Active Line Demo
- - - - -Styling the current cursor line.
- -diff --git a/www/code/codemirror-5.16.0/.gitattributes b/www/code/codemirror-5.16.0/.gitattributes deleted file mode 100644 index f8bdd60f4..000000000 --- a/www/code/codemirror-5.16.0/.gitattributes +++ /dev/null @@ -1,8 +0,0 @@ -*.txt text -*.js text -*.html text -*.md text -*.json text -*.yml text -*.css text -*.svg text diff --git a/www/code/codemirror-5.16.0/.gitignore b/www/code/codemirror-5.16.0/.gitignore deleted file mode 100644 index f91c241f2..000000000 --- a/www/code/codemirror-5.16.0/.gitignore +++ /dev/null @@ -1,8 +0,0 @@ -/node_modules -/npm-debug.log -/test*.html -.tern-* -*~ -*.swp -.idea -*.iml diff --git a/www/code/codemirror-5.16.0/.npmignore b/www/code/codemirror-5.16.0/.npmignore deleted file mode 100644 index 5ed053f89..000000000 --- a/www/code/codemirror-5.16.0/.npmignore +++ /dev/null @@ -1,10 +0,0 @@ -/node_modules -/demo -/doc -/test -/test*.html -/index.html -/mode/*/*test.js -/mode/*/*.html -/mode/index.html -.* diff --git a/www/code/codemirror-5.16.0/.travis.yml b/www/code/codemirror-5.16.0/.travis.yml deleted file mode 100644 index 52b8b8159..000000000 --- a/www/code/codemirror-5.16.0/.travis.yml +++ /dev/null @@ -1,4 +0,0 @@ -language: node_js -node_js: - - stable -sudo: false diff --git a/www/code/codemirror-5.16.0/AUTHORS b/www/code/codemirror-5.16.0/AUTHORS deleted file mode 100644 index ce2be8d6d..000000000 --- a/www/code/codemirror-5.16.0/AUTHORS +++ /dev/null @@ -1,584 +0,0 @@ -List of CodeMirror contributors. Updated before every release. - -4r2r -Aaron Brooks -Abdelouahab -Abe Fettig -Adam Ahmed -Adam King -adanlobato -Adán Lobato -Adrian Aichner -aeroson -Ahmad Amireh -Ahmad M. Zawawi -ahoward -Akeksandr Motsjonov -Alasdair Smith -Alberto González Palomo -Alberto Pose -Albert Xing -Alexander Pavlov -Alexander Schepanovski -Alexander Shvets -Alexander Solovyov -Alexandre Bique -alexey-k -Alex Piggott -Aliaksei Chapyzhenka -Allen Sarkisyan -Amin Shali -Amin Ullah Khan -Amsul -amuntean -Amy -Ananya Sen -anaran -AndersMad -Anders Nawroth -Anderson Mesquita -Anders Wåglund -Andrea G -Andreas Reischuck -Andres Taylor -Andre von Houck -Andrey Fedorov -Andrey Klyuchnikov -Andrey Lushnikov -Andrey Shchekin -Andy Joslin -Andy Kimball -Andy Li -Angelo -angelozerr -Ankit -Ankit Ahuja -Ansel Santosa -Anthony Dugois -anthonygego -Anthony Gégo -Anthony Grimes -Anton Kovalyov -AQNOUCH Mohammed -areos -Arnab Bose -as3boyan -AtomicPages LLC -Atul Bhouraskar -Aurelian Oancea -Barret Rennie -Basarat Ali Syed -Bastian Müller -belhaj -Bem Jones-Bey -benbro -Beni Cherniavsky-Paskin -Benjamin DeCoste -Ben Keen -Ben Miller -Ben Mosher -Bernhard Sirlinger -Bert Chang -Bharad -Billy Moon -binny -B Krishna Chaitanya -Blaine G -blukat29 -boomyjee -borawjm -Brad Metcalf -Brandon Frohs -Brandon Wamboldt -Brett Zamir -Brian Grinstead -Brian Sletten -Bruce Mitchener -Caitlin Potter -Calin Barbat -Camilo Roca -Chad Jolly -Chandra Sekhar Pydi -Charles Skelton -Cheah Chu Yeow -Chris Coyier -Chris Ford -Chris Granger -Chris Houseknecht -Chris Lohfink -Chris Morgan -Chris Smith -Christian Oyarzun -Christian Petrov -Christopher Brown -Christopher Mitchell -Christopher Pfohl -Chunliang Lyu -ciaranj -CodeAnimal -coderaiser -Cole R Lawrence -ComFreek -Curtis Gagliardi -dagsta -daines -Dale Jung -Dan Bentley -Dan Heberden -Daniel, Dao Quang Minh -Daniele Di Sarli -Daniel Faust -Daniel Huigens -Daniel Kesler -Daniel KJ -Daniel Neel -Daniel Parnell -Danny Yoo -darealshinji -Darius Roberts -Dave Brondsema -Dave Myers -David Barnett -David H. Bronke -David Mignot -David Pathakjee -David Vázquez -David Whittington -deebugger -Deep Thought -Devin Abbott -Devon Carew -dignifiedquire -Dimage Sapelkin -Dmitry Kiselyov -domagoj412 -Dominator008 -Domizio Demichelis -Doug Wikle -Drew Bratcher -Drew Hintz -Drew Khoury -Drini Cami -Dror BG -duralog -eborden -edsharp -ekhaled -Elisée -Enam Mijbah Noor -Eric Allam -Erik Welander -eustas -Fabien O'Carroll -Fabio Zendhi Nagao -Faiza Alsaied -Fauntleroy -fbuchinger -feizhang365 -Felipe Lalanne -Felix Raab -Filip Noetzel -flack -ForbesLindesay -Forbes Lindesay -Ford_Lawnmower -Forrest Oliphant -Frank Wiegand -Gabriel Gheorghian -Gabriel Horner -Gabriel Nahmias -galambalazs -Gary Sheng -Gautam Mehta -Gavin Douglas -gekkoe -geowarin -Gerard Braad -Gergely Hegykozi -Giovanni Calò -Glebov Boris -Glenn Jorde -Glenn Ruehle -Golevka -Google Inc. -Gordon Smith -Grant Skinner -greengiant -Gregory Koberger -Grzegorz Mazur -Guillaume Massé -Guillaume Massé -guraga -Gustavo Rodrigues -Hakan Tunc -Hans Engel -Hardest -Harshvardhan Gupta -Hasan Karahan -Hector Oswaldo Caballero -Herculano Campos -Hiroyuki Makino -hitsthings -Hocdoc -Hugues Malphettes -Ian Beck -Ian Dickinson -Ian Wehrman -Ian Wetherbee -Ice White -ICHIKAWA, Yuji -idleberg -ilvalle -Ingo Richter -Irakli Gozalishvili -Ivan Kurnosov -Ivoah -Jacob Lee -Jakob Miland -Jakub Vrana -Jakub Vrána -James Campos -James Howard -James Thorne -Jamie Hill -Jan Jongboom -jankeromnes -Jan Keromnes -Jan Odvarko -Jan Schär -Jan T. Sott -Jared Dean -Jared Forsyth -Jared Jacobs -Jason -Jason Barnabe -Jason Grout -Jason Johnston -Jason San Jose -Jason Siefken -Jaydeep Solanki -Jean Boussier -Jeff Blaisdell -Jeff Jenkins -jeffkenton -Jeff Pickhardt -jem (graphite) -Jeremy Parmenter -Jim -JobJob -jochenberger -Jochen Berger -joelpinheiro -Johan Ask -John Connor -John Engler -John Lees-Miller -John Snelson -John Van Der Loo -Jon Ander Peñalba -Jonas Döbertin -Jonathan Malmaud -jongalloway -Jon Malmaud -Jon Sangster -Joost-Wim Boekesteijn -Joseph Pecoraro -Josh Cohen -Josh Soref -Joshua Newman -Josh Watzman -jots -jsoojeon -ju1ius -Juan Benavides Romero -Jucovschi Constantin -Juho Vuori -Julien Rebetez -Justin Andresen -Justin Hileman -kaniga -karevn -Kayur Patel -Ken Newman -ken restivo -Ken Rockot -Kevin Earls -Kevin Sawicki -Kevin Ushey -Klaus Silveira -Koh Zi Han, Cliff -komakino -Konstantin Lopuhin -koops -Kris Ciccarello -ks-ifware -kubelsmieci -KwanEsq -Lanfei -Lanny -Laszlo Vidacs -leaf corcoran -Leonid Khachaturov -Leon Sorokin -Leonya Khachaturov -Liam Newman -Libo Cannici -LloydMilligan -LM -lochel -Lorenzo Stoakes -Luciano Longo -Lu Fangjian -Luke Stagner -lynschinzer -M1cha -Madhura Jayaratne -Maksim Lin -Maksym Taran -Malay Majithia -Manideep -Manuel Rego Casasnovas -Marat Dreizin -Marcel Gerber -Marco Aurélio -Marco Munizaga -Marcus Bointon -Marek Rudnicki -Marijn Haverbeke -Mário Gonçalves -Mario Pietsch -Mark Anderson -Mark Lentczner -Marko Bonaci -Markus Bordihn -Martin Balek -Martín Gaitán -Martin Hasoň -Martin Hunt -Martin Laine -Martin Zagora -Mason Malone -Mateusz Paprocki -Mathias Bynens -mats cronqvist -Matt Gaide -Matthew Bauer -Matthew Beale -matthewhayes -Matthew Rathbone -Matthias Bussonnier -Matthias BUSSONNIER -Matt McDonald -Matt Pass -Matt Sacks -mauricio -Maximilian Hils -Maxim Kraev -Max Kirsch -Max Schaefer -Max Xiantu -mbarkhau -McBrainy -melpon -Metatheos -Micah Dubinko -Michael -Michael Goderbauer -Michael Grey -Michael Kaminsky -Michael Lehenbauer -Michael Zhou -Michal Dorner -Mighty Guava -Miguel Castillo -mihailik -Mike -Mike Brevoort -Mike Diaz -Mike Ivanov -Mike Kadin -MinRK -Miraculix87 -misfo -mkaminsky11 -mloginov -Moritz Schwörer -mps -ms -mtaran-google -Narciso Jaramillo -Nathan Williams -ndr -nerbert -nextrevision -ngn -nguillaumin -Ng Zhi An -Nicholas Bollweg -Nicholas Bollweg (Nick) -Nick Kreeger -Nick Small -Nicolò Ribaudo -Niels van Groningen -nightwing -Nikita Beloglazov -Nikita Vasilyev -Nikolay Kostov -nilp0inter -Nisarg Jhaveri -nlwillia -noragrossman -Norman Rzepka -Oreoluwa Onatemowo -pablo -pabloferz -Page -Panupong Pasupat -paris -Paris -Patil Arpith -Patrick Stoica -Patrick Strawderman -Paul Garvin -Paul Ivanov -Pavel -Pavel Feldman -Pavel Petržela -Pavel Strashkin -Paweł Bartkiewicz -peteguhl -peter -Peter Flynn -peterkroon -Peter Kroon -Philipp A -Philip Stadermann -Pierre Gerold -Piët Delport -prasanthj -Prasanth J -Prayag Verma -Radek Piórkowski -Rahul -Rahul Anand -ramwin1 -Randall Mason -Randy Burden -Randy Edmunds -Rasmus Erik Voel Jensen -ray ratchup -Ray Ratchup -Richard Denton -Richard van der Meer -Richard Z.H. Wang -Robert Crossfield -Roberto Abdelkader Martínez Pérez -robertop23 -Robert Plummer -Rrandom -Ruslan Osmanov -Ryan Prior -sabaca -Samuel Ainsworth -Sam Wilson -sandeepshetty -Sander AKA Redsandro -santec -Sascha Peilicke -satamas -satchmorun -sathyamoorthi -S. Chris Colbert -SCLINIC\jdecker -Scott Aikin -Scott Goodhew -Sebastian Zaha -Sergey Goder -Sergey Tselovalnikov -Se-Won Kim -shaund -shaun gilchrist -Shawn A -Shea Bunge -sheopory -Shiv Deepak -Shmuel Englard -Shubham Jain -silverwind -sinkuu -snasa -soliton4 -sonson -spastorelli -srajanpaliwal -Stanislav Oaserele -Stas Kobzar -Stefan Borsje -Steffen Beyer -Steffen Bruchmann -Stephen Lavelle -Steve Champagne -Steve O'Hara -stoskov -Stu Kennedy -Sungho Kim -sverweij -Taha Jahangir -Tako Schotanus -Takuji Shimokawa -Tarmil -TDaglis -tel -tfjgeorge -Thaddee Tyl -thanasis -TheHowl -think -Thomas Dvornik -Thomas Schmid -Tim Alby -Tim Baumann -Timothy Farrell -Timothy Gu -Timothy Hatcher -TobiasBg -Tomas-A -Tomas Varaneckas -Tom Erik Støwer -Tom MacWright -Tony Jian -Travis Heppe -Triangle717 -Tristan Tarrant -TSUYUSATO Kitsune -twifkak -VapidWorx -Vestimir Markov -vf -Victor Bocharsky -Vincent Woo -Volker Mische -Weiyan Shao -wenli -Wes Cossick -Wesley Wiser -Will Binns-Smith -Will Dean -William Jamieson -William Stein -Willy -Wojtek Ptak -Wu Cheng-Han -Xavier Mendez -Yassin N. Hassan -YNH Webdev -Yunchi Luo -Yuvi Panda -Zac Anger -Zachary Dremann -Zhang Hao -zziuni -魏鹏刚 diff --git a/www/code/codemirror-5.16.0/ b/www/code/codemirror-5.16.0/ deleted file mode 100644 index a34cf82ff..000000000 --- a/www/code/codemirror-5.16.0/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,810 +0,0 @@ -## 5.16.0 (2016-06-20) - -### Bugfixes - -Fix glitches when dragging content caused by the drop indicator receiving mouse events. - -Make Control-drag work on Firefox. - -Make clicking or selection-dragging at the end of a wrapped line select the right position. - -[show-hint addon]( Prevent widget scrollbar from hiding part of the hint text. - -[rulers addon]( Prevent rulers from forcing a horizontal editor scrollbar. - -### New features - -[search addon]( Automatically bind search-related keys in persistent dialog. - -[sublime keymap]( Add a multi-cursor aware smart backspace binding. - -## 5.15.2 (2016-05-20) - -### Bugfixes - -Fix a critical document corruption bug that occurs when a document is gradually grown. - -## 5.15.0 (2016-05-20) - -### Bugfixes - -Fix bug that caused the selection to reset when focusing the editor in contentEditable input mode. - -Fix issue where not all ASCII control characters were being replaced by placeholders. - -Remove the assumption that all modes have a `startState` method from several wrapping modes. - -Fix issue where the editor would complain about overlapping collapsed ranges when there weren't any. - -Optimize document tree building when loading or pasting huge chunks of content. - -[markdown mode]( Fix several issues in matching link targets. - -[clike mode]( Improve indentation of C++ template declarations. - -### New features - -Explicitly bind Ctrl-O on OS X to make that binding (“open line”) act as expected. - -Pasting [linewise-copied]( content when there is no selection now inserts the lines above the current line. - -[javascript mode]( Support `async`/`await` and improve support for TypeScript type syntax. - -## 5.14.2 (2016-04-20) - -### Bugfixes - -Push a new package to NPM due to an [NPM bug]( omitting the LICENSE file in 5.14.0. - -Set `dataTransfer.effectAllowed` in `dragstart` handler to help browsers use the right drag icon. - -Add the [mbox mode]( to `mode/meta.js`. - -## 5.14.0 (2016-04-20) - -### Bugfixes - -[`posFromIndex`]( and [`indexFromPos`]( now take [`lineSeparator`]( into account. - -[vim bindings]( Only call `.save()` when it is actually available. - -[comment addon]( Be careful not to mangle multi-line strings. - -[Python mode]( Improve distinguishing of decorators from `@` operators. - -[`findMarks`]( No longer return marks that touch but don't overlap given range. - -### New features - -[vim bindings]( Add yank command. - -[match-highlighter addon]( Add `trim` option to disable ignoring of whitespace. - -[PowerShell mode]( Added. - -[Yacas mode]( Added. - -[Web IDL mode]( Added. - -[SAS mode]( Added. - -[mbox mode]( Added. - -## 5.13.2 (2016-03-23) - -### Bugfixes - -Solves a problem where the gutter would sometimes not extend all the way to the end of the document. - -## 5.13.0 (2016-03-21) - -### New features - -New DOM event forwarded: [`"dragleave"`]( - -[protobuf mode]( Newly added. - -### Bugfixes - -Fix problem where [`findMarks`]( sometimes failed to find multi-line marks. - -Fix crash that showed up when atomic ranges and bidi text were combined. - -[show-hint addon]( Completion widgets no longer close when the line indented or dedented. - -[merge addon]( Fix bug when merging chunks at the end of the file. - -[placeholder addon]( No longer gets confused by [`swapDoc`]( - -[simplescrollbars addon]( Fix invalid state when deleting at end of document. - -[clike mode]( No longer gets confused when a comment starts after an operator. - -[markdown mode]( Now supports CommonMark-style flexible list indentation. - -[dylan mode]( Several improvements and fixes. - -## 5.12.0 (2016-02-19) - -### New features - -[Vim bindings]( Ctrl-Q is now an alias for Ctrl-V. - -[Vim bindings]( The Vim API now exposes an `unmap` method to unmap bindings. - -[active-line addon]( This addon can now style the active line's gutter. - -[FCL mode]( Newly added. - -[SQL mode]( Now has a Postgresql dialect. - -### Bugfixes - -Fix [issue]( where trying to scroll to a horizontal position outside of the document's width could cause the gutter to be positioned incorrectly. - -Use absolute, rather than fixed positioning in the context-menu intercept hack, to work around a [problem]( when the editor is inside a transformed parent container. - -Solve a [problem]( where the horizontal scrollbar could hide text in Firefox. - -Fix a [bug]( that caused phantom scroll space under the text in some situations. - -[Sublime Text bindings]( Bind delete-line to Shift-Ctrl-K on OS X. - -[Markdown mode]( Fix [issue]( where the mode would keep state related to fenced code blocks in an unsafe way, leading to occasional corrupted parses. - -[Markdown mode]( Ignore backslashes in code fragments. - -[Markdown mode]( Use whichever mode is registered as `text/html` to parse HTML. - -[Clike mode]( Improve indentation of Scala `=>` functions. - -[Python mode]( Improve indentation of bracketed code. - -[HTMLMixed mode]( Support multi-line opening tags for sub-languages (` - - - -
- -Styling the current cursor line.
- -Press ctrl-space to activate autocompletion. The -completion uses -the anyword-hint.js -module, which simply looks at nearby words in the buffer and completes -to those.
