabs (instead of spaces)",
+ "settings_codeFontSize": "Font size in the code editor",
+ "settings_padWidth": "Editor's maximum width",
+ "settings_padWidthHint": "Rich text pads use by default the maximum available width on your screen and it can be difficult to read. You can reduce the editor's width here.",
+ "settings_padWidthLabel": "Reduce the editor's width",
+ "settings_padSpellcheckTitle": "Spellcheck",
+ "settings_padSpellcheckHint": "This option allows you to enable spellcheck in rich text pads. Spelling errors will be underlined in red and you'll have to hold your Ctrl or Meta key while right-clicking to see the correct options.",
+ "settings_padSpellcheckLabel": "Enable spellcheck in rich text pads",
+ "settings_creationSkip": "Skip the pad creation screen",
+ "settings_creationSkipHint": "The pad creation screen offers new options to create a pad, providing you more control and security over your data. However, it may slow down your workflow by adding one additional step so, here, you have the option to skip this screen and use the default settings selected above.",
+ "settings_creationSkipTrue": "Skip",
+ "settings_creationSkipFalse": "Display",
+ "settings_templateSkip": "Skip the template selection modal",
+ "settings_templateSkipHint": "When you create a new empty pad, if you have stored templates for this type of pad, a modal appears to ask if you want to use a template. Here you can choose to never show this modal and so to never use a template.",
+ "settings_ownDriveTitle": "Enable latest account features",
+ "settings_ownDriveHint": "For technical reasons, older accounts do not have access to all of our latest features. A free upgrade to a new account will prepare your CryptDrive for upcoming features without disrupting your usual activities.",
+ "settings_ownDriveButton": "Upgrade your account",
+ "settings_ownDriveConfirm": "Upgrading your account may take some time. You will need to log back in on all your devices. Are you sure?",
+ "settings_ownDrivePending": "Your account is being upgraded. Please do not close or reload this page until the process has completed.",
+ "settings_changePasswordTitle": "Change your password",
+ "settings_changePasswordHint": "Change your account's password. Enter your current password, and confirm the new password by typing it twice.
We can't reset your password if you forget it, so be very careful!",
+ "settings_changePasswordButton": "Change password",
+ "settings_changePasswordCurrent": "Current password",
+ "settings_changePasswordNew": "New password",
+ "settings_changePasswordNewConfirm": "Confirm new password",
+ "settings_changePasswordConfirm": "Are you sure you want to change your password? You will need to log back in on all your devices.",
+ "settings_changePasswordError": "An unexpected error occurred. If you are unable to login or change your password, contact your CryptPad administrators.",
+ "settings_changePasswordPending": "Your password is being updated. Please do not close or reload this page until the process has completed.",
+ "settings_changePasswordNewPasswordSameAsOld": "Your new password must be different than your current password.",
+ "settings_cursorColorTitle": "Cursor color",
+ "settings_cursorColorHint": "Change the color associated with your user in collaborative documents.",
+ "settings_cursorShareTitle": "Share my cursor position",
+ "settings_cursorShareHint": "You can decide if you want other users to see your cursor position in collaborative documents.",
+ "settings_cursorShareLabel": "Share the position",
+ "settings_cursorShowTitle": "Display other users' cursor position",
+ "settings_cursorShowHint": "You can choose if you want to see the other users' cursor in collaborative documents.",
+ "settings_cursorShowLabel": "Show cursors",
+ "upload_title": "File upload",
+ "upload_type": "Type",
+ "upload_modal_title": "File upload options",
+ "upload_modal_filename": "File name (extension {0} added automatically)",
+ "upload_modal_owner": "Owned file",
+ "upload_serverError": "Server Error: unable to upload your file at this time.",
+ "upload_uploadPending": "You already have an upload in progress. Cancel it and upload your new file?",
+ "upload_success": "Your file ({0}) has been successfully uploaded and added to your drive.",
+ "upload_notEnoughSpace": "There is not enough space for this file in your CryptDrive.",
+ "upload_notEnoughSpaceBrief": "Not enough space",
+ "upload_tooLarge": "This file exceeds the maximum upload size.",
+ "upload_tooLargeBrief": "File too large",
+ "upload_choose": "Choose a file",
+ "upload_pending": "Pending",
+ "upload_cancelled": "Cancelled",
+ "upload_name": "File name",
+ "upload_size": "Size",
+ "upload_progress": "Progress",
+ "upload_mustLogin": "You must be logged in to upload files",
+ "upload_up": "Upload",
+ "download_button": "Decrypt & Download",
+ "download_mt_button": "Download",
+ "download_resourceNotAvailable": "The requested resource was not available... Press Esc to continue.",
+ "download_dl": "Download",
+ "download_step1": "Downloading",
+ "download_step2": "Decrypting",
+ "todo_title": "CryptTodo",
+ "todo_newTodoNamePlaceholder": "Describe your task...",
+ "todo_newTodoNameTitle": "Add this task to your todo list",
+ "todo_markAsCompleteTitle": "Mark this task as complete",
+ "todo_markAsIncompleteTitle": "Mark this task as incomplete",
+ "todo_removeTaskTitle": "Remove this task from your todo list",
+ "pad_showToolbar": "Show toolbar",
+ "pad_hideToolbar": "Hide toolbar",
+ "pad_base64": "This pad contains images stored in an inefficient way. These images will significantly increase the size of the pad in your CryptDrive, and make it slower to load. You can migrate these files to a new format which will be stored separately in your CryptDrive. Do you want to migrate these images now?",
+ "mdToolbar_button": "Show or hide the Markdown toolbar",
+ "mdToolbar_defaultText": "Your text here",
+ "mdToolbar_help": "Help",
+ "mdToolbar_tutorial": "http://www.markdowntutorial.com/",
+ "mdToolbar_bold": "Bold",
+ "mdToolbar_italic": "Italic",
+ "mdToolbar_strikethrough": "Strikethrough",
+ "mdToolbar_heading": "Heading",
+ "mdToolbar_link": "Link",
+ "mdToolbar_quote": "Quote",
+ "mdToolbar_nlist": "Ordered list",
+ "mdToolbar_list": "Bullet list",
+ "mdToolbar_check": "Task list",
+ "mdToolbar_code": "Code",
+ "home_product": "CryptPad is a private-by-design alternative to popular office tools and cloud services. All the content stored on CryptPad is encrypted before being sent, which means nobody can access your data unless you give them the keys (not even us).",
+ "home_host": "This is an independent community instance of CryptPad. Its source code is available on GitHub.",
+ "home_host_agpl": "CryptPad is distributed under the terms of the AGPL3 software license",
+ "home_ngi": "NGI Award winner",
+ "about_intro": "CryptPad is created inside of the Research Team at XWiki SAS, a small business located in Paris France and Iasi Romania. There are 3 core team members working on CryptPad plus a number of contributors both inside and outside of XWiki SAS.",
+ "about_core": "Core Developers",
+ "about_contributors": "Key Contributors",
+ "main_about_p22": "Tweet us",
+ "main_about_p23": "open an issue on GitHub",
+ "main_about_p24": "say Hello (Matrix)",
+ "main_about_p25": "send us an email",
+ "main_about_p26": "If you have any questions or comments, feel free to reach out!",
+ "main_info": "Collaborate in Confidence
Grow your ideas together with shared documents while Zero Knowledge technology secures your privacy; even from us.",
+ "main_catch_phrase": "The Zero Knowledge Cloud",
+ "main_richText": "Rich Text editor",
+ "main_code": "Code editor",
+ "main_slide": "Slide editor",
+ "main_poll": "Polls",
+ "main_drive": "CryptDrive",
+ "main_richTextPad": "Rich Text Pad",
+ "main_codePad": "Markdown/Code Pad",
+ "main_sheetPad": "Spreadsheets (Beta)",
+ "main_slidePad": "Markdown Presentation",
+ "main_pollPad": "Poll or Schedule",
+ "main_whiteboardPad": "Whiteboard",
+ "main_kanbanPad": "Kanban",
+ "main_localPads": "Local Pads",
+ "main_yourCryptDrive": "Your CryptDrive",
+ "main_footerText": "With CryptPad, you can make quick collaborative documents for taking notes and writing down ideas together.",
+ "footer_applications": "Applications",
+ "footer_contact": "Contact",
+ "footer_aboutUs": "About us",
+ "about": "About",
+ "privacy": "Privacy",
+ "contact": "Contact",
+ "terms": "ToS",
+ "blog": "Blog",
+ "topbar_whatIsCryptpad": "What is CryptPad",
+ "whatis_title": "What is CryptPad",
+ "whatis_collaboration": "Fast, Easy Collaboration",
+ "whatis_collaboration_p1": "With CryptPad, you can make quick collaborative documents for taking notes and writing down ideas together. When you sign up and log in, you get file upload capability and a CryptDrive where you can organize all of your pads. As a registered user you get 50MB of space for free.",
+ "whatis_collaboration_p2": "You can share access to a CryptPad document simply by sharing the link. You can also share a link which provides read only access to a pad, allowing you to publicise your collaborative work while still being able to edit it.",
+ "whatis_collaboration_p3": "You can make simple rich text documents with CKEditor as well as Markdown documents which are rendered in realtime while you type. You can also use the poll app for scheduling events with multiple participants.",
+ "whatis_zeroknowledge": "Zero Knowledge",
+ "whatis_zeroknowledge_p1": "We don't want to know what you're typing and with modern cryptography, you can be sure that we can't know. CryptPad uses 100% client side encryption to protect the content that you type from us, the people who host the server.",
+ "whatis_zeroknowledge_p2": "When you sign up and log in, your username and password are computed into a secret key using scrypt key derivation function. Neither this key, nor the username and password are ever sent to the server. Instead they are used on the client side to decrypt the content of your CryptDrive, which contains the keys to all pads that you are able to access.",
+ "whatis_zeroknowledge_p3": "When you share the link to a document, you're sharing the cryptographic key for accessing that document but since the key is in the fragment identifier, it is never directly sent to the server. Check out our privacy blog post to learn more about what types of metadata we do and do not have access to.",
+ "whatis_drive": "Organization with CryptDrive",
+ "whatis_drive_p1": "Whenever you access a pad in CryptPad, the pad is automatically added to your CryptDrive in the main folder. Later on, you can organize these pads into folders or you can put them in the trash bin. CryptDrive allows you to search through your pads and to organize them whenever you want, however you want.",
+ "whatis_drive_p2": "With intuitive drag-and-drop, you can move pads around in your drive and the link to these pads will stay the same so your collaborators will never lose access.",
+ "whatis_drive_p3": "You can also upload files in your CryptDrive and share them with colleagues. Uploaded files can be organized just like collaborative pads.",
+ "whatis_business": "CryptPad for Business",
+ "whatis_business_p1": "CryptPad's Zero Knowledge encryption multiplies the effectiveness of existing security protocols by mirroring organizational access controls in cryptography. Because sensitive assets can only be decrypted using user access credentials, CryptPad is less valuable as a target when compared to traditional cloud services. Read the CryptPad Whitepaper to learn more about how it can help your business.",
+ "whatis_business_p2": "CryptPad is deployable on premises and the CryptPad developers at XWiki SAS are able to offer commercial support, customization and development. Reach out to sales@cryptpad.fr for more information.",
+ "policy_title": "CryptPad Privacy Policy",
+ "policy_whatweknow": "What we know about you",
+ "policy_whatweknow_p1": "As an application that is hosted on the web, CryptPad has access to metadata exposed by the HTTP protocol. This includes your IP address, and various other HTTP headers that can be used to identify your particular browser. You can see what information your browser is sharing by visiting WhatIsMyBrowser.com.",
+ "policy_whatweknow_p2": "We use Kibana, an open source analytics platform, to learn more about our users. Kibana tells us about how you found CryptPad, via direct entry, through a search engine, or via a referral from another web service like Reddit or Twitter.",
+ "policy_howweuse": "How we use what we learn",
+ "policy_howweuse_p1": "We use this information to make better decisions about promoting CryptPad, by evaluating which of our past efforts were successful. Information about your location lets us know whether we should consider providing better support for languages other than English.",
+ "policy_howweuse_p2": "Information about your browser (whether it's a desktop or mobile operating system) helps us make decisions when prioritizing feature improvements. Our development team is small, and we try to make choices that will improve as many users' experience as possible.",
+ "policy_whatwetell": "What we tell others about you",
+ "policy_whatwetell_p1": "We do not furnish to third parties the information that we gather or that you provide to us unless we are legally required to do so.",
+ "policy_links": "Links to other sites",
+ "policy_links_p1": "This site contains links to other sites, including those produced by other organizations. We are not responsible for the privacy practices or the contents of any outside sites. As a general rule, links to outside sites are launched in a new browser window, to make clear that you are leaving CryptPad.fr.",
+ "policy_ads": "Advertisement",
+ "policy_ads_p1": "We do not display any online advertising, though we may link to the bodies which are financing our research.",
+ "policy_choices": "Choices you have",
+ "policy_choices_open": "Our code is open source, so you always have the option of hosting your own instance of CryptPad.",
+ "policy_choices_vpn": "If you want to use our hosted instance, but don't want to expose your IP address, you can protect your IP using the Tor browser bundle, or a VPN.",
+ "policy_choices_ads": "If you just want to block our analytics platform, you can use adblocking tools like Privacy Badger.",
+ "features": "Features",
+ "features_title": "Feature comparison",
+ "features_feature": "Feature",
+ "features_anon": "Anonymous user",
+ "features_registered": "Registered user",
+ "features_premium": "Premium user",
+ "features_notes": "Notes",
+ "features_f_apps": "Access to the main applications",
+ "features_f_core": "Common features for the applications",
+ "features_f_core_note": "Edit, Import & Export, History, Userlist, Chat",
+ "features_f_file0": "Open files",
+ "features_f_file0_note": "View and download files shared by other users",
+ "features_f_cryptdrive0": "Limited access to CryptDrive",
+ "features_f_cryptdrive0_note": "Ability to store visited pads in your browser to be able to open them later",
+ "features_f_storage0": "Limited storage time",
+ "features_f_storage0_note": "Created pads risk deletion after 3 months of inactivity",
+ "features_f_anon": "All anonymous user features",
+ "features_f_anon_note": "With better usability and more power over your pads",
+ "features_f_cryptdrive1": "Complete CryptDrive functionality",
+ "features_f_cryptdrive1_note": "Folders, shared folders, templates, tags",
+ "features_f_devices": "Your pads on all your devices",
+ "features_f_devices_note": "Access your CryptDrive everywhere with your user account",
+ "features_f_social": "Social applications",
+ "features_f_social_note": "Create a profile, use an avatar, chat with contacts",
+ "features_f_file1": "Upload and share files",
+ "features_f_file1_note": "Share files with your friends or embed them in your pads",
+ "features_f_storage1": "Permanent storage (50MB)",
+ "features_f_storage1_note": "Pads stored in your CryptDrive are never deleted for inactivity",
+ "features_f_register": "Register for free",
+ "features_f_register_note": "No email or personal information required",
+ "features_f_reg": "All registered user features",
+ "features_f_reg_note": "And help CryptPad's development",
+ "features_f_storage2": "Extra storage space",
+ "features_f_storage2_note": "From 5GB to 50GB depending on the selected plan",
+ "features_f_support": "Faster support",
+ "features_f_support_note": "Professional email support with the Team plan",
+ "features_f_supporter": "Become a privacy supporter",
+ "features_f_supporter_note": "Help us show that privacy-enhancing software should be the norm",
+ "features_f_subscribe": "Subscribe to premium",
+ "features_f_subscribe_note": "You need to be logged in to CryptPad first",
+ "faq_link": "FAQ",
+ "faq_title": "Frequently Asked Questions",
+ "faq_whatis": "What is CryptPad?",
+ "faq": {
+ "keywords": {
+ "title": "Keywords",
+ "pad": {
+ "q": "What is a pad?",
+ "a": "Pad is a term popularized by Etherpad, a real-time collaborative editor.\nIt refers to a document that you can edit in your browser, generally with other people's changes visible nearly instantly."
+ },
+ "owned": {
+ "q": "What is an owned Pad?",
+ "a": "An owned pad is a pad created with an explicit owner, identified to the server by their public signing key. A pad's owner may choose to delete their pads from the server, making it unavailable to other collaborators in the future, whether they had it in their CryptDrive or not."
+ },
+ "expiring": {
+ "q": "What is an expiring Pad?",
+ "a": "An expiring pad is a pad created with a set time at which it will be automatically removed from the server. Expiring pads can be configured to last anywhere from one hour to one hundred months. The pad and all of its history will become permanently unavailable even if it is being edited at the time that it expires.
If a pad is set to expire, you can check its expiration time by viewing its properties, either by right-clicking the pad in your CryptDrive, or by using the properties sub-menu from an application's toolbar."
+ },
+ "tag": {
+ "q": "How can I use tags?",
+ "a": "You can tag pads and uploaded files via your CryptDrive, or using the tag button () in any editor's toolbar. Search for pads and files in your CryptDrive using the search bar with a term beginning with hashtag, like #crypto."
+ },
+ "template": {
+ "q": "What is a template?",
+ "a": "A template is a pad which can be used to define to initial content for another pad of the same type when you create it. Any existing pad can be turned into a template by moving it into the Templates section in your CryptDrive. You can also create a copy of a pad to be used as a template by clicking the template button () in the editor's toolbar."
+ },
+ "abandoned": {
+ "q": "What is an abandoned pad?",
+ "a": "An abandoned pad is a pad that is not pinned in any registered user's CryptDrive and that hasn't been changed for six months. Abandoned documents will be automatically removed from the server."
+ }
+ },
+ "privacy": {
+ "title": "Privacy",
+ "different": {
+ "q": "How is CryptPad different from other Pad services?",
+ "a": "CryptPad encrypts changes to your pads before sending that information to be stored on the server, so we can't read what you're typing."
+ },
+ "me": {
+ "q": "What information does the server know about me?",
+ "a": "Server administrators are able to see the IP addresses of people who visit the CryptPad. We don't record which addresses visit which pads, but we could, even though we don't have access to the decrypted content of those pads. If you are worried about us analyzing that information, it's safest to assume that we do collect it, since we can't prove that we don't.
We collect some basic telemetry about how people use CryptPad, such as the size of the screen on their device, and which buttons they click the most.This helps us improve the software, but if you'd prefer not to send such information to the server, you can opt out by unchecking the Enable user feedback checkbox.
We do keep track of which pads are in a user's CryptDrive so that we can impose storage limits, but we don't know the content or type of those pads. Storage quotas are associated with a user's public key, but we don't associate names or emails with those public keys.
For more information, you can read this blog post which we wrote about the topic."
+ },
+ "register": {
+ "q": "Does the server know more about me if I register?",
+ "a": "We don't require users to verify their email address, and the server does not even learn your username or password when you register. Instead, the register and login forms generate a unique keyring from your input, and the server only learns your cryptographic signature. We use this information to track details like how much data you are using, which allows us to restrict each user to a quota.
We use our feedback functionality to inform the server that someone with your IP has registered an account. We use this to measure how many people register for CryptPad accounts, and to see what regions they are in so that we can guess which languages may need better support.
Registered users inform the server which pads are in their CryptDrive so that such pads are not considered abandoned, and are removed from the server due to inactivity."
+ },
+ "other": {
+ "q": "What can other collaborators learn about me?",
+ "a": "When you edit a pad with someone else, you communicate through the server, so only we learn your IP address. Other users can see your display name, avatar, the link to your profile (if you have one), and your public key (which is used for encrypting communications between each other)."
+ },
+ "anonymous": {
+ "q": "Does CryptPad make me anonymous?",
+ "a": "Even though CryptPad is designed to know as little about you as possible, it does not provide strong anonymity. Our servers have access to your IP address, however, you can hide this information by using Tor to access CryptPad. Using Tor without changing your behaviour will not guarantee you anonymity, as the server is also able to identify users by their unique cryptographic identifier. If you use the same account when you're not using Tor, it will be possible to deanonymize your session.
For users who require a lesser degree of privacy, CryptPad does not require users to identify themselves by name, phone number, or email address like many other services."
+ },
+ "policy": {
+ "q": "Do you have a data privacy policy?",
+ "a": "Yes! It is available here."
+ }
+ },
+ "security": {
+ "title": "Security",
+ "proof": {
+ "q": "How do you use Zero Knowledge Proofs?",
+ "a": "When we use the term Zero Knowledge, we are not referring to Zero Knowledge proofs, but to Zero Knowledge Web Services. Zero Knowledge Web Services encrypt user data in the user's browser, without the server ever having access to the unencrypted data, or the encryption keys.
We've compiled a short list of Zero Knowledge services here."
+ },
+ "why": {
+ "q": "Why should I use CryptPad?",
+ "a": "Our position is that cloud services should not require access to your data in order for you to share it with your friends and colleagues. If you are using another service to collaborate, and they do not explicitly say that they can't access your information, it is very likely that they are leveraging it for profit."
+ },
+ "compromised": {
+ "q": "Does CryptPad protect me if my device is compromised?",
+ "a": "In the event that your device is stolen, CryptPad allows you to trigger a remote logout of all devices except the one you are currently using. To do so, go to your settings page and click Log out everywhere. All other devices which are currently connected to the account will log out. Any previously connected devices which visit CryptPad will log out as soon as they load the page.
Currently, remote logout is implemented in the browser, not in conjunction with the server. As such, it may not protect you from government agencies, but it should be sufficient if you forgot to log out after using CryptPad from a shared computer."
+ },
+ "crypto": {
+ "q": "What cryptography do you use?",
+ "a": "CryptPad is based upon two open-source cryptography libraries: tweetnacl.js and scrypt-async.js.
Scrypt is a password-based key derivation algorithm. We use it to turn your username and password into a unique keyring which secures access to your CryptDrive such that only you can access your list of pads.
We use the xsalsa20-poly1305 and x25519-xsalsa20-poly1305 cyphers provided by tweetnacl to encrypt pads and chat history, respectively."
+ }
+ },
+ "usability": {
+ "title": "Usability",
+ "register": {
+ "q": "What do I get by registering?",
+ "a": "Registered users have access to a number of features unavailable to unregistered users. There's a chart here."
+ },
+ "share": {
+ "q": "How can I share encrypted pads with my friends?",
+ "a": "CryptPad puts the secret encryption key to your pad after the # character in the URL. Anything after this character is not sent to the server, so we never have access to your encryption keys. By sharing the link to a pad, you share the ability to read and access it."
+ },
+ "remove": {
+ "q": "I removed a pad or file from my CryptDrive, but the content is still available. How can I remove it?",
+ "a": "Only owned pads (introduced in February 2018) can be deleted. Additionally, these pads can only be deleted by their owners (the person that originally created the pad). If you are not the creator of the pad, you will have to ask its owner to delete it for you. For pads you do own, you can right-click the pad in your CryptDrive, and choose Delete from the server."
+ },
+ "forget": {
+ "q": "What if I forget my password?",
+ "a": "Unfortunately, if we could recover access to your encrypted pads for you, we'd be able to access them ourselves. If you did not record your username and password anywhere, and cannot remember either, you may be able to recover your pads by filtering your browser's history."
+ },
+ "change": {
+ "q": "What if I want to change my password?",
+ "a": "You can change your CryptPad password in your account settings page."
+ },
+ "devices": {
+ "q": "I am logged in on two devices, and see two different CryptDrives, how is this possible?",
+ "a": "It's probable that you registered the same name twice, using different passwords. Because the CryptPad server identifies you by your cryptographic signature and not your name, it cannot prevent others from registering with the same name. As such, each user account has a unique username and password combination. Logged in users can see their username at the top of the settings page."
+ },
+ "folder": {
+ "q": "Can I share entire folders from my CryptDrive?",
+ "a": "We're working on adding support for \"workgroups\", which would allow collaborators to share a folder structure, and all the pads contained within that structure."
+ },
+ "feature": {
+ "q": "Can you add a very special feature which I need?",
+ "a": "Many of the features in CryptPad exist because users asked for them. Our contacts page lists the ways that you can reach us.
Unfortunately, we cannot guarantee that we will implement everything that people ask for. If a particular feature is critical for your organization, you can sponsor development time to ensure its completion. Please contact sales@cryptpad.fr for more information.
Even if you cannot afford to sponsor development, we're interested in feedback that can help us improve CryptPad. Feel free to contact us with via the above methods any time."
+ }
+ },
+ "other": {
+ "title": "Other questions",
+ "pay": {
+ "q": "Why should I pay when so many features are free?",
+ "a": "We give supporters additional storage and the ability to increase their friends' quotas (learn more).
Beyond these short term benefits, by subscribing with a premium account you help to fund continued, active development of CryptPad. That includes fixing bugs, adding new features, and making it easier for others to help host CryptPad themselves. Additionally, you help to prove to other service providers that people are willing to support privacy enhancing technologies. It is our hope that eventually business models based on selling user data will become a thing of the past.
Finally, we offer most of CryptPad's functionality for free because we believe everyone deserves personal privacy, not just those with disposable income. By supporting us, you help us continue to make it possible for underprivileged populations to access these basic features without a price tag attached."
+ },
+ "goal": {
+ "q": "What is your goal?",
+ "a": "By developing privacy-respecting collaboration technology, we wish to raise users' expectations of privacy from cloud-computing platforms. We hope that our work drives other service providers in all domains to match or exceed our efforts. Despite our optimism, we know that much of the web is funded by revenue from targeted advertising. There is much more work to be done than we can manage ourselves, and we appreciate the promotion, support, and contributions of our community towards this goal."
+ },
+ "jobs": {
+ "q": "Are you hiring?",
+ "a": "Yes! Please introduce yourself with an email to jobs@xwiki.com."
+ },
+ "host": {
+ "q": "Can you help me set up my own instance of CryptPad?",
+ "a": "We are happy to provide support for your organization's internal CryptPad installation. Please contact sales@cryptpad.fr for more information."
+ },
+ "revenue": {
+ "q": "How can I participate in the revenue sharing?",
+ "a": " If you are running your own instance of CryptPad, and would like to enable paid accounts and split the revenue with the developers, your server will need to be configured as a partner service.
In your CryptPad directory, config.example.js should contain an explanation of what you need to configure on your server. You will need to contact sales@cryptpad.fr to verify that your server is configured to use HTTPS correctly, and discuss payment methods."
+ }
+ }
- "security": {
- "title": "Security",
- "proof": {
- "q": "How do you use Zero Knowledge Proofs?",
- "a": "When we use the term Zero Knowledge, we are not referring to Zero Knowledge proofs, but to Zero Knowledge Web Services. Zero Knowledge Web Services encrypt user data in the user's browser, without the server ever having access to the unencrypted data, or the encryption keys.
We've compiled a short list of Zero Knowledge services here."
- },
- "why": {
- "q": "Why should I use CryptPad?",
- "a": "Our position is that cloud services should not require access to your data in order for you to share it with your friends and colleagues. If you are using another service to collaborate, and they do not explicitly say that they can't access your information, it is very likely that they are leveraging it for profit."
- },
- "compromised": {
- "q": "Does CryptPad protect me if my device is compromised?",
- "a": "In the event that your device is stolen, CryptPad allows you to trigger a remote logout of all devices except the one you are currently using. To do so, go to your settings page and click Log out everywhere. All other devices which are currently connected to the account will log out. Any previously connected devices which visit CryptPad will log out as soon as they load the page.
Currently, remote logout is implemented in the browser, not in conjunction with the server. As such, it may not protect you from government agencies, but it should be sufficient if you forgot to log out after using CryptPad from a shared computer."
- },
- "crypto": {
- "q": "What cryptography do you use?",
- "a": "CryptPad is based upon two open-source cryptography libraries: tweetnacl.js and scrypt-async.js.
Scrypt is a password-based key derivation algorithm. We use it to turn your username and password into a unique keyring which secures access to your CryptDrive such that only you can access your list of pads.
We use the xsalsa20-poly1305 and x25519-xsalsa20-poly1305 cyphers provided by tweetnacl to encrypt pads and chat history, respectively."
- }
+ "tos_title": "CryptPad Terms of Service",
+ "tos_legal": "Please don't be malicious, abusive, or do anything illegal.",
+ "tos_availability": "We hope you find this service useful, but availability or performance cannot be guaranteed. Please export your data regularly.",
+ "tos_e2ee": "CryptPad contents can be read or modified by anyone who can guess or otherwise obtain the pad's fragment identifier. We recommend that you use end-to-end-encrypted (e2ee) messaging technology to share links, and assume no liability in the event that such a link is leaked.",
+ "tos_logs": "Metadata provided by your browser to the server may be logged for the purpose of maintaining the service.",
+ "tos_3rdparties": "We do not provide individualized data to third parties unless required to by law.",
+ "four04_pageNotFound": "We couldn't find the page you were looking for.",
+ "updated_0_header_logoTitle": "Go to your CryptDrive",
+ "header_logoTitle": "Go to your CryptDrive",
+ "header_homeTitle": "Go to CryptPad homepage",
+ "help": {
+ "title": "Getting started",
+ "generic": {
+ "more": "Learn more about how CryptPad can work for you by reading our FAQ",
+ "share": "Use the share menu () to generate a link so collaborators can view or edit this pad",
+ "save": "All your changes are synced automatically so you never need to save"
+ },
+ "text": {
+ "formatting": "You can display or hide the text formatting toolbar by clicking the or buttons",
+ "embed": "Registered users can embed an image or a file stored in their CryptDrive using ",
+ "history": "You can use history to view or restore previous versions"
+ },
+ "pad": {
+ "export": "You can export the content as PDF using the button in the text formatting toolbar"
+ },
+ "code": {
+ "modes": "Use the dropdown menus in the submenu to change syntax highlighting modes or color themes"
+ },
+ "beta": {
+ "warning": "This editor is still experimental, you can report bugs on our issue tracker"
+ },
+ "oo": {
+ "access": "Access is restricted to registered users, collaborators will need to log in"
+ },
+ "slide": {
+ "markdown": "Write slides in Markdown and separate them with a line containing ---
+ "present": "Start the presentation using the button",
+ "settings": "Change the slide settings (background, transitions, page numbers, etc.) with the button in the submenu",
+ "colors": "Change the text and background colors using the and buttons"
+ },
+ "poll": {
+ "decisions": "Make decisions in private among trusted friends",
+ "options": "Propose options, and express your preferences",
+ "choices": "Click cells in your column to cycle through yes (✔), maybe (~), or no (✖)",
+ "submit": "Click submit to make your choices visible to others"
+ },
+ "whiteboard": {
+ "colors": "Double-click colors to modify your palette",
+ "mode": "Disable draw mode to drag and stretch strokes",
+ "embed": "Embed images from your disk or your CryptDrive and export them as PNG to your disk or your CryptDrive "
+ },
+ "kanban": {
+ "add": "Add new boards using the button in the top-right corner",
+ "task": "Move items by dragging and dropping them from one board to another",
+ "color": "Change the colors by clicking on the colored part next to the board titles"
+ }
- "usability": {
- "title": "Usability",
- "register": {
- "q": "What do I get by registering?",
- "a": "Registered users have access to a number of features unavailable to unregistered users. There's a chart here."
- },
- "share": {
- "q": "How can I share encrypted pads with my friends?",
- "a": "CryptPad puts the secret encryption key to your pad after the # character in the URL. Anything after this character is not sent to the server, so we never have access to your encryption keys. By sharing the link to a pad, you share the ability to read and access it."
- },
- "remove": {
- "q": "I removed a pad or file from my CryptDrive, but the content is still available. How can I remove it?",
- "a": "Only owned pads (introduced in February 2018) can be deleted. Additionally, these pads can only be deleted by their owners (the person that originally created the pad). If you are not the creator of the pad, you will have to ask its owner to delete it for you. For pads you do own, you can right-click the pad in your CryptDrive, and choose Delete from the server."
- },
- "forget": {
- "q": "What if I forget my password?",
- "a": "Unfortunately, if we could recover access to your encrypted pads for you, we'd be able to access them ourselves. If you did not record your username and password anywhere, and cannot remember either, you may be able to recover your pads by filtering your browser's history."
