diff --git a/www/pad/inner.js b/www/pad/inner.js
index 21919c1a2..fe8d5dcc9 100644
--- a/www/pad/inner.js
+++ b/www/pad/inner.js
@@ -165,8 +165,10 @@ define([
var getHTML = function (inner) {
return ('\n' + '\n' +
\n ' +
- inner.innerHTML.replace(/
- function(match,realElt){ return unescape(realElt); }) +
+ inner.innerHTML.replace(/
+ function(match,realElt){
+ //console.log("returning realElt \"" + unescape(realElt)+ "\".");
+ return unescape(realElt); }) +
' \n'
@@ -764,37 +766,65 @@ define([
// -------- anchor test: make sure the exported anchor contains -------
console.log('---- anchor test: make sure the exported anchor contains -----.');
- // TODO: cleanup fixme, too much ---, and removed tests
- // TODO: any other unwanted changes (sframe-app?)?
- // TODO: upgrade to latest of master, create branch
- // TODO: any way to make sure that content contains anchors? Seems to need selenium-driven clicks and inputs
function tryAndTestExport() {
- // window.setContent("This goes before the anchor");
- var anchors = CKEDITOR.plugins["link"].getEditorAnchors(editor);
- if(!anchors || anchors.length===0) {
- test.fail("No anchors found. Please adjust document");
- } else {
- console.log(anchors.length + " anchors found.");
- var exported = getHTML(inner);
- console.log("Obtained exported: " + exported);
- var allFound = true;
- for(var i=0; i=0;
- console.log("Found " + expected + " " + found + ".");
- allFound = allFound && found;
+ console.log("Starting tryAndTestExport.");
+ editor.on( 'dialogShow', function( evt ) {
+ console.log("Anchor dialog detected.");
+ var dialog = evt.data;
+ $(dialog.parts.contents.$).find("input").val('xx-' + Math.round(Math.random()*1000));
+ dialog.click(CKEDITOR.dialog.okButton(editor).id);
+ } );
+ var existingText = editor.getData();
+ editor.insertText("A bit of text");
+ console.log("Launching anchor command.");
+ editor.execCommand(editor.ui.get('Anchor').command);
+ console.log("Anchor command launched.");
+ var waitH = window.setInterval(function() {
+ console.log("Waited 2s for the dialog to appear");
+ var anchors = CKEDITOR.plugins["link"].getEditorAnchors(editor);
+ if(!anchors || anchors.length===0) {
+ test.fail("No anchors found. Please adjust document");
+ } else {
+ console.log(anchors.length + " anchors found.");
+ var exported = getHTML(inner);
+ console.log("Obtained exported: " + exported);
+ var allFound = true;
+ for(var i=0; i=0;
+ console.log("Found " + expected + " " + found + ".");
+ allFound = allFound && found;
+ }
+ console.log("Cleaning up.");
+ if(allFound) {
+ // clean-up
+ editor.execCommand('undo');
+ editor.execCommand('undo');
+ var nint = window.setInterval(function(){
+ console.log("Waiting for undo to yield same result.")
+ if(existingText === editor.getData()) {
+ window.clearInterval(nint);
+ test.pass();
+ }
+ }, 500);
+ } else
+ {
+ test.fail("Not all expected a elements found for document at " + window.top.location + ".");
+ }
- console.log("Finished anchor test.");
- if(allFound) {test.pass();}
- else
- {test.fail("Not all expected a elements found.");}
- }
+ window.clearInterval(waitH);
+ },2000);
var intervalHandle = window.setInterval(function() {
if(editor.status==="ready") {
+ console.log("Editor is ready.");
} else {
console.log("Waiting for editor to be ready.");