diff --git a/customize.dist/src/less2/include/messenger.less b/customize.dist/src/less2/include/messenger.less
index dfcafb4f8..7a56af1d5 100644
--- a/customize.dist/src/less2/include/messenger.less
+++ b/customize.dist/src/less2/include/messenger.less
@@ -266,6 +266,24 @@
color: darken(@bg-color, 5%);
+ .cp-app-contacts-header-title {
+ padding: 10px;
+ flex: 1;
+ }
+ }
+ .cp-app-contacts-tips {
+ margin: 1em;
+ background-color: lighten(@bg-color, 15%);
+ font-size: 14px;
+ padding: 10px;
+ position: relative;
+ .cp-app-contacts-tips-close {
+ cursor: pointer;
+ position: absolute;
+ top: 2px;
+ right: 2px;
+ }
.cp-app-contacts-chat {
height: 100%;
diff --git a/customize.dist/src/less2/include/toolbar.less b/customize.dist/src/less2/include/toolbar.less
index 559addc42..cdd1f0cb6 100644
--- a/customize.dist/src/less2/include/toolbar.less
+++ b/customize.dist/src/less2/include/toolbar.less
@@ -150,8 +150,8 @@
background-color: @toolbar-bg-color;
background-color: var(--toolbar-bg-color);
font: @colortheme_app-font-size @colortheme_font;
- width: 30%;
- min-width: 400px;
+ width: 20%;
+ min-width: 200px;
display: block;
overflow-y: auto;
overflow-x: hidden;
diff --git a/customize.dist/translations/messages.fr.js b/customize.dist/translations/messages.fr.js
index 382774d32..9e8215e3b 100644
--- a/customize.dist/translations/messages.fr.js
+++ b/customize.dist/translations/messages.fr.js
@@ -365,6 +365,8 @@ define(function () {
out.contacts_remove = 'Supprimer ce contact';
out.contacts_confirmRemove = 'Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir supprimer {0} de vos contacts ?';
out.contacts_typeHere = "Entrez un message ici...";
+ out.contacts_warning = "Tout ce que vous tapez ici est permanent et visible par tous les utilisateurs actuels et futurs de ce pad. Soyez prudent avec vos données confidentielles !";
+ out.contacts_padTitle = "Chat";
out.contacts_info1 = "Voici vos contacts. Ici, vous pouvez :";
out.contacts_info2 = "Cliquer sur le nom d'un contact pour discuter avec lui";
@@ -380,6 +382,8 @@ define(function () {
out.contacts_rooms = "Salons";
out.contacts_leaveRoom = "Quitter ce salon";
+ out.contacts_online = "Un autre utilisateur est en ligne dans ce salon";
// File manager
out.fm_rootName = "Documents";
diff --git a/customize.dist/translations/messages.js b/customize.dist/translations/messages.js
index eaebca6f7..6c678da44 100644
--- a/customize.dist/translations/messages.js
+++ b/customize.dist/translations/messages.js
@@ -367,12 +367,11 @@ define(function () {
out.contacts_remove = 'Remove this contact';
out.contacts_confirmRemove = 'Are you sure you want to remove {0} from your contacts?';
out.contacts_typeHere = "Type a message here...";
+ out.contacts_warning = "Everything you type here is persistent and available to all the existing and future users of this pad. Be careful with sensitive information!";
+ out.contacts_padTitle = "Chat";
- out.contacts_info1_new = "Here is CryptPad messaging. From here, you can:";
- out.contacts_info2_new = "Click the top icon to chat with members of this pad";
- out.contacts_info2a_new = "Editors and viewers can use the chat";
- out.contacts_info3_new = "Click on your friend's icon to chat with them";
- out.contacts_info3a_new = "You can add a friend by joining the same pad and using the userlist";
+ out.contacts_info1 = "These are your contacts. From here, you can:";
+ out.contacts_info2 = "Click your contact's icon to chat with them";
out.contacts_info3 = "Double-click their icon to view their profile";
out.contacts_info4 = "Either participant can clear permanently a chat history";
diff --git a/www/contacts/messenger-ui.js b/www/contacts/messenger-ui.js
index da54ae063..23c4f7a71 100644
--- a/www/contacts/messenger-ui.js
+++ b/www/contacts/messenger-ui.js
@@ -52,22 +52,11 @@ define([
var messaging = h('div#cp-app-contacts-messaging', [
h('div.cp-app-contacts-info', [
- h('h2', Messages.contacts_info1_new),
+ h('h2', Messages.contacts_info1),
h('ul', [
- isApp ? h('li', [
- Messages.contacts_info2_new,
- h('ul', [
- h('li', Messages.contacts_info2a_new)
- ])
- ]) : undefined, // Display the pad chat info only if we're in a pad
- h('li', [
- Messages.contacts_info3_new,
- h('ul', [
- h('li', Messages.contacts_info3a_new),
- h('li', Messages.contacts_info3),
- h('li', Messages.contacts_info4),
- ])
- ]),
+ h('li', Messages.contacts_info2),
+ h('li', Messages.contacts_info3),
+ h('li', Messages.contacts_info4),
@@ -300,11 +289,31 @@ define([
var avatar = h('div.cp-avatar');
- var header = h('div.cp-app-contacts-header', [
- avatar,
- moreHistory,
- data.isFriendChat ? removeHistory: undefined,
- ]);
+ var headerContent = [avatar, moreHistory, data.isFriendCHat ? removeHistory : undefined];
+ if (isApp) {
+ headerContent = [
+ h('div.cp-app-contacts-header-title', Messages.contacts_padTitle),
+ moreHistory
+ ];
+ }
+ var header = h('div.cp-app-contacts-header', headerContent);
+ var priv = metadataMgr.getPrivateData();
+ var closeTips = h('span.fa.fa-window-close.cp-app-contacts-tips-close');
+ var tips;
+ if (isApp && Util.find(priv.settings, ['general', 'hidetips', 'chat']) !== true) {
+ tips = h('div.cp-app-contacts-tips', [
+ closeTips,
+ Messages.contacts_warning
+ ]);
+ }
+ $(closeTips).click(function () {
+ $(tips).hide();
+ common.setAttribute(['general', 'hidetips', 'chat'], true);
+ });
var messages = h('div.cp-app-contacts-messages');
var input = h('textarea', {
placeholder: Messages.contacts_typeHere
@@ -386,6 +395,7 @@ define([
'data-user': data.isFriendChat && curvePublic
}, [
+ tips,
h('div.cp-app-contacts-input', [