- },
- "change": {
- "q": "What if I want to change my password?",
- "a": "You can change your CryptPad password in your account settings page."
- },
- "devices": {
- "q": "I am logged in on two devices, and see two different CryptDrives, how is this possible?",
- "a": "It's probable that you registered the same name twice, using different passwords. Because the CryptPad server identifies you by your cryptographic signature and not your name, it cannot prevent others from registering with the same name. As such, each user account has a unique username and password combination. Logged in users can see their username at the top of the settings page."
- },
- "folder": {
- "q": "Can I share entire folders from my CryptDrive?",
- "a": "We're working on adding support for \"workgroups\", which would allow collaborators to share a folder structure, and all the pads contained within that structure."
- },
- "feature": {
- "q": "Can you add a very special feature which I need?",
- "a": "Many of the features in CryptPad exist because users asked for them. Our contacts page lists the ways that you can reach us.
Unfortunately, we cannot guarantee that we will implement everything that people ask for. If a particular feature is critical for your organization, you can sponsor development time to ensure its completion. Please contact sales@cryptpad.fr for more information.
Even if you cannot afford to sponsor development, we're interested in feedback that can help us improve CryptPad. Feel free to contact us with via the above methods any time."
- }
+ "driveReadmeTitle": "What is CryptPad?",
+ "readme_welcome": "Welcome to CryptPad !",
+ "readme_p1": "Welcome to CryptPad, this is where you can take note of things alone and with friends.",
+ "readme_p2": "This pad will give you a quick walk through of how you can use CryptPad to take notes, keep them organized and work together on them.",
+ "readme_cat1": "Get to know your CryptDrive",
+ "readme_cat1_l1": "Make a pad: In your CryptDrive, click {0} then {1} and you can make a pad.",
+ "readme_cat1_l2": "Open Pads from your CryptDrive: double-click on a pad icon to open it.",
+ "readme_cat1_l3": "Organize your pads: When you are logged in, every pad you access will be shown as in the {0} section of your drive.",
+ "readme_cat1_l3_l1": "You can click and drag files into folders in the {0} section of your drive and make new folders.",
+ "readme_cat1_l3_l2": "Remember to try right clicking on icons because there are often additional menus.",
+ "readme_cat1_l4": "Put old pads in the trash: You can click and drag your pads into the {0} the same way you drag them into folders.",
+ "readme_cat2": "Make pads like a pro",
+ "edit": "edit",
+ "view": "view",
+ "readme_cat2_l1": "The {0} button in your pad allows you to give access to collaborators to either {1} or to {2} the pad.",
+ "readme_cat2_l2": "Change the title of the pad by clicking on the pencil",
+ "readme_cat3": "Discover CryptPad apps",
+ "readme_cat3_l1": "With CryptPad code editor, you can collaborate on code like Javascript and markdown like HTML and Markdown",
+ "readme_cat3_l2": "With CryptPad slide editor, you can make quick presentations using Markdown",
+ "readme_cat3_l3": "With CryptPoll you can take quick votes, especially for scheduling meetings which fit with everybody's calendar",
+ "tips": {
+ "shortcuts": "`ctrl+b`, `ctrl+i` and `ctrl+u` are quick shortcuts for bold, italic and underline.",
+ "indent": "In numbered and bulleted lists, you can use tab or shift+tab to quickly increase or decrease indentation.",
+ "store": "Every time you visit a pad, if you're logged in it will be saved to your CryptDrive.",
+ "marker": "You can highlight text in a pad using the \"marker\" item in the styles dropdown menu.",
+ "driveUpload": "Registered users can upload encrypted files by dragging and dropping them into their CryptDrive.",
+ "filenames": "You can rename files in your CryptDrive, this name is just for you.",
+ "drive": "Logged in users can organize their files in their CryptDrive, accessible from the CryptPad icon at the top left of all pads.",
+ "profile": "Registered users can create a profile from the user menu in the top right.",
+ "avatars": "You can upload an avatar in your profile. People will see it when you collaborate in a pad.",
+ "tags": "Tag your pads and start a search with # in your CryptDrive to find them"
- "other": {
- "title": "Other questions",
- "pay": {
- "q": "Why should I pay when so many features are free?",
- "a": "We give supporters additional storage and the ability to increase their friends' quotas (learn more).
Beyond these short term benefits, by subscribing with a premium account you help to fund continued, active development of CryptPad. That includes fixing bugs, adding new features, and making it easier for others to help host CryptPad themselves. Additionally, you help to prove to other service providers that people are willing to support privacy enhancing technologies. It is our hope that eventually business models based on selling user data will become a thing of the past.
Finally, we offer most of CryptPad's functionality for free because we believe everyone deserves personal privacy, not just those with disposable income. By supporting us, you help us continue to make it possible for underprivileged populations to access these basic features without a price tag attached."
- },
- "goal": {
- "q": "What is your goal?",
- "a": "By developing privacy-respecting collaboration technology, we wish to raise users' expectations of privacy from cloud-computing platforms. We hope that our work drives other service providers in all domains to match or exceed our efforts. Despite our optimism, we know that much of the web is funded by revenue from targeted advertising. There is much more work to be done than we can manage ourselves, and we appreciate the promotion, support, and contributions of our community towards this goal."
- },
- "jobs": {
- "q": "Are you hiring?",
- "a": "Yes! Please introduce yourself with an email to jobs@xwiki.com."
- },
- "host": {
- "q": "Can you help me set up my own instance of CryptPad?",
- "a": "We are happy to provide support for your organization's internal CryptPad installation. Please contact sales@cryptpad.fr for more information."
- },
- "revenue": {
- "q": "How can I participate in the revenue sharing?",
- "a": " If you are running your own instance of CryptPad, and would like to enable paid accounts and split the revenue with the developers, your server will need to be configured as a partner service.
In your CryptPad directory, config.example.js should contain an explanation of what you need to configure on your server. You will need to contact sales@cryptpad.fr to verify that your server is configured to use HTTPS correctly, and discuss payment methods."
- }
- }
- },
- "tos_title": "CryptPad Terms of Service",
- "tos_legal": "Please don't be malicious, abusive, or do anything illegal.",
- "tos_availability": "We hope you find this service useful, but availability or performance cannot be guaranteed. Please export your data regularly.",
- "tos_e2ee": "CryptPad contents can be read or modified by anyone who can guess or otherwise obtain the pad's fragment identifier. We recommend that you use end-to-end-encrypted (e2ee) messaging technology to share links, and assume no liability in the event that such a link is leaked.",
- "tos_logs": "Metadata provided by your browser to the server may be logged for the purpose of maintaining the service.",
- "tos_3rdparties": "We do not provide individualized data to third parties unless required to by law.",
- "four04_pageNotFound": "We couldn't find the page you were looking for.",
- "updated_0_header_logoTitle": "Go to your CryptDrive",
- "header_logoTitle": "Go to your CryptDrive",
- "header_homeTitle": "Go to CryptPad homepage",
- "help": {
- "title": "Getting started",
- "generic": {
- "more": "Learn more about how CryptPad can work for you by reading our FAQ",
- "share": "Use the share menu () to generate a link so collaborators can view or edit this pad",
- "save": "All your changes are synced automatically so you never need to save"
- },
- "text": {
- "formatting": "You can display or hide the text formatting toolbar by clicking the or buttons",
- "embed": "Registered users can embed an image or a file stored in their CryptDrive using ",
- "history": "You can use history to view or restore previous versions"
- },
- "pad": {
- "export": "You can export the content as PDF using the button in the text formatting toolbar"
- },
- "code": {
- "modes": "Use the dropdown menus in the submenu to change syntax highlighting modes or color themes"
- },
- "beta": {
- "warning": "This editor is still experimental, you can report bugs on our issue tracker"
- },
- "oo": {
- "access": "Access is restricted to registered users, collaborators will need to log in"
- },
- "slide": {
- "markdown": "Write slides in Markdown and separate them with a line containing ---
- "present": "Start the presentation using the button",
- "settings": "Change the slide settings (background, transitions, page numbers, etc.) with the button in the submenu",
- "colors": "Change the text and background colors using the and buttons"
- },
- "poll": {
- "decisions": "Make decisions in private among trusted friends",
- "options": "Propose options, and express your preferences",
- "choices": "Click cells in your column to cycle through yes (✔), maybe (~), or no (✖)",
- "submit": "Click submit to make your choices visible to others"
- },
- "whiteboard": {
- "colors": "Double-click colors to modify your palette",
- "mode": "Disable draw mode to drag and stretch strokes",
- "embed": "Embed images from your disk or your CryptDrive and export them as PNG to your disk or your CryptDrive "
- },
- "kanban": {
- "add": "Add new boards using the button in the top-right corner",
- "task": "Move items by dragging and dropping them from one board to another",
- "color": "Change the colors by clicking on the colored part next to the board titles"
- }
- },
- "driveReadmeTitle": "What is CryptPad?",
- "readme_welcome": "Welcome to CryptPad !",
- "readme_p1": "Welcome to CryptPad, this is where you can take note of things alone and with friends.",
- "readme_p2": "This pad will give you a quick walk through of how you can use CryptPad to take notes, keep them organized and work together on them.",
- "readme_cat1": "Get to know your CryptDrive",
- "readme_cat1_l1": "Make a pad: In your CryptDrive, click {0} then {1} and you can make a pad.",
- "readme_cat1_l2": "Open Pads from your CryptDrive: double-click on a pad icon to open it.",
- "readme_cat1_l3": "Organize your pads: When you are logged in, every pad you access will be shown as in the {0} section of your drive.",
- "readme_cat1_l3_l1": "You can click and drag files into folders in the {0} section of your drive and make new folders.",
- "readme_cat1_l3_l2": "Remember to try right clicking on icons because there are often additional menus.",
- "readme_cat1_l4": "Put old pads in the trash: You can click and drag your pads into the {0} the same way you drag them into folders.",
- "readme_cat2": "Make pads like a pro",
- "edit": "edit",
- "view": "view",
- "readme_cat2_l1": "The {0} button in your pad allows you to give access to collaborators to either {1} or to {2} the pad.",
- "readme_cat2_l2": "Change the title of the pad by clicking on the pencil",
- "readme_cat3": "Discover CryptPad apps",
- "readme_cat3_l1": "With CryptPad code editor, you can collaborate on code like Javascript and markdown like HTML and Markdown",
- "readme_cat3_l2": "With CryptPad slide editor, you can make quick presentations using Markdown",
- "readme_cat3_l3": "With CryptPoll you can take quick votes, especially for scheduling meetings which fit with everybody's calendar",
- "tips": {
- "shortcuts": "`ctrl+b`, `ctrl+i` and `ctrl+u` are quick shortcuts for bold, italic and underline.",
- "indent": "In numbered and bulleted lists, you can use tab or shift+tab to quickly increase or decrease indentation.",
- "store": "Every time you visit a pad, if you're logged in it will be saved to your CryptDrive.",
- "marker": "You can highlight text in a pad using the \"marker\" item in the styles dropdown menu.",
- "driveUpload": "Registered users can upload encrypted files by dragging and dropping them into their CryptDrive.",
- "filenames": "You can rename files in your CryptDrive, this name is just for you.",
- "drive": "Logged in users can organize their files in their CryptDrive, accessible from the CryptPad icon at the top left of all pads.",
- "profile": "Registered users can create a profile from the user menu in the top right.",
- "avatars": "You can upload an avatar in your profile. People will see it when you collaborate in a pad.",
- "tags": "Tag your pads and start a search with # in your CryptDrive to find them"
- },
- "feedback_about": "If you're reading this, you were probably curious why CryptPad is requesting web pages when you perform certain actions",
- "feedback_privacy": "We care about your privacy, and at the same time we want CryptPad to be very easy to use. We use this file to figure out which UI features matter to our users, by requesting it along with a parameter specifying which action was taken.",
- "feedback_optout": "If you would like to opt out, visit your user settings page, where you'll find a checkbox to enable or disable user feedback",
- "creation_404": "This pad not longer exists. Use the following form to create a new pad.",
- "creation_ownedTitle": "Type of pad",
- "creation_owned": "Owned pad",
- "creation_ownedTrue": "Owned pad",
- "creation_ownedFalse": "Open pad",
- "creation_owned1": "An owned pad can be deleted from the server whenever the owner wants. Deleting an owned pad removes it from other users' CryptDrives.",
- "creation_owned2": "An open pad doesn't have any owner and thus, it can't be deleted from the server unless it has reached its expiration time.",
- "creation_expireTitle": "Life time",
- "creation_expire": "Expiring pad",
- "creation_expireTrue": "Add a life time",
- "creation_expireFalse": "Unlimited",
- "creation_expireHours": "Hour(s)",
- "creation_expireDays": "Day(s)",
- "creation_expireMonths": "Month(s)",
- "creation_expire1": "An unlimited pad will not be removed from the server until its owner deletes it.",
- "creation_expire2": "An expiring pad has a set lifetime, after which it will be automatically removed from the server and other users' CryptDrives.",
- "creation_password": "Add a password",
- "creation_noTemplate": "No template",
- "creation_newTemplate": "New template",
- "creation_create": "Create",
- "creation_saveSettings": "Don't show this again",
- "creation_settings": "View more settings",
- "creation_rememberHelp": "Visit your Settings page to reset this preference",
- "creation_owners": "Owners",
- "creation_ownedByOther": "Owned by another user",
- "creation_noOwner": "No owner",
- "creation_expiration": "Expiration time",
- "creation_passwordValue": "Password",
- "creation_propertiesTitle": "Availability",
- "creation_appMenuName": "Advanced mode (Ctrl + E)",
- "creation_newPadModalDescription": "Click on a pad type to create it. You can also press Tab to select the type and press Enter to confirm.",
- "creation_newPadModalDescriptionAdvanced": "You can check the box (or press Space to change its value) if you want to display the pad creation screen (for owned pads, expiring pads, etc.).",
- "creation_newPadModalAdvanced": "Display the pad creation screen",
- "password_info": "The pad you're trying to open is protected with a password. Enter the correct password to access its content.",
- "password_error": "Pad not found!
This error can be caused by two factors: either the password in invalid, or the pad has been deleted from the server.",
- "password_placeholder": "Type the password here...",
- "password_submit": "Submit",
- "password_show": "Show",
- "properties_addPassword": "Add a password",
- "properties_changePassword": "Change the password",
- "properties_confirmNew": "Are you sure? Adding a password will change this pad's URL and remove its history. Users without the password will lose access to this pad",
- "properties_confirmChange": "Are you sure? Changing the password will remove its history. Users without the new password will lose access to this pad",
- "properties_passwordSame": "New passwords must differ from the current one.",
- "properties_passwordError": "An error occured while trying to change the password. Please try again.",
- "properties_passwordWarning": "The password was successfully changed but we were unable to update your CryptDrive with the new data. You may have to remove the old version of the pad manually.
Press OK to reload and update your access rights.",
- "properties_passwordSuccess": "The password was successfully changed.
Press OK to reload and update your access rights.",
- "properties_changePasswordButton": "Submit",
- "share_linkCategory": "Share link",
- "share_linkAccess": "Access rights",
- "share_linkEdit": "Edit",
- "share_linkView": "View",
- "share_linkOptions": "Link options",
- "share_linkEmbed": "Embed mode (toolbar and userlist hidden)",
- "share_linkPresent": "Present mode (editable sections hidden)",
- "share_linkOpen": "Open in new tab",
- "share_linkCopy": "Copy to clipboard",
- "share_embedCategory": "Embed",
- "share_mediatagCopy": "Copy mediatag to clipboard",
- "loading_pad_1": "Initializing pad",
- "loading_pad_2": "Loading pad content",
- "loading_drive_1": "Loading data",
- "loading_drive_2": "Updating data format",
- "loading_drive_3": "Verifying data integrity",
- "sharedFolders_forget": "This pad is only stored in a shared folder, you can't move it to the trash. You can use your CryptDrive if you want to delete it.",
- "sharedFolders_duplicate": "Some of the pads you were trying to move were already shared in the destination folder.",
- "sharedFolders_create": "Create a shared folder",
- "sharedFolders_create_name": "Folder name",
- "sharedFolders_create_owned": "Owned folder",
- "sharedFolders_create_password": "Folder password",
- "sharedFolders_share": "Share this URL with other registered users to give them access to the shared folder. Once they open this URL, the shared folder will be added to the root directory of their CryptDrive.",
- "chrome68": "It seems that you're using the browser Chrome or Chromium version 68. It contains a bug resulting in the page turning completely white after a few seconds or the page being unresponsive to clicks. To fix this issue, you can switch to another tab and come back, or try to scroll in the page. This bug should be fixed in the next version of your browser.",
- "autostore_file": "file",
- "autostore_sf": "folder",
- "autostore_pad": "pad",
- "autostore_notstored": "This {0} is not in your CryptDrive. Do you want to store it now?",
- "autostore_settings": "You can enable automatic pad storage in your Settings page!",
- "autostore_store": "Store",
- "autostore_hide": "Don't store",
- "autostore_error": "Unexpected error: we were unable to store this pad, please try again.",
- "autostore_saved": "The pad was successfully stored in your CryptDrive!",
- "autostore_forceSave": "Store the file in your CryptDrive",
- "autostore_notAvailable": "You must store this pad in your CryptDrive before being able to use this feature.",
- "crowdfunding_home1": "CryptPad needs your help!",
- "crowdfunding_home2": "Click on the button to learn about our crowdfunding campaign.",
- "crowdfunding_button": "Support CryptPad",
- "crowdfunding_popup_text": "We need your help!
To ensure that CryptPad is actively developed, consider supporting the project via the OpenCollective page, where you can see our Roadmap and Funding goals.",
- "crowdfunding_popup_yes": "Go to OpenCollective",
- "crowdfunding_popup_no": "Not now",
- "crowdfunding_popup_never": "Don't ask me again"
+ "feedback_about": "If you're reading this, you were probably curious why CryptPad is requesting web pages when you perform certain actions",
+ "feedback_privacy": "We care about your privacy, and at the same time we want CryptPad to be very easy to use. We use this file to figure out which UI features matter to our users, by requesting it along with a parameter specifying which action was taken.",
+ "feedback_optout": "If you would like to opt out, visit your user settings page, where you'll find a checkbox to enable or disable user feedback",
+ "creation_404": "This pad not longer exists. Use the following form to create a new pad.",
+ "creation_ownedTitle": "Type of pad",
+ "creation_owned": "Owned pad",
+ "creation_ownedTrue": "Owned pad",
+ "creation_ownedFalse": "Open pad",
+ "creation_owned1": "An owned pad can be deleted from the server whenever the owner wants. Deleting an owned pad removes it from other users' CryptDrives.",
+ "creation_owned2": "An open pad doesn't have any owner and thus, it can't be deleted from the server unless it has reached its expiration time.",
+ "creation_expireTitle": "Life time",
+ "creation_expire": "Expiring pad",
+ "creation_expireTrue": "Add a life time",
+ "creation_expireFalse": "Unlimited",
+ "creation_expireHours": "Hour(s)",
+ "creation_expireDays": "Day(s)",
+ "creation_expireMonths": "Month(s)",
+ "creation_expire1": "An unlimited pad will not be removed from the server until its owner deletes it.",
+ "creation_expire2": "An expiring pad has a set lifetime, after which it will be automatically removed from the server and other users' CryptDrives.",
+ "creation_password": "Add a password",
+ "creation_noTemplate": "No template",
+ "creation_newTemplate": "New template",
+ "creation_create": "Create",
+ "creation_saveSettings": "Don't show this again",
+ "creation_settings": "View more settings",
+ "creation_rememberHelp": "Visit your Settings page to reset this preference",
+ "creation_owners": "Owners",
+ "creation_ownedByOther": "Owned by another user",
+ "creation_noOwner": "No owner",
+ "creation_expiration": "Expiration time",
+ "creation_passwordValue": "Password",
+ "creation_propertiesTitle": "Availability",
+ "creation_appMenuName": "Advanced mode (Ctrl + E)",
+ "creation_newPadModalDescription": "Click on a pad type to create it. You can also press Tab to select the type and press Enter to confirm.",
+ "creation_newPadModalDescriptionAdvanced": "You can check the box (or press Space to change its value) if you want to display the pad creation screen (for owned pads, expiring pads, etc.).",
+ "creation_newPadModalAdvanced": "Display the pad creation screen",
+ "password_info": "The pad you're trying to open is protected with a password. Enter the correct password to access its content.",
+ "password_error": "Pad not found!
This error can be caused by two factors: either the password in invalid, or the pad has been deleted from the server.",
+ "password_placeholder": "Type the password here...",
+ "password_submit": "Submit",
+ "password_show": "Show",
+ "properties_addPassword": "Add a password",
+ "properties_changePassword": "Change the password",
+ "properties_confirmNew": "Are you sure? Adding a password will change this pad's URL and remove its history. Users without the password will lose access to this pad",
+ "properties_confirmChange": "Are you sure? Changing the password will remove its history. Users without the new password will lose access to this pad",
+ "properties_passwordSame": "New passwords must differ from the current one.",
+ "properties_passwordError": "An error occured while trying to change the password. Please try again.",
+ "properties_passwordWarning": "The password was successfully changed but we were unable to update your CryptDrive with the new data. You may have to remove the old version of the pad manually.
Press OK to reload and update your access rights.",
+ "properties_passwordSuccess": "The password was successfully changed.
Press OK to reload and update your access rights.",
+ "properties_changePasswordButton": "Submit",
+ "share_linkCategory": "Share link",
+ "share_linkAccess": "Access rights",
+ "share_linkEdit": "Edit",
+ "share_linkView": "View",
+ "share_linkOptions": "Link options",
+ "share_linkEmbed": "Embed mode (toolbar and userlist hidden)",
+ "share_linkPresent": "Present mode (editable sections hidden)",
+ "share_linkOpen": "Open in new tab",
+ "share_linkCopy": "Copy to clipboard",
+ "share_embedCategory": "Embed",
+ "share_mediatagCopy": "Copy mediatag to clipboard",
+ "loading_pad_1": "Initializing pad",
+ "loading_pad_2": "Loading pad content",
+ "loading_drive_1": "Loading data",
+ "loading_drive_2": "Updating data format",
+ "loading_drive_3": "Verifying data integrity",
+ "sharedFolders_forget": "This pad is only stored in a shared folder, you can't move it to the trash. You can use your CryptDrive if you want to delete it.",
+ "sharedFolders_duplicate": "Some of the pads you were trying to move were already shared in the destination folder.",
+ "sharedFolders_create": "Create a shared folder",
+ "sharedFolders_create_name": "Folder name",
+ "sharedFolders_create_owned": "Owned folder",
+ "sharedFolders_create_password": "Folder password",
+ "sharedFolders_share": "Share this URL with other registered users to give them access to the shared folder. Once they open this URL, the shared folder will be added to the root directory of their CryptDrive.",
+ "chrome68": "It seems that you're using the browser Chrome or Chromium version 68. It contains a bug resulting in the page turning completely white after a few seconds or the page being unresponsive to clicks. To fix this issue, you can switch to another tab and come back, or try to scroll in the page. This bug should be fixed in the next version of your browser.",
+ "autostore_file": "file",
+ "autostore_sf": "folder",
+ "autostore_pad": "pad",
+ "autostore_notstored": "This {0} is not in your CryptDrive. Do you want to store it now?",
+ "autostore_settings": "You can enable automatic pad storage in your Settings page!",
+ "autostore_store": "Store",
+ "autostore_hide": "Don't store",
+ "autostore_error": "Unexpected error: we were unable to store this pad, please try again.",
+ "autostore_saved": "The pad was successfully stored in your CryptDrive!",
+ "autostore_forceSave": "Store the file in your CryptDrive",
+ "autostore_notAvailable": "You must store this pad in your CryptDrive before being able to use this feature.",
+ "crowdfunding_home1": "CryptPad needs your help!",
+ "crowdfunding_home2": "Click on the button to learn about our crowdfunding campaign.",
+ "crowdfunding_button": "Support CryptPad",
+ "crowdfunding_popup_text": "We need your help!
