Merge branch 'staging' of into staging

yflory 2017-05-15 18:21:25 +02:00
commit c1b43db363
4 changed files with 129 additions and 95 deletions

View File

@ -13,9 +13,9 @@ var RPC = module.exports;
var Store = require("./storage/file");
var DEFAULT_LIMIT = 100;
var DEFAULT_LIMIT = 50 * 1024 * 1024;
var isValidChannel = function (chan) {
var isValidId = function (chan) {
return /^[a-fA-F0-9]/.test(chan) ||
[32, 48].indexOf(chan.length) !== -1;
@ -74,12 +74,17 @@ var parseCookie = function (cookie) {
return c;
var escapeKeyCharacters = function (key) {
return key.replace(/\//g, '-');
var beginSession = function (Sessions, key) {
if (Sessions[key]) {
Sessions[key].atime = +new Date();
return Sessions[key];
var safeKey = escapeKeyCharacters(key);
if (Sessions[safeKey]) {
Sessions[safeKey].atime = +new Date();
return Sessions[safeKey];
var user = Sessions[key] = {};
var user = Sessions[safeKey] = {};
user.atime = +new Date();
user.tokens = [
@ -107,7 +112,7 @@ var expireSessions = function (Sessions) {
var addTokenForKey = function (Sessions, publicKey, token) {
if (!Sessions[publicKey]) { throw new Error('undefined user'); }
var user = Sessions[publicKey];
var user = beginSession(Sessions, publicKey);
user.atime = +new Date();
if (user.tokens.length > 2) { user.tokens.shift(); }
@ -129,7 +134,7 @@ var isValidCookie = function (Sessions, publicKey, cookie) {
return false;
var user = Sessions[publicKey];
var user = beginSession(Sessions, publicKey);
if (!user) { return false; }
var idx = user.tokens.indexOf(parsed.seq);
@ -249,8 +254,16 @@ var getChannelList = function (store, Sessions, publicKey, cb) {
var getUploadSize = function (store, channel, cb) {
var path = '';
var makeFilePath = function (root, id) {
if (typeof(id) !== 'string' || id.length <= 2) { return null; }
return Path.join(root, id.slice(0, 2), id);
var getUploadSize = function (paths, channel, cb) {
var path = makeFilePath(paths.blob, channel);
if (!path) {
return cb('INVALID_UPLOAD_ID');
Fs.stat(path, function (err, stats) {
if (err) { return void cb(err); }
@ -258,31 +271,30 @@ var getUploadSize = function (store, channel, cb) {
var getFileSize = function (store, channel, cb) {
if (!isValidChannel(channel)) { return void cb('INVALID_CHAN'); }
var getFileSize = function (paths, msgStore, channel, cb) {
if (!isValidId(channel)) { return void cb('INVALID_CHAN'); }
if (channel.length === 32) {
if (typeof(store.getChannelSize) !== 'function') {
if (typeof(msgStore.getChannelSize) !== 'function') {
return void store.getChannelSize(channel, function (e, size) {
return void msgStore.getChannelSize(channel, function (e, size) {
if (e) { return void cb(e.code); }
cb(void 0, size);
// 'channel' refers to a file, so you need anoter API
getUploadSize(null, channel, function (e, size) {
getUploadSize(paths, channel, function (e, size) {
if (e) { return void cb(e); }
cb(void 0, size);
var getMultipleFileSize = function (store, channels, cb) {
var getMultipleFileSize = function (paths, msgStore, channels, cb) {
if (!Array.isArray(channels)) { return cb('INVALID_LIST'); }
if (typeof(store.getChannelSize) !== 'function') {
if (typeof(msgStore.getChannelSize) !== 'function') {
@ -295,23 +307,19 @@ var getMultipleFileSize = function (store, channels, cb) {
channels.forEach(function (channel) {
if (!isValidChannel(channel)) {
counts[channel] = -1;
return done();
store.getChannelSize(channel, function (e, size) {
getFileSize(paths, msgStore, channel, function (e, size) {
if (e) {
counts[channel] = -1;
return done();
counts[channel] = size;
var getTotalSize = function (pinStore, messageStore, Sessions, publicKey, cb) {
var getTotalSize = function (paths, pinStore, msgStore, Sessions, publicKey, cb) {
var bytes = 0;
return void getChannelList(pinStore, Sessions, publicKey, function (channels) {
@ -321,7 +329,7 @@ var getTotalSize = function (pinStore, messageStore, Sessions, publicKey, cb) {
if (!count) { cb(void 0, 0); }
channels.forEach(function (channel) {
return messageStore.getChannelSize(channel, function (e, size) {
getFileSize(paths, msgStore, channel, function (e, size) {
if (!e) { bytes += size; }
if (count === 0) { return cb(void 0, bytes); }
@ -350,18 +358,14 @@ var getHash = function (store, Sessions, publicKey, cb) {
/* var storeMessage = function (store, publicKey, msg, cb) {
store.message(publicKey, JSON.stringify(msg), cb);
}; */
// TODO check if new pinned size exceeds user quota
var pinChannel = function (store, Sessions, publicKey, channels, cb) {
var pinChannel = function (pinStore, Sessions, publicKey, channels, cb) {
if (!channels && channels.filter) {
// expected array
return void cb('[TYPE_ERROR] pin expects channel list argument');
getChannelList(store, Sessions, publicKey, function (pinned) {
getChannelList(pinStore, Sessions, publicKey, function (pinned) {
var session = beginSession(Sessions, publicKey);
// only pin channels which are not already pinned
@ -370,27 +374,27 @@ var pinChannel = function (store, Sessions, publicKey, channels, cb) {
