Merge branch 'sharedfolder' into staging

yflory 2018-07-18 14:18:30 +02:00
commit aafcb1bc02
18 changed files with 2173 additions and 694 deletions

View File

@ -386,6 +386,7 @@ define(function () {
out.fm_newFolder = "Nouveau dossier";
out.fm_newFile = "Nouveau pad";
out.fm_folder = "Dossier";
out.fm_sharedFolder = "Dossier partagé";
out.fm_folderName = "Nom du dossier";
out.fm_numberOfFolders = "# de dossiers";
out.fm_numberOfFiles = "# de fichiers";
@ -446,6 +447,7 @@ define(function () {
out.fm_tags_used = "Nombre d'utilisations";
// File - Context menu
out.fc_newfolder = "Nouveau dossier";
out.fc_newsharedfolder = "Nouveau dossier partagé";
out.fc_rename = "Renommer";
out.fc_open = "Ouvrir";
out.fc_open_ro = "Ouvrir (lecture seule)";
@ -453,12 +455,13 @@ define(function () {
out.fc_delete_owned = "Supprimer du serveur";
out.fc_restore = "Restaurer";
out.fc_remove = "Supprimer de votre CryptDrive";
out.fc_remove_sharedfolder = "Supprimer";
out.fc_empty = "Vider la corbeille";
out.fc_prop = "Propriétés";
out.fc_hashtag = "Mots-clés";
out.fc_sizeInKilobytes = "Taille en kilo-octets";
// fileObject.js (logs)
out.fo_moveUnsortedError = "La liste des éléments non triés ne peut pas contenir de dossiers.";
out.fo_moveUnsortedError = "La liste des modèles ne peut pas contenir de dossiers.";
out.fo_existingNameError = "Ce nom est déjà utilisé dans ce répertoire. Veuillez en choisir un autre.";
out.fo_moveFolderToChildError = "Vous ne pouvez pas déplacer un dossier dans un de ses descendants";
out.fo_unableToRestore = "Impossible de restaurer ce fichier à son emplacement d'origine. Vous pouvez essayer de le déplacer à un nouvel emplacement.";

View File

@ -387,6 +387,7 @@ define(function () {
out.fm_newFolder = "New folder";
out.fm_newFile = "New pad";
out.fm_folder = "Folder";
out.fm_sharedFolder = "Shared folder";
out.fm_folderName = "Folder name";
out.fm_numberOfFolders = "# of folders";
out.fm_numberOfFiles = "# of files";
@ -447,6 +448,7 @@ define(function () {
out.fm_tags_used = "Number of uses";
// File - Context menu
out.fc_newfolder = "New folder";
out.fc_newsharedfolder = "New shared folder";
out.fc_rename = "Rename";
out.fc_open = "Open";
out.fc_open_ro = "Open (read-only)";
@ -454,12 +456,13 @@ define(function () {
out.fc_delete_owned = "Delete from the server";
out.fc_restore = "Restore";
out.fc_remove = "Remove from your CryptDrive";
out.fc_remove_sharedfolder = "Remove";
out.fc_empty = "Empty the trash";
out.fc_prop = "Properties";
out.fc_hashtag = "Tags";
out.fc_sizeInKilobytes = "Size in Kilobytes";
// fileObject.js (logs)
out.fo_moveUnsortedError = "You can't move a folder to the list of unsorted pads";
out.fo_moveUnsortedError = "You can't move a folder to the list of templates";
out.fo_existingNameError = "Name already used in that directory. Please choose another one.";
out.fo_moveFolderToChildError = "You can't move a folder into one of its descendants";
out.fo_unableToRestore = "Unable to restore that file to its original location. You can try to move it to a new location.";
@ -1209,5 +1212,15 @@ define(function () {
out.loading_drive_2 = "Updating data format";
out.loading_drive_3 = "Verifying data integrity";
// Shared folders
// XXX
out.sharedFolders_forget = "This pad is only stored in a shared folder, you can't move it to the trash. You can use your CryptDrive if you want to delete it from the folder.";
out.sharedFolders_duplicate = "Some of the pads you were trying to move were already stored.";
out.sharedFolders_create = "Create a shared folder";
out.sharedFolders_create_name = "Folder name";
out.sharedFolders_create_owned = "Owned folder";
out.sharedFolders_create_password = "Folder password";
out.sharedFolders_share = "Share this URL with other registered users to give them access to the shared folder. Once they open this URL, the shared folder will be added to the root directory of their CryptDrive.";
return out;

View File

@ -398,10 +398,16 @@ Version 1
Hash.findWeaker = function (href, channel, recents) {
var parsed = parsePadUrl(href);
if (!parsed.hash) { return false; }
// We can't have a weaker hash if we're already in view mode
if (parsed.hashData && parsed.hashData.mode === 'view') { return; }
var weaker;
Object.keys(recents).some(function (id) {
var pad = recents[id];
var p = parsePadUrl(pad.href);
if (pad.href || !pad.roHref) {
// This pad has an edit link, so it can't be weaker
var p = parsePadUrl(pad.roHref);
if (p.type !== parsed.type) { return; } // Not the same type
if (p.hash === parsed.hash) { return; } // Same hash, not stronger
if (channel !== { return; } // Not the same channel
@ -430,6 +436,10 @@ Version 1
var stronger;
Object.keys(recents).some(function (id) {
var pad = recents[id];
if (!pad.href) {
// This pad doesn't have an edit link, so it can't be stronger
var p = parsePadUrl(pad.href);
if (p.type !== parsed.type) { return; } // Not the same type
if (p.hash === parsed.hash) { return; } // Same hash, not stronger

View File

@ -665,7 +665,7 @@ define([
// Update the current state
loading.driveState = data.state;
data.progress = data.progress || 100;
data.msg = Messages['loading_drive_'+data.state] || '';
data.msg = Messages['loading_drive_'+ Math.floor(data.state)] || '';
if (data.progress) {
$progress.append(h('div.cp-loading-progress-bar', [
@ -761,7 +761,7 @@ define([
UI.getFileIcon = function (data) {
var $icon = UI.getIcon();
if (!data) { return $icon; }
var href = data.href;
var href = data.href || data.roHref;
var type = data.type;
if (!href && !type) { return $icon; }
@ -826,13 +826,13 @@ define([
var out = false;
var xId = $(x).attr('aria-describedby');
if (xId) {
if (xId.indexOf('tippy-tooltip-') === 0) {
if (xId.indexOf('tippy-') === 0) {
return true;
$(x).find('[aria-describedby]').each(function (i, el) {
var id = el.getAttribute('aria-describedby');
if (id.indexOf('tippy-tooltip-') !== 0) { return; }
if (id.indexOf('tippy-') !== 0) { return; }
out = true;
return out;

View File

@ -73,26 +73,14 @@ define([
data.password = val;
}).nThen(function (waitFor) {
var base = common.getMetadataMgr().getPrivateData().origin;
common.getPadAttribute('href', waitFor(function (err, val) {
var base = common.getMetadataMgr().getPrivateData().origin;
var parsed = Hash.parsePadUrl(val);
if (parsed.hashData.mode === "view") {
data.roHref = base + val;
// We're not in a read-only pad
if (!val) { return; }
data.href = base + val;
// Get Read-only href
if (parsed.hashData.type !== "pad") { return; }
var i = data.href.indexOf('#') + 1;
var hBase = data.href.slice(0, i);
var hrefsecret = Hash.getSecrets(parsed.type, parsed.hash, data.password);
if (!hrefsecret.keys) { return; }
var viewHash = Hash.getViewHashFromKeys(hrefsecret);
data.roHref = hBase + viewHash;
common.getPadAttribute('roHref', waitFor(function (err, val) {
if (!val) { return; }
data.roHref = base + val;
common.getPadAttribute('channel', waitFor(function (err, val) { = val;
@ -162,7 +150,7 @@ define([
var parsed = Hash.parsePadUrl(data.href);
var parsed = Hash.parsePadUrl(data.href || data.roHref);
if (owned && parsed.hashData.type === 'pad') {
var sframeChan = common.getSframeChannel();
var changePwTitle = Messages.properties_changePassword;
@ -191,7 +179,7 @@ define([
UI.confirm(changePwConfirm, function (yes) {
if (!yes) { return; }
sframeChan.query("Q_PAD_PASSWORD_CHANGE", {
href: data.href,
href: data.href || data.roHref,
password: newPass
}, function (err, data) {
if (err || data.error) {
@ -203,11 +191,11 @@ define([
// If we had a password and we removed it, we have to remove the /p/
if (data.warning) {
return void UI.alert(Messages.properties_passwordWarning, function () {
common.gotoURL(hasPassword && newPass ? undefined : data.href);
common.gotoURL(hasPassword && newPass ? undefined : (data.href || data.roHref));
}, {force: true});
return void UI.alert(Messages.properties_passwordSuccess, function () {
common.gotoURL(hasPassword && newPass ? undefined : data.href);
common.gotoURL(hasPassword && newPass ? undefined : (data.href || data.roHref));
}, {force: true});
@ -242,17 +230,21 @@ define([
$('<label>', {'for': 'cp-app-prop-ctime'}).text(Messages.fm_creation)
$d.append(UI.dialog.selectable(new Date(data.ctime).toLocaleString(), {
id: 'cp-app-prop-ctime',
if (data.ctime) {
$('<label>', {'for': 'cp-app-prop-ctime'}).text(Messages.fm_creation)
$d.append(UI.dialog.selectable(new Date(data.ctime).toLocaleString(), {
id: 'cp-app-prop-ctime',
$('<label>', {'for': 'cp-app-prop-atime'}).text(Messages.fm_lastAccess)
$d.append(UI.dialog.selectable(new Date(data.atime).toLocaleString(), {
id: 'cp-app-prop-atime',
if (data.atime) {
$('<label>', {'for': 'cp-app-prop-atime'}).text(Messages.fm_lastAccess)
$d.append(UI.dialog.selectable(new Date(data.atime).toLocaleString(), {
id: 'cp-app-prop-atime',
if (common.isLoggedIn() && AppConfig.enablePinning) {
// check the size of this file...
@ -533,6 +525,35 @@ define([
return tabs;
UIElements.createSFShareModal = function (config) {
var origin = config.origin;
var pathname = config.pathname;
var hashes = config.hashes;
if (!hashes.editHash) { throw new Error("You must provide a valid hash"); }
var url = origin + pathname + '#' + hashes.editHash;
// Share link tab
var link = h('div.cp-share-modal', [
h('label', Messages.sharedFolders_share),
UI.dialog.selectable(url, { id: 'cp-share-link-preview', tabindex: 1 })
var linkButtons = [{
name: Messages.cancel,
onClick: function () {},
keys: [27]
}, {
className: 'primary',
name: Messages.share_linkCopy,
onClick: function () {
var success = Clipboard.copy(url);
if (success) { UI.log(Messages.shareSuccess); }
keys: [13]
return UI.dialog.customModal(link, {buttons: linkButtons});
UIElements.createButton = function (common, type, rightside, data, callback) {
var AppConfig = common.getAppConfig();
@ -695,17 +716,27 @@ define([
.click(function() {
var msg = common.isLoggedIn() ? Messages.forgetPrompt : Messages.fm_removePermanentlyDialog;
UI.confirm(msg, function (yes) {
if (!yes) { return; }
sframeChan.query('Q_MOVE_TO_TRASH', null, function (err) {
if (err) { return void callback(err); }
var cMsg = common.isLoggedIn() ? Messages.movedToTrash : Messages.deleted;
var msg = common.fixLinks($('<div>').html(cMsg));
sframeChan.query('Q_IS_ONLY_IN_SHARED_FOLDER', null, function (err, res) {
if (err || res.error) { return void console.log(err || res.error); }
var msg = Messages.forgetPrompt;
if (res) {
} else if (!common.isLoggedIn()) {
msg = Messages.fm_removePermanentlyDialog;
UI.confirm(msg, function (yes) {
if (!yes) { return; }
sframeChan.query('Q_MOVE_TO_TRASH', null, function (err) {
if (err) { return void callback(err); }
var cMsg = common.isLoggedIn() ? Messages.movedToTrash : Messages.deleted;
var msg = common.fixLinks($('<div>').html(cMsg));