- - -Demonstration of bi-directional text support. See - the related - blog post for more background.
- -Note: There is - a known - bug with cursor motion and mouse clicks in bi-directional lines - that are line wrapped.
- -Demonstration of
- using linked documents
- to provide a split view on a document, and
- using swapDoc
- to use a single editor to display multiple documents.
On changes to the content of the above editor, a (crude) script -tries to auto-detect the language used, and switches the editor to -either JavaScript or Scheme mode based on that.
- - -Press ctrl-space to activate autocompletion. Built
-on top of the show-hint
-and javascript-hint
The emacs keybindings are enabled by
-including keymap/emacs.js and setting
-the keyMap
option to "emacs"
. Because
-CodeMirror's internal API is quite different from Emacs, they are only
-a loose approximation of actual emacs bindings, though.
Also note that a lot of browsers disallow certain keys from being -captured. For example, Chrome blocks both Ctrl-W and Ctrl-N, with the -result that idiomatic use of Emacs keys will constantly close your tab -or open a new window.
- - - -Demonstration of - the fullscreen - addon. Press F11 when cursor is in the editor to - toggle full screen editing. Esc can also be used - to exit full screen editing.
-Demonstration of
-the hardwrap addon.
-The above editor has its change event hooked up to
-the wrapParagraphsInRange
method, so that the paragraphs
-are reflown as you are typing.
Shows the XML completer - parameterized with information about the tags in HTML. - Press ctrl-space to activate completion.
- - - - -This page uses a hack on top of the "renderLine"
- event to make wrapped text line up with the base indentation of
- the line.
Current mode: text/plain
- -Filename, mime, or mode name:
- - -Click the line-number gutter to add or remove 'breakpoints'.
- - - -Simple addon to easily mark (and style) selected text. Docs.
- -Search and highlight occurences of the selected text.
- -Put the cursor on or inside a pair of tags to highlight them. - Press Ctrl-J to jump to the tag that matches the one under the - cursor.
-The merge
-addon provides an interface for displaying and merging diffs,
-either two-way
-or three-way.
-The left (or center) pane is editable, and the differences with the
-other pane(s) are optionally shown live as you edit
-it. In the two-way configuration, there are also options to pad changed
-sections to align them, and to collapse unchanged
-stretches of text.
This addon depends on -the google-diff-match-patch -library to compute the diffs.
- - -Demonstration of a multiplexing mode, which, at certain
- boundary strings, switches to one or more inner modes. The out
- (HTML) mode does not get fed the content of the <<
- >>
blocks. See
- the manual and
- the source for more
- information.
Demonstration of a mode that parses HTML, highlighting
- the Mustache templating
- directives inside of it by using the code
- in overlay.js
. View
- source to see the 15 lines of code needed to accomplish this.
- The panel
- addon allows you to display panels above or below an editor.
- Click the links below to add panels at the given position:
- top - after-top - before-bottom - bottom -
-- You can also replace an existing panel: -
- - - - -The placeholder
- plug-in adds an option placeholder
that can be set to
- make text appear in the editor when it is empty and not focused.
- If the source textarea has a placeholder
- it will automatically be inherited.
This demo does the same thing as - the HTML5 completion demo, but - loads its dependencies - with Require.js, rather than - explicitly. Press ctrl-space to activate - completion.
- - - - - - -By setting an editor's height
-to auto
and giving
-the viewportMargin
-a value of Infinity
, CodeMirror can be made to
-automatically resize to fit its content.
Demonstration of -the rulers addon, which -displays vertical lines at given column offsets.
- -Running a CodeMirror mode outside of the editor.
- The CodeMirror.runMode
function, defined
- in addon/runmode/runmode.js
takes the following arguments:
text (string)
mode (mode spec)
output (function or DOM node)
for unstyled tokens). If it is a DOM node,
- the tokens will be converted to span
elements as in
- an editor, and inserted into the node
- (through innerHTML
).Demonstration of primitive search/replace functionality. The - keybindings (which can be configured with custom keymaps) are:
-Searching is enabled by - including addon/search/search.js - and addon/search/searchcursor.js. - Jump to line - including addon/search/jumpToLine.js.
-For good-looking input dialogs, you also want to include - addon/dialog/dialog.js - and addon/dialog/dialog.css.
-The mode/simple
-addon allows CodeMirror modes to be specified using a relatively simple
-declarative format. This format is not as powerful as writing code
-directly against the mode
-interface, but is a lot easier to get started with, and
-sufficiently expressive for many simple language modes.
This interface is still in flux. It is unlikely to be scrapped or -overhauled completely, so do start writing code against it, but -details might change as it stabilizes, and you might have to tweak -your code when upgrading.
- -Simple modes (loosely based on -the Common -JavaScript Syntax Highlighting Specification, which never took -off), are state machines, where each state has a number of rules that -match tokens. A rule describes a type of token that may occur in the -current state, and possibly a transition to another state caused by -that token.
- -The CodeMirror.defineSimpleMode(name, states)
-takes a mode name and an object that describes the mode's states. The
-editor below shows an example of such a mode (and is itself
-highlighted by the mode shown in it).
Each state is an array of rules. A rule may have the following properties:
- -regex: string | RegExp
- will be taken into account when matching the token. This regex
- should only capture groups when the token
property is
- an array.token
: string | nullregex
- this rule captures groups, it must capture all of the
- string (since JS provides no way to find out where a group matched),
- and this property must hold an array of token styles that has one
- style for each matched group.sol
: boolean^
regexp marker doesn't work as you'd expect in
- this context because of limitations in JavaScript's RegExp
- API.)next: string
property is present, the mode will
- transfer to the state named by the property when the token is
- encountered.push: string
, but instead replacing the current state
- by the new state, the current state is kept on a stack, and can be
- returned to with the pop
directive.pop: bool
mode: {spec, end, persistent}
property that describes
- the embedded mode, and an optional end
end property
- that specifies the regexp that will end the extent of the mode. When
- a persistent
property is set (and true), the nested
- mode's state will be preserved between occurrences of the mode.indent: bool
dedent: bool
dedentIfLineStart: bool
property set, it will, by
- default, cause lines where it appears at the start to be dedented.
- Set this property to false to prevent that behavior.The meta
property of the states object is special, and
-will not be interpreted as a state. Instead, properties set on it will
-be set on the mode, which is useful for properties
-like lineComment
-which sets the comment style for a mode. The simple mode addon also
-recognizes a few such properties:
dontIndentStates: array<string>
The simplescrollbars
addon defines two
-styles of non-native scrollbars: "simple"
and "overlay"
(click to try), which can be passed to
-the scrollbarStyle
option. These implement
-the scrollbar using DOM elements, allowing more control over
-its appearance.
This is a hack to automatically derive
- a spanAffectsWrapping
regexp for a browser. See the
- comments above that variable
- in lib/codemirror.js
- for some more details.
The sublime
keymap defines many Sublime Text-specific
-bindings for CodeMirror. See the code below for an overview.
Enable the keymap by
-loading keymap/sublime.js
-and setting
-the keyMap
-option to "sublime"
(A lot of the search functionality is still missing.) - - - -
Demonstrates integration of Tern -and CodeMirror. The following keys are bound:
- -Documentation is sparse for now. See the top of -the script for a rough API -overview.
- - - -Select a theme: -
- - -Uses -the trailingspace -addon to highlight trailing whitespace.
- -Note: The CodeMirror vim bindings do not have an -active maintainer. That means that if you report bugs in it, they are -likely to go unanswered. It also means that if you want to help, you -are very welcome to look -at the -open issues and see which ones you can solve.
- - -The vim keybindings are enabled by including keymap/vim.js
and setting the
option to vim
- -For the full list of key mappings and Ex commands, refer to the
and defaultExCommandMap
at the
-top of keymap/vim.js
Note that while the vim mode tries to emulate the most useful -features of vim as faithfully as possible, it does not strive to -become a complete vim implementation
- - - -Tabs inside the editor are spans with the
-class cm-tab
, and can be styled.
This demo runs JSHint over the code -in the editor (which is the script used on this page), and -inserts line widgets to -display the warnings that JSHint comes up with.
-Press ctrl-space, or type a '<' character to - activate autocompletion. This demo defines a simple schema that - guides completion. The schema can be customized—see - the manual.
- -Development of the xml-hint
addon was kindly
- sponsored
- by
To optimize loading CodeMirror, especially when including a - bunch of different modes, it is recommended that you combine and - minify (and preferably also gzip) the scripts. This page makes - those first two steps very easy. Simply select the version and - scripts you need in the form below, and - click Compress to download the minified script - file.
- - - - - -
- Topic: JavaScript, code editor implementation
- Author: Marijn Haverbeke
- Date: March 2nd 2011 (updated November 13th 2011)
Caution: this text was written briefly after -version 2 was initially written. It no longer (even including the -update at the bottom) fully represents the current implementation. I'm -leaving it here as a historic document. For more up-to-date -information, look at the entries -tagged cm-internals -on my blog.
- -This is a followup to -my Brutal Odyssey to the -Dark Side of the DOM Tree story. That one describes the -mind-bending process of implementing (what would become) CodeMirror 1. -This one describes the internals of CodeMirror 2, a complete rewrite -and rethink of the old code base. I wanted to give this piece another -Hunter Thompson copycat subtitle, but somehow that would be out of -place—the process this time around was one of straightforward -engineering, requiring no serious mind-bending whatsoever.
- -So, what is wrong with CodeMirror 1? I'd estimate, by mailing list -activity and general search-engine presence, that it has been -integrated into about a thousand systems by now. The most prominent -one, since a few weeks, -being Google -code's project hosting. It works, and it's being used widely.
- -Still, I did not start replacing it because I was bored. CodeMirror
-1 was heavily reliant on designMode
-or contentEditable
(depending on the browser). Neither of
-these are well specified (HTML5 tries
-to specify
-their basics), and, more importantly, they tend to be one of the more
-obscure and buggy areas of browser functionality—CodeMirror, by using
-this functionality in a non-typical way, was constantly running up
-against browser bugs. WebKit wouldn't show an empty line at the end of
-the document, and in some releases would suddenly get unbearably slow.
-Firefox would show the cursor in the wrong place. Internet Explorer
-would insist on linkifying everything that looked like a URL or email
-address, a behaviour that can't be turned off. Some bugs I managed to
-work around (which was often a frustrating, painful process), others,
-such as the Firefox cursor placement, I gave up on, and had to tell
-user after user that they were known problems, but not something I
-could help.
Also, there is the fact that designMode
(which seemed
-to be less buggy than contentEditable
in Webkit and
-Firefox, and was thus used by CodeMirror 1 in those browsers) requires
-a frame. Frames are another tricky area. It takes some effort to
-prevent getting tripped up by domain restrictions, they don't
-initialize synchronously, behave strangely in response to the back
-button, and, on several browsers, can't be moved around the DOM
-without having them re-initialize. They did provide a very nice way to
-namespace the library, though—CodeMirror 1 could freely pollute the
-namespace inside the frame.
Finally, working with an editable document means working with
-selection in arbitrary DOM structures. Internet Explorer (8 and
-before) has an utterly different (and awkward) selection API than all
-of the other browsers, and even among the different implementations of
, details about how exactly a selection
-is represented vary quite a bit. Add to that the fact that Opera's
-selection support tended to be very buggy until recently, and you can
-imagine why CodeMirror 1 contains 700 lines of selection-handling
And that brings us to the main issue with the CodeMirror 1 -code base: The proportion of browser-bug-workarounds to real -application code was getting dangerously high. By building on top of a -few dodgy features, I put the system in a vulnerable position—any -incompatibility and bugginess in these features, I had to paper over -with my own code. Not only did I have to do some serious stunt-work to -get it to work on older browsers (as detailed in the -previous story), things -also kept breaking in newly released versions, requiring me to come up -with new scary hacks in order to keep up. This was starting -to lose its appeal.
- -What CodeMirror 2 does is try to sidestep most of the hairy hacks -that came up in version 1. I owe a lot to the -ACE editor for inspiration on how to -approach this.
- -I absolutely did not want to be completely reliant on key events to -generate my input. Every JavaScript programmer knows that key event -information is horrible and incomplete. Some people (most awesomely -Mihai Bazon with Ymacs) have been able -to build more or less functioning editors by directly reading key -events, but it takes a lot of work (the kind of never-ending, fragile -work I described earlier), and will never be able to properly support -things like multi-keystoke international character -input. [see below for caveat]
- -So what I do is focus a hidden textarea, and let the browser -believe that the user is typing into that. What we show to the user is -a DOM structure we built to represent his document. If this is updated -quickly enough, and shows some kind of believable cursor, it feels -like a real text-input control.
- -Another big win is that this DOM representation does not have to
-span the whole document. Some CodeMirror 1 users insisted that they
-needed to put a 30 thousand line XML document into CodeMirror. Putting
-all that into the DOM takes a while, especially since, for some
-reason, an editable DOM tree is slower than a normal one on most
-browsers. If we have full control over what we show, we must only
-ensure that the visible part of the document has been added, and can
-do the rest only when needed. (Fortunately, the onscroll
-event works almost the same on all browsers, and lends itself well to
-displaying things only as they are scrolled into view.)
ACE uses its hidden textarea only as a text input shim, and does -all cursor movement and things like text deletion itself by directly -handling key events. CodeMirror's way is to let the browser do its -thing as much as possible, and not, for example, define its own set of -key bindings. One way to do this would have been to have the whole -document inside the hidden textarea, and after each key event update -the display DOM to reflect what's in that textarea.
- -That'd be simple, but it is not realistic. For even medium-sized -document the editor would be constantly munging huge strings, and get -terribly slow. What CodeMirror 2 does is put the current selection, -along with an extra line on the top and on the bottom, into the -textarea.
- -This means that the arrow keys (and their ctrl-variations), home, -end, etcetera, do not have to be handled specially. We just read the -cursor position in the textarea, and update our cursor to match it. -Also, copy and paste work pretty much for free, and people get their -native key bindings, without any special work on my part. For example, -I have emacs key bindings configured for Chrome and Firefox. There is -no way for a script to detect this. [no longer the case]
- -Of course, since only a small part of the document sits in the -textarea, keys like page up and ctrl-end won't do the right thing. -CodeMirror is catching those events and handling them itself.
-Getting and setting the selection range of a textarea in modern
-browsers is trivial—you just use the selectionStart
-and selectionEnd
properties. On IE you have to do some
-insane stuff with temporary ranges and compensating for the fact that
-moving the selection by a 'character' will treat \r\n as a single
-character, but even there it is possible to build functions that
-reliably set and get the selection range.
But consider this typical case: When I'm somewhere in my document, -press shift, and press the up arrow, something gets selected. Then, if -I, still holding shift, press the up arrow again, the top of my -selection is adjusted. The selection remembers where its head -and its anchor are, and moves the head when we shift-move. -This is a generally accepted property of selections, and done right by -every editing component built in the past twenty years.
- -But not something that the browser selection APIs expose.
- -Great. So when someone creates an 'upside-down' selection, the next -time CodeMirror has to update the textarea, it'll re-create the -selection as an 'upside-up' selection, with the anchor at the top, and -the next cursor motion will behave in an unexpected way—our second -up-arrow press in the example above will not do anything, since it is -interpreted in exactly the same way as the first.
- -No problem. We'll just, ehm, detect that the selection is -upside-down (you can tell by the way it was created), and then, when -an upside-down selection is present, and a cursor-moving key is -pressed in combination with shift, we quickly collapse the selection -in the textarea to its start, allow the key to take effect, and then -combine its new head with its old anchor to get the real -selection.
- -In short, scary hacks could not be avoided entirely in CodeMirror -2.
- -And, the observant reader might ask, how do you even know that a -key combo is a cursor-moving combo, if you claim you support any -native key bindings? Well, we don't, but we can learn. The editor -keeps a set known cursor-movement combos (initialized to the -predictable defaults), and updates this set when it observes that -pressing a certain key had (only) the effect of moving the cursor. -This, of course, doesn't work if the first time the key is used was -for extending an inverted selection, but it works most of the -time.
-One thing that always comes up when you have a complicated internal -state that's reflected in some user-visible external representation -(in this case, the displayed code and the textarea's content) is -keeping the two in sync. The naive way is to just update the display -every time you change your state, but this is not only error prone -(you'll forget), it also easily leads to duplicate work on big, -composite operations. Then you start passing around flags indicating -whether the display should be updated in an attempt to be efficient -again and, well, at that point you might as well give up completely.
- -I did go down that road, but then switched to a much simpler model: -simply keep track of all the things that have been changed during an -action, and then, only at the end, use this information to update the -user-visible display.
- -CodeMirror uses a concept of operations, which start by
-calling a specific set-up function that clears the state and end by
-calling another function that reads this state and does the required
-updating. Most event handlers, and all the user-visible methods that
-change state are wrapped like this. There's a method
-called operation
that accepts a function, and returns
-another function that wraps the given function as an operation.
It's trivial to extend this (as CodeMirror does) to detect nesting, -and, when an operation is started inside an operation, simply -increment the nesting count, and only do the updating when this count -reaches zero again.
- -If we have a set of changed ranges and know the currently shown -range, we can (with some awkward code to deal with the fact that -changes can add and remove lines, so we're dealing with a changing -coordinate system) construct a map of the ranges that were left -intact. We can then compare this map with the part of the document -that's currently visible (based on scroll offset and editor height) to -determine whether something needs to be updated.
- -CodeMirror uses two update algorithms—a full refresh, where it just -discards the whole part of the DOM that contains the edited text and -rebuilds it, and a patch algorithm, where it uses the information -about changed and intact ranges to update only the out-of-date parts -of the DOM. When more than 30 percent (which is the current heuristic, -might change) of the lines need to be updated, the full refresh is -chosen (since it's faster to do than painstakingly finding and -updating all the changed lines), in the other case it does the -patching (so that, if you scroll a line or select another character, -the whole screen doesn't have to be -re-rendered). [the full-refresh -algorithm was dropped, it wasn't really faster than the patching -one]
- -All updating uses innerHTML
rather than direct DOM
-manipulation, since that still seems to be by far the fastest way to
-build documents. There's a per-line function that combines the
-highlighting, marking, and
-selection info for that line into a snippet of HTML. The patch updater
-uses this to reset individual lines, the refresh updater builds an
-HTML chunk for the whole visible document at once, and then uses a
-single innerHTML
update to do the refresh.
When I wrote CodeMirror 1, I -thought interruptable -parsers were a hugely scary and complicated thing, and I used a -bunch of heavyweight abstractions to keep this supposed complexity -under control: parsers -were iterators -that consumed input from another iterator, and used funny -closure-resetting tricks to copy and resume themselves.
