refactor rpc with support for multiple authenticated sessions

ansuz 6 years ago
parent 53142c91e7
commit 75b655e1e8

@ -1,5 +1,10 @@
(function (window) {
var Util = {};
Util.tryParse = function (s) {
try { return JSON.parse(s); } catch (e) { return;}
Util.mkAsync = function (f) {
return function () {
var args =;

@ -1,144 +1,198 @@
(function () {
var factory = function (Util, Nacl) {
// we will send messages with a unique id for each RPC
// that id is returned with each response, indicating which call it was in response to
var uid = Util.uid;
// safely parse json messages, because they might cause parse errors
var tryParse = Util.tryParse;
// we will sign various message with our edPrivate keys
// this handles that in a generic way
var signMsg = function (data, signKey) {
var buffer = Nacl.util.decodeUTF8(JSON.stringify(data));
return Nacl.util.encodeBase64(Nacl.sign.detached(buffer, signKey));
types of messages:
pin -> hash
unpin -> hash
getHash -> hash
getTotalSize -> bytes
getFileSize -> bytes
// sendMsg takes a pre-formed message, does a little validation
// adds a transaction id to the message and stores its callback
// and finally sends it off to the historyKeeper, which delegates its
// processing to the RPC submodule
var sendMsg = function (ctx, data, cb) {
var network =;
var hkn = network.historyKeeper;
var txid = uid();
// enforce async behaviour
setTimeout(function () {
if (typeof(cb) !== 'function') {
return console.error('expected callback');
if (typeof(cb) !== 'function') {
return console.error('expected callback');
var network =;
var hkn = network.historyKeeper;
if (typeof(hkn) !== 'string') { return void cb("NO_HISTORY_KEEPER"); }
var pending = ctx.pending[txid] = function (err, response) {
cb(err, response);
}; = data;
pending.called = 0;
return network.sendto(hkn, JSON.stringify([txid, data]));
var txid = uid();
var pending = ctx.pending[txid] = function (err, response) {
cb(err, response);
}; = data;
pending.called = 0;
return network.sendto(hkn, JSON.stringify([txid, data]));
var parse = function (msg) {
try {
return JSON.parse(msg);
} catch (e) {
return null;
var matchesAnon = function (ctx, txid) {
if (!ctx.anon) { return false; }
if (typeof(ctx.anon.pending[txid]) !== 'function') { return false; }
return true;
var onMsg = function (ctx, msg) {
var parsed = parse(msg);
var handleAnon = function (ctx /* anon_ctx */, txid, body /* parsed messages without txid */) {
// if anon is handling it we know there's a pending callback
var pending = ctx.pending[txid];
if (body[0] === 'ERROR') { pending(body[1]); }
else { pending(void 0, body.slice(1)); }
delete ctx.pending[txid];
var onMsg = function (ctx /* network context */, msg /* string message */) {
if (typeof(msg) !== 'string') {
console.error("received non-string message [%s]", msg);
var parsed = tryParse(msg);
if (!parsed) {
return void console.error(new Error('could not parse message: %s', msg));
// RPC messages are always arrays.
if (!Array.isArray(parsed)) { return; }
// ignore FULL_HISTORY messages
if (/(FULL_HISTORY|HISTORY_RANGE)/.test(parsed[0])) { return; }
var txid = parsed[0];
// txid must be a string, or this message is not meant for us
if (typeof(txid) !== 'string') { return; }
var cookie = parsed[1];
var pending = ctx.pending[txid];
if (!(parsed && parsed.slice)) {
// RPC responses are arrays. this message isn't meant for us.
if (matchesAnon(ctx, txid)) {
return void handleAnon(ctx.anon, txid, parsed.slice(1));
if (/(FULL_HISTORY|HISTORY_RANGE)/.test(parsed[0])) { return; }
var response = parsed.slice(2);
if (typeof(pending) === 'function') {
if (parsed[1] === 'ERROR') {
if (parsed[2] === 'NO_COOKIE') {
return void ctx.send('COOKIE', "", function (e) {
if (e) {
return void pending(e);
// resend the same command again
// give up if you've already tried resending
if (ctx.resend(txid)) { delete ctx.pending[txid]; }
// iterate over authenticated rpc contexts and check if they are expecting
// a message with this txid
if (ctx.authenticated.some(function (rpc_ctx) {
var pending = rpc_ctx.pending[txid];
// not meant for you
if (typeof(pending) !== 'function') { return false; }
// if you're here, the message is for you...
if (parsed[1] !== 'ERROR') {
// if the server sent you a new cookie, replace the old one
if (/\|/.test(parsed[1]) && rpc_ctx.cookie !== parsed[1]) {
rpc_ctx.cookie = parsed[1];
pending(void 0, parsed.slice(2));
delete ctx.pending[txid];
} else {
// update the cookie
if (/\|/.test(cookie)) {
if (ctx.cookie !== cookie) {
ctx.cookie = cookie;
// if successful, delete the callback...
delete rpc_ctx.pending[txid];
// prevent further iteration
return true;
// NO_COOKIE errors mean you failed to authenticate.