To ensure that CryptPad is actively developed, consider supporting the project via the OpenCollective page, where you can see our Roadmap and Funding goals.",
+ "crowdfunding_popup_yes": "Go to OpenCollective",
+ "crowdfunding_popup_no": "Not now",
+ "crowdfunding_popup_never": "Don't ask me again"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/www/common/translations/messages.pl.json b/www/common/translations/messages.pl.json
index ae0786bce..e58ac296b 100644
--- a/www/common/translations/messages.pl.json
+++ b/www/common/translations/messages.pl.json
@@ -1,110 +1,110 @@
- "_languageName": "Polish",
- "main_title": "Cryptpad: Wspólne edytowanie w czasie rzeczywistym, bez wiedzy specjalistycznej",
- "main_slogan": "Jedność siłą - Współpraca kluczem",
- "type": {
- "pad": "Pad",
- "code": "Kod",
- "poll": "Balot",
- "slide": "Prezentacja"
- },
- "common_connectionLost": "Przerwano połączenie z serwerem",
- "disconnected": "Rozłączony",
- "synchronizing": "Synchronizacja",
- "reconnecting": "Wznawianie połączenia...",
- "lag": "Lag",
- "readonly": "Tylko do odczytu",
- "anonymous": "Anonimowy",
- "yourself": "Ty",
- "anonymousUsers": "użytkownicy anonimowi",
- "anonymousUser": "użytkownik anonimowy",
- "users": "Użytkownicy",
- "and": "i",
- "viewer": "czytający",
- "viewers": "czytających",
- "editor": "edytujący",
- "editors": "edytujących",
- "greenLight": "Wszystkie systemy działają poprawnie",
- "orangeLight": "Słabe łącze może wpłynąć na działanie aplikacji",
- "redLight": "Zostałeś rozłączony z sesją",
- "importButtonTitle": "Importuj dokument z pliku lokalnego",
- "exportButtonTitle": "Zapisz ten dokument do pliku",
- "exportPrompt": "Jak chciałbyś nazwać swój plik?",
- "changeNamePrompt": "Zmień swoją nazwę (Pozostaw puste, by być anonimowym): ",
- "clickToEdit": "Naciśnij by edytować",
- "forgetButtonTitle": "Usuń ten dokument z listy wyświetlanej na stronie głównej",
- "forgetPrompt": "Wciskając OK usuniesz ten URL z pamięci lokalnej, jesteś tego pewien?",
- "shareButton": "Udostępnij",
- "shareSuccess": "Pomyślnie skopiowano URL",
- "presentButtonTitle": "Otwórz tryb prezentacji",
- "backgroundButtonTitle": "Zmień kolor tła dla tej prezentacji",
- "colorButtonTitle": "Zmień kolor tekstu dla tej prezentacji",
- "editShare": "Udostępnij URL do edycji",
- "editShareTitle": "Zapisz URL do edycji w schowku",
- "viewShare": "Udostępnij URL tylko do odczytu",
- "viewShareTitle": "Zapisz URL tylko do odczytu w schowku",
- "viewOpen": "Otwórz podgląd w nowej karcie",
- "viewOpenTitle": "Otwórz ten dokument w nowej karcie, tylko do odczytu",
- "notifyJoined": "{0} dołączył do sesji współpracy",
- "notifyRenamed": "{0} jest teraz znany jako {1}",
- "notifyLeft": "{0} opuścił sesję współpracy",
- "tryIt": "Wypróbuj!",
- "okButton": "OK (enter)",
- "cancelButton": "Anuluj (esc)",
- "poll_title": "Prosty koordynator spotkań",
- "poll_subtitle": "Proste planowanie spotkań, w czasie rzeczywistym",
- "poll_p_save": "Twoje ustawienia aktualizowane są na bieżąco. Nie martw się zapisywaniem.",
- "poll_p_encryption": "Wszystko co robisz jest szyfrowane, więc tylko osoby z linkiem mają tu dostęp. Nawet serwer nie widzi co kombinujesz.",
- "wizardLog": "Naciśnij przycisk w lewym-górnym rogu by wrócić do planu",
- "wizardTitle": "Uzyj kreatora by stworzyć opcje do głosowania",
- "wizardConfirm": "Jesteś pewny, że chcesz dodać te opcje do głosowania?",
- "poll_closeWizardButton": "Zamknij kreator",
- "poll_closeWizardButtonTitle": "Zamyka kreator",
- "poll_wizardComputeButton": "Ustawienia kalkulacji",
- "poll_wizardClearButton": "Wyczyść tabelę",
- "poll_wizardDescription": "Automatycznie stwórz część opcji poprzez wpisanie ilości dat i godzin",
- "poll_wizardAddDateButton": "+ Daty",
- "poll_wizardAddTimeButton": "+ Godziny",
- "poll_optionPlaceholder": "Opcja",
- "poll_userPlaceholder": "Twoje imię",
- "poll_removeOption": "Jesteś pewien, że chcesz usunąć tę opcję?",
- "poll_removeUser": "Jesteś pewien, że chcesz usunąć tego użytkownika?",
- "poll_titleHint": "Tytuł",
- "poll_descriptionHint": "Opis",
- "main_p2": "Ten projekt wykorzystuje wizualny edytor CKEditor , CodeMirror, oraz silnik czasu rzeczywistego ChainPad.",
- "main_howitworks": "Jak to działa",
- "main_howitworks_p1": "CryptPad wykorzystuje wariant algorytmu Transformacji operacyjnej który jest wstanie odnaleźć rozdzielony konsensus wprowadzanych danych. Używa do tego Łańcuch blokowy Nakamoto, twór zpopularyzowany przez Bitcoin. W ten sposób algorytm może pominąć potrzebę centralnego serwera do rozwiązywania Konfliktów Operacji Przekształcania poprzez Edycję. Bez potrzeby rozwiązywania konfliktów, serwer może pozostać w niewiedzy o zawartości która jest edytowana w dokumencie.",
- "main_about_p2": "Jeżeli masz jakieś pytania lub komentarze, możesz napisać na tweeterze, otworzyć problem na githubie, przywitać się na ircu (irc.freenode.net), lub wysłać nam email.",
- "button_newpad": "STWÓRZ PAD WYSIWYG",
- "button_newcode": "STWÓRZ PAD DO KODU",
- "button_newpoll": "STWÓRZ GŁOSOWANIE",
- "button_newslide": "STWÓRZ PREZENTACJĘ",
- "policy_title": "Polityka prywatności CryptPad",
- "policy_whatweknow": "Co o tobie wiemy",
- "policy_whatweknow_p1": "Jako aplikacja udostępniana w internecie, CryptPad ma dostęp do metadanych wystawianych przez protokół HTTP. W skład tych danych wchodzi adres IP oraz różne inne nagłówki HTTP które pozwalają na identyfikację twojej przeglądarki. Możesz podejrzeć jakie informacje udostępnia twoja przeglądarka odwiedzając WhatIsMyBrowser.com.",
- "policy_whatweknow_p2": "Używamy Piwik, Open Sourcowej platformy analitycznej, aby dowiedzieć się czegoś o naszych użytkownikach. Piwik mówi nam, skąd dowiedziałeś się o Cryptpad. Bezpośrednio przez adres, silnik wyszukiwany, czy z polecenia innej usługi internetowej jak Reddit czy Twitter. Uczymy się również gdy nas odwiedzasz, jakie linki odwiedzasz z naszej strony informacyjnej i jak długo pozostajesz na konkretnych stronach.",
- "policy_howweuse": "Jak wykorzystujemy zebraną wiedzę",
- "policy_howweuse_p1": "Dzieki tym informacjom możemy podejmować lepsze decyzje przy promocji CryptPad, poprzez ocenę które z podjętych przez nas prób okazały się udane. Informacja o twojej lokalizacji daje nam znać, czy powinniśmy zapewnić lepsze wsparcie dla języków poza Angielskim.",
- "policy_howweuse_p2": "Informacje o twojej przeglądarce (czy jest to aplikacja desktopowa, czy działająca na systemie mobilnym) pozwalają nam na decydowanie przy priorytezowaniu ulepszeń funkcji. Nasz zespół deweloperski jest mały, a my staramy się dokonywać wyborów które poprawią doświadczenia jak największej liczby użytkowników.",
- "policy_whatwetell": "Jakie dane przekazujemy innym",
- "policy_whatwetell_p1": "Nie dostarczamy osobom trzecim żadnych danych które udało się nam zebrać, lub tych które nam przekazałeś sam, dopóki nie jesteśmy do tego zobligowani prawnie.",
- "policy_links": "Adresy innych stron",
- "policy_links_p1": "Ta witryna zawiera łącza do innych stron, włączając w to te stworzone przez inne organizacje. Nie jesteśmy odpowiedzialni za praktyki dotyczące prywatności oraz zawartość usługodawców poza tą witryną. Jako główną zasadę przyjmujemy, że łącza do stron zewnętrznych uruchamiane są w nowej karcie lub oknie, aby upewnić cię iż opuszczasz Cryptpad.",
- "policy_ads": "Promocja i reklama",
- "policy_ads_p1": "Nie wyświetlamy żadnej zawartości promocyjnej online, choć możemy udostępniać łącza do podmiotów finansujących nasze badania.",
- "policy_choices": "Co możesz zrobić",
- "policy_choices_open": "Nasz kod jest open source, więc zawsze masz możliwość hostowania swojej własnej wersji Cryptpad.",
- "policy_choices_vpn": "Jeżeli chcesz korzystać z wersji udostępnianej przez nas, lecz nie chcesz pokazywać swojego adresu IP, możesz chronić swój adres wykorzystując przeglądarki Tor, lub VPN.",
- "policy_choices_ads": "Masz również możliwość blokady naszej platformy analitycznej wykorzystując narzędzia adblock, takie jak Privacy Badger.",
- "tos_title": "Warunki korzystania z usług Cryptpad",
- "tos_legal": "Prosimy abyś nie był złośliwy, obelżywy i nie wykorzystywał tego oprogramowania do celow niezgodnych z prawem.",
- "tos_availability": "Mamy nadzieję iż uznasz tę usługę za przydatną, lecz dostępność i wydajność nie mogą być przez nas gwarantowane. Prosimy, abyś eksportował swoje dane regularnie.",
- "tos_e2ee": "Dokumenty Cryptpad mogą być odczytywane i modyfikowane przez każdego kto może zgadnąć lub w inny sposób uzyskać identyfikator dokumentu. Polecamy korzystania z oprogramowania szyfrującego end-to-end (e2ee) do udostępniania linków URL. Nie będziesz rościł sobie żadnych wierzytelności w wypadku gdy taki URL dostanie się w niepowołane ręce.",
- "tos_logs": "Metadane dostarczane przez twoją przeglądarkę do serwera mogą być zapisywane i przechowywane w celu utrzymywania serwisu.",
- "tos_3rdparties": "Nie dostarczamy indywidualizowanych danych do osób trzecich, poza sytuacjami dyktowanymi prawnie.",
- "bottom_france": "Stworzone z we ",
- "bottom_support": "Projekt Labs we wspolpracy z ",
- "header_france": "Pełne z od ",
- "header_support": " ",
- "header_logoTitle": "Przejdź na stronę główną"
+ "_languageName": "Polish",
+ "main_title": "Cryptpad: Wspólne edytowanie w czasie rzeczywistym, bez wiedzy specjalistycznej",
+ "main_slogan": "Jedność siłą - Współpraca kluczem",
+ "type": {
+ "pad": "Pad",
+ "code": "Kod",
+ "poll": "Balot",
+ "slide": "Prezentacja"
+ },
+ "common_connectionLost": "Przerwano połączenie z serwerem",
+ "disconnected": "Rozłączony",
+ "synchronizing": "Synchronizacja",
+ "reconnecting": "Wznawianie połączenia...",
+ "lag": "Lag",
+ "readonly": "Tylko do odczytu",
+ "anonymous": "Anonimowy",
+ "yourself": "Ty",
+ "anonymousUsers": "użytkownicy anonimowi",
+ "anonymousUser": "użytkownik anonimowy",
+ "users": "Użytkownicy",
+ "and": "i",
+ "viewer": "czytający",
+ "viewers": "czytających",
+ "editor": "edytujący",
+ "editors": "edytujących",
+ "greenLight": "Wszystkie systemy działają poprawnie",
+ "orangeLight": "Słabe łącze może wpłynąć na działanie aplikacji",
+ "redLight": "Zostałeś rozłączony z sesją",
+ "importButtonTitle": "Importuj dokument z pliku lokalnego",
+ "exportButtonTitle": "Zapisz ten dokument do pliku",
+ "exportPrompt": "Jak chciałbyś nazwać swój plik?",
+ "changeNamePrompt": "Zmień swoją nazwę (Pozostaw puste, by być anonimowym): ",
+ "clickToEdit": "Naciśnij by edytować",
+ "forgetButtonTitle": "Usuń ten dokument z listy wyświetlanej na stronie głównej",
+ "forgetPrompt": "Wciskając OK usuniesz ten URL z pamięci lokalnej, jesteś tego pewien?",
+ "shareButton": "Udostępnij",
+ "shareSuccess": "Pomyślnie skopiowano URL",
+ "presentButtonTitle": "Otwórz tryb prezentacji",
+ "backgroundButtonTitle": "Zmień kolor tła dla tej prezentacji",
+ "colorButtonTitle": "Zmień kolor tekstu dla tej prezentacji",
+ "editShare": "Udostępnij URL do edycji",
+ "editShareTitle": "Zapisz URL do edycji w schowku",
+ "viewShare": "Udostępnij URL tylko do odczytu",
+ "viewShareTitle": "Zapisz URL tylko do odczytu w schowku",
+ "viewOpen": "Otwórz podgląd w nowej karcie",
+ "viewOpenTitle": "Otwórz ten dokument w nowej karcie, tylko do odczytu",
+ "notifyJoined": "{0} dołączył do sesji współpracy",
+ "notifyRenamed": "{0} jest teraz znany jako {1}",
+ "notifyLeft": "{0} opuścił sesję współpracy",
+ "tryIt": "Wypróbuj!",
+ "okButton": "OK (enter)",
+ "cancelButton": "Anuluj (esc)",
+ "poll_title": "Prosty koordynator spotkań",
+ "poll_subtitle": "Proste planowanie spotkań, w czasie rzeczywistym",
+ "poll_p_save": "Twoje ustawienia aktualizowane są na bieżąco. Nie martw się zapisywaniem.",
+ "poll_p_encryption": "Wszystko co robisz jest szyfrowane, więc tylko osoby z linkiem mają tu dostęp. Nawet serwer nie widzi co kombinujesz.",
+ "wizardLog": "Naciśnij przycisk w lewym-górnym rogu by wrócić do planu",
+ "wizardTitle": "Uzyj kreatora by stworzyć opcje do głosowania",
+ "wizardConfirm": "Jesteś pewny, że chcesz dodać te opcje do głosowania?",
+ "poll_closeWizardButton": "Zamknij kreator",
+ "poll_closeWizardButtonTitle": "Zamyka kreator",
+ "poll_wizardComputeButton": "Ustawienia kalkulacji",
+ "poll_wizardClearButton": "Wyczyść tabelę",
+ "poll_wizardDescription": "Automatycznie stwórz część opcji poprzez wpisanie ilości dat i godzin",
+ "poll_wizardAddDateButton": "+ Daty",
+ "poll_wizardAddTimeButton": "+ Godziny",
+ "poll_optionPlaceholder": "Opcja",
+ "poll_userPlaceholder": "Twoje imię",
+ "poll_removeOption": "Jesteś pewien, że chcesz usunąć tę opcję?",
+ "poll_removeUser": "Jesteś pewien, że chcesz usunąć tego użytkownika?",
+ "poll_titleHint": "Tytuł",
+ "poll_descriptionHint": "Opis",
+ "main_p2": "Ten projekt wykorzystuje wizualny edytor CKEditor , CodeMirror, oraz silnik czasu rzeczywistego ChainPad.",
+ "main_howitworks": "Jak to działa",
+ "main_howitworks_p1": "CryptPad wykorzystuje wariant algorytmu Transformacji operacyjnej który jest wstanie odnaleźć rozdzielony konsensus wprowadzanych danych. Używa do tego Łańcuch blokowy Nakamoto, twór zpopularyzowany przez Bitcoin. W ten sposób algorytm może pominąć potrzebę centralnego serwera do rozwiązywania Konfliktów Operacji Przekształcania poprzez Edycję. Bez potrzeby rozwiązywania konfliktów, serwer może pozostać w niewiedzy o zawartości która jest edytowana w dokumencie.",
+ "main_about_p2": "Jeżeli masz jakieś pytania lub komentarze, możesz napisać na tweeterze, otworzyć problem na githubie, przywitać się na ircu (irc.freenode.net), lub wysłać nam email.",
+ "button_newpad": "STWÓRZ PAD WYSIWYG",
+ "button_newcode": "STWÓRZ PAD DO KODU",
+ "button_newpoll": "STWÓRZ GŁOSOWANIE",
+ "button_newslide": "STWÓRZ PREZENTACJĘ",
+ "policy_title": "Polityka prywatności CryptPad",
+ "policy_whatweknow": "Co o tobie wiemy",
+ "policy_whatweknow_p1": "Jako aplikacja udostępniana w internecie, CryptPad ma dostęp do metadanych wystawianych przez protokół HTTP. W skład tych danych wchodzi adres IP oraz różne inne nagłówki HTTP które pozwalają na identyfikację twojej przeglądarki. Możesz podejrzeć jakie informacje udostępnia twoja przeglądarka odwiedzając WhatIsMyBrowser.com.",
+ "policy_whatweknow_p2": "Używamy Piwik, Open Sourcowej platformy analitycznej, aby dowiedzieć się czegoś o naszych użytkownikach. Piwik mówi nam, skąd dowiedziałeś się o Cryptpad. Bezpośrednio przez adres, silnik wyszukiwany, czy z polecenia innej usługi internetowej jak Reddit czy Twitter. Uczymy się również gdy nas odwiedzasz, jakie linki odwiedzasz z naszej strony informacyjnej i jak długo pozostajesz na konkretnych stronach.",
+ "policy_howweuse": "Jak wykorzystujemy zebraną wiedzę",
+ "policy_howweuse_p1": "Dzieki tym informacjom możemy podejmować lepsze decyzje przy promocji CryptPad, poprzez ocenę które z podjętych przez nas prób okazały się udane. Informacja o twojej lokalizacji daje nam znać, czy powinniśmy zapewnić lepsze wsparcie dla języków poza Angielskim.",
+ "policy_howweuse_p2": "Informacje o twojej przeglądarce (czy jest to aplikacja desktopowa, czy działająca na systemie mobilnym) pozwalają nam na decydowanie przy priorytezowaniu ulepszeń funkcji. Nasz zespół deweloperski jest mały, a my staramy się dokonywać wyborów które poprawią doświadczenia jak największej liczby użytkowników.",
+ "policy_whatwetell": "Jakie dane przekazujemy innym",
+ "policy_whatwetell_p1": "Nie dostarczamy osobom trzecim żadnych danych które udało się nam zebrać, lub tych które nam przekazałeś sam, dopóki nie jesteśmy do tego zobligowani prawnie.",
+ "policy_links": "Adresy innych stron",
+ "policy_links_p1": "Ta witryna zawiera łącza do innych stron, włączając w to te stworzone przez inne organizacje. Nie jesteśmy odpowiedzialni za praktyki dotyczące prywatności oraz zawartość usługodawców poza tą witryną. Jako główną zasadę przyjmujemy, że łącza do stron zewnętrznych uruchamiane są w nowej karcie lub oknie, aby upewnić cię iż opuszczasz Cryptpad.",
+ "policy_ads": "Promocja i reklama",
+ "policy_ads_p1": "Nie wyświetlamy żadnej zawartości promocyjnej online, choć możemy udostępniać łącza do podmiotów finansujących nasze badania.",
+ "policy_choices": "Co możesz zrobić",
+ "policy_choices_open": "Nasz kod jest open source, więc zawsze masz możliwość hostowania swojej własnej wersji Cryptpad.",
+ "policy_choices_vpn": "Jeżeli chcesz korzystać z wersji udostępnianej przez nas, lecz nie chcesz pokazywać swojego adresu IP, możesz chronić swój adres wykorzystując przeglądarki Tor, lub VPN.",
+ "policy_choices_ads": "Masz również możliwość blokady naszej platformy analitycznej wykorzystując narzędzia adblock, takie jak Privacy Badger.",
+ "tos_title": "Warunki korzystania z usług Cryptpad",
+ "tos_legal": "Prosimy abyś nie był złośliwy, obelżywy i nie wykorzystywał tego oprogramowania do celow niezgodnych z prawem.",
+ "tos_availability": "Mamy nadzieję iż uznasz tę usługę za przydatną, lecz dostępność i wydajność nie mogą być przez nas gwarantowane. Prosimy, abyś eksportował swoje dane regularnie.",
+ "tos_e2ee": "Dokumenty Cryptpad mogą być odczytywane i modyfikowane przez każdego kto może zgadnąć lub w inny sposób uzyskać identyfikator dokumentu. Polecamy korzystania z oprogramowania szyfrującego end-to-end (e2ee) do udostępniania linków URL. Nie będziesz rościł sobie żadnych wierzytelności w wypadku gdy taki URL dostanie się w niepowołane ręce.",
+ "tos_logs": "Metadane dostarczane przez twoją przeglądarkę do serwera mogą być zapisywane i przechowywane w celu utrzymywania serwisu.",
+ "tos_3rdparties": "Nie dostarczamy indywidualizowanych danych do osób trzecich, poza sytuacjami dyktowanymi prawnie.",
+ "bottom_france": "Stworzone z we ",
+ "bottom_support": "Projekt Labs we wspolpracy z ",
+ "header_france": "Pełne z od ",
+ "header_support": " ",
+ "header_logoTitle": "Przejdź na stronę główną"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/www/common/translations/messages.pt-br.json b/www/common/translations/messages.pt-br.json
index a9d5bef39..d5dcf3c99 100644
--- a/www/common/translations/messages.pt-br.json
+++ b/www/common/translations/messages.pt-br.json
@@ -1,379 +1,379 @@
- "_languageName": "Brazilian Portuguese",
- "main_title": "Cryptpad: Zero Knowledge, Edição Colaborativa em Tempo Real",
- "main_slogan": "União é Força - Colaboração é a Chave",
- "type": {
- "pad": "Notas",
- "code": "Código",
- "poll": "votação",
- "slide": "Apresentação",
- "drive": "Drive",
- "whiteboard": "Whiteboard",
- "file": "File",
- "media": "Media"
- },
- "button_newpad": "Novo bloco RTF",
- "button_newcode": "Novo bloco de código",
- "button_newpoll": "Novo questionário",
- "button_newslide": "Nova apresentação",
- "button_newwhiteboard": "Novo quadro branco",
- "updated_0_common_connectionLost": "Conexão com o Servidor Perdida
Você agora está em modo somente leitura até a conexão ser restaurada.",
- "common_connectionLost": "Conexão com o Servidor Perdida
Você agora está em modo somente leitura até a conexão ser restaurada.",
- "websocketError": "Incapaz de se conectar com o servidor websocket...",
- "typeError": "Este bloco não é compatível com a aplicação selecionada",
- "onLogout": "você foi desconectado, {0}clique aqui{1} para se conectar,
ou pressione ESC para acessar seu bloco em modo somente leitura.",
- "wrongApp": "Incapaz de mostrar o conteúdo em tempo real no seu navegador. Por favor tente recarregar a página.",
- "loading": "Carregando...",
- "error": "Erro",
- "saved": "Salvo",
- "synced": "Tudo foi salvo",
- "deleted": "Bloco deletado do seu CryptDrive",
- "disconnected": "Desconectado",
- "synchronizing": "Sincronizando",
- "reconnecting": "Reconectando...",
- "lag": "Lag",
- "readonly": "Somente leitura",
- "anonymous": "Anonimo",
- "yourself": "Você",
- "anonymousUsers": "Usuários anônimos",
- "anonymousUser": "Usuário anônimo",
- "users": "Usuários",
- "and": "e",
- "viewer": "vizualizações",
- "viewers": "leitores",
- "editor": "editor",
- "editors": "editores",
- "language": "Lingua",
- "comingSoon": "Em breve...",
- "newVersion": "O CryptPad foi atualizado!
Cheque as novidades na última versão:
Notas da atualização do CryptPad {0}",
- "upgrade": "Upgrade",
- "upgradeTitle": "Faça um upgrade na sua conta para aumentar o limite de armazenamento",
- "MB": "MB",
- "GB": "GB",
- "KB": "KB",
- "formattedMB": "{0} MB",
- "formattedGB": "{0} GB",
- "formattedKB": "{0} KB",
- "greenLight": "Tudo está funcionando bem",
- "orangeLight": "Sua conexão lenta pode impactar sua experiência",
- "redLight": "Você está desconectado da sua sessão",
- "pinLimitReached": "Você alcançou o limite de armazenamento",
- "updated_0_pinLimitReachedAlert": "Você alcançou o limite de armazenamento. Novos blocos não serão mais salvos no seu CryptDrive.
Você pode deletar blocos do seu CryptDrive ou se inscrever como premium para aumentar o limite de espaço.",
- "pinLimitReachedAlert": "Você alcançou o limite de armazenamento. Novos blocos não serão mais salvos no seu CryptDrive.
Você pode deletar blocos do seu CryptDrive ou se inscrever como premium para aumentar o limite de espaço.",
- "pinAboveLimitAlert": "A partir desta atualização, nós estamos impondo um limite de 50MB no armazenamento gratuito. Você está atualmente usando {0}. Você irá precisar deletar alguns blocos ou se inscrever no accounts.cryptpad.fr. Sua contribuição irá nos ajudar a melhorar o CryptPad e expandir a metodologia Zero Knowledge. Por favor contacte o suporte se você possui outras dúvidas.",
- "pinLimitNotPinned": "Você alcançou o limite de armazenamento.
Este bloco não está armazenado no seu CryptDrive.",
- "pinLimitDrive": "Você alcançou o limite de armazenamento.
Você não pode criar novos blocos.",
- "importButtonTitle": "Importar um documento de um arquivo local",
- "exportButtonTitle": "Exportar esta sesão para um arquivo local",
- "exportPrompt": "Como deseja nomear seu arquivo?",
- "changeNamePrompt": "Mude seu nome (deixe em branco para se manter anônimo): ",
- "user_rename": "Mudar nome de exibição",
- "user_displayName": "Nome visível",
- "user_accountName": "Nome da Conta",
- "clickToEdit": "Clique para Editar",
- "forgetButtonTitle": "Remova este documento da listagem da sua página",
- "forgetPrompt": "Clicando OK você irá remover o endereço deste bloco de notas do armazenamento local, você tem certeza?",
- "movedToTrash": "That pad has been moved to the trash.
Access my Drive",
- "shareButton": "Compartilhar",
- "shareSuccess": "Endereço copiado para o clipboard",
- "newButton": "Novo",
- "newButtonTitle": "Criar um novo bloco",
- "saveTemplateButton": "Salvar como modelo",
- "saveTemplatePrompt": "Escolha o nome do modelo",
- "templateSaved": "Modelo salvo!",
- "selectTemplate": "Selecione um modelo ou pressione ESC",
- "previewButtonTitle": "Mostrar ou esconder o modo de visualização markdown",
- "presentButtonTitle": "Entrar no modo apresentação",
- "backgroundButtonTitle": "Mudar cor do fundo da apresentação",
- "colorButtonTitle": "Mudar a cor do texto no modo apresentação",
- "printButton": "Imprimir (Enter)",
- "printButtonTitle": "Imprimir seus slides ou exportá-los como PDF",
- "printOptions": "Opções de leiaute",
- "printSlideNumber": "Mostrar o número do slide",
- "printDate": "Mostrar a data",
- "printTitle": "Mostrar título do bloco",
- "printCSS": "Custom style rules (CSS):",
- "printTransition": "Ativar animações de transição",
- "slideOptionsTitle": "Personalizar seus slides",
- "slideOptionsButton": "Salvar (Enter)",
- "editShare": "Compartilhar endereço editável",
- "editShareTitle": "Copiar endereço editável",
- "editOpen": "Abrir endereço editável em nova aba",
- "editOpenTitle": "Abrir este bloco em modo editável em nova aba",
- "viewShare": "Compartilhar endereço de visualização",
- "viewShareTitle": "Copiar o endereço somente leitura",
- "notifyJoined": "{0} entraram na sessão colaborativa",
- "notifyRenamed": "{0} agora é conhecido como {1}",
- "notifyLeft": "{0} deixou essa sessão colaborativa",
- "okButton": "OK (Enter)",
- "cancel": "Cancelar",
- "cancelButton": "Cancelar (ESC)",
- "historyButton": "Exibir histórico do documento",
- "history_next": "Ir para próxima versão",
- "history_prev": "Ir para versão anterior",
- "history_goTo": "Ir para versão selecionada",
- "history_close": "Voltar",
- "history_closeTitle": "Fechar o histórico",
- "history_restore": "Restaurar",
- "history_restoreTitle": "Restaurar a versão selecionada do documento",
- "history_restorePrompt": "Você tem certeza que deseja substituir a versão atual do documento pela que está sendo exibida agora?",
- "history_restoreDone": "Documento restaurado",
- "history_version": "Versão:",
- "tryIt": "Try it out!",
- "poll_title": "Seletor de dados zero knowledge",
- "poll_subtitle": "Zero Knowledge, agendamento em tempo real",
- "poll_p_save": "Suas configurações são atualizadas instantaneamente, assim você nunca terá de salvá-las",
- "poll_p_encryption": "Tudo que der entrada é encriptado para que apenas as pessoas com o link possam acessá-las. Nem mesmo o servidor pode ver suas mudanças.",
- "wizardLog": "Clique no botão no topo esquerdo para voltar para sua enquete",
- "wizardTitle": "Use o assistente para criar sua enquete",
- "wizardConfirm": "Você está realmente pronto para adicionar estas opções em sua enquete?",
- "poll_publish_button": "Publicar",
- "poll_admin_button": "Admin",
- "poll_create_user": "Adicionar novo usuário",
- "poll_create_option": "Adicionar nova opção",
- "poll_commit": "Submeter",
- "poll_closeWizardButton": "Fechar assistente",
- "poll_closeWizardButtonTitle": "Fechar assistente",
- "poll_wizardComputeButton": "Computar opções",
- "poll_wizardClearButton": "Limpar tabela",
- "poll_wizardDescription": "Automaticamente criar um número de opções entrando qualquer número de seguimentos de datas e horários",
- "poll_wizardAddDateButton": "+ Datas",
- "poll_wizardAddTimeButton": "+ Horários",
- "poll_optionPlaceholder": "Alternativa",
- "poll_userPlaceholder": "Seu nome",
- "poll_removeOption": "Você tem certeza que deseja remover esta opção?",
- "poll_removeUser": "Você tem certeza que quer remover este usuário?",
- "poll_titleHint": "Título",
- "poll_descriptionHint": "Descrição",
- "canvas_clear": "Limpar",
- "canvas_delete": "Deletar seleção",
- "canvas_disable": "Desabilitar desenho",
- "canvas_enable": "Habilitar desenho",
- "canvas_width": "Largura",
- "canvas_opacity": "Opacidade",
- "fm_rootName": "Documentos",
- "fm_trashName": "Lixeira",
- "fm_unsortedName": "Arquivos não organizados",
- "fm_filesDataName": "Todos os Arquivos",
- "fm_templateName": "Temas",
- "fm_searchName": "Busca",
- "fm_searchPlaceholder": "Buscar...",
- "fm_newButton": "Novo",
- "fm_newButtonTitle": "Criar um novo bloco ou diretório",
- "fm_newFolder": "Novo diretório",
- "fm_newFile": "Novo bloco",
- "fm_folder": "Diretório",
- "fm_folderName": "Nome do diretório",
- "fm_numberOfFolders": "# de diretórios",
- "fm_numberOfFiles": "# de arquivos",
- "fm_fileName": "Nome do arquivo",
- "fm_title": "Título",
- "fm_type": "Tipo",
- "fm_lastAccess": "Último acesso",
- "fm_creation": "Criação",
- "fm_forbidden": "Ação não permitida",
- "fm_originalPath": "Caminho original",
- "fm_openParent": "Exibir no diretório",
- "fm_noname": "Documento sem título",
- "fm_emptyTrashDialog": "Você tem certeza que deseja limpar a lixeira??",
- "fm_removeSeveralPermanentlyDialog": "Você tem certeza que deseja deletar estes {0} elementos da lixeira permanentemente?",
- "fm_removePermanentlyDialog": "Você tem certeza que deseja deletar este elemento da lixeira permanentemente?",
- "fm_removeSeveralDialog": "Você tem certeza que deseja mover estes {0} elementos para a lixeira?",
- "fm_removeDialog": "Você tem certeza que deseja mover {0} para a lixeira?",
- "fm_restoreDialog": "Você tem certeza que deseja restaurar {0} de volta para seu diretório original?",
- "fm_unknownFolderError": "O diretório selecionado ou visitado por último não existe mais. Abrindo diretório superior...",
- "fm_contextMenuError": "Incapaz de abrir o menu de contextualização para este elementos. Se o problema persistir, tente recarregar a página.",
- "fm_selectError": "Incapaz de selecionar o elemento marcado. Se o problema persistir, tente recarregar a página.",
- "fm_categoryError": "Incapaz de abrir a categoria selecionada, Exibindo diretório raiz",
- "fm_info_root": "Crie quantos diretórios aninhados aqui desejar para organizar seus arquivos..",
- "fm_info_unsorted": "Contém todos os arquivos que você visitou e não estão ainda organizados na pasta Documentos ou foram movidos para a pasta lixeira",
- "updated_0_fm_info_trash": "Empty your trash to free space in your CryptDrive.",
- "fm_info_trash": "Empty your trash to free space in your CryptDrive.",
- "fm_info_allFiles": "Contém todos os arquivos de \"Documentos\", \"Não organizados\" e \"Lixeira\". Não é possível mover ou remover arquivos daqui.",
- "fm_info_anonymous": "Você não está logado, então estes blocos podem ser deletados! (Descubra o porque). Cadastre-se or Entre Para deixá-los salvos.",
- "fm_alert_backupUrl": "Link de backup desta conta.
É fortemente recomendado que você deixe para você e somente você.
Você pode usá-lo para resgatar os seus dados caso a memória do seu navegador se perca.
Qualquer um com este link pode editar ou apagar todos os arquivos no gerenciador da conta.
- "fm_alert_anonymous": "Ola! Você está utilizando o CryptPad anonimamente, isto é ok, mas seus blocos podem ser apagados se ficarem muito tempo inativo. Nós desativamos as funções avançadas nas contas anônimas para que isto fique claro para você Este não é um bom lugar apra salvar senhas! Entenda: Clicando aqui! Porque estamos fazendo isso e porque você deveria criar uma onta? Sign up and Clique e entenda!.",
- "fm_backup_title": "Link de restauração",
- "fm_nameFile": "Como deseja nomear este arquivo?",
- "fm_error_cantPin": "Erro interno do servidor. Por favor recarregue a página e tente novamente.",
- "fc_newfolder": "Nova pasta",
- "fc_rename": "Renomear",
- "fc_open": "Abrir",
- "fc_open_ro": "Abrir (somente leitura)",
- "fc_delete": "Deletar",
- "fc_restore": "Restaurar",
- "fc_remove": "Deletar permanentemente",
- "fc_empty": "Esvaziar lixeira",
- "fc_prop": "Propriedades",
- "fc_sizeInKilobytes": "tamanho em Kilobytes",
- "fo_moveUnsortedError": "Você não pode mover uma pasta na lista de notas não organizadas",
- "fo_existingNameError": "Nome já em uso neste diretório. Por favor escolha outro.",
- "fo_moveFolderToChildError": "Você não pode mover uma sub-diretório para dentro de um de seus sub-diretórios",
- "fo_unableToRestore": "Fomos incapazes de restaurar este arquivo para sua posição original. Você pode tentar move-lo para o local de destino porém.",
- "fo_unavailableName": "Um arquivo ou diretório com o mesmo nome já existe no novo locao. Renomeie-o e tente novamente.",
- "login_login": "Entrar",
- "login_makeAPad": "Criar bloco anonimamente",
- "login_nologin": "Navegar nos blocos locais",
- "login_register": "Cadastro",
- "logoutButton": "Sair",
- "settingsButton": "Configurações",
- "login_username": "Usuário",
- "login_password": "Senha",
- "login_confirm": "Confirme sua senha",
- "login_remember": "Memorize-me",
- "login_hashing": "Encriptando sua senha, isto pode tomar algum tempo.",
- "login_hello": "Ola {0},",
- "login_helloNoName": "Ola,",
- "login_accessDrive": "Acesse seu diretório",
- "login_orNoLogin": "ou",
- "login_noSuchUser": "Usuário ou senha inválido. Tente nocamente ou cadastre-se",
- "login_invalUser": "É necessário um usuário",
- "login_invalPass": "É necessário uma senha",
- "login_unhandledError": "Um erro não esperado ocorreu :(",
- "register_importRecent": "Importar histórico de blocos (Recomendado)",
- "register_acceptTerms": "Eu aceito os termos de serviço",
- "register_passwordsDontMatch": "Senhas não coincidem!",
- "register_mustAcceptTerms": "Você precisa aceitar os termos de serviço.",
- "register_mustRememberPass": "Nós não podemos restaurar sua senha caso você a esqueça. É muito importante que você lembre-se dela! Clique nesta caixa de seleção para confirmar que você compreendeu isto.",
- "register_header": "Bem vindo ao CryptPad",
- "register_explanation": "Lets go over a couple things first
- Your password is your secret key which encrypts all of your pads. If you lose it there is no way we can recover your data.
- You can import pads which were recently viewed in your browser so you have them in your account.
- If you are using a shared computer, you need to log out when you are done, closing the tab is not enough.
- "register_writtenPassword": "I have written down my username and password, proceed",
- "register_cancel": "Go back",
- "register_warning": "Zero Knowledge means that we can't recover your data if you lose your password.",
- "register_alreadyRegistered": "This user already exists, do you want to log in?",
- "settings_title": "Settings",
- "settings_save": "Save",
- "settings_backupTitle": "Backup or restore all your data",
- "settings_backup": "Backup",
- "settings_restore": "Restore",
- "settings_resetTitle": "Clean your drive",
- "settings_reset": "Remove all the files and folders from your CryptDrive",
- "settings_resetPrompt": "This action will remove all the pads from your drive.
Are you sure you want to continue?