- -This made for a rather nice system, in that parsers formed strictly -separate modules, and could be composed in predictable ways. -Unfortunately, it was quite slow (stacking three or four iterators on -top of each other), and extremely intimidating to people not used to a -functional programming style.
- -With a few small changes, however, we can keep all those -advantages, but simplify the API and make the whole thing less -indirect and inefficient. CodeMirror -2's mode API uses explicit state -objects, and makes the parser/tokenizer a function that simply takes a -state and a character stream abstraction, advances the stream one -token, and returns the way the token should be styled. This state may -be copied, optionally in a mode-defined way, in order to be able to -continue a parse at a given point. Even someone who's never touched a -lambda in his life can understand this approach. Additionally, far -fewer objects are allocated in the course of parsing now.
- -The biggest speedup comes from the fact that the parsing no longer -has to touch the DOM though. In CodeMirror 1, on an older browser, you -could see the parser work its way through the document, -managing some twenty lines in each 50-millisecond time slice it got. It -was reading its input from the DOM, and updating the DOM as it went -along, which any experienced JavaScript programmer will immediately -spot as a recipe for slowness. In CodeMirror 2, the parser usually -finishes the whole document in a single 100-millisecond time slice—it -manages some 1500 lines during that time on Chrome. All it has to do -is munge strings, so there is no real reason for it to be slow -anymore.
-Given all this, what can you expect from CodeMirror 2?
- -iframe
nodes aren't
-really known for respecting document flow. Now that an editor instance
-is a plain div
element, it is much easier to size it to
-fit the surrounding elements. You don't even have to make it scroll if
-you do not want to.On the downside, a CodeMirror 2 instance is not a native -editable component. Though it does its best to emulate such a -component as much as possible, there is functionality that browsers -just do not allow us to hook into. Doing select-all from the context -menu, for example, is not currently detected by CodeMirror.
- -[Updates from November 13th 2011] Recently, I've made -some changes to the codebase that cause some of the text above to no -longer be current. I've left the text intact, but added markers at the -passages that are now inaccurate. The new situation is described -below.
-The original implementation of CodeMirror 2 represented the
-document as a flat array of line objects. This worked well—splicing
-arrays will require the part of the array after the splice to be
-moved, but this is basically just a simple memmove
of a
-bunch of pointers, so it is cheap even for huge documents.
However, I recently added line wrapping and code folding (line -collapsing, basically). Once lines start taking up a non-constant -amount of vertical space, looking up a line by vertical position -(which is needed when someone clicks the document, and to determine -the visible part of the document during scrolling) can only be done -with a linear scan through the whole array, summing up line heights as -you go. Seeing how I've been going out of my way to make big documents -fast, this is not acceptable.
- -The new representation is based on a B-tree. The leaves of the tree -contain arrays of line objects, with a fixed minimum and maximum size, -and the non-leaf nodes simply hold arrays of child nodes. Each node -stores both the amount of lines that live below them and the vertical -space taken up by these lines. This allows the tree to be indexed both -by line number and by vertical position, and all access has -logarithmic complexity in relation to the document size.
- -I gave line objects and tree nodes parent pointers, to the node -above them. When a line has to update its height, it can simply walk -these pointers to the top of the tree, adding or subtracting the -difference in height from each node it encounters. The parent pointers -also make it cheaper (in complexity terms, the difference is probably -tiny in normal-sized documents) to find the current line number when -given a line object. In the old approach, the whole document array had -to be searched. Now, we can just walk up the tree and count the sizes -of the nodes coming before us at each level.
- -I chose B-trees, not regular binary trees, mostly because they -allow for very fast bulk insertions and deletions. When there is a big -change to a document, it typically involves adding, deleting, or -replacing a chunk of subsequent lines. In a regular balanced tree, all -these inserts or deletes would have to be done separately, which could -be really expensive. In a B-tree, to insert a chunk, you just walk -down the tree once to find where it should go, insert them all in one -shot, and then break up the node if needed. This breaking up might -involve breaking up nodes further up, but only requires a single pass -back up the tree. For deletion, I'm somewhat lax in keeping things -balanced—I just collapse nodes into a leaf when their child count goes -below a given number. This means that there are some weird editing -patterns that may result in a seriously unbalanced tree, but even such -an unbalanced tree will perform well, unless you spend a day making -strangely repeating edits to a really big document.
-Above, I claimed that directly catching key -events for things like cursor movement is impractical because it -requires some browser-specific kludges. I then proceeded to explain -some awful hacks that were needed to make it -possible for the selection changes to be detected through the -textarea. In fact, the second hack is about as bad as the first.
- -On top of that, in the presence of user-configurable tab sizes and -collapsed and wrapped lines, lining up cursor movement in the textarea -with what's visible on the screen becomes a nightmare. Thus, I've -decided to move to a model where the textarea's selection is no longer -depended on.
- -So I moved to a model where all cursor movement is handled by my -own code. This adds support for a goal column, proper interaction of -cursor movement with collapsed lines, and makes it possible for -vertical movement to move through wrapped lines properly, instead of -just treating them like non-wrapped lines.
- -The key event handlers now translate the key event into a string,
-something like Ctrl-Home
or Shift-Cmd-R
, and
-use that string to look up an action to perform. To make keybinding
-customizable, this lookup goes through
-a table, using a scheme that
-allows such tables to be chained together (for example, the default
-Mac bindings fall through to a table named 'emacsy', which defines
-basic Emacs-style bindings like Ctrl-F
, and which is also
-used by the custom Emacs bindings).
A new
-option extraKeys
-allows ad-hoc keybindings to be defined in a much nicer way than what
-was possible with the
-old onKeyEvent
-callback. You simply provide an object mapping key identifiers to
-functions, instead of painstakingly looking at raw key events.
Built-in commands map to strings, rather than functions, for
-example "goLineUp"
is the default action bound to the up
-arrow key. This allows new keymaps to refer to them without
-duplicating any code. New commands can be defined by assigning to
-the CodeMirror.commands
object, which maps such commands
-to functions.
The hidden textarea now only holds the current selection, with no -extra characters around it. This has a nice advantage: polling for -input becomes much, much faster. If there's a big selection, this text -does not have to be read from the textarea every time—when we poll, -just noticing that something is still selected is enough to tell us -that no new text was typed.
- -The reason that cheap polling is important is that many browsers do
-not fire useful events on IME (input method engine) input, which is
-the thing where people inputting a language like Japanese or Chinese
-use multiple keystrokes to create a character or sequence of
-characters. Most modern browsers fire input
when the
-composing is finished, but many don't fire anything when the character
-is updated during composition. So we poll, whenever the
-editor is focused, to provide immediate updates of the display.
CodeMirror is a code-editor component that can be embedded in - Web pages. The core library provides only the editor - component, no accompanying buttons, auto-completion, or other IDE - functionality. It does provide a rich API on top of which such - functionality can be straightforwardly implemented. See - the addons included in the distribution, - and the list - of externally hosted addons, for reusable - implementations of extra features.
- -CodeMirror works with language-specific modes. Modes are
- JavaScript programs that help color (and optionally indent) text
- written in a given language. The distribution comes with a number
- of modes (see the mode/
- directory), and it isn't hard to write new
- ones for other languages.
The easiest way to use CodeMirror is to simply load the script
- and style sheet found under lib/
in the distribution,
- plus a mode script from one of the mode/
- (See the compression helper for an
- easy way to combine scripts.) For example:
<script src="lib/codemirror.js"></script> -<link rel="stylesheet" href="lib/codemirror.css"> -<script src="mode/javascript/javascript.js"></script>- -
(Alternatively, use a module loader. More - about that later.)
- -Having done this, an editor instance can be created like - this:
- -var myCodeMirror = CodeMirror(document.body);- -
The editor will be appended to the document body, will start
- empty, and will use the mode that we loaded. To have more control
- over the new editor, a configuration object can be passed
- to CodeMirror
as a second
- argument:
var myCodeMirror = CodeMirror(document.body, { - value: "function myScript(){return 100;}\n", - mode: "javascript" -});- -
This will initialize the editor with a piece of code already in - it, and explicitly tell it to use the JavaScript mode (which is - useful when multiple modes are loaded). - See below for a full discussion of the - configuration options that CodeMirror accepts.
- -In cases where you don't want to append the editor to an
- element, and need more control over the way it is inserted, the
- first argument to the CodeMirror
function can also
- be a function that, when given a DOM element, inserts it into the
- document somewhere. This could be used to, for example, replace a
- textarea with a real editor:
var myCodeMirror = CodeMirror(function(elt) { - myTextArea.parentNode.replaceChild(elt, myTextArea); -}, {value: myTextArea.value});- -
However, for this use case, which is a common way to use - CodeMirror, the library provides a much more powerful - shortcut:
- -var myCodeMirror = CodeMirror.fromTextArea(myTextArea);- -
This will, among other things, ensure that the textarea's value - is updated with the editor's contents when the form (if it is part - of a form) is submitted. See the API - reference for a full description of this method.
- -The files in the CodeMirror distribution contain shims for
- loading them (and their dependencies) in AMD or CommonJS
- environments. If the variables exports
- and module
exist and have type object, CommonJS-style
- require will be used. If not, but there is a
- function define
with an amd
- present, AMD-style (RequireJS) will be used.
It is possible to - use Browserify or similar - tools to statically build modules using CodeMirror. Alternatively, - use RequireJS to dynamically - load dependencies at runtime. Both of these approaches have the - advantage that they don't use the global namespace and can, thus, - do things like load multiple versions of CodeMirror alongside each - other.
- -Here's a simple example of using RequireJS to load CodeMirror:
- -require([ - "cm/lib/codemirror", "cm/mode/htmlmixed/htmlmixed" -], function(CodeMirror) { - CodeMirror.fromTextArea(document.getElementById("code"), { - lineNumbers: true, - mode: "htmlmixed" - }); -});- -
It will automatically load the modes that the mixed HTML mode
- depends on (XML, JavaScript, and CSS). Do not use
- RequireJS' paths
option to configure the path to
- CodeMirror, since it will break loading submodules through
- relative paths. Use
- the packages
- configuration option instead, as in:
require.config({ - packages: [{ - name: "codemirror", - location: "../path/to/codemirror", - main: "lib/codemirror" - }] -});- -
Both the CodeMirror
- function and its fromTextArea
method take as second
- (optional) argument an object containing configuration options.
- Any option not supplied like this will be taken
- from CodeMirror.defaults
, an
- object containing the default options. You can update this object
- to change the defaults on your page.
Options are not checked in any way, so setting bogus option - values is bound to lead to odd errors.
- -These are the supported options:
- -value: string|CodeMirror.Doc
mode: string|object
property that names the mode (for
- example {name: "javascript", json: true}
). The demo
- pages for each mode contain information about what configuration
- parameters the mode supports. You can ask CodeMirror which modes
- and MIME types have been defined by inspecting
- the CodeMirror.modes
- and CodeMirror.mimeModes
objects. The first maps
- mode names to their constructors, and the second maps MIME types
- to mode specs.lineSeparator: string|null
), the document will be split on CRLFs
- as well as lone CRs and LFs, and a single LF will be used as
- line separator in all output (such
- as getValue
). When a
- specific string is given, lines will only be split on that
- string, and output will, by default, use that same
- separator.theme: string
- styles is loaded (see
- the theme
directory in the
- distribution). The default is "default"
, for which
- colors are included in codemirror.css
. It is
- possible to use multiple theming classes at once—for
- example "foo bar"
will assign both
- the cm-s-foo
and the cm-s-bar
- to the editor.indentUnit: integer
smartIndent: boolean
tabSize: integer
indentWithTabs: boolean
- spaces should be replaced by N tabs. Default is false.electricChars: boolean
specialChars: RegExp
.specialCharPlaceholder: function(char) → Element
- option, produces a DOM node that is used to represent the
- character. By default, a red dot (•)
- is shown, with a title tooltip to indicate the character code.rtlMoveVisually: boolean
- on Windows, and true
on other platforms.keyMap: string
, which is the only key map defined
- in codemirror.js
itself. Extra key maps are found in
- the key map
directory. See
- the section on key maps for more
- information.extraKeys: object
. Should be
- either null, or a valid key map value.lineWrapping: boolean
(scroll).lineNumbers: boolean
firstLineNumber: integer
lineNumberFormatter: function(line: integer) → string
gutters: array<string>
(and optionally a
- background), and which will be used to draw the background of
- the gutters. May include
- the CodeMirror-linenumbers
class, in order to
- explicitly set the position of the line number gutter (it will
- default to be to the right of all other gutters). These class
- names are the keys passed
- to setGutterMarker
.fixedGutter: boolean
scrollbarStyle: string
, showing native scrollbars. The core
- library also provides the "null"
style, which
- completely hides the
- scrollbars. Addons can
- implement additional scrollbar models.coverGutterNextToScrollbar: boolean
- is on, and there is a horizontal scrollbar, by default the
- gutter will be visible to the left of this scrollbar. If this
- option is set to true, it will be covered by an element with
- class CodeMirror-gutter-filler
.inputStyle: string
- and "contenteditable"
input models. On mobile
- browsers, the default is "contenteditable"
. On
- desktop browsers, the default is "textarea"
- Support for IME and screen readers is better in
- the "contenteditable"
model. The intention is to
- make it the default on modern desktop browsers in the
- future.readOnly: boolean|string
is given (instead of
- simply true
), focusing of the editor is also
- disallowed.showCursorWhenSelecting: boolean
lineWiseCopyCut: boolean
undoDepth: integer
historyEventDelay: integer
tabindex: integer
autofocus: boolean
- used, and no explicit value is given for this option, it will be
- set to true when either the source textarea is focused, or it
- has an autofocus
attribute and no other element is
- focused.Below this a few more specialized, low-level options are - listed. These are only useful in very specific situations, you - might want to skip them the first time you read this manual.
- -dragDrop: boolean
allowDropFileTypes: array<string>
) only files whose
- type is in the array can be dropped into the editor. The strings
- should be MIME types, and will be checked against
- the type
- of the File
object as reported by the browser.cursorBlinkRate: number
cursorScrollMargin: number
cursorHeight: number
- which causes the cursor to not reach all the way to the bottom
- of the line, looks betterresetSelectionOnContextMenu: boolean
.workTime, workDelay: number
milliseconds, and then use
- timeout to sleep for workDelay
milliseconds. The
- defaults are 200 and 300, you can change these options to make
- the highlighting more or less aggressive.pollInterval: number
flattenSpans: boolean
addModeClass: boolean
. For example, tokens from the XML mode
- will get the cm-m-xml
class.maxHighlightLength: number
to turn off
- this behavior.viewportMargin: integer
to make sure the whole document is
- always rendered, and thus the browser's text search works on it.
- This will have bad effects on performance of big
- documents.Various CodeMirror-related objects emit events, which allow
- client code to react to various situations. Handlers for such
- events can be registered with the on
- and off
methods on the objects
- that the event fires on. To fire your own events,
- use CodeMirror.signal(target, name, args...)
- where target
is a non-DOM-node object.
An editor instance fires the following events.
- The instance
argument always refers to the editor
- itself.
"change" (instance: CodeMirror, changeObj: object)
is a {from, to, text, removed,
- origin}
object containing information about the changes
- that occurred as second argument. from
- and to
are the positions (in the pre-change
- coordinate system) where the change started and ended (for
- example, it might be {ch:0, line:18}
if the
- position is at the beginning of line #19). text
- an array of strings representing the text that replaced the
- changed range (split by line). removed
is the text
- that used to be between from
and to
- which is overwritten by this change. This event is
- fired before the end of
- an operation, before the DOM updates
- happen."changes" (instance: CodeMirror, changes: array<object>)
- event, but batched per operation,
- passing an array containing all the changes that happened in the
- operation. This event is fired after the operation finished, and
- display changes it makes will trigger a new operation."beforeChange" (instance: CodeMirror, changeObj: object)
- has from
, to
, and text
- properties, as with
- the "change"
event. It
- also has a cancel()
method, which can be called to
- cancel the change, and, if the change isn't
- coming from an undo or redo event, an update(from, to,
- text)
method, which may be used to modify the change.
- Undo or redo changes can't be modified, because they hold some
- metainformation for restoring old marked ranges that is only
- valid for that specific change. All three arguments
- to update
are optional, and can be left off to
- leave the existing value for that field
- intact. Note: you may not do anything from
- a "beforeChange"
handler that would cause changes
- to the document or its visualization. Doing so will, since this
- handler is called directly from the bowels of the CodeMirror
- implementation, probably cause the editor to become
- corrupted."cursorActivity" (instance: CodeMirror)
"keyHandled" (instance: CodeMirror, name: string, event: Event)
is the name of the handled key (for
- example "Ctrl-X"
or "'q'"
- and event
is the DOM keydown
- or keypress
event."inputRead" (instance: CodeMirror, changeObj: object)
"electricInput" (instance: CodeMirror, line: integer)
"beforeSelectionChange" (instance: CodeMirror, obj: {ranges, origin, update})
{anchor, head}
objects in
- the ranges
property of the obj
- argument, and optionally change them by calling
- the update
method on this object, passing an array
- of ranges in the same format. The object also contains
- an origin
property holding the origin string passed
- to the selection-changing method, if any. Handlers for this
- event have the same restriction
- as "beforeChange"
- handlers — they should not do anything to directly update the
- state of the editor."viewportChange" (instance: CodeMirror, from: number, to: number)
and to
- give the new start and end of the viewport."swapDoc" (instance: CodeMirror, oldDoc: Doc)
- method."gutterClick" (instance: CodeMirror, line: integer, gutter: string, clickEvent: Event)
event object as
- fourth argument."gutterContextMenu" (instance: CodeMirror, line: integer, gutter: string, contextMenu: Event: Event)
event. Will pass the editor
- instance as first argument, the (zero-based) number of the line
- that was clicked as second argument, the CSS class of the
- gutter that was clicked as third argument, and the raw
- contextmenu
mouse event object as fourth argument.
