diff --git a/www/code/main.js b/www/code/main.js
index a21c67273..ea9a66001 100644
--- a/www/code/main.js
+++ b/www/code/main.js
@@ -8,13 +8,7 @@ define([
- '/common/modes.js',
- '/common/themes.js',
- '/common/visible.js',
- '/common/notify.js',
- '/bower_components/file-saver/FileSaver.min.js'
-], function ($, Crypto, Realtime, TextPatcher, Toolbar, JSONSortify, JsonOT, Cryptpad, Cryptget, Modes, Themes, Visible, Notify) {
- var saveAs = window.saveAs;
+], function ($, Crypto, Realtime, TextPatcher, Toolbar, JSONSortify, JsonOT, Cryptpad, Cryptget) {
var Messages = Cryptpad.Messages;
var module = window.APP = {
@@ -30,6 +24,7 @@ define([
var toolbar;
+ var editor;
var secret = Cryptpad.getSecrets();
var readOnly = secret.keys && !secret.keys.editKeyStr;
@@ -42,77 +37,13 @@ define([
var andThen = function (CMeditor) {
- var CodeMirror = module.CodeMirror = CMeditor;
- CodeMirror.modeURL = "/bower_components/codemirror/mode/%N/%N.js";
- var $pad = $('#pad-iframe');
- var $textarea = $pad.contents().find('#editor1');
+ var CodeMirror = Cryptpad.createCodemirror(CMeditor, ifrw, Cryptpad);
+ editor = CodeMirror.editor;
var $bar = $('#pad-iframe')[0].contentWindow.$('#cme_toolbox');
var isHistoryMode = false;
- var editor = module.editor = CMeditor.fromTextArea($textarea[0], {
- lineNumbers: true,
- lineWrapping: true,
- autoCloseBrackets: true,
- matchBrackets : true,
- showTrailingSpace : true,
- styleActiveLine : true,
- search: true,
- highlightSelectionMatches: {showToken: /\w+/},
- extraKeys: {"Shift-Ctrl-R": undefined},
- foldGutter: true,
- gutters: ["CodeMirror-linenumbers", "CodeMirror-foldgutter"],
- mode: "javascript",
- readOnly: true
- });
- editor.setValue(Messages.codeInitialState);
- var setMode = module.setMode = function (mode, $select) {
- module.highlightMode = mode;
- if (mode === 'text') {
- editor.setOption('mode', 'text');
- return;
- }
- CodeMirror.autoLoadMode(editor, mode);
- editor.setOption('mode', mode);
- if ($select) {
- var name = $select.find('a[data-value="' + mode + '"]').text() || 'Mode';
- $select.setValue(name);
- }
- };
- var setTheme = module.setTheme = (function () {
- var path = '/common/theme/';
- var $head = $(ifrw.document.head);
- var themeLoaded = module.themeLoaded = function (theme) {
- return $head.find('link[href*="'+theme+'"]').length;
- };
- var loadTheme = module.loadTheme = function (theme) {
- $head.append($('', {
- rel: 'stylesheet',
- href: path + theme + '.css',
- }));
- };
- return function (theme, $select) {
- if (!theme) {
- editor.setOption('theme', 'default');
- } else {
- if (!themeLoaded(theme)) {
- loadTheme(theme);
- }
- editor.setOption('theme', theme);
- }
- if ($select) {
- $select.setValue(theme || 'Theme');
- }
- };
- }());
var setEditable = module.setEditable = function (bool) {
if (readOnly && bool) { return; }
editor.setOption('readOnly', !bool);
@@ -120,6 +51,7 @@ define([
var Title;
var UserList;
+ var Metadata;
var config = {
initialState: '{}',
@@ -157,7 +89,7 @@ define([
obj.metadata.title = Title.title;
// set mode too...
- obj.highlightMode = module.highlightMode;
+ obj.highlightMode = CodeMirror.highlightMode;
// stringify the json and send it into chainpad
return stringify(obj);
@@ -170,7 +102,7 @@ define([
- var textValue = canonicalize($textarea.val());
+ var textValue = canonicalize(CodeMirror.$textarea.val());
var shjson = stringifyInner(textValue);
@@ -180,120 +112,16 @@ define([
- var getHeadingText = function () {
- var lines = editor.getValue().split(/\n/);
- var text = '';
- lines.some(function (line) {
- // lisps?
- var lispy = /^\s*(;|#\|)(.*?)$/;
- if (lispy.test(line)) {
- line.replace(lispy, function (a, one, two) {
- text = two;
- });
- return true;
- }
- // lines beginning with a hash are potentially valuable
- // works for markdown, python, bash, etc.
