diff --git a/customize.dist/src/less2/include/modals-ui-elements.less b/customize.dist/src/less2/include/modals-ui-elements.less
index 0cc580ec0..c407c8523 100644
--- a/customize.dist/src/less2/include/modals-ui-elements.less
+++ b/customize.dist/src/less2/include/modals-ui-elements.less
@@ -26,6 +26,11 @@
// Properties modal
.cp-app-prop {
margin-bottom: 10px;
+ .cp-app-prop-hint {
+ color: @cryptpad_text_col;
+ font-size: 0.8em;
+ margin-bottom: 5px;
+ }
.cp-app-prop-size-container {
height: 20px;
background-color: @colortheme_logo-2;
diff --git a/www/code/inner.js b/www/code/inner.js
index 28b90b07c..09158d952 100644
--- a/www/code/inner.js
+++ b/www/code/inner.js
@@ -7,12 +7,14 @@ define([
+ '/code/markers.js',
@@ -50,6 +52,7 @@ define([
+ Markers,
@@ -301,6 +304,20 @@ define([
var previewPane = mkPreviewPane(editor, CodeMirror, framework, isPresentMode);
var markdownTb = mkMarkdownTb(editor, framework);
+ var markers = Markers.create({
+ common: common,
+ framework: framework,
+ CodeMirror: CodeMirror,
+ devMode: privateData.devMode,
+ editor: editor
+ });
+ var $showAuthorColorsButton = framework._.sfCommon.createButton('', true, {
+ icon: 'fa-paint-brush',
+ }).hide();
+ framework._.toolbar.$rightside.append($showAuthorColorsButton);
+ markers.setButton($showAuthorColorsButton);
var $print = $('#cp-app-code-print');
var $content = $('#cp-app-code-preview-content');
mkPrintButton(framework, $content, $print);
@@ -323,15 +340,23 @@ define([
- ////
framework.onContentUpdate(function (newContent) {
var highlightMode = newContent.highlightMode;
if (highlightMode && highlightMode !== CodeMirror.highlightMode) {
CodeMirror.setMode(highlightMode, evModeChange.fire);
+ // Fix the markers offsets
+ markers.checkMarks(newContent);
+ // Apply the text content
+ // Apply the markers
+ markers.setMarks();
+ framework.localChange();
framework.setContentGetter(function () {
@@ -339,6 +364,10 @@ define([
var content = CodeMirror.getContent();
content.highlightMode = CodeMirror.highlightMode;
+ markers.updateAuthorMarks();
+ content.authormarks = markers.getAuthorMarks();
return content;
@@ -368,6 +397,15 @@ define([
//console.log("%s => %s", CodeMirror.highlightMode, CodeMirror.$language.val());
+ if (newPad && Util.find(privateData, ['settings', 'code', 'enableColors'])) {
+ var metadataMgr = common.getMetadataMgr();
+ var md = Util.clone(metadataMgr.getMetadata());
+ md.enableColors = true;
+ metadataMgr.updateMetadata(md);
+ }
+ markers.ready();
var fmConfig = {
dropArea: $('.CodeMirror'),
body: $('body'),
@@ -385,7 +423,7 @@ define([
framework.onDefaultContentNeeded(function () {
- editor.setValue(''); //Messages.codeInitialState);
+ editor.setValue('');
framework.setFileExporter(CodeMirror.getContentExtension, CodeMirror.fileExporter);
@@ -402,11 +440,14 @@ define([
framework.setNormalizer(function (c) {
return {
content: c.content,
- highlightMode: c.highlightMode
+ highlightMode: c.highlightMode,
+ authormarks: c.authormarks
- editor.on('change', framework.localChange);
+ editor.on('change', function( cm, change ) {
+ markers.localChange(change, framework.localChange);
+ });
diff --git a/www/code/markers.js b/www/code/markers.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b8817e1e6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/www/code/markers.js
@@ -0,0 +1,747 @@
+ '/common/common-util.js',
+ '/common/sframe-common-codemirror.js',
+ '/customize/messages.js',
+ '/bower_components/chainpad/chainpad.dist.js',
+], function (Util, SFCodeMirror, Messages, ChainPad) {
+ var Markers = {};
+ /* TODO Known Issues
+ * 1. ChainPad diff is not completely accurate: we're not aware of the other user's cursor
+ position so if they insert an "a" in the middle of "aaaaa", the diff will think that
+ the "a" was inserted at the end of this sequence. This is not an issue for the content
+ but it will cause issues for the colors
+ 2. ChainPad doesn't always provide the good result in case of conflict (?)