Type “I love CryptPad” to confirm.",
- "settings_resetDone": "Your drive is now empty!",
- "settings_resetError": "Incorrect verification text. Your CryptDrive has not been changed.",
- "settings_resetTips": "Tips in CryptDrive",
- "settings_resetTipsButton": "Reset the available tips in CryptDrive",
- "settings_resetTipsDone": "All the tips are now visible again.",
- "settings_importTitle": "Import this browser's recent pads in my CryptDrive",
- "settings_import": "Import",
- "settings_importConfirm": "Are you sure you want to import recent pads from this browser to your user account's CryptDrive?",
- "settings_importDone": "Import completed",
- "settings_userFeedbackHint1": "CryptPad provides some very basic feedback to the server, to let us know how to improve your experience.",
- "settings_userFeedbackHint2": "Your pad's content will never be shared with the server.",
- "settings_userFeedback": "Enable user feedback",
- "settings_anonymous": "You are not logged in. Settings here are specific to this browser.",
- "settings_publicSigningKey": "Public Signing Key",
- "settings_usage": "Usage",
- "settings_usageTitle": "See the total size of your pinned pads in MB",
- "settings_pinningNotAvailable": "Pinned pads are only available to registered users.",
- "settings_pinningError": "Something went wrong",
- "settings_usageAmount": "Your pinned pads occupy {0}MB",
- "settings_logoutEverywhereTitle": "Log out everywhere",
- "settings_logoutEverywhere": "Log out of all other web sessions",
- "settings_logoutEverywhereConfirm": "Are you sure? You will need to log in with all your devices.",
- "upload_serverError": "Server Error: unable to upload your file at this time.",
- "upload_uploadPending": "You already have an upload in progress. Cancel it and upload your new file?",
- "upload_success": "Your file ({0}) has been successfully uploaded and added to your drive.",
- "upload_notEnoughSpace": "There is not enough space for this file in your CryptDrive.",
- "upload_tooLarge": "This file exceeds the maximum upload size.",
- "upload_choose": "Choose a file",
- "upload_pending": "Pending",
- "upload_cancelled": "Cancelled",
- "upload_name": "File name",
- "upload_size": "Size",
- "upload_progress": "Progress",
- "download_button": "Decrypt & Download",
- "warn_notPinned": "This pad is not in anyone's CryptDrive. It will expire after 3 months. Learn more...",
- "main_p2": "This project uses the CKEditor Visual Editor, CodeMirror, and the ChainPad realtime engine.",
- "main_howitworks_p1": "CryptPad uses a variant of the Operational transformation algorithm which is able to find distributed consensus using a Nakamoto Blockchain, a construct popularized by Bitcoin. This way the algorithm can avoid the need for a central server to resolve Operational Transform Edit Conflicts and without the need for resolving conflicts, the server can be kept unaware of the content which is being edited on the pad.",
- "main_about_p2": "If you have any questions or comments, you can tweet us, open an issue on github, come say hi on irc (irc.freenode.net), or send us an email.",
- "main_info": "Collaborate in Confidence
Grow your ideas together with shared documents while Zero Knowledge technology secures your privacy; even from us.",
- "main_howitworks": "How It Works",
- "main_zeroKnowledge": "Zero Knowledge",
- "main_zeroKnowledge_p": "You don't have to trust that we won't look at your pads, with CryptPad's revolutionary Zero Knowledge Technology we can't. Learn more about how we protect your Privacy and Security.",
- "main_writeItDown": "Write it down",
- "main_writeItDown_p": "The greatest projects come from the smallest ideas. Take down the moments of inspiration and unexpected ideas because you never know which one might be a breakthrough.",
- "main_share": "Share the link, share the pad",
- "main_share_p": "Grow your ideas together: conduct efficient meetings, collaborate on TODO lists and make quick presentations with all your friends and all your devices.",
- "main_organize": "Get organized",
- "main_organize_p": "With CryptPad Drive, you can keep your sights on what's important. Folders allow you to keep track of your projects and have a global vision of where things are going.",
- "main_richText": "Rich Text editor",
- "main_richText_p": "Edit rich text pads collaboratively with our realtime Zero Knowledge CkEditor application.",
- "main_code": "Code editor",
- "main_code_p": "Edit code from your software collaboratively with our realtime Zero Knowledge CodeMirror application.",
- "main_slide": "Slide editor",
- "main_slide_p": "Create your presentations using the Markdown syntax, and display them in your browser.",
- "main_poll": "Polls",
- "main_poll_p": "Plan your meeting or your event, or vote for the best solution regarding your problem.",
- "main_drive": "CryptDrive",
- "footer_applications": "Applications",
- "footer_contact": "Contact",
- "footer_aboutUs": "About us",
- "about": "About",
- "privacy": "Privacy",
- "contact": "Contact",
- "terms": "ToS",
- "blog": "Blog",
- "policy_title": "Política de privacidade do Cryptpad",
- "policy_whatweknow": "O que nós sabemos sobre você",
- "policy_whatweknow_p1": "Por ser uma aplicação hospedada na web, O Cryptpad tem acesso aos metadados expostos pelo protocolo HTTP. Isso inclui seu endereço IP, e vários cabeçalhos do HTTP que podem ser usados para identificar seu browser particular. Você pode ver que informações seu navegador está compartilhando ao visitar WhatIsMyBrowser.com.",
- "policy_whatweknow_p2": "Nós usamos a plataforma de análise Piwik, uma plataforma analítica open source, para aprender mais sobre nossos usos. Piwik nos informa como você encontrou o Cryptpad, via digitação direta, através de mecanismos de busca, ou via link de outro serviço web como o Reddit ou o Twitter. Nós também aprendemos com suas visitas, que links você clica enquanto está em nossas páginas de informações, e quanto tempo você fica nestas páginas.",
- "policy_howweuse": "Como utilizamos o que nós aprendemos",
- "policy_howweuse_p1": "Nos utilizamos estas informações para tomar melhores decisões sobre como promover o Cryptpad, ao avaliar quais dos nosso esforços passados foram mais bem sucedidos. Informações sobre sua localização nos ajudam a decidir se nós devemos considerar prover melhor suporte para idiomas além do inglês.",
- "policy_howweuse_p2": "As informações sobre o seu navegador de internet (não importando se é um desktop ou um equipamento móvel) nos ajudam a tomar melhores decisões ao priorizar melhorias futuras. Nossa equipe de desenvolvimento é pequena, e nós tentamos fazer as melhores escolhas em pró de auxiliar a experiência de utilização do máximo de nossos usuários possíveis.",
- "policy_whatwetell": "O que contamos a terceiros sobre você",
- "policy_whatwetell_p1": "Nós não informamos terceiros a informação que armazenamos ou que provemos a você, salvo caso sejamos legalmente requisitados a faze-lo.",
- "policy_links": "Links para outros sites",
- "policy_links_p1": "Este site contém ligações para outros sites, incluindo aqueles produzidos por terceiros. Nós não nos responsabilizamos pelas práticas de privacidade ou o conteúdo destes sites. Como regra geral, links para páginas fora de nosso domínio são lançadas em novas janelas ou abas, para deixar claro a todos os visitantes que eles estão deixando o site Cryptpad.fr.",
- "policy_ads": "Publicidade",
- "policy_ads_p1": "Nós não disponibilizamos publicidade online, porém podemos prover links de acesso para obtenção de financiamento para auxiliar em nossa pesquisa e desenvolvimento.",
- "policy_choices": "As escolhas que você tem",
- "policy_choices_open": "Nosso código fonte é open source, portanto você sempre tem a opção de hospedar sua própria instância do Cryptpad.",
- "policy_choices_vpn": "Se você deseja usar nosso site principal, porém não deseja expor seu endereço IP, Você pode se proteger utilizando o Navegador seguro Tor, ou uma VPN.",
- "policy_choices_ads": "Se você deseja apenas bloquear nossa plataforma analítica, você pode utilizar ferramentas de bloqueio de propagandas como o Privacy Badger.",
- "tos_title": "Termos de serviço doCryptpad",
- "tos_legal": "Pedimos encarecidamente que, como usuário desta plataforma, você evite a prática de quaisquer atos ilegais e que evite a utilização maliciosa e/ou abusiva desta plataforma.",
- "tos_availability": "Nós esperamos que você ache este serviço útil, porém nós não podemos garantir a disponibilidade constante ou a alta performance do mesmo. Por favor, mantenha um backup dos seus dados como forma de segurança adicional.",
- "tos_e2ee": "Os documentos do CryptPad podem ser modificados por qualquer um que conseguir adivinhar ou obter de qualquer forma o seu identificador único. Nós recomendamos que você utilize criptografia ponto a ponto de mensagens (e2ee) sempre que possível para compartilhar suas URL's. Nós não assumimos qualquer responsabilidade sobre chaves e/ou URL’s e seus respectivos conteúdos vazadas para o público.",
- "tos_logs": "Os Metadados providos pelo seu navegador para nosso servidor podem ser armazenados com o propósito de manter o serviço em funcionamento",
- "tos_3rdparties": "Nós não disponibilizamos dados individuais para terceiros, salvo quando requisitado legalmente.",
- "bottom_france": "Feito com na ",
- "bottom_support": "Um projeto do laboratório com o suporte da ",
- "header_france": "Com da por ",
- "header_support": " ",
- "header_logoTitle": "Go to the main page",
- "initialState": "This is CryptPad, the Zero Knowledge realtime collaborative editor. Everything is saved as you type.
Share the link to this pad to edit with friends or use the button to share a read-only link which allows viewing but not editing.
- "codeInitialState": "# CryptPad's Zero Knowledge collaborative code editor\n\n* What you type here is encrypted so only people who have the link can access it.\n* You can choose the programming language to highlight and the UI color scheme in the upper right.",
- "slideInitialState": "# CryptSlide\n1. Write your slides content using markdown syntax\n - Learn more about markdown syntax [here](http://www.markdowntutorial.com/)\n2. Separate your slides with ---\n3. Click on the \"Play\" button to see the result - Your slides are updated in realtime",
- "driveReadmeTitle": "What is CryptPad?",
- "readme_welcome": "Welcome to CryptPad !",
- "readme_p1": "Welcome to CryptPad, this is where you can take note of things alone and with friends.",
- "readme_p2": "This pad will give you a quick walk through of how you can use CryptPad to take notes, keep them organized and work together on them.",
- "readme_cat1": "Get to know your CryptDrive",
- "readme_cat1_l1": "Make a pad: In your CryptDrive, click {0} then {1} and you can make a pad.",
- "readme_cat1_l2": "Open Pads from your CryptDrive: double-click on a pad icon to open it.",
- "readme_cat1_l3": "Organize your pads: When you are logged in, every pad you access will be shown as in the {0} section of your drive.",
- "readme_cat1_l3_l1": "You can click and drag files into folders in the {0} section of your drive and make new folders.",
- "readme_cat1_l3_l2": "Remember to try right clicking on icons because there are often additional menus.",
- "readme_cat1_l4": "Put old pads in the trash: You can click and drag your pads into the {0} the same way you drag them into folders.",
- "readme_cat2": "Make pads like a pro",
- "edit": "edit",
- "view": "view",
- "readme_cat2_l1": "The {0} button in your pad allows you to give access to collaborators to either {1} or to {2} the pad.",
- "readme_cat2_l2": "Change the title of the pad by clicking on the pencil",
- "readme_cat3": "Discover CryptPad apps",
- "readme_cat3_l1": "With CryptPad code editor, you can collaborate on code like Javascript and markdown like HTML and Markdown",
- "readme_cat3_l2": "With CryptPad slide editor, you can make quick presentations using Markdown",
- "readme_cat3_l3": "With CryptPoll you can take quick votes, especially for scheduling meetings which fit with everybody's calendar",
- "tips": {
- "lag": "The green icon in the upper right shows the quality of your internet connection to the CryptPad server.",
- "shortcuts": "`ctrl+b`, `ctrl+i` and `ctrl+u` are quick shortcuts for bold, italic and underline.",
- "indent": "In numbered and bulleted lists, you can use tab or shift+tab to quickly increase or decrease indentation.",
- "title": "You can set the title of your pad by clicking the top center.",
- "store": "Every time you visit a pad, if you're logged in it will be saved to your CryptDrive.",
- "marker": "You can highlight text in a pad using the \"marker\" item in the styles dropdown menu."
- },
- "feedback_about": "If you're reading this, you were probably curious why CryptPad is requesting web pages when you perform certain actions",
- "feedback_privacy": "We care about your privacy, and at the same time we want CryptPad to be very easy to use. We use this file to figure out which UI features matter to our users, by requesting it along with a parameter specifying which action was taken.",
- "feedback_optout": "If you would like to opt out, visit your user settings page, where you'll find a checkbox to enable or disable user feedback"
+ "_languageName": "Brazilian Portuguese",
+ "main_title": "Cryptpad: Zero Knowledge, Edição Colaborativa em Tempo Real",
+ "main_slogan": "União é Força - Colaboração é a Chave",
+ "type": {
+ "pad": "Notas",
+ "code": "Código",
+ "poll": "votação",
+ "slide": "Apresentação",
+ "drive": "Drive",
+ "whiteboard": "Whiteboard",
+ "file": "File",
+ "media": "Media"
+ },
+ "button_newpad": "Novo bloco RTF",
+ "button_newcode": "Novo bloco de código",
+ "button_newpoll": "Novo questionário",
+ "button_newslide": "Nova apresentação",
+ "button_newwhiteboard": "Novo quadro branco",
+ "updated_0_common_connectionLost": "Conexão com o Servidor Perdida
Você agora está em modo somente leitura até a conexão ser restaurada.",
+ "common_connectionLost": "Conexão com o Servidor Perdida
Você agora está em modo somente leitura até a conexão ser restaurada.",
+ "websocketError": "Incapaz de se conectar com o servidor websocket...",
+ "typeError": "Este bloco não é compatível com a aplicação selecionada",
+ "onLogout": "você foi desconectado, {0}clique aqui{1} para se conectar,
ou pressione ESC para acessar seu bloco em modo somente leitura.",
+ "wrongApp": "Incapaz de mostrar o conteúdo em tempo real no seu navegador. Por favor tente recarregar a página.",
+ "loading": "Carregando...",
+ "error": "Erro",
+ "saved": "Salvo",
+ "synced": "Tudo foi salvo",
+ "deleted": "Bloco deletado do seu CryptDrive",
+ "disconnected": "Desconectado",
+ "synchronizing": "Sincronizando",
+ "reconnecting": "Reconectando...",
+ "lag": "Lag",
+ "readonly": "Somente leitura",
+ "anonymous": "Anonimo",
+ "yourself": "Você",
+ "anonymousUsers": "Usuários anônimos",
+ "anonymousUser": "Usuário anônimo",
+ "users": "Usuários",
+ "and": "e",
+ "viewer": "vizualizações",
+ "viewers": "leitores",
+ "editor": "editor",
+ "editors": "editores",
+ "language": "Lingua",
+ "comingSoon": "Em breve...",
+ "newVersion": "O CryptPad foi atualizado!
Cheque as novidades na última versão:
Notas da atualização do CryptPad {0}",
+ "upgrade": "Upgrade",
+ "upgradeTitle": "Faça um upgrade na sua conta para aumentar o limite de armazenamento",
+ "MB": "MB",
+ "GB": "GB",
+ "KB": "KB",
+ "formattedMB": "{0} MB",
+ "formattedGB": "{0} GB",
+ "formattedKB": "{0} KB",
+ "greenLight": "Tudo está funcionando bem",
+ "orangeLight": "Sua conexão lenta pode impactar sua experiência",
+ "redLight": "Você está desconectado da sua sessão",
+ "pinLimitReached": "Você alcançou o limite de armazenamento",
+ "updated_0_pinLimitReachedAlert": "Você alcançou o limite de armazenamento. Novos blocos não serão mais salvos no seu CryptDrive.
Você pode deletar blocos do seu CryptDrive ou se inscrever como premium para aumentar o limite de espaço.",
+ "pinLimitReachedAlert": "Você alcançou o limite de armazenamento. Novos blocos não serão mais salvos no seu CryptDrive.
Você pode deletar blocos do seu CryptDrive ou se inscrever como premium para aumentar o limite de espaço.",
+ "pinAboveLimitAlert": "A partir desta atualização, nós estamos impondo um limite de 50MB no armazenamento gratuito. Você está atualmente usando {0}. Você irá precisar deletar alguns blocos ou se inscrever no accounts.cryptpad.fr. Sua contribuição irá nos ajudar a melhorar o CryptPad e expandir a metodologia Zero Knowledge. Por favor contacte o suporte se você possui outras dúvidas.",
+ "pinLimitNotPinned": "Você alcançou o limite de armazenamento.
Este bloco não está armazenado no seu CryptDrive.",
+ "pinLimitDrive": "Você alcançou o limite de armazenamento.
Você não pode criar novos blocos.",
+ "importButtonTitle": "Importar um documento de um arquivo local",
+ "exportButtonTitle": "Exportar esta sesão para um arquivo local",
+ "exportPrompt": "Como deseja nomear seu arquivo?",
+ "changeNamePrompt": "Mude seu nome (deixe em branco para se manter anônimo): ",
+ "user_rename": "Mudar nome de exibição",
+ "user_displayName": "Nome visível",
+ "user_accountName": "Nome da Conta",
+ "clickToEdit": "Clique para Editar",
+ "forgetButtonTitle": "Remova este documento da listagem da sua página",
+ "forgetPrompt": "Clicando OK você irá remover o endereço deste bloco de notas do armazenamento local, você tem certeza?",
+ "movedToTrash": "That pad has been moved to the trash.
Access my Drive",
+ "shareButton": "Compartilhar",
+ "shareSuccess": "Endereço copiado para o clipboard",
+ "newButton": "Novo",
+ "newButtonTitle": "Criar um novo bloco",
+ "saveTemplateButton": "Salvar como modelo",
+ "saveTemplatePrompt": "Escolha o nome do modelo",
+ "templateSaved": "Modelo salvo!",
+ "selectTemplate": "Selecione um modelo ou pressione ESC",
+ "previewButtonTitle": "Mostrar ou esconder o modo de visualização markdown",
+ "presentButtonTitle": "Entrar no modo apresentação",
+ "backgroundButtonTitle": "Mudar cor do fundo da apresentação",
+ "colorButtonTitle": "Mudar a cor do texto no modo apresentação",
+ "printButton": "Imprimir (Enter)",
+ "printButtonTitle": "Imprimir seus slides ou exportá-los como PDF",
+ "printOptions": "Opções de leiaute",
+ "printSlideNumber": "Mostrar o número do slide",
+ "printDate": "Mostrar a data",
+ "printTitle": "Mostrar título do bloco",
+ "printCSS": "Custom style rules (CSS):",
+ "printTransition": "Ativar animações de transição",
+ "slideOptionsTitle": "Personalizar seus slides",
+ "slideOptionsButton": "Salvar (Enter)",
+ "editShare": "Compartilhar endereço editável",
+ "editShareTitle": "Copiar endereço editável",
+ "editOpen": "Abrir endereço editável em nova aba",
+ "editOpenTitle": "Abrir este bloco em modo editável em nova aba",
+ "viewShare": "Compartilhar endereço de visualização",
+ "viewShareTitle": "Copiar o endereço somente leitura",
+ "notifyJoined": "{0} entraram na sessão colaborativa",
+ "notifyRenamed": "{0} agora é conhecido como {1}",
+ "notifyLeft": "{0} deixou essa sessão colaborativa",
+ "okButton": "OK (Enter)",
+ "cancel": "Cancelar",
+ "cancelButton": "Cancelar (ESC)",
+ "historyButton": "Exibir histórico do documento",
+ "history_next": "Ir para próxima versão",
+ "history_prev": "Ir para versão anterior",
+ "history_goTo": "Ir para versão selecionada",
+ "history_close": "Voltar",
+ "history_closeTitle": "Fechar o histórico",
+ "history_restore": "Restaurar",
+ "history_restoreTitle": "Restaurar a versão selecionada do documento",
+ "history_restorePrompt": "Você tem certeza que deseja substituir a versão atual do documento pela que está sendo exibida agora?",
+ "history_restoreDone": "Documento restaurado",
+ "history_version": "Versão:",
+ "tryIt": "Try it out!",
+ "poll_title": "Seletor de dados zero knowledge",
+ "poll_subtitle": "Zero Knowledge, agendamento em tempo real",
+ "poll_p_save": "Suas configurações são atualizadas instantaneamente, assim você nunca terá de salvá-las",
+ "poll_p_encryption": "Tudo que der entrada é encriptado para que apenas as pessoas com o link possam acessá-las. Nem mesmo o servidor pode ver suas mudanças.",
+ "wizardLog": "Clique no botão no topo esquerdo para voltar para sua enquete",
+ "wizardTitle": "Use o assistente para criar sua enquete",
+ "wizardConfirm": "Você está realmente pronto para adicionar estas opções em sua enquete?",
+ "poll_publish_button": "Publicar",
+ "poll_admin_button": "Admin",
+ "poll_create_user": "Adicionar novo usuário",
+ "poll_create_option": "Adicionar nova opção",
+ "poll_commit": "Submeter",
+ "poll_closeWizardButton": "Fechar assistente",
+ "poll_closeWizardButtonTitle": "Fechar assistente",
+ "poll_wizardComputeButton": "Computar opções",
+ "poll_wizardClearButton": "Limpar tabela",
+ "poll_wizardDescription": "Automaticamente criar um número de opções entrando qualquer número de seguimentos de datas e horários",
+ "poll_wizardAddDateButton": "+ Datas",
+ "poll_wizardAddTimeButton": "+ Horários",
+ "poll_optionPlaceholder": "Alternativa",
+ "poll_userPlaceholder": "Seu nome",
+ "poll_removeOption": "Você tem certeza que deseja remover esta opção?",
+ "poll_removeUser": "Você tem certeza que quer remover este usuário?",
+ "poll_titleHint": "Título",
+ "poll_descriptionHint": "Descrição",
+ "canvas_clear": "Limpar",
+ "canvas_delete": "Deletar seleção",
+ "canvas_disable": "Desabilitar desenho",
+ "canvas_enable": "Habilitar desenho",
+ "canvas_width": "Largura",
+ "canvas_opacity": "Opacidade",
+ "fm_rootName": "Documentos",
+ "fm_trashName": "Lixeira",
+ "fm_unsortedName": "Arquivos não organizados",
+ "fm_filesDataName": "Todos os Arquivos",
+ "fm_templateName": "Temas",
+ "fm_searchName": "Busca",
+ "fm_searchPlaceholder": "Buscar...",
+ "fm_newButton": "Novo",
+ "fm_newButtonTitle": "Criar um novo bloco ou diretório",
+ "fm_newFolder": "Novo diretório",
+ "fm_newFile": "Novo bloco",
+ "fm_folder": "Diretório",
+ "fm_folderName": "Nome do diretório",
+ "fm_numberOfFolders": "# de diretórios",
+ "fm_numberOfFiles": "# de arquivos",
+ "fm_fileName": "Nome do arquivo",
+ "fm_title": "Título",
+ "fm_type": "Tipo",
+ "fm_lastAccess": "Último acesso",
+ "fm_creation": "Criação",
+ "fm_forbidden": "Ação não permitida",
+ "fm_originalPath": "Caminho original",
+ "fm_openParent": "Exibir no diretório",
+ "fm_noname": "Documento sem título",
+ "fm_emptyTrashDialog": "Você tem certeza que deseja limpar a lixeira??",
+ "fm_removeSeveralPermanentlyDialog": "Você tem certeza que deseja deletar estes {0} elementos da lixeira permanentemente?",
+ "fm_removePermanentlyDialog": "Você tem certeza que deseja deletar este elemento da lixeira permanentemente?",
+ "fm_removeSeveralDialog": "Você tem certeza que deseja mover estes {0} elementos para a lixeira?",
+ "fm_removeDialog": "Você tem certeza que deseja mover {0} para a lixeira?",
+ "fm_restoreDialog": "Você tem certeza que deseja restaurar {0} de volta para seu diretório original?",
+ "fm_unknownFolderError": "O diretório selecionado ou visitado por último não existe mais. Abrindo diretório superior...",
+ "fm_contextMenuError": "Incapaz de abrir o menu de contextualização para este elementos. Se o problema persistir, tente recarregar a página.",
+ "fm_selectError": "Incapaz de selecionar o elemento marcado. Se o problema persistir, tente recarregar a página.",
+ "fm_categoryError": "Incapaz de abrir a categoria selecionada, Exibindo diretório raiz",
+ "fm_info_root": "Crie quantos diretórios aninhados aqui desejar para organizar seus arquivos..",
+ "fm_info_unsorted": "Contém todos os arquivos que você visitou e não estão ainda organizados na pasta Documentos ou foram movidos para a pasta lixeira",
+ "updated_0_fm_info_trash": "Empty your trash to free space in your CryptDrive.",
+ "fm_info_trash": "Empty your trash to free space in your CryptDrive.",
+ "fm_info_allFiles": "Contém todos os arquivos de \"Documentos\", \"Não organizados\" e \"Lixeira\". Não é possível mover ou remover arquivos daqui.",
+ "fm_info_anonymous": "Você não está logado, então estes blocos podem ser deletados! (Descubra o porque). Cadastre-se or Entre Para deixá-los salvos.",
+ "fm_alert_backupUrl": "Link de backup desta conta.
É fortemente recomendado que você deixe para você e somente você.
Você pode usá-lo para resgatar os seus dados caso a memória do seu navegador se perca.
Qualquer um com este link pode editar ou apagar todos os arquivos no gerenciador da conta.
+ "fm_alert_anonymous": "Ola! Você está utilizando o CryptPad anonimamente, isto é ok, mas seus blocos podem ser apagados se ficarem muito tempo inativo. Nós desativamos as funções avançadas nas contas anônimas para que isto fique claro para você Este não é um bom lugar apra salvar senhas! Entenda: Clicando aqui! Porque estamos fazendo isso e porque você deveria criar uma onta? Sign up and Clique e entenda!.",
+ "fm_backup_title": "Link de restauração",
+ "fm_nameFile": "Como deseja nomear este arquivo?",
+ "fm_error_cantPin": "Erro interno do servidor. Por favor recarregue a página e tente novamente.",
+ "fc_newfolder": "Nova pasta",
+ "fc_rename": "Renomear",
+ "fc_open": "Abrir",
+ "fc_open_ro": "Abrir (somente leitura)",
+ "fc_delete": "Deletar",
+ "fc_restore": "Restaurar",
+ "fc_remove": "Deletar permanentemente",
+ "fc_empty": "Esvaziar lixeira",
+ "fc_prop": "Propriedades",
+ "fc_sizeInKilobytes": "tamanho em Kilobytes",
+ "fo_moveUnsortedError": "Você não pode mover uma pasta na lista de notas não organizadas",
+ "fo_existingNameError": "Nome já em uso neste diretório. Por favor escolha outro.",
+ "fo_moveFolderToChildError": "Você não pode mover uma sub-diretório para dentro de um de seus sub-diretórios",
+ "fo_unableToRestore": "Fomos incapazes de restaurar este arquivo para sua posição original. Você pode tentar move-lo para o local de destino porém.",
+ "fo_unavailableName": "Um arquivo ou diretório com o mesmo nome já existe no novo locao. Renomeie-o e tente novamente.",
+ "login_login": "Entrar",
+ "login_makeAPad": "Criar bloco anonimamente",
+ "login_nologin": "Navegar nos blocos locais",
+ "login_register": "Cadastro",
+ "logoutButton": "Sair",
+ "settingsButton": "Configurações",
+ "login_username": "Usuário",
+ "login_password": "Senha",
+ "login_confirm": "Confirme sua senha",
+ "login_remember": "Memorize-me",
+ "login_hashing": "Encriptando sua senha, isto pode tomar algum tempo.",
+ "login_hello": "Ola {0},",
+ "login_helloNoName": "Ola,",
+ "login_accessDrive": "Acesse seu diretório",
+ "login_orNoLogin": "ou",
+ "login_noSuchUser": "Usuário ou senha inválido. Tente nocamente ou cadastre-se",
+ "login_invalUser": "É necessário um usuário",
+ "login_invalPass": "É necessário uma senha",
+ "login_unhandledError": "Um erro não esperado ocorreu :(",
+ "register_importRecent": "Importar histórico de blocos (Recomendado)",
+ "register_acceptTerms": "Eu aceito os termos de serviço",
+ "register_passwordsDontMatch": "Senhas não coincidem!",
+ "register_mustAcceptTerms": "Você precisa aceitar os termos de serviço.",
+ "register_mustRememberPass": "Nós não podemos restaurar sua senha caso você a esqueça. É muito importante que você lembre-se dela! Clique nesta caixa de seleção para confirmar que você compreendeu isto.",
+ "register_header": "Bem vindo ao CryptPad",
+ "register_explanation": "Lets go over a couple things first
- Your password is your secret key which encrypts all of your pads. If you lose it there is no way we can recover your data.
- You can import pads which were recently viewed in your browser so you have them in your account.
- If you are using a shared computer, you need to log out when you are done, closing the tab is not enough.
+ "register_writtenPassword": "I have written down my username and password, proceed",
+ "register_cancel": "Go back",
+ "register_warning": "Zero Knowledge means that we can't recover your data if you lose your password.",
+ "register_alreadyRegistered": "This user already exists, do you want to log in?",
+ "settings_title": "Settings",
+ "settings_save": "Save",
+ "settings_backupTitle": "Backup or restore all your data",
+ "settings_backup": "Backup",
+ "settings_restore": "Restore",
+ "settings_resetTitle": "Clean your drive",
+ "settings_reset": "Remove all the files and folders from your CryptDrive",
+ "settings_resetPrompt": "This action will remove all the pads from your drive.
Are you sure you want to continue?