View File

@ -84,6 +84,11 @@ define([
common.getSharedFolder = function (id, cb) {
postMessage("GET_SHARED_FOLDER", id, function (obj) {
// Settings and ready
common.mergeAnonDrive = function (cb) {
var data = {
@ -99,6 +104,25 @@ define([
common.userObjectCommand = function (data, cb) {
postMessage("DRIVE_USEROBJECT", data, cb);
common.restoreDrive = function (data, cb) {
postMessage("SET", {
value: data
}, function (obj) {
common.addSharedFolder = function (secret, cb) {
postMessage("ADD_SHARED_FOLDER", {
path: ['root'],
folderData: {
href: '/drive/#' + Hash.getEditHashFromKeys(secret),
roHref: '/drive/#' + Hash.getViewHashFromKeys(secret),
ctime: +new Date()
}, cb);
}; = {}; = Util.mkEvent(); = Util.mkEvent();
@ -294,6 +318,13 @@ define([
common.isOnlyInSharedFolder = function (data, cb) {
postMessage("IS_ONLY_IN_SHARED_FOLDER", data, function (obj) {
if (obj && obj.error) { return void cb(obj.error); }
cb(null, obj);
common.setDisplayName = function (value, cb) {
postMessage("SET_DISPLAY_NAME", value, cb);
@ -506,7 +537,8 @@ define([
if (common.initialPath) {
if (!data.path) {
data.path = common.initialPath;
data.path = Array.isArray(common.initialPath) ? common.initialPath
: decodeURIComponent(common.initialPath).split(',');
delete common.initialPath;
@ -620,7 +652,7 @@ define([
if (!parsed.hash) { return void cb({ error: 'EINVAL_HREF' }); }
var warning = false;
var newHash;
var newHash, newRoHref;
var oldChannel;
var newSecret;
@ -693,6 +725,11 @@ define([
common.setPadAttribute('channel',, waitFor(function (err) {
if (err) { warning = true; }
}), href);
var viewHash = Hash.getViewHashFromKeys(secret);
newRoHref = '/' + parsed.type + '/#' + viewHash;
common.setPadAttribute('roHref', newRoHref, waitFor(function (err) {
if (err) { warning = true; }
}), href);
if (parsed.hashData.password && newPassword) { return; } // same hash
common.setPadAttribute('href', newHref, waitFor(function (err) {
@ -702,7 +739,8 @@ define([
warning: warning,
hash: newHash,
href: newHref
href: newHref,
roHref: newRoHref

View File

@ -6,84 +6,6 @@ define([
], function (Crypt, FO, Hash, Realtime) {
var exp = {};
var getType = function (el) {
if (el === null) { return "null"; }
return Array.isArray(el) ? "array" : typeof(el);
var findAvailableKey = function (obj, key) {
if (typeof (obj[key]) === "undefined") { return key; }
var i = 1;
var nkey = key;
while (typeof (obj[nkey]) !== "undefined") {
nkey = key + '_' + i;
return nkey;
var createFromPath = function (proxy, oldFo, path, id) {
var root =;
if (!oldFo.isFile(id)) { return; }
var error = function (msg) {
console.error(msg || "Unable to find that path", path);
if (oldFo.isInTrashRoot(path)) {
id = oldFo.find(path.slice(0,3));
var next, nextRoot;
path.forEach(function (p, i) {
if (!root) { return; }
if (typeof(p) === "string") {
if (getType(root) !== "object") { root = undefined; error(); return; }
if (i === path.length - 1) {
root[Hash.createChannelId()] = id;
next = getType(path[i+1]);
nextRoot = getType(root[p]);
if (nextRoot !== "undefined") {
if (next === "string" && nextRoot === "object" || next === "number" && nextRoot === "array") {
root = root[p];
p = findAvailableKey(root, p);
if (next === "number") {
root[p] = [];
root = root[p];
root[p] = {};
root = root[p];
// Path contains a non-string element: it's an array index
if (typeof(p) !== "number") { root = undefined; error(); return; }
if (getType(root) !== "array") { root = undefined; error(); return; }
if (i === path.length - 1) {
if (root.indexOf(id) === -1) { root.push(id); }
next = getType(path[i+1]);
if (next === "number") {
error('2 consecutives arrays in the user object');
root = undefined;
//root = root[root.length - 1];
root = root[root.length - 1];
exp.anonDriveIntoUser = function (proxyData, fsHash, cb) {
// Make sure we have an FS_hash and we don't use it, otherwise just stop the migration and cb
if (!fsHash || !proxyData.loggedIn) {
@ -105,43 +27,38 @@ define([
if (parsed) {
var proxy = proxyData.proxy;
var oldFo = FO.init(, {
loggedIn: proxyData.loggedIn,
pinPads: function () {} // without pinPads /outer/userObject.js won't be loaded
loggedIn: true,
outer: true
var onMigrated = function () {
var newFo = proxyData.userObject;
var oldRecentPads =[newFo.FILES_DATA];
var newRecentPads =[newFo.FILES_DATA];
var oldFiles = oldFo.getFiles([newFo.FILES_DATA]);
var newHrefs = Object.keys(newRecentPads).map(function (id) {
return newRecentPads[id].href;
var manager = proxyData.manager;
var oldFiles = oldFo.getFiles([oldFo.FILES_DATA]);
oldFiles.forEach(function (id) {
var href = oldRecentPads[id].href;
// Do not migrate a pad if we already have it, it would create a duplicate in the drive
if (newHrefs.indexOf(href) !== -1) { return; }
// If we have a stronger version, do not add the current href
if (Hash.findStronger(href, oldRecentPads[id].channel, newRecentPads)) { return; }
// If we have a weaker version, replace the href by the new one
// NOTE: if that weaker version is in the trash, the strong one will be put in unsorted
var weaker = Hash.findWeaker(href, oldRecentPads[id].channel, newRecentPads);
if (weaker) {
weaker.href = href;
// Update the file in the drive
newFo.replace(weaker.href, href);
var data = oldFo.getFileData(id);
var channel =;
var datas = manager.findChannel(channel, true);
// Do not migrate a pad if we already have it, it would create a duplicate
// in the drive
if (datas.length !== 0) {
// We want to merge a read-only pad: it can't be stronger than what
// we already have so abort
if (!data.href) { return; }
// We want to merge an edit pad: check if we have the same channel
// but read-only and upgrade it in that case
datas.forEach(function (pad) {
if (!pad.href) { data.href = pad.href; }
// Here it means we have a new href, so we should add it to the drive at its old location
var paths = oldFo.findFile(id);
if (paths.length === 0) { return; }
// Add the file data in our array and use the id to add the file
var data = oldFo.getFileData(id);
// Here it means we have a new href, so we should add it to the drive
if (data) {
newFo.pushData(data, function (err, id) {
if (err) { return void console.error("Cannot import file:", data, err); }
createFromPath(proxy, oldFo, paths[0], id);
manager.addPad(null, data, function (err) {
if (err) {
return void console.error("Cannot import file:", data, err);

View File

@ -123,12 +123,58 @@ define([
n.nThen(waitFor(function () {
Feedback.send('Migrate-6', true);
userObject.version = version = 6;
if (version < 6) {
Feedback.send('Migrate-6', true);
userObject.version = version = 6;
}).nThen(function (waitFor) {
var addRoHref = function () {
var data =;
var el, parsed;
var n = nThen(function () {});
var padsLength = Object.keys(data).length;
Object.keys(data).forEach(function (k, i) {
n = n.nThen(function (w) {
setTimeout(w(function () {
el = data[k];
if (!el.href || (el.roHref && false)) {
// Already migrated
return void progress(7, Math.round(100*i/padsLength));
parsed = Hash.parsePadUrl(el.href);
if (parsed.hashData.type !== "pad") {
// No read-only mode for files
return void progress(7, Math.round(100*i/padsLength));
if (parsed.hashData.mode === "view") {
// This is a read-only pad in our drive
el.roHref = el.href;
delete el.href;
console.log('Move href to roHref in filesData ', el.roHref);
} else {
var secret = Hash.getSecrets(parsed.type, parsed.hash, el.password);
var hash = Hash.getViewHashFromKeys(secret);
if (hash) {
// Version 0 won't have a view hash available
el.roHref = '/' + parsed.type + '/#' + hash;
console.log('Adding missing roHref in filesData ', el.href);
progress(6, Math.round(100*i/padsLength));
n.nThen(waitFor(function () {
Feedback.send('Migrate-7', true);
userObject.version = version = 7;
if (version < 7) {
/*}).nThen(function (waitFor) {
// Test progress bar in the loading screen