if (toStore.length === 0) {
return void getHash(store, Sessions, publicKey, cb);
return void getHash(pinStore, Sessions, publicKey, cb);
store.message(publicKey, JSON.stringify(['PIN', toStore]),
pinStore.message(publicKey, JSON.stringify(['PIN', toStore]),
function (e) {
if (e) { return void cb(e); }
toStore.forEach(function (channel) {
session.channels[channel] = true;
getHash(store, Sessions, publicKey, cb);
getHash(pinStore, Sessions, publicKey, cb);
var unpinChannel = function (store, Sessions, publicKey, channels, cb) {
var unpinChannel = function (pinStore, Sessions, publicKey, channels, cb) {
if (!channels && channels.filter) {
// expected array
return void cb('[TYPE_ERROR] unpin expects channel list argument');
getChannelList(store, Sessions, publicKey, function (pinned) {
getChannelList(pinStore, Sessions, publicKey, function (pinned) {
var session = beginSession(Sessions, publicKey);
// only unpin channels which are pinned
@ -399,35 +403,35 @@ var unpinChannel = function (store, Sessions, publicKey, channels, cb) {
if (toStore.length === 0) {
return void getHash(store, Sessions, publicKey, cb);
return void getHash(pinStore, Sessions, publicKey, cb);
store.message(publicKey, JSON.stringify(['UNPIN', toStore]),
pinStore.message(publicKey, JSON.stringify(['UNPIN', toStore]),
function (e) {
if (e) { return void cb(e); }
toStore.forEach(function (channel) {
delete session.channels[channel];
getHash(store, Sessions, publicKey, cb);
getHash(pinStore, Sessions, publicKey, cb);
// TODO check if new pinned size exceeds user quota
var resetUserPins = function (store, Sessions, publicKey, channelList, cb) {
var resetUserPins = function (pinStore, Sessions, publicKey, channelList, cb) {
var session = beginSession(Sessions, publicKey);
var pins = session.channels = {};
store.message(publicKey, JSON.stringify(['RESET', channelList]),
pinStore.message(publicKey, JSON.stringify(['RESET', channelList]),
function (e) {
if (e) { return void cb(e); }
channelList.forEach(function (channel) {
pins[channel] = true;
getHash(store, Sessions, publicKey, function (e, hash) {
getHash(pinStore, Sessions, publicKey, function (e, hash) {
cb(e, hash);
@ -477,8 +481,8 @@ var updateLimits = function (config, publicKey, cb) {
var req = Https.request(options, function (response) {
if (!('' + req.statusCode).match(/^2\d\d$/)) {
return void cb('SERVER ERROR ' + req.statusCode);
if (!('' + response.statusCode).match(/^2\d\d$/)) {
return void cb('SERVER ERROR ' + response.statusCode);
var str = '';
@ -511,10 +515,13 @@ var updateLimits = function (config, publicKey, cb) {
var getLimit = function (publicKey, cb) {
var limit = limits[publicKey];
var unescapedKey = escapeKeyCharacters(publicKey);
var limit = limits[unescapedKey];
cb(void 0, limit && typeof(limit.limit) === "number"?
limit.limit : DEFAULT_LIMIT);
var toSend = limit && typeof(limit.limit) === "number"?
limit.limit : DEFAULT_LIMIT;
cb(void 0, toSend);
var safeMkdir = function (path, cb) {
@ -524,11 +531,6 @@ var safeMkdir = function (path, cb) {
var makeFilePath = function (root, id) {
if (typeof(id) !== 'string' || id.length <= 2) { return null; }
return Path.join(root, id.slice(0, 2), id);
var makeFileStream = function (root, id, cb) {
var stub = id.slice(0, 2);
var full = makeFilePath(root, id);
@ -551,19 +553,32 @@ var makeFileStream = function (root, id, cb) {
var upload = function (paths, Sessions, publicKey, content, cb) {
var dec = new Buffer(Nacl.util.decodeBase64(content)); // jshint ignore:line
var len = dec.length;
var session = beginSession(Sessions, publicKey);
if (typeof(session.currentUploadSize) !== 'number') {
// improperly initialized... maybe they didn't check before uploading?
// reject it, just in case
return cb('NOT_READY');
if (session.currentUploadSize > session.pendingUploadSize) {
return cb('TOO_LARGE');
var session = Sessions[publicKey];
session.atime = +new Date();
if (!session.blobstage) {
makeFileStream(paths.staging, publicKey, function (e, stream) {
if (e) { return void cb(e); }
var blobstage = session.blobstage = stream;
session.currentUploadSize += len;
cb(void 0, dec.length);
} else {
session.currentUploadSize += len;
cb(void 0, dec.length);
@ -592,14 +607,8 @@ var isFile = function (filePath, cb) {
change channel IDs to a different length so that when we pin, we will be able
to tell that it is not a channel, but a file, just by its length.
also, when your upload is complete, pin the resulting file.
var upload_complete = function (paths, Sessions, publicKey, cb) {
var session = Sessions[publicKey];
var session = beginSession(Sessions, publicKey);
if (session.blobstage && session.blobstage.close) {
@ -638,23 +647,32 @@ var upload_complete = function (paths, Sessions, publicKey, cb) {
return cb(e);
cb(void 0, id);
when asking about your upload status, also send some information about how big
your upload is going to be. if that would exceed your limit, return TOO_LARGE