- var hash = /^#(.*?)$/;
- if (hash.test(line)) {
- line.replace(hash, function (a, one) {
- text = one;
- });
- return true;
- }
- // lines including a c-style comment are also valuable
- var clike = /^\s*(\/\*|\/\/)(.*)?(\*\/)*$/;
- if (clike.test(line)) {
- line.replace(clike, function (a, one, two) {
- if (!(two && two.replace)) { return; }
- text = two.replace(/\*\/\s*$/, '').trim();
- });
- return true;
- }
- // TODO make one more pass for multiline comments
- });
- return text.trim();
- };
- var exportText = module.exportText = function () {
- var text = editor.getValue();
- var ext = Modes.extensionOf(module.highlightMode);
- var title = Cryptpad.fixFileName(Title.suggestTitle('cryptpad')) + (ext || '.txt');
- Cryptpad.prompt(Messages.exportPrompt, title, function (filename) {
- if (filename === null) { return; }
- var blob = new Blob([text], {
- type: 'text/plain;charset=utf-8'
- });
- saveAs(blob, filename);
- });
- };
- var importText = function (content, file) {
- var $bar = $('#pad-iframe')[0].contentWindow.$('#cme_toolbox');
- var mode;
- var mime = CodeMirror.findModeByMIME(file.type);
- if (!mime) {
- var ext = /.+\.([^.]+)$/.exec(file.name);
- if (ext[1]) {
- mode = CodeMirror.findModeByExtension(ext[1]);
- }
- } else {
- mode = mime && mime.mode || null;
- }
- if (mode && Modes.list.some(function (o) { return o.mode === mode; })) {
- setMode(mode);
- $bar.find('#language-mode').val(mode);
- } else {
- console.log("Couldn't find a suitable highlighting mode: %s", mode);
- setMode('text');
- $bar.find('#language-mode').val('text');
- }
- editor.setValue(content);
- onLocal();
- };
- var updateMetadata = function(shjson) {
- // Extract the user list (metadata) from the hyperjson
- var json = (shjson === "") ? "" : JSON.parse(shjson);
- var titleUpdated = false;
- if (json && json.metadata) {
- if (json.metadata.users) {
- var userData = json.metadata.users;
- // Update the local user data
- UserList.addToUserData(userData);
- }
- if (json.metadata.defaultTitle) {
- Title.updateDefaultTitle(json.metadata.defaultTitle);
- }
- if (typeof json.metadata.title !== "undefined") {
- Title.updateTitle(json.metadata.title || Title.defaultTitle);
- titleUpdated = true;
- }
- }
- if (!titleUpdated) {
- Title.updateTitle(Title.defaultTitle);
- }
- };
- config.onInit = function (info) {
+ config.onInit = function (info) {
UserList = Cryptpad.createUserList(info, config.onLocal, Cryptget, Cryptpad);
- var titleCfg = {
- $bar: $bar,
- getHeadingText: getHeadingText
- };
+ var titleCfg = { getHeadingText: CodeMirror.getHeadingText };
Title = Cryptpad.createTitle(titleCfg, config.onLocal, Cryptpad);
+ Metadata = Cryptpad.createMetadata(UserList, Title);
var configTb = {
displayed: ['title', 'useradmin', 'spinner', 'lag', 'state', 'share', 'userlist', 'newpad', 'limit'],
userList: UserList.getToolbarConfig(),
@@ -312,6 +140,7 @@ define([
toolbar = module.toolbar = Toolbar.create(configTb);
+ CodeMirror.init(config.onLocal, Title, toolbar);
var $rightside = toolbar.$rightside;
@@ -364,12 +193,12 @@ define([
/* add an export button */
- var $export = Cryptpad.createButton('export', true, {}, exportText);
+ var $export = Cryptpad.createButton('export', true, {}, CodeMirror.exportText);
if (!readOnly) {
/* add an import button */
- var $import = Cryptpad.createButton('import', true, {}, importText);
+ var $import = Cryptpad.createButton('import', true, {}, CodeMirror.importText);
@@ -381,98 +210,17 @@ define([
var $forgetPad = Cryptpad.createButton('forget', true, {}, forgetCb);
- var configureLanguage = function (cb) {
- // FIXME this is async so make it happen as early as possible
- var options = [];
- Modes.list.forEach(function (l) {
- options.push({
- tag: 'a',
- attributes: {
- 'data-value': l.mode,
- 'href': '#',
- },
- content: l.language // Pretty name of the language value
- });
- });
- var dropdownConfig = {
- text: 'Mode', // Button initial text
- options: options, // Entries displayed in the menu
- left: true, // Open to the left of the button
- isSelect: true,
- };
- var $block = module.$language = Cryptpad.createDropdown(dropdownConfig);
- $block.find('a').click(function () {
- setMode($(this).attr('data-value'), $block);
- onLocal();
- });
- $rightside.append($block);
- cb();
- };
- var configureTheme = function () {
- /* Remember the user's last choice of theme using localStorage */
- var themeKey = 'CRYPTPAD_CODE_THEME';
- var lastTheme = localStorage.getItem(themeKey) || 'default';
- var options = [];
- Themes.forEach(function (l) {
- options.push({
- tag: 'a',
- attributes: {
- 'data-value': l.name,
- 'href': '#',
- },
- content: l.name // Pretty name of the language value
- });
- });
- var dropdownConfig = {
- text: 'Theme', // Button initial text
- options: options, // Entries displayed in the menu
- left: true, // Open to the left of the button
- isSelect: true,
- initialValue: lastTheme
- };
- var $block = module.$theme = Cryptpad.createDropdown(dropdownConfig);
- setTheme(lastTheme, $block);
- $block.find('a').click(function () {
- var theme = $(this).attr('data-value');
- setTheme(theme, $block);
- localStorage.setItem(themeKey, theme);
- });
- $rightside.append($block);
- };
if (!readOnly) {
- configureLanguage(function () {
- configureTheme();
- });
+ CodeMirror.configureLanguage(CodeMirror.configureTheme);
else {
- configureTheme();
+ CodeMirror.configureTheme();
// set the hash
if (!readOnly) { Cryptpad.replaceHash(editHash); }
- var unnotify = module.unnotify = function () {
- if (module.tabNotification &&
- typeof(module.tabNotification.cancel) === 'function') {
- module.tabNotification.cancel();
- }
- };
- var notify = module.notify = function () {
- if (Visible.isSupported() && !Visible.currently()) {
- unnotify();
- module.tabNotification = Notify.tab(1000, 10);
- }
- };
config.onReady = function (info) {
if (module.realtime !== info.realtime) {
var realtime = module.realtime = info.realtime;
@@ -500,17 +248,17 @@ define([
newDoc = hjson.content;
if (hjson.highlightMode) {
- setMode(hjson.highlightMode, module.$language);
+ CodeMirror.setMode(hjson.highlightMode);
- if (!module.highlightMode) {
- setMode('javascript', module.$language);
- console.log("%s => %s", module.highlightMode, module.$language.val());
+ if (!CodeMirror.highlightMode) {
+ CodeMirror.setMode('javascript');
+ console.log("%s => %s", CodeMirror.highlightMode, CodeMirror.$language.val());
// Update the user list (metadata) from the hyperjson
- updateMetadata(userDoc);
+ Metadata.update(userDoc);
if (newDoc) {
@@ -520,12 +268,6 @@ define([
