], function ($, Crypto, Curve) {
var Msg = {};
var Types = {
message: 'MSG'
// TODO: pin the chat channel!
// TODO: new Types
// - send a rename message to the chat
// - petnames
// - close a chat / remove a friend
// - mute a channel (hide notifications or don't open it?)
var pending = {};
var createData = Msg.createData = function (common, hash) {
var proxy = common.getProxy();
return {
channel: hash || common.createChannelId(),
displayName: proxy[common.displayNameKey],
profile: proxy.profile.view,
edPublic: proxy.edPublic,
curvePublic: proxy.curvePublic,
avatar: proxy.profile.avatar
var getFriend = function (common, pubkey) {
var proxy = common.getProxy();
if (pubkey === proxy.edPublic) {
var data = createData(common);
delete data.channel;
return data;
return proxy.friends ? proxy.friends[pubkey] : undefined;
var getFriendList = Msg.getFriendList = function (common) {
var proxy = common.getProxy();
return proxy.friends || {};
Msg.getFriendChannelsList = function (common) {
var friends = getFriendList(common);
var list = [];
Object.keys(friends).forEach(function (key) {
return list;
// Messaging tools
var avatars = {};
Msg.getFriendListUI = function (common, open) {
var proxy = common.getProxy();
var $block = $('<div>');
var friends = proxy.friends || {};
Object.keys(friends).forEach(function (f) {
var data = friends[f];
var $friend = $('<div>', {'class': 'friend avatar'}).appendTo($block);
$friend.data('key', f);
var $rightCol = $('<span>', {'class': 'right-col'});
$('<span>', {'class': 'name'}).text(data.displayName).appendTo($rightCol);
$friend.dblclick(function () {
window.open('/profile/#' + data.profile);
$friend.click(function () {
if (data.avatar && avatars[data.avatar]) {
} else {
common.displayAvatar($friend, data.avatar, data.displayName, function ($img) {
if (data.avatar && $img) {
avatars[data.avatar] = $img[0].outerHTML;
return $block;
Msg.createOwnedChannel = function (common, channelId, validateKey, owners, cb) {
var network = common.getNetwork();
network.join(channelId).then(function (wc) {
var cfg = {
validateKey: validateKey,
owners: owners
var msg = ['GET_HISTORY', wc.id, cfg];
network.sendto(network.historyKeeper, JSON.stringify(msg)).then(cb, function (err) {
throw new Error(err);
}, function (err) {
throw new Error(err);
var channels = Msg.channels = window.channels = {};
var pushMsg = function (channel, cryptMsg) {
var msg = channel.encryptor.decrypt(cryptMsg);
var parsedMsg = JSON.parse(msg);
if (parsedMsg[0] !== Types.message) { return; }
channel.messages.push([cryptMsg.slice(0,64), parsedMsg]);
var onDirectMessage = function (msg, sender) {
if (sender !== Msg.hk) { return; }
var parsed = JSON.parse(msg);
if ((parsed.validateKey || parsed.owners) && parsed.channel) {
if (parsed.state && parsed.state === 1 && parsed.channel) {
if (channels[parsed.channel]) {
// parsed.channel is Ready
// TODO: call a function that shows that the channel is ready? (remove a spinner, ...)