Type “I love CryptPad” to confirm.",
+ "settings_resetDone": "Your drive is now empty!",
+ "settings_resetError": "Incorrect verification text. Your CryptDrive has not been changed.",
+ "settings_resetTips": "Tips in CryptDrive",
+ "settings_resetTipsButton": "Reset the available tips in CryptDrive",
+ "settings_resetTipsDone": "All the tips are now visible again.",
+ "settings_importTitle": "Import this browser's recent pads in my CryptDrive",
+ "settings_import": "Import",
+ "settings_importConfirm": "Are you sure you want to import recent pads from this browser to your user account's CryptDrive?",
+ "settings_importDone": "Import completed",
+ "settings_userFeedbackHint1": "CryptPad provides some very basic feedback to the server, to let us know how to improve your experience.",
+ "settings_userFeedbackHint2": "Your pad's content will never be shared with the server.",
+ "settings_userFeedback": "Enable user feedback",
+ "settings_anonymous": "You are not logged in. Settings here are specific to this browser.",
+ "settings_publicSigningKey": "Public Signing Key",
+ "settings_usage": "Usage",
+ "settings_usageTitle": "See the total size of your pinned pads in MB",
+ "settings_pinningNotAvailable": "Pinned pads are only available to registered users.",
+ "settings_pinningError": "Something went wrong",
+ "settings_usageAmount": "Your pinned pads occupy {0}MB",
+ "settings_logoutEverywhereTitle": "Log out everywhere",
+ "settings_logoutEverywhere": "Log out of all other web sessions",
+ "settings_logoutEverywhereConfirm": "Are you sure? You will need to log in with all your devices.",
+ "upload_serverError": "Server Error: unable to upload your file at this time.",
+ "upload_uploadPending": "You already have an upload in progress. Cancel it and upload your new file?",
+ "upload_success": "Your file ({0}) has been successfully uploaded and added to your drive.",
+ "upload_notEnoughSpace": "There is not enough space for this file in your CryptDrive.",
+ "upload_tooLarge": "This file exceeds the maximum upload size.",
+ "upload_choose": "Choose a file",
+ "upload_pending": "Pending",
+ "upload_cancelled": "Cancelled",
+ "upload_name": "File name",
+ "upload_size": "Size",
+ "upload_progress": "Progress",
+ "download_button": "Decrypt & Download",
+ "warn_notPinned": "This pad is not in anyone's CryptDrive. It will expire after 3 months. Learn more...",
+ "main_p2": "This project uses the CKEditor Visual Editor, CodeMirror, and the ChainPad realtime engine.",
+ "main_howitworks_p1": "CryptPad uses a variant of the Operational transformation algorithm which is able to find distributed consensus using a Nakamoto Blockchain, a construct popularized by Bitcoin. This way the algorithm can avoid the need for a central server to resolve Operational Transform Edit Conflicts and without the need for resolving conflicts, the server can be kept unaware of the content which is being edited on the pad.",
+ "main_about_p2": "If you have any questions or comments, you can tweet us, open an issue on github, come say hi on irc (irc.freenode.net), or send us an email.",
+ "main_info": "Collaborate in Confidence
Grow your ideas together with shared documents while Zero Knowledge technology secures your privacy; even from us.",
+ "main_howitworks": "How It Works",
+ "main_zeroKnowledge": "Zero Knowledge",
+ "main_zeroKnowledge_p": "You don't have to trust that we won't look at your pads, with CryptPad's revolutionary Zero Knowledge Technology we can't. Learn more about how we protect your Privacy and Security.",
+ "main_writeItDown": "Write it down",
+ "main_writeItDown_p": "The greatest projects come from the smallest ideas. Take down the moments of inspiration and unexpected ideas because you never know which one might be a breakthrough.",
+ "main_share": "Share the link, share the pad",
+ "main_share_p": "Grow your ideas together: conduct efficient meetings, collaborate on TODO lists and make quick presentations with all your friends and all your devices.",
+ "main_organize": "Get organized",
+ "main_organize_p": "With CryptPad Drive, you can keep your sights on what's important. Folders allow you to keep track of your projects and have a global vision of where things are going.",
+ "main_richText": "Rich Text editor",
+ "main_richText_p": "Edit rich text pads collaboratively with our realtime Zero Knowledge CkEditor application.",
+ "main_code": "Code editor",
+ "main_code_p": "Edit code from your software collaboratively with our realtime Zero Knowledge CodeMirror application.",
+ "main_slide": "Slide editor",
+ "main_slide_p": "Create your presentations using the Markdown syntax, and display them in your browser.",
+ "main_poll": "Polls",
+ "main_poll_p": "Plan your meeting or your event, or vote for the best solution regarding your problem.",
+ "main_drive": "CryptDrive",
+ "footer_applications": "Applications",
+ "footer_contact": "Contact",
+ "footer_aboutUs": "About us",
+ "about": "About",
+ "privacy": "Privacy",
+ "contact": "Contact",
+ "terms": "ToS",
+ "blog": "Blog",
+ "policy_title": "Política de privacidade do Cryptpad",
+ "policy_whatweknow": "O que nós sabemos sobre você",
+ "policy_whatweknow_p1": "Por ser uma aplicação hospedada na web, O Cryptpad tem acesso aos metadados expostos pelo protocolo HTTP. Isso inclui seu endereço IP, e vários cabeçalhos do HTTP que podem ser usados para identificar seu browser particular. Você pode ver que informações seu navegador está compartilhando ao visitar WhatIsMyBrowser.com.",
+ "policy_whatweknow_p2": "Nós usamos a plataforma de análise Piwik, uma plataforma analítica open source, para aprender mais sobre nossos usos. Piwik nos informa como você encontrou o Cryptpad, via digitação direta, através de mecanismos de busca, ou via link de outro serviço web como o Reddit ou o Twitter. Nós também aprendemos com suas visitas, que links você clica enquanto está em nossas páginas de informações, e quanto tempo você fica nestas páginas.",
+ "policy_howweuse": "Como utilizamos o que nós aprendemos",
+ "policy_howweuse_p1": "Nos utilizamos estas informações para tomar melhores decisões sobre como promover o Cryptpad, ao avaliar quais dos nosso esforços passados foram mais bem sucedidos. Informações sobre sua localização nos ajudam a decidir se nós devemos considerar prover melhor suporte para idiomas além do inglês.",
+ "policy_howweuse_p2": "As informações sobre o seu navegador de internet (não importando se é um desktop ou um equipamento móvel) nos ajudam a tomar melhores decisões ao priorizar melhorias futuras. Nossa equipe de desenvolvimento é pequena, e nós tentamos fazer as melhores escolhas em pró de auxiliar a experiência de utilização do máximo de nossos usuários possíveis.",
+ "policy_whatwetell": "O que contamos a terceiros sobre você",
+ "policy_whatwetell_p1": "Nós não informamos terceiros a informação que armazenamos ou que provemos a você, salvo caso sejamos legalmente requisitados a faze-lo.",
+ "policy_links": "Links para outros sites",
+ "policy_links_p1": "Este site contém ligações para outros sites, incluindo aqueles produzidos por terceiros. Nós não nos responsabilizamos pelas práticas de privacidade ou o conteúdo destes sites. Como regra geral, links para páginas fora de nosso domínio são lançadas em novas janelas ou abas, para deixar claro a todos os visitantes que eles estão deixando o site Cryptpad.fr.",
+ "policy_ads": "Publicidade",
+ "policy_ads_p1": "Nós não disponibilizamos publicidade online, porém podemos prover links de acesso para obtenção de financiamento para auxiliar em nossa pesquisa e desenvolvimento.",
+ "policy_choices": "As escolhas que você tem",
+ "policy_choices_open": "Nosso código fonte é open source, portanto você sempre tem a opção de hospedar sua própria instância do Cryptpad.",
+ "policy_choices_vpn": "Se você deseja usar nosso site principal, porém não deseja expor seu endereço IP, Você pode se proteger utilizando o Navegador seguro Tor, ou uma VPN.",
+ "policy_choices_ads": "Se você deseja apenas bloquear nossa plataforma analítica, você pode utilizar ferramentas de bloqueio de propagandas como o Privacy Badger.",
+ "tos_title": "Termos de serviço doCryptpad",
+ "tos_legal": "Pedimos encarecidamente que, como usuário desta plataforma, você evite a prática de quaisquer atos ilegais e que evite a utilização maliciosa e/ou abusiva desta plataforma.",
+ "tos_availability": "Nós esperamos que você ache este serviço útil, porém nós não podemos garantir a disponibilidade constante ou a alta performance do mesmo. Por favor, mantenha um backup dos seus dados como forma de segurança adicional.",
+ "tos_e2ee": "Os documentos do CryptPad podem ser modificados por qualquer um que conseguir adivinhar ou obter de qualquer forma o seu identificador único. Nós recomendamos que você utilize criptografia ponto a ponto de mensagens (e2ee) sempre que possível para compartilhar suas URL's. Nós não assumimos qualquer responsabilidade sobre chaves e/ou URL’s e seus respectivos conteúdos vazadas para o público.",
+ "tos_logs": "Os Metadados providos pelo seu navegador para nosso servidor podem ser armazenados com o propósito de manter o serviço em funcionamento",
+ "tos_3rdparties": "Nós não disponibilizamos dados individuais para terceiros, salvo quando requisitado legalmente.",
+ "bottom_france": "Feito com na ",
+ "bottom_support": "Um projeto do laboratório com o suporte da ",
+ "header_france": "Com da por ",
+ "header_support": " ",
+ "header_logoTitle": "Go to the main page",
+ "initialState": "This is CryptPad, the Zero Knowledge realtime collaborative editor. Everything is saved as you type.
Share the link to this pad to edit with friends or use the button to share a read-only link which allows viewing but not editing.
+ "codeInitialState": "# CryptPad's Zero Knowledge collaborative code editor\n\n* What you type here is encrypted so only people who have the link can access it.\n* You can choose the programming language to highlight and the UI color scheme in the upper right.",
+ "slideInitialState": "# CryptSlide\n1. Write your slides content using markdown syntax\n - Learn more about markdown syntax [here](http://www.markdowntutorial.com/)\n2. Separate your slides with ---\n3. Click on the \"Play\" button to see the result - Your slides are updated in realtime",
+ "driveReadmeTitle": "What is CryptPad?",
+ "readme_welcome": "Welcome to CryptPad !",
+ "readme_p1": "Welcome to CryptPad, this is where you can take note of things alone and with friends.",
+ "readme_p2": "This pad will give you a quick walk through of how you can use CryptPad to take notes, keep them organized and work together on them.",
+ "readme_cat1": "Get to know your CryptDrive",
+ "readme_cat1_l1": "Make a pad: In your CryptDrive, click {0} then {1} and you can make a pad.",
+ "readme_cat1_l2": "Open Pads from your CryptDrive: double-click on a pad icon to open it.",
+ "readme_cat1_l3": "Organize your pads: When you are logged in, every pad you access will be shown as in the {0} section of your drive.",
+ "readme_cat1_l3_l1": "You can click and drag files into folders in the {0} section of your drive and make new folders.",
+ "readme_cat1_l3_l2": "Remember to try right clicking on icons because there are often additional menus.",
+ "readme_cat1_l4": "Put old pads in the trash: You can click and drag your pads into the {0} the same way you drag them into folders.",
+ "readme_cat2": "Make pads like a pro",
+ "edit": "edit",
+ "view": "view",
+ "readme_cat2_l1": "The {0} button in your pad allows you to give access to collaborators to either {1} or to {2} the pad.",
+ "readme_cat2_l2": "Change the title of the pad by clicking on the pencil",
+ "readme_cat3": "Discover CryptPad apps",
+ "readme_cat3_l1": "With CryptPad code editor, you can collaborate on code like Javascript and markdown like HTML and Markdown",
+ "readme_cat3_l2": "With CryptPad slide editor, you can make quick presentations using Markdown",
+ "readme_cat3_l3": "With CryptPoll you can take quick votes, especially for scheduling meetings which fit with everybody's calendar",
+ "tips": {
+ "lag": "The green icon in the upper right shows the quality of your internet connection to the CryptPad server.",
+ "shortcuts": "`ctrl+b`, `ctrl+i` and `ctrl+u` are quick shortcuts for bold, italic and underline.",
+ "indent": "In numbered and bulleted lists, you can use tab or shift+tab to quickly increase or decrease indentation.",
+ "title": "You can set the title of your pad by clicking the top center.",
+ "store": "Every time you visit a pad, if you're logged in it will be saved to your CryptDrive.",
+ "marker": "You can highlight text in a pad using the \"marker\" item in the styles dropdown menu."
+ },
+ "feedback_about": "If you're reading this, you were probably curious why CryptPad is requesting web pages when you perform certain actions",
+ "feedback_privacy": "We care about your privacy, and at the same time we want CryptPad to be very easy to use. We use this file to figure out which UI features matter to our users, by requesting it along with a parameter specifying which action was taken.",
+ "feedback_optout": "If you would like to opt out, visit your user settings page, where you'll find a checkbox to enable or disable user feedback"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/www/common/translations/messages.ro.json b/www/common/translations/messages.ro.json
index 02b224635..12cfcdde6 100644
--- a/www/common/translations/messages.ro.json
+++ b/www/common/translations/messages.ro.json
@@ -1,351 +1,351 @@
- "main_title": "CryptPad: Zero Knowledge, Colaborare în timp real",
- "main_slogan": "Puterea stă în cooperare - Colaborarea este cheia",
- "button_newpad": "Filă Text Nouă",
- "button_newcode": "Filă Cod Nouă",
- "button_newpoll": "Sondaj Nou",
- "button_newslide": "Prezentare Nouă",
- "button_newwhiteboard": "Fila Desen Nouă",
- "updated_0_common_connectionLost": "Conexiunea la server este pierdută
Până la revenirea conexiunii, vei fi în modul citire",
- "common_connectionLost": "Conexiunea la server este pierdută
Până la revenirea conexiunii, vei fi în modul citire",
- "websocketError": "Conexiune inexistentă către serverul websocket...",
- "typeError": "Această filă nu este compatibilă cu aplicația aleasă",
- "onLogout": "Nu mai ești autentificat, {0}apasă aici{1} să te autentifici
sau apasă Escapesă accesezi fila în modul citire.",
- "wrongApp": "Momentan nu putem arăta conținutul sesiunii în timp real în fereastra ta. Te rugăm reîncarcă pagina.",
- "loading": "Încarcă...",
- "error": "Eroare",
- "saved": "Salvat",
- "synced": "Totul a fost salvat",
- "deleted": "Pad șters din CryptDrive-ul tău",
- "disconnected": "Deconectat",
- "synchronizing": "Se sincronizează",
- "reconnecting": "Reconectare...",
- "lag": "Decalaj",
- "readonly": "Mod citire",
- "anonymous": "Anonim",
- "yourself": "Tu",
- "anonymousUsers": "editori anonimi",
- "anonymousUser": "editor anonim",
- "users": "Utilizatori",
- "and": "Și",
- "viewer": "privitor",
- "viewers": "privitori",
- "editor": "editor",
- "editors": "editori",
- "language": "Limbă",
- "upgrade": "Actualizare",
- "upgradeTitle": "Actualizează-ți contul pentru a mări limita de stocare",
- "MB": "MB",
- "greenLight": "Totul funcționează corespunzător",
- "orangeLight": "Conexiunea lentă la internet îți poate afecta experiența",
- "redLight": "Ai fost deconectat de la sesiune",
- "pinLimitReached": "Ai atins limita de stocare",
- "pinLimitReachedAlert": "Ai atins limita de stocare. Noile pad-uri nu vor mai fi stocate în CryptDrive.
Pentru a rezolva această problemă, poți să nlături pad-uri din CryptDrive-ul tău (incluzând gunoiul) sau să subscrii la un pachet premium pentru a-ți extinde spațiul de stocare.",
- "pinLimitNotPinned": "Ai atins limita de stocare.
Acest pad nu va fi stocat n CryptDrive-ul tău.",
- "pinLimitDrive": "Ai atins limita de stocare.
Nu poți să creezi alte pad-uri.",
- "importButtonTitle": "Importă un pad dintr-un fișier local",
- "exportButtonTitle": "Exportă pad-ul acesta către un fișier local",
- "exportPrompt": "Cum ai vrea să îți denumești fișierul?",
- "changeNamePrompt": "Schimbă-ți numele (lasă necompletat dacă vrei să fii anonim): ",
- "user_rename": "Schimbă numele afișat",
- "user_displayName": "Nume afișat",
- "user_accountName": "Nume cont",
- "clickToEdit": "Click pentru editare",
- "forgetButtonTitle": "Mută acest pad la gunoi",
- "forgetPrompt": "Click-ul pe OK va muta acest pad la gunoi. Ești sigur?",
- "movedToTrash": "Acest pad a fost mutat la gunoi.
Acesează-mi Drive-ul",
- "shareButton": "Distribuie",
- "shareSuccess": "Link copiat în clipboard",
- "newButton": "Nou",
- "newButtonTitle": "Crează un nou pad",
- "saveTemplateButton": "Salvează ca șablon",
- "saveTemplatePrompt": "Alege un titlu pentru șablon",
- "templateSaved": "Șablon salvat!",
- "selectTemplate": "Selectează un șablon sau apasă escape",
- "presentButtonTitle": "Intră în modul de prezentare",
- "backgroundButtonTitle": "Schimbă culoarea de fundal din prezentare",
- "colorButtonTitle": "Schimbă culoarea textului în modul de prezentare",
- "printButton": "Printează (enter)",
- "printButtonTitle": "Printează-ți slide-urile sau exportă-le ca fișier PDF",
- "printOptions": "Opțiuni schemă",
- "printSlideNumber": "Afișează numărul slide-ului",
- "printDate": "Afișează data",
- "printTitle": "Afișează titlul pad-ului",
- "printCSS": "Reguli de stil personalizate (CSS):",
- "printTransition": "Permite tranziția animațiilor",
- "slideOptionsTitle": "Personalizează-ți slide-urile",
- "slideOptionsButton": "Salvează (enter)",
- "editShare": "Editează link-ul",
- "editShareTitle": "Copiază link-ul de editare în clipboard",
- "editOpen": "Deschide link-ul de editare într-o nouă filă",
- "editOpenTitle": "Deschide acest pad în modul de editare într-o nouă filă",
- "viewShare": "Link în modul citire",
- "viewShareTitle": "Copiază link-ul în modul de citire în clipboard",
- "viewOpen": "Deschide link-ul în modul de citire într-o filă nouă",
- "viewOpenTitle": "Deschide acest pad în modul de citire într-o nouă filă",
- "notifyJoined": "{0} s-au alăturat sesiunii colaborative",
- "notifyRenamed": "{0} e cunoscut ca {1}",
- "notifyLeft": "{0} au părăsit sesiunea colaborativă",
- "okButton": "OK (enter)",
- "cancel": "Anulează",
- "cancelButton": "Anulează (esc)",
- "historyButton": "Afișează istoricul documentului",
- "history_next": "Mergi la versiunea următoare",
- "history_prev": "Mergi la versiunea trecută",
- "history_goTo": "Mergi la sesiunea selectată",
- "history_close": "Înapoi",
- "history_closeTitle": "Închide istoricul",
- "history_restore": "Restabilește",
- "history_restoreTitle": "Restabilește versiunea selectată a documentului",
- "history_restorePrompt": "Ești sigur că vrei să înlocuiești versiunea curentă a documentului cu cea afișată?",
- "history_restoreDone": "Document restabilit",
- "history_version": "Versiune:",
- "poll_title": "Zero Knowledge Selector Dată",
- "poll_subtitle": "Zero Knowledge, realtime programare",
- "poll_p_save": "Setările tale sunt actualizate instant, așa că tu nu trebuie să salvezi.",
- "poll_p_encryption": "Tot conținutul tău este criptat ca doar persoanele cărora tu le dai link-ul să aibă acces. Nici serverul nu poate să vadă ce modifici.",
- "wizardLog": "Click pe butonul din dreapta sus pentru a te ntoarce la sondajul tău",
- "wizardTitle": "Folosește wizard-ul pentru a crea sondajul tău",
- "wizardConfirm": "Ești pregătit să adaugi aceste opțiuni la sondajul tău?",
- "poll_publish_button": "Publică",
- "poll_admin_button": "Admin",
- "poll_create_user": "Adaugă un nou utilizator",
- "poll_create_option": "Adaugă o nouă opțiune",
- "poll_commit": "Comite",
- "poll_closeWizardButton": "Închide wizard-ul",
- "poll_closeWizardButtonTitle": "Închide wizard-ul",
- "poll_wizardComputeButton": "Calculează Opțiunile",
- "poll_wizardClearButton": "Curăță Tabelul",
- "poll_wizardDescription": "Crează automat un număr de opțiuni întroducând orice număr de zile sau intervale orare",
- "poll_wizardAddDateButton": "+ Zi",
- "poll_wizardAddTimeButton": "+ Ore",
- "poll_optionPlaceholder": "Opțiune",
- "poll_userPlaceholder": "Numele tău",
- "poll_removeOption": "Ești sigur că vrei să îndepărtezi această opțiune?",
- "poll_removeUser": "Ești sigur că vrei să îndepărtezi aceast utilizator?",
- "poll_titleHint": "Titlu",
- "poll_descriptionHint": "Descrie sondajul, și apoi folosește butonul 'publică' când ai terminat. Orice utilizator care are link-ul poate modifica descrierea, dar descurajăm această practică.",
- "canvas_clear": "Curăță",
- "canvas_delete": "Curăță selecția",
- "canvas_disable": "Dezactivează modul desen",
- "canvas_enable": "Activează modul desen",
- "canvas_width": "Lățime",
- "canvas_opacity": "Opacitate",
- "fm_rootName": "Documente",
- "fm_trashName": "Gunoi",
- "fm_unsortedName": "Fișiere nesortate",
- "fm_filesDataName": "Toate fișierele",
- "fm_templateName": "Șabloane",
- "fm_searchName": "Caută",
- "fm_searchPlaceholder": "Caută...",
- "fm_newButton": "Nou",
- "fm_newButtonTitle": "Crează un nou pad sau folder",
- "fm_newFolder": "Folder nou",
- "fm_newFile": "Pad nou",
- "fm_folder": "Folder",
- "fm_folderName": "Numele folderului",
- "fm_numberOfFolders": "# de foldere",
- "fm_numberOfFiles": "# of files",
- "fm_fileName": "Nume filă",
- "fm_title": "Titlu",
- "fm_type": "Tip",
- "fm_lastAccess": "Ultima accesare",
- "fm_creation": "Creare",
- "fm_forbidden": "Acțiune interzisă",
- "fm_originalPath": "Ruta inițială",
- "fm_openParent": "Arată în folder",
- "fm_noname": "Document nedenumit",
- "fm_emptyTrashDialog": "Ești sigur că vrei să golești coșul de gunoi?",
- "fm_removeSeveralPermanentlyDialog": "Ești sigur că vrei să ștergi pentru totdeauna aceste {0} elemente din coșul de gunoi?",
- "fm_removePermanentlyDialog": "Ești sigur că vrei să ștergi acest element pentru totdeauna?",
- "fm_removeSeveralDialog": "Ești sigur că vrei să muți aceste {0} elemente la coșul de gunoi?",
- "fm_removeDialog": "Ești sigur că vrei să muți {0} la gunoi?",
- "fm_restoreDialog": "Ești sigur că vrei să restabilești {0} în locația trecută?",
- "fm_unknownFolderError": "Ultima locație vizitată sau cea selectată nu mai există. Deschidem fișierul părinte...",
- "fm_contextMenuError": "Nu putem deschide meniul de context pentru acest element. Dacă problema persistă, reîncarcă pagina.",
- "fm_selectError": "Nu putem selecta elementul vizat. Dacă problema persistă, reîncarcă pagina.",
- "fm_categoryError": "Nu putem deschide categoria selectată, afișează sursa.",
- "fm_info_root": "Crează câte foldere tip cuib ai nevoie pentru a-ți sorta fișierele.",
- "fm_info_unsorted": "Conține toate fișierele pe care le-ai vizitat și nu sunt sortate în \"Documente\" sau mutate în \"Gunoi\".",
- "fm_info_template": "Conține toate pad-urile stocate ca șabloane și pe care le poți refolosi atunci când creezi un nou pad.",
- "fm_info_trash": "Fișierele șterse din gunoi vor fi șterse și din \"Toate fișierele\", făcând imposibilă recuperarea fișierelor din managerul de fișiere.",
- "fm_info_allFiles": "Conține toate fișierele din \"Documente\", \"Nesortate\" și \"Gunoi\". Poți să muți sau să ștergi fișierele aici.",
- "fm_info_login": "Loghează-te",
- "fm_info_register": "Înscrie-te",
- "fm_info_anonymous": "Nu ești logat cu un cont valid așa că aceste pad-uri vor fi șterse (află de ce). Înscrie-te sau Loghează-te pentru a le salva.",
- "fm_alert_backupUrl": "Link copie de rezervă pentru acest drive.
Este foarte recomandat să o păstrezi pentru tine.
Poți să o folosești pentru a recupera toate fișierele în cazul în care memoria browserului tău este șterge..
Oricine are linkul poate să editeze sau să îndepărteze toate fișierele din managerul tău de documente.
- "fm_alert_anonymous": "Salut, momentan folosești CryptPad în mod anonim. Este ok, doar că fișierele tale vor fi șterse după o perioadă de inactivitate. Am dezactivat caracteristicile avansate ale drive-ului pentru utilizatorii anonimi pentru a face clar faptul că stocare documentelor acolo nu este o metodă sigură. Poți să citești mai multe despre motivarea noastră și despre ce de trebuie să te Înregistrezi si sa te Loghezi.",
- "fm_backup_title": "Link de backup",
- "fm_nameFile": "Cum ai vrea să numești fișierul?",
- "fc_newfolder": "Folder nou",
- "fc_rename": "Redenumește",
- "fc_open": "Deschide",
- "fc_open_ro": "Deschide (modul citire)",
- "fc_delete": "Șterge",
- "fc_restore": "Restaurează",
- "fc_remove": "Șterge permanent",
- "fc_empty": "Curăță coșul",
- "fc_prop": "Proprietăți",
- "fc_sizeInKilobytes": "Dimensiune n Kilobytes",
- "fo_moveUnsortedError": "Nu poți să muți un folder la lista de pad-uri nesortate",
- "fo_existingNameError": "Numele ales este deja folosit în acest director. Te rugăm să alegi altul.",
- "fo_moveFolderToChildError": "Nu poți să muți un folder într-unul dintre descendenții săi",
- "fo_unableToRestore": "Nu am reușit să restaurăm fișierul în locația de origine. Poți să ncerci să îl muți într-o nouă locație.",
- "fo_unavailableName": "Un fișier sau un folder cu același nume există deja în locația nouă. Redenumește elementul și încearcă din nou.",
- "login_login": "Loghează-te",
- "login_makeAPad": "Crează un pad în modul anonim",
- "login_nologin": "Răsfoiește pad-urile locale",
- "login_register": "Înscrie-te",
- "logoutButton": "Deloghează-te",
- "settingsButton": "Setări",
- "login_username": "Nume utilizator",
- "login_password": "Parolă",
- "login_confirm": "Confirmă parola",
- "login_remember": "Ține-mă minte",
- "login_hashing": "Încriptăm parola, o să mai dureze.",
- "login_hello": "Salut {0},",
- "login_helloNoName": "Salut,",
- "login_accessDrive": "Acesează-ți drive-ul",
- "login_orNoLogin": "sau",
- "login_noSuchUser": "Nume de utilizator sau parolă invalide. Încearcă din nou sau înscrie-te.",
- "login_invalUser": "Nume utilizator cerut",
- "login_invalPass": "Parolă cerută",
- "login_unhandledError": "O eroare neașteptată a avut loc emoticon_unhappy",
- "register_importRecent": "Importă istoricul pad-ului (Recomandat)",
- "register_acceptTerms": "Accept termenii serviciului",
- "register_passwordsDontMatch": "Parolele nu se potrivesc!",
- "register_mustAcceptTerms": "Trebuie să accepți termenii serviciului",
- "register_mustRememberPass": "Nu putem să îți resetăm parola dacă o uiți. Este foarte important să o ții minte! Bifează căsuța pentru a confirma.",
- "register_header": "Bine ai venit în CryptPad",
- "register_explanation": "Hai să stabilim câteva lucruri, mai întâi
- Parola ta este cheia secretă care criptează toate pad-urile tale. Dacă pierzi/uiți parola nu există nici-o metodă prin care îți putem recupera datele.
- Poți importa pad-uri care au fost vizionate recent în browser pentru a le avea în cont.
- Dacă folosești un computer împărțit, trebuie să te deloghezi, închiderea taburilor nu este de ajuns.
- "register_writtenPassword": "Mi-am notat numele de utilizator și parola, înaintează.",
- "register_cancel": "Întoarce-te",
- "register_warning": "Zero Knowledge înseamnă că noi nu îți putem recupera datele dacă îți pierzi parola.",
- "register_alreadyRegistered": "Acest user există deja, vrei să te loghezi?",
- "settings_title": "Setări",
- "settings_save": "Salvează",
- "settings_backupTitle": "Fă o copie de rezervă sau restaurează toate datele",
- "settings_backup": "Copie de rezervă",
- "settings_restore": "Restaurează",
- "settings_resetTitle": "Curăță-ți drive-ul",
- "settings_reset": "Îndepărtează toate fișierele și folderele din CryptPad-ul tău.",
- "settings_resetPrompt": "Această acțiune va indepărta toate pad-urile din drive-ul tău.
Ești sigur că vrei să continui?
Tastează “Iubesc CryptPad” pentru a confirma.",
- "settings_resetDone": "Drive-ul tău este acum gol!",
- "settings_resetError": "Text de verificare incorect. CryptPad-ul tău nu a fost schimbat.",
- "settings_resetTips": "Sfaturi în CryptDrive",
- "settings_resetTipsButton": "Resetează sfaturile disponibile în CryptDrive",
- "settings_resetTipsDone": "Toate sfaturile sunt vizibile din nou.",
- "settings_importTitle": "Importă pad-urile recente ale acestui browser n CryptDrive-ul meu",
- "settings_import": "Importă",
- "settings_importConfirm": "Ești sigur că vrei să imporți pad-urile recente ale acestui browser în contul tău de CryptDrive?",
- "settings_importDone": "Import complet",
- "settings_userFeedbackHint1": "CryptPad oferă niște feedback foarte simplu serverului, pentru a ne informa cum putem să îți îmbunătățim experiența voastră.",
- "settings_userFeedbackHint2": "Conținutul pad-ului tău nu va fi împărțit cu serverele.",
- "settings_userFeedback": "Activează feedback",
- "settings_anonymous": "Nu ești logat. Setările sunt specifice browser-ului.",
- "settings_publicSigningKey": "Cheia de semnătură publică",
- "settings_usage": "Uzaj",
- "settings_usageTitle": "Vezi dimensiunea totală a pad-urilor fixate în MB",
- "settings_pinningNotAvailable": "Pad-urile fixate sunt disponibile doar utilizatorilor înregistrați.",
- "settings_pinningError": "Ceva nu a funcționat",
- "settings_usageAmount": "Pad-urile tale fixate ocupă {0}MB",
- "settings_logoutEverywhereTitle": "Deloghează-te peste tot",
- "settings_logoutEverywhere": "Deloghează-te din toate sesiunile web",
- "settings_logoutEverywhereConfirm": "Ești sigur? Va trebui să te loghezi, din nou, pe toate device-urile tale.",
- "upload_serverError": "Eroare de server: fișierele tale nu pot fi încărcate la momentul acesta.",
- "upload_uploadPending": "Ai deja o încărcare în desfășurare. Anulezi și încarci noul fișier?",
- "upload_success": "Fișierul tău ({0}) a fost ncărcat și adăugat la drive-ul tău cu succes.",
- "main_p2": "Acest proiect folosește CKEditor Visual Editor, CodeMirror, și ChainPad un motor în timp real.",
- "main_howitworks_p1": "CryptPad folosește o variantă a algoritmului de Operational transformation care este capabil să găsescă consens distribuit folosind Nakamoto Blockchain, o construcție popularizată de Bitcoin. Astfel algoritmul poate evita nevoia ca serverul central să rezove conflicte, iar serverul nu este interesat de conținutul care este editat în pad.",
- "main_about_p2": "Dacă ai orice fel de întrebare sau comentariu, poți să ne dai un tweet, semnalezi o problemă on github, spui salut pe IRC (irc.freenode.net), sau trimiți un email.",
- "main_info": "Colaborează în siguranță
Dezvoltă-ți ideile împreună cu documentele partajate în timp ce tehnologia Zero Knowledge îți păstrează securitatea; chiar și de noi.",
- "main_howitworks": "Cum funcționează",
- "main_zeroKnowledge": "Zero Knowledge",
- "main_zeroKnowledge_p": "Nu trebuie să ne crezi că nu ne uităm la pad-urile tale, cu tehnologia revoluționară Zero Knowledge a CryptPad nu putem. Învață mai multe despre cum îți protejăm Intimitate și Securitate.",
- "main_writeItDown": "Notează",
- "main_writeItDown_p": "Cele mai importante proiecte vin din idei mici. Notează-ți momentele de inspirație și ideile neașteptate pentru că nu știi niciodată care ar putea fi noua mare descoperire.",
- "main_share": "Partajează link-ul, partajează pad-ul",
- "main_share_p": "Dezvoltă-ți ideile împreună: organizează întâlniri eficiente, colaborează pe liste TODO și fă prezentări scurte cu toți prietenii tăi și device-urile tale.",
- "main_organize": "Organizează-te",
- "main_organize_p": "Cu CryptPad Drive, poți să stai cu ochii pe ce este important. Folderele îți permit să ții evidența proiectelor tale și să ai o viziune globală asupra evoluției lucrurilor.",
- "tryIt": "Testează!",
- "main_richText": "Rich Text editor",
- "main_richText_p": "Editează texte complexe în mod colaborativ cu Zero Knowledge în timp real. CkEditor application.",
- "main_code": "Editor cod",
- "main_code_p": "Editează cod din softul tău, în mod colaborativ, cu Zero Knowledge în timp real.CodeMirror application.",
- "main_slide": "Editor slide-uri",
- "main_slide_p": "Crează-ți prezentări folosind sintaxa Markdown, și afișează-le în browser-ul tău.",
- "main_poll": "Sondaj",
- "main_poll_p": "Plănuiește întâlniri sau evenimente, sau votează pentru cea mai bună soluție pentru problema ta.",
- "main_drive": "CryptDrive",
- "footer_applications": "Aplicații",
- "footer_contact": "Contact",
- "footer_aboutUs": "Despre noi",
- "about": "Despre",
- "privacy": "Privacy",
- "contact": "Contact",
- "terms": "ToS",
- "blog": "Blog",
- "policy_title": "Politica de confidențialitate CryptPad",
- "policy_whatweknow": "Ce știm despre tine",
- "policy_whatweknow_p1": "Ca o aplicație care este găzduită online, CryptPad are acces la metadatele expuse de protocolul HTTP. Asta include adresa IP-ului tău, și alte titluri HTTP care pot fi folosite ca să identifice un browser. Poți să vezi ce informații împărtășește browser-ul tău vizitând WhatIsMyBrowser.com.",
- "policy_whatweknow_p2": "Folosim Kibana, o platformă open source, pentru a afla mai multe despre utilizatorii noștri. Kibana ne spune despre cum ai găsit CryptPad, căutare directă, printr-un motor de căutare, sau prin recomandare de la un alt serviciu online ca Reddit sau Twitter.",
- "policy_howweuse": "Cum folosim ce aflăm",
- "policy_howweuse_p1": "Folosim aceste informații pentru a lua decizii mai bune în promovarea CryptPad, prin evaluarea eforturilor trecute care au fost de succes. Informațiile despre locația ta ne ajută să aflăm dacă ar trebui să oferim suport pentru alte limbi, pe lângă engleză.",
- "policy_howweuse_p2": "Informațiile despre browser-ul tău (dacă este bazat pe un sistem de operare desktop sau mobil) ne ajută să luăm decizii când prioritizăm viitoarele îmbunătățiri. Echipa noastră de dezvoltare este mică, și încercăm să facem alegeri care să îmbunătățească experiența câtor mai mulți utilizatori.",
- "policy_whatwetell": "Ce le spunem altora despre tine",
- "policy_whatwetell_p1": "Nu furnizăm informațiile obținute terților, decât dacă ne este cerut în mod legal.",
- "policy_links": "Link-uri către alte site-uri",
- "policy_links_p1": "Acest site conține link-uri către alte site-uri, incluzându-le pe cele produse de alte organizații. Nu suntem responsabili pentru practicile de intimitate sau pentru conținutul site-urilor externe. Ca regulă generală, link-urile către site-uri externe sunt deschise ntr-o fereastră noup, pentru a face clar faptul că părăsiți CryptPad.fr.",
- "policy_ads": "Reclame",
- "policy_ads_p1": "Nu afișăm nici o formă de publicitate online, dar s-ar putea să atașăm link-uri către instituțiile care ne finanțează cerecetarea.",
- "policy_choices": "Ce alegeri ai",
- "policy_choices_open": "Codul nostru este open source, așa că tu ai mereu posibilitatea de a-ți găzdui propria instanță de CryptPad.",
- "policy_choices_vpn": "Dacă vrei să folosești instanța găzduită de noi, dar nu vrei să îți expui IP-ul, poți să îl protejezi folosind Tor browser bundle, sau VPN.",
- "policy_choices_ads": "Dacă vrei doar să blochezi platforma noastră de analiză, poți folosi soluții de adblocking ca Privacy Badger.",
- "tos_title": "CryptPad Termeni de Utilizare",
- "tos_legal": "Te rugăm să nu fii rău intenționat, abuziv, sau să faci orice ilegal.",
- "tos_availability": "Sperăm că o să găsești acest serviciu util, dar disponibilitatea sau performanța nu poate fi garantată. Te rugăm să îți exporți datele n mod regulat.",
- "tos_e2ee": "Conținutul CryptPad poate fi citit sau modificat de oricine care poate ghici sau obține fragmentul identificator al pad-ului. Recomandăm să folosești soluții de comunicare criptate end-to-end-encrypted (e2ee) pentru a partaja link-uri, evitând orice risc în cazul unei scurgeri de informații.",
- "tos_logs": "Metadatele oferite de browser-ul tău serverului ar putea fi înscrise în scopul de a menține serviciul.",
- "tos_3rdparties": "Nu oferim date personale terților, decât dacă ne sunt solicitate prin lege.",
- "bottom_france": "Realizat cu n ",
- "bottom_support": "Un proiect al Labs Project cu susținerea ",
- "header_france": "With from by ",
- "header_support": " ",
- "header_logoTitle": "Mergi la pagina principală",
- "initialState": "Acesta este CryptPad, editorul colaborativ bazat pe tehnologia Zero Knowledge în timp real. Totul este salvat pe măsură ce scrii.