- if (Visible.isSupported()) {
- Visible.onChange(function (yes) {
- if (yes) { unnotify(); }
- });
- }
initializing = false;
@@ -568,18 +310,18 @@ define([
if (isHistoryMode) { return; }
var scroll = editor.getScrollInfo();
- var oldDoc = canonicalize($textarea.val());
+ var oldDoc = canonicalize(CodeMirror.$textarea.val());
var shjson = module.realtime.getUserDoc();
// Update the user list (metadata) from the hyperjson
- updateMetadata(shjson);
+ Metadata.update(shjson);
var hjson = JSON.parse(shjson);
var remoteDoc = hjson.content;
var highlightMode = hjson.highlightMode;
if (highlightMode && highlightMode !== module.highlightMode) {
- setMode(highlightMode, module.$language);
+ CodeMirror.setMode(highlightMode);
//get old cursor here
@@ -605,7 +347,7 @@ define([
editor.scrollTo(scroll.left, scroll.top);
if (!readOnly) {
- var textValue = canonicalize($textarea.val());
+ var textValue = canonicalize(CodeMirror.$textarea.val());
var shjson2 = stringifyInner(textValue);
if (shjson2 !== shjson) {
console.error("shjson2 !== shjson");
@@ -613,9 +355,7 @@ define([
- if (oldDoc !== remoteDoc) {
- notify();
- }
+ if (oldDoc !== remoteDoc) { Cryptpad.notify(); }
config.onAbort = function () {
diff --git a/www/common/common-codemirror.js b/www/common/common-codemirror.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..bbaad49df
--- /dev/null
+++ b/www/common/common-codemirror.js
@@ -0,0 +1,247 @@
+ 'jquery',
+ '/common/modes.js',
+ '/common/themes.js',
+ '/bower_components/file-saver/FileSaver.min.js'
+], function ($, Modes, Themes) {
+ var saveAs = window.saveAs;
+ var module = {};
+ module.create = function (CMeditor, ifrw, Cryptpad) {
+ var exp = {};
+ var Messages = Cryptpad.Messages;
+ var CodeMirror = exp.CodeMirror = CMeditor;
+ CodeMirror.modeURL = "/bower_components/codemirror/mode/%N/%N.js";
+ var $pad = $('#pad-iframe');
+ var $textarea = exp.$textarea = $pad.contents().find('#editor1');
+ var Title;
+ var onLocal = function () {};
+ var $rightside;
+ exp.init = function (local, title, toolbar) {
+ if (typeof local === "function") {
+ onLocal = local;
+ }
+ Title = title;
+ $rightside = toolbar.$rightside;
+ };
+ var editor = exp.editor = CMeditor.fromTextArea($textarea[0], {
+ lineNumbers: true,
+ lineWrapping: true,
+ autoCloseBrackets: true,
+ matchBrackets : true,
+ showTrailingSpace : true,
+ styleActiveLine : true,
+ search: true,
+ highlightSelectionMatches: {showToken: /\w+/},
+ extraKeys: {"Shift-Ctrl-R": undefined},
+ foldGutter: true,
+ gutters: ["CodeMirror-linenumbers", "CodeMirror-foldgutter"],
+ mode: "javascript",
+ readOnly: true
+ });
+ editor.setValue(Messages.codeInitialState);
+ var setMode = exp.setMode = function (mode) {
+ exp.highlightMode = mode;
+ if (mode === 'text') {
+ editor.setOption('mode', 'text');
+ return;
+ }
+ CMeditor.autoLoadMode(editor, mode);
+ editor.setOption('mode', mode);
+ if (exp.$language) {
+ var name = exp.$language.find('a[data-value="' + mode + '"]').text() || 'Mode';
+ exp.$language.setValue(name);
+ }
+ };
+ var setTheme = exp.setTheme = (function () {
+ var path = '/common/theme/';
+ var $head = $(ifrw.document.head);
+ var themeLoaded = exp.themeLoaded = function (theme) {
+ return $head.find('link[href*="'+theme+'"]').length;
+ };
+ var loadTheme = exp.loadTheme = function (theme) {
+ $head.append($('', {
+ rel: 'stylesheet',
+ href: path + theme + '.css',
+ }));
+ };
+ return function (theme, $select) {
+ if (!theme) {
+ editor.setOption('theme', 'default');
+ } else {
+ if (!themeLoaded(theme)) {
+ loadTheme(theme);
+ }
+ editor.setOption('theme', theme);
+ }
+ if ($select) {
+ $select.setValue(theme || 'Theme');
+ }
+ };
+ }());
+ var getHeadingText = function () {
+ var lines = editor.getValue().split(/\n/);
+ var text = '';
+ lines.some(function (line) {
+ // lisps?
+ var lispy = /^\s*(;|#\|)(.*?)$/;
+ if (lispy.test(line)) {
+ line.replace(lispy, function (a, one, two) {
+ text = two;
+ });
+ return true;
+ }
+ // lines beginning with a hash are potentially valuable
+ // works for markdown, python, bash, etc.
+ var hash = /^#(.*?)$/;
+ if (hash.test(line)) {
+ line.replace(hash, function (a, one) {
+ text = one;
+ });
+ return true;
+ }
+ // lines including a c-style comment are also valuable
+ var clike = /^\s*(\/\*|\/\/)(.*)?(\*\/)*$/;
+ if (clike.test(line)) {
+ line.replace(clike, function (a, one, two) {
+ if (!(two && two.replace)) { return; }
+ text = two.replace(/\*\/\s*$/, '').trim();
+ });
+ return true;
+ }
+ // TODO make one more pass for multiline comments
+ });
+ return text.trim();
+ };
+ exp.configureLanguage = function (cb) {
+ var options = [];
+ Modes.list.forEach(function (l) {
+ options.push({
+ tag: 'a',
+ attributes: {
+ 'data-value': l.mode,
+ 'href': '#',
+ },
+ content: l.language // Pretty name of the language value
+ });
+ });
+ var dropdownConfig = {
+ text: 'Mode', // Button initial text
+ options: options, // Entries displayed in the menu
+ left: true, // Open to the left of the button
+ isSelect: true,
+ };
+ console.log('here');
+ var $block = exp.$language = Cryptpad.createDropdown(dropdownConfig);
+ console.log(exp);
+ $block.find('a').click(function () {
+ setMode($(this).attr('data-value'), $block);
+ onLocal();
+ });
+ if ($rightside) { $rightside.append($block); }
+ cb();
+ };
+ exp.configureTheme = function () {
+ /* Remember the user's last choice of theme using localStorage */
+ var themeKey = 'CRYPTPAD_CODE_THEME';
+ var lastTheme = localStorage.getItem(themeKey) || 'default';
+ var options = [];
+ Themes.forEach(function (l) {
+ options.push({
+ tag: 'a',
+ attributes: {
+ 'data-value': l.name,
+ 'href': '#',
+ },
+ content: l.name // Pretty name of the language value
+ });
+ });
+ var dropdownConfig = {
+ text: 'Theme', // Button initial text
+ options: options, // Entries displayed in the menu
+ left: true, // Open to the left of the button
+ isSelect: true,
+ initialValue: lastTheme
+ };
+ var $block = exp.$theme = Cryptpad.createDropdown(dropdownConfig);
+ setTheme(lastTheme, $block);
+ $block.find('a').click(function () {
+ var theme = $(this).attr('data-value');
+ setTheme(theme, $block);
+ localStorage.setItem(themeKey, theme);
+ });
+ if ($rightside) { $rightside.append($block); }
+ };
+ exp.exportText = function () {
+ var text = editor.getValue();
+ var ext = Modes.extensionOf(exp.highlightMode);
+ var title = Cryptpad.fixFileName(Title ? Title.suggestTitle('cryptpad') : "?") + (ext || '.txt');
+ Cryptpad.prompt(Messages.exportPrompt, title, function (filename) {
+ if (filename === null) { return; }