var upload_status = function (paths, pinStore, msgStore, Sessions, publicKey, filesize, cb) {
// validate that the provided size is actually a positive number
if (typeof(filesize) !== 'number' &&
filesize >= 0) { return void cb('E_INVALID_SIZE'); }
var upload_status = function (paths, Sessions, publicKey, cb) {
// validate that the provided path is not junk
var filePath = makeFilePath(paths.staging, publicKey);
if (!filePath) { return void cb('E_INVALID_PATH'); }
isFile(filePath, function (e, yes) {
cb(e, yes);
getLimit(publicKey, function (e, limit) {
if (e) { return void cb(e); }
getTotalSize(paths, pinStore, msgStore, Sessions, publicKey, function (e, size) {
if ((filesize + size) >= limit) { return cb('TOO_LARGE'); }
isFile(filePath, function (e, yes) {
if (e) {
console.error("uploadError: [%s]", e);
return cb('UNNOWN_ERROR');
cb(e, yes);
@ -674,7 +692,7 @@ RPC.create = function (config /*:typeof(ConfigType)*/, cb /*:(?Error, ?Function)
var blobPath = paths.blob = keyOrDefaultString('blobPath', './blob');
var blobStagingPath = paths.staging = keyOrDefaultString('blobStagingPath', './blobstage');
var store;
var pinStore;
var rpc = function (
ctx /*:{ store: Object }*/,
@ -722,7 +740,7 @@ RPC.create = function (config /*:typeof(ConfigType)*/, cb /*:(?Error, ?Function)
return void respond("INVALID_SIGNATURE_OR_PUBLIC_KEY");
var safeKey = publicKey.replace(/\//g, '-');
var safeKey = escapeKeyCharacters(publicKey);
/* If you have gotten this far, you have signed the message with the
public key which you provided.
@ -733,7 +751,7 @@ RPC.create = function (config /*:typeof(ConfigType)*/, cb /*:(?Error, ?Function)
var Respond = function (e, msg) {
var token = Sessions[publicKey].tokens.slice(-1)[0];
var token = Sessions[safeKey].tokens.slice(-1)[0];
var cookie = makeCookie(token).join('|');
respond(e, [cookie].concat(typeof(msg) !== 'undefined' ?msg: []));
@ -746,33 +764,35 @@ RPC.create = function (config /*:typeof(ConfigType)*/, cb /*:(?Error, ?Function)
var msgStore =;
var handleMessage = function (privileged) {
switch (msg[0]) {
case 'COOKIE': return void Respond(void 0);
case 'RESET':
return resetUserPins(store, Sessions, safeKey, msg[1], function (e, hash) {
return resetUserPins(pinStore, Sessions, safeKey, msg[1], function (e, hash) {
return void Respond(e, hash);
case 'PIN': // TODO don't pin if over the limit
// if over, send error E_OVER_LIMIT
return pinChannel(store, Sessions, safeKey, msg[1], function (e, hash) {
return pinChannel(pinStore, Sessions, safeKey, msg[1], function (e, hash) {
Respond(e, hash);
case 'UNPIN':
return unpinChannel(store, Sessions, safeKey, msg[1], function (e, hash) {
return unpinChannel(pinStore, Sessions, safeKey, msg[1], function (e, hash) {
Respond(e, hash);
case 'GET_HASH':
return void getHash(store, Sessions, safeKey, function (e, hash) {
return void getHash(pinStore, Sessions, safeKey, function (e, hash) {
Respond(e, hash);
case 'GET_TOTAL_SIZE': // TODO cache this, since it will get called quite a bit
return getTotalSize(store,, Sessions, safeKey, function (e, size) {
return getTotalSize(paths, pinStore, msgStore, Sessions, safeKey, function (e, size) {
if (e) { return void Respond(e); }
Respond(e, size);
return void getFileSize(, msg[1], Respond);
return void getFileSize(paths, msgStore, msg[1], Respond);
return void updateLimits(config, safeKey, function (e, limit) {
if (e) { return void Respond(e); }
@ -781,11 +801,10 @@ RPC.create = function (config /*:typeof(ConfigType)*/, cb /*:(?Error, ?Function)
case 'GET_LIMIT':
return void getLimit(safeKey, function (e, limit) {
if (e) { return void Respond(e); }
limit = limit;
Respond(void 0, limit);
return void getMultipleFileSize(, msg[1], function (e, dict) {
return void getMultipleFileSize(paths, msgStore, msg[1], function (e, dict) {
if (e) { return void Respond(e); }
Respond(void 0, dict);
@ -798,8 +817,15 @@ RPC.create = function (config /*:typeof(ConfigType)*/, cb /*:(?Error, ?Function)
if (!privileged) { return deny(); }
return void upload_status(paths, Sessions, safeKey, function (e, stat) {
Respond(e, stat);
var filesize = msg[1];
return void upload_status(paths, pinStore, msgStore, Sessions, safeKey, msg[1], function (e, yes) {
if (!e && !yes) {
// no pending uploads, set the new size
var user = beginSession(Sessions, safeKey);
user.pendingUploadSize = filesize;
user.currentUploadSize = 0;
Respond(e, yes);
if (!privileged) { return deny(); }
@ -827,7 +853,7 @@ RPC.create = function (config /*:typeof(ConfigType)*/, cb /*:(?Error, ?Function)
// if session has not been authenticated, do so
var session = Sessions[publicKey];
var session = beginSession(Sessions, safeKey);
if (typeof(session.privilege) !== 'boolean') {
return void isPrivilegedUser(publicKey, function (yes) {
session.privilege = yes;
@ -850,7 +876,7 @@ RPC.create = function (config /*:typeof(ConfigType)*/, cb /*:(?Error, ?Function)
filePath: pinPath,
}, function (s) {
store = s;
pinStore = s;
safeMkdir(blobPath, function (e) {
if (e) { throw e; }