+ e.g. Alice is inserting "pew" at offset 10, Bob is removing 1 character at offset 10
+ The expected result is to have "pew" and the following character deleted
+ In some cases, the result is "ew" inserted and the following character not deleted
+ */
+ var debug = function () {};
+ var MARK_OPACITY = 0.5;
+ var DEFAULT = {
+ authors: {},
+ marks: [[-1, 0, 0, Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER, Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER]]
+ };
+ Messages.cba_writtenBy = 'Written by {0}'; // XXX
+ var addMark = function (Env, from, to, uid) {
+ if (!Env.enabled) { return; }
+ var author = Env.authormarks.authors[uid] || {};
+ if (uid === -1) {
+ return void Env.editor.markText(from, to, {
+ css: "background-color: transparent",
+ attributes: {
+ 'data-type': 'authormark',
+ 'data-uid': uid
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ uid = Number(uid);
+ var name = Util.fixHTML(author.name || Messages.anonymous);
+ var col = Util.hexToRGB(author.color);
+ var rgba = 'rgba('+col[0]+','+col[1]+','+col[2]+','+Env.opacity+');';
+ return Env.editor.markText(from, to, {
+ inclusiveLeft: uid === Env.myAuthorId,
+ inclusiveRight: uid === Env.myAuthorId,
+ css: "background-color: " + rgba,
+ attributes: {
+ title: Env.opacity ? Messages._getKey('cba_writtenBy', [name]) : undefined,
+ 'data-type': 'authormark',
+ 'data-uid': uid
+ }
+ });
+ };
+ var sortMarks = function (a, b) {
+ if (!Array.isArray(b)) { return -1; }
+ if (!Array.isArray(a)) { return 1; }
+ // Check line
+ if (a[1] < b[1]) { return -1; }
+ if (a[1] > b[1]) { return 1; }
+ // Same line: check start offset
+ if (a[2] < b[2]) { return -1; }
+ if (a[2] > b[2]) { return 1; }
+ return 0;
+ };
+ /* Formats:
+ [uid, startLine, startCh, endLine, endCh] (multi line)
+ [uid, startLine, startCh, endCh] (single line)
+ [uid, startLine, startCh] (single character)
+ */
+ var parseMark = Markers.parseMark = function (array) {
+ if (!Array.isArray(array)) { return {}; }
+ var multiline = typeof(array[4]) !== "undefined";
+ var singleChar = typeof(array[3]) === "undefined";
+ return {
+ uid: array[0],
+ startLine: array[1],
+ startCh: array[2],
+ endLine: multiline ? array[3] : array[1],
+ endCh: singleChar ? (array[2]+1) : (multiline ? array[4] : array[3])
+ };
+ };
+ var setAuthorMarks = function (Env, authormarks) {
+ if (!Env.enabled) {
+ Env.authormarks = {};
+ return;
+ }
+ authormarks = authormarks || {};
+ if (!authormarks.marks) { authormarks.marks = Util.clone(DEFAULT.marks); }
+ if (!authormarks.authors) { authormarks.authors = Util.clone(DEFAULT.authors); }
+ Env.oldMarks = Env.authormarks;
+ Env.authormarks = authormarks;
+ };
+ var getAuthorMarks = function (Env) {
+ return Env.authormarks;
+ };
+ var updateAuthorMarks = function (Env) {
+ if (!Env.enabled) { return; }
+ // get author marks
+ var _marks = [];
+ var all = [];
+ var i = 0;
+ Env.editor.getAllMarks().forEach(function (mark) {
+ var pos = mark.find();
+ var attributes = mark.attributes || {};
+ if (!pos || attributes['data-type'] !== 'authormark') { return; }
+ var uid = Number(attributes['data-uid']) || 0;
+ all.forEach(function (obj) {
+ if (obj.uid !== uid) { return; }
+ if (obj.removed) { return; }
+ // Merge left
+ if (obj.pos.to.line === pos.from.line && obj.pos.to.ch === pos.from.ch) {
+ obj.removed = true;
+ _marks[obj.index] = undefined;
+ obj.mark.clear();
+ mark.clear();
+ mark = addMark(Env, obj.pos.from, pos.to, uid);
+ pos.from = obj.pos.from;
+ return;
+ }
+ // Merge right
+ if (obj.pos.from.line === pos.to.line && obj.pos.from.ch === pos.to.ch) {
+ obj.removed = true;
+ _marks[obj.index] = undefined;
+ obj.mark.clear();
+ mark.clear();
+ mark = addMark(Env, pos.from, obj.pos.to, uid);
+ pos.to = obj.pos.to;
+ }
+ });
+ var array = [uid, pos.from.line, pos.from.ch];
+ if (pos.from.line === pos.to.line && pos.to.ch > (pos.from.ch+1)) {
+ // If there is more than 1 character, add the "to" character
+ array.push(pos.to.ch);
+ } else if (pos.from.line !== pos.to.line) {
+ // If the mark is on more than one line, add the "to" line data
+ Array.prototype.push.apply(array, [pos.to.line, pos.to.ch]);
+ }
+ _marks.push(array);
+ all.push({
+ uid: uid,
+ pos: pos,
+ mark: mark,
+ index: i
+ });
+ i++;
+ });
+ _marks.sort(sortMarks);
+ debug('warn', _marks);
+ Env.authormarks.marks = _marks.filter(Boolean);
+ };
+ // Fix all marks located after the given operation in the provided document
+ var fixMarksFromOp = function (Env, op, marks, doc) {
+ var pos = SFCodeMirror.posToCursor(op.offset, doc); // pos of start offset
+ var rPos = SFCodeMirror.posToCursor(op.offset + op.toRemove, doc); // end of removed content
+ var removed = doc.slice(op.offset, op.offset + op.toRemove).split('\n'); // removed content
+ var added = op.toInsert.split('\n'); // added content
+ var posEndLine = pos.line + added.length - 1; // end line after op
+ var posEndCh = added[added.length - 1].length; // end ch after op
+ var addLine = added.length - removed.length;
+ var addCh = added[added.length - 1].length - removed[removed.length - 1].length;
+ if (addLine > 0) { addCh -= pos.ch; }
+ else if (addLine < 0) { addCh += pos.ch; }
+ else { posEndCh += pos.ch; }
+ var splitted;
+ marks.forEach(function (mark, i) {
+ if (!mark) { return; }
+ var p = parseMark(mark);