View File

@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
@ -18,7 +19,7 @@ define([
], function (Sortify, UserObject, Migrate, Hash, Util, Constants, Feedback, Realtime, Messaging, Messenger,
], function (Sortify, UserObject, ProxyManager, Migrate, Hash, Util, Constants, Feedback, Realtime, Messaging, Messenger,
CpNfWorker, NetConfig, AppConfig,
Crypto, ChainPad, Listmap, nThen, Saferphore) {
var Store = {};
@ -27,17 +28,23 @@ define([
var postMessage = function () {};
var broadcast = function () {};
var sendDriveEvent = function () {};
var registerProxyEvents = function () {};
var storeHash;
var store = window.CryptPad_AsyncStore = {};
var onSync = function (cb) {
Realtime.whenRealtimeSyncs(store.realtime, cb);
nThen(function (waitFor) {
Realtime.whenRealtimeSyncs(store.realtime, waitFor());
if (store.sharedFolders) {
for (var k in store.sharedFolders) {
Realtime.whenRealtimeSyncs(store.sharedFolders[k].realtime, waitFor());
}).nThen(function () { cb(); });
Store.get = function (clientId, key, cb) {
cb(Util.find(store.proxy, key));
@ -55,6 +62,13 @@ define([
Store.getSharedFolder = function (clientId, id, cb) {
if (store.manager.folders[id]) {
return void cb(store.manager.folders[id].proxy);
Store.hasSigningKeys = function () {
if (!store.proxy) { return; }
return typeof(store.proxy.edPrivate) === 'string' &&
@ -78,17 +92,10 @@ define([
if (!userChannel) { return null; }
// Get the list of pads' channel ID in your drive
// This list is filtered so that it doesn't include pad owned by other users (you should
// not pin these pads)
var files = store.userObject.getFiles([store.userObject.FILES_DATA]);
// This list is filtered so that it doesn't include pad owned by other users
// It now includes channels from shared folders
var edPublic = store.proxy.edPublic;
var list = (id) {
var d = store.userObject.getFileData(id);
if (d.owners && d.owners.length && edPublic &&
d.owners.indexOf(edPublic) === -1) { return; }
.filter(function (x) { return x; });
var list = store.manager.getChannelsList(edPublic, 'pin');
// Get the avatar
var profile = store.proxy.profile;
@ -111,19 +118,8 @@ define([
var getExpirableChannelList = function () {
var list = [];
store.userObject.getFiles([store.userObject.FILES_DATA]).forEach(function (id) {
var data = store.userObject.getFileData(id);
var edPublic = store.proxy.edPublic;
// Push channels owned by someone else or channel that should have expired
// because of the expiration time
if ((data.owners && data.owners.length && data.owners.indexOf(edPublic) === -1) ||
(data.expire && data.expire < (+new Date()))) {
return list;
var edPublic = store.proxy.edPublic;
return store.manager.getChannelsList(edPublic, 'expirable');
var getCanonicalChannelList = function (expirable) {
@ -380,7 +376,7 @@ define([
Store.getDeletedPads = function (clientId, data, cb) {
if (!store.anon_rpc) { return void cb({error: 'ANON_RPC_NOT_READY'}); }
var list = getCanonicalChannelList(true);
var list = (data && data.list) || getCanonicalChannelList(true);
if (!Array.isArray(list)) {
return void cb({error: 'INVALID_FILE_LIST'});
@ -435,10 +431,11 @@ define([
var makePad = function (href, title) {
var makePad = function (href, roHref, title) {
var now = +new Date();
return {
href: href,
roHref: roHref,
atime: now,
ctime: now,
title: title || Hash.getDefaultName(Hash.parsePadUrl(href)),
@ -446,16 +443,21 @@ define([
Store.addPad = function (clientId, data, cb) {
if (!data.href) { return void cb({error:'NO_HREF'}); }
var pad = makePad(data.href, data.title);
if (!data.href && !data.roHref) { return void cb({error:'NO_HREF'}); }
if (!data.roHref) {
var parsed = Hash.parsePadUrl(data.href);
if (parsed.hashData.type === "pad") {
var secret = Hash.getSecrets(parsed.type, parsed.hash, data.password);
data.roHref = '/' + parsed.type + '/#' + Hash.getViewHashFromKeys(secret);
var pad = makePad(data.href, data.roHref, data.title);
if (data.owners) { pad.owners = data.owners; }
if (data.expire) { pad.expire = data.expire; }
if (data.password) { pad.password = data.password; }
if ( { =; }
store.userObject.pushData(pad, function (e, id) {
if (e) { return void cb({error: "Error while adding a template:"+ e}); }
var path = data.path || ['root'];
store.userObject.add(id, path);
store.manager.addPad(data.path, pad, function (e) {
if (e) { return void cb({error: "Error while adding the pad:"+ e}); }
sendDriveEvent('DRIVE_CHANGE', {
path: ['drive', UserObject.FILES_DATA]
}, clientId);
@ -464,17 +466,8 @@ define([
var getOwnedPads = function () {
var list = [];
store.userObject.getFiles([store.userObject.FILES_DATA]).forEach(function (id) {
var data = store.userObject.getFileData(id);
var edPublic = store.proxy.edPublic;
// Push channels owned by someone else or channel that should have expired
// because of the expiration time
if (data.owners && data.owners.length === 1 && data.owners.indexOf(edPublic) !== -1) {
var edPublic = store.proxy.edPublic;
var list = store.manager.getChannelsList(edPublic, 'owned');
if (store.proxy.todo) {
// No password for todo
list.push(Hash.hrefToHexChannelId('/todo/#' + store.proxy.todo, null));
@ -596,33 +589,6 @@ define([
var getAttributeObject = function (attr) {
if (typeof attr === "string") {
console.error('DEPRECATED: use setAttribute with an array, not a string');
return {
path: ['settings'],
obj: store.proxy.settings,
key: attr
if (!Array.isArray(attr)) { return void console.error("Attribute must be string or array"); }
if (attr.length === 0) { return void console.error("Attribute can't be empty"); }
var obj = store.proxy.settings;
attr.forEach(function (el, i) {
if (i === attr.length-1) { return; }
if (!obj[el]) {
obj[el] = {};
else if (typeof obj[el] !== "object") { return void console.error("Wrong attribute"); }
obj = obj[el];
return {
path: ['settings'].concat(attr),
obj: obj,
key: attr[attr.length-1]
// Set the display name (username) in the proxy
Store.setDisplayName = function (clientId, value, cb) {
store.proxy[Constants.displayNameKey] = value;
@ -651,7 +617,7 @@ define([
* - value (String)
Store.setPadAttribute = function (clientId, data, cb) {
store.userObject.setPadAttribute(data.href, data.attr, data.value, function () {
store.manager.setPadAttribute(data, function () {
sendDriveEvent('DRIVE_CHANGE', {
path: ['drive', UserObject.FILES_DATA]
}, clientId);
@ -659,11 +625,38 @@ define([
Store.getPadAttribute = function (clientId, data, cb) {
store.userObject.getPadAttribute(data.href, data.attr, function (err, val) {
store.manager.getPadAttribute(data, function (err, val) {
if (err) { return void cb({error: err}); }
var getAttributeObject = function (attr) {
if (typeof attr === "string") {
console.error('DEPRECATED: use setAttribute with an array, not a string');
return {
path: ['settings'],
obj: store.proxy.settings,
key: attr
if (!Array.isArray(attr)) { return void console.error("Attribute must be string or array"); }
if (attr.length === 0) { return void console.error("Attribute can't be empty"); }
var obj = store.proxy.settings;
attr.forEach(function (el, i) {
if (i === attr.length-1) { return; }
if (!obj[el]) {
obj[el] = {};
else if (typeof obj[el] !== "object") { return void console.error("Wrong attribute"); }
obj = obj[el];
return {
path: ['settings'].concat(attr),
obj: obj,
key: attr[attr.length-1]
Store.setAttribute = function (clientId, data, cb) {
try {
var object = getAttributeObject(data.attr);
@ -681,11 +674,12 @@ define([
// Tags
Store.listAllTags = function (clientId, data, cb) {
// Templates
Store.getTemplates = function (clientId, data, cb) {
// No templates in shared folders: we don't need the manager here
var templateFiles = store.userObject.getFiles(['template']);
var res = [];
templateFiles.forEach(function (f) {
@ -695,6 +689,7 @@ define([
Store.incrementTemplateUse = function (clientId, href) {
// No templates in shared folders: we don't need the manager here
store.userObject.getPadAttribute(href, 'used', function (err, data) {
// This is a not critical function, abort in case of error to make sure we won't
// create any issue with the user object or the async store
@ -705,6 +700,17 @@ define([
// Pads
Store.isOnlyInSharedFolder = function (clientId, channel, cb) {
var res = store.manager.findChannel(channel);
// A pad is only in a shared worker if:
// 1. this pad is in at least one proxy
// 2. no proxy containing this pad is the main drive
return cb (res.length && !res.some(function (obj) {
// Main drive doesn't have an fId (folder ID)
return !obj.fId;
Store.moveToTrash = function (clientId, data, cb) {
var href = Hash.getRelativeHref(data.href);
@ -734,72 +740,39 @@ define([
expire = || undefined;
var allPads = Util.find(store.proxy, ['drive', 'filesData']) || {};
var isStronger;
// If we don't find the new channel in our existing pads, we'll have to add the pads
// to filesData
var contains;
// Update all pads that use the same channel but with a weaker hash
// Edit > Edit (present) > View > View (present)
for (var id in allPads) {