+ var blob = new Blob([text], {
+ type: 'text/plain;charset=utf-8'
+ });
+ saveAs(blob, filename);
+ });
+ };
+ exp.importText = function (content, file) {
+ var $bar = ifrw.$('#cme_toolbox');
+ var mode;
+ var mime = CodeMirror.findModeByMIME(file.type);
+ if (!mime) {
+ var ext = /.+\.([^.]+)$/.exec(file.name);
+ if (ext[1]) {
+ mode = CMeditor.findModeByExtension(ext[1]);
+ }
+ } else {
+ mode = mime && mime.mode || null;
+ }
+ if (mode && Modes.list.some(function (o) { return o.mode === mode; })) {
+ setMode(mode);
+ $bar.find('#language-mode').val(mode);
+ } else {
+ console.log("Couldn't find a suitable highlighting mode: %s", mode);
+ setMode('text');
+ $bar.find('#language-mode').val('text');
+ }
+ editor.setValue(content);
+ onLocal();
+ };
+ return exp;
+ };
+ return module;
diff --git a/www/common/common-interface.js b/www/common/common-interface.js
index 979ffcf67..fb965a5d9 100644
--- a/www/common/common-interface.js
+++ b/www/common/common-interface.js
@@ -3,8 +3,10 @@ define([
- '/bower_components/alertifyjs/dist/js/alertify.js'
-], function ($, Messages, Util, AppConfig, Alertify) {
+ '/bower_components/alertifyjs/dist/js/alertify.js',
+ '/common/notify.js',
+ '/common/visible.js'
+], function ($, Messages, Util, AppConfig, Alertify, Notify, Visible) {
var UI = {};
@@ -204,6 +206,28 @@ define([
$('#' + LOADING).find('p').html(error || Messages.error);
+ // Notify
+ var notify = {};
+ UI.unnotify = function () {
+ if (notify.tabNotification &&
+ typeof(notify.tabNotification.cancel) === 'function') {
+ notify.tabNotification.cancel();
+ }
+ };
+ UI.notify = function () {
+ if (Visible.isSupported() && !Visible.currently()) {
+ UI.unnotify();
+ notify.tabNotification = Notify.tab(1000, 10);
+ }
+ };
+ if (Visible.isSupported()) {
+ Visible.onChange(function (yes) {
+ if (yes) { UI.unnotify(); }
+ });
+ }
UI.importContent = function (type, f) {
return function () {
var $files = $('').click();
diff --git a/www/common/common-metadata.js b/www/common/common-metadata.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2198156d5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/www/common/common-metadata.js
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+define(function () {
+ var module = {};
+ module.create = function (UserList, Title, cfg) {
+ var exp = {};
+ var updateMetadata = exp.update = function (shjson) {
+ // Extract the user list (metadata) from the hyperjson
+ var json = (!shjson || typeof shjson !== "string") ? "" : JSON.parse(shjson);
+ var titleUpdated = false;
+ var metadata;
+ if (Array.isArray(json)) {
+ metadata = json[3] && json[3].metadata;
+ } else {
+ metadata = json.metadata;
+ }
+ if (typeof metadata === "object") {
+ if (metadata.users) {
+ var userData = metadata.users;
+ // Update the local user data
+ UserList.addToUserData(userData);
+ }
+ if (metadata.defaultTitle) {
+ Title.updateDefaultTitle(metadata.defaultTitle);
+ }
+ if (typeof metadata.title !== "undefined") {
+ Title.updateTitle(metadata.title || Title.defaultTitle);
+ titleUpdated = true;
+ }
+ if (metadata.slideOptions && cfg.slideOptions) {
+ cfg.slideOptions(metadata.slideOptions);
+ }
+ if (metadata.color && cfg.slideColors) {
+ cfg.slideColors(metadata.color, metadata.backColor);
+ }
+ if (typeof(metadata.palette) !== 'undefined' && cfg.updatePalette) {
+ cfg.updatePalette(metadata.palette);
+ }
+ }
+ if (!titleUpdated) {
+ Title.updateTitle(Title.defaultTitle);
+ }
+ };
+ return exp;
+ };
+ return module;
diff --git a/www/common/common-title.js b/www/common/common-title.js
index 7ceb2741e..056205bfb 100644
--- a/www/common/common-title.js
+++ b/www/common/common-title.js
@@ -9,6 +9,8 @@ define(function () {
exp.title = document.title; // TOOD slides
+ cfg = cfg || {};
var getHeadingText = cfg.getHeadingText || function () { return; };
var updateLocalTitle = function (newTitle) {
exp.title = newTitle;
diff --git a/www/common/cryptpad-common.js b/www/common/cryptpad-common.js
index 29d3e0ddb..0c777b9c8 100644
--- a/www/common/cryptpad-common.js
+++ b/www/common/cryptpad-common.js
@@ -9,11 +9,13 @@ define([
+ '/common/common-metadata.js',
+ '/common/common-codemirror.js',
-], function ($, Config, Messages, Store, Util, Hash, UI, History, UserList, Title, Clipboard, Pinpad, AppConfig) {
+], function ($, Config, Messages, Store, Util, Hash, UI, History, UserList, Title, Metadata, CodeMirror, Clipboard, Pinpad, AppConfig) {
/* This file exposes functionality which is specific to Cryptpad, but not to
any particular pad type. This includes functions for committing metadata
@@ -54,6 +56,8 @@ define([
common.addLoadingScreen = UI.addLoadingScreen;
common.removeLoadingScreen = UI.removeLoadingScreen;
common.errorLoadingScreen = UI.errorLoadingScreen;
+ common.notify = UI.notify;
+ common.unnotify = UI.unnotify;
// import common utilities for export
common.find = Util.find;
@@ -92,6 +96,12 @@ define([
// Title
common.createTitle = Title.create;
+ // Metadata
+ common.createMetadata = Metadata.create;
+ // CodeMirror
+ common.createCodemirror = CodeMirror.create;
// History
common.getHistory = function (config) { return History.create(common, config); };
diff --git a/www/pad/main.js b/www/pad/main.js
index 5e679f05f..bf34b9328 100644
--- a/www/pad/main.js
+++ b/www/pad/main.js
@@ -11,14 +11,11 @@ define([
- '/common/visible.js',
- '/common/notify.js',
], function ($, Crypto, realtimeInput, Hyperjson,
- Toolbar, Cursor, JsonOT, TypingTest, JSONSortify, TextPatcher, Cryptpad, Cryptget,
- Visible, Notify, Links) {
+ Toolbar, Cursor, JsonOT, TypingTest, JSONSortify, TextPatcher, Cryptpad, Cryptget, Links) {
var saveAs = window.saveAs;
var Messages = Cryptpad.Messages;
@@ -105,8 +102,6 @@ define([
editor.on('instanceReady', Links.addSupportForOpeningLinksInNewTab(Ckeditor));
editor.on('instanceReady', function () {
var $bar = $('#pad-iframe')[0].contentWindow.$('#cke_1_toolbox');
- var parsedHash = Cryptpad.parsePadUrl(window.location.href);
- var defaultName = Cryptpad.getDefaultName(parsedHash);
var isHistoryMode = false;
@@ -277,7 +272,10 @@ define([
var initializing = true;
+ var Title;
var UserList;
+ var Metadata;
var getHeadingText = function () {
var text;
@@ -290,14 +288,6 @@ define([
})) { return text; }
- var suggestName = function (fallback) {
- if (document.title === defaultName) {
- return getHeadingText() || fallback || "";
- } else {
- return document.title || getHeadingText() || defaultName;
- }
- };
var DD = new DiffDom(diffOptions);
// apply patches, and try not to lose the cursor in the process!
