Fix custom limits not applied when adminEmail is set to false

yflory 2019-01-21 17:42:04 +01:00
parent 93c5dc9202
commit 2a95127aee
1 changed files with 32 additions and 25 deletions

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@ -457,10 +457,40 @@ var getHash = function (Env, publicKey, cb) {
var applyCustomLimits = function (Env, config) {
var isLimit = function (o) {
var valid = o && typeof(o) === 'object' &&
typeof(o.limit) === 'number' &&
typeof(o.plan) === 'string' &&
typeof(o.note) === 'string';
return valid;
// read custom limits from the config
var customLimits = (function (custom) {
var limits = {};
Object.keys(custom).forEach(function (k) {
k.replace(/\/([^\/]+)$/, function (all, safeKey) {
var id = unescapeKeyCharacters(safeKey || '');
limits[id] = custom[k];
return '';
return limits;
}(config.customLimits || {}));
Object.keys(customLimits).forEach(function (k) {
if (!isLimit(customLimits[k])) { return; }
Env.limits[k] = customLimits[k];
// The limits object contains storage limits for all the publicKey that have paid
// To each key is associated an object containing the 'limit' value and a 'note' explaining that limit
var updateLimits = function (Env, config, publicKey, cb /*:(?string, ?any[])=>void*/) {
if (config.adminEmail === false) {
applyCustomLimits(Env, config);
if (config.allowSubscriptions === false) { return; }
throw new Error("allowSubscriptions must be false if adminEmail is false");
@ -490,27 +520,6 @@ var updateLimits = function (Env, config, publicKey, cb /*:(?string, ?any[])=>vo
// read custom limits from the config
var customLimits = (function (custom) {
var limits = {};
Object.keys(custom).forEach(function (k) {
k.replace(/\/([^\/]+)$/, function (all, safeKey) {
var id = unescapeKeyCharacters(safeKey || '');
limits[id] = custom[k];
return '';
return limits;
}(config.customLimits || {}));
var isLimit = function (o) {
var valid = o && typeof(o) === 'object' &&
typeof(o.limit) === 'number' &&
typeof(o.plan) === 'string' &&
typeof(o.note) === 'string';
return valid;
var req = Https.request(options, function (response) {
if (!('' + response.statusCode).match(/^2\d\d$/)) {
return void cb('SERVER ERROR ' + response.statusCode);
@ -525,10 +534,7 @@ var updateLimits = function (Env, config, publicKey, cb /*:(?string, ?any[])=>vo
try {
var json = JSON.parse(str);
Env.limits = json;
Object.keys(customLimits).forEach(function (k) {
if (!isLimit(customLimits[k])) { return; }
Env.limits[k] = customLimits[k];
applyCustomLimits(Env, config);
var l;
if (userId) {
@ -544,6 +550,7 @@ var updateLimits = function (Env, config, publicKey, cb /*:(?string, ?any[])=>vo
req.on('error', function (e) {
applyCustomLimits(Env, config);
if (!config.domain) { return cb(); }