var pad = allPads[id];
if (!pad.href) { continue; }
var p2 = Hash.parsePadUrl(pad.href);
var h2 = p2.hashData;
// Different types, proceed to the next one
// No hash data: corrupted pad?
if (p.type !== p2.type || !h2) { continue; }
// Different channel: continue
if ( !== channel) { continue; }
var shouldUpdate = p.hash.replace(/\/$/, '') === p2.hash.replace(/\/$/, '');
// If the hash is different but represents the same channel, check if weaker or stronger
if (!shouldUpdate && h.version !== 0) {
// We had view & now we have edit, update
if (h2.mode === 'view' && h.mode === 'edit') { shouldUpdate = true; }
// Same mode and we had present URL, update
else if (h.mode === h2.mode && h2.present) { shouldUpdate = true; }
// If we're here it means we have a weaker URL:
// update the date but keep the existing hash
else {
pad.atime = +new Date();
contains = true;
var datas = store.manager.findChannel(channel);
var contains = datas.length !== 0;
datas.forEach(function (obj) {
var pad =;
pad.atime = +new Date();
pad.title = title;
if (owners || h.type !== "file") {
// Never remove owner for files
pad.owners = owners;
pad.expire = expire;
if (h.mode === 'view') { return; }
if (shouldUpdate) {
contains = true;
pad.atime = +new Date();
pad.title = title;
if (owners || h.type !== "file") {
// Never remove owner for files
pad.owners = owners;
pad.expire = expire;
// If the href is different, it means we have a stronger one
if (href !== pad.href) { isStronger = true; }
pad.href = href;
// If we only have rohref, it means we have a stronger href
if (!pad.href) {
// If we have a stronger url, remove the possible weaker from the trash.
// If all of the weaker ones were in the trash, add the stronger to ROOT
if (isStronger) {
// If we have a stronger url, remove the possible weaker from the trash.
// If all of the weaker ones were in the trash, add the stronger to ROOT
pad.href = href;
// Add the pad if it does not exist in our drive
if (!contains) {
var roHref;
if (h.mode === "view") {
roHref = href;
href = undefined;
Store.addPad(clientId, {
href: href,
roHref: roHref,
channel: channel,
title: title,
owners: owners,
@ -819,7 +792,6 @@ define([
// Filepicker app
Store.getSecureFilesList = function (clientId, query, cb) {
var list = {};
var hashes = [];
var types = query.types;
var where = query.where;
var filter = query.filter || {};
@ -834,19 +806,19 @@ define([
return filtered;
store.userObject.getFiles(where).forEach(function (id) {
var data = store.userObject.getFileData(id);
var parsed = Hash.parsePadUrl(data.href);
store.manager.getSecureFilesList(where).forEach(function (obj) {
var data =;
var id =;
var parsed = Hash.parsePadUrl(data.href || data.roHref);
if ((!types || types.length === 0 || types.indexOf(parsed.type) !== -1) &&
hashes.indexOf(parsed.hash) === -1 &&
!isFiltered(parsed.type, data)) {
list[id] = data;
Store.getPadData = function (clientId, id, cb) {
// FIXME: this is only used for templates at the moment, so we don't need the manager
@ -1192,37 +1164,60 @@ define([
var loadSharedFolder = function (id, data, cb) {
var parsed = Hash.parsePadUrl(data.href);
var secret = Hash.getSecrets('drive', parsed.hash, data.password);
var owners = data.owners;
var listmapConfig = {
data: {},
websocketURL: NetConfig.getWebsocketURL(),
readOnly: false,
validateKey: secret.keys.validateKey || undefined,
crypto: Crypto.createEncryptor(secret.keys),
userName: 'sharedFolder',
logLevel: 1,
ChainPad: ChainPad,
classic: true,
owners: owners
var rt = Listmap.create(listmapConfig);
store.sharedFolders[id] = rt;
rt.proxy.on('ready', function (info) {
store.manager.addProxy(id, rt.proxy, info.leave);
cb(rt, info.metadata);
if (store.driveEvents) {
registerProxyEvents(rt.proxy, id);
return rt;
Store.addSharedFolder = function (clientId, data, cb) {
Store.userObjectCommand(clientId, {
cmd: 'addSharedFolder',
data: data
}, cb);
// Drive
Store.userObjectCommand = function (clientId, cmdData, cb) {
if (!cmdData || !cmdData.cmd) { return; }
var data =;
//var data =;
var cb2 = function (data2) {
var paths = data.paths || [data.path] || [];
paths = paths.concat(data.newPath || []);
paths.forEach(function (p) {
//var paths = data.paths || [data.path] || [];
//paths = paths.concat(data.newPath ? [data.newPath] : []);
//paths.forEach(function (p) {
sendDriveEvent('DRIVE_CHANGE', {
//path: ['drive', UserObject.FILES_DATA]
path: ['drive'].concat(p)
path: ['drive', UserObject.FILES_DATA]
//path: ['drive'].concat(p)
}, clientId);
onSync(function () {
switch (cmdData.cmd) {
case 'move':
store.userObject.move(data.paths, data.newPath, cb2); break;
case 'restore':
store.userObject.restore(data.path, cb2); break;
case 'addFolder':
store.userObject.addFolder(data.path,, cb2); break;
case 'delete':
store.userObject.delete(data.paths, cb2, data.nocheck, data.isOwnPadRemoved); break;
case 'emptyTrash':
store.userObject.emptyTrash(cb2); break;
case 'rename':
store.userObject.rename(data.path, data.newName, cb2); break;
store.manager.command(cmdData, cb2);
// Clients management
@ -1259,32 +1254,41 @@ define([
// Special events
var driveEventInit = false;
sendDriveEvent = function (q, data, sender) {
driveEventClients.forEach(function (cId) {
if (cId === sender) { return; }
postMessage(cId, q, data);
registerProxyEvents = function (proxy, fId) {
proxy.on('change', [], function (o, n, p) {
sendDriveEvent('DRIVE_CHANGE', {
id: fId,
old: o,
new: n,
path: p
proxy.on('remove', [], function (o, p) {
sendDriveEvent('DRIVE_REMOVE', {
id: fId,
old: o,
path: p
Store._subscribeToDrive = function (clientId) {
if (driveEventClients.indexOf(clientId) === -1) {
if (!driveEventInit) {
store.proxy.on('change', [], function (o, n, p) {
sendDriveEvent('DRIVE_CHANGE', {
old: o,
new: n,
path: p
if (!store.driveEvents) {
store.driveEvents = true;
Object.keys(store.manager.folders).forEach(function (fId) {
var proxy = store.manager.folders[fId].proxy;
registerProxyEvents(proxy, fId);
store.proxy.on('remove', [], function (o, p) {
sendDriveEvent(clientId, 'DRIVE_REMOVE', {
old: o,
path: p
driveEventInit = true;
@ -1340,12 +1344,60 @@ define([
/////////////////////// Init /////////////////////////////////////
var loadSharedFolders = function (waitFor) {
store.sharedFolders = {};
var shared = Util.find(store.proxy, ['drive', UserObject.SHARED_FOLDERS]) || {};
// Check if any of our shared folder is expired or deleted by its owner.
// If we don't check now, Listmap will create an empty proxy if it no longer exists on
// the server.
nThen(function (waitFor) {
var edPublic = store.proxy.edPublic;
var checkExpired = Object.keys(shared).filter(function (fId) {
var d = shared[fId];
return (Array.isArray(d.owners) && d.owners.length &&
(!edPublic || d.owners.indexOf(edPublic) === -1))
|| (d.expire && d.expire < (+new Date()));
}).map(function (fId) {
return shared[fId].channel;
Store.getDeletedPads(null, {list: checkExpired}, waitFor(function (chans) {
if (chans && chans.error) { return void console.error(chans.error); }
if (!Array.isArray(chans) || !chans.length) { return; }
var toDelete = [];
Object.keys(shared).forEach(function (fId) {
if (chans.indexOf(shared[fId].channel) !== -1
&& toDelete.indexOf(fId) === -1) {
toDelete.forEach(function (fId) {
var paths = store.userObject.findFile(Number(fId));
store.userObject.delete(paths, waitFor(), true);
delete shared[fId];
}).nThen(function (waitFor) {
Object.keys(shared).forEach(function (id) {
var sf = shared[id];
loadSharedFolder(id, sf, waitFor());
var onReady = function (clientId, returned, cb) {
var proxy = store.proxy;
var userObject = store.userObject = UserObject.init(, {
pinPads: function (data, cb) { Store.pinPads(null, data, cb); },
unpinPads: function (data, cb) { Store.unpinPads(null, data, cb); },
removeOwnedChannel: function (data, cb) { Store.removeOwnedChannel(null, data, cb); },
var unpin = function (data, cb) {
if (!store.loggedIn) { return void cb(); }
Store.unpinPads(null, data, cb);
var pin = function (data, cb) {
if (!store.loggedIn) { return void cb(); }
Store.pinPads(null, data, cb);
var manager = store.manager = ProxyManager.create(, proxy.edPublic,
pin, unpin, loadSharedFolder, {
outer: true,
removeOwnedChannel: function (data, cb) { Store.removeOwnedChannel('', data, cb); },
edPublic: store.proxy.edPublic,
loggedIn: store.loggedIn,
log: function (msg) {
@ -1353,6 +1405,7 @@ define([
sendDriveEvent("DRIVE_LOG", msg);
var userObject = store.userObject = manager.user.userObject;
nThen(function (waitFor) {
postMessage(clientId, 'LOADING_DRIVE', {
state: 2
@ -1361,16 +1414,18 @@ define([
}).nThen(function (waitFor) {
Migrate(proxy, waitFor(), function (version, progress) {
postMessage(clientId, 'LOADING_DRIVE', {
state: 2,
state: (2 + (version / 10)),
progress: progress
}).nThen(function () {
Store.initAnonRpc(null, null, waitFor());
}).nThen(function (waitFor) {
postMessage(clientId, 'LOADING_DRIVE', {
state: 3
}).nThen(function () {
var requestLogin = function () {
broadcast([], "REQUEST_LOGIN");