+ // Don't update marks located before the operation
+ if (p.endLine < pos.line || (p.endLine === pos.line && p.endCh < pos.ch)) { return; }
+ // Remove markers that have been deleted by my changes
+ if ((p.startLine > pos.line || (p.startLine === pos.line && p.startCh >= pos.ch)) &&
+ (p.endLine < rPos.line || (p.endLine === rPos.line && p.endCh <= rPos.ch))) {
+ marks[i] = undefined;
+ return;
+ }
+ // Update markers that have been cropped right
+ if (p.endLine < rPos.line || (p.endLine === rPos.line && p.endCh <= rPos.ch)) {
+ mark[3] = pos.line;
+ mark[4] = pos.ch;
+ return;
+ }
+ // Update markers that have been cropped left. This markers will be affected by
+ // my toInsert so don't abort
+ if (p.startLine < rPos.line || (p.startLine === rPos.line && p.startCh < rPos.ch)) {
+ // If our change will split an existing mark, put the existing mark after the change
+ // and create a new mark before
+ if (p.startLine < pos.line || (p.startLine === pos.line && p.startCh < pos.ch)) {
+ splitted = [mark[0], mark[1], mark[2], pos.line, pos.ch];
+ }
+ mark[1] = rPos.line;
+ mark[2] = rPos.ch;
+ }
+ // Apply my toInsert the to remaining marks
+ mark[1] += addLine;
+ if (typeof(mark[4]) !== "undefined") { mark[3] += addLine; }
+ if (mark[1] === posEndLine) {
+ mark[2] += addCh;
+ if (typeof(mark[4]) === "undefined" && typeof(mark[3]) !== "undefined") {
+ mark[3] += addCh;
+ } else if (typeof(mark[4]) !== "undefined" && mark[3] === posEndLine) {
+ mark[4] += addCh;
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ if (op.toInsert.length) {
+ marks.push([Env.myAuthorId, pos.line, pos.ch, posEndLine, posEndCh]);
+ }
+ if (splitted) {
+ marks.push(splitted);
+ }
+ marks.sort(sortMarks);
+ };
+ // Remove marks added by OT and fix the incorrect ones
+ // first: data about the change with the lowest offset
+ // last: data about the change with the latest offset
+ // in the comments, "I" am "first"
+ var fixMarks = function (Env, first, last, content, toKeepEnd) {
+ var toKeep = [];
+ var toJoin = {};
+ debug('error', "Fix marks");
+ debug('warn', first);
+ debug('warn', last);
+ if (first.me !== last.me) {
+ // Get their start position compared to the authDoc
+ var lastAuthOffset = last.offset + last.total;
+ var lastAuthPos = SFCodeMirror.posToCursor(lastAuthOffset, last.doc);
+ // Get their start position compared to the localDoc
+ var lastLocalOffset = last.offset + first.total;
+ var lastLocalPos = SFCodeMirror.posToCursor(lastLocalOffset, first.doc);
+ // Keep their changes in the marks (after their offset)
+ last.marks.some(function (array, i) {
+ var p = parseMark(array);
+ // End of the mark before offset? ignore
+ if (p.endLine < lastAuthPos.line) { return; }
+ // Take everything from the first mark ending after the pos
+ if (p.endLine > lastAuthPos.line || p.endCh >= lastAuthPos.ch) {
+ toKeep = last.marks.slice(i);
+ last.marks.splice(i);
+ return true;
+ }
+ });
+ // Keep my marks (based on currentDoc) before their changes
+ first.marks.some(function (array, i) {
+ var p = parseMark(array);
+ // End of the mark before offset? ignore
+ if (p.endLine < lastLocalPos.line) { return; }
+ // Take everything from the first mark ending after the pos
+ if (p.endLine > lastLocalPos.line || p.endCh >= lastLocalPos.ch) {
+ first.marks.splice(i);
+ return true;
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ // If we still have markers in "first", store the last one so that we can "join"
+ // everything at the end
+ if (first.marks.length) {
+ var toJoinMark = first.marks[first.marks.length - 1].slice();
+ toJoin = parseMark(toJoinMark);
+ }
+ // Add the new markers to the result
+ Array.prototype.unshift.apply(toKeepEnd, toKeep);
+ debug('warn', toJoin);
+ debug('warn', toKeep);
+ debug('warn', toKeepEnd);
+ // Fix their offset: compute added lines and added characters on the last line
+ // using the chainpad operation data (toInsert and toRemove)
+ var pos = SFCodeMirror.posToCursor(first.offset, content);
+ var removed = content.slice(first.offset, first.offset + first.toRemove).split('\n');
+ var added = first.toInsert.split('\n');
+ var posEndLine = pos.line + added.length - 1; // end line after op
+ var addLine = added.length - removed.length;
+ var addCh = added[added.length - 1].length - removed[removed.length - 1].length;
+ if (addLine > 0) { addCh -= pos.ch; }
+ if (addLine < 0) { addCh += pos.ch; }
+ toKeepEnd.forEach(function (array) {
+ // Push to correct lines
+ array[1] += addLine;
+ if (typeof(array[4]) !== "undefined") { array[3] += addLine; }
+ // If they have markers on my end line, push their "ch"
+ if (array[1] === posEndLine) {
+ array[2] += addCh;
+ // If they have no end line, it means end line === start line,
+ // so we also push their end offset
+ if (typeof(array[4]) === "undefined" && typeof(array[3]) !== "undefined") {
+ array[3] += addCh;
+ } else if (typeof(array[4]) !== "undefined" && array[3] === posEndLine) {
+ array[4] += addCh;
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ if (toKeep.length && toJoin && typeof(toJoin.endLine) !== "undefined"
+ && typeof(toJoin.endCh) !== "undefined") {
+ // Make sure the marks are joined correctly:
+ // fix the start position of the marks to keep
+ // Note: we must preserve the same end for this mark if it was single line!
