Merge branch 'staging' of into staging

ansuz 2017-02-27 20:11:26 +01:00
commit 9a2ed5741a
5 changed files with 50 additions and 23 deletions

View File

@ -155,11 +155,9 @@ define(req, function(Default, Language) {
/*messages.driveReadme = '["BODY",{"class":"cke_editable cke_editable_themed cke_contents_ltr cke_show_borders","contenteditable":"true","spellcheck":"false","style":"color: rgb(51, 51, 51);"},' +
'[["H1",{},["' + messages.driveReadme_h1 + '",["BR",{},[]]]],["UL",{},[["LI",{},["' + messages.driveReadme_li1 + '",["BR",{},[]],["UL",{},[["LI",{},["' + messages.driveReadme_li1_1 + '",["BR",{},[]]]]]]]]]]],' +
messages.driveReadme = '["BODY",{"class":"cke_editable cke_editable_themed cke_contents_ltr cke_show_borders","contenteditable":"true","spellcheck":"false","style":"color: rgb(51, 51, 51);"},' +
'[["H1",{},["'+messages.readme_welcome+'"]],["P",{},["'+messages.readme_p1+'"]],["P",{},["'+messages.readme_p2+'"]],["HR",{},[]],["H2",{},["'+messages.readme_cat1+'",["BR",{},[]]]],["UL",{},[["LI",{},["'+messages._getKey("readme_cat1_l1", ['",["STRONG",{},["'+messages.newButton+'"]],"', '",["STRONG",{},["'+messages.type.pad+'"]],"'])+'"]],["LI",{},["'+messages.readme_cat1_l2+'"]],["LI",{},["'+messages._getKey("readme_cat1_l3", ['",["STRONG",{},["'+messages.fm_unsortedName+'"]],"'])+'",["UL",{},[["LI",{},["'+messages._getKey("readme_cat1_l3_l1", ['",["STRONG",{},["'+messages.fm_rootName+'"]],"'])+'"]],["LI",{},["'+messages.readme_cat1_l3_l2+'"]]]]]],["LI",{},["'+messages._getKey("readme_cat1_l4", ['",["STRONG",{},["'+messages.fm_trashName+'"]],"'])+'",["BR",{},[]]]]]],["P",{},[["BR",{},[]]]],["H2",{},["'+messages.readme_cat2+'",["BR",{},[]]]],["UL",{},[["LI",{},["'+messages._getKey("readme_cat2_l1", ['",["STRONG",{},["'+messages.shareButton+'"]],"', '",["STRONG",{},["'+messages.edit+'"]],"', '",["STRONG",{},["'+messages.view+'"]],"'])+'"]],["LI",{},["'+messages.readme_cat2_l2+'"]]]],["P",{},[["BR",{},[]]]],["H2",{},["'+messages.readme_cat3+'"]],["UL",{},[["LI",{},["'+messages.readme_cat3_l1+'"]],["LI",{},["'+messages.readme_cat3_l2+'"]],["LI",{},["'+messages.readme_cat3_l3+'",["BR",{},[]]]]]]],' +
'{"metadata":{"defaultTitle":"' + messages.driveReadmeTitle + '","title":"' + messages.driveReadmeTitle + '"}}]';
messages.driveReadme = '[["H1",{},["'+messages.readme_welcome+'"]],["P",{},["'+messages.readme_p1+'"]],["P",{},["'+messages.readme_p2+'"]],["HR",{},[]],["H2",{},["'+messages.readme_cat1+'",["BR",{},[]]]],["UL",{},[["LI",{},["'+messages._getKey("readme_cat1_l1", ['",["STRONG",{},["'+messages.newButton+'"]],"', '",["STRONG",{},["'+messages.type.pad+'"]],"'])+'"]],["LI",{},["'+messages.readme_cat1_l2+'"]],["LI",{},["'+messages._getKey("readme_cat1_l3", ['",["STRONG",{},["'+messages.unsortedName+'"]],"'])+'",["UL",{},[["LI",{},["You can click and drag files into folders in the ",["STRONG",{},["Documents"]]," section of your drive and make new folders."]],["LI",{},["Remember to try right clicking on icons because there are often additional menus."]]]]]],["LI",{},["Put old pads in the trash: You can click and drag your pads into the ",["STRONG",{},["Trash"]]," the same way you drag them into folders.",["BR",{},[]]]]]],["P",{},[["BR",{},[]]]],["H2",{},["Make pads like a pro",["BR",{},[]]]],["UL",{},[["LI",{},["The ",["STRONG",{},["Share"]]," button in your pad allows you to give access to collaborators to either ",["STRONG",{},["edit"]]," or to ",["STRONG",{},["view"]]," the pad."]],["LI",{},["Change the title of the pad by clicking on the pencil"]]]],["P",{},[["BR",{},[]]]],["H2",{},["Discover CryptPad apps"]],["UL",{},[["LI",{},["With CryptPad code editor, you can collaborate on code like Javascript and markdown like HTML and Markdown"]],["LI",{},["With CryptPad slide editor, you can make quick presentations using Markdown"]],["LI",{},["With CryptPoll you can take quick votes, especially for scheduling meetings which fit with everybody\'s calander",["BR",{},[]]]]]]]';
return messages;