Partajează link-ul către acest pad pentru a edita cu prieteni sau folosește butonul pentru a partaja read-only link permițând vizualizarea dar nu și editarea.
- "codeInitialState": "/*\n Acesta este editorul colaborativ de cod bazat pe tehnologia Zero Knowledge CryptPad.\n Ce scrii aici este criptat, așa că doar oamenii care au link-ul pot să-l acceseze.\n Poți să alegi ce limbaj de programare pus n evidență și schema de culori UI n dreapta sus.\n*/",
- "slideInitialState": "# CryptSlide\n1. Scrie-ți conținutul slide-urilor folosind sintaxa markdown\n - Află mai multe despre sintaxa markdown [aici](http://www.markdowntutorial.com/)\n2. Separă-ți slide-urile cu ---\n3. Click pe butonul \"Play\" pentru a vedea rezultatele - Slide-urile tale sunt actualizate în timp real.",
- "driveReadmeTitle": "Ce este CryptPad?",
- "readme_welcome": "Bine ai venit n CryptPad !",
- "readme_p1": "Bine ai venit în CryptPad, acesta este locul unde îți poți lua notițe, singur sau cu prietenii.",
- "readme_p2": "Acest pad o să îți ofere un scurt ghid în cum poți să folosești CryptPad pentru a lua notițe, a le ține organizate și a colabora pe ele.",
- "readme_cat1": "Descoperă-ți CryptDrive-ul",
- "readme_cat1_l1": "Crează un pad: În CryptDrive-ul tău, dă click {0} apoi {1} și poți să creezi un pad.",
- "readme_cat1_l2": "Deschide pad-urile din CryptDrive-ul tău: doublu-click pe iconița unui pad pentru a-l deschide.",
- "readme_cat1_l3": "Organizează-ți pad-urile: Când ești logat, orice pad accesezi va fi afișat ca în secțiunea {0} a drive-ului tău.",
- "readme_cat1_l3_l1": "Poți să folosești funcția click and drag pentru a muta fișierele în folderele secțiunii {0} a drive-ului tău și pentru a crea noi foldere.",
- "readme_cat1_l3_l2": "Ține minte să încerci click-dreapta pe iconițe pentru că există și meniuri adiționale.",
- "readme_cat1_l4": "Pune pad-urile vechi în gunoi. Poți să folosești funcția click and drag pe pad-uri în categoria {0} la fel ca și în cazul folderelor.",
- "readme_cat2": "Crează pad-uri ca un profesionist",
- "edit": "editează",
- "view": "vezi",
- "readme_cat2_l1": "Butonul {0} din pad-ul tău dă accesul colaboratorilor tăi să {1} sau să {2} pad-ul.",
- "readme_cat2_l2": "Schimbă titlul pad-ului dând click pe creion",
- "readme_cat3": "Descoperă aplicațiile CryptPad",
- "readme_cat3_l1": "Cu editorul de cod CryptPad, poți colabora pe cod ca Javascript și markdown ca HTML și Markdown",
- "readme_cat3_l2": "Cu editorul de slide-uri CryptPad, poți să faci prezentări scurte folosind Markdown",
- "readme_cat3_l3": "Cu CryptPoll poți să organizezi votări rapide, mai ales pentru a programa ntâlniri care se potrivesc calendarelor tuturor",
- "tips": {
- "lag": "Iconița verde din dreapta-sus arată calitatea conexiunii internetului tău la serverele CryptPad.",
- "shortcuts": "`ctrl+b`, `ctrl+i` and `ctrl+u` sunt scurtături pentru bold, italic și underline.",
- "indentare": "În listele cu bulină sau cele numerotate, poți folosi tab sau shift+tab pentru a mări sau micșora indentarea.",
- "titlu": "Poți seta titlul pad-urilor tale prin click pe centru sus.",
- "stocare": "De fiecare dată când vizitezi un pad, dacă ești logat va fi salvat pe CryptDrive-ul tău.",
- "marker": "Poți sublinia text într-un pad folosind itemul \"marker\" n meniul de stiluri."
- },
- "feedback_about": "Dacă citești asta, probabil că ești curios de ce CryptPad cere pagini web atunci când întreprinzi anumite acțiuni",
- "feedback_privacy": "Ne pasă de intimitatea ta, si în același timp vrem să păstrăm CryptPad ușor de folosit. Folosim acest fișier pentru a ne da seama care beneficii UI contează cel mai mult pentru utilizatori, cerându-l alături de un parametru specific atunci când acțiunea se desfășoară",
- "feedback_optout": "Dacă vrei să ieși, vizitează setările de pe pagina ta de user, unde vei găsi o căsuță pentru a activa sau dezactiva feedback-ul de la user"
+ "main_title": "CryptPad: Zero Knowledge, Colaborare în timp real",
+ "main_slogan": "Puterea stă în cooperare - Colaborarea este cheia",
+ "button_newpad": "Filă Text Nouă",
+ "button_newcode": "Filă Cod Nouă",
+ "button_newpoll": "Sondaj Nou",
+ "button_newslide": "Prezentare Nouă",
+ "button_newwhiteboard": "Fila Desen Nouă",
+ "updated_0_common_connectionLost": "Conexiunea la server este pierdută
Până la revenirea conexiunii, vei fi în modul citire",
+ "common_connectionLost": "Conexiunea la server este pierdută
Până la revenirea conexiunii, vei fi în modul citire",
+ "websocketError": "Conexiune inexistentă către serverul websocket...",
+ "typeError": "Această filă nu este compatibilă cu aplicația aleasă",
+ "onLogout": "Nu mai ești autentificat, {0}apasă aici{1} să te autentifici
sau apasă Escapesă accesezi fila în modul citire.",
+ "wrongApp": "Momentan nu putem arăta conținutul sesiunii în timp real în fereastra ta. Te rugăm reîncarcă pagina.",
+ "loading": "Încarcă...",
+ "error": "Eroare",
+ "saved": "Salvat",
+ "synced": "Totul a fost salvat",
+ "deleted": "Pad șters din CryptDrive-ul tău",
+ "disconnected": "Deconectat",
+ "synchronizing": "Se sincronizează",
+ "reconnecting": "Reconectare...",
+ "lag": "Decalaj",
+ "readonly": "Mod citire",
+ "anonymous": "Anonim",
+ "yourself": "Tu",
+ "anonymousUsers": "editori anonimi",
+ "anonymousUser": "editor anonim",
+ "users": "Utilizatori",
+ "and": "Și",
+ "viewer": "privitor",
+ "viewers": "privitori",
+ "editor": "editor",
+ "editors": "editori",
+ "language": "Limbă",
+ "upgrade": "Actualizare",
+ "upgradeTitle": "Actualizează-ți contul pentru a mări limita de stocare",
+ "MB": "MB",
+ "greenLight": "Totul funcționează corespunzător",
+ "orangeLight": "Conexiunea lentă la internet îți poate afecta experiența",
+ "redLight": "Ai fost deconectat de la sesiune",
+ "pinLimitReached": "Ai atins limita de stocare",
+ "pinLimitReachedAlert": "Ai atins limita de stocare. Noile pad-uri nu vor mai fi stocate în CryptDrive.
Pentru a rezolva această problemă, poți să nlături pad-uri din CryptDrive-ul tău (incluzând gunoiul) sau să subscrii la un pachet premium pentru a-ți extinde spațiul de stocare.",
+ "pinLimitNotPinned": "Ai atins limita de stocare.
Acest pad nu va fi stocat n CryptDrive-ul tău.",
+ "pinLimitDrive": "Ai atins limita de stocare.
Nu poți să creezi alte pad-uri.",
+ "importButtonTitle": "Importă un pad dintr-un fișier local",
+ "exportButtonTitle": "Exportă pad-ul acesta către un fișier local",
+ "exportPrompt": "Cum ai vrea să îți denumești fișierul?",
+ "changeNamePrompt": "Schimbă-ți numele (lasă necompletat dacă vrei să fii anonim): ",
+ "user_rename": "Schimbă numele afișat",
+ "user_displayName": "Nume afișat",
+ "user_accountName": "Nume cont",
+ "clickToEdit": "Click pentru editare",
+ "forgetButtonTitle": "Mută acest pad la gunoi",
+ "forgetPrompt": "Click-ul pe OK va muta acest pad la gunoi. Ești sigur?",
+ "movedToTrash": "Acest pad a fost mutat la gunoi.
Acesează-mi Drive-ul",
+ "shareButton": "Distribuie",
+ "shareSuccess": "Link copiat în clipboard",
+ "newButton": "Nou",
+ "newButtonTitle": "Crează un nou pad",
+ "saveTemplateButton": "Salvează ca șablon",
+ "saveTemplatePrompt": "Alege un titlu pentru șablon",
+ "templateSaved": "Șablon salvat!",
+ "selectTemplate": "Selectează un șablon sau apasă escape",
+ "presentButtonTitle": "Intră în modul de prezentare",
+ "backgroundButtonTitle": "Schimbă culoarea de fundal din prezentare",
+ "colorButtonTitle": "Schimbă culoarea textului în modul de prezentare",
+ "printButton": "Printează (enter)",
+ "printButtonTitle": "Printează-ți slide-urile sau exportă-le ca fișier PDF",
+ "printOptions": "Opțiuni schemă",
+ "printSlideNumber": "Afișează numărul slide-ului",
+ "printDate": "Afișează data",
+ "printTitle": "Afișează titlul pad-ului",
+ "printCSS": "Reguli de stil personalizate (CSS):",
+ "printTransition": "Permite tranziția animațiilor",
+ "slideOptionsTitle": "Personalizează-ți slide-urile",
+ "slideOptionsButton": "Salvează (enter)",
+ "editShare": "Editează link-ul",
+ "editShareTitle": "Copiază link-ul de editare în clipboard",
+ "editOpen": "Deschide link-ul de editare într-o nouă filă",
+ "editOpenTitle": "Deschide acest pad în modul de editare într-o nouă filă",
+ "viewShare": "Link în modul citire",
+ "viewShareTitle": "Copiază link-ul în modul de citire în clipboard",
+ "viewOpen": "Deschide link-ul în modul de citire într-o filă nouă",
+ "viewOpenTitle": "Deschide acest pad în modul de citire într-o nouă filă",
+ "notifyJoined": "{0} s-au alăturat sesiunii colaborative",
+ "notifyRenamed": "{0} e cunoscut ca {1}",
+ "notifyLeft": "{0} au părăsit sesiunea colaborativă",
+ "okButton": "OK (enter)",
+ "cancel": "Anulează",
+ "cancelButton": "Anulează (esc)",
+ "historyButton": "Afișează istoricul documentului",
+ "history_next": "Mergi la versiunea următoare",
+ "history_prev": "Mergi la versiunea trecută",
+ "history_goTo": "Mergi la sesiunea selectată",
+ "history_close": "Înapoi",
+ "history_closeTitle": "Închide istoricul",
+ "history_restore": "Restabilește",
+ "history_restoreTitle": "Restabilește versiunea selectată a documentului",
+ "history_restorePrompt": "Ești sigur că vrei să înlocuiești versiunea curentă a documentului cu cea afișată?",
+ "history_restoreDone": "Document restabilit",
+ "history_version": "Versiune:",
+ "poll_title": "Zero Knowledge Selector Dată",
+ "poll_subtitle": "Zero Knowledge, realtime programare",
+ "poll_p_save": "Setările tale sunt actualizate instant, așa că tu nu trebuie să salvezi.",
+ "poll_p_encryption": "Tot conținutul tău este criptat ca doar persoanele cărora tu le dai link-ul să aibă acces. Nici serverul nu poate să vadă ce modifici.",
+ "wizardLog": "Click pe butonul din dreapta sus pentru a te ntoarce la sondajul tău",
+ "wizardTitle": "Folosește wizard-ul pentru a crea sondajul tău",
+ "wizardConfirm": "Ești pregătit să adaugi aceste opțiuni la sondajul tău?",
+ "poll_publish_button": "Publică",
+ "poll_admin_button": "Admin",
+ "poll_create_user": "Adaugă un nou utilizator",
+ "poll_create_option": "Adaugă o nouă opțiune",
+ "poll_commit": "Comite",
+ "poll_closeWizardButton": "Închide wizard-ul",
+ "poll_closeWizardButtonTitle": "Închide wizard-ul",
+ "poll_wizardComputeButton": "Calculează Opțiunile",
+ "poll_wizardClearButton": "Curăță Tabelul",
+ "poll_wizardDescription": "Crează automat un număr de opțiuni întroducând orice număr de zile sau intervale orare",
+ "poll_wizardAddDateButton": "+ Zi",
+ "poll_wizardAddTimeButton": "+ Ore",
+ "poll_optionPlaceholder": "Opțiune",
+ "poll_userPlaceholder": "Numele tău",
+ "poll_removeOption": "Ești sigur că vrei să îndepărtezi această opțiune?",
+ "poll_removeUser": "Ești sigur că vrei să îndepărtezi aceast utilizator?",
+ "poll_titleHint": "Titlu",
+ "poll_descriptionHint": "Descrie sondajul, și apoi folosește butonul 'publică' când ai terminat. Orice utilizator care are link-ul poate modifica descrierea, dar descurajăm această practică.",
+ "canvas_clear": "Curăță",
+ "canvas_delete": "Curăță selecția",
+ "canvas_disable": "Dezactivează modul desen",
+ "canvas_enable": "Activează modul desen",
+ "canvas_width": "Lățime",
+ "canvas_opacity": "Opacitate",
+ "fm_rootName": "Documente",
+ "fm_trashName": "Gunoi",
+ "fm_unsortedName": "Fișiere nesortate",
+ "fm_filesDataName": "Toate fișierele",
+ "fm_templateName": "Șabloane",
+ "fm_searchName": "Caută",
+ "fm_searchPlaceholder": "Caută...",
+ "fm_newButton": "Nou",
+ "fm_newButtonTitle": "Crează un nou pad sau folder",
+ "fm_newFolder": "Folder nou",
+ "fm_newFile": "Pad nou",
+ "fm_folder": "Folder",
+ "fm_folderName": "Numele folderului",
+ "fm_numberOfFolders": "# de foldere",
+ "fm_numberOfFiles": "# of files",
+ "fm_fileName": "Nume filă",
+ "fm_title": "Titlu",
+ "fm_type": "Tip",
+ "fm_lastAccess": "Ultima accesare",
+ "fm_creation": "Creare",
+ "fm_forbidden": "Acțiune interzisă",
+ "fm_originalPath": "Ruta inițială",
+ "fm_openParent": "Arată în folder",
+ "fm_noname": "Document nedenumit",
+ "fm_emptyTrashDialog": "Ești sigur că vrei să golești coșul de gunoi?",
+ "fm_removeSeveralPermanentlyDialog": "Ești sigur că vrei să ștergi pentru totdeauna aceste {0} elemente din coșul de gunoi?",
+ "fm_removePermanentlyDialog": "Ești sigur că vrei să ștergi acest element pentru totdeauna?",
+ "fm_removeSeveralDialog": "Ești sigur că vrei să muți aceste {0} elemente la coșul de gunoi?",
+ "fm_removeDialog": "Ești sigur că vrei să muți {0} la gunoi?",
+ "fm_restoreDialog": "Ești sigur că vrei să restabilești {0} în locația trecută?",
+ "fm_unknownFolderError": "Ultima locație vizitată sau cea selectată nu mai există. Deschidem fișierul părinte...",
+ "fm_contextMenuError": "Nu putem deschide meniul de context pentru acest element. Dacă problema persistă, reîncarcă pagina.",
+ "fm_selectError": "Nu putem selecta elementul vizat. Dacă problema persistă, reîncarcă pagina.",
+ "fm_categoryError": "Nu putem deschide categoria selectată, afișează sursa.",
+ "fm_info_root": "Crează câte foldere tip cuib ai nevoie pentru a-ți sorta fișierele.",
+ "fm_info_unsorted": "Conține toate fișierele pe care le-ai vizitat și nu sunt sortate în \"Documente\" sau mutate în \"Gunoi\".",
+ "fm_info_template": "Conține toate pad-urile stocate ca șabloane și pe care le poți refolosi atunci când creezi un nou pad.",
+ "fm_info_trash": "Fișierele șterse din gunoi vor fi șterse și din \"Toate fișierele\", făcând imposibilă recuperarea fișierelor din managerul de fișiere.",
+ "fm_info_allFiles": "Conține toate fișierele din \"Documente\", \"Nesortate\" și \"Gunoi\". Poți să muți sau să ștergi fișierele aici.",
+ "fm_info_login": "Loghează-te",
+ "fm_info_register": "Înscrie-te",
+ "fm_info_anonymous": "Nu ești logat cu un cont valid așa că aceste pad-uri vor fi șterse (află de ce). Înscrie-te sau Loghează-te pentru a le salva.",
+ "fm_alert_backupUrl": "Link copie de rezervă pentru acest drive.
Este foarte recomandat să o păstrezi pentru tine.
Poți să o folosești pentru a recupera toate fișierele în cazul în care memoria browserului tău este șterge..
Oricine are linkul poate să editeze sau să îndepărteze toate fișierele din managerul tău de documente.
+ "fm_alert_anonymous": "Salut, momentan folosești CryptPad în mod anonim. Este ok, doar că fișierele tale vor fi șterse după o perioadă de inactivitate. Am dezactivat caracteristicile avansate ale drive-ului pentru utilizatorii anonimi pentru a face clar faptul că stocare documentelor acolo nu este o metodă sigură. Poți să citești mai multe despre motivarea noastră și despre ce de trebuie să te Înregistrezi si sa te Loghezi.",
+ "fm_backup_title": "Link de backup",
+ "fm_nameFile": "Cum ai vrea să numești fișierul?",
+ "fc_newfolder": "Folder nou",
+ "fc_rename": "Redenumește",
+ "fc_open": "Deschide",
+ "fc_open_ro": "Deschide (modul citire)",
+ "fc_delete": "Șterge",
+ "fc_restore": "Restaurează",
+ "fc_remove": "Șterge permanent",
+ "fc_empty": "Curăță coșul",
+ "fc_prop": "Proprietăți",
+ "fc_sizeInKilobytes": "Dimensiune n Kilobytes",
+ "fo_moveUnsortedError": "Nu poți să muți un folder la lista de pad-uri nesortate",
+ "fo_existingNameError": "Numele ales este deja folosit în acest director. Te rugăm să alegi altul.",
+ "fo_moveFolderToChildError": "Nu poți să muți un folder într-unul dintre descendenții săi",
+ "fo_unableToRestore": "Nu am reușit să restaurăm fișierul în locația de origine. Poți să ncerci să îl muți într-o nouă locație.",
+ "fo_unavailableName": "Un fișier sau un folder cu același nume există deja în locația nouă. Redenumește elementul și încearcă din nou.",
+ "login_login": "Loghează-te",
+ "login_makeAPad": "Crează un pad în modul anonim",
+ "login_nologin": "Răsfoiește pad-urile locale",
+ "login_register": "Înscrie-te",
+ "logoutButton": "Deloghează-te",
+ "settingsButton": "Setări",
+ "login_username": "Nume utilizator",
+ "login_password": "Parolă",
+ "login_confirm": "Confirmă parola",
+ "login_remember": "Ține-mă minte",
+ "login_hashing": "Încriptăm parola, o să mai dureze.",
+ "login_hello": "Salut {0},",
+ "login_helloNoName": "Salut,",
+ "login_accessDrive": "Acesează-ți drive-ul",
+ "login_orNoLogin": "sau",
+ "login_noSuchUser": "Nume de utilizator sau parolă invalide. Încearcă din nou sau înscrie-te.",
+ "login_invalUser": "Nume utilizator cerut",
+ "login_invalPass": "Parolă cerută",
+ "login_unhandledError": "O eroare neașteptată a avut loc emoticon_unhappy",
+ "register_importRecent": "Importă istoricul pad-ului (Recomandat)",
+ "register_acceptTerms": "Accept termenii serviciului",
+ "register_passwordsDontMatch": "Parolele nu se potrivesc!",
+ "register_mustAcceptTerms": "Trebuie să accepți termenii serviciului",
+ "register_mustRememberPass": "Nu putem să îți resetăm parola dacă o uiți. Este foarte important să o ții minte! Bifează căsuța pentru a confirma.",
+ "register_header": "Bine ai venit în CryptPad",
+ "register_explanation": "Hai să stabilim câteva lucruri, mai întâi
- Parola ta este cheia secretă care criptează toate pad-urile tale. Dacă pierzi/uiți parola nu există nici-o metodă prin care îți putem recupera datele.
- Poți importa pad-uri care au fost vizionate recent în browser pentru a le avea în cont.
- Dacă folosești un computer împărțit, trebuie să te deloghezi, închiderea taburilor nu este de ajuns.
+ "register_writtenPassword": "Mi-am notat numele de utilizator și parola, înaintează.",
+ "register_cancel": "Întoarce-te",
+ "register_warning": "Zero Knowledge înseamnă că noi nu îți putem recupera datele dacă îți pierzi parola.",
+ "register_alreadyRegistered": "Acest user există deja, vrei să te loghezi?",
+ "settings_title": "Setări",
+ "settings_save": "Salvează",
+ "settings_backupTitle": "Fă o copie de rezervă sau restaurează toate datele",
+ "settings_backup": "Copie de rezervă",
+ "settings_restore": "Restaurează",
+ "settings_resetTitle": "Curăță-ți drive-ul",
+ "settings_reset": "Îndepărtează toate fișierele și folderele din CryptPad-ul tău.",
+ "settings_resetPrompt": "Această acțiune va indepărta toate pad-urile din drive-ul tău.
Ești sigur că vrei să continui?
Tastează “Iubesc CryptPad” pentru a confirma.",
+ "settings_resetDone": "Drive-ul tău este acum gol!",
+ "settings_resetError": "Text de verificare incorect. CryptPad-ul tău nu a fost schimbat.",
+ "settings_resetTips": "Sfaturi în CryptDrive",
+ "settings_resetTipsButton": "Resetează sfaturile disponibile în CryptDrive",
+ "settings_resetTipsDone": "Toate sfaturile sunt vizibile din nou.",
+ "settings_importTitle": "Importă pad-urile recente ale acestui browser n CryptDrive-ul meu",
+ "settings_import": "Importă",
+ "settings_importConfirm": "Ești sigur că vrei să imporți pad-urile recente ale acestui browser în contul tău de CryptDrive?",
+ "settings_importDone": "Import complet",
+ "settings_userFeedbackHint1": "CryptPad oferă niște feedback foarte simplu serverului, pentru a ne informa cum putem să îți îmbunătățim experiența voastră.",
+ "settings_userFeedbackHint2": "Conținutul pad-ului tău nu va fi împărțit cu serverele.",
+ "settings_userFeedback": "Activează feedback",
+ "settings_anonymous": "Nu ești logat. Setările sunt specifice browser-ului.",
+ "settings_publicSigningKey": "Cheia de semnătură publică",
+ "settings_usage": "Uzaj",
+ "settings_usageTitle": "Vezi dimensiunea totală a pad-urilor fixate în MB",
+ "settings_pinningNotAvailable": "Pad-urile fixate sunt disponibile doar utilizatorilor înregistrați.",
+ "settings_pinningError": "Ceva nu a funcționat",
+ "settings_usageAmount": "Pad-urile tale fixate ocupă {0}MB",
+ "settings_logoutEverywhereTitle": "Deloghează-te peste tot",
+ "settings_logoutEverywhere": "Deloghează-te din toate sesiunile web",
+ "settings_logoutEverywhereConfirm": "Ești sigur? Va trebui să te loghezi, din nou, pe toate device-urile tale.",
+ "upload_serverError": "Eroare de server: fișierele tale nu pot fi încărcate la momentul acesta.",
+ "upload_uploadPending": "Ai deja o încărcare în desfășurare. Anulezi și încarci noul fișier?",
+ "upload_success": "Fișierul tău ({0}) a fost ncărcat și adăugat la drive-ul tău cu succes.",
+ "main_p2": "Acest proiect folosește CKEditor Visual Editor, CodeMirror, și ChainPad un motor în timp real.",
+ "main_howitworks_p1": "CryptPad folosește o variantă a algoritmului de Operational transformation care este capabil să găsescă consens distribuit folosind Nakamoto Blockchain, o construcție popularizată de Bitcoin. Astfel algoritmul poate evita nevoia ca serverul central să rezove conflicte, iar serverul nu este interesat de conținutul care este editat în pad.",
+ "main_about_p2": "Dacă ai orice fel de întrebare sau comentariu, poți să ne dai un tweet, semnalezi o problemă on github, spui salut pe IRC (irc.freenode.net), sau trimiți un email.",
+ "main_info": "Colaborează în siguranță
Dezvoltă-ți ideile împreună cu documentele partajate în timp ce tehnologia Zero Knowledge îți păstrează securitatea; chiar și de noi.",
+ "main_howitworks": "Cum funcționează",
+ "main_zeroKnowledge": "Zero Knowledge",
+ "main_zeroKnowledge_p": "Nu trebuie să ne crezi că nu ne uităm la pad-urile tale, cu tehnologia revoluționară Zero Knowledge a CryptPad nu putem. Învață mai multe despre cum îți protejăm Intimitate și Securitate.",
+ "main_writeItDown": "Notează",
+ "main_writeItDown_p": "Cele mai importante proiecte vin din idei mici. Notează-ți momentele de inspirație și ideile neașteptate pentru că nu știi niciodată care ar putea fi noua mare descoperire.",
+ "main_share": "Partajează link-ul, partajează pad-ul",
+ "main_share_p": "Dezvoltă-ți ideile împreună: organizează întâlniri eficiente, colaborează pe liste TODO și fă prezentări scurte cu toți prietenii tăi și device-urile tale.",
+ "main_organize": "Organizează-te",
+ "main_organize_p": "Cu CryptPad Drive, poți să stai cu ochii pe ce este important. Folderele îți permit să ții evidența proiectelor tale și să ai o viziune globală asupra evoluției lucrurilor.",
+ "tryIt": "Testează!",
+ "main_richText": "Rich Text editor",
+ "main_richText_p": "Editează texte complexe în mod colaborativ cu Zero Knowledge în timp real. CkEditor application.",
+ "main_code": "Editor cod",
+ "main_code_p": "Editează cod din softul tău, în mod colaborativ, cu Zero Knowledge în timp real.CodeMirror application.",
+ "main_slide": "Editor slide-uri",
+ "main_slide_p": "Crează-ți prezentări folosind sintaxa Markdown, și afișează-le în browser-ul tău.",
+ "main_poll": "Sondaj",
+ "main_poll_p": "Plănuiește întâlniri sau evenimente, sau votează pentru cea mai bună soluție pentru problema ta.",
+ "main_drive": "CryptDrive",
+ "footer_applications": "Aplicații",
+ "footer_contact": "Contact",
+ "footer_aboutUs": "Despre noi",
+ "about": "Despre",
+ "privacy": "Privacy",
+ "contact": "Contact",
+ "terms": "ToS",
+ "blog": "Blog",
+ "policy_title": "Politica de confidențialitate CryptPad",
+ "policy_whatweknow": "Ce știm despre tine",
+ "policy_whatweknow_p1": "Ca o aplicație care este găzduită online, CryptPad are acces la metadatele expuse de protocolul HTTP. Asta include adresa IP-ului tău, și alte titluri HTTP care pot fi folosite ca să identifice un browser. Poți să vezi ce informații împărtășește browser-ul tău vizitând WhatIsMyBrowser.com.",
+ "policy_whatweknow_p2": "Folosim Kibana, o platformă open source, pentru a afla mai multe despre utilizatorii noștri. Kibana ne spune despre cum ai găsit CryptPad, căutare directă, printr-un motor de căutare, sau prin recomandare de la un alt serviciu online ca Reddit sau Twitter.",
+ "policy_howweuse": "Cum folosim ce aflăm",
+ "policy_howweuse_p1": "Folosim aceste informații pentru a lua decizii mai bune în promovarea CryptPad, prin evaluarea eforturilor trecute care au fost de succes. Informațiile despre locația ta ne ajută să aflăm dacă ar trebui să oferim suport pentru alte limbi, pe lângă engleză.",
+ "policy_howweuse_p2": "Informațiile despre browser-ul tău (dacă este bazat pe un sistem de operare desktop sau mobil) ne ajută să luăm decizii când prioritizăm viitoarele îmbunătățiri. Echipa noastră de dezvoltare este mică, și încercăm să facem alegeri care să îmbunătățească experiența câtor mai mulți utilizatori.",
+ "policy_whatwetell": "Ce le spunem altora despre tine",
+ "policy_whatwetell_p1": "Nu furnizăm informațiile obținute terților, decât dacă ne este cerut în mod legal.",
+ "policy_links": "Link-uri către alte site-uri",
+ "policy_links_p1": "Acest site conține link-uri către alte site-uri, incluzându-le pe cele produse de alte organizații. Nu suntem responsabili pentru practicile de intimitate sau pentru conținutul site-urilor externe. Ca regulă generală, link-urile către site-uri externe sunt deschise ntr-o fereastră noup, pentru a face clar faptul că părăsiți CryptPad.fr.",
+ "policy_ads": "Reclame",
+ "policy_ads_p1": "Nu afișăm nici o formă de publicitate online, dar s-ar putea să atașăm link-uri către instituțiile care ne finanțează cerecetarea.",
+ "policy_choices": "Ce alegeri ai",
+ "policy_choices_open": "Codul nostru este open source, așa că tu ai mereu posibilitatea de a-ți găzdui propria instanță de CryptPad.",
+ "policy_choices_vpn": "Dacă vrei să folosești instanța găzduită de noi, dar nu vrei să îți expui IP-ul, poți să îl protejezi folosind Tor browser bundle, sau VPN.",
+ "policy_choices_ads": "Dacă vrei doar să blochezi platforma noastră de analiză, poți folosi soluții de adblocking ca Privacy Badger.",
+ "tos_title": "CryptPad Termeni de Utilizare",
+ "tos_legal": "Te rugăm să nu fii rău intenționat, abuziv, sau să faci orice ilegal.",
+ "tos_availability": "Sperăm că o să găsești acest serviciu util, dar disponibilitatea sau performanța nu poate fi garantată. Te rugăm să îți exporți datele n mod regulat.",
+ "tos_e2ee": "Conținutul CryptPad poate fi citit sau modificat de oricine care poate ghici sau obține fragmentul identificator al pad-ului. Recomandăm să folosești soluții de comunicare criptate end-to-end-encrypted (e2ee) pentru a partaja link-uri, evitând orice risc în cazul unei scurgeri de informații.",
+ "tos_logs": "Metadatele oferite de browser-ul tău serverului ar putea fi înscrise în scopul de a menține serviciul.",
+ "tos_3rdparties": "Nu oferim date personale terților, decât dacă ne sunt solicitate prin lege.",
+ "bottom_france": "Realizat cu n ",
+ "bottom_support": "Un proiect al Labs Project cu susținerea ",
+ "header_france": "With from by ",
+ "header_support": " ",
+ "header_logoTitle": "Mergi la pagina principală",
+ "initialState": "Acesta este CryptPad, editorul colaborativ bazat pe tehnologia Zero Knowledge în timp real. Totul este salvat pe măsură ce scrii.