View File

@ -42,6 +42,7 @@ define([
MOVE_TO_TRASH: Store.moveToTrash,
RESET_DRIVE: Store.resetDrive,
GET_METADATA: Store.getMetadata,
IS_ONLY_IN_SHARED_FOLDER: Store.isOnlyInSharedFolder,
SET_DISPLAY_NAME: Store.setDisplayName,
SET_PAD_ATTRIBUTE: Store.setPadAttribute,
GET_PAD_ATTRIBUTE: Store.getPadAttribute,
@ -53,6 +54,8 @@ define([
GET_PAD_DATA: Store.getPadData,
GET_STRONGER_HASH: Store.getStrongerHash,
INCREMENT_TEMPLATE_USE: Store.incrementTemplateUse,
GET_SHARED_FOLDER: Store.getSharedFolder,
ADD_SHARED_FOLDER: Store.addSharedFolder,
// Messaging
INVITE_FROM_USERLIST: Store.inviteFromUserlist,
ADD_DIRECT_MESSAGE_HANDLERS: Store.addDirectMessageHandlers,

View File

@ -14,15 +14,11 @@ define([
module.init = function (config, exp, files) {
var unpinPads = config.unpinPads || function () {
console.error("unpinPads was not provided");
var pinPads = config.pinPads;
var removeOwnedChannel = config.removeOwnedChannel || function () {
console.error("removeOwnedChannel was not provided");
var loggedIn = config.loggedIn;
var workgroup = config.workgroup;
var sharedFolder = config.sharedFolder;
var edPublic = config.edPublic;
var ROOT = exp.ROOT;
@ -31,6 +27,7 @@ define([
var TRASH = exp.TRASH;
var debug = exp.debug;
@ -50,35 +47,31 @@ define([
var data = exp.getFileData(id);
cb(null, clone(data[attr]));
var removePadAttribute = exp.removePadAttribute = function (f) {
if (typeof(f) !== 'string') {
console.error("Can't find pad attribute for an undefined pad");
Object.keys(files).forEach(function (key) {
var hash = f.indexOf('#') !== -1 ? f.slice(f.indexOf('#') + 1) : null;
if (hash && key.indexOf(hash) === 0) {
exp.debug("Deleting pad attribute in the realtime object");
delete files[key];
exp.pushData = function (data, cb) {
if (typeof cb !== "function") { cb = function () {}; }
var todo = function () {
var id = Util.createRandomInteger();
files[FILES_DATA][id] = data;
cb(null, id);
if (!loggedIn || !AppConfig.enablePinning || config.testMode) {
return void todo();
var id = Util.createRandomInteger();
files[FILES_DATA][id] = data;
cb(null, id);
exp.pushSharedFolder = function (data, cb) {
if (typeof cb !== "function") { cb = function () {}; }
// Check if we already have this shared folder in our drive
if (Object.keys(files[SHARED_FOLDERS]).some(function (k) {
return files[SHARED_FOLDERS][k].channel ===;
})) {
return void cb ('EEXISTS');
if (!pinPads) { return; }
pinPads([], function (obj) {
if (obj && obj.error) { return void cb(obj.error); }
// Add the folder
if (!loggedIn || !AppConfig.enablePinning || config.testMode) {
return void cb("EAUTH");
var id = Util.createRandomInteger();
files[SHARED_FOLDERS][id] = data;
cb(null, id);
@ -89,19 +82,20 @@ define([
// Find files in FILES_DATA that are not anymore in the drive, and remove them from
// FILES_DATA. If there are owned pads, remove them from server too, unless the flag tells
// us they're already removed
exp.checkDeletedFiles = function (isOwnPadRemoved) {
// Nothing in FILES_DATA for workgroups
if (workgroup || (!loggedIn && !config.testMode)) { return; }
exp.checkDeletedFiles = function (isOwnPadRemoved, cb) {
if (!loggedIn && !config.testMode) { return void cb(); }
var filesList = exp.getFiles([ROOT, 'hrefArray', TRASH]);
var toClean = [];
exp.getFiles([FILES_DATA]).forEach(function (id) {
var ownedRemoved = [];
exp.getFiles([FILES_DATA, SHARED_FOLDERS]).forEach(function (id) {
if (filesList.indexOf(id) === -1) {
var fd = exp.getFileData(id);
var fd = exp.isSharedFolder(id) ? files[SHARED_FOLDERS][id] : exp.getFileData(id);
var channelId =;
// If trying to remove an owned pad, remove it from server also
if (!isOwnPadRemoved &&
if (!isOwnPadRemoved && !sharedFolder &&
fd.owners && fd.owners.indexOf(edPublic) !== -1 && channelId) {
if (channelId) { ownedRemoved.push(channelId); }
removeOwnedChannel(channelId, function (obj) {
if (obj && obj.error) {
// If the error is that the file is already removed, nothing to
@ -116,14 +110,15 @@ define([
if (channelId) { toClean.push(channelId); }
if (exp.isSharedFolder(id)) {
delete files[SHARED_FOLDERS][id];
} else {
if (!toClean.length) { return; }
unpinPads(toClean, function (response) {
if (response && response.error) { return console.error(response.error); }
// console.error(response);
if (!toClean.length) { return void cb(); }
cb(null, toClean, ownedRemoved);
var deleteHrefs = function (ids) {
ids.forEach(function (obj) {
@ -137,7 +132,7 @@ define([
files[TRASH][].splice(idx, 1);
exp.deleteMultiplePermanently = function (paths, nocheck, isOwnPadRemoved) {
exp.deleteMultiplePermanently = function (paths, nocheck, isOwnPadRemoved, cb) {
var hrefPaths = paths.filter(function(x) { return exp.isPathIn(x, ['hrefArray']); });
var rootPaths = paths.filter(function(x) { return exp.isPathIn(x, [ROOT]); });
var trashPaths = paths.filter(function(x) { return exp.isPathIn(x, [TRASH]); });
@ -145,14 +140,11 @@ define([
if (!loggedIn && !config.testMode) {
allFilesPaths.forEach(function (path) {
var el = exp.find(path);
if (!el) { return; }
var id = exp.getIdFromHref(el.href);
var id = path[1];
if (!id) { return; }
return void cb();
var ids = [];
@ -192,11 +184,68 @@ define([
// In some cases, we want to remove pads from a location without removing them from
// OLD_FILES_DATA (replaceHref)
if (!nocheck) { exp.checkDeletedFiles(isOwnPadRemoved); }
// FILES_DATA (replaceHref)
if (!nocheck) { exp.checkDeletedFiles(isOwnPadRemoved, cb); }
else { cb(); }
// Move
// From another drive
exp.copyFromOtherDrive = function (path, element, data) {
// Copy files data
// We have to remove pads that are already in the current proxy to make sure
// we won't create duplicates
var toRemove = [];
Object.keys(data).forEach(function (id) {
id = Number(id);
// Find and maybe update existing pads with the same channel id
var d = data[id];
var found = false;
for (var i in files[FILES_DATA]) {
if (files[FILES_DATA][i].channel === {
// Update href?
if (!files[FILES_DATA][i].href) { files[FILES_DATA][i].href = d.href; }
found = true;
if (found) {
files[FILES_DATA][id] = data[id];
// Remove existing pads from the "element" variable
if (exp.isFile(element) && toRemove.indexOf(element) !== -1) {
} else if (exp.isFolder(element)) {
var _removeExisting = function (root) {
for (var k in root) {
if (exp.isFile(root[k])) {
if (toRemove.indexOf(root[k]) !== -1) {
delete root[k];
} else if (exp.isFolder(root[k])) {
// Copy file or folder
var newParent = exp.find(path);
var newName = exp.getAvailableName(newParent, Hash.createChannelId());
newParent[newName] = element;
// From the same drive
var pushToTrash = function (name, element, path) {
var trash = files[TRASH];
if (typeof(trash[name]) === "undefined") { trash[name] = []; }
@ -259,7 +308,6 @@ define([
if (!id) { return; }
if (!loggedIn && !config.testMode) {
// delete permanently
@ -268,14 +316,7 @@ define([
exp.replace = function (o, n) {
var idO = exp.getIdFromHref(o);
if (!idO || !exp.isFile(idO)) { return; }
var data = exp.getFileData(idO);
if (!data) { return; }
data.href = n;
// If all the occurences of an href are in the trash, remvoe them and add the file in root.
// If all the occurences of an href are in the trash, remove them and add the file in root.
// This is use with setPadTitle when we open a stronger version of a deleted pad
exp.restoreHref = function (href) {
var idO = exp.getIdFromHref(href);
@ -300,9 +341,9 @@ define([
exp.add = function (id, path) {
if (!loggedIn && !config.testMode) { return; }
var data = files[FILES_DATA][id];
id = Number(id);
var data = files[FILES_DATA][id] || files[SHARED_FOLDERS][id];
if (!data || typeof(data) !== "object") { return; }
var newPath = path, parentEl;
if (path && !Array.isArray(path)) {
@ -406,7 +447,6 @@ define([
delete files[OLD_FILES_DATA];
delete files.migrate;
if (exp.rt) {
@ -473,6 +513,7 @@ define([
var fixTrashRoot = function () {
if (sharedFolder) { return; }
if (typeof(files[TRASH]) !== "object") { debug("TRASH was not an object"); files[TRASH] = {}; }
var tr = files[TRASH];
var toClean;
@ -516,6 +557,7 @@ define([
var fixTemplate = function () {
if (sharedFolder) { return; }
if (!Array.isArray(files[TEMPLATE])) { debug("TEMPLATE was not an array"); files[TEMPLATE] = []; }
files[TEMPLATE] = Util.deduplicateString(files[TEMPLATE].slice());
var us = files[TEMPLATE];
@ -547,7 +589,7 @@ define([
var fixFilesData = function () {
if (typeof files[FILES_DATA] !== "object") { debug("OLD_FILES_DATA was not an object"); files[FILES_DATA] = {}; }
if (typeof files[FILES_DATA] !== "object") { debug("FILES_DATA was not an object"); files[FILES_DATA] = {}; }
var fd = files[FILES_DATA];
var rootFiles = exp.getFiles([ROOT, TRASH, 'hrefArray']);
var root = exp.find([ROOT]);
@ -563,13 +605,15 @@ define([
// Clean missing href
if (!el.href) {
if (!el.href && !el.roHref) {
debug("Removing an element in filesData with a missing href.", el);
var parsed = Hash.parsePadUrl(el.href);
var parsed = Hash.parsePadUrl(el.href || el.roHref);
var secret;
// Clean invalid hash
if (!parsed.hash) {
debug("Removing an element in filesData with a invalid href.", el);
@ -583,6 +627,23 @@ define([
// If we have an edit link, check the view link
if (el.href && parsed.hashData.type === "pad") {
if (parsed.hashData.mode === "view") {
el.roHref = el.href;
delete el.href;
} else if (!el.roHref) {
secret = Hash.getSecrets(parsed.type, parsed.hash, el.password);
el.roHref = '/' + parsed.type + '/#' + Hash.getViewHashFromKeys(secret);
} else {
var parsed2 = Hash.parsePadUrl(el.roHref);
if (!parsed2.hash || !parsed2.type) {
secret = Hash.getSecrets(parsed.type, parsed.hash, el.password);
el.roHref = '/' + parsed.type + '/#' + Hash.getViewHashFromKeys(secret);
// Fix href
if (/^https*:\/\//.test(el.href)) { el.href = Hash.getRelativeHref(el.href); }
// Fix creation time
@ -592,9 +653,12 @@ define([
// Fix channel
if (! {
try {
var secret = Hash.getSecrets(parsed.type, parsed.hash, el.password);
if (!secret) {
secret = Hash.getSecrets(parsed.type, parsed.hash, el.password);
} =;
console.log('Adding missing channel in filesData ',;
debug('Adding missing channel in filesData ',;
} catch (e) {
@ -611,6 +675,21 @@ define([
var fixSharedFolders = function () {
if (sharedFolder) { return; }
if (typeof(files[SHARED_FOLDERS]) !== "object") { debug("SHARED_FOLDER was not an object"); files[SHARED_FOLDERS] = {}; }
var sf = files[SHARED_FOLDERS];
var rootFiles = exp.getFiles([ROOT]);
var root = exp.find([ROOT]);
for (var id in sf) {
id = Number(id);
if (rootFiles.indexOf(id) === -1) {
console.log('missing' + id);
var newName = Hash.createChannelId();
root[newName] = id;
var fixDrive = function () {
Object.keys(files).forEach(function (key) {
@ -618,12 +697,11 @@ define([
if (!workgroup) {
if (JSON.stringify(files) !== before) {

