diff --git a/www/drive/main.js b/www/drive/main.js
index 3bcd4ec1b..a06ca36ec 100644
--- a/www/drive/main.js
+++ b/www/drive/main.js
@@ -39,6 +39,7 @@ define([
var SEARCH = "search";
+ var SEARCH_NAME = Messages.fm_searchName;
var ROOT = "root";
var ROOT_NAME = Messages.fm_rootName;
var UNSORTED = "unsorted";
@@ -75,6 +76,7 @@ define([
return path;
var setLastOpenedFolder = function (path) {
+ if (path[0] === SEARCH) { return; }
localStorage[LOCALSTORAGE_LAST] = JSON.stringify(path);
@@ -207,8 +209,8 @@ define([
// Categories dislayed in the menu
// _WORKGROUP_ : do not display unsorted
- var displayedCategories = [ROOT, UNSORTED, TRASH];
- if (isWorkgroup()) { displayedCategories = [ROOT, TRASH]; }
+ var displayedCategories = [ROOT, UNSORTED, TRASH, SEARCH];
+ if (isWorkgroup()) { displayedCategories = [ROOT, TRASH, SEARCH]; }
var lastSelectTime;
var selectedElement;
@@ -925,30 +927,34 @@ define([
case UNSORTED: pName = UNSORTED_NAME; break;
case TEMPLATE: pName = TEMPLATE_NAME; break;
case FILES_DATA: pName = FILES_DATA_NAME; break;
+ case SEARCH: pName = SEARCH_NAME; break;
default: pName = name;
return pName;
// Create the title block with the "parent folder" button
- var createTitle = function (path) {
+ var createTitle = function (path, noStyle) {
if (!path || path.length === 0) { return; }
var isTrash = filesOp.isPathInTrash(path);
var $title = $('
', {'class': 'path unselectable'});
if (APP.mobile()) {
return $title;
+ path = path[0] === SEARCH ? path.slice(0,1) : path;
path.forEach(function (p, idx) {
if (isTrash && [2,3].indexOf(idx) !== -1) { return; }
var $span = $('', {'class': 'element'});
if (idx < path.length - 1) {
- $span.addClass('clickable');
- $span.click(function (e) {
- var sliceEnd = idx + 1;
- if (isTrash && idx === 1) { sliceEnd = 4; } // Make sure we don't show the index or 'element' and 'path'
- module.displayDirectory(path.slice(0, sliceEnd));
- });
+ if (!noStyle) {
+ $span.addClass('clickable');
+ $span.click(function (e) {
+ var sliceEnd = idx + 1;
+ if (isTrash && idx === 1) { sliceEnd = 4; } // Make sure we don't show the index or 'element' and 'path'
+ module.displayDirectory(path.slice(0, sliceEnd));
+ });
+ }
var name = p;
@@ -1421,7 +1427,40 @@ define([
var displaySearch = function ($list, value) {
var filesList = filesOp.search(value);
filesList.forEach(function (r) {
- $('').text(JSON.stringify(r)).appendTo($list);
+ r.paths.forEach(function (path) {
+ var href = r.data.href;
+ var parsed = Cryptpad.parsePadUrl(href);
+ var $table = $('');
+ var $icon = $('', {'rowspan': '3', 'class': 'icon'}).append(getFileIcon(href));
+ var $title = $(' | ', {'class': 'col1 title'}).text(r.data.title).click(function (e) {
+ openFile(r.data.href);
+ });
+ var $typeName = $(' | ', {'class': 'label2'}).text(Messages.fm_type);
+ var $type = $(' | ', {'class': 'col2'}).text(Messages.type[parsed.type] || parsed.type);
+ var $atimeName = $(' | ', {'class': 'label2'}).text(Messages.fm_lastAccess);
+ var $atime = $(' | ', {'class': 'col2'}).text(new Date(r.data.atime).toLocaleString());
+ var $ctimeName = $(' | ', {'class': 'label2'}).text(Messages.fm_creation);
+ var $ctime = $(' | ', {'class': 'col2'}).text(new Date(r.data.ctime).toLocaleString());
+ if (filesOp.isPathInHrefArray(path)) {
+ path.pop();
+ path.push(r.data.title);
+ }
+ var $path = $(' | ', {'class': 'col1 path'}).html(createTitle(path, true).html());
+ var parentPath = path.slice();
+ var $a;
+ if (parentPath) {
+ $a = $('').text(Messages.fm_openParent).click(function (e) {
+ e.preventDefault();
+ parentPath.pop();
+ module.displayDirectory(parentPath);
+ });
+ }
+ var $openDir = $(' | ', {'class': 'openDir'}).append($a);
+ var $row1 = $(' | ').append($icon).append($title).append($typeName).append($type).appendTo($table);
+ var $row2 = $('
+ var $row3 = $('
+ $('', {'class':'searchResult'}).append($table).appendTo($list);
+ });
@@ -1465,6 +1504,10 @@ define([
+ if (isSearch) {
+ $tree.find('#searchInput').focus();
+ }
if (!isWorkgroup()) {
@@ -1474,13 +1517,15 @@ define([
var $dirContent = $('', {id: FOLDER_CONTENT_ID});
$dirContent.data('path', path);
- var mode = getViewMode();
- if (mode) {
- $dirContent.addClass(getViewModeClass());
+ if (!isSearch) {
+ var mode = getViewMode();
+ if (mode) {
+ $dirContent.addClass(getViewModeClass());
+ }
+ var $modeButton = createViewModeButton().appendTo($toolbar.find('.rightside'));
var $list = $('
- var $modeButton = createViewModeButton().appendTo($toolbar.find('.rightside'));
var $title = createTitle(path).appendTo($toolbar.find('.rightside'));
@@ -1693,17 +1738,33 @@ define([
+ var search = APP.Search = {};
var createSearch = function ($container) {
+ var isInSearch = currentPath[0] === SEARCH;
+ var $div = $('', {'id': 'searchContainer'});
var $input = $('', {
+ id: 'searchInput',
type: 'text',
- placeholder: 'Search...'
+ placeholder: Messages.fm_searchPlaceholder
}).keyup(function (e) {
- if (e.which === 13) {
- var val = $(this).val();
- displayDirectory([SEARCH, val]);
+ if (search.to) { window.clearTimeout(search.to); }
+ var isInSearchTmp = currentPath[0] === SEARCH;
+ if ($input.val().trim() === "") {
+ if (search.oldLocation.length) { displayDirectory(search.oldLocation); }
+ return;
- });
- $container.append($input);
+ if (e.which === 13) {
+ if (!isInSearchTmp) { search.oldLocation = currentPath.slice(); }
+ displayDirectory([SEARCH, $input.val()]);
+ return;
+ }
+ search.to = window.setTimeout(function () {
+ if (!isInSearchTmp) { search.oldLocation = currentPath.slice(); }
+ displayDirectory([SEARCH, $input.val()]);
+ }, 500);
+ }).appendTo($div);
+ if (isInSearch) { $input.val(currentPath[1] || ''); }
+ $container.append($div);
var resetTree = module.resetTree = function () {