// request a new cookie and resend the query
if (parsed[2] === 'NO_COOKIE') {
return void ctx.send('COOKIE', "", function (e) {
if (e) {
return void pending(e);
// resend the same command again
// give up if you've already tried resending
if (ctx.resend(txid)) { delete ctx.pending[txid]; }
pending(void 0, response);
// if successful, delete the callback...
// if you're here then your RPC passed authentication but had some other error
// call back with the error message
// and delete the pending callback
delete ctx.pending[txid];
// prevent further iteration
return true;
})) {
// the message was handled, so stop here
// HACK to hide messages from the anon rpc
if (parsed.length !== 4 && parsed[1] !== 'ERROR') {
console.error("received message [%s] for txid[%s] with no callback", msg, txid);
console.error("UNHANDLED RPC MESSAGE");
var create = function (network, edPrivateKey, edPublicKey, cb) {
var signKey;
var networks = [];
var contexts = [];
try {
signKey = Nacl.util.decodeBase64(edPrivateKey);
if (signKey.length !== 64) {
throw new Error('private key did not match expected length of 64');
} catch (err) {
return void cb(err);
var initNetworkContext = function (network) {
var ctx = {
network: network,
connected: true,
anon: undefined,
authenticated: [],
var pubBuffer;
try {
pubBuffer = Nacl.util.decodeBase64(edPublicKey);
if (pubBuffer.length !== 32) {
return void cb('expected public key to be 32 uint');
} catch (err) {
return void cb(err);
// add listeners...
network.on('message', function (msg, sender) {
if (sender !== network.historyKeeper) { return; }
onMsg(ctx, msg);
network.on('disconnect', function () {
ctx.connected = false;
if (ctx.anon) { ctx.anon.connected = false; }
ctx.authenticated.forEach(function (ctx) {
ctx.connected = false;
network.on('reconnect', function () {
if (ctx.anon) { ctx.anon.connected = true; }
ctx.authenticated.forEach(function (ctx) {
ctx.connected = true;
return ctx;
var getNetworkContext = function (network) {
var i;
networks.some(function (current, j) {
if (network !== current) { return false; }
i = j;
return true;
if (contexts[i]) { return contexts[i]; }
return initNetworkContext(network);
var initAuthenticatedRpc = function (networkContext, keys) {
var ctx = {
network: network,
timeouts: {}, // timeouts
pending: {}, // callbacks
publicKey: keys.publicKeyString,
timeouts: {},
pending: {},
cookie: null,
connected: true,
var send = ctx.send = function (type, msg, cb) {
if (!ctx.connected && type !== 'COOKIE') {
return void setTimeout(function () {
return void Util.mkAsync(cb)("DISCONNECTED");
// construct a signed message...