Partajează link-ul către acest pad pentru a edita cu prieteni sau folosește butonul pentru a partaja read-only link permițând vizualizarea dar nu și editarea.
+ "codeInitialState": "/*\n Acesta este editorul colaborativ de cod bazat pe tehnologia Zero Knowledge CryptPad.\n Ce scrii aici este criptat, așa că doar oamenii care au link-ul pot să-l acceseze.\n Poți să alegi ce limbaj de programare pus n evidență și schema de culori UI n dreapta sus.\n*/",
+ "slideInitialState": "# CryptSlide\n1. Scrie-ți conținutul slide-urilor folosind sintaxa markdown\n - Află mai multe despre sintaxa markdown [aici](http://www.markdowntutorial.com/)\n2. Separă-ți slide-urile cu ---\n3. Click pe butonul \"Play\" pentru a vedea rezultatele - Slide-urile tale sunt actualizate în timp real.",
+ "driveReadmeTitle": "Ce este CryptPad?",
+ "readme_welcome": "Bine ai venit n CryptPad !",
+ "readme_p1": "Bine ai venit în CryptPad, acesta este locul unde îți poți lua notițe, singur sau cu prietenii.",
+ "readme_p2": "Acest pad o să îți ofere un scurt ghid în cum poți să folosești CryptPad pentru a lua notițe, a le ține organizate și a colabora pe ele.",
+ "readme_cat1": "Descoperă-ți CryptDrive-ul",
+ "readme_cat1_l1": "Crează un pad: În CryptDrive-ul tău, dă click {0} apoi {1} și poți să creezi un pad.",
+ "readme_cat1_l2": "Deschide pad-urile din CryptDrive-ul tău: doublu-click pe iconița unui pad pentru a-l deschide.",
+ "readme_cat1_l3": "Organizează-ți pad-urile: Când ești logat, orice pad accesezi va fi afișat ca în secțiunea {0} a drive-ului tău.",
+ "readme_cat1_l3_l1": "Poți să folosești funcția click and drag pentru a muta fișierele în folderele secțiunii {0} a drive-ului tău și pentru a crea noi foldere.",
+ "readme_cat1_l3_l2": "Ține minte să încerci click-dreapta pe iconițe pentru că există și meniuri adiționale.",
+ "readme_cat1_l4": "Pune pad-urile vechi în gunoi. Poți să folosești funcția click and drag pe pad-uri în categoria {0} la fel ca și în cazul folderelor.",
+ "readme_cat2": "Crează pad-uri ca un profesionist",
+ "edit": "editează",
+ "view": "vezi",
+ "readme_cat2_l1": "Butonul {0} din pad-ul tău dă accesul colaboratorilor tăi să {1} sau să {2} pad-ul.",
+ "readme_cat2_l2": "Schimbă titlul pad-ului dând click pe creion",
+ "readme_cat3": "Descoperă aplicațiile CryptPad",
+ "readme_cat3_l1": "Cu editorul de cod CryptPad, poți colabora pe cod ca Javascript și markdown ca HTML și Markdown",
+ "readme_cat3_l2": "Cu editorul de slide-uri CryptPad, poți să faci prezentări scurte folosind Markdown",
+ "readme_cat3_l3": "Cu CryptPoll poți să organizezi votări rapide, mai ales pentru a programa ntâlniri care se potrivesc calendarelor tuturor",
+ "tips": {
+ "lag": "Iconița verde din dreapta-sus arată calitatea conexiunii internetului tău la serverele CryptPad.",
+ "shortcuts": "`ctrl+b`, `ctrl+i` and `ctrl+u` sunt scurtături pentru bold, italic și underline.",
+ "indentare": "În listele cu bulină sau cele numerotate, poți folosi tab sau shift+tab pentru a mări sau micșora indentarea.",
+ "titlu": "Poți seta titlul pad-urilor tale prin click pe centru sus.",
+ "stocare": "De fiecare dată când vizitezi un pad, dacă ești logat va fi salvat pe CryptDrive-ul tău.",
+ "marker": "Poți sublinia text într-un pad folosind itemul \"marker\" n meniul de stiluri."
+ },
+ "feedback_about": "Dacă citești asta, probabil că ești curios de ce CryptPad cere pagini web atunci când întreprinzi anumite acțiuni",
+ "feedback_privacy": "Ne pasă de intimitatea ta, si în același timp vrem să păstrăm CryptPad ușor de folosit. Folosim acest fișier pentru a ne da seama care beneficii UI contează cel mai mult pentru utilizatori, cerându-l alături de un parametru specific atunci când acțiunea se desfășoară",
+ "feedback_optout": "Dacă vrei să ieși, vizitează setările de pe pagina ta de user, unde vei găsi o căsuță pentru a activa sau dezactiva feedback-ul de la user"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/www/common/translations/messages.zh.json b/www/common/translations/messages.zh.json
index 3c9a16ebb..5253a73eb 100644
--- a/www/common/translations/messages.zh.json
+++ b/www/common/translations/messages.zh.json
@@ -1,381 +1,381 @@
- "_languageName": "Chinese",
- "main_title": "CryptPad: 零知識, 即時協作編寫",
- "main_slogan": "團結就是力量 - 合作是關鍵",
- "type": {
- "pad": "富文本",
- "code": "編碼",
- "poll": "投票",
- "slide": "投影片簡報",
- "drive": "磁碟",
- "whiteboard": "白板",
- "file": "檔案",
- "media": "多媒體"
- },
- "button_newpad": "富文件檔案",
- "button_newcode": "新代碼檔案",
- "button_newpoll": "新投票調查",
- "button_newslide": "新簡報",
- "button_newwhiteboard": "新白板",
- "updated_0_common_connectionLost": "伺服器連線中斷
- "common_connectionLost": "伺服器連線中斷
- "websocketError": "無法連結上 websocket 伺服器...",
- "typeError": "這個編輯檔與所選的應用程式並不相容",
- "onLogout": "你已登出, {0}點擊這裏{1} 來登入
或按Escape 來以唯讀模型使用你的編輯檔案",
- "wrongApp": "無法在瀏覽器顯示即時期間的內容,請試著再重新載入本頁。",
- "loading": "載入中...",
- "error": "錯誤",
- "saved": "儲存",
- "synced": "所有資料已儲存好了",
- "deleted": "自 CryptDrive 刪除檔案",
- "disconnected": "已斷線",
- "synchronizing": "同步中",
- "reconnecting": "重新連結...",
- "lag": "Lag",
- "readonly": "唯讀",
- "anonymous": "匿名",
- "yourself": "你自己",
- "anonymousUsers": "匿名的編輯群",
- "anonymousUser": "匿名的編輯群者",
- "users": "用戶",
- "and": "與",
- "viewer": "檢視者",
- "viewers": "檢視群",
- "editor": "編輯者",
- "editors": "編輯群",
- "language": "語言",
- "comingSoon": "即將上市...",
- "newVersion": "CryptPad 已更新!
CryptPad新發佈記事 {0}",
- "upgrade": "昇級",
- "upgradeTitle": "昇級帳戶以取得更多的儲存空間",
- "MB": "MB",
- "GB": "GB",
- "KB": "KB",
- "formattedMB": "{0} MB",
- "formattedGB": "{0} GB",
- "formattedKB": "{0} KB",
- "greenLight": "每件事都很順利",
- "orangeLight": "連線速度慢可能會影響用戶體驗",
- "redLight": "你這段期間的連線已中斷",
- "pinLimitReached": "你已達到儲存容量上限",
- "updated_0_pinLimitReachedAlert": "你已達到儲存容量上限,新檔案不會儲存到你的 CryptDrive.
要嘛你可以自 CryptDrive 移除原有文件或是 昇級到付費版增加你的儲存容量。",
- "pinLimitReachedAlert": "你已達到儲存容量上限,新檔案不會儲存到你的 CryptDrive.
要嘛你可以自 CryptDrive 移除原有文件或是 昇級到付費版增加你的儲存容量。",
- "pinLimitNotPinned": "你已達到容量使用上限
這個檔案無法儲存到你的 CryptDrive.",
- "pinLimitDrive": "你已達到容量使用上限
- "importButtonTitle": "從電腦上傳滙入檔案",
- "exportButtonTitle": "將這個檔案滙出到電腦",
- "exportPrompt": "你希望怎麼命名你的檔案?",
- "changeNamePrompt": "更換你的名稱(若留空白則會成為無名氏): ",
- "user_rename": "改變顯示名稱",
- "user_displayName": "顯示名稱",
- "user_accountName": "帳號名稱",
- "clickToEdit": "點擊以編輯",
- "forgetButtonTitle": "將這個檔案移置垃圾筒",
- "forgetPrompt": "點擊 OK 將把這個檔案移置垃圾筒,確定要這樣做嗎",
- "movedToTrash": "這個檔案已被移置垃圾筒
- "shareButton": "分享",
- "shareSuccess": "複製連結到剪貼版",
- "newButton": "新",
- "newButtonTitle": "建立新的工作檔案",
- "saveTemplateButton": "存成模版",
- "saveTemplatePrompt": "為這個模版選一個標題",
- "templateSaved": "模版已儲存!",
- "selectTemplate": "選擇一個模版或是按 escape 跳出",
- "previewButtonTitle": "顯示或隱藏 Markdown 預覽模式",
- "presentButtonTitle": "輸入簡報模式",
- "backgroundButtonTitle": "改變簡報的顏色背景",
- "colorButtonTitle": "在簡報模式下改變文字顏色",
- "printButton": "列印 (enter)",
- "printButtonTitle": "列印投影片或滙出成 PDF 檔案",
- "printOptions": "版型選項",
- "printSlideNumber": "顯示投影片號碼",
- "printDate": "顯示日期",
- "printTitle": "顯示檔案標題",
- "printCSS": "自定風格規則 (CSS):",
- "printTransition": "啟用轉場動畫",
- "slideOptionsTitle": "自定你的投影片",
- "slideOptionsButton": "儲存 (enter)",
- "editShare": "編輯連結",
- "editShareTitle": "複製所編輯的連結到剪貼版",
- "editOpen": "在新分頁開啟連結編輯",
- "editOpenTitle": "在新分頁開啟這個檔案為編輯模式",
- "viewShare": "唯讀連結",
- "viewShareTitle": "複製唯讀的連結到剪貼版",
- "viewOpen": "在新分頁開啟唯讀連結",
- "viewOpenTitle": "在新分頁開啟這個檔案為唯讀模式",
- "notifyJoined": "{0} 已加入此協作期間",
- "notifyRenamed": "{0} 現在改名為 {1}",
- "notifyLeft": "{0} 已離開了這個協作期間",
- "okButton": "OK (enter)",
- "cancel": "取消",
- "cancelButton": "取消 (esc)",
- "historyButton": "顯示文件歷史",
- "history_next": "到下一個版本",
- "history_prev": "到之前的版本",
- "history_goTo": "到所選擇的版本",
- "history_close": "回到",
- "history_closeTitle": "關閉歷史記錄",
- "history_restore": "重建",
- "history_restoreTitle": "將此文件重建到所挑選的版本",
- "history_restorePrompt": "確定要將這個展現的版本來取代現有版本嗎?",
- "history_restoreDone": "文件已重建",
- "history_version": "版本:",
- "poll_title": "零知識日期挑選",
- "poll_subtitle": "零知識, 即時 排程",
- "poll_p_save": "你的設定會立即更新, 因此從不需要按鍵儲存或擔心遺失。",
- "poll_p_encryption": "你所有幹入的資料都會予以加密,只有取得連結者才可以讀取它。即便是伺服器也不能看到你作了什麼變動。",
- "wizardLog": "點擊左上方的按鍵以回到你的調查",
- "wizardTitle": "使用精靈來建立調查投票",
- "wizardConfirm": "你真的要新增這些問題到你的調查中嗎?",
- "poll_publish_button": "發佈",
- "poll_admin_button": "管理者",
- "poll_create_user": "新增使用者",
- "poll_create_option": "新增選項",
- "poll_commit": "投入",
- "poll_closeWizardButton": "關閉協助精靈",
- "poll_closeWizardButtonTitle": "關閉協助精靈",
- "poll_wizardComputeButton": "計算最適化",
- "poll_wizardClearButton": "清除表格",
- "poll_wizardDescription": "透過輸入任何日期或時間分段,可自動建立一些選項",
- "poll_wizardAddDateButton": "+ 日期",
- "poll_wizardAddTimeButton": "+ 時間",
- "poll_optionPlaceholder": "選項",
- "poll_userPlaceholder": "你的名稱",
- "poll_removeOption": "確定要移除這個選項嗎?",
- "poll_removeUser": "確定要移除這位使用者嗎?",
- "poll_titleHint": "標題",
- "poll_descriptionHint": "請簡述這個調查目的,完成時使用「發佈鍵」。任何知道此調查連結者可以更改這裏的描述內容,但我們不鼓勵這麼做。.",
- "canvas_clear": "清除",
- "canvas_delete": "刪除所選",
- "canvas_disable": "取消繪圖",
- "canvas_enable": "啟動繪圖",
- "canvas_width": "寛度",
- "canvas_opacity": "透明度",
- "fm_rootName": "根目錄",
- "fm_trashName": "垃圾桶",
- "fm_unsortedName": "未整理的檔案",
- "fm_filesDataName": "所有檔案",
- "fm_templateName": "模版",
- "fm_searchName": "搜尋",
- "fm_searchPlaceholder": "搜尋...",
- "fm_newButton": "新的",
- "fm_newButtonTitle": "建立新工作檔案或資料夾",
- "fm_newFolder": "新資料夾",
- "fm_newFile": "新工作檔案",
- "fm_folder": "資料夾",
- "fm_folderName": "資料夾名稱",
- "fm_numberOfFolders": "# 個資料夾",
- "fm_numberOfFiles": "# 檔案",
- "fm_fileName": "檔案名",
- "fm_title": "標題",
- "fm_type": "類型",
- "fm_lastAccess": "上回使用",
- "fm_creation": "創建",
- "fm_forbidden": "禁止的行為",
- "fm_originalPath": "原始路徑",
- "fm_openParent": "顯示在目錄夾中",
- "fm_noname": "無標題文件",
- "fm_emptyTrashDialog": "確定要清理垃圾筒嗎?",
- "fm_removeSeveralPermanentlyDialog": "確定要將這些 {0} 東西永自垃圾筒移除嗎?",
- "fm_removePermanentlyDialog": "你確定要永久地移除這些項目嗎?",
- "fm_removeSeveralDialog": "確定要將這些 {0} 東西移至垃圾筒嗎?",
- "fm_removeDialog": "確定要將移動 {0} 至垃圾筒嗎?",
- "fm_restoreDialog": "確定要重置 {0} 到它之前的位置嗎?",
- "fm_unknownFolderError": "所選或上回訪問的目錄不再存在了,正開啟上層目錄中...",
- "fm_contextMenuError": "無法在此元件下打開文本選單。如果這個問題一直發生,請試著重新載入此頁。",
- "fm_selectError": "無法選取目標的要素。如果這個問題一直發生,請試著重新載入此頁。",
- "fm_categoryError": "無法打開所選的類別,正在顯示根目錄。",
- "fm_info_root": "在此建立任何巢狀目錄夾以便於整理分類你的檔案。",
- "fm_info_unsorted": "包含所有你曾訪問過的檔案,其尚未被整理在 \"根目錄\" 或移到到\"垃圾筒\".",
- "fm_info_template": "包含所有工作檔案已存成模版,便於讓你在建立新工作檔案時套用。",
- "updated_0_fm_info_trash": "清空垃圾筒好讓 CryptDrive 多出一些空間",
- "fm_info_trash": "清空垃圾筒好讓 CryptDrive 多出一些空間",
- "fm_info_allFiles": "包含在 \"根目錄\", \"未整理的\" 和 \"垃圾筒\" 裏的所有檔案。這裏你無法移動或移除檔案。",
- "fm_info_anonymous": "你尚未登入,因此這些工作檔案可能會被刪除。 (了解原因). 註冊或登入以便保留它們。",
- "fm_alert_backupUrl": "這個雲端硬碟的備份連結
高度建議把自己的 IP 資訊保留成只有自己知道
- "fm_alert_anonymous": "嗨你好, 你目前正以匿名方式在使用 CryptPad , 這也沒問題,不過你的東西過一段時間沒動靜後,就會自動被刪除。 匿名的用戶我們也取消其進階功能,因為我們要明確地讓用戶知道,這裏 不是一個安全存放東西的地方。你可以 進一步了解 關於 為何我們這樣作,以及為何你最好能夠註冊 以及 登錄使用。",
- "fm_backup_title": "備份連結",
- "fm_nameFile": "你想要如何來命名這個檔案呢?",
- "fm_error_cantPin": "內部伺服器出錯,請重新載入本頁並再試一次。",
- "fc_newfolder": "新資料夾",
- "fc_rename": "重新命名",
- "fc_open": "打開",
- "fc_open_ro": "打開 (唯讀)",
- "fc_delete": "刪除",
- "fc_restore": "重置",
- "fc_remove": "永久刪除",
- "fc_empty": "清理垃圾筒",
- "fc_prop": "Properties",
- "fc_sizeInKilobytes": "容量大小 (Kilobytes)",
- "fo_moveUnsortedError": "你不能移動資料夾到未整理的工作檔案清單",
- "fo_existingNameError": "名稱已被使用,請選擇其它名稱",
- "fo_moveFolderToChildError": "你不能移動資料夾到它的子資料夾底下",
- "fo_unableToRestore": "無法將這個檔案重置到原始的位置。你可以試著將它移動到其它新位置。",
- "fo_unavailableName": "在新位置裏同名的檔案或資料夾名稱已存在,請重新命名後再試看看。",
- "login_login": "登入",
- "login_makeAPad": "匿名地建立一個工作檔案",
- "login_nologin": "瀏覽本地的工作檔案",
- "login_register": "註冊",
- "logoutButton": "登出",
- "settingsButton": "設定",
- "login_username": "用戶名",
- "login_password": "密碼",
- "login_confirm": "確認你的密碼",
- "login_remember": "記住我",
- "login_hashing": "散列你的密碼中,這要花上一點時間",
- "login_hello": "Hello {0},",
- "login_helloNoName": "Hello,",
- "login_accessDrive": "取用你的磁碟",
- "login_orNoLogin": "或",
- "login_noSuchUser": "無效的用戶名或密碼,請再試一次或重新註冊",
- "login_invalUser": "要求用戶名",
- "login_invalPass": "要求密碼",
- "login_unhandledError": "發生了未預期的錯誤 :(",
- "register_importRecent": "滙入檔案記錄 (建議)",
- "register_acceptTerms": "我同意 服務條款",
- "register_passwordsDontMatch": "密碼不相符!",
- "register_mustAcceptTerms": "你必須同意我們的服務條款。",
- "register_mustRememberPass": "如果你忘了密碼,我們也無法為你重置。因此務必自行好好記住! 請在勾選處勾選確認。",
- "register_header": "歡迎來到 CryptPad",
- "register_explanation": "首先讓我們先了解幾件事
- 你的密碼是你用來加密所有工作檔案的密鑰。一旦遺失它,我們也沒辦法幫你恢復你的資料。
- 你可以滙入近期在瀏覽器下檢視的工作檔案到你的雲端硬碟裏。
- 如果你使用的是公用分享電腦,你需要在完成工作後進行登出,只是關閉分頁是不夠的。
- "register_writtenPassword": "我已記下了我的用戶名和密碼,請繼續",
- "register_cancel": "回去",
- "register_warning": "零知識表示如果你遺失了密碼,我們也無法還原你的資料",
- "register_alreadyRegistered": "這名用戶己存在了,你要登入嗎?",
- "settings_title": "設定",
- "settings_save": "儲存",
- "settings_backupTitle": "備份或重建你所有的資料",
- "settings_backup": "備份",
- "settings_restore": "重建",
- "settings_resetTitle": "清除你的雲端硬碟",
- "settings_reset": "從你的 CryptDrive 移除所有的檔案和資料夾",
- "settings_resetPrompt": "這個動作會自你的雲端硬碟中移除所有工作檔案
輸入 “I love CryptPad” 來確認。",
- "settings_resetDone": "你的目錄現已清空!",
- "settings_resetError": "不正確的認證文字,你的 CryptDrive 並未更改。",
- "settings_resetTips": "使用 CryptDrive 的竅門",
- "settings_resetTipsButton": "在 CryptDrive 下重置可用的訣竅",
- "settings_resetTipsDone": "所有的訣竅現在都可再次看到了。",
- "settings_importTitle": "滙入這個瀏覽器近期的工作檔案到我的 CryptDrive",
- "settings_import": "滙入",
- "settings_importConfirm": "確定要從這個瀏覽器滙入近期的工作檔案到你的 CryptDrive ?",
- "settings_importDone": "滙入完成",
- "settings_userFeedbackHint1": "CryptPad 會提供一些基本的反饋到伺服器,以讓我們知道如何改善用戶體驗。",
- "settings_userFeedbackHint2": "你的工作檔案內容絕不會被分享到伺服器",
- "settings_userFeedback": "啟用用戶反饋功能",
- "settings_anonymous": "你尚未登入,在此瀏覽器上進行特別設定。",
- "settings_publicSigningKey": "公開金鑰簽署",
- "settings_usage": "用法",
- "settings_usageTitle": "查看所有置頂的工作檔案所佔的容量",
- "settings_pinningNotAvailable": "工作檔案置頂功能只開放給已註冊用戶",
- "settings_pinningError": "有點不對勁",
- "settings_usageAmount": "你置頂的工作檔案佔了 {0}MB",
- "settings_logoutEverywhereTitle": "自所有地點登出",
- "settings_logoutEverywhere": "自所有其它的網頁期間登出",
- "settings_logoutEverywhereConfirm": "你確定嗎?你將需要登入到所有用到設置。",
- "upload_serverError": "伺服器出錯:本次無法上傳你的檔案",
- "upload_uploadPending": "你欲上傳檔案正在傳輸中,要取消並上傳新檔案嗎?",
- "upload_success": "你的檔案 ({0}) 已成功地上傳並放入到你的網路磁碟中。",
- "upload_notEnoughSpace": "你的 CryptDrive 無足夠空間來存放這個檔案。",
- "upload_tooLarge": "此檔案超過了上傳單一檔案可允許的容量上限。",
- "upload_choose": "選擇一個檔案",
- "upload_pending": "待處理",
- "upload_cancelled": "已取消的",
- "upload_name": "檔案名",
- "upload_size": "大小",
- "upload_progress": "進度",
- "download_button": "解密 & 下載",
- "warn_notPinned": "這個工作檔案並不在任何人的 CryptDrive 裏,它將在 3 個月到期後刪除。 進一步了解...",
- "main_p2": "本專案使用 CKEditor 視覺編輯器, CodeMirror, 以及 ChainPad 即時引擊。",
- "main_howitworks_p1": "CryptPad 應用一種變體的 操作型變換 Operational transformation 演算法,它利用Nakamoto Blockchain來找到分散的共識, Nakamoto Blockchain 是一種建構當前流行的比特幣。這套演算法可避免需要一個中央的伺服器來解析操作型變換編輯衝突,而無須處理解析衝突,伺服器並不知道哪一個檔案被編輯。",
- "main_about_p2": "若有任何問題和建議, 可以在tweet us, github提出問題, 或是來到 irc (irc.freenode.net)打聲招呼, 再或者 寄封電郵給我們.",
- "main_info": "Collaborate in Confidence
利用共同享文件發嚮點子,透過 零知識 科技確保隱私安全; 對任何網路服務商都要加以提防。",
- "main_howitworks": "它如何運作",
- "main_zeroKnowledge": "零知識",
- "main_zeroKnowledge_p": "你不必相信我們所說的並不會 察看你的檔案, CryptPad 革命性的零知識技術讓我們 真的不能看到。 進一步了解在這裏,我們如何保護用戶的 隱私和安全。",
- "main_writeItDown": "寫下它",
- "main_writeItDown_p": "偉大的專案來自不起眼的小點子。記下靈感與點子的瞬間,因為你從不會知道哪個會帶來重大突破。",
- "main_share": "分享連結, 分享工作檔案",
- "main_share_p": "一起來發響想法點子: 在任何設備上,與朋友一起執行有效率的會議, 協作待辦清單與快速製作簡報。",
- "main_organize": "Get organized",
- "main_organize_p": "利用 CryptPad 空間, 你可以保留看管重要的東西。資料夾讓你可以追踪專案和全盤了解事情的走向狀況。",
- "tryIt": "Try it out!",
- "main_richText": "富文字編輯器",
- "main_richText_p": "利用我們的即時零知識技術,集體協作地編輯富文本檔案 CkEditor 應用程式application.",
- "main_code": "代碼編輯器",
- "main_code_p": "利用我們的即時零知識技術,集體協作地編輯程式代碼 CodeMirror 應用程式。",
- "main_slide": "投影片編輯器",
- "main_slide_p": "使用 Markdown 語法來建立投影片,並利用瀏覽器來展示投影片。",
- "main_poll": "調查",
- "main_poll_p": "規劃會議或活動,或是為問題舉行投最佳方案的投票。",
- "main_drive": "CryptDrive",
- "footer_applications": "應用程式",
- "footer_contact": "聯繫",
- "footer_aboutUs": "關於 Cryptpad",
- "about": "關於",
- "privacy": "隱私",
- "contact": "聯繫",
- "terms": "服務條款",
- "blog": "Blog",
- "policy_title": "CryptPad 隱私政策",
- "policy_whatweknow": "我們會知道哪些關於你的資料",
- "policy_whatweknow_p1": "作為一個網頁上的應用程式, CryptPad 可以接取 HTTP 協議所曝露的元數據。 這包括你的 IP 地址、各式其它的 HTTP 標頭,其用於識別你特定的瀏覽器。 你可以訪問 WhatIsMyBrowser.com這個網站,知道你的瀏覽器分享了哪些資訊。",
- "policy_whatweknow_p2": "我們使用 Kibana, 它是一個開源的流量數據分析平台, 以更了解用戶。Kibana 讓我們知道你是如何地發現 CryptPad, 是透過直接接入、攑搜尋引擊或是其它網站的介紹如 Reddit 和 Twitter。",
- "policy_howweuse": "我們如何利用我們知道的東西",
- "policy_howweuse_p1": "我們利用這些資訊評估過去成功的效果,以更佳地決定如何推廣 CryptPad。有關你地理位置的資訊讓我們知道是否該提供英語之外的語言版本支援",
- "policy_howweuse_p2": "有關你的瀏覽器資訊 (是桌面還是手機操作系統) 有助於讓我們決定要優先哪些功能改善。我們開發團隊人很少,我們試著挑選盡可能地提昇更多用戶的使用體驗。",
- "policy_whatwetell": "我們可以告訴別人關於你的哪些資料",
- "policy_whatwetell_p1": "我們不會給第三人我們所收集的資訊,除非被依法要求配合。",
- "policy_links": "其它網站連結",
- "policy_links_p1": "本站含有其它網站的連結,包括其它組織的産品。我們無法對這些隱私實踐或任何本站以外的內容負責。一般而言,連到外站的連結會另啟新視窗,以明確讓你知道已離開了CryptPad.fr.",
- "policy_ads": "廣告",
- "policy_ads_p1": "我們不會放置任何線上廣告,但會提供一些資助我們研究的機構與團體的網址連結",
- "policy_choices": "你有的選擇",
- "policy_choices_open": "我們的代碼是開放的,你可以選擇自行在自己的機器上來架設自己的 CryptPad.",
- "policy_choices_vpn": "如果你要使用我們架設的服務, 但不希望曝露自己的 IP 地址, 你可以利用Tor 瀏覽器套件來保護隱藏 IP 地址, 或是使用 VPN。",
- "policy_choices_ads": "如果你只是想要封鎖我們的數據分析器, 你可以使用廣告封鎖工具如 Privacy Badger.",
- "tos_title": "CryptPad 服務條款",
- "tos_legal": "請不要惡意、濫用或從事非法活動。",
- "tos_availability": "希望你覺得我們的産品與服務對你有所幫助, 但我們並不能一直百分百保證它的表現穩定與可得性。請記得定期滙出你的資料。",
- "tos_e2ee": "CryptPad 的內容可以被任何猜出或取得工作檔案分段識別碼的人讀取與修改。我們建議你使用端對端加密 (e2ee) 訊息技術來分享工作檔案連結 以及假設如果一旦連結外漏不會背上任何責任。",
- "tos_logs": "你的瀏覽器提供給伺服器的元數據,可能會因為維護本服務之效能而被收集記錄。",
- "tos_3rdparties": "除非法令要求,我們不會提供任何個人資料給第三方。",
- "bottom_france": "Made with in ",
- "bottom_support": "An Labs Project with the support of ",
- "header_france": "With from by ",
- "header_support": " ",
- "header_logoTitle": "回到主頁",
- "initialState": "這是 CryptPad, 零知識即時協作編輯平台,當你輸入時一切已即存好。
分享這個工作檔案的網址連結給友人或是使用、 按鈕分享唯讀的連結 其只能看不能編寫。
- "codeInitialState": "# CryptPad 零知識即時協作代碼編輯平台\n\n* 你所輸入的東西會予以加密,僅有知道此網頁連結者可以接取這份文件。\n* 你可以在右上角選擇欲編寫的程式語言以及樣版配色風格。",
- "slideInitialState": "# CryptSlide\n1. 使用 markdown 語法來寫下你的投影片內容\n - 進一步學習 markdown 語法 [here](http://www.markdowntutorial.com/)\n2. 利用 --- 來區隔不同的投影片\n3. 點擊下方 \"Play\" 鍵來查看成果 - 你的投影片會即時更新",
- "driveReadmeTitle": "什麼是 CryptPad?",
- "readme_welcome": "歡迎來到 CryptPad !",
- "readme_p1": "歡迎來到 CryptPad, 這裏你可以獨自作個人筆記或是和別人共享協作。",
- "readme_p2": "這個工作檔案可以讓你快速地了解如何使用 CryptPad 作筆記,有效地整理管理文件工作檔案。",
- "readme_cat1": "認識如何使用 CryptDrive",
- "readme_cat1_l1": "建立一個工作檔案: 在 CryptDrive 底下, 點擊 {0} 然後 {1} 這樣就可以建立一個新的工作檔案。",
- "readme_cat1_l2": "從 CryptDrive 開啟工作檔案: 雙擊工作檔案的圖示來開啟它。",
- "readme_cat1_l3": "分類你的工作檔案:登入之後,每一個你能接取使用的工作檔案會顯示在你雲端硬碟中的 {0} 部份。",
- "readme_cat1_l3_l1": "你可以點擊或是拉曳檔案到雲端硬碟 {0} 區,新增資料夾。",
- "readme_cat1_l3_l2": "記得試著點擊圖示,以顯示更多的選項功能。",
- "readme_cat1_l4": "把舊的工作檔案放到垃圾筒:點擊或是拉曳檔案到 {0} 如同把它們拉到文件目錄夾一樣的方法。",
- "readme_cat2": "像個專業人士來編寫你的工作檔案",
- "edit": "編輯",
- "view": "檢視",
- "readme_cat2_l1": "在工作檔案下的 {0} 按鍵可讓其它的協作者接取 {1} 或是 {2} 工作檔案",
- "readme_cat2_l2": "若要更改工作檔案的名稱,只要點擊右上的鉛筆圖示即可",
- "readme_cat3": "發現其它的 CryptPad 應用",
- "readme_cat3_l1": "使用 CryptPad 代碼編輯器,你可以和其它人協作各種程式碼,如 Javascript、 markdown、 HTML 等等。",
- "readme_cat3_l2": "使用 CryptPad 投影片編輯功能,你可以使用 Markdown 快速製作簡報檔。",
- "readme_cat3_l3": "利用 CryptPoll 你可以快速作個線上調查,尤其是調查每個人有空的會議時間。",
- "tips": {
- "lag": "右上角的綠色圖標顯示你連線至 CryptPad 伺服器的連線品質。",
- "shortcuts": "`ctrl+b`, `ctrl+i` 和 `ctrl+u` 分別是粗體字、斜體、與加底線用法的快速鍵。",
- "indent": "要使用數字以及符號列表, 可使用 tab 或 shift+tab 快速地增加或滅少縮排指令。",
- "title": "點擊正上方來設定工作檔案的標題。",
- "store": "每一回你造訪一個工作檔案, 如果是登入狀態,則這些檔案會自動儲存到你的 CryptDrive.",
- "marker": "在格式下拉選單中使用 \"marker\" 可以標注反亮文字."