www/common/proxy-manager.js Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,982 @@
], function (UserObject, Util, Hash, Messages, nThen) {
var getConfig = function (Env) {
var cfg = {};
for (var k in Env.cfg) { cfg[k] = Env.cfg[k]; }
return cfg;
// Add a shared folder to the list
var addProxy = function (Env, id, proxy, leave) {
var cfg = getConfig(Env);
cfg.sharedFolder = true; = id;
var userObject = UserObject.init(proxy, cfg);
if (userObject.fixFiles) {
// Only in outer
Env.folders[id] = {
proxy: proxy,
userObject: userObject,
leave: leave
return userObject;
// TODO: Remove a shared folder from the list
var removeProxy = function (Env, id) {
var f = Env.folders[id];
if (!f) { return; }
delete Env.folders[id];
var _getUserObjects = function (Env) {
var userObjects = [Env.user.userObject];
var foldersUO = Object.keys(Env.folders).map(function (k) {
return Env.folders[k].userObject;
Array.prototype.push.apply(userObjects, foldersUO);
return userObjects;
var _getUserObjectFromId = function (Env, id) {
var userObjects = _getUserObjects(Env);
var userObject = Env.user.userObject;
userObjects.some(function (uo) {
if (Object.keys(uo.getFileData(id)).length) {
userObject = uo;
return true;
return userObject;
var _getUserObjectPath = function (Env, uo) {
var fId = Number(;
if (!fId) { return; }
var fPath = Env.user.userObject.findFile(fId)[0];
return fPath;
// Return files data objects associated to a channel for setPadTitle
// All occurences are returned, in drive or shared folders
var findChannel = function (Env, channel) {
var ret = [];
Env.user.userObject.findChannels([channel]).forEach(function (id) {
data: Env.user.userObject.getFileData(id),
userObject: Env.user.userObject
Object.keys(Env.folders).forEach(function (fId) {
Env.folders[fId].userObject.findChannels([channel]).forEach(function (id) {
fId: fId,
data: Env.folders[fId].userObject.getFileData(id),
userObject: Env.folders[fId].userObject
return ret;
// Return files data objects associated to a given href for setPadAttribute...
var findHref = function (Env, href) {
var ret = [];
var id = Env.user.userObject.getIdFromHref(href);
if (id) {
data: Env.user.userObject.getFileData(id),
userObject: Env.user.userObject
Object.keys(Env.folders).forEach(function (fId) {
var id = Env.folders[fId].userObject.getIdFromHref(href);
if (!id) { return; }
fId: fId,
data: Env.folders[fId].userObject.getFileData(id),
userObject: Env.folders[fId].userObject
return ret;
// Return paths linked to a file ID
var findFile = function (Env, id) {
var ret = [];
var userObjects = _getUserObjects(Env);
userObjects.forEach(function (uo) {
var fPath = _getUserObjectPath(Env, uo);
var results = uo.findFile(id);
if (fPath) {
// This is a shared folder, we have to fix the paths in the results
results.forEach(function (p) {
Array.prototype.unshift.apply(p, fPath);
// Push the results from this proxy
Array.prototype.push.apply(ret, results);
return ret;
// Returns file IDs corresponding to the provided channels
var _findChannels = function (Env, channels, onlyMain) {
if (onlyMain) {
return Env.user.userObject.findChannels(channels);
var ret = [];
var userObjects = _getUserObjects(Env);
userObjects.forEach(function (uo) {
var results = uo.findChannels(channels);
Array.prototype.push.apply(ret, results);
ret = Util.deduplicateString(ret);
return ret;
var _getFileData = function (Env, id) {
var userObjects = _getUserObjects(Env);
var data = {};
userObjects.some(function (uo) {
data = uo.getFileData(id);
if (Object.keys(data).length) { return true; }
return data;
// Transform an absolute path into a path relative to the correct shared folder
var _resolvePath = function (Env, path) {
var res = {
id: null,
userObject: Env.user.userObject,
path: path
if (!Array.isArray(path) || path.length <= 1) {
return res;
var current;
var uo = Env.user.userObject;
// We don't need to check the last element of the path because we only need to split it
// when the path contains an element inside the shared folder
for (var i=2; i<path.length; i++) {
current = uo.find(path.slice(0,i));
if (uo.isSharedFolder(current)) {
res = {
id: current,
userObject: Env.folders[current].userObject,
path: path.slice(i)
return res;
var _resolvePaths = function (Env, paths) {
var main = [];
var folders = {};
paths.forEach(function (path) {
var r = _resolvePath(Env, path);
if ( {
if (!folders[]) {
folders[] = [r.path];
} else {
} else {
return {
main: main,
folders: folders
// Get a copy of the elements located in the given paths, with their files data
var _getCopyFromPaths = function (paths, userObject) {
var data = [];
paths.forEach(function (path) {
var el = userObject.find(path);
var files = [];
// Get the files ID from the current path (file or folder)
if (userObject.isFile(el)) {
} else {
userObject.getFilesRecursively(el, files);
// Remove the shared folder from this list of files ID
files.filter(function (f) { return !userObject.isSharedFolder(f); });
// Deduplicate
files = Util.deduplicateString(files);
// Get the files data associated to these files
var filesData = {};
files.forEach(function (f) {
filesData[f] = userObject.getFileData(f);
// Encrypt or decrypt edit link here
// filesData.forEach(function (d) { d.href = encrypt(d.href); });
el: el,
data: filesData
return data;
Drive RPC
// Move files or folders in the drive
var _move = function (Env, data, cb) {
var resolved = _resolvePaths(Env, data.paths);
var newResolved = _resolvePath(Env, data.newPath);
if (!newResolved.userObject.isFolder(newResolved.path)) { return void cb(); }
nThen(function (waitFor) {
if (resolved.main.length) {
// Move from the main drive
if (! {
// Move from the main drive to the main drive
Env.user.userObject.move(resolved.main, newResolved.path, waitFor());
} else {
// Move from the main drive to a shared folder
// Copy the elements to the new location
var toCopy = _getCopyFromPaths(resolved.main, Env.user.userObject);
var newUserObject = newResolved.userObject;
var ownedPads = [];
toCopy.forEach(function (obj) {
newUserObject.copyFromOtherDrive(newResolved.path, obj.el,;
var _owned = Object.keys( (id) {
var owners =[id].owners;
return Array.isArray(owners) && owners.indexOf(Env.edPublic) !== -1;
Array.prototype.push.apply(ownedPads, _owned);
var rootPath = resolved.main[0].slice();
ownedPads = Util.deduplicateString(ownedPads);
ownedPads.forEach(function (id) {
Env.user.userObject.add(Number(id), rootPath);
// Remove the elements from the old location (without unpinning)
Env.user.userObject.delete(resolved.main, waitFor());
var folderIds = Object.keys(resolved.folders);
if (folderIds.length) {
// Move from a shared folder
folderIds.forEach(function (fIdStr) {
var fId = Number(fIdStr);
var paths = resolved.folders[fId];
if ( === fId) {
// Move to the same shared folder
newResolved.userObject.move(paths, newResolved.path, waitFor());
} else {
// Move to a different shared folder or to main drive
var uoFrom = Env.folders[fId].userObject;
var uoTo = newResolved.userObject;
// Copy the elements to the new location
var toCopy = _getCopyFromPaths(paths, uoFrom);
toCopy.forEach(function (obj) {
uoTo.copyFromOtherDrive(newResolved.path, obj.el,;
// Remove the elements from the old location (without unpinning)
uoFrom.delete(paths, waitFor());
}).nThen(function () {
// Restore from the trash (main drive only)
var _restore = function (Env, data, cb) {
var userObject = Env.user.userObject;
data = data || {};
userObject.restore(data.path, cb);
// Add a folder/subfolder
var _addFolder = function (Env, data, cb) {
data = data || {};
var resolved = _resolvePath(Env, data.path);
if (!resolved || !resolved.userObject) { return void cb({error: 'E_NOTFOUND'}); }
resolved.userObject.addFolder(resolved.path,, function (obj) {
// The result is the relative path of the new folder. We have to make it absolute.
if (obj.newPath && {
var fPath = _getUserObjectPath(Env, resolved.userObject);
if (fPath) {
// This is a shared folder, we have to fix the paths in the search results
Array.prototype.unshift.apply(obj.newPath, fPath);
// Add a folder/subfolder
var _addSharedFolder = function (Env, data, cb) {
data = data || {};
var resolved = _resolvePath(Env, data.path);
if (!resolved || !resolved.userObject) { return void cb({error: 'E_NOTFOUND'}); }
if ( { return void cb({error: 'EINVAL'}); }
if (!Env.pinPads) { return void cb({error: 'EAUTH'}); }
var folderData = data.folderData || {};
var id;
nThen(function () {
// Check if it is an imported folder or a folder creation
if (data.folderData) { return; }
// Folder creation
var hash = Hash.createRandomHash('drive');
var href = '/drive/#' + hash;
var secret = Hash.getSecrets('drive', hash);
folderData = {
href: href,
roHref: '/drive/#' + Hash.getViewHashFromKeys(secret),
ctime: +new Date()
if (data.password) { folderData.password = data.password; }
if (data.owned) { folderData.owners = [Env.edPublic]; }
}).nThen(function (waitFor) {
Env.pinPads([], waitFor());
}).nThen(function (waitFor) {
// 1. add the shared folder to our list of shared folders
Env.user.userObject.pushSharedFolder(folderData, waitFor(function (err, folderId) {
if (err) {
return void cb(err);
id = folderId;
}).nThen(function (waitFor) {
// 2a. add the shared folder to the path in our drive
Env.user.userObject.add(id, resolved.path);
// 2b. load the proxy
Env.loadSharedFolder(id, folderData, waitFor(function (rt, metadata) {
if (!rt.proxy.metadata) { // Creating a new shared folder
rt.proxy.metadata = { title: || Messages.fm_newFolder };
// If we're importing a folder, check its serverside metadata
if (data.folderData && metadata) {
var fData = Env.user.proxy[UserObject.SHARED_FOLDERS][id];
if (metadata.owners) { fData.owners = metadata.owners; }
if (metadata.expire) { fData.expire = +metadata.expire; }
}).nThen(function () {
// Delete permanently some pads or folders
var _delete = function (Env, data, cb) {
data = data || {};
var resolved = _resolvePaths(Env, data.paths);
if (!resolved.main.length && !Object.keys(resolved.folders).length) {
return void cb({error: 'E_NOTFOUND'});
var toUnpin = [];
var ownedRemoved;
nThen(function (waitFor)  {
// Delete paths from the main drive and get the list of pads to unpin
// We also get the list of owned pads that were removed
if (resolved.main.length) {
Env.user.userObject.delete(resolved.main, waitFor(function (err, _toUnpin, _ownedRemoved) {
if (!Env.unpinPads || !_toUnpin) { return; }
Array.prototype.push.apply(toUnpin, _toUnpin);
ownedRemoved = _ownedRemoved;
}), data.nocheck, data.isOwnPadRemoved);
}).nThen(function (waitFor) {
// Check if removed owned pads are duplicated is some shared folders
// If that's the case, we have to remove them from the shared folders too
// We can do that by adding their paths to the list of pads to remove from shared folders
if (ownedRemoved) {
var ids = _findChannels(Env, ownedRemoved);
ids.forEach(function (id) {
var paths = findFile(Env, id);
var _resolved = _resolvePaths(Env, paths);
Object.keys(_resolved.folders).forEach(function (fId) {
if (resolved.folders[fId]) {
Array.prototype.push.apply(resolved.folders[fId], _resolved.folders[fId]);
} else {
resolved.folders[fId] = _resolved.folders[fId];
// Delete paths from the shared folders
Object.keys(resolved.folders).forEach(function (id) {
Env.folders[id].userObject.delete(resolved.folders[id], waitFor(function (err, _toUnpin) {
if (!Env.unpinPads || !_toUnpin) { return; }
Array.prototype.push.apply(toUnpin, _toUnpin);
}), data.nocheck, data.isOwnPadRemoved);
}).nThen(function (waitFor) {
if (!Env.unpinPads) { return; }
// Deleted channels
toUnpin = Util.deduplicateString(toUnpin);
// Deleted channels that are still in another proxy
var toKeep = _findChannels(Env, toUnpin).map(function (id) {
return _getFileData(Env, id).channel;
// Compute the unpin list and unpin
var unpinList = [];
toUnpin.forEach(function (chan) {
if (toKeep.indexOf(chan) === -1) {
Env.unpinPads(unpinList, waitFor(function (response) {
if (response && response.error) { return console.error(response.error); }
}).nThen(function () {
// Empty the trash (main drive only)
var _emptyTrash = function (Env, data, cb) {
// Rename files or folders
var _rename = function (Env, data, cb) {
data = data || {};
var resolved = _resolvePath(Env, data.path);
if (!resolved || !resolved.userObject) { return void cb({error: 'E_NOTFOUND'}); }
if (! {
var el = Env.user.userObject.find(resolved.path);