+ if (typeof(toKeepEnd[0][4]) === "undefined") { // Single line
+ toKeepEnd[0][4] = toKeepEnd[0][3] || (toKeepEnd[0][2]+1); // preserve end ch
+ toKeepEnd[0][3] = toKeepEnd[0][1]; // preserve end line
+ }
+ toKeepEnd[0][1] = toJoin.endLine;
+ toKeepEnd[0][2] = toJoin.endCh;
+ }
+ debug('log', 'Fixed');
+ debug('warn', toKeepEnd);
+ };
+ var checkMarks = function (Env, userDoc) {
+ var chainpad = Env.framework._.cpNfInner.chainpad;
+ var editor = Env.editor;
+ var CodeMirror = Env.CodeMirror;
+ setAuthorMarks(Env, userDoc.authormarks);
+ if (!Env.enabled) { return; }
+ debug('error', 'Check marks');
+ var authDoc = JSON.parse(chainpad.getAuthDoc() || '{}');
+ if (!authDoc.content || !userDoc.content) { return; }
+ var authPatch = chainpad.getAuthBlock();
+ if (authPatch.isFromMe) {
+ debug('log', 'Switch branch, from me');
+ debug('log', authDoc.content);
+ debug('log', authDoc.authormarks.marks);
+ debug('log', userDoc.content);
+ // We're switching to a different branch that was created by us.
+ // We can't trust localDoc anymore because it contains data from the other branch
+ // It means the only changes that we need to consider are ours.
+ // Diff between userDoc and authDoc to see what we changed
+ var _myOps = ChainPad.Diff.diff(authDoc.content, userDoc.content).reverse();
+ var authormarks = Util.clone(authDoc.authormarks);
+ _myOps.forEach(function (op) {
+ fixMarksFromOp(Env, op, authormarks.marks, authDoc.content);
+ });
+ authormarks.marks = authormarks.marks.filter(Boolean);
+ debug('log', 'Fixed marks');
+ debug('warn', authormarks.marks);
+ setAuthorMarks(Env, authormarks);
+ return;
+ }
+ var oldMarks = Env.oldMarks;
+ if (authDoc.content === userDoc.content) { return; } // No uncommitted work
+ if (!userDoc.authormarks || !Array.isArray(userDoc.authormarks.marks)) { return; }
+ debug('warn', 'Begin...');
+ var localDoc = CodeMirror.canonicalize(editor.getValue());
+ var commonParent = chainpad.getAuthBlock().getParent().getContent().doc;
+ var content = JSON.parse(commonParent || '{}').content || '';
+ var theirOps = ChainPad.Diff.diff(content, authDoc.content);
+ var myOps = ChainPad.Diff.diff(content, localDoc);
+ debug('log', theirOps);
+ debug('log', myOps);
+ if (!myOps.length || !theirOps.length) { return; }
+ // If I have uncommited content when receiving a remote patch, all the operations
+ // placed after someone else's changes will create marker issues. We have to fix it
+ var sorted = [];
+ var myTotal = 0;
+ var theirTotal = 0;
+ var parseOp = function (me) {
+ return function (op) {
+ var size = (op.toInsert.length - op.toRemove);
+ sorted.push({
+ me: me,
+ offset: op.offset,
+ toInsert: op.toInsert,
+ toRemove: op.toRemove,
+ size: size,
+ marks: (me ? (oldMarks && oldMarks.marks)
+ : (authDoc.authormarks && authDoc.authormarks.marks)) || [],
+ doc: me ? localDoc : authDoc.content
+ });
+ if (me) { myTotal += size; }
+ else { theirTotal += size; }
+ };
+ };
+ myOps.forEach(parseOp(true));
+ theirOps.forEach(parseOp(false));
+ // Sort the operation in reverse order of offset
+ // If an operation from them has the same offset than an operation from me, put mine first
+ sorted.sort(function (a, b) {
+ if (a.offset === b.offset) {
+ return a.me ? -1 : 1;
+ }
+ return b.offset - a.offset;
+ });
+ debug('log', sorted);
+ // We start from the end so that we don't have to fix the offsets everytime
+ var prev;
+ var toKeepEnd = [];
+ sorted.forEach(function (op) {
+ // Not the same author? fix!