- },
- "feedback_about": "如果你讀了這裏,也許會好奇為何當你執行某些動作時 CryptPad 會請求網頁資訊。",
- "feedback_privacy": "我們注重你的隱私,同時也要讓 CryptPad 容易使用。我們利用這個檔案來了解哪一種介面設計為用戶所重視,透過它來請求特別的功能參數。",
- "feedback_optout": "如果欲退出客戶資料收集, 請到 用戶設定頁, 可以找到勾選項目來啟用或關閉用戶回饋功能。"
+ "_languageName": "Chinese",
+ "main_title": "CryptPad: 零知識, 即時協作編寫",
+ "main_slogan": "團結就是力量 - 合作是關鍵",
+ "type": {
+ "pad": "富文本",
+ "code": "編碼",
+ "poll": "投票",
+ "slide": "投影片簡報",
+ "drive": "磁碟",
+ "whiteboard": "白板",
+ "file": "檔案",
+ "media": "多媒體"
+ },
+ "button_newpad": "富文件檔案",
+ "button_newcode": "新代碼檔案",
+ "button_newpoll": "新投票調查",
+ "button_newslide": "新簡報",
+ "button_newwhiteboard": "新白板",
+ "updated_0_common_connectionLost": "伺服器連線中斷
+ "common_connectionLost": "伺服器連線中斷
+ "websocketError": "無法連結上 websocket 伺服器...",
+ "typeError": "這個編輯檔與所選的應用程式並不相容",
+ "onLogout": "你已登出, {0}點擊這裏{1} 來登入
或按Escape 來以唯讀模型使用你的編輯檔案",
+ "wrongApp": "無法在瀏覽器顯示即時期間的內容,請試著再重新載入本頁。",
+ "loading": "載入中...",
+ "error": "錯誤",
+ "saved": "儲存",
+ "synced": "所有資料已儲存好了",
+ "deleted": "自 CryptDrive 刪除檔案",
+ "disconnected": "已斷線",
+ "synchronizing": "同步中",
+ "reconnecting": "重新連結...",
+ "lag": "Lag",
+ "readonly": "唯讀",
+ "anonymous": "匿名",
+ "yourself": "你自己",
+ "anonymousUsers": "匿名的編輯群",
+ "anonymousUser": "匿名的編輯群者",
+ "users": "用戶",
+ "and": "與",
+ "viewer": "檢視者",
+ "viewers": "檢視群",
+ "editor": "編輯者",
+ "editors": "編輯群",
+ "language": "語言",
+ "comingSoon": "即將上市...",
+ "newVersion": "CryptPad 已更新!
CryptPad新發佈記事 {0}",
+ "upgrade": "昇級",
+ "upgradeTitle": "昇級帳戶以取得更多的儲存空間",
+ "MB": "MB",
+ "GB": "GB",
+ "KB": "KB",
+ "formattedMB": "{0} MB",
+ "formattedGB": "{0} GB",
+ "formattedKB": "{0} KB",
+ "greenLight": "每件事都很順利",
+ "orangeLight": "連線速度慢可能會影響用戶體驗",
+ "redLight": "你這段期間的連線已中斷",
+ "pinLimitReached": "你已達到儲存容量上限",
+ "updated_0_pinLimitReachedAlert": "你已達到儲存容量上限,新檔案不會儲存到你的 CryptDrive.
要嘛你可以自 CryptDrive 移除原有文件或是 昇級到付費版增加你的儲存容量。",
+ "pinLimitReachedAlert": "你已達到儲存容量上限,新檔案不會儲存到你的 CryptDrive.
要嘛你可以自 CryptDrive 移除原有文件或是 昇級到付費版增加你的儲存容量。",
+ "pinLimitNotPinned": "你已達到容量使用上限
這個檔案無法儲存到你的 CryptDrive.",
+ "pinLimitDrive": "你已達到容量使用上限
+ "importButtonTitle": "從電腦上傳滙入檔案",
+ "exportButtonTitle": "將這個檔案滙出到電腦",
+ "exportPrompt": "你希望怎麼命名你的檔案?",
+ "changeNamePrompt": "更換你的名稱(若留空白則會成為無名氏): ",
+ "user_rename": "改變顯示名稱",
+ "user_displayName": "顯示名稱",
+ "user_accountName": "帳號名稱",
+ "clickToEdit": "點擊以編輯",
+ "forgetButtonTitle": "將這個檔案移置垃圾筒",
+ "forgetPrompt": "點擊 OK 將把這個檔案移置垃圾筒,確定要這樣做嗎",
+ "movedToTrash": "這個檔案已被移置垃圾筒
+ "shareButton": "分享",
+ "shareSuccess": "複製連結到剪貼版",
+ "newButton": "新",
+ "newButtonTitle": "建立新的工作檔案",
+ "saveTemplateButton": "存成模版",
+ "saveTemplatePrompt": "為這個模版選一個標題",
+ "templateSaved": "模版已儲存!",
+ "selectTemplate": "選擇一個模版或是按 escape 跳出",
+ "previewButtonTitle": "顯示或隱藏 Markdown 預覽模式",
+ "presentButtonTitle": "輸入簡報模式",
+ "backgroundButtonTitle": "改變簡報的顏色背景",
+ "colorButtonTitle": "在簡報模式下改變文字顏色",
+ "printButton": "列印 (enter)",
+ "printButtonTitle": "列印投影片或滙出成 PDF 檔案",
+ "printOptions": "版型選項",
+ "printSlideNumber": "顯示投影片號碼",
+ "printDate": "顯示日期",
+ "printTitle": "顯示檔案標題",
+ "printCSS": "自定風格規則 (CSS):",
+ "printTransition": "啟用轉場動畫",
+ "slideOptionsTitle": "自定你的投影片",
+ "slideOptionsButton": "儲存 (enter)",
+ "editShare": "編輯連結",
+ "editShareTitle": "複製所編輯的連結到剪貼版",
+ "editOpen": "在新分頁開啟連結編輯",
+ "editOpenTitle": "在新分頁開啟這個檔案為編輯模式",
+ "viewShare": "唯讀連結",
+ "viewShareTitle": "複製唯讀的連結到剪貼版",
+ "viewOpen": "在新分頁開啟唯讀連結",
+ "viewOpenTitle": "在新分頁開啟這個檔案為唯讀模式",
+ "notifyJoined": "{0} 已加入此協作期間",
+ "notifyRenamed": "{0} 現在改名為 {1}",
+ "notifyLeft": "{0} 已離開了這個協作期間",
+ "okButton": "OK (enter)",
+ "cancel": "取消",
+ "cancelButton": "取消 (esc)",
+ "historyButton": "顯示文件歷史",
+ "history_next": "到下一個版本",
+ "history_prev": "到之前的版本",
+ "history_goTo": "到所選擇的版本",
+ "history_close": "回到",
+ "history_closeTitle": "關閉歷史記錄",
+ "history_restore": "重建",
+ "history_restoreTitle": "將此文件重建到所挑選的版本",
+ "history_restorePrompt": "確定要將這個展現的版本來取代現有版本嗎?",
+ "history_restoreDone": "文件已重建",
+ "history_version": "版本:",
+ "poll_title": "零知識日期挑選",
+ "poll_subtitle": "零知識, 即時 排程",
+ "poll_p_save": "你的設定會立即更新, 因此從不需要按鍵儲存或擔心遺失。",
+ "poll_p_encryption": "你所有幹入的資料都會予以加密,只有取得連結者才可以讀取它。即便是伺服器也不能看到你作了什麼變動。",
+ "wizardLog": "點擊左上方的按鍵以回到你的調查",
+ "wizardTitle": "使用精靈來建立調查投票",
+ "wizardConfirm": "你真的要新增這些問題到你的調查中嗎?",
+ "poll_publish_button": "發佈",
+ "poll_admin_button": "管理者",
+ "poll_create_user": "新增使用者",
+ "poll_create_option": "新增選項",
+ "poll_commit": "投入",
+ "poll_closeWizardButton": "關閉協助精靈",
+ "poll_closeWizardButtonTitle": "關閉協助精靈",
+ "poll_wizardComputeButton": "計算最適化",
+ "poll_wizardClearButton": "清除表格",
+ "poll_wizardDescription": "透過輸入任何日期或時間分段,可自動建立一些選項",
+ "poll_wizardAddDateButton": "+ 日期",
+ "poll_wizardAddTimeButton": "+ 時間",
+ "poll_optionPlaceholder": "選項",
+ "poll_userPlaceholder": "你的名稱",
+ "poll_removeOption": "確定要移除這個選項嗎?",
+ "poll_removeUser": "確定要移除這位使用者嗎?",
+ "poll_titleHint": "標題",
+ "poll_descriptionHint": "請簡述這個調查目的,完成時使用「發佈鍵」。任何知道此調查連結者可以更改這裏的描述內容,但我們不鼓勵這麼做。.",
+ "canvas_clear": "清除",
+ "canvas_delete": "刪除所選",
+ "canvas_disable": "取消繪圖",
+ "canvas_enable": "啟動繪圖",
+ "canvas_width": "寛度",
+ "canvas_opacity": "透明度",
+ "fm_rootName": "根目錄",
+ "fm_trashName": "垃圾桶",
+ "fm_unsortedName": "未整理的檔案",
+ "fm_filesDataName": "所有檔案",
+ "fm_templateName": "模版",
+ "fm_searchName": "搜尋",
+ "fm_searchPlaceholder": "搜尋...",
+ "fm_newButton": "新的",
+ "fm_newButtonTitle": "建立新工作檔案或資料夾",
+ "fm_newFolder": "新資料夾",
+ "fm_newFile": "新工作檔案",
+ "fm_folder": "資料夾",
+ "fm_folderName": "資料夾名稱",
+ "fm_numberOfFolders": "# 個資料夾",
+ "fm_numberOfFiles": "# 檔案",
+ "fm_fileName": "檔案名",
+ "fm_title": "標題",
+ "fm_type": "類型",
+ "fm_lastAccess": "上回使用",
+ "fm_creation": "創建",
+ "fm_forbidden": "禁止的行為",
+ "fm_originalPath": "原始路徑",
+ "fm_openParent": "顯示在目錄夾中",
+ "fm_noname": "無標題文件",
+ "fm_emptyTrashDialog": "確定要清理垃圾筒嗎?",
+ "fm_removeSeveralPermanentlyDialog": "確定要將這些 {0} 東西永自垃圾筒移除嗎?",
+ "fm_removePermanentlyDialog": "你確定要永久地移除這些項目嗎?",
+ "fm_removeSeveralDialog": "確定要將這些 {0} 東西移至垃圾筒嗎?",
+ "fm_removeDialog": "確定要將移動 {0} 至垃圾筒嗎?",
+ "fm_restoreDialog": "確定要重置 {0} 到它之前的位置嗎?",
+ "fm_unknownFolderError": "所選或上回訪問的目錄不再存在了,正開啟上層目錄中...",
+ "fm_contextMenuError": "無法在此元件下打開文本選單。如果這個問題一直發生,請試著重新載入此頁。",
+ "fm_selectError": "無法選取目標的要素。如果這個問題一直發生,請試著重新載入此頁。",
+ "fm_categoryError": "無法打開所選的類別,正在顯示根目錄。",
+ "fm_info_root": "在此建立任何巢狀目錄夾以便於整理分類你的檔案。",
+ "fm_info_unsorted": "包含所有你曾訪問過的檔案,其尚未被整理在 \"根目錄\" 或移到到\"垃圾筒\".",
+ "fm_info_template": "包含所有工作檔案已存成模版,便於讓你在建立新工作檔案時套用。",
+ "updated_0_fm_info_trash": "清空垃圾筒好讓 CryptDrive 多出一些空間",
+ "fm_info_trash": "清空垃圾筒好讓 CryptDrive 多出一些空間",
+ "fm_info_allFiles": "包含在 \"根目錄\", \"未整理的\" 和 \"垃圾筒\" 裏的所有檔案。這裏你無法移動或移除檔案。",
+ "fm_info_anonymous": "你尚未登入,因此這些工作檔案可能會被刪除。 (了解原因). 註冊或登入以便保留它們。",
+ "fm_alert_backupUrl": "這個雲端硬碟的備份連結
高度建議把自己的 IP 資訊保留成只有自己知道
+ "fm_alert_anonymous": "嗨你好, 你目前正以匿名方式在使用 CryptPad , 這也沒問題,不過你的東西過一段時間沒動靜後,就會自動被刪除。 匿名的用戶我們也取消其進階功能,因為我們要明確地讓用戶知道,這裏 不是一個安全存放東西的地方。你可以 進一步了解 關於 為何我們這樣作,以及為何你最好能夠註冊 以及 登錄使用。",
+ "fm_backup_title": "備份連結",
+ "fm_nameFile": "你想要如何來命名這個檔案呢?",
+ "fm_error_cantPin": "內部伺服器出錯,請重新載入本頁並再試一次。",
+ "fc_newfolder": "新資料夾",
+ "fc_rename": "重新命名",
+ "fc_open": "打開",
+ "fc_open_ro": "打開 (唯讀)",
+ "fc_delete": "刪除",
+ "fc_restore": "重置",
+ "fc_remove": "永久刪除",
+ "fc_empty": "清理垃圾筒",
+ "fc_prop": "Properties",
+ "fc_sizeInKilobytes": "容量大小 (Kilobytes)",
+ "fo_moveUnsortedError": "你不能移動資料夾到未整理的工作檔案清單",
+ "fo_existingNameError": "名稱已被使用,請選擇其它名稱",
+ "fo_moveFolderToChildError": "你不能移動資料夾到它的子資料夾底下",
+ "fo_unableToRestore": "無法將這個檔案重置到原始的位置。你可以試著將它移動到其它新位置。",
+ "fo_unavailableName": "在新位置裏同名的檔案或資料夾名稱已存在,請重新命名後再試看看。",
+ "login_login": "登入",
+ "login_makeAPad": "匿名地建立一個工作檔案",
+ "login_nologin": "瀏覽本地的工作檔案",
+ "login_register": "註冊",
+ "logoutButton": "登出",
+ "settingsButton": "設定",
+ "login_username": "用戶名",
+ "login_password": "密碼",
+ "login_confirm": "確認你的密碼",
+ "login_remember": "記住我",
+ "login_hashing": "散列你的密碼中,這要花上一點時間",
+ "login_hello": "Hello {0},",
+ "login_helloNoName": "Hello,",
+ "login_accessDrive": "取用你的磁碟",
+ "login_orNoLogin": "或",
+ "login_noSuchUser": "無效的用戶名或密碼,請再試一次或重新註冊",
+ "login_invalUser": "要求用戶名",
+ "login_invalPass": "要求密碼",
+ "login_unhandledError": "發生了未預期的錯誤 :(",
+ "register_importRecent": "滙入檔案記錄 (建議)",
+ "register_acceptTerms": "我同意 服務條款",
+ "register_passwordsDontMatch": "密碼不相符!",
+ "register_mustAcceptTerms": "你必須同意我們的服務條款。",
+ "register_mustRememberPass": "如果你忘了密碼,我們也無法為你重置。因此務必自行好好記住! 請在勾選處勾選確認。",
+ "register_header": "歡迎來到 CryptPad",
+ "register_explanation": "首先讓我們先了解幾件事
- 你的密碼是你用來加密所有工作檔案的密鑰。一旦遺失它,我們也沒辦法幫你恢復你的資料。
- 你可以滙入近期在瀏覽器下檢視的工作檔案到你的雲端硬碟裏。
- 如果你使用的是公用分享電腦,你需要在完成工作後進行登出,只是關閉分頁是不夠的。
+ "register_writtenPassword": "我已記下了我的用戶名和密碼,請繼續",
+ "register_cancel": "回去",
+ "register_warning": "零知識表示如果你遺失了密碼,我們也無法還原你的資料",
+ "register_alreadyRegistered": "這名用戶己存在了,你要登入嗎?",
+ "settings_title": "設定",
+ "settings_save": "儲存",
+ "settings_backupTitle": "備份或重建你所有的資料",
+ "settings_backup": "備份",
+ "settings_restore": "重建",
+ "settings_resetTitle": "清除你的雲端硬碟",
+ "settings_reset": "從你的 CryptDrive 移除所有的檔案和資料夾",
+ "settings_resetPrompt": "這個動作會自你的雲端硬碟中移除所有工作檔案
輸入 “I love CryptPad” 來確認。",
+ "settings_resetDone": "你的目錄現已清空!",
+ "settings_resetError": "不正確的認證文字,你的 CryptDrive 並未更改。",
+ "settings_resetTips": "使用 CryptDrive 的竅門",
+ "settings_resetTipsButton": "在 CryptDrive 下重置可用的訣竅",
+ "settings_resetTipsDone": "所有的訣竅現在都可再次看到了。",
+ "settings_importTitle": "滙入這個瀏覽器近期的工作檔案到我的 CryptDrive",
+ "settings_import": "滙入",
+ "settings_importConfirm": "確定要從這個瀏覽器滙入近期的工作檔案到你的 CryptDrive ?",
+ "settings_importDone": "滙入完成",
+ "settings_userFeedbackHint1": "CryptPad 會提供一些基本的反饋到伺服器,以讓我們知道如何改善用戶體驗。",
+ "settings_userFeedbackHint2": "你的工作檔案內容絕不會被分享到伺服器",
+ "settings_userFeedback": "啟用用戶反饋功能",
+ "settings_anonymous": "你尚未登入,在此瀏覽器上進行特別設定。",
+ "settings_publicSigningKey": "公開金鑰簽署",
+ "settings_usage": "用法",
+ "settings_usageTitle": "查看所有置頂的工作檔案所佔的容量",
+ "settings_pinningNotAvailable": "工作檔案置頂功能只開放給已註冊用戶",
+ "settings_pinningError": "有點不對勁",
+ "settings_usageAmount": "你置頂的工作檔案佔了 {0}MB",
+ "settings_logoutEverywhereTitle": "自所有地點登出",
+ "settings_logoutEverywhere": "自所有其它的網頁期間登出",
+ "settings_logoutEverywhereConfirm": "你確定嗎?你將需要登入到所有用到設置。",
+ "upload_serverError": "伺服器出錯:本次無法上傳你的檔案",
+ "upload_uploadPending": "你欲上傳檔案正在傳輸中,要取消並上傳新檔案嗎?",
+ "upload_success": "你的檔案 ({0}) 已成功地上傳並放入到你的網路磁碟中。",
+ "upload_notEnoughSpace": "你的 CryptDrive 無足夠空間來存放這個檔案。",
+ "upload_tooLarge": "此檔案超過了上傳單一檔案可允許的容量上限。",
+ "upload_choose": "選擇一個檔案",
+ "upload_pending": "待處理",
+ "upload_cancelled": "已取消的",
+ "upload_name": "檔案名",
+ "upload_size": "大小",
+ "upload_progress": "進度",
+ "download_button": "解密 & 下載",
+ "warn_notPinned": "這個工作檔案並不在任何人的 CryptDrive 裏,它將在 3 個月到期後刪除。 進一步了解...",
+ "main_p2": "本專案使用 CKEditor 視覺編輯器, CodeMirror, 以及 ChainPad 即時引擊。",
+ "main_howitworks_p1": "CryptPad 應用一種變體的 操作型變換 Operational transformation 演算法,它利用Nakamoto Blockchain來找到分散的共識, Nakamoto Blockchain 是一種建構當前流行的比特幣。這套演算法可避免需要一個中央的伺服器來解析操作型變換編輯衝突,而無須處理解析衝突,伺服器並不知道哪一個檔案被編輯。",
+ "main_about_p2": "若有任何問題和建議, 可以在tweet us, github提出問題, 或是來到 irc (irc.freenode.net)打聲招呼, 再或者 寄封電郵給我們.",
+ "main_info": "Collaborate in Confidence
利用共同享文件發嚮點子,透過 零知識 科技確保隱私安全; 對任何網路服務商都要加以提防。",
+ "main_howitworks": "它如何運作",
+ "main_zeroKnowledge": "零知識",
+ "main_zeroKnowledge_p": "你不必相信我們所說的並不會 察看你的檔案, CryptPad 革命性的零知識技術讓我們 真的不能看到。 進一步了解在這裏,我們如何保護用戶的 隱私和安全。",
+ "main_writeItDown": "寫下它",
+ "main_writeItDown_p": "偉大的專案來自不起眼的小點子。記下靈感與點子的瞬間,因為你從不會知道哪個會帶來重大突破。",
+ "main_share": "分享連結, 分享工作檔案",
+ "main_share_p": "一起來發響想法點子: 在任何設備上,與朋友一起執行有效率的會議, 協作待辦清單與快速製作簡報。",
+ "main_organize": "Get organized",
+ "main_organize_p": "利用 CryptPad 空間, 你可以保留看管重要的東西。資料夾讓你可以追踪專案和全盤了解事情的走向狀況。",
+ "tryIt": "Try it out!",
+ "main_richText": "富文字編輯器",
+ "main_richText_p": "利用我們的即時零知識技術,集體協作地編輯富文本檔案 CkEditor 應用程式application.",
+ "main_code": "代碼編輯器",
+ "main_code_p": "利用我們的即時零知識技術,集體協作地編輯程式代碼 CodeMirror 應用程式。",
+ "main_slide": "投影片編輯器",
+ "main_slide_p": "使用 Markdown 語法來建立投影片,並利用瀏覽器來展示投影片。",
+ "main_poll": "調查",
+ "main_poll_p": "規劃會議或活動,或是為問題舉行投最佳方案的投票。",
+ "main_drive": "CryptDrive",
+ "footer_applications": "應用程式",
+ "footer_contact": "聯繫",
+ "footer_aboutUs": "關於 Cryptpad",
+ "about": "關於",
+ "privacy": "隱私",
+ "contact": "聯繫",
+ "terms": "服務條款",
+ "blog": "Blog",
+ "policy_title": "CryptPad 隱私政策",
+ "policy_whatweknow": "我們會知道哪些關於你的資料",
+ "policy_whatweknow_p1": "作為一個網頁上的應用程式, CryptPad 可以接取 HTTP 協議所曝露的元數據。 這包括你的 IP 地址、各式其它的 HTTP 標頭,其用於識別你特定的瀏覽器。 你可以訪問 WhatIsMyBrowser.com這個網站,知道你的瀏覽器分享了哪些資訊。",
+ "policy_whatweknow_p2": "我們使用 Kibana, 它是一個開源的流量數據分析平台, 以更了解用戶。Kibana 讓我們知道你是如何地發現 CryptPad, 是透過直接接入、攑搜尋引擊或是其它網站的介紹如 Reddit 和 Twitter。",
+ "policy_howweuse": "我們如何利用我們知道的東西",
+ "policy_howweuse_p1": "我們利用這些資訊評估過去成功的效果,以更佳地決定如何推廣 CryptPad。有關你地理位置的資訊讓我們知道是否該提供英語之外的語言版本支援",
+ "policy_howweuse_p2": "有關你的瀏覽器資訊 (是桌面還是手機操作系統) 有助於讓我們決定要優先哪些功能改善。我們開發團隊人很少,我們試著挑選盡可能地提昇更多用戶的使用體驗。",
+ "policy_whatwetell": "我們可以告訴別人關於你的哪些資料",
+ "policy_whatwetell_p1": "我們不會給第三人我們所收集的資訊,除非被依法要求配合。",
+ "policy_links": "其它網站連結",
+ "policy_links_p1": "本站含有其它網站的連結,包括其它組織的産品。我們無法對這些隱私實踐或任何本站以外的內容負責。一般而言,連到外站的連結會另啟新視窗,以明確讓你知道已離開了CryptPad.fr.",
+ "policy_ads": "廣告",
+ "policy_ads_p1": "我們不會放置任何線上廣告,但會提供一些資助我們研究的機構與團體的網址連結",
+ "policy_choices": "你有的選擇",
+ "policy_choices_open": "我們的代碼是開放的,你可以選擇自行在自己的機器上來架設自己的 CryptPad.",
+ "policy_choices_vpn": "如果你要使用我們架設的服務, 但不希望曝露自己的 IP 地址, 你可以利用Tor 瀏覽器套件來保護隱藏 IP 地址, 或是使用 VPN。",
+ "policy_choices_ads": "如果你只是想要封鎖我們的數據分析器, 你可以使用廣告封鎖工具如 Privacy Badger.",
+ "tos_title": "CryptPad 服務條款",
+ "tos_legal": "請不要惡意、濫用或從事非法活動。",
+ "tos_availability": "希望你覺得我們的産品與服務對你有所幫助, 但我們並不能一直百分百保證它的表現穩定與可得性。請記得定期滙出你的資料。",
+ "tos_e2ee": "CryptPad 的內容可以被任何猜出或取得工作檔案分段識別碼的人讀取與修改。我們建議你使用端對端加密 (e2ee) 訊息技術來分享工作檔案連結 以及假設如果一旦連結外漏不會背上任何責任。",
+ "tos_logs": "你的瀏覽器提供給伺服器的元數據,可能會因為維護本服務之效能而被收集記錄。",
+ "tos_3rdparties": "除非法令要求,我們不會提供任何個人資料給第三方。",
+ "bottom_france": "Made with in ",
+ "bottom_support": "An Labs Project with the support of ",
+ "header_france": "With from by ",
+ "header_support": " ",
+ "header_logoTitle": "回到主頁",
+ "initialState": "這是 CryptPad, 零知識即時協作編輯平台,當你輸入時一切已即存好。
分享這個工作檔案的網址連結給友人或是使用、 按鈕分享唯讀的連結 其只能看不能編寫。
+ "codeInitialState": "# CryptPad 零知識即時協作代碼編輯平台\n\n* 你所輸入的東西會予以加密,僅有知道此網頁連結者可以接取這份文件。\n* 你可以在右上角選擇欲編寫的程式語言以及樣版配色風格。",
+ "slideInitialState": "# CryptSlide\n1. 使用 markdown 語法來寫下你的投影片內容\n - 進一步學習 markdown 語法 [here](http://www.markdowntutorial.com/)\n2. 利用 --- 來區隔不同的投影片\n3. 點擊下方 \"Play\" 鍵來查看成果 - 你的投影片會即時更新",
+ "driveReadmeTitle": "什麼是 CryptPad?",
+ "readme_welcome": "歡迎來到 CryptPad !",
+ "readme_p1": "歡迎來到 CryptPad, 這裏你可以獨自作個人筆記或是和別人共享協作。",
+ "readme_p2": "這個工作檔案可以讓你快速地了解如何使用 CryptPad 作筆記,有效地整理管理文件工作檔案。",
+ "readme_cat1": "認識如何使用 CryptDrive",
+ "readme_cat1_l1": "建立一個工作檔案: 在 CryptDrive 底下, 點擊 {0} 然後 {1} 這樣就可以建立一個新的工作檔案。",
+ "readme_cat1_l2": "從 CryptDrive 開啟工作檔案: 雙擊工作檔案的圖示來開啟它。",
+ "readme_cat1_l3": "分類你的工作檔案:登入之後,每一個你能接取使用的工作檔案會顯示在你雲端硬碟中的 {0} 部份。",
+ "readme_cat1_l3_l1": "你可以點擊或是拉曳檔案到雲端硬碟 {0} 區,新增資料夾。",
+ "readme_cat1_l3_l2": "記得試著點擊圖示,以顯示更多的選項功能。",
+ "readme_cat1_l4": "把舊的工作檔案放到垃圾筒:點擊或是拉曳檔案到 {0} 如同把它們拉到文件目錄夾一樣的方法。",
+ "readme_cat2": "像個專業人士來編寫你的工作檔案",
+ "edit": "編輯",
+ "view": "檢視",
+ "readme_cat2_l1": "在工作檔案下的 {0} 按鍵可讓其它的協作者接取 {1} 或是 {2} 工作檔案",
+ "readme_cat2_l2": "若要更改工作檔案的名稱,只要點擊右上的鉛筆圖示即可",
+ "readme_cat3": "發現其它的 CryptPad 應用",
+ "readme_cat3_l1": "使用 CryptPad 代碼編輯器,你可以和其它人協作各種程式碼,如 Javascript、 markdown、 HTML 等等。",
+ "readme_cat3_l2": "使用 CryptPad 投影片編輯功能,你可以使用 Markdown 快速製作簡報檔。",
+ "readme_cat3_l3": "利用 CryptPoll 你可以快速作個線上調查,尤其是調查每個人有空的會議時間。",
+ "tips": {
+ "lag": "右上角的綠色圖標顯示你連線至 CryptPad 伺服器的連線品質。",
+ "shortcuts": "`ctrl+b`, `ctrl+i` 和 `ctrl+u` 分別是粗體字、斜體、與加底線用法的快速鍵。",
+ "indent": "要使用數字以及符號列表, 可使用 tab 或 shift+tab 快速地增加或滅少縮排指令。",
+ "title": "點擊正上方來設定工作檔案的標題。",
+ "store": "每一回你造訪一個工作檔案, 如果是登入狀態,則這些檔案會自動儲存到你的 CryptDrive.",
+ "marker": "在格式下拉選單中使用 \"marker\" 可以標注反亮文字."
+ },
+ "feedback_about": "如果你讀了這裏,也許會好奇為何當你執行某些動作時 CryptPad 會請求網頁資訊。",
+ "feedback_privacy": "我們注重你的隱私,同時也要讓 CryptPad 容易使用。我們利用這個檔案來了解哪一種介面設計為用戶所重視,透過它來請求特別的功能參數。",
+ "feedback_optout": "如果欲退出客戶資料收集, 請到 用戶設定頁, 可以找到勾選項目來啟用或關閉用戶回饋功能。"
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