if (Env.user.userObject.isSharedFolder(el) && Env.folders[el]) {
Env.folders[el].proxy.metadata.title = data.newName;
return void cb();
resolved.userObject.rename(resolved.path, data.newName, cb);
var onCommand = function (Env, cmdData, cb) {
var cmd = cmdData.cmd;
var data = || {};
switch (cmd) {
case 'move':
_move(Env, data, cb); break;
case 'restore':
_restore(Env, data, cb); break;
case 'addFolder':
_addFolder(Env, data, cb); break;
case 'addSharedFolder':
_addSharedFolder(Env, data, cb); break;
case 'delete':
_delete(Env, data, cb); break;
case 'emptyTrash':
_emptyTrash(Env, data, cb); break;
case 'rename':
_rename(Env, data, cb); break;
// Set the value everywhere the given pad is stored (main and shared folders)
var setPadAttribute = function (Env, data, cb) {
cb = cb || function () {};
var datas = findHref(Env, data.href);
var nt = nThen;
datas.forEach(function (d) {
nt = nt(function (waitFor) {
d.userObject.setPadAttribute(data.href, data.attr, data.value, waitFor());
nt(function () { cb(); });
// Get pad attribute must return only one value, even if the pad is stored in multiple places
// (main or shared folders)
// We're going to return the value with the most recent atime. The attributes may have been
// updated in a shared folder by another user, so the most recent one is more likely to be the
// correct one.
var getPadAttribute = function (Env, data, cb) {
cb = cb || function () {};
var datas = findHref(Env, data.href);
var nt = nThen;
var res = {};
datas.forEach(function (d) {
nt = nt(function (waitFor) {
var atime, value;
var w = waitFor();
nThen(function (waitFor2) {
d.userObject.getPadAttribute(data.href, 'atime', waitFor2(function (err, v) {
atime = v;
d.userObject.getPadAttribute(data.href, data.attr, waitFor2(function (err, v) {
value = v;
}).nThen(function () {
if (!res.value || res.atime < atime) {
res.atime = atime;
res.value = value;
nt(function () { cb(null, res.value); });
var getTagsList = function (Env) {
var list = [];
var userObjects = _getUserObjects(Env);
userObjects.forEach(function (uo) {
Array.prototype.push.apply(list, uo.getTagsList());
list = Util.deduplicateString(list);
return list;
var getSecureFilesList = function (Env, where) {
var userObjects = _getUserObjects(Env);
var list = [];
var channels = [];
userObjects.forEach(function (uo) {
var toPush = uo.getFiles(where).map(function (id) {
return {
id: id,
data: uo.getFileData(id)
}).filter(function (d) {
if (channels.indexOf( === -1) {
return true;
Array.prototype.push.apply(list, toPush);
return list;
// Get the list of channels filtered by a type (expirable channels, owned channels, pin list)
var getChannelsList = function (Env, edPublic, type) {
//if (!edPublic) { return; }
var result = [];
var addChannel = function (userObject) {
if (type === 'expirable') {
return function (fileId) {
var data = userObject.getFileData(fileId);
// Don't push duplicates
if (result.indexOf( !== -1) { return; }
// Return pads owned by someone else or expired by time
if ((data.owners && data.owners.length && (!edPublic || data.owners.indexOf(edPublic) === -1))
|| (data.expire && data.expire < (+new Date()))) {
if (type === 'owned') {
return function (fileId) {
var data = userObject.getFileData(fileId);
// Don't push duplicates
if (result.indexOf( !== -1) { return; }
// Return owned pads
if (Array.isArray(data.owners) && data.owners.length &&
data.owners.indexOf(edPublic) !== -1) {
if (type === "pin") {
return function (fileId) {
var data = userObject.getFileData(fileId);
// Don't pin pads owned by someone else
if (Array.isArray(data.owners) && data.owners.length &&
data.owners.indexOf(edPublic) === -1) { return; }
// Don't push duplicates
if (result.indexOf( === -1) {
if (type === 'owned' && !edPublic) { return result; }
if (type === 'pin' && !edPublic) { return result; }
// Get the list of user objects
var userObjects = _getUserObjects(Env);
userObjects.forEach(function (uo) {
var files = uo.getFiles([UserObject.FILES_DATA]);
// NOTE: expirable shared folder should be added here if we ever decide to enable them
if (type === "owned") {
var sfOwned = Object.keys(Env.user.proxy[UserObject.SHARED_FOLDERS]).filter(function (fId) {
var owners = Env.user.proxy[UserObject.SHARED_FOLDERS][fId].owners;
if (Array.isArray(owners) && owners.length &&
owners.indexOf(edPublic) !== -1) { return true; }
}).map(function (fId) {
return Env.user.proxy[UserObject.SHARED_FOLDERS][fId].channel;
Array.prototype.push.apply(result, sfOwned);
if (type === "pin") {
var sfChannels = Object.keys(Env.folders).map(function (fId) {
return Env.user.proxy[UserObject.SHARED_FOLDERS][fId].channel;
Array.prototype.push.apply(result, sfChannels);
return result;
var addPad = function (Env, path, pad, cb) {
var uo = Env.user.userObject;
var p = ['root'];
if (path) {
var resolved = _resolvePath(Env, path);
uo = resolved.userObject;
p = resolved.path;
var todo = function () {
uo.pushData(pad, function (e, id) {
if (e) { return void cb(e); }
uo.add(id, p);
if (!Env.pinPads) { return void todo(); }
Env.pinPads([], function (obj) {
if (obj && obj.error) { return void cb(obj.error); }
var create = function (proxy, edPublic, pinPads, unpinPads, loadSf, uoConfig) {
var Env = {
pinPads: pinPads,
unpinPads: unpinPads,
loadSharedFolder: loadSf,
cfg: uoConfig,
edPublic: edPublic,
user: {
proxy: proxy,
userObject: UserObject.init(proxy, uoConfig)
folders: {}
var callWithEnv = function (f) {
return function () {
[], Env);
return f.apply(null, arguments);
return {
// Manager
addProxy: callWithEnv(addProxy),
removeProxy: callWithEnv(removeProxy),
// Drive
command: callWithEnv(onCommand),
getPadAttribute: callWithEnv(getPadAttribute),
setPadAttribute: callWithEnv(setPadAttribute),
getTagsList: callWithEnv(getTagsList),
getSecureFilesList: callWithEnv(getSecureFilesList),
// Store
getChannelsList: callWithEnv(getChannelsList),
addPad: callWithEnv(addPad),
// Tools
findChannel: callWithEnv(findChannel),
findHref: callWithEnv(findHref),
user: Env.user,
folders: Env.folders
/* =============================================================================
* =============================================================================
* Inner only
* =============================================================================
* ============================================================================= */
var renameInner = function (Env, path, newName, cb) {
return void Env.sframeChan.query("Q_DRIVE_USEROBJECT", {
cmd: "rename",
data: {
path: path,
newName: newName
}, cb);
var moveInner = function (Env, paths, newPath, cb) {
return void Env.sframeChan.query("Q_DRIVE_USEROBJECT", {
cmd: "move",
data: {
paths: paths,
newPath: newPath
}, cb);
var emptyTrashInner = function (Env, cb) {
return void Env.sframeChan.query("Q_DRIVE_USEROBJECT", {
cmd: "emptyTrash"
}, cb);
var addFolderInner = function (Env, path, name, cb) {
return void Env.sframeChan.query("Q_DRIVE_USEROBJECT", {
cmd: "addFolder",
data: {
path: path,
name: name
}, cb);
var addSharedFolderInner = function (Env, path, data, cb) {
return void Env.sframeChan.query("Q_DRIVE_USEROBJECT", {
cmd: "addSharedFolder",
data: {
path: path,
owned: data.owned,
password: data.password
}, cb);
var deleteInner = function (Env, paths, cb, nocheck, isOwnPadRemoved, noUnpin) {
return void Env.sframeChan.query("Q_DRIVE_USEROBJECT", {
cmd: "delete",
data: {
paths: paths,
nocheck: nocheck,
noUnpin: noUnpin,
isOwnPadRemoved: isOwnPadRemoved
}, cb);
var restoreInner = function (Env, path, cb) {
return void Env.sframeChan.query("Q_DRIVE_USEROBJECT", {
cmd: "restore",
data: {
path: path
}, cb);
/* Tools */
var findChannels = _findChannels;
var getFileData = _getFileData;
var getUserObjectPath = _getUserObjectPath;
var find = function (Env, path) {
var resolved = _resolvePath(Env, path);
return resolved.userObject.find(resolved.path);
var getTitle = function (Env, id, type) {
var uo = _getUserObjectFromId(Env, id);
return uo.getTitle(id, type);
var isReadOnlyFile = function (Env, id) {
var uo = _getUserObjectFromId(Env, id);
return uo.isReadOnlyFile(id);
var getFiles = function (Env, categories) {
var files = [];
var userObjects = _getUserObjects(Env);
userObjects.forEach(function (uo) {
Array.prototype.push.apply(files, uo.getFiles(categories));
files = Util.deduplicateString(files);
return files;
var search = function (Env, value) {
var ret = [];
var userObjects = _getUserObjects(Env);
userObjects.forEach(function (uo) {
var fPath = _getUserObjectPath(Env, uo);
var results =;
if (!results.length) { return; }
if (fPath) {
// This is a shared folder, we have to fix the paths in the search results
results.forEach(function (r) {
r.paths.forEach(function (p) {
Array.prototype.unshift.apply(p, fPath);
// Push the results from this proxy
Array.prototype.push.apply(ret, results);
return ret;
var getRecentPads = function (Env) {
return Env.user.userObject.getRecentPads();
var getOwnedPads = function (Env, edPublic) {
return Env.user.userObject.getOwnedPads(edPublic);
var getSharedFolderData = function (Env, id) {
if (!Env.folders[id]) { return; }
var obj = Env.folders[id].proxy.metadata || {};
for (var k in Env.user.proxy[UserObject.SHARED_FOLDERS][id] || {}) {
obj[k] = Env.user.proxy[UserObject.SHARED_FOLDERS][id][k];
return obj;
var isInSharedFolder = function (Env, path) {
var resolved = _resolvePath(Env, path);
return typeof === "number" ? : false;
/* Generic: doesn't need access to a proxy */
var isFile = function (Env, el, allowStr) {
return Env.user.userObject.isFile(el, allowStr);
var isFolder = function (Env, el) {
return Env.user.userObject.isFolder(el);
var isSharedFolder = function (Env, el) {
return Env.user.userObject.isSharedFolder(el);
var isFolderEmpty = function (Env, el) {
if (Env.folders[el]) {
var uo = Env.folders[el].userObject;
return uo.isFolderEmpty(uo.find[uo.ROOT]);
return Env.user.userObject.isFolderEmpty(el);
var isPathIn = function (Env, path, categories) {
return Env.user.userObject.isPathIn(path, categories);
var isSubpath = function (Env, path, parentPath) {
return Env.user.userObject.isSubpath(path, parentPath);
var isInTrashRoot = function (Env, path) {
return Env.user.userObject.isInTrashRoot(path);
var comparePath = function (Env, a, b) {
return Env.user.userObject.comparePath(a, b);
var hasSubfolder = function (Env, el, trashRoot) {
if (Env.folders[el]) {
var uo = Env.folders[el].userObject;
return uo.hasSubfolder(uo.find[uo.ROOT]);
return Env.user.userObject.hasSubfolder(el, trashRoot);
var hasFile = function (Env, el, trashRoot) {
if (Env.folders[el]) {
var uo = Env.folders[el].userObject;
return uo.hasFile(uo.find[uo.ROOT]);
return Env.user.userObject.hasFile(el, trashRoot);
var createInner = function (proxy, sframeChan, uoConfig) {
var Env = {
cfg: uoConfig,
sframeChan: sframeChan,
user: {
proxy: proxy,
userObject: UserObject.init(proxy, uoConfig)
folders: {}
var callWithEnv = function (f) {
return function () {
[], Env);
return f.apply(null, arguments);
return {
// Manager
addProxy: callWithEnv(addProxy),
removeProxy: callWithEnv(removeProxy),
// Drive RPC commands
rename: callWithEnv(renameInner),
move: callWithEnv(moveInner),
emptyTrash: callWithEnv(emptyTrashInner),
addFolder: callWithEnv(addFolderInner),
addSharedFolder: callWithEnv(addSharedFolderInner),
delete: callWithEnv(deleteInner),
restore: callWithEnv(restoreInner),
// Tools
getFileData: callWithEnv(getFileData),
find: callWithEnv(find),
getTitle: callWithEnv(getTitle),
isReadOnlyFile: callWithEnv(isReadOnlyFile),
getFiles: callWithEnv(getFiles),
search: callWithEnv(search),
getRecentPads: callWithEnv(getRecentPads),
getOwnedPads: callWithEnv(getOwnedPads),
getTagsList: callWithEnv(getTagsList),
findFile: callWithEnv(findFile),
findChannels: callWithEnv(findChannels),
getSharedFolderData: callWithEnv(getSharedFolderData),
isInSharedFolder: callWithEnv(isInSharedFolder),
getUserObjectPath: callWithEnv(getUserObjectPath),
// Generic
isFile: callWithEnv(isFile),
isFolder: callWithEnv(isFolder),
isSharedFolder: callWithEnv(isSharedFolder),
isFolderEmpty: callWithEnv(isFolderEmpty),
isPathIn: callWithEnv(isPathIn),
isSubpath: callWithEnv(isSubpath),
isInTrashRoot: callWithEnv(isInTrashRoot),
comparePath: callWithEnv(comparePath),
hasSubfolder: callWithEnv(hasSubfolder),
hasFile: callWithEnv(hasFile),
// Data
user: Env.user,
folders: Env.folders
return {
create: create,
createInner: createInner