- You can preventDefault
the event, to signal that
- CodeMirror should do no further handling."focus" (instance: CodeMirror)
"blur" (instance: CodeMirror)
"scroll" (instance: CodeMirror)
"scrollCursorIntoView" (instance: CodeMirror, event: Event)
method called, CodeMirror will
- not itself try to scroll the window."update" (instance: CodeMirror)
"renderLine" (instance: CodeMirror, line: LineHandle, element: Element)
- "dblclick", "touchstart", "contextmenu",
- "keydown", "keypress",
- "keyup", "cut", "copy", "paste",
- "dragstart", "dragenter",
- "dragover", "dragleave",
- "drop"
- (instance: CodeMirror, event: Event)
the event, or give it a
- truthy codemirrorIgnore
property, to signal that
- CodeMirror should do no further handling.Document objects (instances
- of CodeMirror.Doc
) emit the
- following events:
"change" (doc: CodeMirror.Doc, changeObj: object)
has a similar type as the
- object passed to the
- editor's "change"
- event."beforeChange" (doc: CodeMirror.Doc, change: object)
"cursorActivity" (doc: CodeMirror.Doc)
"beforeSelectionChange" (doc: CodeMirror.Doc, selection: {head, anchor})
Line handles (as returned by, for
- example, getLineHandle
- support these events:
"delete" ()
"change" (line: LineHandle, changeObj: object)
- object is similar to the one passed
- to change event on the editor
- object.Marked range handles (CodeMirror.TextMarker
), as returned
- by markText
- and setBookmark
, emit the
- following events:
"beforeCursorEnter" ()
"clear" (from: {line, ch}, to: {line, ch})
- or through a call to its clear()
method. Will only
- be fired once per handle. Note that deleting the range through
- text editing does not fire this event, because an undo action
- might bring the range back into existence. from
- and to
give the part of the document that the range
- spanned when it was cleared."hide" ()
"unhide" ()
Line widgets (CodeMirror.LineWidget
), returned
- by addLineWidget
, fire
- these events:
"redraw" ()
Key maps are ways to associate keys with functionality. A key map - is an object mapping strings that identify the keys to functions - that implement their functionality.
- -The CodeMirror distributions comes - with Emacs, Vim, - and Sublime Text-style keymaps.
- -Keys are identified either by name or by character.
- The CodeMirror.keyNames
object defines names for
- common keys and associates them with their key codes. Examples of
- names defined here are Enter
, F5
- and Q
. These can be prefixed
- with Shift-
, Cmd-
, Ctrl-
- and Alt-
to specify a modifier. So for
- example, Shift-Ctrl-Space
would be a valid key
- identifier.
Common example: map the Tab key to insert spaces instead of a tab - character.
- --editor.setOption("extraKeys", { - Tab: function(cm) { - var spaces = Array(cm.getOption("indentUnit") + 1).join(" "); - cm.replaceSelection(spaces); - } -});- -
Alternatively, a character can be specified directly by
- surrounding it in single quotes, for example '$'
- or 'q'
. Due to limitations in the way browsers fire
- key events, these may not be prefixed with modifiers.
Multi-stroke key bindings can be specified
- by separating the key names by spaces in the property name, for
- example Ctrl-X Ctrl-V
. When a map contains
- multi-stoke bindings or keys with modifiers that are not specified
- in the default order (Shift-Cmd-Ctrl-Alt
), you must
- call CodeMirror.normalizeKeyMap
on it before it can
- be used. This function takes a keymap and modifies it to normalize
- modifier order and properly recognize multi-stroke bindings. It
- will return the keymap itself.
The CodeMirror.keyMap
object associates key maps
- with names. User code and key map definitions can assign extra
- properties to this object. Anywhere where a key map is expected, a
- string can be given, which will be looked up in this object. It
- also contains the "default"
key map holding the
- default bindings.
The values of properties in key maps can be either functions of
- a single argument (the CodeMirror instance), strings, or
- false
. Strings refer
- to commands, which are described below. If
- the property is set to false
, CodeMirror leaves
- handling of the key up to the browser. A key handler function may
- return CodeMirror.Pass
to indicate that it has
- decided not to handle the key, and other handlers (or the default
- behavior) should be given a turn.
Keys mapped to command names that start with the
- characters "go"
or to functions that have a
- truthy motion
property (which should be used for
- cursor-movement actions) will be fired even when an
- extra Shift
modifier is present (i.e. "Up":
- "goLineUp"
matches both up and shift-up). This is used to
- easily implement shift-selection.
Key maps can defer to each other by defining
- a fallthrough
property. This indicates that when a
- key is not found in the map itself, one or more other maps should
- be searched. It can hold either a single key map or an array of
- key maps.
When a key map needs to set something up when it becomes
- active, or tear something down when deactivated, it can
- contain attach
and/or detach
- which should hold functions that take the editor instance and the
- next or previous keymap. Note that this only works for the
- top-level keymap, not for fallthrough
- maps or maps added
- with extraKeys
- or addKeyMap
Commands are parameter-less actions that can be performed on an
- editor. Their main use is for key bindings. Commands are defined by
- adding properties to the CodeMirror.commands
- A number of common commands are defined by the library itself,
- most of them used by the default key bindings. The value of a
- command property must be a function of one argument (an editor
- instance).
Some of the commands below are referenced in the default - key map, but not defined by the core library. These are intended to - be defined by user code or addons.
- -Commands can also be run with
- the execCommand
- method.
Ctrl-A (PC), Cmd-A (Mac)singleSelection
Ctrl-K (Mac)deleteLine
Ctrl-D (PC), Cmd-D (Mac)delLineLeft
Cmd-Backspace (Mac)delWrappedLineRight
Cmd-Delete (Mac)undo
Ctrl-Z (PC), Cmd-Z (Mac)redo
Ctrl-Y (PC), Shift-Cmd-Z (Mac), Cmd-Y (Mac)undoSelection
Ctrl-U (PC), Cmd-U (Mac)redoSelection
Alt-U (PC), Shift-Cmd-U (Mac)goDocStart
Ctrl-Home (PC), Cmd-Up (Mac), Cmd-Home (Mac)goDocEnd
Ctrl-End (PC), Cmd-End (Mac), Cmd-Down (Mac)goLineStart
Alt-Left (PC), Ctrl-A (Mac)goLineStartSmart
Alt-Right (PC), Ctrl-E (Mac)goLineRight
Cmd-Right (Mac)goLineLeft
Cmd-Left (Mac)goLineLeftSmart
Up, Ctrl-P (Mac)goLineDown
Down, Ctrl-N (Mac)goPageUp
PageUp, Shift-Ctrl-V (Mac)goPageDown
PageDown, Ctrl-V (Mac)goCharLeft
Left, Ctrl-B (Mac)goCharRight
Right, Ctrl-F (Mac)goColumnLeft
Alt-B (Mac)goWordRight
Alt-F (Mac)goGroupLeft
Ctrl-Left (PC), Alt-Left (Mac)goGroupRight
Ctrl-Right (PC), Alt-Right (Mac)delCharBefore
Shift-Backspace, Ctrl-H (Mac)delCharAfter
Delete, Ctrl-D (Mac)delWordBefore
Alt-Backspace (Mac)delWordAfter
Alt-D (Mac)delGroupBefore
Ctrl-Backspace (PC), Alt-Backspace (Mac)delGroupAfter
Ctrl-Delete (PC), Ctrl-Alt-Backspace (Mac), Alt-Delete (Mac)indentAuto
Ctrl-] (PC), Cmd-] (Mac)indentLess
Ctrl-[ (PC), Cmd-[ (Mac)insertTab
Ctrl-T (Mac)newlineAndIndent
Ctrl-S (PC), Cmd-S (Mac)find
Ctrl-F (PC), Cmd-F (Mac)findNext
Ctrl-G (PC), Cmd-G (Mac)findPrev
Shift-Ctrl-G (PC), Shift-Cmd-G (Mac)replace
Shift-Ctrl-F (PC), Cmd-Alt-F (Mac)replaceAll
Shift-Ctrl-R (PC), Shift-Cmd-Alt-F (Mac)Up to a certain extent, CodeMirror's look can be changed by
- modifying style sheet files. The style sheets supplied by modes
- simply provide the colors for that mode, and can be adapted in a
- very straightforward way. To style the editor itself, it is
- possible to alter or override the styles defined
- in codemirror.css
Some care must be taken there, since a lot of the rules in this - file are necessary to have CodeMirror function properly. Adjusting - colors should be safe, of course, and with some care a lot of - other things can be changed as well. The CSS classes defined in - this file serve the following roles:
- -CodeMirror
style to auto
- make the editor resize to fit its
- content (it is recommended to also set
- the viewportMargin
- option to Infinity
when doing this.CodeMirror-focused
- (plural) element, but rather will be absolutely positioned to
- overlay it. Use this to set alignment and text properties for
- the line numbers.CodeMirror-lines
- with this class.CodeMirror-matchingbracket
- CodeMirror-nonmatchingbracket
If your page's style sheets do funky things to
- all div
or pre
elements (you probably
- shouldn't do that), you'll have to define rules to cancel these
- effects out again for elements under the CodeMirror
- class.
Themes are also simply CSS files, which define colors for
- various syntactic elements. See the files in
- the theme
A lot of CodeMirror features are only available through its - API. Thus, you need to write code (or - use addons) if you want to expose them to - your users.
- -Whenever points in the document are represented, the API uses
- objects with line
and ch
- Both are zero-based. CodeMirror makes sure to 'clip' any positions
- passed by client code so that they fit inside the document, so you
- shouldn't worry too much about sanitizing your coordinates. If you
- give ch
a value of null
, or don't
- specify it, it will be replaced with the length of the specified
- line.
Methods prefixed with doc.
can, unless otherwise
- specified, be called both on CodeMirror
- instances and CodeMirror.Doc
instances. Methods
- prefixed with cm.
are only available
- on CodeMirror
Constructing an editor instance is done with
- the CodeMirror(place: Element|fn(Element),
- ?option: object)
constructor. If the place
- argument is a DOM element, the editor will be appended to it. If
- it is a function, it will be called, and is expected to place the
- editor into the document. options
may be an element
- mapping option names to values. The options
- that it doesn't explicitly specify (or all options, if it is not
- passed) will be taken
- from CodeMirror.defaults
Note that the options object passed to the constructor will be - mutated when the instance's options - are changed, so you shouldn't share such - objects between instances.
- -See CodeMirror.fromTextArea
- for another way to construct an editor instance.
doc.getValue(?separator: string) → string
).doc.setValue(content: string)
doc.getRange(from: {line, ch}, to: {line, ch}, ?separator: string) → string
{line, ch}
objects. An optional third
- argument can be given to indicate the line separator string to
- use (defaults to "\n"
).doc.replaceRange(replacement: string, from: {line, ch}, to: {line, ch}, ?origin: string)
- and to
with the given string. from
- and to
must be {line, ch}
- objects. to
can be left off to simply insert the
- string at position from
. When origin
- is given, it will be passed on
- to "change"
events, and
- its first letter will be used to determine whether this change
- can be merged with previous history events, in the way described
- for selection origins.doc.getLine(n: integer) → string
.doc.lineCount() → integer
doc.firstLine() → integer
doc.lastLine() → integer
doc.lineCount() - 1
- but for linked sub-views,
- it might return other values.doc.getLineHandle(num: integer) → LineHandle
doc.getLineNumber(handle: LineHandle) → integer
when it is no longer in the
- document).doc.eachLine(f: (line: LineHandle))
doc.eachLine(start: integer, end: integer, f: (line: LineHandle))
- and end
line numbers are given, the range
- from start
up to (not including) end
- and call f
for each line, passing the line handle.
- This is a faster way to visit a range of line handlers than
- calling getLineHandle
- for each of them. Note that line handles have
- a text
property containing the line's content (as a
- string).doc.markClean()
- which allows multiple subsystems to track different notions of
- cleanness without interfering.doc.changeGeneration(?closeEvent: boolean) → integer
to test whether
- any edits were made (and not undone) in the meantime.
- If closeEvent
is true, the current history event
- will be ‘closed’, meaning it can't be combined with further
- changes (rapid typing or deleting events are typically
- combined).doc.isClean(?generation: integer) → boolean
if no
- argument is passed, or since the matching call
- to changeGeneration
- if a generation value is given.doc.getSelection(?lineSep: string) → string
in between.doc.getSelections(?lineSep: string) → array<string>
doc.replaceSelection(replacement: string, ?select: string)
argument can be used to change
- this—passing "around"
will cause the new text to be
- selected, passing "start"
will collapse the
- selection to the start of the inserted text.doc.replaceSelections(replacements: array<string>, ?select: string)
argument works the same as
- in replaceSelection
.doc.getCursor(?start: string) → {line, ch}
is an optional string indicating
- which end of the selection to return. It may
- be "from"
, "to"
, "head"
- (the side of the selection that moves when you press
- shift+arrow), or "anchor"
(the fixed side of the
- selection). Omitting the argument is the same as
- passing "head"
. A {line, ch}
- will be returned.doc.listSelections() → array<{anchor, head}>
- and head
properties referring to {line,
- ch}
objects.doc.somethingSelected() → boolean
doc.setCursor(pos: {line, ch}|number, ?ch: number, ?options: object)
{line, ch}
object, or the line and the
- character as two separate parameters. Will replace all
- selections with a single, empty selection at the given position.
- The supported options are the same as for setSelection
.doc.setSelection(anchor: {line, ch}, ?head: {line, ch}, ?options: object)
- and head
should be {line, ch}
- objects. head
defaults to anchor
- not given. These options are supported:
- scroll: boolean
origin: string
, and the last recorded selection had
- the same origin and was similar (close
- in time, both
- collapsed or both non-collapsed), the new one will replace the
- old one. When it starts with *
, it will always
- replace the previous event (if that had the same origin).
- Built-in motion uses the "+move"
origin. User input uses the "+input"
origin.bias: number
doc.setSelections(ranges: array<{anchor, head}>, ?primary: integer, ?options: object)
is a
- number, it determines which selection is the primary one. When
- it is not given, the primary index is taken from the previous
- selection, or set to the last range if the previous selection
- had less ranges than the new one. Supports the same options
- as setSelection
.doc.addSelection(anchor: {line, ch}, ?head: {line, ch})
doc.extendSelection(from: {line, ch}, ?to: {line, ch}, ?options: object)
, but
- will, if shift is held or
- the extending flag is set, move the
- head of the selection while leaving the anchor at its current
- place. to
is optional, and can be passed to ensure
- a region (for example a word or paragraph) will end up selected
- (in addition to whatever lies between that region and the
- current anchor). When multiple selections are present, all but
- the primary selection will be dropped by this method.
- Supports the same options as setSelection
.doc.extendSelections(heads: array<{line, ch}>, ?options: object)
- that acts on all selections at once.doc.extendSelectionsBy(f: function(range: {anchor, head}) → {line, ch}), ?options: object)
- on the result.doc.setExtending(value: boolean)
- to leave the selection anchor in place.doc.getExtending() → boolean
cm.hasFocus() → boolean
cm.findPosH(start: {line, ch}, amount: integer, unit: string, visually: boolean) → {line, ch, ?hitSide: boolean}
is a {line, ch}
- object, amount
an integer (may be negative),
- and unit
one of the
- string "char"
, "column"
- or "word"
. Will return a position that is produced
- by moving amount
times the distance specified
- by unit
. When visually
is true, motion
- in right-to-left text will be visual rather than logical. When
- the motion was clipped by hitting the end or start of the
- document, the returned value will have a hitSide
- property set to {line, ch}, amount: integer, unit: string) → {line, ch, ?hitSide: boolean}
- but used for vertical motion. unit
- be "line"
or "page"
. The other
- arguments and the returned value have the same interpretation as
- they have in findPosH
.cm.findWordAt(pos: {line, ch}) → {anchor: {line, ch}, head: {line, ch}}
cm.setOption(option: string, value: any)
- should the name of an option,
- and value
should be a valid value for that
- string) → any
cm.addKeyMap(map: object, bottom: boolean)
- option. Maps added in this way have a higher precedence than
- the extraKeys
- and keyMap
- and between them, the maps added earlier have a lower precedence
- than those added later, unless the bottom
- was passed, in which case they end up below other key maps added
- with this object)
. Either
- pass in the key map object itself, or a string, which will be
- compared against the name
property of the active
- key string|object, ?options: object)
can be a mode
- spec or a mode object (an object with
- a token
- The options
parameter is optional. If given, it
- should be an object. Currently, only the opaque
- option is recognized. This defaults to off, but can be given to
- allow the overlay styling, when not null
, to
- override the styling of the base mode entirely, instead of the
- two being applied string|object)
- parameter to addOverlay
- or a string that corresponds to the name
property of
- that value, to remove an overlay string, func: (...args))
CodeMirror.on(object, type, func)
- that allows registering of events on any string, func: (...args)), type,
- func)
also exists.Each editor is associated with an instance
- of CodeMirror.Doc
, its document. A document
- represents the editor content, plus a selection, an undo history,
- and a mode. A document can only be
- associated with a single editor at a time. You can create new
- documents by calling the CodeMirror.Doc(text, mode,
- firstLineNumber)
constructor. The last two arguments are
- optional and can be used to set a mode for the document and make
- it start at a line number other than 0, respectively.
cm.getDoc() → Doc
doc.getEditor() → CodeMirror
.cm.swapDoc(doc: CodeMirror.Doc) → Doc
doc.copy(copyHistory: boolean) → Doc
is true, the history will also be
- copied. Can not be called directly on an editor.doc.linkedDoc(options: object) → Doc
from: integer
to: integer
mode: string|object
doc.unlinkDoc(doc: CodeMirror.Doc)
doc.iterLinkedDocs(function: (doc: CodeMirror.Doc, sharedHist: boolean))
doc.historySize() → {undo: integer, redo: integer}
{undo, redo}
- both of which hold integers, indicating the amount of stored
- undo and redo operations.doc.clearHistory()
doc.getHistory() → object
doc.setHistory(history: object)
. Note that
- this will have entirely undefined results if the editor content
- isn't also the same as it was when getHistory
- called.doc.markText(from: {line, ch}, to: {line, ch}, ?options: object) → TextMarker
and to
- be {line, ch}
objects. The options
- parameter is optional. When given, it should be an object that
- may contain the following configuration options:
- className: string
inclusiveLeft: boolean
inclusiveRight: boolean
- but for the right side.atomic: boolean
- and inclusiveRight
have a different meaning—they
- will prevent the cursor from being placed respectively
- directly before and directly after the range.collapsed: boolean
clearOnEnter: boolean
- fired on the range handle can be used to be notified when this
- happens.clearWhenEmpty: boolean
replacedWith: Element
handleMouseEvents: boolean
is given, this determines
- whether the editor will capture mouse and drag events
- occurring in this widget. Default is false—the events will be
- left alone for the default browser handler, or specific
- handlers on the widget, to capture.readOnly: boolean
to reset
- the whole document. Note: adding a read-only span
- currently clears the undo history of the editor, because
- existing undo events being partially nullified by read-only
- spans would corrupt the history (in the current
- implementation).addToHistory: boolean
startStyle: string
endStyle: string
, but for the rightmost span.css: string
"color: #fe3"
- string
attribute with the
- given value.shared
to true to make the
- marker appear in all documents. By default, a marker appears
- only in its target document.CodeMirror.TextMarker
), which
- exposes three methods:
- clear()
, to remove the mark,
- find()
, which returns
- a {from, to}
object (both holding document
- positions), indicating the current position of the marked range,
- or undefined
if the marker is no longer in the
- document, and finally changed()
- which you can call if you've done something that might change
- the size of the marker (for example changing the content of
- a replacedWith
- node), and want to cheaply update the display.doc.setBookmark(pos: {line, ch}, ?options: object) → TextMarker
and clear()
. The first
- returns the current position of the bookmark, if it is still in
- the document, and the second explicitly removes the bookmark.
