', {id: 'cp-sidebarlayout-leftside'}).appendTo(APP.$container);
+ APP.$rightside = $('
', {id: 'cp-sidebarlayout-rightside'}).appendTo(APP.$container);
+ var sFrameChan = common.getSframeChannel();
+ sFrameChan.onReady(waitFor());
+ }).nThen(function (/*waitFor*/) {
+ createToolbar();
+ metadataMgr = common.getMetadataMgr();
+ privateData = metadataMgr.getPrivateData();
+ common.setTabTitle(Messages.supportPage);
+ APP.origin = privateData.origin;
+ APP.readOnly = privateData.readOnly;
+ APP.support = Support.create(common, false);
+ // Content
+ var $rightside = APP.$rightside;
+ var addItem = function (cssClass) {
+ var item = cssClass.slice(11); // remove 'cp-support-'
+ if (typeof (create[item]) === "function") {
+ $rightside.append(create[item]());
+ }
+ };
+ for (var cat in categories) {
+ if (!Array.isArray(categories[cat])) { continue; }
+ categories[cat].forEach(addItem);
+ }
+ createLeftside();
+ UI.removeLoadingScreen();
+ });
diff --git a/www/support/main.js b/www/support/main.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..90aead240
--- /dev/null
+++ b/www/support/main.js
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+// Load #1, load as little as possible because we are in a race to get the loading screen up.
+ '/bower_components/nthen/index.js',
+ '/api/config',
+ '/common/dom-ready.js',
+ '/common/requireconfig.js',
+ '/common/sframe-common-outer.js'
+], function (nThen, ApiConfig, DomReady, RequireConfig, SFCommonO) {
+ var requireConfig = RequireConfig();
+ // Loaded in load #2
+ nThen(function (waitFor) {
+ DomReady.onReady(waitFor());
+ }).nThen(function (waitFor) {
+ var req = {
+ cfg: requireConfig,
+ req: [ '/common/loading.js' ],
+ pfx: window.location.origin
+ };
+ window.rc = requireConfig;
+ window.apiconf = ApiConfig;
+ document.getElementById('sbox-iframe').setAttribute('src',
+ ApiConfig.httpSafeOrigin + '/support/inner.html?' + requireConfig.urlArgs +
+ '#' + encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify(req)));
+ // This is a cheap trick to avoid loading sframe-channel in parallel with the
+ // loading screen setup.
+ var done = waitFor();
+ var onMsg = function (msg) {
+ var data = JSON.parse(msg.data);
+ if (data.q !== 'READY') { return; }
+ window.removeEventListener('message', onMsg);
+ var _done = done;
+ done = function () { };
+ _done();
+ };
+ window.addEventListener('message', onMsg);
+ }).nThen(function (/*waitFor*/) {
+ var category;
+ if (window.location.hash) {
+ category = window.location.hash.slice(1);
+ window.location.hash = '';
+ }
+ var addData = function (obj) {
+ if (category) { obj.category = category; }
+ };
+ SFCommonO.start({
+ noRealtime: true,
+ addData: addData
+ });
+ });
diff --git a/www/support/ui.js b/www/support/ui.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..34207b219
--- /dev/null
+++ b/www/support/ui.js
@@ -0,0 +1,229 @@
+ 'jquery',
+ '/api/config',
+ '/common/hyperscript.js',
+ '/common/common-interface.js',
+ '/common/common-hash.js',
+ '/common/common-util.js',
+ '/customize/messages.js',
+], function ($, ApiConfig, h, UI, Hash, Util, Messages) {
+ var send = function (ctx, id, type, data, dest) {
+ var common = ctx.common;
+ var supportKey = ApiConfig.supportMailbox;
+ var supportChannel = Hash.getChannelIdFromKey(supportKey);
+ var metadataMgr = common.getMetadataMgr();
+ var user = metadataMgr.getUserData();
+ var privateData = metadataMgr.getPrivateData();
+ data = data || {};
+ data.sender = {
+ name: user.name,
+ channel: privateData.support,
+ curvePublic: user.curvePublic,
+ edPublic: privateData.edPublic,
+ notifications: user.notifications,
+ };
+ data.id = id;
+ data.time = +new Date();
+ if (!ctx.isAdmin) {
+ data.sender.userAgent = window.navigator && window.navigator.userAgent;
+ }
+ // Send the message to the admin mailbox and to the user mailbox
+ common.mailbox.sendTo(type, data, {
+ channel: supportChannel,
+ curvePublic: supportKey
+ });
+ common.mailbox.sendTo(type, data, {
+ channel: dest.channel,
+ curvePublic: dest.curvePublic
+ });
+ if (ctx.isAdmin) {
+ common.mailbox.sendTo('SUPPORT_MESSAGE', {}, {
+ channel: dest.notifications,
+ curvePublic: dest.curvePublic
+ });
+ }
+ };
+ var sendForm = function (ctx, id, form, dest) {
+ var $title = $(form).find('.cp-support-form-title');
+ var $content = $(form).find('.cp-support-form-msg');
+ var title = $title.val().trim();
+ if (!title) {
+ return void UI.alert(Messages.support_formTitleError);
+ }