View File

@ -266,7 +266,7 @@ define([
isDeleted: isNewFile && window.location.hash.length > 0,
forceCreationScreen: forceCreationScreen,
password: password,
for (var k in additionalPriv) { metaObj.priv[k] = additionalPriv[k]; }
@ -484,6 +484,12 @@ define([
sframeChan.on('Q_IS_ONLY_IN_SHARED_FOLDER', function (data, cb) {
Cryptpad.isOnlyInSharedFolder(, function (err, t) {
if (err) { return void cb({error: err}); }
// Present mode URL
sframeChan.on('Q_PRESENT_URL_GET_VALUE', function (data, cb) {

View File

@ -114,6 +114,10 @@ define({
// Check if a pad is only in a shared folder or (also) in the main drive.
// This allows us to change the behavior of some buttons (trash icon...)
// Open/close the File picker (sent from the iframe to the outside)
@ -206,6 +210,7 @@ define({
// Inner drive needs to send command and receive updates from the async store
// Get the pads deleted from the server by other users to remove them from the drive
// Store's userObject need to send log messages to inner to display them in the UI

View File

@ -13,10 +13,10 @@ define([
var UNSORTED = module.UNSORTED = "unsorted";
var TRASH = module.TRASH = "trash";
var TEMPLATE = module.TEMPLATE = "template";
var SHARED_FOLDERS = module.SHARED_FOLDERS = "sharedFolders";
module.init = function (files, config) {
var exp = {};
var pinPads = config.pinPads;
var sframeChan = config.sframeChan;
var FILES_DATA = module.FILES_DATA = exp.FILES_DATA = Constants.storageKey;
@ -28,14 +28,21 @@ define([
var sharedFolder = exp.sharedFolder = config.sharedFolder; =;
// Logging
var logging = function () {
console.log.apply(console, arguments);
var log = config.log || logging;
var log = exp.log = config.log || logging;
var logError = config.logError || logging;
var debug = exp.debug = config.debug || logging;
exp.fixFiles = function () {}; // Overriden by OuterFO
var error = exp.error = function() {
if (sframeChan) {
return void sframeChan.query("Q_DRIVE_USEROBJECT", {
@ -46,12 +53,10 @@ define([
console.error.apply(console, arguments);
// TODO: workgroup
var workgroup = config.workgroup;
if (pinPads) {
if (config.outer) {
// Extend "exp" with methods used only outside of the iframe (requires access to store)
OuterFO.init(config, exp, files);
@ -76,7 +81,12 @@ define([
var compareFiles = function (fileA, fileB) { return fileA === fileB; };
var isSharedFolder = exp.isSharedFolder = function (element) {
if (sharedFolder) { return false; } // No recursive shared folders
return Boolean(files[SHARED_FOLDERS][element]);
var isFile = exp.isFile = function (element, allowStr) {
if (isSharedFolder(element)) { return false; }
return typeof(element) === "number" ||
((typeof(files[OLD_FILES_DATA]) !== "undefined" || allowStr)
&& typeof(element) === "string");
@ -85,15 +95,11 @@ define([
exp.isReadOnlyFile = function (element) {
if (!isFile(element)) { return false; }
var data = exp.getFileData(element);
var parsed = Hash.parsePadUrl(data.href);
if (!parsed) { return false; }
var pHash = parsed.hashData;
if (!pHash || pHash.type !== "pad") { return; }
return pHash && pHash.mode === 'view';
return Boolean(data.roHref && !data.href);
var isFolder = exp.isFolder = function (element) {
return typeof(element) === "object";
return typeof(element) === "object" || isSharedFolder(element);
exp.isFolderEmpty = function (element) {
if (!isFolder(element)) { return false; }
@ -144,9 +150,11 @@ define([
// Data from filesData
var getTitle = exp.getTitle = function (file, type) {
if (workgroup) { debug("No titles in workgroups"); return; }
if (isSharedFolder(file)) {
return '??';
var data = getFileData(file);
if (!file || !data || !data.href) {
if (!file || !data || !(data.href || data.roHref)) {
error("getTitle called with a non-existing file id: ", file, data);
@ -216,14 +224,16 @@ define([
var getFilesRecursively = function (root, arr) {
var getFilesRecursively = exp.getFilesRecursively = function (root, arr) {
arr = arr || [];
for (var e in root) {
if (isFile(root[e])) {
if (isFile(root[e]) || isSharedFolder(root[e])) {
if(arr.indexOf(root[e]) === -1) { arr.push(root[e]); }
} else {
getFilesRecursively(root[e], arr);
return arr;
var _getFiles = {};
_getFiles['array'] = function (cat) {
@ -235,6 +245,7 @@ define([
_getFiles['hrefArray'] = function () {
var ret = [];
if (sharedFolder) { return ret; }
getHrefArray().forEach(function (c) {
ret = ret.concat(_getFiles[c]());
@ -279,10 +290,15 @@ define([
if (!files[FILES_DATA]) { return ret; }
return Object.keys(files[FILES_DATA]).map(Number);
_getFiles[SHARED_FOLDERS] = function () {
var ret = [];
if (!files[SHARED_FOLDERS]) { return ret; }
return Object.keys(files[SHARED_FOLDERS]).map(Number);
var getFiles = exp.getFiles = function (categories) {
var ret = [];
if (!categories || !categories.length) {
categories = [ROOT, 'hrefArray', TRASH, OLD_FILES_DATA, FILES_DATA];
categories.forEach(function (c) {
if (typeof _getFiles[c] === "function") {
@ -295,11 +311,11 @@ define([
var getIdFromHref = exp.getIdFromHref = function (href) {
var result;
getFiles([FILES_DATA]).some(function (id) {
if (files[FILES_DATA][id].href === href) {
if (files[FILES_DATA][id].href === href ||
files[FILES_DATA][id].roHref === href) {
result = id;
return true;
return result;
@ -315,7 +331,7 @@ define([
if (isFile(root)) {
if (isFile(root) || isSharedFolder(root)) {
if (compareFiles(file, root)) {
if (paths.indexOf(path) === -1) {
@ -335,6 +351,7 @@ define([
return _findFileInRoot([ROOT], file);
var _findFileInHrefArray = function (rootName, file) {
if (sharedFolder) { return []; }
if (!files[rootName]) { return []; }
var unsorted = files[rootName].slice();
var ret = [];
@ -345,6 +362,7 @@ define([
return ret;
var _findFileInTrash = function (path, file) {
if (sharedFolder) { return []; }
var root = find(path);
var paths = [];
var addPaths = function (p) {
@ -572,8 +590,9 @@ define([
}, cb);
exp.deleteMultiplePermanently(paths, nocheck, isOwnPadRemoved);
if (typeof cb === "function") { cb(); }
cb = cb || function () {};
exp.deleteMultiplePermanently(paths, nocheck, isOwnPadRemoved, cb);
//if (typeof cb === "function") { cb(); }
exp.emptyTrash = function (cb) {
if (sframeChan) {
@ -605,7 +624,7 @@ define([
var element = find(path);
// Folders
if (isFolder(element)) {
if (isFolder(element) && !isSharedFolder(element)) {
var parentPath = path.slice();
var oldName = parentPath.pop();
if (!newName || !newName.trim() || oldName === newName) { return; }
@ -620,8 +639,13 @@ define([
// Files
var data = files[FILES_DATA][element];
// Files or Shared folder
var data;
if (isSharedFolder(element)) {
data = files[SHARED_FOLDERS][element];
} else {
data = files[FILES_DATA][element];
if (!data) { return; }
if (!newName || newName.trim() === "") {
delete data.filename;

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -37,10 +37,19 @@ define([
window.addEventListener('message', onMsg);
}).nThen(function (/*waitFor*/) {
var getSecrets = function (Cryptpad, Utils, cb) {
var hash = window.location.hash.slice(1) || Utils.LocalStore.getUserHash() ||
var hash = window.location.hash.slice(1);
var secret = Utils.Hash.getSecrets('drive', hash);
if (hash) {
// Add a shared folder!
// XXX password?
Cryptpad.addSharedFolder(secret, function () {
window.location.hash = "";
cb(null, secret);
// No password for drive
cb(null, Utils.Hash.getSecrets('drive', hash));
cb(null, secret);
var addRpc = function (sframeChan, Cryptpad, Utils) {
sframeChan.on('EV_BURN_ANON_DRIVE', function () {
@ -52,7 +61,16 @@ define([
sframeChan.on('Q_DRIVE_USEROBJECT', function (data, cb) {
Cryptpad.userObjectCommand(data, cb);
sframeChan.on('Q_DRIVE_RESTORE', function (data, cb) {
Cryptpad.restoreDrive(data, cb);
sframeChan.on('Q_DRIVE_GETOBJECT', function (data, cb) {
if (data && data.sharedFolder) {
Cryptpad.getSharedFolder(data.sharedFolder, function (obj) {
Cryptpad.getUserObject(function (obj) {
@ -82,6 +100,7 @@ define([
getSecrets: getSecrets,
noHash: true,
noRealtime: true,
driveEvents: true,
addRpc: addRpc

View File

@ -237,7 +237,8 @@ define([
&& typeof files.template[0] === "number"
&& typeof files.filesData[files.template[0]] === "object"
&& !files.filesData[files.template[0]].filename
&& files.filesData[files.template[0]].href === href3
&& !files.filesData[files.template[0]].href
&& files.filesData[files.template[0]].roHref === href3
&& typeof fileId2 === "number"
&& typeof files.filesData[fileId2] === "object"
&& files.filesData[fileId2].filename === "Trash"
@ -392,11 +393,6 @@ define([
console.log("DRIVE operations: rename");
return cb();
fo.replace(href1, href2);
if (fo.getFileData(id1).href !== href2) {
console.log("DRIVE operations: replace");
return cb();
}, "DRIVE operations");