WIP support for customized and translated legal info
@ -102,27 +102,54 @@ define([
return h('a', attrs, text);
var imprintUrl = AppConfig.imprint && (typeof(AppConfig.imprint) === "boolean" ?
'/imprint.html' : AppConfig.imprint);
Pages.versionString = "v4.13.0";
var customURLs = Pages.customURLs = {};
(function () {
var defaultURLs = {
//imprint: '/imprint.html', // XXX cryptpad.org/default-imprint.html?
//privacy: '/privacy.html', // XXX cryptpad.org/default-privacy.html?
terms: '/terms.html', // XXX cryptpad.org/default-terms.html?
//roadmap: '/roadmap.html', // XXX cryptpad.org/default-roadmap.html?
source: 'https://github.com/xwiki-labs/cryptpad',
var l = Msg._getLanguage();
['imprint', 'privacy', 'terms', 'roadmap', 'source'].forEach(function (k) {
var value = AppConfig[k];
if (value === false) { return; }
if (value === true) {
customURLs[k] = defaultURLs[k];
if (!value) { return; }
if (typeof(value) === 'string') {
customURLs[k] = value;
if (typeof(value) === 'object') {
customURLs[k] = value[l] || value['default'];
Msg.footer_source = 'Source code'; // XXX
// used for the about menu
Pages.imprintLink = AppConfig.imprint ? footLink(imprintUrl, 'imprint') : undefined;
Pages.privacyLink = footLink(AppConfig.privacy, 'privacy');
Pages.githubLink = footLink('https://github.com/xwiki-labs/cryptpad', null, 'GitHub');
Pages.imprintLink = footLink(customURLs.imprint, 'imprint');
Pages.privacyLink = footLink(customURLs.privacy, 'privacy');
Pages.termsLink = footLink(customURLs.terms, 'footer_tos');
Pages.sourceLink = footLink(customURLs.source, 'footer_source');
Pages.docsLink = footLink('https://docs.cryptpad.fr', 'docs_link');
Pages.roadmapLink = footLink(AppConfig.roadmap, 'footer_roadmap');
Pages.roadmapLink = footLink(customURLs.roadmap, 'footer_roadmap');
Pages.infopageFooter = function () {
var terms = footLink('/terms.html', 'footer_tos'); // FIXME this should be configurable like the other legal pages
var legalFooter;
// only display the legal part of the footer if it has content
if (terms || Pages.privacyLink || Pages.imprintLink) {
if (Pages.termsLink || Pages.privacyLink || Pages.imprintLink) {
legalFooter = footerCol('footer_legal', [
@ -145,7 +172,7 @@ define([
footLink('/what-is-cryptpad.html', 'topbar_whatIsCryptpad'),
footLink('/features.html', Pages.areSubscriptionsAllowed()? 'pricing': 'features'), // Messages.pricing, Messages.features
footLink('https://opencollective.com/cryptpad/contribute/', 'footer_donate'),
footerCol('footer_aboutUs', [
@ -392,7 +392,6 @@ define([
assert(function (cb, msg) {
msg.innerText = "Missing HTTP headers required for .xlsx export from sheets. ";
var url = cacheBuster(sheetURL);
var expect = {
'cross-origin-resource-policy': 'cross-origin',
'cross-origin-embedder-policy': 'require-corp',
@ -1114,6 +1113,75 @@ define([
var POLICY_ADVISORY = " It's advised that you either provide one or disable registration.";
var isValidInfoURL = function (url) {
// XXX check that it's an absolute URL ????
if (!url || typeof(url) !== 'string') { return false; }
try {
var parsed = new URL(url, ApiConfig.httpUnsafeOrigin);
// check that the URL parsed and that they haven't simply linked to
// '/' or '.' or something silly like that.