View File

@ -377,5 +377,26 @@ define(function () {
' - La présentation est mise à jour en temps-réel'
out.driveReadmeTitle = "Qu'est-ce que CryptDrive ?";
out.readme_welcome = "Bienvenue dans CryptPad !";
out.readme_p1 = "Bienvenue dans CryptPad, le lieu où vous pouvez prendre des notes seul ou avec des amis.";
out.readme_p2 = "Ce pad va vous donner un aperçu de la manière dont vous pouvez utiliser CryptPad pour prendre des notes, les organiser et travailler en groupe sur celles-ci.";
out.readme_cat1 = "Découvrez votre CryptDrive";
out.readme_cat1_l1 = "Créer un pad : Dans votre CryptDrive, cliquez sur {0} puis {1} et vous obtenez un nouveau pad."; // 0: New, 1: Rich Text
out.readme_cat1_l2 = "Ouvrir des pads depuis votre CryptDrive : Double-cliquez sur l'icone d'un pad pour l'ouvrir.";
out.readme_cat1_l3 = "Organiser vos pads : Quand vous êtes connectés, tous les pads auquel vous accédez sont ajoutés dans la section {0} de votre CryptDrive."; // 0: Unsorted files
out.readme_cat1_l3_l1 = "Vous pouvez cliquer et faire glisser des fichiers dans des dossiers dans la section {0} de votre CryptDrive, et créer de nouveaux dossiers."; // 0: Documents
out.readme_cat1_l3_l2 = "N'hésitez pas à utiliser le clic droit sur les icones puisque des menus sont souvent disponibles.";
out.readme_cat1_l4 = "Déplacer des pads vers la corbeille : Vous pouvez cliquer et faire glisser vos pads dans la {0} de la même manière que vous pouvez les déposer dans des dossiers."; // 0: Trash
out.readme_cat2 = "Créer des pads comme un pro";
out.edit = "éditer";
out.view = "voir";
out.readme_cat2_l1 = "Le bouton {0} dans votre pad vous permet de donner l'accès à vos collaborateurs que ce soit pour l'{0} ou pour le {1}."; // 0: Share, 1: edit, 2: view
out.readme_cat2_l2 = "Vous pouvez changer le titre d'un pad en cliquant sur le crayon";
out.readme_cat3 = "Découvrez les autres applications CryptPad";
out.readme_cat3_l1 = "Avec l'éditeur de code de CryptPad, vous pouvez collaborer sur du code comme Javascript ou des langages comme HTML ou Markdown.";
out.readme_cat3_l2 = "Avec l'éditeur de présentations de CryptPad, vous pouvez réaliser des présentations rapides en utilisant Markdown";
out.readme_cat3_l3 = "Avec CryptPoll vous pouvez créer rapidement des sondages, et en particulier plannifier des meetings qui rentrent dans l'agenda de tout ceux qui souhaitent participer.";
return out;