// channel[parsed.channel].ready();
channels[parsed.channel].ready = true;
var chan = parsed[3];
if (!chan || !channels[chan]) { return; }
pushMsg(channels[chan], parsed[4]);
var onMessage = function (msg, sender, chan) {
if (!channels[chan.id]) { return; }
pushMsg(channels[chan.id], msg);
var createChatBox = function (common, $container, edPublic) {
var data = getFriend(common, edPublic);
var proxy = common.getProxy();
var $header = $('<div>', {'class': 'header avatar'}).appendTo($container);
$('<div>', {'class': 'messages'}).appendTo($container);
var $inputBlock = $('<div>', {'class': 'input'}).appendTo($container);
// Input
var channel = channels[data.channel];
var $input = $('<input>', {type: 'text'}).appendTo($inputBlock);
var send = function () {
if (!$input.val()) { return; }
var msg = [Types.message, proxy.edPublic, +new Date(), $input.val()];
var msgStr = JSON.stringify(msg);
var cryptMsg = channel.encryptor.encrypt(msgStr);
channel.wc.bcast(cryptMsg).then(function () {
pushMsg(channel, cryptMsg);
}, function (err) {
$('<button>').text('TODO: Send').appendTo($inputBlock).click(send); // XXX
$input.on('keypress', function (e) {
if (e.which === 13) { send(); }
// Header
var $rightCol = $('<span>', {'class': 'right-col'});
$('<span>', {'class': 'name'}).text(data.displayName).appendTo($rightCol);
if (data.avatar && avatars[data.avatar]) {
} else {
common.displayAvatar($header, data.avatar, data.displayName, function ($img) {
if (data.avatar && $img) {
avatars[data.avatar] = $img[0].outerHTML;
Msg.init = function (common, $listContainer, $msgContainer) {
var network = common.getNetwork();
var proxy = common.getProxy();
Msg.hk = network.historyKeeper;
var friends = getFriendList(common);
network.on('message', onDirectMessage);
// Refresh the active channel
var refresh = function (edPublic) {
if (Msg.active !== edPublic) { return; }
var data = friends[edPublic];
var channel = channels[data.channel];
if (!channel) { return; }
var $chat = $msgContainer.find('.chat').filter(function (idx, el) {
return $(el).data('key') === edPublic;
if (!$chat.length) { return; }
// Add new messages
var messages = channel.messages;
var $messages = $chat.find('.messages');
var $msg, msg, date, name;
var last = typeof(channel.lastDisplayed) === 'number'? channel.lastDisplayed: -1;
for (var i = last + 1; i<messages.length; i++) {
msg = messages[i][1]; // 0 is the hash, 1 the array
$msg = $('<div>', {'class': 'message'}).appendTo($messages);
// date
date = msg[1] ? new Date(msg[1]).toLocaleString() : '?';
//$('<div>', {'class':'date'}).text(date).appendTo($msg);
$msg.attr('title', date);
// name
if (msg[0] !== channel.lastSender) {
name = getFriend(common, msg[0]).displayName;
$('<div>', {'class':'sender'}).text(name).appendTo($msg);
channel.lastSender = msg[0];
// content
$('<div>', {'class':'content'}).text(msg[2]).appendTo($msg);
channel.lastDisplayed = i-1;
if (messages.length > 10) {
var lastKnownMsg = messages[messages.length - 11];
data.lastKnownHash = lastKnownMsg[0];
// Display a new channel
var display = function (edPublic) {
var isNew = false;
var $chat = $msgContainer.find('.chat').filter(function (idx, el) {
return $(el).data('key') === edPublic;
if (!$chat.length) {
$chat = $('<div>', {'class':'chat'}).data('key', edPublic).appendTo($msgContainer);
createChatBox(common, $chat, edPublic);
isNew = true;
// Show the correct div
Msg.active = edPublic;
// Display friend list
common.getFriendListUI(common, display).appendTo($listContainer);
// Notify on new messages
var notify = function (edPublic) {
if (Msg.active === edPublic) { return; }
var $friend = $listContainer.find('.friend').filter(function (idx, el) {
return $(el).data('key') === edPublic;
var unnotify = function (edPublic) {
var $friend = $listContainer.find('.friend').filter(function (idx, el) {
return $(el).data('key') === edPublic;
// Open the channels
Object.keys(friends).forEach(function (f) {
var data = friends[f];
var keys = Curve.deriveKeys(data.curvePublic, proxy.curvePrivate);
var encryptor = Curve.createEncryptor(keys);
channels[data.channel] = {
keys: keys,
encryptor: encryptor,
messages: [],
refresh: function () { refresh(data.edPublic); },
notify: function () { notify(data.edPublic); },
unnotify: function () { unnotify(data.edPublic); }
network.join(data.channel).then(function (chan) {
channels[data.channel].wc = chan;
chan.on('message', function (msg, sender) {
onMessage(msg, sender, chan);
var cfg = {
validateKey: keys.validateKey,
owners: [proxy.edPublic, data.edPublic],
lastKnownHash: data.lastKnownHash
var msg = ['GET_HISTORY', chan.id, cfg];
network.sendto(network.historyKeeper, JSON.stringify(msg))
.then($.noop, function (err) {
throw new Error(err);
}, function (err) {
// Invitation
// Remove should be called from the friend app at the moment
// The other user will know it from the private channel ("REMOVE_FRIEND" message?)