- The options argument is optional. If given, the following
- properties are recognized:
- widget: Element
- option to markText
).insertLeft: boolean
shared: boolean
.handleMouseEvents: boolean
- this determines whether mouse events on the widget inserted
- for this bookmark are handled by CodeMirror. The default is
- false.doc.findMarks(from: {line, ch}, to: {line, ch}) → array<TextMarker>
doc.findMarksAt(pos: {line, ch}) → array<TextMarker>
doc.getAllMarks() → array<TextMarker>
cm.setGutterMarker(line: integer|LineHandle, gutterID: string, value: Element) → LineHandle
- to the given value. Value can be either null
, to
- clear the marker, or a DOM element, to set it. The DOM element
- will be shown in the specified gutter next to the specified
- string)
doc.addLineClass(line: integer|LineHandle, where: string, class: string) → LineHandle
- can be a number or a line handle. where
- to which element this class should be applied, can can be one
- of "text"
(the text element, which lies in front of
- the selection), "background"
(a background element
- that will be behind the selection), "gutter"
- line's gutter space), or "wrap"
(the wrapper node
- that wraps all of the line's elements, including gutter
- elements). class
should be the name of the class to
- apply.doc.removeLineClass(line: integer|LineHandle, where: string, class: string) → LineHandle
can be a
- line handle or number. where
should be one
- of "text"
, "background"
- or "wrap"
- (see addLineClass
). class
- can be left off to remove all classes for the specified node, or
- be a string to remove only a specific integer|LineHandle) → object
{line, handle, text,
- gutterMarkers, textClass, bgClass, wrapClass, widgets}
- where gutterMarkers
is an object mapping gutter IDs
- to marker elements, and widgets
is an array
- of line widgets attached to this
- line, and the various class properties refer to classes added
- with addLineClass
.cm.addWidget(pos: {line, ch}, node: Element, scrollIntoView: boolean)
, which should be an absolutely
- positioned DOM node, into the editor, positioned right below the
- given {line, ch}
- When scrollIntoView
is true, the editor will ensure
- that the entire node is visible (if possible). To remove the
- widget again, simply use DOM methods (move it somewhere else, or
- call removeChild
on its parent).doc.addLineWidget(line: integer|LineHandle, node: Element, ?options: object) → LineWidget
should be either an integer or a
- line handle, and node
should be a DOM node, which
- will be displayed below the given line. options
- when given, should be an object that configures the behavior of
- the widget. The following options are supported (all default to
- false):
- coverGutter: boolean
noHScroll: boolean
above: boolean
handleMouseEvents: boolean
insertAt: integer
- pointing at the line handle that it is associated with, and the following methods:
- clear()
cm.setSize(width: number|string, height: number|string)
and height
- can be either numbers (interpreted as pixels) or CSS units
- ("100%"
, for example). You can
- pass null
for either of them to indicate that that
- dimension should not be number, y: number)
- or undefined
to have no → {left, top, width, height, clientWidth, clientHeight}
{left, top, width, height, clientWidth,
- clientHeight}
object that represents the current scroll
- position, the size of the scrollable area, and the size of the
- visible area (minus scrollbars).cm.scrollIntoView(what: {line, ch}|{left, top, right, bottom}|{from, to}|null, ?margin: number)
- be null
to scroll the cursor into view,
- a {line, ch}
position to scroll a character into
- view, a {left, top, right, bottom}
pixel range (in
- editor-local coordinates), or a range {from, to}
- containing either two character positions or two pixel squares.
- The margin
parameter is optional. When given, it
- indicates the amount of vertical pixels around the given area
- that should be made visible as boolean|{line, ch}, mode: string) → {left, top, bottom}
{left, top, bottom}
- containing the coordinates of the cursor position.
- If mode
is "local"
, they will be
- relative to the top-left corner of the editable document. If it
- is "page"
or not given, they are relative to the
- top-left corner of the page. If mode
- is "window"
, the coordinates are relative to the
- top-left corner of the currently visible (scrolled)
- window. where
can be a boolean indicating whether
- you want the start (true
) or the end
- (false
) of the selection, or, if a {line,
- ch}
object is given, it specifies the precise position at
- which you want to {line, ch}, ?mode: string) → {left, right, top, bottom}
should be a {line, ch}
- object. This differs from cursorCoords
in that
- it'll give the size of the whole character, rather than just the
- position that the cursor would have when it would sit at that
- {left, top}, ?mode: string) → {line, ch}
{left, top}
object, returns
- the {line, ch}
position that corresponds to it. The
- optional mode
parameter determines relative to what
- the coordinates are interpreted. It may
- be "window"
, "page"
(the default),
- or "local"
.cm.lineAtHeight(height: number, ?mode: string) → number
can be one of the same strings
- that coordsChar
- integer|LineHandle, ?mode: string) → number
- (see coordsChar
), which
- defaults to "page"
. When a line below the bottom of
- the document is specified, the returned value is the bottom of
- the last line in the → number
cm.defaultCharWidth() → number
cm.getViewport() → {from: number, to: number}
{from, to}
object indicating the
- start (inclusive) and end (exclusive) of the currently rendered
- part of the document. In big documents, when most content is
- scrolled out of view, CodeMirror will only render the visible
- part, and a margin around it. See also
- the viewportChange
When writing language-aware functionality, it can often be - useful to hook into the knowledge that the CodeMirror language - mode has. See the section on modes for a - more detailed description of how these work.
- -doc.getMode() → object
, which gives you
- the mode specification, rather than the resolved, instantiated
- mode {line, ch}) → object
- simple modes, but will return an inner mode for nesting modes
- (such as htmlmixed
).cm.getTokenAt(pos: {line, ch}, ?precise: boolean) → object
{line, ch}
object). The
- returned object has the following properties:
- start
- or "comment"
(may also be null).state
is true, the token will be guaranteed to be accurate based on recent edits. If false or
- not specified, the token will use cached state information, which will be faster but might not be accurate if
- edits were recently made and highlighting has not yet completed.
- cm.getLineTokens(line: integer, ?precise: boolean) → array<{start, end, string, type, state}>
, but
- collects all tokens for a given line into an array. It is much
- cheaper than repeatedly calling getTokenAt
, which
- re-parses the part of the line before the token for every {line, ch}) → string
useful for
- when you just need the type of the token at a given position,
- and no other information. Will return null
- unstyled tokens, and a string, potentially containing multiple
- space-separated style names, {line, ch}, type: string) → array<helper>
argument provides
- the helper namespace (see
- registerHelper
), in
- which the values will be looked up. When the mode itself has a
- property that corresponds to the type
, that
- directly determines the keys that are used to look up the helper
- values (it may be either a single string, or an array of
- strings). Failing that, the mode's helperType
- property and finally the mode's name are used.fold
containing "brace"
. When
- the brace-fold
addon is loaded, that defines a
- helper named brace
in the fold
- namespace. This is then used by
- the foldcode
addon to
- figure out that it can use that folding function to fold
- JavaScript {line, ch}, type: string) → helper
.cm.getStateAfter(?line: integer, ?precise: boolean) → object
is defined
- as in getTokenAt()
.cm.operation(func: () → any) → any
cm.indentLine(line: integer, ?dir: string|integer)
) may be one of:
- "prev"
cm.toggleOverwrite(?value: boolean)
cm.isReadOnly() → boolean
, the
- string "\n"
is string)
doc.posFromIndex(index: integer) → {line, ch}
{line, ch}
object for a
- zero-based index
who's value is relative to the start of the
- editor's text. If the index
is out of range of the text then
- the returned object is clipped to start or end of the text
- respectively.doc.indexFromPos(object: {line, ch}) → integer
cm.getInputField() → Element
- → Element
cm.getScrollerElement() → Element
cm.getGutterElement() → Element
The CodeMirror
object itself provides
- several useful properties.
CodeMirror.version: string
- where patch
is zero for releases, and something
- else (usually one) for dev snapshots.CodeMirror.fromTextArea(textArea: TextAreaElement, ?config: object)
cm.getTextArea() → TextAreaElement
CodeMirror.defaults: object
CodeMirror.defineExtension(name: string, value: any)
. This will cause the given
- value (usually a method) to be added to all CodeMirror instances
- created from then on.CodeMirror.defineDocExtension(name: string, value: any)
- but the method will be added to the interface
- for Doc
objects instead.CodeMirror.defineOption(name: string,
- default: any, updateFunc: function)
can be used to define new options for
- CodeMirror. The updateFunc
will be called with the
- editor instance and the new value when an editor is initialized,
- and whenever the option is modified
- through setOption
.CodeMirror.defineInitHook(func: function)
. Give it a function as
- its only argument, and from then on, that function will be called
- (with the instance as argument) whenever a new CodeMirror instance
- is initialized.CodeMirror.registerHelper(type: string, name: string, value: helper)
- the given namespace (type
). This is used to define
- functionality that may be looked up by mode. Will create (if it
- doesn't already exist) a property on the CodeMirror
- object for the given type
, pointing to an object
- that maps names to values. I.e. after
- doing CodeMirror.registerHelper("hint", "foo",
- myFoo)
, the value
- point to myFoo
.CodeMirror.registerGlobalHelper(type: string, name: string, predicate: fn(mode, CodeMirror), value: helper)
- but also registers this helper as 'global', meaning that it will
- be included by getHelpers
- whenever the given predicate
returns true when
- called with the local mode and editor.CodeMirror.Pos(line: integer, ?ch: integer)
{line, ch}
objects that
- are used to represent positions in editor documents.CodeMirror.changeEnd(change: object) → {line, ch}
, to
- and text
properties, as passed to
- various event handlers). The
- returned position will be the end of the changed
- range, after the change is applied.The addon
directory in the distribution contains a
- number of reusable components that implement extra editor
- functionality (on top of extension functions
- like defineOption
, defineExtension
- and registerHelper
). In
- brief, they are:
openDialog(template, callback, options) →
- closeFunction
method to CodeMirror instances,
- which can be called with an HTML fragment or a detached DOM
- node that provides the prompt (should include an input
- or button
tag), and a callback function that is called
- when the user presses enter. It returns a function closeFunction
- which, if called, will close the dialog immediately.
- openDialog
takes the following options:
- closeOnEnter
:(event, value, closeFunction)
- that will be called whenever keydown
fires in the
- dialog's input. If your callback returns true
- the dialog will not do any further processing of the event.onKeyUp
but for the
- keyup
but for the
- input
- that will be called after the dialog has been closed and
- removed from the DOM. No return value.Also adds an openNotification(template, options) →
- closeFunction
function that simply shows an HTML
- fragment as a notification at the top of the editor. It takes a
- single option: duration
, the amount of time after
- which the notification will be automatically closed. If
- duration
is zero, the dialog will not be closed automatically.
Depends on addon/dialog/dialog.css
getSearchCursor(query, start, caseFold) →
- cursor
method to CodeMirror instances, which can be used
- to implement search/replace functionality. query
- can be a regular expression or a string (only strings will match
- across lines—if they contain newlines). start
- provides the starting position of the search. It can be
- a {line, ch}
object, or can be left off to default
- to the start of the document. caseFold
is only
- relevant when matching a string. It will cause the search to be
- case-insensitive. A search cursor has the following methods:
- findNext() → boolean
findPrevious() → boolean
method, in case you
- want to extract matched groups.from() → {line, ch}
to() → {line, ch}
or findPrevious
- not return false. They will return {line, ch}
- objects pointing at the start and end of the match.replace(text: string, ?origin: string)
, and will make use
- of openDialog
- available to make prompting for search queries less
command and binding Alt-G
to it.
- Accepts linenumber
, +/-linenumber
, line:char
- scroll%
and :linenumber
- This will make use of openDialog
- when available to make prompting for line number
method to editor
- instances, which should be given a query (string or regular
- expression), optionally a case-fold flag (only applicable for
- strings), and optionally a class name (defaults
- to CodeMirror-search-match
) as arguments. When
- called, matches of the given query will be displayed on the
- editor's vertical scrollbar. The method returns an object with
- a clear
method that can be called to remove the
- matches. Depends on
- the annotatescrollbar
- addon, and
- the matchesonscrollbar.css
- file provides a default (transparent yellowish) definition of
- the CSS class applied to the matches. Note that the matches are
- only perfectly aligned if your scrollbar does not have buttons
- at the top and bottom. You can use
- the simplescrollbar
- addon to make sure of this. If this addon is loaded,
- the search
addon will
- automatically use it.edit/matchbrackets.js
which, when set
- to true, causes matching brackets to be highlighted whenever the
- cursor is next to them. It also adds a
- method matchBrackets
that forces this to happen
- once, and a method findMatchingBracket
that can be
- used to run the bracket-finding algorithm that this uses
- internally.edit/closebrackets.js
that will
- auto-close brackets and quotes when typed. By default, it'll
- auto-close ()[]{}''""
, but you can pass it a string
- similar to that (containing pairs of matching characters), or an
- object with pairs
- optionally explode
properties to customize
- it. explode
should be a similar string that gives
- the pairs of characters that, when enter is pressed between
- them, should have the second character also moved to its own
- line. Demo here.matchTags
that, when enabled,
- will cause the tags around the cursor to be highlighted (using
- the CodeMirror-matchingtag
class). Also
- defines
- a command toMatchingTag
- which you can bind a key to in order to jump to the tag matching
- the one under the cursor. Depends on
- the addon/fold/xml-fold.js
- addon. Demo here.edit/trailingspace.js
which, when
- enabled, adds the CSS class cm-trailingspace
- stretches of whitespace at the end of lines.
- The demo has a nice
- squiggly underline style for this class.edit/closetag.js
option that will
- auto-close XML tags when '>
' or '/
- is typed, and
- a closeTag
command that
- closes the nearest open tag. Depends on
- the fold/xml-fold.js
addon. See
- the demo.edit/continuelist.js
- that can be bound to enter
to automatically
- insert the leading characters for continuing a list. See
- the Markdown mode
- demo.comment/comment.js
toggleComment(from: {line, ch}, to: {line, ch}, ?options: object)
lineComment(from: {line, ch}, to: {line, ch}, ?options: object)
when no line comment
- style is defined for the mode.blockComment(from: {line, ch}, to: {line, ch}, ?options: object)
when no block comment
- style is defined for the mode.uncomment(from: {line, ch}, to: {line, ch}, ?options: object) → boolean
if a comment range was found and
- removed, false
object accepted by these methods may
- have the following properties:
- blockCommentStart, blockCommentEnd, blockCommentLead, lineComment: string
padding: string
commentBlankLines: boolean
indent: boolean
fullLines: boolean
- which is a shorthand command for calling
- toggleComment
with no options.fold/foldcode.js
- to editor instances, which will try to do a code fold starting
- at the given line, or unfold the fold that is already present.
- The method takes as first argument the position that should be
- folded (may be a line number or
- a Pos
), and as second optional
- argument either a range-finder function, or an options object,
- supporting the following properties:
- rangeFinder: fn(CodeMirror, Pos)
, which
- uses getHelpers
- a "fold"
type to find folding functions
- appropriate for the local mode. There are files in
- the addon/fold/
- directory providing CodeMirror.fold.brace
, which
- finds blocks in brace languages (JavaScript, C, Java,
- etc), CodeMirror.fold.indent
, for languages where
- indentation determines block structure (Python, Haskell),
- and CodeMirror.fold.xml
, for XML-style languages,
- and CodeMirror.fold.comment
, for folding comment
- blocks.widget: string|Element
, or a DOM node.scanUp: boolean
minFoldSize: integer
, which can be
- used to create a gutter with markers indicating the blocks that
- can be folded. Create a gutter using
- the gutters
- giving it the class CodeMirror-foldgutter
- something else if you configure the addon to use a different
- class, and this addon will show markers next to folded and
- foldable blocks, and handle clicks in this gutter. Note that
- CSS styles should be applied to make the gutter, and the fold
- markers within it, visible. A default set of CSS styles are
- available in:
- addon/fold/foldgutter.css
- .
- The option
- can be either set to true
, or an object containing
- the following optional option fields:
- gutter: string
. You will have to
- style this yourself to give it a width (and possibly a
- background). See the default gutter style rules above.indicatorOpen: string | Element
.indicatorFolded: string | Element
.rangeFinder: fn(CodeMirror, Pos)
- will be used as default.foldOptions
editor option can be set to an
- object to provide an editor-wide default configuration.
- Demo here.runmode/runmode.js
for an example of using the latter).runmode/colorize.js
addon (or
- its standalone variant). Provides
- a CodeMirror.colorize
function that can be called
- with an array (or other array-ish collection) of DOM nodes that
- represent the code snippets. By default, it'll get
- all pre
tags. Will read the data-lang
- attribute of these nodes to figure out their language, and
- syntax-color their content using the relevant CodeMirror mode
- (you'll have to load the scripts for the relevant modes
- yourself). A second argument may be provided to give a default
- mode, used when no language attribute is found for a node. Used
- in this manual to highlight example code.mode/overlay.js
, which is used to
- create such a mode. See this
- demo for a detailed example.mode/multiplex.js
which, when
- given as first argument a mode object, and as other arguments
- any number of {open, close, mode [, delimStyle, innerStyle, parseDelimiters]}
- objects, will return a mode object that starts parsing using the
- mode passed as first argument, but will switch to another mode
- as soon as it encounters a string that occurs in one of
- the open
fields of the passed objects. When in a
- sub-mode, it will go back to the top mode again when
- the close
string is encountered.
- Pass "\n"
for open
or close
- if you want to switch on a blank line.
- delimStyle
is specified, it will be the token
- style returned for the delimiter tokens (as well as
- [delimStyle]-open
on the opening token and
- [delimStyle]-close
on the closing token).innerStyle
is specified, it will be the token
- style added for each inner mode token.parseDelimiters
is true, the content of
- the delimiters will also be passed to the inner mode.
- (And delimStyle
is ignored.)hint/show-hint.js
, which takes an optional
- options object, and pops up a widget that allows the user to
- select a completion. Finding hints is done with a hinting
- functions (the hint
option), which is a function
- that take an editor instance and options object, and return
- a {list, from, to}
object, where list
- is an array of strings or objects (the completions),
- and from
and to
give the start and end
- of the token that is being completed as {line, ch}
- objects. An optional selectedHint
property (an
- integer) can be added to the completion object to control the
- initially selected
, which
- calls getHelpers
- the "hint"
type to find applicable hinting
- functions, and tries them one by one. If that fails, it looks
- for a "hintWords"
helper to fetch a list of
- completable words for the mode, and
- uses CodeMirror.hint.fromList
to complete from
- those.text: string
displayText: string
className: string
render: fn(Element, self, data)
hint: fn(CodeMirror, self, data)
from: {line, ch}
position that will be used by pick()
- of the global one passed with the full list of {line, ch}
position that will be used by pick()
- of the global one passed with the full list of completions.hint: function
property on a hinting function to
- true, in which case it will be called with
- arguments (cm, callback, ?options)
, and the
- completion interface will only be popped up when the hinting
- function calls the callback, passing it the object holding the
- completions.