@ -150,9 +204,9 @@ types of messages:
var sig = signMsg(data, signKey);
var sig = signMsg(data, keys.signKey);
// [sig, edPublicKey, cookie, type, msg]
@ -169,7 +223,7 @@ types of messages:
// update the cookie and signature...[2] = ctx.cookie;[0] = signMsg(, signKey);[0] = signMsg(, keys.signKey);
try {
@ -187,7 +241,7 @@ types of messages:
// construct an unsigned message
var data = [null, edPublicKey, null, type, msg];
var data = [null, keys.publicKeyString, null, type, msg];
if (ctx.cookie && ctx.cookie.join) {
data[2] = ctx.cookie.join('|');
} else {
@ -197,103 +251,101 @@ types of messages:
return sendMsg(ctx, data, cb);
network.on('message', function (msg, sender) {
if (sender !== network.historyKeeper) { return; }
onMsg(ctx, msg);
ctx.destroy = function () {
// clear all pending timeouts
Object.keys(ctx.timeouts).forEach(function (to) {
network.on('disconnect', function () {
ctx.connected = false;
// remove the ctx from the network's stack
var idx = networkContext.authenticated.indexOf(ctx);
if (idx === -1) { return; }
networkContext.authenticated.splice(idx, 1);
network.on('reconnect', function () {
send('COOKIE', "", function (e) {
if (e) { return void cb(e); }
ctx.connected = true;
return ctx;
// network.onHistoryKeeperChange is defined in chainpad-netflux.js
// The function we pass will be called when the drive reconnects and
// chainpad-netflux detects a new history keeper id
if (network.onHistoryKeeperChange) {
network.onHistoryKeeperChange(function () {
send('COOKIE', "", function (e) {
if (e) { return void cb(e); }
ctx.connected = true;
var getAuthenticatedContext = function (networkContext, keys) {
if (!networkContext) { throw new Error('expected network context'); }
send('COOKIE', "", function (e) {
if (e) { return void cb(e); }
// callback to provide 'send' method to whatever needs it
cb(void 0, { send: send, });
var publicKey = keys.publicKeyString;
var i;
networkContext.authenticated.some(function (ctx, j) {
if (ctx.publicKey !== publicKey) { return false; }
i = j;
return true;
if (networkContext.authenticated[i]) { return networkContext.authenticated[i]; }
return initAuthenticatedRpc(networkContext, keys);
var onAnonMsg = function (ctx, msg) {
var parsed = parse(msg);
var create = function (network, edPrivateKey, edPublicKey, cb) {
if (typeof(cb) !== 'function') { throw new Error("expected callback"); }
if (!parsed) {
return void console.error(new Error('could not parse message: %s', msg));
var signKey;
try {
signKey = Nacl.util.decodeBase64(edPrivateKey);
if (signKey.length !== 64) {
throw new Error('private key did not match expected length of 64');
} catch (err) {
return void cb(err);
// RPC messages are always arrays.
if (!Array.isArray(parsed)) { return; }
var txid = parsed[0];
try {
if (Nacl.util.decodeBase64(edPublicKey).length !== 32) {
return void cb('expected public key to be 32 uint');
} catch (err) { return void cb(err); }
// txid must be a string, or this message is not meant for us
if (typeof(txid) !== 'string') { return; }
if (!network) { return void cb('NO_NETWORK'); }
var pending = ctx.pending[txid];
// get or create a context for the provided network
var net_ctx = getNetworkContext(network);
if (!(parsed && parsed.slice)) {
// RPC responses are arrays. this message isn't meant for us.
if (/FULL_HISTORY/.test(parsed[0])) { return; }
var response = parsed.slice(2);
if (typeof(pending) === 'function') {
if (parsed[1] === 'ERROR') {
delete ctx.pending[txid];
pending(void 0, response);
var rpc_ctx = getAuthenticatedContext(net_ctx, {
publicKeyString: edPublicKey,
signKey: signKey,
// if successful, delete the callback...
delete ctx.pending[txid];
// HACK: filter out ugly messages we don't care about
if (typeof(msg) !== 'string') {
console.error("received message [%s] for txid[%s] with no callback", msg, txid);
rpc_ctx.send('COOKIE', "", function (e) {
if (e) { return void cb(e); }
// callback to provide 'send' method to whatever needs it
cb(void 0, {
send: rpc_ctx.send,
destroy: rpc_ctx.destroy,
var createAnonymous = function (network, cb) {
var initAnonRpc = function (networkContext) {
var ctx = {
network: network,
timeouts: {}, // timeouts
pending: {}, // callbacks
cookie: null,
timeouts: {},
pending: {},
connected: true,
var send = ctx.send = function (type, msg, cb) {
// any particular network will only ever need one anonymous rpc
networkContext.anon = ctx;
ctx.send = function (type, msg, cb) {
if (!ctx.connected) {
return void setTimeout(function () {
// construct an unsigned message...
var data = [type, msg];
// [sig, edPublicKey, cookie, type, msg]
// [type, msg]
return sendMsg(ctx, data, cb);
@ -314,21 +366,32 @@ types of messages:
network.on('message', function (msg, sender) {
if (sender !== network.historyKeeper) { return; }
onAnonMsg(ctx, msg);
ctx.destroy = function () {
// clear all pending timeouts
Object.keys(ctx.timeouts).forEach(function (to) {
network.on('disconnect', function () {
ctx.connected = false;
networkContext.anon = undefined;
network.on('reconnect', function () {
ctx.connected = true;
return ctx;
var getAnonContext = function (networkContext) {
return networkContext.anon || initAnonRpc(networkContext);
var createAnonymous = function (network, cb) {
if (typeof(cb) !== 'function') { throw new Error("expected callback"); }
if (!network) { return void cb('NO_NETWORK'); }
// get or create a context for the provided network
var ctx = getAnonContext(getNetworkContext(network));
cb(void 0, {
send: send
send: ctx.send,
destroy: ctx.destroy,
