diff --git a/www/form/app-form.less b/www/form/app-form.less
index 5a85fff24..6c63d193c 100644
--- a/www/form/app-form.less
+++ b/www/form/app-form.less
@@ -237,6 +237,20 @@
+ .cp-form-individual {
+ & > *:not(:last-child) {
+ margin-right: 10px;
+ }
+ .cp-form-warning {
+ color: @cp-limit-bar-warning;
+ }
+ .cp-form-friend {
+ color: @cp_profile-hint;
+ .fa {
+ margin-right: 5px;
+ }
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/www/form/inner.js b/www/form/inner.js
index 9cf85bc64..649e8c7b0 100644
--- a/www/form/inner.js
+++ b/www/form/inner.js
@@ -111,6 +111,13 @@ define([
Messages.form_viewResults = "Go to responses";
Messages.form_viewCreator = "Go to form creator";
+ Messages.form_showIndividual = "Show individual answers";
+ Messages.form_showSummary = "Show summary";
+ Messages.form_answerAnonymous = "Anonymous answer on {0}";
+ Messages.form_viewButton = "View";
+ Messages.form_backButton = "Back";
+ Messages.form_answerName = "Answer from {0} on {1}";
+ Messages.form_answerWarning = "Unconfirmed identity";
Messages.form_notAnswered = "And {0} empty answers";
@@ -1258,25 +1265,119 @@ define([
var renderResults = function (content, answers) {
var $container = $('div.cp-form-creator-results').empty();
- var form = content.form;
- var elements = content.order.map(function (uid) {
- var block = form[uid];
- var type = block.type;
- var model = TYPES[type];
- if (!model || !model.printResults) { return; }
- var print = model.printResults(answers, uid, form);
+ var controls = h('div.cp-form-creator-results-controls');
+ var $controls = $(controls).appendTo($container);
+ var results = h('div.cp-form-creator-results-content');
+ var $results = $(results).appendTo($container);
- var q = h('div.cp-form-block-question', block.q || Messages.form_default);
- return h('div.cp-form-block', [
- h('div.cp-form-block-type', [
- TYPES[type].icon.cloneNode(),
- h('span', Messages['form_type_'+type])
- ]),
- q,
- h('div.cp-form-block-content', print),
- ]);
+ var summary = true;
+ var form = content.form;
+ var switchMode = h('button.btn.btn-primary', Messages.form_showIndividual);
+ $controls.append(switchMode);
+ var show = function (answers, header) {
+ var elements = content.order.map(function (uid) {
+ var block = form[uid];
+ var type = block.type;
+ var model = TYPES[type];
+ if (!model || !model.printResults) { return; }
+ var print = model.printResults(answers, uid, form);
+ var q = h('div.cp-form-block-question', block.q || Messages.form_default);
+ return h('div.cp-form-block', [
+ h('div.cp-form-block-type', [
+ TYPES[type].icon.cloneNode(),
+ h('span', Messages['form_type_'+type])
+ ]),
+ q,
+ h('div.cp-form-block-content', print),
+ ]);
+ });
+ $results.empty().append(elements);
+ if (header) { $results.prepend(header); }
+ };
+ show(answers);
+ var $s = $(switchMode).click(function () {
+ $results.empty();
+ if (!summary) {
+ $s.text(Messages.form_showIndividual);
+ summary = true;
+ show(answers);
+ return;
+ }
+ summary = false;
+ $s.text(Messages.form_showSummary);
+ var origin, priv;
+ if (APP.common) {
+ var metadataMgr = APP.common.getMetadataMgr();
+ priv = metadataMgr.getPrivateData();
+ origin = priv.origin;
+ }
+ var getHref = function (hash) {
+ if (APP.common) {
+ return origin + Hash.hashToHref(hash, 'profile');
+ }
+ return '#';
+ };
+ var els = Object.keys(answers).map(function (curve) {
+ var obj = answers[curve];
+ var answer = obj.msg;
+ var date = new Date(obj.time).toLocaleString();
+ var text, warning, badge;
+ if (!answer._userdata || !answer._userdata.name) {
+ text = Messages._getKey('form_answerAnonymous', [date]);
+ } else {
+ var ud = answer._userdata;
+ var user;
+ if (ud.profile) {
+ if (priv && priv.friends[curve]) {
+ badge = h('span.cp-form-friend', [
+ h('i.fa.fa-address-book'),
+ Messages._getKey('isContact', [ud.name || Messages.anonymous])
+ ]);
+ }
+ user = h('a', {
+ href: getHref(ud.profile) // Only used visually
+ }, Util.fixHTML(ud.name || Messages.anonymous));
+ if (curve !== ud.curvePublic || 1) {
+ warning = h('span.cp-form-warning', Messages.form_answerWarning);
+ }
+ // XXX back
+ // XXX confirm curve and ud.curvePublic match
+ } else {
+ user = h('b', Util.fixHTML(ud.name || Messages.anonymous));
+ }
+ text = Messages._getKey('form_answerName', [user.outerHTML, date]);
+ }
+ var span = UI.setHTML(h('span'), text);
+ var viewButton = h('button.btn.btn-secondary.small', Messages.form_viewButton);
+ var div = h('div.cp-form-individual', [span, viewButton, warning, badge]);
+ $(viewButton).click(function () {
+ var res = {};
+ res[curve] = obj;
+ var back = h('button.btn.btn-secondary.small', Messages.form_backButton);
+ $(back).click(function () {
+ summary = true;
+ $s.click();
+ });
+ var header = h('div.cp-form-individual', [
+ span.cloneNode(true),
+ back
+ ]);
+ show(res, header);
+ });
+ $(div).find('a').click(function (e) {
+ e.preventDefault();
+ APP.common.openURL(Hash.hashToHref(ud.profile, 'profile'));
+ });
+ return div;
+ });
+ $results.append(els);
- $container.append(elements);
var getFormResults = function () {
@@ -1290,19 +1391,22 @@ define([
var makeFormControls = function (framework, content, update) {
var loggedIn = framework._.sfCommon.isLoggedIn();
+ var metadataMgr = framework._.cpNfInner.metadataMgr;
if (!loggedIn && !content.answers.anonymous) { return; }
var cbox;
+ cbox = UI.createCheckbox('cp-form-anonymous',
+ Messages.form_anonymousBox, false, { mark: { tabindex:1 } });
if (loggedIn) {
- cbox = UI.createCheckbox('cp-form-anonymous',
- Messages.form_anonymousBox, false, { mark: { tabindex:1 } });
if (!content.answers.anonymous || APP.cantAnon) {
$(cbox).hide().find('input').attr('disabled', 'disabled');
+ var user = metadataMgr.getUserData();
+ console.log(user);
var send = h('button.cp-open.btn.btn-primary', update ? Messages.form_update : Messages.form_submit);
var reset = h('button.cp-open.btn.btn-danger-alt', Messages.form_reset);
$(reset).click(function () {
@@ -1316,6 +1420,17 @@ define([
var results = getFormResults();
if (!results) { return; }
+ var user = metadataMgr.getUserData();
+ if (!Util.isChecked($(cbox).find('input'))) {
+ results._userdata = loggedIn ? {
+ avatar: user.avatar,
+ name: user.name,
+ notifications: user.notifications,
+ curvePublic: user.curvePublic,
+ profile: user.profile
+ } : { name: user.name };
+ }
var sframeChan = framework._.sfCommon.getSframeChannel();
sframeChan.query('Q_FORM_SUBMIT', {
mailbox: content.answers,