- The hinting function can also return a promise, and the completion
- interface will only be popped when the promise resolves.
- By default, hinting only works when there is no
- selection. You can give a hinting function
- a supportsSelection
property with a truthy value
- to indicate that it supports selections.completeSingle: boolean
alignWithWord: boolean
closeOnUnfocus: boolean
customKeys: keymap
, setFocus(n)
, pick()
- and close()
methods (see the source for details),
- that can be used to change the focused element, pick the
- current element or close the menu. Additionally menuSize()
- can give you access to the size of the current dropdown menu,
- length
give you the number of available completions, and
- data
give you full access to the completion returned by the
- hinting function.extraKeys: keymap
above, but the bindings will
- be added to the set of default bindings, instead of replacing
- them."shown" ()
"select" (completion, Element)
"pick" (completion)
"close" ()
. Check
- out the demo for an
- example.hint/javascript-hint.js
) and CoffeeScript
- (CodeMirror.hint.coffeescript
) code. This will
- simply use the JavaScript environment that the editor runs in as
- a source of information about objects and their properties.hint/xml-hint.js
, which produces
- hints for XML tagnames, attribute names, and attribute values,
- guided by a schemaInfo
option (a property of the
- second argument passed to the hinting function, or the third
- argument passed to CodeMirror.showHint
- containing a list of the names of valid top-level tags. The
- values of the properties should be objects with optional
- properties children
(an array of valid child
- element names, omit to simply allow all tags to appear)
- and attrs
(an object mapping attribute names
- to null
for free-form attributes, and an array of
- valid values for restricted
- attributes). Demo
- here.hint/html-hint.js
that you can pass to
- as a schemaInfo
option, and
- a CodeMirror.hint.html
hinting function that
- automatically calls CodeMirror.hint.xml
with this
- schema data. See
- the demo.hint/css-hint.js
) that simply looks for
- words in the nearby code and completes to those. Takes two
- optional options, word
, a regular expression that
- matches words (sequences of one or more character),
- and range
, which defines how many lines the addon
- should scan when completing (defaults to 500).hint/sql-hint.js
- Takes two optional options, tables
, a object with
- table names as keys and array of respective column names as values,
- and defaultTable
, a string corresponding to a
- table name in tables
option that
- can be enabled to highlight all instances of a currently
- selected word. Can be set either to true or to an object
- containing the following options: minChars
, for the
- minimum amount of selected characters that triggers a highlight
- (default 2), style
, for the style to be used to
- highlight the matches (default "matchhighlight"
- which will correspond to CSS
- class cm-matchhighlight
), trim
, which
- controls whether whitespace is trimmed from the selection,
- and showToken
which can be set to true
- or to a regexp matching the characters that make up a word. When
- enabled, it causes the current word to be highlighted when
- nothing is selected (defaults to off).
- Demo here.lint/lint.js
- json-lint.js
- javascript-lint.js
- coffeescript-lint.js
- and css-lint.js
- in the same directory). Defines a lint
option that
- can be set to an annotation source (for
- example CodeMirror.lint.javascript
), to an options
- object (in which case the getAnnotations
field is
- used as annotation source), or simply to true
. When
- no annotation source is
- specified, getHelper
- type "lint"
is used to find an annotation function.
- An annotation source function should, when given a document
- string, an options object, and an editor instance, return an
- array of {message, severity, from, to}
- representing problems. When the function has
- an async
property with a truthy value, it will be
- called with an additional second argument, which is a callback
- to pass the array to. By default, the linter will run
- (debounced) whenever the document is changed. You can pass
- a lintOnChange: false
option to disable that.
- Depends on addon/lint/lint.css
. A demo can be
- found here.selection/mark-selection.js
when the styleSelectedText
- is enabled. Useful to change the colour of the selection (in addition to the background),
- like in this demo.selection/active-line.js
option that, when enabled,
- gives the wrapper of the active line the class CodeMirror-activeline
- adds a background with the class CodeMirror-activeline-background
- and adds the class CodeMirror-activeline-gutter
to the
- line's gutter space is enabled. See the
- demo.selection/selection-pointer.js
option which you can
- use to control the mouse cursor appearance when hovering over
- the selection. It can be set to a string,
- like "pointer"
, or to true, in which case
- the "default"
(arrow) cursor will be used. You can
- see a demo here.mode/loadmode.js
- callback)
function that will try to load a given mode and
- call the callback when it succeeded. You'll have to
- set CodeMirror.modeURL
to a string that mode paths
- can be constructed from, for
- example "mode/%N/%N.js"
—the %N
's will
- be replaced with the mode name. Also
- defines CodeMirror.autoLoadMode(instance, mode)
- which will ensure the given mode is loaded and cause the given
- editor instance to refresh its mode when the loading
- succeeded. See the demo.mode/meta.js
, an array of objects
- with {name, mime, mode}
- where name
is the human-readable
- name, mime
the MIME type, and mode
- name of the mode file that defines this MIME. There are optional
- properties mimes
, which holds an array of MIME
- types for modes with multiple MIMEs associated,
- and ext
, which holds an array of file extensions
- associated with this mode. Four convenience
- functions, CodeMirror.findModeByMIME
- CodeMirror.findModeByExtension
- CodeMirror.findModeByFileName
- and CodeMirror.findModeByName
are provided, which
- return such an object given a MIME, extension, file name or mode name
- string. Note that, for historical reasons, this file resides in the
- top-level mode
directory, not
- under addon
. Demo.comment/continuecomment.js
option, which sets whether the
- editor will make the next line continue a comment when you press Enter
- inside a comment block. Can be set to a boolean to enable/disable this
- functionality. Set to a string, it will continue comments using a custom
- shortcut. Set to an object, it will use the key
property for
- a custom shortcut and the boolean continueLineComment
- property to determine whether single-line comments should be continued
- (defaulting to true
option that can be used to
- make content appear in the editor when it is empty and not
- focused. It can hold either a string or a DOM node. Also gives
- the editor a CodeMirror-empty
CSS class whenever it
- doesn't contain any text.
- See the demo.display/fullscreen.js
that, when set
- to true
, will make the editor full-screen (as in,
- taking up the whole browser window). Depends
- on fullscreen.css
. Demo
- here.display/autorefresh.js
when the editor
- becomes visible. It defines an option autoRefresh
- which you can set to true to ensure that, if the editor wasn't
- visible on initialization, it will be refreshed the first time
- it becomes visible. This is done by polling every 250
- milliseconds (you can pass a value like {delay:
- 500}
as the option value to configure this). Note that
- this addon will only refresh the editor once when it
- first becomes visible, and won't take care of further restyling
- and resizing.scroll/simplescrollbars.js
and "overlay"
- (see demo) that can
- be selected with
- the scrollbarStyle
- option. Depends
- on simplescrollbars.css
- which can be further overridden to style your own
- scrollbars.scroll/annotatescrollbar.js
to editor instances that
- can be called, with a CSS class name as argument, to create a
- set of annotations. The method returns an object
- whose update
method can be called with an array
- of {from: Pos, to: Pos}
objects marking the ranges
- to be highlighted. To detach the annotations, call the
- object's clear
option, which can be used to show
- one or more vertical rulers in the editor. The option, if
- defined, should be given an array of {column [, className,
- color, lineStyle, width]}
objects or numbers (which
- indicate a column). The ruler will be displayed at the column
- indicated by the number or the column
- The className
property can be used to assign a
- custom style to a ruler. Demo
- here.display/panel.js
method for CodeMirror
- instances, which places a DOM node above or below an editor, and
- shrinks the editor to make room for the node. The method takes
- as first argument as DOM node, and as second an optional options
- object. The Panel
object returned by this method
- has a clear
method that is used to remove the
- panel, and a changed
method that can be used to
- notify the addon when the size of the panel's DOM node has
- changed.position : string
top (default)
before : Panel
after : Panel
replace : Panel
, before
or replace
- if the panel doesn't exists or has been removed,
- the value of the position
option will be used as a fallback.
- wrap/hardwrap.js
wrapParagraph(?pos: {line, ch}, ?options: object)
is not given, it defaults to the cursor
- position.wrapRange(from: {line, ch}, to: {line, ch}, ?options: object)
wrapParagraphsInRange(from: {line, ch}, to: {line, ch}, ?options: object)
paragraphStart, paragraphEnd: RegExp
column: number
wrapOn: RegExp
killTrailingSpace: boolean
- constructor takes arguments similar to
- the CodeMirror
- constructor, first a node to append the interface to, and then
- an options object. Options are passed through to the editors
- inside the view. These extra options are recognized:
- origLeft
and origRight: string
revertButtons: boolean
connect: string
, the smaller chunk is padded to
- align with the bigger chunk instead.collapseIdentical: boolean|number
allowEditingOriginals: boolean
showDifferences: boolean
- and "goPrevDiff"
to quickly jump to the next
- changed chunk. Demo
- here.tern/tern.js
Modes typically consist of a single JavaScript file. This file - defines, in the simplest case, a lexer (tokenizer) for your - language—a function that takes a character stream as input, - advances it past a token, and returns a style for that token. More - advanced modes can also handle indentation for the language.
- -This section describes the low-level mode interface. Many modes - are written directly against this, since it offers a lot of - control, but for a quick mode definition, you might want to use - the simple mode addon.
- -The mode script should
- call CodeMirror.defineMode
- register itself with CodeMirror. This function takes two
- arguments. The first should be the name of the mode, for which you
- should use a lowercase string, preferably one that is also the
- name of the files that define the mode (i.e. "xml"
- defined in xml.js
). The second argument should be a
- function that, given a CodeMirror configuration object (the thing
- passed to the CodeMirror
function) and an optional
- mode configuration object (as in
- the mode
option), returns
- a mode object.
Typically, you should use this second argument
- to defineMode
as your module scope function (modes
- should not leak anything into the global scope!), i.e. write your
- whole mode inside this function.
The main responsibility of a mode script is parsing - the content of the editor. Depending on the language and the - amount of functionality desired, this can be done in really easy - or extremely complicated ways. Some parsers can be stateless, - meaning that they look at one element (token) of the code - at a time, with no memory of what came before. Most, however, will - need to remember something. This is done by using a state - object, which is an object that is always passed when - reading a token, and which can be mutated by the tokenizer.
- -Modes that use a state must define
- a startState
method on their mode
- object. This is a function of no arguments that produces a state
- object to be used at the start of a document.
The most important part of a mode object is
- its token(stream, state)
method. All
- modes must define this method. It should read one token from the
- stream it is given as an argument, optionally update its state,
- and return a style string, or null
for tokens that do
- not have to be styled. For your styles, you are encouraged to use
- the 'standard' names defined in the themes (without
- the cm-
prefix). If that fails, it is also possible
- to come up with your own and write your own CSS theme file.
- -
A typical token string would
- be "variable"
or "comment"
. Multiple
- styles can be returned (separated by spaces), for
- example "string error"
for a thing that looks like a
- string but is invalid somehow (say, missing its closing quote).
- When a style is prefixed by "line-"
- or "line-background-"
, the style will be applied to
- the whole line, analogous to what
- the addLineClass
- does—styling the "text"
in the simple case, and
- the "background"
- when "line-background-"
is prefixed.
The stream object that's passed
- to token
encapsulates a line of code (tokens may
- never span lines) and our current position in that line. It has
- the following API:
eol() → boolean
sol() → boolean
peek() → string
at the end of the
- → string
when no more characters are
- string|regexp|function(char: string) → boolean) → string
can be a character, a regular expression,
- or a function that takes a character and returns a boolean. If
- the next character in the stream 'matches' the given argument,
- it is consumed and returned. Otherwise, undefined
- is returned.eatWhile(match: string|regexp|function(char: string) → boolean) → boolean
with the given argument,
- until it fails. Returns true if any characters were eaten.eatSpace() → boolean
when matching
- white-space.skipToEnd()
skipTo(ch: string) → boolean
match(pattern: string, ?consume: boolean, ?caseFold: boolean) → boolean
match(pattern: regexp, ?consume: boolean) → array<string>
—if consume
is true
- or not given—or a look-ahead that doesn't update the stream
- position—if it is false. pattern
can be either a
- string or a regular expression starting with ^
- When it is a string, caseFold
can be set to true to
- make the match case-insensitive. When successfully matching a
- regular expression, the returned value will be the array
- returned by match
, in case you need to extract
- matched groups.backUp(n: integer)
characters. Backing it up
- further than the start of the current token will cause things to
- break, so be careful.column() → integer
indentation() → integer
current() → string
By default, blank lines are simply skipped when
- tokenizing a document. For languages that have significant blank
- lines, you can define
- a blankLine(state)
method on your
- mode that will get called whenever a blank line is passed over, so
- that it can update the parser state.
Because state object are mutated, and CodeMirror
- needs to keep valid versions of a state around so that it can
- restart a parse at any line, copies must be made of state objects.
- The default algorithm used is that a new state object is created,
- which gets all the properties of the old object. Any properties
- which hold arrays get a copy of these arrays (since arrays tend to
- be used as mutable stacks). When this is not correct, for example
- because a mode mutates non-array properties of its state object, a
- mode object should define
- a copyState
method, which is given a
- state and should return a safe copy of that state.
If you want your mode to provide smart indentation
- (through the indentLine
- method and the indentAuto
- and newlineAndIndent
commands, to which keys can be
- bound), you must define
- an indent(state, textAfter)
- on your mode object.
The indentation method should inspect the given state object,
- and optionally the textAfter
string, which contains
- the text on the line that is being indented, and return an
- integer, the amount of spaces to indent. It should usually take
- the indentUnit
- option into account. An indentation method may
- return CodeMirror.Pass
to indicate that it
- could not come up with a precise indentation.
To work well with
- the commenting addon, a mode may
- define lineComment
(string that
- starts a line
- comment), blockCommentStart
, blockCommentEnd
- (strings that start and end block comments),
- and blockCommentLead
(a string to put at the start of
- continued lines in a block comment). All of these are
- optional.
Finally, a mode may define either
- an electricChars
or an electricInput
- property, which are used to automatically reindent the line when
- certain patterns are typed and
- the electricChars
- option is enabled. electricChars
may be a string, and
- will trigger a reindent whenever one of the characters in that
- string are typed. Often, it is more appropriate to
- use electricInput
, which should hold a regular
- expression, and will trigger indentation when the part of the
- line before the cursor matches the expression. It should
- usually end with a $
character, so that it only
- matches when the indentation-changing pattern was just typed, not when something was
- typed after the pattern.
So, to summarize, a mode must provide
- a token
method, and it may
- provide startState
, copyState
- and indent
methods. For an example of a trivial mode,
- see the diff mode, for a more
- involved example, see the C-like
- mode.
Sometimes, it is useful for modes to nest—to have one
- mode delegate work to another mode. An example of this kind of
- mode is the mixed-mode HTML
- mode. To implement such nesting, it is usually necessary to
- create mode objects and copy states yourself. To create a mode
- object, there are CodeMirror.getMode(options,
- parserConfig)
, where the first argument is a configuration
- object as passed to the mode constructor function, and the second
- argument is a mode specification as in
- the mode
option. To copy a
- state object, call CodeMirror.copyState(mode, state)
- where mode
is the mode that created the given
- state.
In a nested mode, it is recommended to add an
- extra method, innerMode
which, given
- a state object, returns a {state, mode}
object with
- the inner mode and its state for the current position. These are
- used by utility scripts such as the tag
- closer to get context information. Use
- the CodeMirror.innerMode
helper function to, starting
- from a mode and a state, recursively walk down to the innermost
- mode and state.
To make indentation work properly in a nested parser, it is
- advisable to give the startState
method of modes that
- are intended to be nested an optional argument that provides the
- base indentation for the block of code. The JavaScript and CSS
- parser do this, for example, to allow JavaScript and CSS code
- inside the mixed-mode HTML mode to be properly indented.
It is possible, and encouraged, to associate
- your mode, or a certain configuration of your mode, with
- a MIME type. For
- example, the JavaScript mode associates itself
- with text/javascript
, and its JSON variant
- with application/json
. To do this,
- call CodeMirror.defineMIME(mime,
- modeSpec)
, where modeSpec
can be a string or
- object specifying a mode, as in
- the mode
If a mode specification wants to add some properties to the
- resulting mode object, typically for use
- with getHelpers
, it may
- contain a modeProps
property, which holds an object.
- This object's properties will be copied to the actual mode
- object.
Sometimes, it is useful to add or override mode
- object properties from external code.
- The CodeMirror.extendMode
- can be used to add properties to mode objects produced for a
- specific mode. Its first argument is the name of the mode, its
- second an object that specifies the properties that should be
- added. This is mostly useful to add utilities that can later be
- looked up through getMode
CodeMirror has a robust VIM mode that attempts to faithfully
- emulate VIM's most useful features. It can be enabled by
- including keymap/vim.js
- and setting the keyMap
option to
- "vim"
VIM mode accepts configuration options for customizing
- behavior at run time. These methods can be called at any time
- and will affect all existing CodeMirror instances unless
- specified otherwise. The methods are exposed on the
- CodeMirror.Vim
setOption(name: string, value: any, ?cm: CodeMirror, ?cfg: object)
- be the name of an option. If cfg.scope
is not set
- and cm
is provided, then sets the global and
- instance values of the option. Otherwise, sets either the
- global or instance value of the option depending on whether
- cfg.scope
is global
- local
.getOption(name: string, ?cm: CodeMirror: ?cfg: object)
is not set and cm
- provided, then gets the instance value of the option, falling
- back to the global value if not set. If cfg.scope
is provided, then gets the global
- local
value without checking the string, rhs: string, ?context: string)
command. To map ; to : in VIM would be
- :map ; :
. That would translate to
-';', ':');
- The context
can be normal
- visual
, or insert
, which correspond
- to :nmap
, :vmap
, and
- :imap
- respectively.mapCommand(keys: string, type: string, name: string, ?args: object, ?extra: object)
- operator
, or action
type command.
- The args object is passed through to the command when it is
- invoked by the provided key sequence.
- extras.context
can be normal
- visual
, or insert
, to map the key
- sequence only in the corresponding mode.
- extras.isEdit
is applicable only to actions,
- determining whether it is recorded for replay for the
- .
single-repeat command.