+ if (prev) {
+ // Provide the new "totals"
+ prev.total = prev.me ? myTotal : theirTotal;
+ op.total = op.me ? myTotal : theirTotal;
+ // Fix the markers
+ fixMarks(Env, op, prev, content, toKeepEnd);
+ }
+ if (op.me) { myTotal -= op.size; }
+ else { theirTotal -= op.size; }
+ prev = op;
+ });
+ debug('log', toKeepEnd);
+ // We now have all the markers located after the first operation (ordered by offset).
+ // Prepend the markers placed before this operation
+ var first = sorted[sorted.length - 1];
+ if (first) { Array.prototype.unshift.apply(toKeepEnd, first.marks); }
+ // Commit our new markers
+ Env.authormarks.marks = toKeepEnd;
+ debug('warn', toKeepEnd);
+ debug('warn', '...End');
+ };
+ // Reset marks displayed in CodeMirror to the marks stored in Env
+ var setMarks = function (Env) {
+ // on remote update: remove all marks, add new marks if colors are enabled
+ Env.editor.getAllMarks().forEach(function (marker) {
+ if (marker.attributes && marker.attributes['data-type'] === 'authormark') {
+ marker.clear();
+ }
+ });
+ if (!Env.enabled) { return; }
+ debug('error', 'setMarks');
+ debug('log', Env.authormarks.marks);
+ var authormarks = Env.authormarks;
+ authormarks.marks.forEach(function (mark) {
+ var uid = mark[0];
+ if (uid !== -1 && (!authormarks.authors || !authormarks.authors[uid])) { return; }
+ var from = {};
+ var to = {};
+ from.line = mark[1];
+ from.ch = mark[2];
+ if (mark.length === 3) {
+ to.line = mark[1];
+ to.ch = mark[2]+1;
+ } else if (mark.length === 4) {
+ to.line = mark[1];
+ to.ch = mark[3];
+ } else if (mark.length === 5) {
+ to.line = mark[3];
+ to.ch = mark[4];
+ }
+ // Remove marks that are placed under this one
+ try {
+ Env.editor.findMarks(from, to).forEach(function (mark) {
+ if (!mark || !mark.attributes || mark.attributes['data-type'] !== 'authormark') { return; }
+ mark.clear();
+ });
+ } catch (e) {
+ console.warn(mark, JSON.stringify(authormarks.marks));
+ console.error(from, to);
+ console.error(e);
+ }
+ addMark(Env, from, to, uid);
+ });
+ };
+ var setMyData = function (Env) {
+ if (!Env.enabled) { return; }
+ var userData = Env.common.getMetadataMgr().getUserData();
+ var old = Env.authormarks.authors[Env.myAuthorId];
+ Env.authormarks.authors[Env.myAuthorId] = {
+ name: userData.name,
+ curvePublic: userData.curvePublic,
+ color: userData.color
+ };
+ if (!old || (old.name === userData.name && old.color === userData.color)) { return; }
+ return true;
+ };
+ var localChange = function (Env, change, cb) {
+ cb = cb || function () {};
+ if (!Env.enabled) { return void cb(); }
+ debug('error', 'Local change');
+ debug('log', change, true);
+ if (change.origin === "setValue") {
+ // If the content is changed from a remote patch, we call localChange
+ // in "onContentUpdate" directly
+ return;
+ }
+ if (change.text === undefined || ['+input', 'paste'].indexOf(change.origin) === -1) {
+ return void cb();
+ }
+ // add new author mark if text is added. marks from removed text are removed automatically
+ // change.to is not always correct, fix it!
+ var to_add = {
+ line: change.from.line + change.text.length-1,
+ };
+ if (change.text.length > 1) {
+ // Multiple lines => take the length of the text added to the last line
+ to_add.ch = change.text[change.text.length-1].length;
+ } else {
+ // Single line => use the "from" position and add the length of the text
+ to_add.ch = change.from.ch + change.text[change.text.length-1].length;
+ }
+ // If my text is inside an existing mark:
+ // * if it's my mark, do nothing
+ // * if it's someone else's mark, break it
+ // We can only have one author mark at a given position, but there may be
+ // another mark (cursor selection...) at this position so we use ".some"
+ var toSplit, abort;
+ Env.editor.findMarks(change.from, to_add).some(function (mark) {
+ if (!mark.attributes) { return; }
+ if (mark.attributes['data-type'] !== 'authormark') { return; }
+ if (mark.attributes['data-uid'] !== Env.myAuthorId) {
+ toSplit = {
+ mark: mark,
+ uid: mark.attributes['data-uid']
+ };
+ } else {
+ // This is our mark: abort to avoid making a new one
+ abort = true;
+ }
+ return true;
+ });
+ if (abort) { return void cb(); }
+ // Add my data to the doc if it's missing
+ if (!Env.authormarks.authors[Env.myAuthorId]) {
+ setMyData(Env);
+ }
+ if (toSplit && toSplit.mark && typeof(toSplit.uid) !== "undefined") {
+ // Break the other user's mark if needed
+ var _pos = toSplit.mark.find();
+ toSplit.mark.clear();
+ addMark(Env, _pos.from, change.from, toSplit.uid); // their mark, 1st part
+ addMark(Env, change.from, to_add, Env.myAuthorId); // my mark
+ addMark(Env, to_add, _pos.to, toSplit.uid); // their mark, 2nd part
+ } else {
+ // Add my mark
+ addMark(Env, change.from, to_add, Env.myAuthorId);
+ }
+ cb();
+ };
+ Messages.cba_show = "Show user colors"; // XXX
+ Messages.cba_hide = "Hide user colors"; // XXX
+ var setButton = function (Env, $button) {
+ var toggle = function () {
+ var tippy = $button[0] && $button[0]._tippy;
+ if (Env.opacity) {
+ Env.opacity = 0;
+ if (tippy) { tippy.title = Messages.cba_show; }
+ else { $button.attr('title', Messages.cba_show); }
+ $button.removeClass("cp-toolbar-button-active");
+ } else {
+ Env.opacity = MARK_OPACITY;
+ if (tippy) { tippy.title = Messages.cba_hide; }
+ else { $button.attr('title', Messages.cba_hide); }
+ $button.addClass("cp-toolbar-button-active");
+ }
+ };
+ toggle();
+ Env.$button = $button;
+ $button.click(function() {
+ toggle();
+ setMarks(Env);
+ });
+ };
+ var authorUid = function (existing) {
+ if (!Array.isArray(existing)) { existing = []; }
+ var n;
+ var i = 0;
+ while (!n || existing.indexOf(n) !== -1 && i++ < 1000) {
+ n = Math.floor(Math.random() * 1000000);
+ }
+ // If we can't find a valid number in 1000 iterations, use 0...