View File

@ -744,13 +744,20 @@ define([
common.updatePinLimit = function (cb) {
if (!pinsReady()) { return void cb('[RPC_NOT_READY]'); }
rpc.updatePinLimits(function (e, limit) {
if (e) { return cb(e); }
var MB = common.bytesToMegabytes(limit);
cb(e, MB);
common.getPinLimit = function (cb) {
if (!pinsReady()) { return void cb('[RPC_NOT_READY]'); }
cb(void 0, typeof(AppConfig.pinLimit) === 'number'? AppConfig.pinLimit: 1000);
//rpc.getLimit(cb); TODO
rpc.getLimit(function (e, limit) {
if (e) { return cb(e); }
var MB = common.bytesToMegabytes(limit);
cb(void 0, MB);
common.isOverPinLimit = function (cb) {

View File

@ -125,7 +125,7 @@ define([
exp.updatePinLimits = function (cb) {
rpc.send('UPDATE_LIMITS', undefined, function (e, response) {
if (e) { return void cb(e); }
if (response && typeof response === "number") {
if (response && response.length && typeof(response[0]) === "number") {
cb (void 0, response);
} else {
@ -136,8 +136,8 @@ define([
exp.getLimit = function (cb) {
rpc.send('GET_LIMIT', undefined, function (e, response) {
if (e) { return void cb(e); }
if (response && typeof response === "number") {
cb (void 0, response);
if (response && response.length && typeof(response[0]) === "number") {
cb (void 0, response[0]);
} else {

View File

@ -44,6 +44,7 @@ define([
Cryptpad.rpc.send('UPLOAD', enc, function (e, msg) {
cb(e, msg);
@ -93,14 +94,14 @@ define([
Cryptpad.rpc.send('UPLOAD_STATUS', '', function (e, pending) {
Cryptpad.rpc.send('UPLOAD_STATUS', estimate, function (e, pending) {
if (e) {
return void Cryptpad.alert("something went wrong");
return void Cryptpad.alert("something went wrong"); // TODO translate
if (pending[0]) {
return void Cryptpad.confirm('upload pending, abort?', function (yes) {
return void Cryptpad.confirm('upload pending, abort?', function (yes) { // TODO translate
if (!yes) { return; }
Cryptpad.rpc.send('UPLOAD_CANCEL', '', function (e, res) {
if (e) { return void console.error(e); }