Almost functionnal folder import

ClemDee 2019-07-17 18:02:25 +02:00
parent 3884ccb7f3
commit a5310e323a
1 changed files with 81 additions and 0 deletions

View File

@ -2132,8 +2132,89 @@ define([
// create the folder structure before to upload files from folder
var uploadFolder = function (fileList) {
var currentFolder = currentPath;
// create an array of all the files relative path
var files =, function (file) {
return {
file: file,
path: file.webkitRelativePath.split("/"),
// if folder name already exist in drive, rename it
var uploadedFolderName = files[0].path[0];
var availableName = manager.user.userObject.getAvailableName(manager.user.userObject.find(currentFolder), uploadedFolderName);
if (uploadedFolderName !== availableName) {
files.forEach(function (file) {
file.path[0] = availableName;
// uploadSteps is an array of objects {folders: [], files: []}, containing all the folders and files to create safely
// at the index i + 1, the files and folders are children of the folders at the index i
var maxSteps = files.reduce(function (max, file) { return Math.max(max, file.path.length); }, 0);
console.log("maxSteps", maxSteps);
var uploadSteps = []
for (var i = 0 ; i < maxSteps ; i++) {
uploadSteps[i] = {
folders: [],
files: [],
files.forEach(function (file) {
// add steps for subfolders containing file
for (var depth = 0 ; depth < file.path.length - 1 ; depth++) {
var subfolderStr = file.path.slice(0, depth + 1).join("/");
if (uploadSteps[depth].folders.indexOf(subfolderStr) === -1) {
// add step for file (one step later than the step for its direct parent folder)
uploadSteps[file.path.length - 1].files.push(file);
// add folders, then add files when theirs folders have been created
// wait for the folders to be created to go to the next step (don't wait for the files)
var stepByStep = function (uploadSteps, i) {
if (i >= uploadSteps.length) { return; }
nThen(function (waitFor) {
// add folders
uploadSteps[i].folders.forEach(function (folder) {
var folderPath = folder.split("/");
var parentFolder = currentFolder.concat(folderPath.slice(0, -1));
var folderName = folderPath.slice(-1);
manager.addFolder(parentFolder, folderName, waitFor(refresh));
// upload files
uploadSteps[i].files.forEach(function (file) {
var ev = {
target: $content[0],
path: file.path,
// APP.FM.handleFile(file.file, ev); // THIS LINE NEED TO BE FIXED
}).nThen(function () {
stepByStep(uploadSteps, i + 1);
stepByStep(uploadSteps, 0);
var showUploadFolderModal = function () {
console.log("%cIMPORT FOLDER", "color: red");
var $input = $('<input>', {
'type': 'file',
'style': 'display: none;',
'multiple': 'multiple',
'webkitdirectory': true,
}).on('change', function (e) {
var addNewPadHandlers = function ($block, isInRoot) {
// Handlers