- CodeMirror's VIM mode implements a large subset of VIM's core
- editing functionality. But since there's always more to be
- desired, there is a set of APIs for extending VIM's
- functionality. As with the configuration API, the methods are
- exposed on CodeMirror.Vim
and may
- be called at any time.
defineOption(name: string, default: any, type: string, ?aliases: array<string>, ?callback: function (?value: any, ?cm: CodeMirror) → ?any)
command. Type can be boolean
- string
, used for validation and by
- :set
to determine which syntax to accept. If a
- callback
is passed in, VIM does not store the value of the
- option itself, but instead uses the callback as a setter/getter. If the
- first argument to the callback is undefined
, then the
- callback should return the value of the option. Otherwise, it should set
- instead. Since VIM options have global and instance values, whether a
- CodeMirror
instance is passed in denotes whether the global
- or local value should be used. Consequently, it's possible for the
- callback to be called twice for a single setOption
- getOption
call. Note that right now, VIM does not support
- defining buffer-local options that do not have global values. If an
- option should not have a global value, either always ignore the
- cm
parameter in the callback, or always pass in a
- cfg.scope
to setOption
- getOption
.defineMotion(name: string, fn: function(cm: CodeMirror, head: {line, ch}, ?motionArgs: object}) → {line, ch})
- is the current position of the cursor. It can differ from
- cm.getCursor('head')
if VIM is in visual mode.
- motionArgs
is the object passed into
- mapCommand()
.defineOperator(name: string, fn: function(cm: CodeMirror, ?operatorArgs: object, ranges: array<{anchor, head}>) → ?{line, ch})
- defineMotion
. ranges
is the range
- of text the operator should operate on. If the cursor should
- be set to a certain position after the operation finishes, it
- can return a cursor object.defineAction(name: string, fn: function(cm: CodeMirror, ?actionArgs: object))
. Action commands
- can have arbitrary behavior, making them more flexible than
- motions and operators, at the loss of orthogonality.defineEx(name: string, ?prefix: string, fn: function(cm: CodeMirror, ?params: object))
- If a prefix is provided, it, and any prefixed substring of the
- name
beginning with the prefix
- be used to invoke the command. If the prefix
- falsy, then name
is used as the prefix.
- params.argString
contains the part of the prompted
- string after the command name. params.args
- params.argString
split by whitespace. If the
- command was prefixed with a
- line range
- params.line
and params.lineEnd
- be set.
- Create a pull - request if you'd like your project to be added to this list.
- -20-05-2016: Version 5.15.2:
- -20-05-2016: Version 5.15.0:
- -startState
method from several wrapping modes.async
and improve support for TypeScript type syntax.20-04-2016: Version 5.14.0:
- -posFromIndex
and indexFromPos
now take lineSeparator
when it is actually available@
: No longer return marks that touch but don't overlap given rangetrim
option to disable ignoring of whitespace21-03-2016: Version 5.13.2:
- -21-03-2016: Version 5.13:
- -"dragleave"
sometimes failed to find multi-line marks.swapDoc
.19-02-2016: Version 5.12:
- -unmap
method to unmap bindings.text/html
to parse HTML.=>
, <style>
, etc).matchClosing
option to configure whether mismatched closing tags should be highlighted as errors.20-01-2016: Version 5.11:
- -cut
, copy
, paste
, and touchstart
. It will also forward mousedown
for drag events21-12-2015: Version 5.10:
- -isReadOnly
events now has an origin
property.23-11-2015: Version 5.9:
- -20-10-2015: Version 5.8:
- -allowDropFileTypes
. Binary files can no longer be dropped into CodeMirror20-09-2015: Version 5.7:
- -acync
and ocal and binary numbers in JavaScript mode20-08-2015: Version 5.6:
- -readOnly
are now less likely to mess up indentationautorefresh
for refreshing an editor the first time it becomes visible, and html-lint
for using HTMLHintsearch
addon now recognizes \r
and \n
in pattern and replacement input20-07-2015: Version 5.5:
- -lineSeparator
(with corresponding method)
- findPersistent
command in
- the search addon, for a dialog
- that stays open as you cycle through matches25-06-2015: Version 5.4:
- -20-05-2015: Version 5.3:
- -show-hint
addon (completeSingle
option, "shown"
and "close"
statements, and roughly recognizes types and defined identifiers20-04-2015: Version 5.2:
- -show-hint
- asynchronous mode"textarea"
input stylelineWiseCopyCut
setting23-03-2015: Version 5.1:
- -goNextDiff
and goPrevDiff
.20-02-2015: Version 5.0:
- -inputStyle
to switch between hidden textarea and contenteditable input.getInputField
- method is no longer guaranteed to return a textarea.20-02-2015: Version 4.13:
- -closetag
demo handles the slash character.22-01-2015: Version 4.12:
- -closetag
- addon now defines a "closeTag"
to the mode metadata
- addon.sol
property to only match at the start
- of a line.selection-pointer
- to style the mouse cursor over the selection.9-01-2015: Version 4.11:
- -Unfortunately, 4.10 did not take care of the - Firefox scrolling issue entirely. This release adds two more patches - to address that.
- -29-12-2014: Version 4.10:
- -Emergency single-patch update to 4.9. Fixes - Firefox-specific problem where the cursor could end up behind the - horizontal scrollbar.
- -23-12-2014: Version 4.9:
- -22-11-2014: Version 4.8:
- -getLineTokens
styles in addLineClass
.20-10-2014: Version 4.7:
- -findModeByMIME
- and findModeByExtension
.19-09-2014: Version 4.6:
- -findWordAt
21-08-2014: Version 4.5:
- -goLineLeftSmart
21-07-2014: Version 4.4:
- -"change"
is still guaranteed to fire
- before "cursorActivity"
)23-06-2014: Version 4.3:
- -:substitute
, :global
- cursorBlinkRate
- to a negative value.19-05-2014: Version 4.2:
- -22-04-2014: Version 4.1:
- -"cursorActivity"
- event now fires after all other events for the operation (and only
- for handlers that were actually registered at the time the
- activity happened).insertSoftTab
.20-03-2014: Version 4.0:
- -This is a new major version of CodeMirror. There - are a few incompatible changes in the API. Upgrade - with care, and read the upgrading - guide.
- -22-04-2014: Version 3.24:
- -Merges the improvements from 4.1 that could - easily be applied to the 3.x code. Also improves the way the editor - size is updated when line widgets change.
- -20-03-2014: Version 3.23:
- -brackets
style to angle brackets, fix
- case-sensitivity of tags for HTML.21-02-2014: Version 3.22:
- -findMarks
method.16-01-2014: Version 3.21:
- -clearWhenEmpty
to control auto-removal.getHelpers
, and to register helpers matched on predicates with registerGlobalHelper
.21-11-2013: Version 3.20:
- -21-10-2013: Version 3.19:
- -23-09-2013: Version 3.18:
- -Emergency release to fix a problem in 3.17
- where .setOption("lineNumbers", false)
would raise an
- error.
23-09-2013: Version 3.17:
- -css-lint
, css-hint
.21-08-2013: Version 3.16:
- -CodeMirror.fold.comment
.29-07-2013: Version 3.15:
- -getModeAt
.20-06-2013: Version 3.14:
- -markText
- and addLineWidget
- now take a handleMouseEvents
- getTokenTypeAt
- and isClean
- and "inputRead"
.20-05-2013: Version 3.13:
- -cursorScrollMargin
and coverGutterNextToScrollbar
.19-04-2013: Version 3.12:
- -maxHighlightLength
- and historyEventDelay
- option for markText
.20-03-2013: Version 3.11:
- -collapserange
- formatting
, and simple-hint
- addons. plsql
and mysql
- (use sql
- addon now exposes an option, rather than a command.placeholder
, HTML completion.hasFocus
, defaultCharWidth
, renderLine
- dialog addon.21-02-2013: Version 3.1:
- -CodeMirror.Pass
to signal they
- didn't handle the key.simple-hint.js
- to setBookmark
- method to iterate over a document."beforeChange"
- and "beforeSelectionChange"
- events."hide"
- and "unhide"
- events to marked ranges.coordsChar
- interpretation of its argument to match the documentation.25-01-2013: Version 3.02:
- -Single-bugfix release. Fixes a problem that - prevents CodeMirror instances from being garbage-collected after - they become unused.
- -21-01-2013: Version 3.01:
- -/addon
. You might have to adjust your
- paths.rtlMoveVisually
option for line widgets.fixedGutter
option.10-12-2012: Version 3.0:
- -New major version. Only - partially backwards-compatible. See - the upgrading guide for more - information. Changes since release candidate 2:
- -20-11-2012: Version 3.0, release candidate 2:
- -addKeyMap
and removeKeyMap
and closetag
add-ons.20-11-2012: Version 3.0, release candidate 1:
- -addLineClass
- and removeLineClass
- drop setLineClass
method, use better undo-event-combining heuristic.22-10-2012: Version 3.0, beta 2:
- -gutterClick
option.19-09-2012: Version 3.0, beta 1:
- -21-01-2013: Version 2.38:
- -Integrate some bugfixes, enhancements to the vim keymap, and new - modes - (D, Sass, APL) - from the v3 branch.
- -20-12-2012: Version 2.37:
- -20-11-2012: Version 2.36:
- -scrollIntoView
method.22-10-2012: Version 2.35:
- -markText
/undo interaction.defineInitHook
function.19-09-2012: Version 2.34:
- -compareStates
is no longer needed.onHighlightComplete
no longer works.CodeMirror.version
property.23-08-2012: Version 2.33:
- -getViewPort
and onViewportChange
disabling handling (again).innerHTML
. Remove CodeMirror.htmlEscape
.23-07-2012: Version 2.32:
- -Emergency fix for a bug where an editor with - line wrapping on IE will break when there is no - scrollbar.
- -20-07-2012: Version 2.31:
- -setSize
method for programmatic resizing.getHistory
and setHistory
and getRange
.22-06-2012: Version 2.3:
- -getScrollInfo
method.23-05-2012: Version 2.25:
- -23-04-2012: Version 2.24:
- -dragDrop
- and onDragEvent
- options.compoundChange
API method.catchall
in key maps,
- add nofallthrough
boolean field instead.26-03-2012: Version 2.23:
- -setLineClass
- and cursorCoords
with a mode
method.27-02-2012: Version 2.22:
- -autoClearEmptyLines
option.27-01-2012: Version 2.21:
- -smartIndent
- option.readOnly
method.20-12-2011: Version 2.2:
- -coordsFromIndex
- to posFromIndex
- add indexFromPos
- method.21-11-2011: Version 2.18:
-Fixes TextMarker.clear
, which is broken in 2.17.
21-11-2011: Version 2.17:
.27-10-2011: Version 2.16:
now no longer clears history. Use clearHistory
for that.markText
- returns an object with clear
and find
- methods. Marked text is now more robust when edited.26-09-2011: Version 2.15:
-Fix bug that snuck into 2.14: Clicking the - character that currently has the cursor didn't re-focus the - editor.
- -26-09-2011: Version 2.14:
breaking cursor movement.23-08-2011: Version 2.13:
to API.smartHome
option.25-07-2011: Version 2.12:
for HTML-escaping.04-07-2011: Version 2.11:
method to search cursors, for cursor-preserving replacements.getStateAfter
API and compareState
mode API methods for finer-grained mode magic.getScrollerElement
API method to manipulate the scrolling DIV.07-06-2011: Version 2.1:
-Add - a theme system - (demo). Note that this is not - backwards-compatible—you'll have to update your styles and - modes!
- -07-06-2011: Version 2.02:
-26-05-2011: Version 2.01:
now worksonCursorActivity
interfered with onChange
mode for readOnly
option.28-03-2011: Version 2.0:
-CodeMirror 2 is a complete rewrite that's - faster, smaller, simpler to use, and less dependent on browser - quirks. See this - and this - for more information.
- -22-02-2011: Version 2.0 beta 2:
-Somewhat more mature API, lots of bugs shaken out.
- -17-02-2011: Version 0.94:
-tabMode: "spaces"
was modified slightly (now indents when something is selected).08-02-2011: Version 2.0 beta 1:
-CodeMirror 2 is a complete rewrite of - CodeMirror, no longer depending on an editable frame.
- -19-01-2011: Version 0.93:
method to instances created with fromTextArea
.28-03-2011: Version 1.0:
-17-12-2010: Version 0.92:
option is now officially
- supported and documented.onLineNumberClick
option added.onLoad
- onCursorActivity
callbacks. Old names still work, but
- are deprecated.11-11-2010: Version 0.91:
to update the code in the textarea.noScriptCaching
option (hack to ease development).02-10-2010: Version 0.9:
-height: "dynamic"
more robust.enterMode
and electricChars
options to make indentation even more customizable.firstLineNumber
rules by the CSS parser.22-07-2010: Version 0.8:
method to find the screen
- coordinates of the cursor.height: dynamic
mode, where the editor's
- height will adjust to the size of its content.toTextArea
method in instances created with
- fromTextArea
.27-04-2010: Version - 0.67:
-More consistent page-up/page-down behaviour
- across browsers. Fix some issues with hidden editors looping forever
- when line-numbers were enabled. Make PHP parser parse
- "\\"
correctly. Have jumpToLine
work on
- line handles, and add cursorLine
function to fetch the
- line handle where the cursor currently is. Add new
- setStylesheet
function to switch style-sheets in a
- running editor.
01-03-2010: Version - 0.66:
-Adds removeLine
method to API.
- Introduces the PLSQL parser.
- Marks XML errors by adding (rather than replacing) a CSS class, so
- that they can be disabled by modifying their style. Fixes several
- selection bugs, and a number of small glitches.
12-11-2009: Version - 0.65:
-Add support for having both line-wrapping and
- line-numbers turned on, make paren-highlighting style customisable
- (markParen
and unmarkParen
- options), work around a selection bug that Opera
- reintroduced in version 10.
23-10-2009: Version - 0.64:
-Solves some issues introduced by the
- paste-handling changes from the previous release. Adds
- setSpellcheck
, setTextWrapping
- setIndentUnit
, setUndoDepth
- setTabMode
, and setLineNumbers
- customise a running editor. Introduces an SQL parser. Fixes a few small
- problems in the Python
- parser. And, as usual, add workarounds for various newly discovered
- browser incompatibilities.
31-08-2009: Version 0.63:
-Overhaul of paste-handling (less fragile), fixes for several - serious IE8 issues (cursor jumping, end-of-document bugs) and a number - of small problems.
- -30-05-2009: Version 0.62:
-Introduces Python
- and Lua parsers. Add
- setParser
(on-the-fly mode changing) and
- clearHistory
methods. Make parsing passes time-based
- instead of lines-based (see the passTime
So you found a problem in CodeMirror. By all means, report it! Bug -reports from users are the main drive behind improvements to -CodeMirror. But first, please read over these points:
- -There are a few things in the 2.2 release that require some care -when upgrading.
- -The default theme is now included
-in codemirror.css
, so
-you do not have to included it separately anymore. (It was tiny, so
-even if you're not using it, the extra data overhead is negligible.)
CodeMirror has moved to a system -where keymaps are used to -bind behavior to keys. This means custom -bindings are now possible.
- -Three options that influenced key
-behavior, tabMode
, enterMode
-and smartHome
, are no longer supported. Instead, you can
-provide custom bindings to influence the way these keys act. This is
-done through the
-new extraKeys
-option, which can hold an object mapping key names to functionality. A
-simple example would be:
extraKeys: { - "Ctrl-S": function(instance) { saveText(instance.getValue()); }, - "Ctrl-/": "undo" - }- -
Keys can be mapped either to functions, which will be given the
-editor instance as argument, or to strings, which are mapped through
-functions through the CodeMirror.commands
table, which
-contains all the built-in editing commands, and can be inspected and
-extended by external code.
By default, the Home
key is bound to
-the "goLineStartSmart"
command, which moves the cursor to
-the first non-whitespace character on the line. You can set do this to
-make it always go to the very start instead:
extraKeys: {"Home": "goLineStart"}- -
Similarly, Enter
is bound
-to "newlineAndIndent"
by default. You can bind it to
-something else to get different behavior. To disable special handling
-completely and only get a newline character inserted, you can bind it
-to false
extraKeys: {"Enter": false}- -
The same works for Tab
. If you don't want CodeMirror
-to handle it, bind it to false
. The default behaviour is
-to indent the current line more ("indentMore"
-and indent it less when shift is held ("indentLess"
-There are also "indentAuto"
(smart indent)
-and "insertTab"
commands provided for alternate
-behaviors. Or you can write your own handler function to do something
-different altogether.
Handling of tabs changed completely. The display width of tabs can
-now be set with the tabSize
option, and tabs can
-be styled by setting CSS rules
-for the cm-tab
The default width for tabs is now 4, as opposed to the 8 that is
-hard-wired into browsers. If you are relying on 8-space tabs, make
-sure you explicitly set tabSize: 8
in your options.
Version 3 does not depart too much from 2.x API, and sites that use -CodeMirror in a very simple way might be able to upgrade without -trouble. But it does introduce a number of incompatibilities. Please -at least skim this text before upgrading.
- -Note that version 3 drops full support for Internet -Explorer 7. The editor will mostly work on that browser, but -it'll be significantly glitchy.
- -This one is the most likely to cause problems. The internal -structure of the editor has changed quite a lot, mostly to implement a -new scrolling model.
- -Editor height is now set on the outer wrapper element (CSS
-class CodeMirror
), not on the scroller element
Other nodes were moved, dropped, and added. If you have any code -that makes assumptions about the internal DOM structure of the editor, -you'll have to re-test it and probably update it to work with v3.
- -See the styling section of the -manual for more information.
-In CodeMirror 2.x, there was a single gutter, and line markers
-created with setMarker
would have to somehow coexist with
-the line numbers (if present). Version 3 allows you to specify an
-array of gutters, by class
-use setGutterMarker
-to add or remove markers in individual gutters, and clear whole
-with clearGutter
-Gutter markers are now specified as DOM nodes, rather than HTML
The gutters no longer horizontally scrolls along with the content.
-The fixedGutter
option was removed (since it is now the
-only behavior).
-<style> - /* Define a gutter style */ - .note-gutter { width: 3em; background: cyan; } -</style> -<script> - // Create an instance with two gutters -- line numbers and notes - var cm = new CodeMirror(document.body, { - gutters: ["note-gutter", "CodeMirror-linenumbers"], - lineNumbers: true - }); - // Add a note to line 0 - cm.setGutterMarker(0, "note-gutter", document.createTextNode("hi")); -</script> --
Most of the onXYZ
options have been removed. The same
-effect is now obtained by calling
-the on
method with a string
-identifying the event type. Multiple handlers can now be registered
-(and individually unregistered) for an event, and objects such as line
-handlers now also expose events. See the
-full list here.