+ var content = $content.val().trim();
+ if (!content) {
+ return void UI.alert(Messages.support_formContentError);
+ }
+ $content.val('');
+ $title.val('');
+ send(ctx, id, 'TICKET', {
+ title: title,
+ message: content,
+ }, dest);
+ return true;
+ };
+ var makeForm = function (cb, title) {
+ var button;
+ if (typeof(cb) === "function") {
+ button = h('button.btn.btn-primary.cp-support-list-send', Messages.contacts_send);
+ $(button).click(cb);
+ }
+ var cancel = title ? h('button.btn.btn-secondary', Messages.cancel) : undefined;
+ var content = [
+ h('hr'),
+ h('input.cp-support-form-title' + (title ? '.cp-hidden' : ''), {
+ placeholder: Messages.support_formTitle,
+ type: 'text',
+ value: title || ''
+ }),
+ cb ? undefined : h('br'),
+ h('textarea.cp-support-form-msg', {
+ placeholder: Messages.support_formMessage
+ }),
+ h('hr'),
+ button,
+ cancel
+ ];
+ var form = h('div.cp-support-form-container', content);
+ $(cancel).click(function () {
+ $(form).closest('.cp-support-list-ticket').find('.cp-support-list-actions').show();
+ $(form).remove();
+ });
+ return form;
+ };
+ var makeTicket = function (ctx, $div, content, onHide) {
+ var ticketTitle = content.title + ' (#' + content.id + ')';
+ var answer = h('button.btn.btn-primary.cp-support-answer', Messages.support_answer);
+ var close = h('button.btn.btn-danger.cp-support-close', Messages.support_close);
+ var hide = h('button.btn.btn-danger.cp-support-hide', Messages.support_remove);
+ var actions = h('div.cp-support-list-actions', [
+ answer,
+ close,
+ hide
+ ]);
+ var $ticket = $(h('div.cp-support-list-ticket', {
+ 'data-id': content.id
+ }, [
+ h('h2', ticketTitle),
+ actions
+ ]));
+ $(close).click(function () {
+ send(ctx, content.id, 'CLOSE', {}, content.sender);
+ });
+ $(hide).click(function () {
+ if (typeof(onHide) !== "function") { return; }
+ onHide();
+ });
+ $(answer).click(function () {
+ $ticket.find('.cp-support-form-container').remove();
+ $(actions).hide();
+ var form = makeForm(function () {
+ var sent = sendForm(ctx, content.id, form, content.sender);
+ if (sent) {
+ $(actions).show();
+ $(form).remove();
+ }
+ }, content.title);
+ $ticket.append(form);
+ });
+ $div.append($ticket);
+ return $ticket;
+ };
+ var makeMessage = function (ctx, content, hash) {
+ var common = ctx.common;
+ var isAdmin = ctx.isAdmin;
+ var metadataMgr = common.getMetadataMgr();
+ var privateData = metadataMgr.getPrivateData();
+ // Check content.sender to see if it comes from us or from an admin
+ var fromMe = content.sender && content.sender.edPublic === privateData.edPublic;
+ var userData = h('div.cp-support-showdata', [
+ Messages.support_showData,
+ h('pre.cp-support-message-data', JSON.stringify(content.sender, 0, 2))
+ ]);
+ $(userData).click(function () {
+ $(userData).find('pre').toggle();
+ });
+ return h('div.cp-support-list-message', {
+ 'data-hash': hash
+ }, [
+ h('div.cp-support-message-from' + (fromMe ? '.cp-support-fromme' : ''), [
+ UI.setHTML(h('span'), Messages._getKey('support_from', [content.sender.name])),
+ h('span.cp-support-message-time', content.time ? new Date(content.time).toLocaleString() : '')
+ ]),
+ h('pre.cp-support-message-content', content.message),
+ isAdmin ? userData : undefined,
+ ]);
+ };
+ var makeCloseMessage = function (ctx, content, hash) {
+ var common = ctx.common;
+ var metadataMgr = common.getMetadataMgr();
+ var privateData = metadataMgr.getPrivateData();
+ var fromMe = content.sender && content.sender.edPublic === privateData.edPublic;
+ return h('div.cp-support-list-message', {
+ 'data-hash': hash
+ }, [
+ h('div.cp-support-message-from' + (fromMe ? '.cp-support-fromme' : ''), [
+ UI.setHTML(h('span'), Messages._getKey('support_from', [content.sender.name])),
+ h('span.cp-support-message-time', content.time ? new Date(content.time).toLocaleString() : '')
+ ]),
+ h('pre.cp-support-message-content', Messages.support_closed)
+ ]);
+ };
+ var create = function (common, isAdmin) {
+ var ui = {};
+ var ctx = {
+ common: common,
+ isAdmin: isAdmin
+ };
+ ui.sendForm = function (id, form, dest) {
+ return sendForm(ctx, id, form, dest);
+ };
+ ui.makeForm = makeForm;
+ ui.makeTicket = function ($div, content, onHide) {
+ return makeTicket(ctx, $div, content, onHide);
+ };
+ ui.makeMessage = function (content, hash) {
+ return makeMessage(ctx, content, hash);
+ };
+ ui.makeCloseMessage = function (content, hash) {
+ return makeCloseMessage(ctx, content, hash);
+ };
+ return ui;
+ };
+ return {
+ create: create
+ };