Unified metadata
@ -396,32 +396,35 @@ module.exports.create = function (cfg) {
// parsed[3] is the last known hash (optionnal)
sendMsg(ctx, user, [seq, 'ACK']);
channelName = parsed[1];
var validateKey = parsed[2];
var lastKnownHash = parsed[3];
var owners;
var expire;
if (parsed[2] && typeof parsed[2] === "object") {
validateKey = parsed[2].validateKey;
lastKnownHash = parsed[2].lastKnownHash;
owners = parsed[2].owners;
if (parsed[2].expire) {
expire = +parsed[2].expire * 1000 + (+new Date());
var config = parsed[2];
var metadata = {};
var lastKnownHash;
if (config && typeof config === "object") {
lastKnownHash = config.lastKnownHash;
metadata = config.metadata || {};
if (metadata.expire) {
metadata.expire = +metadata.expire * 1000 + (+new Date());
} else if (config) {
// This is the old way: parsed[2] is the validateKey and parsed[3] is the last known hash
lastKnownHash = parsed[3];
metadata.validateKey = parsed[2];
metadata.channel = channelName;
nThen(function (waitFor) {
if (!tasks) { return; } // tasks are not supported
if (typeof(expire) !== 'number' || !expire) { return; }
if (typeof(metadata.expire) !== 'number' || !metadata.expire) { return; }
// the fun part...
// the user has said they want this pad to expire at some point
tasks.write(expire, "EXPIRE", [ channelName ], waitFor(function (err) {
tasks.write(metadata.expire, "EXPIRE", [ channelName ], waitFor(function (err) {
if (err) {
// if there is an error, we don't want to crash the whole server...
// just log it, and if there's a problem you'll be able to fix it
// at a later date with the provided information
Log.error('HK_CREATE_EXPIRE_TASK', err);
Log.info('HK_INVALID_EXPIRE_TASK', JSON.stringify([expire, 'EXPIRE', channelName]));
Log.info('HK_INVALID_EXPIRE_TASK', JSON.stringify([metadata.expire, 'EXPIRE', channelName]));
}).nThen(function (waitFor) {
@ -482,20 +485,9 @@ module.exports.create = function (cfg) {
// the first message in the file
const chan = ctx.channels[channelName];
if (msgCount === 0 && !historyKeeperKeys[channelName] && chan && chan.indexOf(user) > -1) {
var key = {};
key.channel = channelName;
if (validateKey) {
key.validateKey = validateKey;
if (owners) {
key.owners = owners;
if (expire) {
key.expire = expire;
historyKeeperKeys[channelName] = key;
storeMessage(ctx, chan, JSON.stringify(key), false, undefined);
sendMsg(ctx, user, [0, HISTORY_KEEPER_ID, 'MSG', user.id, JSON.stringify(key)]);
historyKeeperKeys[channelName] = metadata;
storeMessage(ctx, chan, JSON.stringify(metadata), false, undefined);
sendMsg(ctx, user, [0, HISTORY_KEEPER_ID, 'MSG', user.id, JSON.stringify(metadata)]);
// End of history message:
@ -422,8 +422,10 @@ define([
var friend = getFriendFromChannel(chan.id) || {};
var cfg = {
validateKey: keys ? keys.validateKey : undefined,
owners: [proxy.edPublic, friend.edPublic],
metadata: {
validateKey: keys ? keys.validateKey : undefined,
owners: [proxy.edPublic, friend.edPublic],
lastKnownHash: data.lastKnownHash
var msg = ['GET_HISTORY', chan.id, cfg];
@ -1191,10 +1191,7 @@ define([
noChainPad: true,
channel: data.channel,
validateKey: data.validateKey,
owners: data.owners,
password: data.password,
expire: data.expire,
metadata: data.metadata,
network: store.network,
//readOnly: data.readOnly,
onConnect: function (wc, sendMessage) {
@ -1441,14 +1438,16 @@ define([
websocketURL: NetConfig.getWebsocketURL(),
channel: secret.channel,
readOnly: false,
validateKey: secret.keys.validateKey || undefined,
crypto: Crypto.createEncryptor(secret.keys),
userName: 'sharedFolder',
logLevel: 1,
ChainPad: ChainPad,
classic: true,
network: store.network,
owners: owners
metadata: {
validateKey: secret.keys.validateKey || undefined,
owners: owners
var rt = Listmap.create(listmapConfig);
store.sharedFolders[id] = rt;
@ -92,9 +92,11 @@ define([
var hk = network.historyKeeper;
var cfg = {
validateKey: obj.validateKey,
lastKnownHash: chan.lastKnownHash || chan.lastCpHash,
owners: obj.owners,
expire: obj.expire
metadata: {
lastKnownHash: chan.lastKnownHash || chan.lastCpHash,
owners: obj.owners,
expire: obj.expire
var msg = ['GET_HISTORY', wc.id, cfg];
// Add the validateKey if we are the channel creator and we have a validateKey
@ -23,14 +23,12 @@ define([], function () {
var start = function (conf) {
var channel = conf.channel;
var Crypto = conf.crypto;
var validateKey = conf.validateKey;
var isNewHash = conf.isNewHash;
var readOnly = conf.readOnly || false;
var padRpc = conf.padRpc;
var sframeChan = conf.sframeChan;
var password = conf.password;
var owners = conf.owners;
var expire = conf.expire;
var metadata= conf.metadata || {};
var validateKey = metadata.validateKey;
var onConnect = conf.onConnect || function () { };
conf = undefined;
@ -127,11 +125,8 @@ define([], function () {
// join the netflux network, promise to handle opening of the channel
channel: channel || null,
validateKey: validateKey,
readOnly: readOnly,
owners: owners,
password: password,
expire: expire
metadata: metadata
@ -1074,13 +1074,17 @@ define([
readOnly = false;
var rtConfig = {};
var rtConfig = {
metadata: {}
if (data.owned) {
rtConfig.owners = [edPublic];
rtConfig.metadata.owners = [edPublic];
if (data.expire) {
rtConfig.expire = data.expire;
rtConfig.metadata.expire = data.expire;
rtConfig.metadata.validateKey = (secret.keys && secret.keys.validateKey) || undefined;
Utils.rtConfig = rtConfig;
nThen(function(waitFor) {
if (data.templateId) {
Reference in New Issue