(The onKeyEvent
and onDragEvent
-which act more as hooks than as event handlers, are still there in
-their old form.)
-cm.on("change", function(cm, change) { - console.log("something changed! (" + change.origin + ")"); -}); --
The markText
-(which has gained some interesting new features, such as creating
-atomic and read-only spans, or replacing spans with widgets) no longer
-takes the CSS class name as a separate argument, but makes it an
-optional field in the options object instead.
-// Style first ten lines, and forbid the cursor from entering them -cm.markText({line: 0, ch: 0}, {line: 10, ch: 0}, { - className: "magic-text", - inclusiveLeft: true, - atomic: true -}); --
The interface for hiding lines has been
-removed. markText
-now be used to do the same in a more flexible and powerful way.
The folding script has been -updated to use the new interface, and should now be more robust.
- --// Fold a range, replacing it with the text "??" -var range = cm.markText({line: 4, ch: 2}, {line: 8, ch: 1}, { - replacedWith: document.createTextNode("??"), - // Auto-unfold when cursor moves into the range - clearOnEnter: true -}); -// Get notified when auto-unfolding -CodeMirror.on(range, "clear", function() { - console.log("boom"); -}); --
The setLineClass
method has been replaced
-by addLineClass
-and removeLineClass
-which allow more modular control over the classes attached to a line.
-var marked = cm.addLineClass(10, "background", "highlighted-line"); -setTimeout(function() { - cm.removeLineClass(marked, "background", "highlighted-line"); -}); --
All methods that take or return objects that represent screen
-positions now use {left, top, bottom, right}
-(not always all of them) instead of the {x, y, yBot}
-by some methods in v2.x.
Affected methods
-are cursorCoords
, charCoords
, coordsChar
-and getScrollInfo
The matchBrackets
-option is no longer defined in the core editor.
-Load addon/edit/matchbrackets.js
to enable it.
The CodeMirror.listModes
-and CodeMirror.listMIMEs
functions, used for listing
-defined modes, are gone. You are now encouraged to simply
-inspect CodeMirror.modes
(mapping mode names to mode
-constructors) and CodeMirror.mimeModes
(mapping MIME
-strings to mode specs).
Some more reasons to upgrade to version 3.
- -CodeMirror.defineOption
.CodeMirror 4's interface is very close version 3, but it -does fix a few awkward details in a backwards-incompatible ways. At -least skim the text below before upgrading.
- -The main new feature in version 4 is multiple selections. The -single-selection variants of methods are still there, but now -typically act only on the primary selection (usually the last -one added).
- -The exception to this
-is getSelection
-which will now return the content of all selections
-(separated by newlines, or whatever lineSep
parameter you passed
This event still exists, but the object it is passed has -a completely new -interface, because such changes now concern multiple -selections.
- -By
-default, replaceSelection
-would leave the newly inserted text selected. This is only rarely what
-you want, and also (slightly) more expensive in the new model, so the
-default was changed to "end"
, meaning the old behavior
-must be explicitly specified by passing a second argument
-of "around"
Rather than forcing client code to follow next
-pointers from one change object to the next, the library will now
-simply fire
-multiple "change"
-events. Existing code will probably continue to work unmodified.
This option, which conceptually caused line widgets to be visible -even if their line was hidden, was never really well-defined, and was -buggy from the start. It would be a rather expensive feature, both in -code complexity and run-time performance, to implement properly. It -has been dropped entirely in 4.0.
- -All modules in the CodeMirror distribution are now wrapped in a
-shim function to make them compatible with both AMD
-(requirejs) and CommonJS (as used
-by node
-and browserify) module loaders.
-When neither of these is present, they fall back to simply using the
-global CodeMirror
If you have a module loader present in your environment, CodeMirror -will attempt to use it, and you might need to change the way you load -CodeMirror modules.
- -A few properties and methods that have been deprecated for a while
-are now gone. Most notably, the onKeyEvent
-and onDragEvent
options (use the
-corresponding events instead).
Two silly methods, which were mostly there to stay close to the 0.x
-API, setLine
and removeLine
are now gone.
-Use the more
-flexible replaceRange
-method instead.
The long names for folding and completing functions
, CodeMirror.javascriptHint
-etc) are also gone
-(use CodeMirror.fold.brace
, CodeMirror.hint.javascript
The className
property in the return value
-of getTokenAt
, which
-has been superseded by the type
property, is also no
-longer present.
CodeMirror is a versatile text editor - implemented in JavaScript for the browser. It is specialized for - editing code, and comes with a number of language modes and addons - that implement more advanced editing functionality.
- -A rich programming API and a - CSS theming system are - available for customizing CodeMirror to fit your application, and - extending it with new functionality.
-CodeMirror is an open-source project shared under - an MIT license. It is the editor used in the - dev tools for - both Firefox - and Chrome, Light - Table, Adobe - Brackets, Bitbucket, - and many other projects.
- -Development and bug tracking happens - on github - (alternate git - repository). - Please read these - pointers before submitting a bug. Use pull requests to submit - patches. All contributions must be released under the same MIT - license that CodeMirror uses.
- -Discussion around the project is done on - a discussion forum. - There is also - the codemirror-announce - list, which is only used for major announcements (such as new - versions). If needed, you can - contact the maintainer - directly. We aim to be an inclusive, welcoming community. To make - that explicit, we have - a code of - conduct that applies to communication around the project.
- -A list of CodeMirror-related software that is not part of the - main distribution is maintained - on our - wiki. Feel free to add your project.
-The desktop versions of the following browsers,
- in standards mode (HTML5 <!doctype html>
- recommended) are supported:
Firefox | version 4 and up |
Chrome | any version |
Safari | version 5.2 and up |
Internet Explorer | version 8 and up |
Opera | version 9 and up |
Support for modern mobile browsers is experimental. Recent - versions of the iOS browser and Chrome on Android should work - pretty well.
-Simple mode that tries to handle APL as well as it can.
-It attempts to label functions/operators based upon - monadic/dyadic usage (but this is far from fully fleshed out). - This means there are meaningful classnames so hover states can - have popups etc.
- -MIME types defined: text/apl
(APL code)
MIME types
-defined: application/pgp
, application/pgp-keys
, application/pgp-signature
Language: Abstract Syntax Notation One - (ASN.1) -
-MIME types defined: text/x-ttcn-asn
The development of this mode has been sponsored by Ericsson - .
-Coded by Asmelash Tsegay Gebretsadkan
-MIME types defined: text/x-asterisk
A mode for Brainfuck
- -MIME types defined: text/x-brainfuck
Simple mode that tries to handle C-like languages as well as it
- can. Takes two configuration parameters: keywords
, an
- object whose property names are the keywords in the language,
- and useCPP
, which determines whether C preprocessor
- directives are recognized.
MIME types defined: text/x-csrc
- (C), text/x-c++src
(C++), text/x-java
- (Java), text/x-csharp
- text/x-objectivec
- text/x-scala
(Scala), text/x-vertex
- x-shader/x-fragment
(shader programs),
- text/x-squirrel
(Squirrel) and
- text/x-ceylon
MIME types defined: text/x-clojure
MIME types defined: text/x-cmake
Select Theme Select Font Size - - - - -
- - -MIME types defined: text/x-coffeescript
The CoffeeScript mode was written by Jeff Pickhardt.
- -MIME types defined: text/x-common-lisp
MIME types defined: text/x-crystal
A mode for Closure Stylesheets (GSS).
-MIME type defined: text/x-gss
MIME types defined: text/css
, text/x-scss
(demo), text/x-less
The LESS mode is a sub-mode of the CSS mode (defined in css.js
The SCSS mode is a sub-mode of the CSS mode (defined in css.js
MIME types defined:
- application/x-cypher-query
Simple mode that handle D-Syntax (DLang Homepage).
- -MIME types defined: text/x-d
- .
MIME types defined: text/x-diff
Mode for HTML with embedded Django template markup.
- -MIME types defined: text/x-django
Dockerfile syntax highlighting for CodeMirror. Depends on - the simplemode addon.
- -MIME types defined: text/x-dockerfile
MIME types defined: application/xml-dtd
MIME types defined: text/x-dylan
Created by Robert Plummer
-Based on CodeMirror's clike mode. For more information see HPCC Systems web site.
-MIME types defined: text/x-ecl
MIME types defined: text/x-eiffel
Created by YNH.
-MIME types defined: text/x-elm
MIME types defined: text/x-erlang
Simple mode that handles Factor Syntax (Factor on WikiPedia).
- -MIME types defined: text/x-factor
MIME type: text/x-fcl
Simple mode that handle Forth-Syntax (Forth on WikiPedia).
- -MIME types defined: text/x-forth
MIME types defined: text/x-fortran
Handles AT&T assembler syntax (more specifically this handles
- the GNU Assembler (gas) syntax.)
- It takes a single optional configuration parameter:
- architecture
, which can be one of "ARM"
- "ARMv6"
or "x86"
- Including the parameter adds syntax for the registers and special
- directives for the supplied architecture.
MIME types defined: text/x-gas
Optionally depends on other modes for properly highlighted code blocks.
- - - -MIME types defined: text/x-feature
MIME type: text/x-go
MIME types defined: text/x-groovy
MIME types defined: text/x-haml
Handlebars syntax highlighting for CodeMirror.
- -MIME types defined: text/x-handlebars-template
Supported options: base
to set the mode to
- wrap. For example, use
mode: {name: "handlebars", base: "text/html"}-
to highlight an HTML template.
-MIME types
- defined: text/x-literate-haskell
Parser configuration parameters recognized: base
- set the base mode (defaults to "haskell"
MIME types defined: text/x-haskell
Hxml mode:
- - -MIME types defined: text/x-haxe, text/x-hxml
Mode for html embedded scripts like JSP and ASP.NET. Depends on multiplex and HtmlMixed which in turn depends on
- JavaScript, CSS and XML.
Other dependencies include those of the scripting language chosen.
MIME types defined: application/x-aspx
- application/x-ejs
(Embedded Javascript), application/x-jsp
(JavaServer Pages)
- and application/x-erb
The HTML mixed mode depends on the XML, JavaScript, and CSS modes.
- -It takes an optional mode configuration
- option, scriptTypes
, which can be used to add custom
- behavior for specific <script type="...">
tags. If
- given, it should hold an array of {matches, mode}
- objects, where matches
is a string or regexp that
- matches the script type, and mode
- either null
, for script types that should stay in
- HTML mode, or a mode
- spec corresponding to the mode that should be used for the
- script.
MIME types defined: text/html
- (redefined, only takes effect if you load this parser after the
- XML parser).
MIME types defined: message/http
MIME types defined: text/x-idl
This is a list of every mode in the distribution. Each mode lives
-in a subdirectory of the mode/
directory, and typically
-defines a single JavaScript file that implements the mode. Loading
-such file will make the language available to CodeMirror, through
-the mode
Created by Forbes Lindesay. Managed as part of a Brackets extension at
-MIME type defined: text/x-jade
- JavaScript mode supports several configuration options: -
which will set the mode to expect JSON
- data rather than a JavaScript program.jsonld
which will set the mode to expect
- JSON-LD linked data rather
- than a JavaScript program (demo).typescript
which will activate additional
- syntax highlighting and some other things for TypeScript code
- (demo).statementIndent
which (given a number) will
- determine the amount of indentation to use for statements
- continued on a new line.wordCharacters
, a regexp that indicates which
- characters should be considered part of an identifier.
- Defaults to /[\w$]/
, which does not handle
- non-ASCII identifiers. Can be set to something more elaborate
- to improve Unicode support.MIME types defined: text/javascript
, application/json
, application/ld+json
, text/typescript
, application/typescript
This is a specialization of the JavaScript mode.
-This is a specialization of the JavaScript mode.
-JSX Mode for React's -JavaScript syntax extension.
- -MIME types defined: text/jsx
MIME types defined: text/x-julia
MIME types defined: text/x-livescript
The LiveScript mode was written by Kenneth Bentley.
- -Loosely based on Franciszek
- Wawrzak's CodeMirror
- 1 mode. One configuration parameter is
- supported, specials
, to which you can provide an
- array of strings to have those identifiers highlighted with
- the lua-special
MIME types defined: text/x-lua
You might want to use the Github-Flavored Markdown mode instead, which adds support for fenced code blocks and a few other things.
- -Optionally depends on the XML mode for properly highlighted inline XML blocks.
- -MIME types defined: text/x-markdown
MIME types defined: text/x-mathematica
MIME types defined: application/mbox
MIME types defined: text/mirc
MIME types defined: text/x-ocaml
(OCaml) and text/x-fsharp
Simple mode that tries to handle Modelica as well as it can.
- -MIME types defined: text/x-modelica
- (Modlica code).
- Simple mode for highlighting MscGen and two derived sequence - chart languages. -
- - - -MIME types defined:
- text/x-mscgen
- text/x-xu
- text/x-msgenny
MIME types defined: text/nginx
MIME types defined: text/x-nsis
MIME types defined: text/n-triples
MIME types defined: text/x-octave
MIME type defined: text/x-oz
MIME types defined: text/x-pascal
Created by Forbes Lindesay.
-MIME types defined: text/x-perl
Simple HTML/PHP mode based on - the C-like mode. Depends on XML, - JavaScript, CSS, HTMLMixed, and C-like modes.
- -MIME types defined: application/x-httpd-php
(HTML with PHP code), text/x-php
(plain, non-wrapped PHP code).
- Simple mode that handles Pig Latin language. -
- -MIME type defined: text/x-pig
- (PIG code)
MIME types defined: application/x-powershell
MIME types defined: text/x-properties
- text/x-ini
MIME types defined: text/x-protobuf
MIME types defined: text/x-puppet
Usefull for superset of python syntax like Enthought enaml, IPython magics and questionmark help
@on Python 3
^[_A-Za-z][_A-Za-z0-9]*on Python 2 and
^[_A-Za-z\u00A1-\uFFFF][_A-Za-z0-9\u00A1-\uFFFF]*on Python 3.
MIME types defined: text/x-python
and text/x-cython
MIME type defined: text/x-q
MIME types defined: text/x-rsrc
Development of the CodeMirror R mode was kindly sponsored - by Ubalo.
- -MIME types defined: text/x-rpm-changes
MIME types defined: text/x-rpm-spec
, text/x-rpm-changes
- The python
mode will be used for highlighting blocks
- containing Python/IPython terminal sessions: blocks starting with
- >>>
(for Python) or In [num]:
- IPython).
- Further, the stex
mode will be used for highlighting
- blocks containing LaTex code.
MIME types defined: text/x-rst
MIME types defined: text/x-ruby
Development of the CodeMirror Ruby mode was kindly sponsored - by Ubalo.
- -MIME types defined: text/x-rustsrc
MIME types defined: text/x-sas
MIME types defined: text/x-sass
MIME types defined: text/x-scheme
MIME types defined: text/x-sh
MIME types defined: application/sieve
MIME types defined: application/x-slim
Simple Smalltalk mode.
- -MIME types defined: text/x-stsrc
Mode for Smarty version 2 or 3, which allows for custom delimiter tags.
- -Several configuration parameters are supported:
- -leftDelimiter
and rightDelimiter
- which should be strings that determine where the Smarty syntax
- starts and ends.version
, which should be 2 or 3.baseMode
, which can be a mode spec
- like "text/html"
to set a different background mode.MIME types defined: text/x-smarty
MIME types defined: text/x-solr
A mode for Closure Templates (Soy).
-MIME type defined: text/x-soy
MIME types defined: application/sparql-query
MIME types defined: text/x-spreadsheet
Created by Robert Plummer
-MIME types defined:
- text/x-sql
- text/x-mysql
- text/x-mariadb
- text/x-cassandra
- text/x-plsql
- text/x-mssql
- text/x-hive
- text/x-pgsql
- text/x-gql
MIME types defined: text/x-stex
MIME types defined: text/x-styl
Created by Dmitry Kiselyov
-A simple mode for Swift
- -MIME types defined: text/x-swift
(Swift code)
MIME types defined: text/x-tcl
MIME types defined: text/x-textile
TiddlyWiki mode supports a single configuration.
- -MIME types defined: text/x-tiddlywiki
Created by Forbes Lindesay.
-MIME type defined: text/x-toml
Mode for HTML with embedded Tornado template markup.
- -MIME types defined: text/x-tornado
MIME types defined: troff
Language: Testing and Test Control Notation - - Configuration files - (TTCN-CFG) -
-MIME types defined: text/x-ttcn-cfg
The development of this mode has been sponsored by Ericsson - .
-Coded by Asmelash Tsegay Gebretsadkan
-Language: Testing and Test Control Notation - (TTCN) -
-MIME types defined: text/x-ttcn,
- text/x-ttcn3, text/x-ttcnpp
The development of this mode has been sponsored by Ericsson - .
-Coded by Asmelash Tsegay Gebretsadkan
-MIME types defined: text/turtle
MIME type defined: text/x-vb
MIME types defined: text/vbscript
MIME types defined: text/velocity
-Syntax highlighting and indentation for the Verilog and SystemVerilog languages (IEEE 1800). -
MIME types defined: text/x-verilog
and text/x-systemverilog
-Syntax highlighting and indentation for the VHDL language. -
MIME types defined: text/x-vhdl
MIME types defined: text/x-vue
MIME type defined: text/x-webidl
The XML mode supports these configuration parameters:
-htmlMode (boolean)
) do not require a closing tag.matchClosing (boolean)
alignCDATA (boolean)
MIME types defined: application/xml
, text/html
MIME types defined: application/xquery
Development of the CodeMirror XQuery mode was sponsored by - MarkLogic and developed by - Mike Brevoort. -
- -][variable hello] [variable world][tag
]"); - - MT("test namespaced variable", - "[keyword declare] [keyword namespace] [variable e] [keyword =] [string \"\"][variable ;declare] [keyword variable] [variable $e:exampleComThisVarIsNotRecognized] [keyword as] [keyword element]([keyword *]) [variable external;]"); - - MT("test EQName variable", - "[keyword declare] [keyword variable] [variable $\"\":var] [keyword :=] [atom 12][variable ;]", - "[tagMIME types defined: text/x-yacas
Defines a mode that parses
-a YAML frontmatter
-at the start of a file, switching to a base mode at the end of that.
-Takes a mode configuration option base
to configure the
-base mode, which defaults to "gfm"
MIME types defined: text/x-yaml
MIME types defined: text/x-z80
, text/x-ez80
A limited set of programmatic sanity tests for CodeMirror.
- -Please enable JavaScript...
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -' + esc(text) + ''; - s += '
' + - '' + - esc(val.replace(/ /g,'\xb7')) + // · MIDDLE DOT - '' + - ' | '; - } - s += '
' + (output[i].style || null) + ' | '; - } - if(output[0].state) { - s += '
' + esc(output[i].state) + ' | ';
- }
- }
- s += '