optimize the search for unused tag and apply better categories

ansuz 2021-02-11 17:53:26 +05:30
parent 44fdc334bf
commit 3424a2c96f
1 changed files with 44 additions and 13 deletions

View File

@ -12,21 +12,55 @@ var ignoreLines = function (source, pattern) {
var isPossiblyGenerated = function (key) {
return GENERATED_PATTERNS.some(function (patt) {
return patt.test(key);
var grep = function (pattern, cb) {
var command = 'git grep ' + pattern + " -- ':/' ':(exclude)www/common/translations/*'";
var exclude = [
].map(function (patt) {
return "':(exclude)" + patt + "'";
}).join(' ');
// grep this repository, ignoring binary files and excluding anything matching the above patterns
var ignoreBinaries= '--binary-files=without-match ';
var command = 'git grep ' + pattern + " -- ':/' " + exclude;
Exec(command, function (err, stdout, stderr) {
if (err && err.code === 1 && err.killed === false) {
if (isPossiblyGenerated(pattern)) {
return cb(void 0, true, 'POSSIBLY_GENERATED');
return cb(void 0, true, "NOT_FOUND");
stdout = ignoreLines(stdout, /^CHANGELOG\.md:/);
stdout = ignoreLines(stdout, /^LICENSE:/);
stdout = ignoreLines(stdout, /\/onlyoffice/);
stdout = ignoreLines(stdout, /package.*\.json/);
stdout = ignoreLines(stdout, /package\.json/);
stdout = ignoreLines(stdout, /chainpad\.dist\.js/);
stdout = ignoreLines(stdout, /MathJax\.js/);
stdout = ignoreLines(stdout, /Binary file/);
//stdout = stdout .replace(/^CHANGELOG\.md:.*$/g, '') .replace(/^LICENSE:.*$/g, '');
if (err) {
@ -40,9 +74,6 @@ var grep = function (pattern, cb) {
if (/(Messages|Msg|messages)\./.test(stdout)) {
return cb(void 0, false);
if (/_cat_/.test(stdout)) {
return cb(void 0, true, 'POSSIBLE_CATEGORY');
//console.log(pattern, arguments);
cb(void 0, true, 'OTHER', stdout);
@ -56,7 +87,7 @@ var limit = total;
var next = function () {
var key = keys[0];
if (!key) { return void console.log("[DONE]"); }
if (!key) { return; }
if (!limit--) { return void console.log("[DONE]"); }