@@ -316,11 +306,11 @@ define([
hjson[3] = {
metadata: {
users: UserList.userData,
- defaultTitle: defaultName
+ defaultTitle: Title.defaultTitle
if (!initializing) {
- hjson[3].metadata.title = document.title;
+ hjson[3].metadata.title = Title.title;
} else if (Cryptpad.initialName && !hjson[3].metadata.title) {
hjson[3].metadata.title = Cryptpad.initialName;
@@ -369,68 +359,6 @@ define([
- var updateTitle = function (newTitle) {
- if (newTitle === document.title) { return; }
- // Change the title now, and set it back to the old value if there is an error
- var oldTitle = document.title;
- document.title = newTitle;
- Cryptpad.renamePad(newTitle, function (err, data) {
- if (err) {
- console.log("Couldn't set pad title");
- console.error(err);
- document.title = oldTitle;
- return;
- }
- document.title = data;
- $bar.find('.' + Toolbar.constants.title).find('span.title').text(data);
- $bar.find('.' + Toolbar.constants.title).find('input').val(data);
- });
- };
- var updateDefaultTitle = function (defaultTitle) {
- defaultName = defaultTitle;
- $bar.find('.' + Toolbar.constants.title).find('input').attr("placeholder", defaultName);
- };
- var updateMetadata = function(shjson) {
- // Extract the user list (metadata) from the hyperjson
- if (!shjson || typeof (shjson) !== "string") { updateTitle(defaultName); return; }
- var hjson = JSON.parse(shjson);
- var peerMetadata = hjson[3];
- var titleUpdated = false;
- if (peerMetadata && peerMetadata.metadata) {
- if (peerMetadata.metadata.users) {
- var userData = peerMetadata.metadata.users;
- // Update the local user data
- UserList.addToUserData(userData);
- }
- if (peerMetadata.metadata.defaultTitle) {
- updateDefaultTitle(peerMetadata.metadata.defaultTitle);
- }
- if (typeof peerMetadata.metadata.title !== "undefined") {
- updateTitle(peerMetadata.metadata.title || defaultName);
- titleUpdated = true;
- }
- }
- if (!titleUpdated) {
- updateTitle(defaultName);
- }
- };
- var unnotify = function () {
- if (module.tabNotification &&
- typeof(module.tabNotification.cancel) === 'function') {
- module.tabNotification.cancel();
- }
- };
- var notify = function () {
- if (Visible.isSupported() && !Visible.currently()) {
- unnotify();
- module.tabNotification = Notify.tab(1000, 10);
- }
- };
realtimeOptions.onRemote = function () {
if (initializing) { return; }
if (isHistoryMode) { return; }
@@ -443,7 +371,7 @@ define([
// Update the user list (metadata) from the hyperjson
- updateMetadata(shjson);
+ Metadata.update(shjson);
var newInner = JSON.parse(shjson);
var newSInner;
@@ -488,7 +416,7 @@ define([
// Notify only when the content has changed, not when someone has joined/left
var oldSInner = stringify(JSON.parse(oldShjson)[2]);
if (newSInner && newSInner !== oldSInner) {
- notify();
+ Cryptpad.notify();
@@ -516,15 +444,14 @@ define([
- var renameCb = function (err, title) {
- if (err) { return; }
- document.title = title;
- editor.fire('change');
- };
realtimeOptions.onInit = function (info) {
UserList = Cryptpad.createUserList(info, realtimeOptions.onLocal, Cryptget, Cryptpad);
+ var titleCfg = { getHeadingText: getHeadingText };
+ Title = Cryptpad.createTitle(titleCfg, realtimeOptions.onLocal, Cryptpad);
+ Metadata = Cryptpad.createMetadata(UserList, Title);
var configTb = {
displayed: ['title', 'useradmin', 'spinner', 'lag', 'state', 'share', 'userlist', 'newpad', 'limit'],
userList: UserList.getToolbarConfig(),
@@ -532,11 +459,7 @@ define([
secret: secret,
channel: info.channel
- title: {
- onRename: renameCb,
- defaultName: defaultName,
- suggestName: suggestName
- },
+ title: Title.getTitleConfig(),
common: Cryptpad,
readOnly: readOnly,
ifrw: ifrw,
@@ -546,6 +469,8 @@ define([
toolbar = info.realtime.toolbar = Toolbar.create(configTb);
+ Title.setToolbar(toolbar);
var $rightside = toolbar.$rightside;
var editHash;
@@ -666,13 +591,7 @@ define([
// Update the user list (metadata) from the hyperjson
- updateMetadata(shjson);
- if (Visible.isSupported()) {
- Visible.onChange(function (yes) {
- if (yes) { unnotify(); }
- });
- }
+ Metadata.update(shjson);
if (!readOnly) {
var shjson2 = stringifyDOM(inner);
@@ -686,7 +605,7 @@ define([
} else {
- updateTitle(Cryptpad.initialName || defaultName);
+ Title.updateTitle(Cryptpad.initialName || Title.defaultTitle);
documentBody.innerHTML = Messages.initialState;
diff --git a/www/poll/main.js b/www/poll/main.js
index 3881ddd87..9f1af0a2a 100644
--- a/www/poll/main.js
+++ b/www/poll/main.js
@@ -8,10 +8,8 @@ define([
- '/common/visible.js',
- '/common/notify.js',
-], function ($, TextPatcher, Listmap, Crypto, Cryptpad, Cryptget, Hyperjson, Renderer, Toolbar, Visible, Notify) {
+], function ($, TextPatcher, Listmap, Crypto, Cryptpad, Cryptget, Hyperjson, Renderer, Toolbar) {
var Messages = Cryptpad.Messages;
@@ -186,20 +184,6 @@ define([
- var unnotify = function () {
- if (APP.tabNotification &&
- typeof(APP.tabNotification.cancel) === 'function') {
- APP.tabNotification.cancel();
- }
- };
- var notify = function () {
- if (Visible.isSupported() && !Visible.currently()) {
- unnotify();
- APP.tabNotification = Notify.tab(1000, 10);
- }
- };
/* Any time the realtime object changes, call this function */
var change = function (o, n, path, throttle, cb) {
if (path && !Cryptpad.isArray(path)) {
@@ -228,7 +212,7 @@ define([
- notify();
+ Cryptpad.notify();
var getFocus = function () {
var active = document.activeElement;
@@ -442,43 +426,9 @@ define([
+ var Title;
var UserList;