View File

@ -390,17 +390,25 @@ define(function () {
out.driveReadmeTitle = "What is CryptDrive?";
out.driveReadme_h1 = "Welcome to CryptPad";
out.driveReadme_li1 = "CryptDrive : all your pads sorted in one place";
out.driveReadme_li1_1 = "Tree, trash, unsorted files, etc.";
out.readme_welcome = "Welcome to CryptPad !";
out.readme_p1 = "Welcome to CryptPad, this is where you can take note of things alone and with friends.";
out.readme_p2 = "This pad will give you a quick walk through of how you can use CryptPad to take notes, keep them organized and work together on them.";
out.readme_cat1 = "Get to know your CryptDrive";
out.readme_cat1_l1 = "Make a pad: In your CryptDrive, click {0} then {1} and you can make a pad.";
out.readme_cat1_l1 = "Make a pad: In your CryptDrive, click {0} then {1} and you can make a pad."; // 0: New, 1: Rich Text
out.readme_cat1_l2 = "Open Pads from your CryptDrive: double-click on a pad icon to open it.";
out.readme_cat1_l3 = "Organize your pads: When you are logged in, every pad you access will be shown as in the {0} section of your drive.";
out.readme_cat1_l3 = "Organize your pads: When you are logged in, every pad you access will be shown as in the {0} section of your drive."; // 0: Unsorted files
out.readme_cat1_l3_l1 = "You can click and drag files into folders in the {0} section of your drive and make new folders."; // 0: Documents
out.readme_cat1_l3_l2 = "Remember to try right clicking on icons because there are often additional menus.";
out.readme_cat1_l4 = "Put old pads in the trash: You can click and drag your pads into the {0} the same way you drag them into folders."; // 0: Trash
out.readme_cat2 = "Make pads like a pro";
out.edit = "edit";
out.view = "view";
out.readme_cat2_l1 = "The {0} button in your pad allows you to give access to collaborators to either {1} or to {2} the pad."; // 0: Share, 1: edit, 2: view
out.readme_cat2_l2 = "Change the title of the pad by clicking on the pencil";
out.readme_cat3 = "Discover CryptPad apps";
out.readme_cat3_l1 = "With CryptPad code editor, you can collaborate on code like Javascript and markdown like HTML and Markdown";
out.readme_cat3_l2 = "With CryptPad slide editor, you can make quick presentations using Markdown";
out.readme_cat3_l3 = "With CryptPoll you can take quick votes, especially for scheduling meetings which fit with everybody's calendar";
return out;

View File

@ -292,7 +292,7 @@ define([
var $name = $element.find('.name');
if (!$name.length) {
$name = $element.find('.element');
$name = $element.find('> .element');
var name = path[path.length - 1];
@ -576,6 +576,10 @@ define([
var andThen = function () {
filesOp.moveElements(paths, newPath, cb);
// Cancel drag&drop from TRASH to TRASH
if (filesOp.comparePath(newPath, [TRASH]) && paths.length >= 1 && paths[0][0] === TRASH) {
// "force" is currently unused but may be configurable by user
if (newPath[0] !== TRASH || force) {
@ -861,13 +865,15 @@ define([
return $title;
path.forEach(function (p, idx) {
if (isTrash && [1,2].indexOf(idx) !== -1) { return; }
if (isTrash && [2,3].indexOf(idx) !== -1) { return; }
var $span = $('<span>', {'class': 'element'});
if (idx < path.length - 1) {
$ (e) {
module.displayDirectory(path.slice(0, idx + 1));
var sliceEnd = idx + 1;
if (isTrash && idx === 1) { sliceEnd = 4; } // Make sure we don't show the index or 'element' and 'path'
module.displayDirectory(path.slice(0, sliceEnd));
@ -1903,11 +1909,9 @@ define([
var createReadme = function (proxy, cb) {
if (proxy.initializing) {
var hash = Cryptpad.createRandomHash();
Get.put(hash, Messages.driveReadme, function (e) {
if (e) { console.error(e); }
if (e) { logError(e); }
var href = '/pad/#' + hash;
href: href,

View File

@ -130,7 +130,6 @@ define([
color: '#fff',
//documentBody.innerHTML = Messages.initialState;
var cursor = window.cursor = Cursor(inner);
@ -366,10 +365,6 @@ define([
var realtimeOptions = {
// provide initialstate...
//initialState: stringifyDOM(inner) || '{}',
initialState: '[]',
// the websocket URL
websocketURL: Cryptpad.getWebsocketURL(),
@ -431,6 +426,7 @@ define([
var updateMetadata = function(shjson) {
// Extract the user list (metadata) from the hyperjson
if (!shjson || typeof (shjson) !== "string") { updateTitle(defaultName); return; }
var hjson = JSON.parse(shjson);
var peerMetadata = hjson[3];
var titleUpdated = false;
@ -678,7 +674,7 @@ define([
var shjson = info.realtime.getUserDoc();
var newPad = false;
if (shjson === '[]') { newPad = true; }
if (shjson === '') { newPad = true; }
if (!newPad) {
@ -704,7 +700,7 @@ define([
} else {
updateTitle(Cryptpad.initialName || defaultName);
documentBody.innerHTML = Messages.initialState;