+ if (existing.indexOf(n) !== -1) { n = 0; }
+ return n;
+ };
+ var getAuthorId = function (Env) {
+ var existing = Object.keys(Env.authormarks.authors || {}).map(Number);
+ if (!Env.common.isLoggedIn()) { return authorUid(existing); }
+ var userData = Env.common.getMetadataMgr().getUserData();
+ var uid;
+ existing.some(function (id) {
+ var author = Env.authormarks.authors[id] || {};
+ if (author.curvePublic !== userData.curvePublic) { return; }
+ uid = Number(id);
+ return true;
+ });
+ return uid || authorUid(existing);
+ };
+ var ready = function (Env) {
+ var metadataMgr = Env.common.getMetadataMgr();
+ var md = metadataMgr.getMetadata();
+ Env.ready = true;
+ Env.myAuthorId = getAuthorId(Env);
+ Env.enabled = md.enableColors;
+ if (Env.enabled) {
+ if (Env.$button) { Env.$button.show(); }
+ setMarks(Env);
+ }
+ };
+ Markers.create = function (config) {
+ var Env = config;
+ Env.authormarks = Util.clone(DEFAULT);
+ Env.enabled = false;
+ Env.myAuthorId = 0;
+ if (Env.devMode) {
+ debug = function (level, obj, logObject) {
+ var f = console.log;
+ if (typeof(console[level]) === "function") {
+ f = console[level];
+ }
+ if (logObject) { return void f(obj); }
+ };
+ }
+ var metadataMgr = Env.common.getMetadataMgr();
+ metadataMgr.onChange(function () {
+ var md = metadataMgr.getMetadata();
+ // If the state has changed in the pad, change the Env too
+ if (Env.enabled !== md.enableColors) {
+ Env.enabled = md.enableColors;
+ if (!Env.enabled) {
+ // Reset marks
+ Env.authormarks = {};
+ setMarks(Env);
+ if (Env.$button) { Env.$button.hide(); }
+ } else {
+ Env.myAuthorId = getAuthorId(Env);
+ // If it's a reset, add initial marker
+ if (!Env.authormarks.marks || !Env.authormarks.marks.length) {
+ Env.authormarks = Util.clone(DEFAULT);
+ setMarks(Env);
+ }
+ if (Env.$button) { Env.$button.show(); }
+ }
+ if (Env.ready) { Env.framework.localChange(); }
+ }
+ // If the markers are disabled or if I haven't pushed content since the last reset,
+ // don't update my data
+ if (!Env.enabled || !Env.myAuthorId || !Env.authormarks.authors[Env.myAuthorId]) {
+ return;
+ }
+ // Update my data
+ var changed = setMyData(Env);
+ if (changed) {
+ setMarks(Env);
+ Env.framework.localChange();
+ }
+ });
+ var call = function (f) {
+ return function () {
+ try {
+ [].unshift.call(arguments, Env);
+ return f.apply(null, arguments);
+ } catch (e) {
+ console.error(e);
+ }
+ };
+ };
+ return {
+ addMark: call(addMark),
+ getAuthorMarks: call(getAuthorMarks),
+ updateAuthorMarks: call(updateAuthorMarks),
+ checkMarks: call(checkMarks),
+ setMarks: call(setMarks),
+ localChange: call(localChange),
+ ready: call(ready),
+ setButton: call(setButton)
+ };
+ };
+ return Markers;
diff --git a/www/common/common-ui-elements.js b/www/common/common-ui-elements.js
index a5c1396c2..049e26366 100644
--- a/www/common/common-ui-elements.js
+++ b/www/common/common-ui-elements.js
@@ -1621,7 +1621,19 @@ define([
if (!data) {
return void UI.alert(Messages.autostore_notAvailable);
- sframeChan.event('EV_PROPERTIES_OPEN');
+ var metadataMgr = common.getMetadataMgr();
+ sframeChan.query('Q_PROPERTIES_OPEN', {
+ metadata: metadataMgr.getMetadata()
+ }, function (err, data) {
+ if (!data || !data.cmd) { return; }
+ if (data.cmd === "UPDATE_METADATA") {
+ if (!data.key) { return; }
+ var md = Util.clone(metadataMgr.getMetadata());
+ md[data.key] = data.value;
+ if (!data.value) { delete md[data.key]; }
+ metadataMgr.updateMetadata(md);
+ }
+ });
diff --git a/www/common/inner/common-mediatag.js b/www/common/inner/common-mediatag.js
index 40ae19059..3e1f2e75b 100644
--- a/www/common/inner/common-mediatag.js
+++ b/www/common/inner/common-mediatag.js
@@ -284,10 +284,12 @@ define([
'data-crypto-key': key
- MediaTag(tag).on('error', function () {
- locked = false;
- $spinner.hide();
- UI.log(Messages.error);
+ setTimeout(function () {
+ MediaTag(tag).on('error', function () {
+ locked = false;
+ $spinner.hide();
+ UI.log(Messages.error);
+ });
diff --git a/www/common/inner/properties.js b/www/common/inner/properties.js
index 58f10e738..c82f51e49 100644
--- a/www/common/inner/properties.js
+++ b/www/common/inner/properties.js
@@ -50,6 +50,60 @@ define([
// File and history size...