- var updateTitle = function (newTitle) {
- if (newTitle === document.title) { return; }
- // Change the title now, and set it back to the old value if there is an error
- var oldTitle = document.title;
- document.title = newTitle;
- Cryptpad.renamePad(newTitle, function (err, data) {
- if (err) {
- debug("Couldn't set pad title");
- error(err);
- document.title = oldTitle;
- return;
- }
- document.title = data;
- APP.$bar.find('.' + Toolbar.constants.title).find('span.title').text(data);
- APP.$bar.find('.' + Toolbar.constants.title).find('input').val(data);
- });
- };
- var updateDefaultTitle = function (defaultTitle) {
- defaultName = defaultTitle;
- APP.$bar.find('.' + Toolbar.constants.title).find('input').attr("placeholder", defaultName);
- };
- var renameCb = function (err, title) {
- if (err) { return; }
- document.title = title;
- APP.proxy.info.title = title === defaultName ? "" : title;
- };
- var suggestName = function (fallback) {
- if (document.title === defaultName) {
- return fallback || "";
- }
- return document.title || defaultName || "";
- };
var copyObject = function (obj) {
return JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(obj));
@@ -550,15 +500,15 @@ var ready = function (info, userid, readOnly) {
// Title
if (APP.proxy.info.defaultTitle) {
- updateDefaultTitle(APP.proxy.info.defaultTitle);
+ Title.updateDefaultTitle(APP.proxy.info.defaultTitle);
} else {
- APP.proxy.info.defaultTitle = defaultName;
+ APP.proxy.info.defaultTitle = Title.defaultTitle;
if (Cryptpad.initialName && !APP.proxy.info.title) {
APP.proxy.info.title = Cryptpad.initialName;
- updateTitle(Cryptpad.initialName);
+ Title.updateTitle(Cryptpad.initialName);
} else {
- updateTitle(APP.proxy.info.title || defaultName);
+ Title.updateTitle(APP.proxy.info.title || Title.defaultTitle);
// Description
@@ -586,8 +536,8 @@ var ready = function (info, userid, readOnly) {
.on('change', ['info'], function (o, n, p) {
if (p[1] === 'title') {
- updateTitle(n);
- notify();
+ Title.updateTitle(n);
+ Cryptpad.notify();
} else if (p[1] === "userData") {
} else if (p[1] === 'description') {
@@ -602,7 +552,7 @@ var ready = function (info, userid, readOnly) {
el.selectionStart = selects[0];
el.selectionEnd = selects[1];
- notify();
+ Cryptpad.notify();
debug("change: (%s, %s, [%s])", o, n, p.join(', '));
@@ -612,13 +562,6 @@ var ready = function (info, userid, readOnly) {
- if (Visible.isSupported()) {
- Visible.onChange(function (yes) {
- if (yes) { unnotify(); }
- });
- }
APP.ready = true;
if (!proxy.published) {
@@ -664,6 +607,11 @@ var create = function (info) {
UserList = Cryptpad.createUserList(info, onLocal, Cryptget, Cryptpad);
+ var onLocalTitle = function () {
+ APP.proxy.info.title = Title.isDefaultTitle() ? "" : Title.title;
+ };
+ Title = Cryptpad.createTitle({}, onLocalTitle, Cryptpad);
var configTb = {
displayed: ['title', 'useradmin', 'spinner', 'lag', 'state', 'share', 'userlist', 'newpad', 'limit'],
userList: UserList.getToolbarConfig(),
@@ -671,11 +619,7 @@ var create = function (info) {
secret: secret,
channel: info.channel
- title: {
- onRename: renameCb,
- defaultName: defaultName,
- suggestName: suggestName
- },
+ title: Title.getTitleConfig(),
common: Cryptpad,
readOnly: readOnly,
ifrw: window,
@@ -685,6 +629,8 @@ var create = function (info) {
APP.toolbar = Toolbar.create(configTb);
+ Title.setToolbar(APP.toolbar);
var $rightside = APP.toolbar.$rightside;
/* add a forget button */
diff --git a/www/slide/main.js b/www/slide/main.js
index 2b229c14b..0d7de7758 100644
--- a/www/slide/main.js
+++ b/www/slide/main.js
@@ -8,15 +8,8 @@ define([
- '/common/modes.js',
- '/common/themes.js',
- '/common/visible.js',
- '/common/notify.js',
- '/bower_components/file-saver/FileSaver.min.js'
-], function ($, Crypto, Realtime, TextPatcher, Toolbar, JSONSortify, JsonOT, Cryptpad, Cryptget, Modes, Themes, Visible, Notify, Slide) {
- var saveAs = window.saveAs;
+], function ($, Crypto, Realtime, TextPatcher, Toolbar, JSONSortify, JsonOT, Cryptpad, Cryptget, Slide) {
var Messages = Cryptpad.Messages;
var module = window.APP = {
@@ -30,23 +23,15 @@ define([
var SLIDE_COLOR_ID = "cryptpad-color";
- var stringify = function (obj) {
- return JSONSortify(obj);
- };
- var setTabTitle = function () {
- var slideNumber = '';
- if (Slide.index && Slide.content.length) {
- slideNumber = ' (' + Slide.index + '/' + Slide.content.length + ')';
- }
- document.title = APP.title + slideNumber;
- };
$(function () {
+ var stringify = function (obj) {
+ return JSONSortify(obj);
+ };
var ifrw = module.ifrw = $('#pad-iframe')[0].contentWindow;
var toolbar;
+ var editor;
var secret = Cryptpad.getSecrets();
var readOnly = secret.keys && !secret.keys.editKeyStr;
@@ -62,77 +47,32 @@ define([
var andThen = function (CMeditor) {
- var CodeMirror = module.CodeMirror = CMeditor;
- CodeMirror.modeURL = "/bower_components/codemirror/mode/%N/%N.js";
- var $pad = $('#pad-iframe');
- var $textarea = $pad.contents().find('#editor1');
+ var CodeMirror = Cryptpad.createCodemirror(CMeditor, ifrw, Cryptpad);
+ editor = CodeMirror.editor;
var $bar = $('#pad-iframe')[0].contentWindow.$('#cme_toolbox');
- var parsedHash = Cryptpad.parsePadUrl(window.location.href);
- var defaultName = Cryptpad.getDefaultName(parsedHash);
- var initialState = Messages.slideInitialState;
+ var $pad = $('#pad-iframe');
var isHistoryMode = false;
- var editor = module.editor = CMeditor.fromTextArea($textarea[0], {
- lineNumbers: true,
- lineWrapping: true,