Msg.removeFromFriendList = function (common, edPublic, cb) {
var proxy = common.getProxy();
if (!proxy.friends) {
var friends = proxy.friends;
delete friends[edPublic];
common.whenRealtimeSyncs(common.getRealtime(), cb);
var addToFriendList = Msg.addToFriendList = function (common, data, cb) {
var proxy = common.getProxy();
if (!proxy.friends) {
proxy.friends = {};
var friends = proxy.friends;
var pubKey = data.edPublic;
if (pubKey === proxy.edPublic) { return void cb("E_MYKEY"); }
if (friends[pubKey]) { return void cb("E_EXISTS"); }
friends[pubKey] = data;
common.whenRealtimeSyncs(common.getRealtime(), function () {
common.pinPads([data.channel], cb);
Msg.addDirectMessageHandler = function (common) {
var network = common.getNetwork();
if (!network) { return void console.error('Network not ready'); }
network.on('message', function (message, sender) {
var msg;
if (sender === network.historyKeeper) { return; }
try {
var parsed = common.parsePadUrl(window.location.href);
if (!parsed.hashData) { return; }
var chan = parsed.hashData.channel;
// Decrypt
var keyStr = parsed.hashData.key;
var cryptor = Crypto.createEditCryptor(keyStr);
var key = cryptor.cryptKey;
var decryptMsg = Crypto.decrypt(message, key);
// Parse
msg = JSON.parse(decryptMsg);
if (msg[1] !== parsed.hashData.channel) { return; }
var msgData = msg[2];
var msgStr;
if (msg[0] === "FRIEND_REQ") {
msg = ["FRIEND_REQ_NOK", chan];
var existing = getFriend(common, msgData.edPublic);
if (existing) {
msg = ["FRIEND_REQ_OK", chan, createData(common, existing.channel)];
msgStr = Crypto.encrypt(JSON.stringify(msg), key);
network.sendto(sender, msgStr);
common.confirm("Accept friend?", function (yes) { // XXX
if (yes) {
pending[sender] = msgData;
msg = ["FRIEND_REQ_OK", chan, createData(common, msgData.channel)];
msgStr = Crypto.encrypt(JSON.stringify(msg), key);
network.sendto(sender, msgStr);
if (msg[0] === "FRIEND_REQ_OK") {
// XXX
addToFriendList(common, msgData, function (err) {
if (err) {
return void common.log('Error while adding that friend to the list');
common.log('Friend invite accepted.');
var msg = ["FRIEND_REQ_ACK", chan];
var msgStr = Crypto.encrypt(JSON.stringify(msg), key);
network.sendto(sender, msgStr);
if (msg[0] === "FRIEND_REQ_NOK") {
// XXX
common.log('Friend invite rejected');
if (msg[0] === "FRIEND_REQ_ACK") {
// XXX
var data = pending[sender];
if (!data) { return; }
addToFriendList(common, data, function (err) {
if (err) {
return void common.log('Error while adding that friend to the list');
common.log('Friend added to the list.');
// TODO: timeout ACK: warn the user
} catch (e) {
console.error("Cannot parse direct message", msg || message, "from", sender, e);
Msg.inviteFromUserlist = function (common, netfluxId) {
var network = common.getNetwork();
var parsed = common.parsePadUrl(window.location.href);
if (!parsed.hashData) { return; }
// Message
var chan = parsed.hashData.channel;
var myData = createData(common);
var msg = ["FRIEND_REQ", chan, myData];
// Encryption
var keyStr = parsed.hashData.key;
var cryptor = Crypto.createEditCryptor(keyStr);
var key = cryptor.cryptKey;
var msgStr = Crypto.encrypt(JSON.stringify(msg), key);
// Send encrypted message
network.sendto(netfluxId, msgStr);
return Msg;