Fix pinned column not always stored in polls

yflory 2017-10-19 16:01:56 +02:00
parent 88e7f9a218
commit 7bc2f81852
1 changed files with 6 additions and 10 deletions

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@ -838,12 +838,9 @@ define([
prepareProxy(uncommitted, copyObject(Render.Example));
if (!APP.readOnly) {
var coluid = Render.coluid();
if (proxy.content.colsOrder.indexOf(userid) === -1 &&
uncommitted.content.colsOrder.indexOf(userid) === -1) {
// The user doesn't have his own column: the new one should be his
coluid = userid;
} else {
// The user already has his own column: unlock it
if (userid) {
// If userid exists, it means the user already has a pinned column
// and we should unlock it
@ -968,10 +965,10 @@ define([
// If the user's column is not committed, add his username
var $userInput = $('.cp-app-poll-table-uncommitted > input[data-rt-id^='+ APP.userid +']');
if ($userInput.val() === '') {
var $userInput = $('.cp-app-poll-table-uncommitted > input');
if (!APP.userid) {
var uname = metadataMgr.getUserData().name;
APP.uncommitted.content.cols[APP.userid] = uname;
APP.uncommitted.content.cols[APP.uncommitted.content.colsOrder[0]] = uname;
@ -1164,7 +1161,6 @@ define([
.on('ready', function (info) {
common.getPadAttribute('userid', function (e, userid) {
if (e) { console.error(e); }
if (!userid) { userid = Render.coluid(); }
APP.userid = userid;
onReady(info, userid);