- autoCloseBrackets: true,
- matchBrackets : true,
- showTrailingSpace : true,
- styleActiveLine : true,
- search: true,
- highlightSelectionMatches: {showToken: /\w+/},
- extraKeys: {"Shift-Ctrl-R": undefined},
- foldGutter: true,
- gutters: ["CodeMirror-linenumbers", "CodeMirror-foldgutter"],
- mode: "javascript",
- readOnly: true
- });
- editor.setValue(initialState);
- var setMode = module.setMode = function (mode, $select) {
- module.highlightMode = mode;
- if (mode === 'text') {
- editor.setOption('mode', 'text');
- return;
- }
- CodeMirror.autoLoadMode(editor, mode);
- editor.setOption('mode', mode);
- if ($select && $select.val) { $select.val(mode); }
+ var setEditable = module.setEditable = function (bool) {
+ if (readOnly && bool) { return; }
+ editor.setOption('readOnly', !bool);
- setMode('markdown');
- var setTheme = module.setTheme = (function () {
- var path = '/common/theme/';
+ var Title;
+ var UserList;
+ var Metadata;
- var $head = $(ifrw.document.head);
+ var setTabTitle = function (title) {
+ var slideNumber = '';
+ if (Slide.index && Slide.content.length) {
+ slideNumber = ' (' + Slide.index + '/' + Slide.content.length + ')';
+ }
+ document.title = title + slideNumber;
+ };
- var themeLoaded = module.themeLoaded = function (theme) {
- return $head.find('link[href*="'+theme+'"]').length;
- };
- var loadTheme = module.loadTheme = function (theme) {
- $head.append($('', {
- rel: 'stylesheet',
- href: path + theme + '.css',
- }));
- };
- return function (theme, $select) {
- if (!theme) {
- editor.setOption('theme', 'default');
- } else {
- if (!themeLoaded(theme)) {
- loadTheme(theme);
- }
- editor.setOption('theme', theme);
- }
- if ($select) {
- $select.setValue(theme || 'Theme');
- }
- };
- }());
+ var initialState = Messages.slideInitialState;
var $modal = $pad.contents().find('#modal');
var $content = $pad.contents().find('#content');
@@ -162,18 +102,10 @@ define([
- var setEditable = module.setEditable = function (bool) {
- if (readOnly && bool) { return; }
- editor.setOption('readOnly', !bool);
- };
- var UserList;
var textColor;
var backColor;
var config = {
- //initialState: Messages.codeInitialState,
initialState: '{}',
websocketURL: Cryptpad.getWebsocketURL(),
channel: secret.channel,
@@ -202,12 +134,12 @@ define([
content: textValue,
metadata: {
users: UserList.userData,
- defaultTitle: defaultName,
+ defaultTitle: Title.defaultTitle,
slideOptions: slideOptions
if (!initializing) {
- obj.metadata.title = APP.title;
+ obj.metadata.title = Title.title;
if (textColor) {
obj.metadata.color = textColor;
@@ -226,7 +158,7 @@ define([
- var textValue = canonicalize($textarea.val());
+ var textValue = canonicalize(CodeMirror.$textarea.val());
var shjson = stringifyInner(textValue);
@@ -237,156 +169,29 @@ define([
- var getHeadingText = function () {
- var lines = editor.getValue().split(/\n/);
- var text = '';
- lines.some(function (line) {
- // lines beginning with a hash are potentially valuable
- // works for markdown, python, bash, etc.
- var hash = /^#(.*?)$/;
- if (hash.test(line)) {
- line.replace(hash, function (a, one) {
- text = one;
- });
- return true;
+ var metadataCfg = {
+ slideColors: function (text, back) {
+ if (text) {
+ textColor = text;
+ $modal.css('color', text);
+ $modal.css('border-color', text);
+ $pad.contents().find('#' + SLIDE_COLOR_ID).css('color', text);
- });
- return text.trim();
- };
- var suggestName = function () {
- if (APP.title === defaultName) {
- return getHeadingText() || "";
- } else {
- return APP.title || getHeadingText() || defaultName;
- }
- };
- var exportText = module.exportText = function () {
- var text = editor.getValue();
- var ext = Modes.extensionOf(module.highlightMode);
- var title = Cryptpad.fixFileName(suggestName()) + ext;
- Cryptpad.prompt(Messages.exportPrompt, title, function (filename) {
- if (filename === null) { return; }
- var blob = new Blob([text], {
- type: 'text/plain;charset=utf-8'
- });
- saveAs(blob, filename);
- });
- };
- var importText = function (content, file) {
- var $bar = $('#pad-iframe')[0].contentWindow.$('#cme_toolbox');
- var mode;
- var mime = CodeMirror.findModeByMIME(file.type);
- if (!mime) {
- var ext = /.+\.([^.]+)$/.exec(file.name);
- if (ext[1]) {
- mode = CodeMirror.findModeByExtension(ext[1]);
+ if (back) {
+ backColor = back;
+ $modal.css('background-color', back);
+ $pad.contents().find('#' + SLIDE_COLOR_ID).css('background', back);
+ $pad.contents().find('#' + SLIDE_BACKCOLOR_ID).css('color', back);
- } else {
- mode = mime && mime.mode || null;
- }
- if (mode && Modes.list.some(function (o) { return o.mode === mode; })) {
- setMode(mode);
- $bar.find('#language-mode').val(mode);
- } else {
- console.log("Couldn't find a suitable highlighting mode: %s", mode);
- setMode('text');
- $bar.find('#language-mode').val('text');
- }
- editor.setValue(content);
- onLocal();
- };
- var updateTitle = function (newTitle) {
- if (newTitle === APP.title) { return; }
- // Change the title now, and set it back to the old value if there is an error
- var oldTitle = APP.title;
- APP.title = newTitle;
- setTabTitle();
- Cryptpad.renamePad(newTitle, function (err, data) {
- if (err) {
- console.log("Couldn't set pad title");
- console.error(err);
- APP.title = oldTitle;
- setTabTitle();
- return;
+ },
+ slideOptions: function (newOpt) {
+ if (stringify(newOpt) !== stringify(slideOptions)) {
+ $.extend(slideOptions, newOpt);
+ // TODO: manage realtime + cursor in the "options" modal ??