return ![
ApiConfig.httpUnsafeOrigin + '/',
} catch (err) {
return false;
// XXX check if they provide terms of service
assert(function (cb, msg) {
if (ApiConfig.restrictRegistration) { return void cb(true); }
var url = Pages.customURLs.terms;
msg.appendChild(h('span', [
'No terms of service specified.', // XXX
cb(isValidInfoURL(url) || url); // XXX
// XXX check if they provide legal data
assert(function (cb, msg) {
if (ApiConfig.restrictRegistration) { return void cb(true); }
var url = Pages.customURLs.imprint;
msg.appendChild(h('span', [
'No legal data provided.', // XXX
cb(isValidInfoURL(url) || url); // XXX
// XXX check if they provide a privacy policy
assert(function (cb, msg) {
if (ApiConfig.restrictRegistration) { return void cb(true); }
var url = Pages.customURLs.privacy;
msg.appendChild(h('span', [
'No privacy policy provided.', // XXX
cb(isValidInfoURL(url) || url); // XXX
// XXX check if they provide a link to source code
assert(function (cb, msg) {
if (ApiConfig.restrictRegistration) { return void cb(true); }
var url = Pages.customURLs.source;
msg.appendChild(h('span', [
'No source code link provided.', // XXX
cb(isValidInfoURL(url) || url); // XXX
var serverToken;
Tools.common_xhr('/', function (xhr) {
serverToken = xhr.getResponseHeader('server');
@ -35,6 +35,9 @@ define(function() {
//'doc', 'presentation'
// XXX
// AppConfig.premiumTypes = ['doc', 'presentation'];
/* CryptPad is available is multiple languages, but only English and French are maintained
* by the developers. The other languages may be outdated, and any missing string for a langauge
* will use the english version instead. You can customize the langauges you want to be available
@ -65,6 +68,29 @@ define(function() {
//AppConfig.roadmap = 'https://cryptpad.fr/kanban/#/2/kanban/view/PLM0C3tFWvYhd+EPzXrbT+NxB76Z5DtZhAA5W5hG9wo/';
// XXX
AppConfig.imprint, AppConfig.privacy, AppConfig.terms, AppConfig.source, and AppConfig.roadmap can each be configured in one of three manners:
// to prevent the display of privacy policy entirely:
AppConfig.privacy = false;
// to display the default privacy policy:
AppConfig.privacy = true;
// to display translated versions of the privacy policy depending on
// the user's configured or inferred language
AppConfig.privacy = {
'default': '...', // displayed if there is no exact match
'en': '/privacy.en.html',
'fr': '/privacy.fr.html',
AppConfig.source = 'https://github.com/xwiki-labs/cryptpad/'; // XXX
/* Cryptpad apps use a common API to display notifications to users
* by default, notifications are hidden after 5 seconds
* You can change their duration here (measured in milliseconds)
@ -1637,6 +1637,11 @@ define([
return $container;
Messages.info_termsFlavour = "<a>XXX terms flavour</a>"; // XXX
Messages.info_imprintFlavour = "<a>XXX imprint flavour</a>"; // XXX
Messages.info_roadmapFlavour = "<a>XXX roadmap flavour</a>"; // XXX
Messages.info_sourceFlavour = "<a>XXX source flavour</a>"; // XXX
UIElements.displayInfoMenu = function (Common, metadataMgr) {
//var padType = metadataMgr.getMetadata().type;
var priv = metadataMgr.getPrivateData();
@ -1647,9 +1652,10 @@ define([
var template = function (line, link) {
if (!line || !link) { return; }
var p = $('<p>').html(line)[0];
var p = $('<p>').html(line)[0]; // XXX
var sub = link.cloneNode(true);
// XXX use URL if you need to?
/* This is a hack to make relative URLs point to the main domain
instead of the sandbox domain. It will break if the admins have specified
some less common URL formats for their customizable links, such as if they've
@ -1669,6 +1675,17 @@ define([
var faqLine = template(Messages.help_genericMore, Pages.docsLink);
// XXX terms
var termsLine = template(Messages.info_termsFlavour, Pages.termsLink);
// XXX imprint
var imprintLine = template(Messages.info_imprintFlavour, Pages.imprintLink);
// XXX roadmap
var roadmapLine = template(Messages.info_roadmapFlavour, Pages.roadmapLink);
var sourceLine = template(Messages.info_sourceFlavour, Pages.sourceLink);
var content = h('div.cp-info-menu-container', [
h('div.logo-block', [
h('img', {
@ -1680,7 +1697,11 @@ define([
termsLine, // XXX
imprintLine, // XXX
roadmapLine, // XXX
sourceLine, // XXX
$(content).find('a').attr('target', '_blank');
Reference in New Issue