var owned = Modal.isOwned(Env, data);
+ var metadataMgr = common.getMetadataMgr();
+ var priv = metadataMgr.getPrivateData();
+ Messages.cba_properties = "Author colors (experimental)"; // XXX
+ Messages.cba_hint = "This setting will be remembered for your next pad."; // XXX
+ Messages.cba_enable = "Enable author colors in this pad"; // XXX
+ Messages.cba_disable = "Clear all colors and disable"; // XXX
+ if (owned && priv.app === 'code') {
+ (function () {
+ var sframeChan = common.getSframeChannel();
+ var md = (opts.data && opts.data.metadata) || {};
+ var div = h('div');
+ var hint = h('div.cp-app-prop-hint', Messages.cba_hint);
+ var $div = $(div);
+ var setButton = function (state) {
+ var button = h('button.btn');
+ var $button = $(button);
+ $div.html('').append($button);
+ if (state) {
+ // Add "enable" button
+ $button.addClass('btn-secondary').text(Messages.cba_enable);
+ UI.confirmButton(button, {
+ classes: 'btn-primary'
+ }, function () {
+ $button.remove();
+ sframeChan.event("EV_SECURE_ACTION", {
+ key: 'enableColors',
+ value: true
+ });
+ common.setAttribute(['code', 'enableColors'], true);
+ setButton(false);
+ });
+ return;
+ }
+ // Add "disable" button
+ $button.addClass('btn-danger-alt').text(Messages.cba_disable);
+ UI.confirmButton(button, {
+ classes: 'btn-danger'
+ }, function () {
+ $button.remove();
+ sframeChan.event("EV_SECURE_ACTION", {
+ key: 'enableColors',
+ value: false
+ });
+ common.setAttribute(['code', 'enableColors'], false);
+ setButton(true);
+ });
+ };
+ setButton(!md.enableColors);
+ $d.append(h('div.cp-app-prop', [Messages.cba_properties, hint, div]));
+ })();
+ }
// check the size of this file, including additional channels
var bytes = 0;
var historyBytes;
diff --git a/www/common/metadata-manager.js b/www/common/metadata-manager.js
index 717705d84..70e9263e5 100644
--- a/www/common/metadata-manager.js
+++ b/www/common/metadata-manager.js
@@ -48,7 +48,6 @@ define(['json.sortify'], function (Sortify) {
//title: meta.doc.defaultTitle,
type: meta.doc.type,
users: {},
- authors: {}
metadataLazyObj = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(metadataObj));
@@ -69,6 +68,10 @@ define(['json.sortify'], function (Sortify) {
metadataObj.users = mdo;
+ // Clean old data
+ delete metadataObj.authors;
+ delete metadataLazyObj.authors;
// Always update the userlist in the lazy object, otherwise it may be outdated
// and metadataMgr.updateMetadata() won't do anything, and so we won't push events
// to the userlist UI ==> phantom viewers
@@ -96,27 +99,6 @@ define(['json.sortify'], function (Sortify) {
- var addAuthor = function () {
- if (!meta.user || !meta.user.netfluxId || !priv || !priv.edPublic) { return; }
- var authors = metadataObj.authors || {};
- var old = Sortify(authors);
- if (!authors[priv.edPublic]) {
- authors[priv.edPublic] = {
- nId: [meta.user.netfluxId],
- name: meta.user.name
- };
- } else {
- authors[priv.edPublic].name = meta.user.name;
- if (authors[priv.edPublic].nId.indexOf(meta.user.netfluxId) === -1) {
- authors[priv.edPublic].nId.push(meta.user.netfluxId);
- }
- }
- if (Sortify(authors) !== old) {
- metadataObj.authors = authors;
- metadataLazyObj.authors = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(authors));
- change();
- }
- };
var netfluxId;
var isReady = false;
@@ -225,7 +207,6 @@ define(['json.sortify'], function (Sortify) {
if (isReady) { return void f(); }
- addAuthor: addAuthor,
return Object.freeze({ create: create });
diff --git a/www/common/outer/async-store.js b/www/common/outer/async-store.js
index fb7b2cc8e..2841d8130 100644
--- a/www/common/outer/async-store.js
+++ b/www/common/outer/async-store.js
@@ -1890,7 +1890,15 @@ define([
if (msg) {
msg = msg.replace(/cp\|(([A-Za-z0-9+\/=]+)\|)?/, '');
//var decryptedMsg = crypto.decrypt(msg, true);
- msgs.push(msg);
+ if (data.debug) {
+ msgs.push({