+ Slide.updateOptions();
- APP.title = data;
- setTabTitle();
- $bar.find('.' + Toolbar.constants.title).find('span.title').text(data);
- $bar.find('.' + Toolbar.constants.title).find('input').val(data);
- if (slideOptions.title) { Slide.updateOptions(); }
- });
- };
- var updateColors = function (text, back) {
- if (text) {
- textColor = text;
- $modal.css('color', text);
- $modal.css('border-color', text);
- $pad.contents().find('#' + SLIDE_COLOR_ID).css('color', text);
- if (back) {
- backColor = back;
- $modal.css('background-color', back);
- $pad.contents().find('#' + SLIDE_COLOR_ID).css('background', back);
- $pad.contents().find('#' + SLIDE_BACKCOLOR_ID).css('color', back);
- }
- };
- var updateOptions = function (newOpt) {
- if (stringify(newOpt) !== stringify(slideOptions)) {
- $.extend(slideOptions, newOpt);
- // TODO: manage realtime + cursor in the "options" modal ??
- Slide.updateOptions();
- }
- };
- var updateDefaultTitle = function (defaultTitle) {
- defaultName = defaultTitle;
- $bar.find('.' + Toolbar.constants.title).find('input').attr("placeholder", defaultName);
- };
- var updateMetadata = function(shjson) {
- // Extract the user list (metadata) from the hyperjson
- var json = (shjson === "") ? "" : JSON.parse(shjson);
- var titleUpdated = false;
- if (json && json.metadata) {
- if (json.metadata.users) {
- var userData = json.metadata.users;
- // Update the local user data
- UserList.addToUserData(userData);
- }
- if (json.metadata.defaultTitle) {
- updateDefaultTitle(json.metadata.defaultTitle);
- }
- if (typeof json.metadata.title !== "undefined") {
- updateTitle(json.metadata.title || defaultName);
- titleUpdated = true;
- }
- updateOptions(json.metadata.slideOptions);
- updateColors(json.metadata.color, json.metadata.backColor);
- }
- if (!titleUpdated) {
- updateTitle(defaultName);
- }
- };
- var renameCb = function (err, title) {
- if (err) { return; }
- APP.title = title;
- setTabTitle();
- onLocal();
- };
+ }
var createPrintDialog = function () {
var slideOptionsTmp = {
@@ -461,6 +266,14 @@ define([
config.onInit = function (info) {
UserList = Cryptpad.createUserList(info, config.onLocal, Cryptget, Cryptpad);
+ var titleCfg = {
+ updateLocalTitle: setTabTitle,
+ getHeadingText: CodeMirror.getHeadingText
+ };
+ Title = Cryptpad.createTitle(titleCfg, config.onLocal, Cryptpad);
+ Metadata = Cryptpad.createMetadata(UserList, Title, metadataCfg);
var configTb = {
displayed: ['title', 'useradmin', 'spinner', 'lag', 'state', 'share', 'userlist', 'newpad', 'limit'],
userList: UserList.getToolbarConfig(),
@@ -468,11 +281,7 @@ define([
secret: secret,
channel: info.channel
- title: {
- onRename: renameCb,
- defaultName: defaultName,
- suggestName: suggestName
- },
+ title: Title.getTitleConfig(),
common: Cryptpad,
readOnly: readOnly,
ifrw: ifrw,
@@ -482,6 +291,9 @@ define([
toolbar = module.toolbar = Toolbar.create(configTb);
+ Title.setToolbar(toolbar);
+ CodeMirror.init(config.onLocal, Title, toolbar);
var $rightside = toolbar.$rightside;
var editHash;
@@ -534,12 +346,12 @@ define([
/* add an export button */
- var $export = Cryptpad.createButton('export', true, {}, exportText);
+ var $export = Cryptpad.createButton('export', true, {}, CodeMirror.exportText);
if (!readOnly) {
/* add an import button */
- var $import = Cryptpad.createButton('import', true, {}, importText);
+ var $import = Cryptpad.createButton('import', true, {}, CodeMirror.importText);
@@ -586,49 +398,6 @@ define([
- var $leavePresent = Cryptpad.createButton('source', true)
- .click(leavePresentationMode);
- if (!presentMode) {
- $leavePresent.hide();
- }
- $rightside.append($leavePresent);
- var configureTheme = function () {
- /* Remember the user's last choice of theme using localStorage */
- var themeKey = 'CRYPTPAD_CODE_THEME';
- var lastTheme = localStorage.getItem(themeKey) || 'default';
- var options = [];
- Themes.forEach(function (l) {
- options.push({
- tag: 'a',
- attributes: {
- 'data-value': l.name,
- 'href': '#',
- },
- content: l.name // Pretty name of the language value
- });
- });
- var dropdownConfig = {
- text: 'Theme', // Button initial text
- options: options, // Entries displayed in the menu
- left: true, // Open to the left of the button
- isSelect: true,
- initialValue: lastTheme
- };
- var $block = module.$theme = Cryptpad.createDropdown(dropdownConfig);
- setTheme(lastTheme, $block);
- $block.find('a').click(function () {
- var theme = $(this).attr('data-value');
- setTheme(theme, $block);
- localStorage.setItem(themeKey, theme);
- });
- $rightside.append($block);
- };
var configureColors = function () {
var $back = $('