+ msg: msg,
+ author: parsed[1][1],
+ time: parsed[1][5]
+ });
+ } else {
+ msgs.push(msg);
+ }
network.on('message', onMsg);
diff --git a/www/common/sframe-app-framework.js b/www/common/sframe-app-framework.js
index fc149b2cc..24e7d0abd 100644
--- a/www/common/sframe-app-framework.js
+++ b/www/common/sframe-app-framework.js
@@ -290,7 +290,7 @@ define([
if (padChange && hasChanged(content)) {
- cpNfInner.metadataMgr.addAuthor();
+ //cpNfInner.metadataMgr.addAuthor();
oldContent = content;
diff --git a/www/common/sframe-common-codemirror.js b/www/common/sframe-common-codemirror.js
index 2192f168c..40e820d41 100644
--- a/www/common/sframe-common-codemirror.js
+++ b/www/common/sframe-common-codemirror.js
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ define([
], function ($, Modes, Themes, Messages, UIElements, MT, Hash, Util, TextCursor, ChainPad) {
var module = {};
- var cursorToPos = function(cursor, oldText) {
+ var cursorToPos = module.cursorToPos = function(cursor, oldText) {
var cLine = cursor.line;
var cCh = cursor.ch;
var pos = 0;
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ define([
return pos;
- var posToCursor = function(position, newText) {
+ var posToCursor = module.posToCursor = function(position, newText) {
var cursor = {
line: 0,
ch: 0
@@ -415,8 +415,7 @@ define([
- var canonicalize = function (t) { return t.replace(/\r\n/g, '\n'); };
+ var canonicalize = exp.canonicalize = function (t) { return t.replace(/\r\n/g, '\n'); };
exp.contentUpdate = function (newContent) {
@@ -424,6 +423,7 @@ define([
var remoteDoc = newContent.content;
// setValueAndCursor triggers onLocal, even if we don't make any change to the content
// and it may revert other changes (metadata)
if (oldDoc === remoteDoc) { return; }
exp.setValueAndCursor(oldDoc, remoteDoc);
diff --git a/www/common/sframe-common-history.js b/www/common/sframe-common-history.js
index be2793128..0217fee7a 100644
--- a/www/common/sframe-common-history.js
+++ b/www/common/sframe-common-history.js
@@ -71,7 +71,10 @@ define([
lastKnownHash = data.lastKnownHash;
isComplete = data.isFull;
var messages = (data.messages || []).map(function (obj) {
- return obj.msg;
+ if (!config.debug) {
+ return obj.msg;
+ }
+ return obj;
if (config.debug) { console.log(data.messages); }
Array.prototype.unshift.apply(allMessages, messages); // Destructive concat
diff --git a/www/common/sframe-common-outer.js b/www/common/sframe-common-outer.js
index 2ae6f789a..b7bfcbc67 100644
--- a/www/common/sframe-common-outer.js
+++ b/www/common/sframe-common-outer.js
@@ -838,17 +838,26 @@ define([
sframeChan.on('Q_GET_FULL_HISTORY', function (data, cb) {
var crypto = Crypto.createEncryptor(secret.keys);
+ debug: data && data.debug,
channel: secret.channel,
validateKey: secret.keys.validateKey
}, function (encryptedMsgs) {
var nt = nThen;
var decryptedMsgs = [];
var total = encryptedMsgs.length;
- encryptedMsgs.forEach(function (msg, i) {
+ encryptedMsgs.forEach(function (_msg, i) {
nt = nt(function (waitFor) {
// The 3rd parameter "true" means we're going to skip signature validation.
// We don't need it since the message is already validated serverside by hk
- decryptedMsgs.push(crypto.decrypt(msg, true, true));
+ if (typeof(_msg) === "object") {
+ decryptedMsgs.push({
+ author: _msg.author,
+ time: _msg.time,
+ msg: crypto.decrypt(_msg.msg, true, true)
+ });
+ } else {
+ decryptedMsgs.push(crypto.decrypt(_msg, true, true));
+ }
setTimeout(waitFor(function () {
sframeChan.event('EV_FULL_HISTORY_STATUS', (i+1)/total);
@@ -992,12 +1001,12 @@ define([
config.onAction = function (data) {
if (typeof(SecureModal.cb) !== "function") { return; }
- SecureModal.$iframe.hide();
config.onClose = function () {
config.data = {
+ app: parsed.type,
hashes: hashes,
password: password,
isTemplate: isTemplate
@@ -1010,12 +1019,12 @@ define([
SecureModal.$iframe = $('